Hebrews 3

  • 3 months ago
00:00So we'll continue in Hebrews. We're in Hebrews 3. Hebrews 3 verse 1.
00:07Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our profession Christ Jesus.
00:19So he's starting out this chapter telling them to consider Jesus Christ.
00:25And we talked last week about the high priest, how he had jobs to do, and that Jesus Christ was considered to be that high priest.
00:36Again, as we go through Hebrews, you've got to understand it's the correlation between the Old Testament,
00:43what they did on a regular basis, and we're fixing to see more of that, and who Jesus is.
00:51Verse 2. Who was faithful to him that appointed him.
00:57So it's talking about he was faithful to who? To God the Father who appointed him as the high priest.
01:05And just like when you go in the Bible and you'll see that Aaron was a high priest and the other people were high priests, they were faithful.
01:12As also, Moses was faithful in all his house.
01:19Keep your finger there and go to Numbers 12.
01:24Numbers 12.
01:29Now if you study about Moses, I mean, obviously he did a lot of great things.
01:36And this is a good example of people who do great things, but towards the end, they just kind of fizzle out.
01:47And what I mean by that, look at Numbers 12, 1-7.
01:53Start in verse 1.
01:55And Miriam and Aaron, so this is Moses' brother and sister, spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married, for he had married an Ethiopian woman.
02:07So they're mad because he married an Ethiopian woman.
02:11And they said, hath the Lord indeed spoken only by Moses? Has he not spoken also by us, and the Lord heard it?
02:20So I don't know if they said it out loud. I don't know if they said it to somebody else or if they just said it in their own mind.
02:26But they're basically saying, hey, what's so special about Moses? We're Christians too. We're saved too.
02:34You know, God can speak to us. What's so great about him?
02:37Look at verse 3. Now the man Moses was very meek above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.
02:43So Moses has a moniker of being the meekest man on the earth.
02:50And the Lord spake suddenly unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto Miriam.
02:56Come out ye three unto the tabernacle of the congregation, and they three came out.
03:01And the Lord came down in the pillar of the cloud.
03:05Again, we see clouds and the Lord in the clouds.
03:08And stood in the door of the tabernacle, and called Aaron and Miriam, and they both came forth.
03:15So just to note, this is first you see L-O-R-D, capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D.
03:23So this is the Lord Jehovah. That's what that means.
03:26But not only that, it's not the Holy Spirit because they can't see him.
03:29It's not God the Father. They'd be dead.
03:31So it's who? The Lord Jesus Christ. He's standing in the door talking to them.
03:37And he said, Hear now my words, if there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
03:50My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house.
03:58Now let me tell you, for the Lord Jesus Christ to call a man faithful, that's a pretty big deal.
04:04I mean, that's a big deal.
04:07And what he's telling them is, look, let me just tell you how much Moses is separated apart from y'all.
04:16First of all, Miriam, he's not going to speak to Miriam because Miriam's a woman.
04:22He's going to speak to male prophets in dreams, that's what he's telling them.
04:28Is that if I come to a prophet, it's going to be through what? A dream or a vision.
04:36But Moses, I speak to face to face.
04:42He said, I'm not going to do that.
04:44In fact, verse 8, with him I will speak mouth to mouth, even apparently, and not in dark speeches.
04:50In the similitude of the Lord shall he behold, wherefore then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?
04:58And the anger of the Lord was kindled against him, and he departed.
05:02So he's saying, look, don't be talking about my guy Moses.
05:06He's on a higher pedestal, he's on a higher level than y'all are because he is faithful.
05:11He's doing what I ask him to.
05:13Plus the Lord, this is a good example.
05:15God does not want us to murmur against anything that he's done.
05:21You know, you shouldn't be murmuring and complaining about your life, or your wife, or your car, or your house,
05:27because he may take it away, and then you'll be thankful for it.
05:30Go back to Hebrews 3.
05:37So we see in verse 2, he was faithful in all his house. We just saw that.
05:41Verse 3.
05:42For this man was counted worthy of more glory than Moses.
05:46Who's he talking about? He's talking about Christ Jesus.
05:49He's saying, look, y'all put Moses on a pedestal for good reason.
05:53He was faithful.
05:54But he's saying, Jesus Christ, he has more glory than Moses, because he's God.
06:01And as much as he who hath builded the house hath more honor than the house.
06:07Keep your finger there and go to Zechariah 6.
06:12When you get to the Old Testament, the last book in the Old Testament is Malachi,
06:18and then one over is Zechariah.
06:26Chapter 6, verse 9.
06:30Zechariah 6, 9.
06:32And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Take of them of the captivity,
06:37even of Hildiah of Tobijah and Jedidiah, which are come from Babylon.
06:47And come thou the same day, and go into a house of Josiah, the son of Niphoniah.
06:54Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Joshua, the son of Josedek,
07:01the high priest.
07:02And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts,
07:06saying, Behold, the man whose name is the Branch.
07:12Now, I want you to notice, in my Bible, Branch is in all capital letters.
07:17Why is that?
07:18Well, we've been talking about the Lord's name, capital letters.
07:22Well, that's to show you that that's who he's talking about.
07:26And he shall grow up out of this place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord.
07:32He shall build the temple of the Lord, and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon his throne.
07:39He shall be a priest upon his throne, and a council of peace shall be between them both.
07:46And the crown shall be to Hillum, and to Tobijah, and Jedidiah, and him, the son of Zephaniah,
07:54for a memorial in the temple of the Lord.
07:56And they that are far off shall come and build in the temple of the Lord.
08:00And you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me unto you,
08:04and this shall come to pass if ye diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God.
08:11Go to Isaiah 11.
08:14And you say, well, who's the branch?
08:16Well, it's pretty obvious.
08:18But just to prove that to you, let's go to Isaiah 11.
08:22This is a prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ.
08:26And they're probably waiting for Jesus to build a temple with his hands, with sticks and stones.
08:34But that's not what he's talking about.
08:37He himself, his body being the temple.
08:42Look at 11.1 of Isaiah.
08:45Isaiah 11, verse 1.
08:47And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse,
08:52and a what? Branch.
08:55Shall grow out of his roots.
08:57And you say, well, that could be David.
09:01Okay. Well, let's keep reading.
09:03And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
09:07the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord
09:11shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord.
09:14He shall not judge at the sight of his eyes,
09:17but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and approve equity for the meek of the earth.
09:23He shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth,
09:26and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
09:29And righteousness shall be the girdle of his lorns,
09:32and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.
09:35So this is a prophecy.
09:37We're in the book of Isaiah.
09:39King David's already come and gone.
09:41He's already in his grave.
09:43So the stem of Jesse is talking about coming out of Jesse's lineage is what it's talking about.
09:52But if you look and if you compare that to Psalm 2,
09:56you'll see that Jesus Christ is going to rule with a rod of iron.
10:00That's where this comes from.
10:02Go back to Hebrews.
10:03I wanted to show you that because right before you get to Malachi,
10:07you got the book of Zechariah,
10:09and this was a prophecy of Jesus.
10:13So when people say, well, the Jews don't believe in the New Testament.
10:17Folks, they don't believe in Genesis to Deuteronomy either.
10:21They just don't.
10:22That's what Jesus said, and I have to believe Jesus.
10:26Verse 4, for every house is built by some man,
10:31but he that built all things is God.
10:34So think about that.
10:35If you have a house, it is built by a man.
10:39It is built by maybe a woman.
10:41I don't know.
10:42But it's built by a person.
10:44And what it's talking about, but God builds everything.
10:48God has preeminence because he created that person that built that house.
10:56And I guess what he's trying to say, if you keep your finger there, go to Matthew 23.
11:02He's trying to explain to them that, yes, Moses built a house,
11:08but God is the one that created Moses.
11:12So what is greater?
11:13Is it the man who built the house, or is it the house?
11:19Well, let's see what Matthew 23.
11:22And if you know anything about the book of Matthew,
11:25Matthew 23 is the roughest book that Jesus preaches to the scribes, the Pharisees,
11:34which is today the Jews, and the Sadducees.
11:40He really rips them because they needed it.
11:45So look at verse 16 of Matthew 23.
11:50And I want you to see, because I told you years ago
11:53when I was traveling through the state of Virginia,
11:56I saw a billboard, it's probably not there anymore,
11:59but it said, Jesus never called anybody any names.
12:03And the first thing that came to my mind was this chapter.
12:06So I want you to see how many names Jesus calls these goofballs.
12:11So look, woe unto you, you blind guys.
12:14That's one, calling them blind.
12:17Whosoever shall swear by the temple is nothing,
12:20but whosoever shall swear by the gold of the temple, he is a debtor.
12:24Ye fools and blind.
12:26There it goes again.
12:27For whether it is greater the gold or the temple that sanctified the gold,
12:31and whosoever shall swear by the altar is nothing,
12:35but whosoever swears by the gift that is upon it, he is guilty.
12:39Ye fools and blind.
12:40So again, he's calling them names.
12:43For whether it is greater the gift or the altar that sanctified the gift,
12:47whosoever therefore shall swear by the altar swareth it,
12:50and by all things thereon.
12:52So he's asking them these questions.
12:55He's saying, look, which is greater,
12:57the gold that is inside the temple that the temple is made with,
13:01or the person that created that gold or sanctified it?
13:05And he said, what is greater, the gift or the altar that sanctified the gift?
13:11So that would have an example of Jesus, which is greater,
13:16the gift or Jesus who was that one that sanctified the gift.
13:21Whosoever there shall swear by the altar swareth by it,
13:24and all things thereon.
13:27Whosoever shall swear by the temple swareth by it,
13:30and by him that dwelleth therein.
13:33And he that swareth by heaven swareth by the throne of God,
13:38and by him that sitteth thereon.
13:41So he's giving them some warnings not to swear to heaven,
13:44not to swear to God, because you shouldn't do that.
13:49Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites.
13:53So there again, he calls them another name.
13:56For you paid tithe and mint and anise and cumin,
14:00and have omitted the weightier matters of the law,
14:03judgment, mercy, and faith.
14:06These ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
14:13So he's saying, look, you're trying to focus on the small things.
14:18That's what they do, Catholics, too.
14:20They focus on the coming to the building and doing these things.
14:26And what he's saying is, look, you're worrying about the small things,
14:30but the weightier matters, you don't even worry about them.
14:34They don't even believe that it's against the law
14:37to steal something from a non-Jew person.
14:44That's what they believe.
14:46It's in their Talmud.
14:50You blind guys were strained at a gnat to swallow a camel.
14:54Again, they're talking about focusing on the small things
14:58instead of the weightier matters.
15:01Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites.
15:03Again, he calls them another name.
15:05For you may clean the outside of the cup and the platter,
15:08but within they are full of extortion and excess.
15:13He's saying, look, you're trying to make the outside look great,
15:17but the inside of the cup is not.
15:21And then he really hits them right here.
15:23Thou blind Pharisee. Again, he calls them blind.
15:26Clean first that which is within the cup and platter,
15:30and the outside of them may be clean also.
15:33So he's giving them an idea of drinking utensils,
15:37like this cup here.
15:38He was talking about cleaning the inside.
15:40But he's really talking about a human being.
15:42That's what he's talking about.
15:44He's saying if you cleanse the inside of yourself,
15:47then the outside will reveal those things.
15:51Not right away, but they will eventually.
15:54And you can see that with people sometimes.
15:56They get saved. They come to church.
15:57They start learning more about God.
15:59They start learning some of the things that they did in the past.
16:03And they start changing the inside,
16:07and the outside reveals those things that they've changed.
16:14Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites,
16:17for ye are like unto whited sepulchers.
16:20So he's talking about graves, which indeed appear beautiful.
16:24So when you go to a cemetery, you may say,
16:26oh, look how beautiful these things are.
16:28Everything's good.
16:29The cemetery looks nice. It's white.
16:32Most of the tombstones are white.
16:34But he's saying it looks nice on the outside,
16:37but when you go inside, you see there's dead men's bones.
16:41That's what he's trying to tell me.
16:44But within full, dead men's bones and of all uncleanness.
16:48Even so, also outwardly appear righteous unto men,
16:52but within ye are full of hypocrisy.
16:54And he goes on and on and talks about them.
16:58So what I wanted to show you is
17:00he's trying to tell them which is greater.
17:02The one that created the temple?
17:05The one that built the temple?
17:07Or is it God?
17:09And obviously it's God.
17:11And that's what he's trying to tell you.
17:13Go back to Hebrews.
17:14What he's trying to tell you is Moses is a great guy.
17:16Moses is a faithful man.
17:18They love Moses.
17:20They got the law from Moses.
17:22Actually from God.
17:23But Moses brought the law in.
17:25But that's what they're trying to say.
17:27But he's saying there's somebody even greater.
17:30And you put him on the cross and crucify him.
17:32You had no idea.
17:33Verse 5.
17:34And Moses verily was faithful in all his house as a servant.
17:38We already talked about that.
17:39For a testimony of those things were to be spoken after.
17:43But Christ as a son over his own house,
17:47whose house are we,
17:49if we hold fast to confidence and rejoicing of the hope,
17:52firm unto the end.
17:54Keep your finger there and go to John 1.
17:57John 1.
18:07John 1 starting in verse 14.
18:12And the Word, capital W,
18:15which is talking about Jesus Christ,
18:16was made flesh.
18:18So Jesus was made flesh.
18:19The Word is Jesus.
18:21He is the Word of God.
18:23And dwell among us.
18:25And we beheld his glory,
18:27the glory as the only begotten of the Father,
18:30full of grace and truth.
18:32John bear witness of him.
18:34And he cried saying,
18:35This was he of whom I spake,
18:38that cometh after me,
18:39is preferred before me,
18:41for he was before me.
18:42And of his fullness have we all received
18:45in full and grace for grace.
18:48The law was given by Moses.
18:51But grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
18:54No man has seen God at any time.
18:58The only begotten Son,
19:00which is the bosom of the Father,
19:02he had declared him.
19:04So this is another,
19:05I mean we don't need any examples anymore
19:07that Jesus is God.
19:09But Jesus is the only person that's seen God the Father.
19:13And he lived.
19:14You know why?
19:15Because he's God as well.
19:17Nobody else has seen him.
19:19So somebody says,
19:20I saw God in a dream.
19:22Wrong answer.
19:23Go back to Hebrews 3.
19:25You might have saw a God.
19:27You might have seen a little fat man wearing a diaper
19:29and you called him God
19:30or an idol or whatever,
19:31or a demon.
19:32But you ain't seen God.
19:37Isn't it funny how when people think they see Jesus
19:40or they have a vision of Jesus,
19:42he's always got long hair and wearing a dress.
19:44Not Jesus.
19:46Maybe some guy named Jesus,
19:48but not Jesus.
19:50Verse 7.
19:53now I want you to notice,
19:54I've told you before
19:55that when something's in parentheses,
19:58it's to explain something before it.
20:02So he's telling them about verse 1 through 6
20:06and he's saying,
20:08well that's there for a reason
20:10because he's trying to explain further.
20:12As the Holy Ghost said,
20:15if you will hear his voice,
20:17harden not your hearts,
20:19as in the provocation in the day of temptation
20:21in the wilderness,
20:23when your fathers tempted me,
20:25proved me,
20:26and saw my works forty years.
20:30I was grieved with that generation
20:32and said they do always err,
20:34meaning they make a mistake,
20:36in their heart.
20:37And they have not known my ways,
20:39so I swear my wrath,
20:40they shall not enter into my rest.
20:43Keep your finger there,
20:44go to Psalm 95.
20:46Should have known we were going to Psalm
20:47at some point in time.
20:49This is where this was being quoted
20:54through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
20:58But obviously,
20:59Paul knew a lot about the book of Psalm.
21:02Look at Psalm 95 verse 6.
21:07O come,
21:08let us worship,
21:09and bow down,
21:10let us kneel before the Lord,
21:11our maker,
21:12for he is our God,
21:13and we are the people of his pasture,
21:15and the sheep of his hand.
21:19if you will hear his voice,
21:20harden not your heart,
21:22as in the provocation,
21:23as in the day of temptation
21:25in the wilderness,
21:26when your fathers tempted me,
21:28proved me,
21:29and saw my work.
21:31Forty years long was I grieved
21:33with this generation,
21:35and said it is a people that do err in their heart,
21:38and they have not known my ways,
21:41unto whom I swear my wrath,
21:43that they should not enter into my rest.
21:47Go back to Hebrews 3.
21:52So verse 12 says,
21:54Take heed, brethren,
21:56lest there be in any part of you
21:57an evil heart of unbelief
22:00in departing from the living God.
22:04But exhort one another daily,
22:07while it is called,
22:08Today, lest any of you be hardened
22:11through the deceitfulness of sin,
22:13for we are made partakers of Christ,
22:15if we hold the beginning of our confidence
22:17steadfast unto the end.
22:19While it is said,
22:22if you will hear his voice,
22:24harden not your hearts,
22:25as in the provocation.
22:28the Bible's trying to show us here,
22:30take heed,
22:31it's saying,
22:35if you have an evil heart of unbelief,
22:39now this has nothing to do with losing your salvation,
22:42because you can't lose it.
22:44You can't lose something that was a gift.
22:47But it's asking,
22:49you know,
22:50but how can you depart from the faith?
22:53it has nothing to do with you going to heaven or hell.
22:55But when somebody gets saved,
22:58they have the new man and the old man.
23:00The old man is the same sins they've always done.
23:03And you have to put on the new man.
23:05So he's asking, basically,
23:07how can you depart from the faith?
23:10through deceitfulness of sin.
23:12And I've learned throughout many, many times in my life,
23:17that first he's telling us to encourage one another.
23:20We should encourage one another.
23:22That's what exhort means.
23:24Not just one time.
23:27try to do better.
23:29But when you tell people sometimes,
23:31you know what they tell you?
23:33you're right.
23:34You ain't got to tell me nothing.
23:36Why are you always on me?
23:38But that's what the Bible is telling us.
23:40It's commanding us to exhort one another daily
23:44to tell people,
23:47watch out.
23:50Because people get involved in sin,
23:54and you know what?
23:55Sin will keep you out of this book.
23:58I've done it.
24:00You know,
24:01nobody I know
24:03has ever said,
24:05I was reading the Bible the other day
24:06while I was drinking a Michelob light.
24:08It don't happen.
24:11there may be somebody,
24:12somebody may listen to this and say,
24:15it's me.
24:16But I'm here to tell you,
24:17nobody sins and stays in this book.
24:20And also,
24:21the other side of the coin
24:23is this book will keep you out of sin.
24:27you wonder why I harp on reading the Bible.
24:30You say,
24:32why do you?
24:35because I may not be here all the time.
24:37And number two,
24:38it'll make you smarter.
24:40I don't know if you know this,
24:41but I'm not that great of a reader.
24:44But when I started reading the Bible cover to cover,
24:47I may still not be that great of a reader,
24:50but I felt like I gained some knowledge and intelligence.
24:55Maybe I did.
24:56Maybe I'm still dumb as a box of rocks,
24:58but I felt like it.
25:00And the Bible even tells us
25:02that that is how you can get smarter
25:05is by reading the word of God,
25:06that he can do that.
25:08But also,
25:10it'll keep you out of sin.
25:13Because when you learn stuff,
25:16you know,
25:17you know,
25:18before I was a drinker
25:19and I didn't know any different
25:20because people would tell me
25:24it's okay to drink
25:25as long as you don't get drunk.
25:27when I read that in Proverbs 23,
25:29I'm thinking,
25:31where's the change?
25:33Why didn't anybody see this?
25:35Why didn't anybody talk about this?
25:36Because it's clear.
25:37It basically tells you
25:38not even look at it.
25:40So now,
25:41if I'm tempted,
25:42and I'm not saying I'm never tempted
25:44because I could be tempted tomorrow,
25:47that comes back to my head.
25:50don't even look at it.
25:51You know,
25:52not only that,
25:53but the Bible says that
25:54a pastor is not supposed to drink alcohol.
25:59God would punish me for that.
26:03So these are the things I think about.
26:04And it's because I read the Bible.
26:06That's what keeps me out of sin.
26:08I'm not saying I'm sinless.
26:09Don't get me wrong.
26:10I'm a sinner until the day I die,
26:12just like everybody.
26:14But the Bible's telling us,
26:16and you've got to understand,
26:18Moses was a sinner.
26:20All these prophets were sinners,
26:22but they were faithful.
26:24And that's what God wants us to do.
26:26There's two things he wants us to be faithful to.
26:28Number one,
26:30Number two,
26:31our spouse.
26:32That's it.
26:33I mean,
26:34that ain't hard to do.
26:35Verse 16.
26:37This is where it all comes to a head,
26:39right here.
26:40For some,
26:41when they had heard,
26:42did provoke.
26:44be it not all,
26:46by Moses.
26:48with whom was he grieved
26:49forty years?
26:50Was it not with them
26:52that had sinned,
26:53whose carcasses fell in the wilderness,
26:55and to whom swear
26:57that they should not enter
26:59into his
27:02But to them
27:03that believed
27:06So we see that they could not
27:08enter in
27:09because of unbelief.
27:11Go to number 14.
27:16This is the whole,
27:17the whole book.
27:18This is what the crescendo
27:20of the building up
27:21of these next verses.
27:24Number 14.
27:27So what happened?
27:30we're going to see what happened.
27:31The Bible tells us
27:33that they could not enter
27:34into the promised land
27:36in unbelief.
27:38people will tell you today
27:39they're in the promised land.
27:40They're over there
27:41killing a bunch of Palestinians.
27:42That's for another sermon
27:43another day.
27:44Trying to wipe them out.
27:47Number 14,
27:48verse 26.
27:54And the Lord
27:55spake unto Moses
27:56and unto Aaron,
27:58How long
27:59shall I bear
28:00with this evil congregation
28:01that murmur
28:02against me?
28:04I have heard
28:05the murmurings
28:06of the children of Israel
28:07which they murmured
28:08against me.
28:09So they're murmuring
28:10against the Lord
28:11and he don't like it.
28:12Say unto them,
28:13As I live,
28:14saith the Lord,
28:15as ye have spoken
28:16in mine ears,
28:17so will I do to you.
28:20Your carcasses,
28:21now that's obviously
28:22dead people.
28:24Shall fall
28:25in this wilderness
28:27and all
28:28that were numbered
28:29of you
28:30according to your
28:31whole number
28:32from 20 years old
28:33and upward.
28:34So everybody
28:35over 20 years old
28:37is going to die
28:38right there
28:39in the desert.
28:41It says wilderness
28:42that's what it's talking about.
28:45Have murmured
28:46against me.
28:48you shall not
28:49come into the land
28:50concerning which
28:51I swear
28:52to make you
28:53dwell in.
28:54Can somebody tell that
28:55to Net and Yahoo
28:56that they didn't get
28:57to go in
28:58because of unbelief.
29:00Caleb the son
29:01of Nephenu
29:03and Joshua
29:04the son of Nun
29:06put your little ones
29:07which ye said
29:08should be prey.
29:09So they
29:11was telling God
29:12hey our little ones
29:13are going to die
29:14out here
29:15the critters
29:16are going to eat it
29:17that's what they mean
29:18by prey.
29:19But he's saying
29:20you know what
29:21I'm going to take care
29:22of your little ones.
29:23In fact I'm going to
29:24bless them
29:25and they're going to be
29:26the ones to go
29:27into your land
29:2819 and under.
29:29But you 20 years
29:31are going to die
29:32in this wilderness.
29:33He said I'm going to
29:34take care of those.
29:35Then will I bring in
29:36and they shall know
29:37the land
29:38which they have despised.
29:39But as for you
29:40your carcasses
29:41they shall fall
29:42in this wilderness.
29:43Now how many people
29:44do you think
29:45heard that
29:46heard Moses tell it
29:47heard Aaron tell it
29:48and they said
29:49I ain't dying
29:50in this wilderness.
29:51I bet a whole bunch
29:52of them
29:53if they didn't say
29:54that out loud
29:55they'd say it
29:56in their head
29:57and a big God
29:58would say
29:59oh yeah you are.
30:00For your children
30:01shall wander
30:02in the wilderness
30:0340 years
30:04and bear
30:05the whoredoms
30:06until your
30:09be wasted
30:10in the wilderness.
30:11The number of days
30:12in which you
30:13search the land
30:14even 40 days
30:15now I want you
30:16to notice
30:17I want you to
30:18underline this verse
30:19right here
30:20or highlight it.
30:2140 days
30:22they search the land
30:2340 days
30:24and they
30:25despise God
30:26they despise the land
30:27they told God
30:28we can't do it
30:29we can't do it
30:3040 days
30:31each day
30:32for years
30:33so they're going
30:34to be punished
30:3540 years
30:36and that's what
30:37God says
30:38I'm going to punish
30:39you every year
30:40for every day
30:41that you messed up.
30:42You say
30:44that sounds
30:45pretty rough
30:46that's what he
30:47told them
30:48and you shall
30:50my breach
30:51of promise.
30:52Wait a minute
30:54I thought
30:55there were
30:56God's chosen
30:58and they promised
30:59that land
31:00over there
31:01well this is
31:02a breach
31:03of promise
31:04and I want
31:05to say
31:07oh I guess
31:08they don't
31:09I guess
31:10those preachers
31:11don't see that
31:12I the Lord
31:13have said
31:14I will surely
31:15do it unto
31:16all this
31:17evil congregation
31:18that are gathered
31:20against me
31:21in this wilderness
31:22they shall be
31:24and they
31:26they shall die
31:27I think he's
31:28pretty mad about this
31:29and the man
31:30I'm sorry
31:31the men
31:32which Moses
31:33sent to search
31:34the land
31:35and they
31:36went and
31:37made all
31:38the congregation
31:39to murmur
31:40against him
31:41by bringing up
31:42a slander
31:43upon the land
31:44so if you
31:46twelve men
31:47went over
31:49and they
31:50went to search
31:51the land
31:52ten of them
31:53came back
31:54and said
31:55hey we can't
31:56we can't
31:57these guys
31:58are big
31:59we can't
32:00do anything
32:01two of them
32:02said we
32:04we can't
32:05we can't
32:06we can't
32:07we can't
32:08we can't
32:09we can't
32:10we can't
32:11we can't
32:12we can't
32:13we can't
32:14we can't
32:15we can't
32:16we can't
32:17we can't
32:18we can't
32:19we can't
32:20we can't
32:21we can't
32:22we can't
32:23we can't
32:24we can't
32:25we can't
32:26we can't
32:27we can't
32:28we can't
32:29we can't
32:30we can't
32:31we can't
32:32we can't
32:33we can't
32:34we can't
32:35we can't
32:36we can't
32:37we can't
32:38we can't
32:39we can't
32:40we can't
32:41we can't
32:42we can't
32:43we can't
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32:45we can't
32:46we can't
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32:48we can't
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32:50we can't
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32:53we can't
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