Art et designTranscription
00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:30Avec le soutien de
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05:54qui nous donne un tour sur son scooter à zéro émission.
05:57C'est électrique.
05:59J'aimerais que tout le monde soit aussi environnementalement conscient que Dieter.
06:02Et aussi mignon.
06:07On se revoit à ton endroit, Carl.
06:09Ne t'attends pas.
06:15La pluie conviendra parfaitement de son désespoir.
06:19Yo, Carl, t'aimes pas tirer cette canne sur ton chemin ?
06:25That's a wrap, people.
06:29Well, a big Crashman family welcome, Dieter.
06:33I hope you are enjoying our country.
06:35It's cold, unsophisticated and uncultured.
06:38Your food is plain and your wine is pitifully inferior.
06:42It's fruit juice.
06:45I just mopped the floor.
06:47Now, Barney, in some foreign cultures,
06:49eating is considered a gesture of appreciation.
06:52Of course, in my country, it is a gesture of disdain.
06:56Hello, dear.
06:57Are you and Damien joining us for dinner ?
07:00Make me vomit.
07:02You know I can't stand these pathetic attempts at family bonding.
07:05I'm just here to get my MP3 player.
07:07Hey, that's mine.
07:09Lose the player or lose both kneecaps.
07:11Your choice, brother unit.
07:14Shouldn't she be wearing a muzzle ?
07:16See you later, Chloe.
07:17To my unending regret.
07:19Damien !
07:22Such unbridled cruelty.
07:24So cold and callous.
07:26Who was that dark vixen of feminine fury ?
07:29And what is with the mime who follows her ?
07:32Chloe may seem a little gruff on the outside,
07:34but underneath all that make-up and teen angst,
07:36she's really a...
07:37A troll that eats babies ?
07:38Carl !
07:39What ?
07:40Why did I not see her at school ?
07:41Because there's a no baby-eating trolls allowed rule ?
07:46Speaking of school,
07:48weren't the results of your science essay due today, son ?
07:52Hey !
07:53High floor !
07:55Anyway, no news on that essay.
07:57Speaking of homework, it's not going to do itself.
07:59Better hit the books.
08:06I think I handled that well.
08:07Hi, Carl !
08:08How was dinner with Dieter ?
08:09Was he charming and witty and worldly-wise ?
08:14Dieter, Dieter, Dieter !
08:15That guy is nothing but a stuck-up loser !
08:18Gee, Carl !
08:19Are you sure ?
08:20Because everybody else is saying he's way cooler than you.
08:23He's also an extra pair of snooping eyes.
08:26So you're in lockdown
08:27until that creepo goes back to whatever country he crawled out from under.
08:30But I don't know if I can go two weeks without a bathroom break.
08:35I have just seen an angel and her name is Chloe.
08:40I will not rest until our lips entwine in passion.
08:45You must help me win her love, Carl !
08:47Whoa !
08:48I owe you an apology, Dieter.
08:50I thought you were just an obnoxious creep.
08:52But now I realize you have some kind of serious brain damage.
08:57It is my heart that will be damaged
08:59unless I can hold the beautiful Chloe in my arms.
09:03Will you help a brother out ?
09:05Only through the window !
09:07Ah ! Very well then.
09:09Perhaps I shall just...
09:11help myself.
09:15That's Carl's arcade change !
09:18I should say something.
09:20Where did I put my disguise ?
09:28Well, well !
09:30Carl's nonexistent science, paper !
09:33This will come in very handy !
09:36That money doesn't belong to you !
09:38Who are you ?
09:39And what are you doing in Carl's closet ?
09:41I'm Rick O'Shea, an Irish cowboy.
09:45I'm renting a room in Carl's closet.
09:47And I don't take kindly to anybody
09:49rustling my partner's piggy bank.
09:52Farfenlugin !
09:53Carl runs his room like a hustle ?
09:55I can explain !
09:56What the...
09:57No explanations are necessary, Carl.
09:59I know everything !
10:02I have discovered your little secret, Carl.
10:05So if you don't want me to inform your parents,
10:08you will do exactly as I say.
10:10Now, now Dieter,
10:11let's not do anything I'll regret.
10:13What exactly do you have in mind ?
10:16You must be the Cupid who guides the arrow of my love
10:20into Chloe's heart of darkness.
10:23You're sick !
10:24It is true !
10:26And another thing !
10:27While I woo her with my charms,
10:29you will keep that pasty-faced mime far away from her !
10:32Or your secret will be exposed !
10:40Gee !
10:41I'm beginning to think Dieter isn't such a nice guy after all !
10:45No emissions is all !
10:48No emissions is all !
10:51No emissions is all !
10:54No emissions is our mission !
10:56Down with cars !
10:57Up with balloons !
10:58Fight the good fight, ladies !
11:01Hi, Dieter !
11:06I thought Dieter said his scooter was electric !
11:09Lies ! Deceit !
11:11Perhaps our docudrama should be an expose !
11:14I like it !
11:15Let's run a little background check on this Dieter dude.
11:20Like I said, he was so cute and I really liked him,
11:22but he was a...
11:24Oops !
11:27Oh !
11:28There is my dark angel !
11:31Okay, C2 !
11:32I'll take on the heinous task of hooking up that rat with Chloe.
11:35You do whatever it takes to keep Damien out of the way !
11:39I don't know if I can do it, Carl !
11:41I like Damien !
11:42We have no choice, C2 !
11:44Guard the door !
11:46Hey, Chloe !
11:47Enjoying your lunch hour, I see ?
11:50This is our house guest, Dieter Hasselhoffen.
11:54It must be most exciting for you to meet me, hm ?
12:07Sorry !
12:08What for, stranger ?
12:12You soiled my new slacks !
12:15Ah, Dieter here comes to us from an exotic foreign land.
12:19He smells like unripened cheese,
12:21enjoys long walks in dark alleys,
12:23and making fun of awkward children.
12:25Is that the best you can do ?
12:27Relax, this is the kind of thing that appeals to her.
12:31Where is Damien ?
12:44Hey ! Now let's not be hasty here !
13:14Ah ! Ah ! Ah !
13:44I don't wanna lay my nice outfit on a dirty bathroom floor !
13:55Stop following me or I'll rip your arms out of their sockets and beat you with them !
14:00Hm, I think she's warming to me !
14:04No more close calls !
14:05For my final assault, I want the mime taken out !
14:08C2, that he goes down, or you will !
14:11Wait up, my little vampire fräulein !
14:15You heard him, C2 !
14:19This must be what it feels like to accidentally kick a puppy !
14:22I'll be done in a minute !
14:24I'm doing a handstand so the dryer can get my heart to reach places !
14:33Damien ?
14:34Well, this is awkward.
14:35Ah !
15:06I don't think that's it, daddy !
15:08That's not it either !
15:10Nope !
15:11Where is it ?
15:12Definitely not it !
15:14Be me sweet, but not it !
15:18Thanks, daddy !
15:23I hope this is an important piece of information.
15:25I don't think so !
15:26I don't think so !
15:27I don't think so !
15:28I don't think so !
15:29I don't think so !
15:30I don't think so !
15:31I don't think so !
15:32I don't think so !
15:33I don't think so !
15:34I hope this is an important...
15:37Carl !
15:38Have you seen a strange guy with a big mustache wearing a cowboy hat ?
15:41He stole my clothes !
15:42I'm starting to get the feeling he has something against me !
15:49It's weird, I mean...
15:51What's a cowboy doing so far north ?
15:54And why does he seem so familiar ?
15:59There's Chloe !
16:01Et pourquoi est-ce qu'elle est assise à côté de ce gars de mode ?
16:05Son visage est un visage de rivalité !
16:08Je suis désespérément prêt à aller à la première base !
16:12Il est en train d'abuser ma fille !
16:14Je devrais...
16:15Hey !
16:16Pourquoi j'ai l'impression d'être si grand ?
16:22Et nos enfants seraient fins et...
16:26Quelqu'un aide-moi !
16:28Vous ne garderez probablement pas vos yeux fermés !
16:31Ah ! Dieter vous a hypnotisé avec ses mots d'amour !
16:35Non ?
16:40Damien !
16:41Sors d'ici !
16:42Quelqu'un d'européen m'a buggé toute la journée !
16:46Je t'attends à faire quelque chose à cause de ça !
16:59Hey, toi !
17:00Il parle !
17:01Tu réalises que tu es un embarrassement pour les mimes partout ?
17:05Je t'ai dit de les sortir, pas de prendre ses vêtements !
17:09Je suis le boyfriend de Chloé !
17:11Arrête !
17:12Plus de cris !
17:13Où est-ce que...
17:14Ouh !
17:15Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire ?
17:16M'emmener dans une boîte invisible ?
17:19Pourquoi tu n'essayes pas de marcher contre le vent
17:21pendant que je m'envoie Chloé sur mon voyage trend ?
17:26Soudain, notre exposé est devenu un thriller d'action !
17:29C'est cool !
17:30Ça va être génial en slow-mo !
17:32Il vaut mieux avoir des shots de réaction !
17:35Tu as brûlé mon scooter !
17:38Wow !
17:39Impressionnant utilisation des explosifs, Damien !
17:43Pour moi ?
17:44Tu devrais en avoir !
17:46Oui, bébé, c'est comme ça que je roule !
17:48Carl !
17:49On a brûlé de la merde sur ton pote Dieter Hasselhoff !
17:52Ou devrais-je dire...
17:53Dave Kowalski ?
17:55Quoi ?
17:56Dave ?
17:58Dave ?
17:59Je suis Dieter !
18:00Dieter !
18:01Pas seulement n'est-il vraiment pas Dieter,
18:03il n'est même pas d'Europe !
18:05Il vient de Moncton !
18:06Wow !
18:07Regardez sa photo d'anniversaire à l'école !
18:09C'est une montre ?
18:10Oui, c'est Moncton !
18:12Son scooter n'était pas électrique,
18:14c'était un carburant déplacant de l'ozone !
18:16Mais s'il n'est pas européen,
18:18ça veut dire que nos sacs d'hommes sont...
18:20Les poches des filles !
18:21Ils les vendent à côté des parasols !
18:23C'est fou !
18:24Quelle fraude !
18:25Je garde le mien.
18:26Ça correspond à mes yeux.
18:28Quelle fraude !
18:29Loseur et opposant !
18:31Oui, bien...
18:32Je ne suis pas le seul fraudeur ici.
18:34Carl a aussi quelque chose à cacher.
18:36Un vrai secret
18:38qu'il ne veut pas que personne le sache.
18:40Non !
18:41Carl Crashman a...
18:44Un essai sur la science !
18:46Regardez !
18:48Fais ça !
18:49Non !
18:52C'était le grand secret ?
18:54Bien sûr !
18:55Quel secret pensais-tu que je parlais ?
18:57Carl pensait que tu savais qu'il avait un...
19:01Bellissimo !
19:02Que de la musique romantique !
19:04Et la fée en noir !
19:08Alors, BlogDogs,
19:09la bonne nouvelle,
19:10c'est que je n'ai pas à servir mon terme complète
19:12avec Dieter ou Dave.
19:14La mauvaise nouvelle,
19:15c'est que j'ai fait des bêtises sur mon grade sourd
19:17et j'ai été arrêté à la maison.
19:19Encore ?
19:20Ah, bien.
19:21Au moins, les choses sont normales ici.
19:23C'est fini.
19:25Hein ?
19:27Carl !
19:28Mon fils m'a appris une meilleure façon d'exprimer mon ennui.
19:31Le karaté !
19:34Attendez !
19:35Je vais vous montrer des mouvements successeux.
19:37Le Tigre !
19:38Le Clown !
19:41Le Crane Kick !
19:42Non !
19:44Le Mystic Coin Slap !
19:48Le Lucky Dragon Nipple Twist !
19:50Le Nagasaki Nugget !
19:53C'est bon, c'est bon !
20:23Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'