Ostatni z Jagiellonów cz. 3 - 1988

  • 3 months ago
00:01:00here in the border city of Lublin
00:01:03to finish the many-year-old work of Lublin.
00:01:08The brightest man invites you, Mościów,
00:01:11to first submit the project in a small group.
00:01:17When we reach an agreement,
00:01:19the Sejm will approve it more easily.
00:01:31This is the privilege of King Kazimierz Jagiellończyk,
00:01:34to whom we, Lithuanians, want to be faithful.
00:01:40And since the times are different,
00:01:42we will hold a joint election, joint war and joint peace
00:01:45every time.
00:01:48His execution will not take us Lithuanians.
00:01:53Jokes, my dear Edmund.
00:01:57This is not why we met here,
00:02:00to brush our eyes with old parchment.
00:02:05What about the marshal of the Lithuanian deputies?
00:02:12We are the same as Prince Hetman Radziwiłł.
00:02:18Now we are listening to the marshal of the Crown deputies.
00:02:27The Republic consists of many nations,
00:02:31but let one country unite them.
00:02:34One government, one Sejm.
00:02:38The borders between the countries are lifted.
00:02:41Poles and Lithuanians, together with Rusyns,
00:02:46will be equal in government and in the Sejm.
00:02:50However, freedom of settlement is for everyone.
00:02:55After my death,
00:02:58Poles are stronger and more educated.
00:03:03And we are honest and simple people.
00:03:08You always deceive us.
00:03:10For many years we have been following you,
00:03:13the Lithuanian nobility.
00:03:15Thanks to the kindness of the King,
00:03:17you have gained Polish privileges.
00:03:20Why do you judge us so cruelly now?
00:03:22Because we know what awaits us.
00:03:25You are richer than us.
00:03:28You will buy our fatherland,
00:03:30our daughters, our offices.
00:03:33The end of Lithuania is near.
00:03:36The nobility has deceived you.
00:03:39Don't try to confuse us, Mr. Sienicki.
00:03:42Lithuanians are Lithuanians' compatriots,
00:03:44the nobility or the poor.
00:03:53My King,
00:03:56I would like to present to you
00:03:58a project of love.
00:04:01One should be the Republic
00:04:04and one the law.
00:04:07But both the Sejm and the government
00:04:10should work together for three years at least.
00:04:17For separate governments and separate Sejm
00:04:20we do not agree.
00:04:22Neither do we, the people of Wielkopolska.
00:04:25I am still the King.
00:04:29What do you have against this project?
00:04:35The King understands the Lithuanians better
00:04:37because he is a Lithuanian himself.
00:04:39Allow me, my dear sir,
00:04:42that we have to get along until tomorrow.
00:04:45We will see.
00:04:50Let it be so.
00:04:52Let it be so.
00:05:14I summoned you so early
00:05:16because of work, Hug.
00:05:19Mr. Chancellor,
00:05:20you will open the Sejm
00:05:22by announcing the news
00:05:24that I have been hiding in secret for a few days.
00:05:26Tell them.
00:05:29Rejoice, gentlemen secretaries.
00:05:32Prince Jan Vaz and our Queen
00:05:34have been imprisoned
00:05:36on the Swedish throne
00:05:38and the new monarch
00:05:40has declared war on Ivan.
00:05:42Our Sejm will come to a resolution
00:05:44under a happy star.
00:05:47Go now, Mościk Dębiński,
00:05:49and find out what they have decided.
00:05:52My dear.
00:05:57Write a letter of thanks
00:05:59to King Jan and my sister.
00:06:03I am glad that Katarzyna
00:06:05gave birth to a son
00:06:07and named him Zygmunt.
00:06:09It is a miracle that he survived
00:06:11the terrible prison.
00:06:13Maybe one day
00:06:15you will take him as your king.
00:06:18I will wait for my sister
00:06:20next to Jan Zapol.
00:06:26Write a letter of thanks
00:06:28to the Turkish sultan.
00:06:31We do not conduct any conspiracies
00:06:33with the emperor against him.
00:06:37And to Queen Elżbieta.
00:06:39We do not wish
00:06:41that English merchants
00:06:43for Ivan, craftsmen and weapons
00:06:45are brought to the Baltic ports.
00:06:47Our capros have already sunk two ships
00:06:49and will continue to destroy them.
00:06:53The Lithuanians
00:06:55secretly fled tonight.
00:06:59How so?
00:07:01All of them?
00:07:03From Lithuania, Vilnius
00:07:05and Belarus, all of them.
00:07:07Fortunately, only one escaped
00:07:09from Kiev, Podlasie and Volyn.
00:07:11Kastelan Wołowicz.
00:07:13Bring the voivods
00:07:15from those lands.
00:07:19You were right, Chancellor,
00:07:21with this universal to the boyars.
00:07:23I thought that
00:07:25if I equate them earlier
00:07:27in privileges with the Polish nobility,
00:07:29I would speed up the Union.
00:07:31And it happened exactly the opposite.
00:07:33They got what they wanted
00:07:35and now they need it.
00:07:37For the boyars, the king is far away
00:07:39and the great sea is close
00:07:41and they have long arms.
00:07:43The Black Sky
00:07:45did everything
00:07:47to disgust the Union.
00:07:49For many years, he was my friend
00:07:51and advisor, but when he realized
00:07:53that he could not rule so many nations
00:07:55without a common Union,
00:07:57our paths began to diverge.
00:08:01He thought
00:08:03that after my death
00:08:05he would divide the crown from Lithuania
00:08:07and after Kołpak-Wileński
00:08:09he would give me his hand.
00:08:11He believed that I would survive.
00:08:15the plague
00:08:17devoured his liver.
00:08:21And as you can see,
00:08:23Mr. Rudy is following him.
00:08:39You have already heard
00:08:41and you were also
00:08:45And where are we?
00:08:47They knew that we had
00:08:49a different opinion.
00:08:51This is the Black Sky.
00:08:53He ordered the death
00:08:55of all the nobles
00:08:57who were in Vilnius that day
00:08:59to swear an oath to the Holy Cross.
00:09:01Say that
00:09:03I know nothing about it.
00:09:05Because everyone swore
00:09:07that if they came to the Union
00:09:09when it had
00:09:11two separate governments
00:09:13and two separate Seimas,
00:09:15they would remain.
00:09:17And then Mr. Czarny-Bojarów
00:09:19called the trusted ones,
00:09:21who he appointed as Seimas' deputies
00:09:23and they also swore an oath.
00:09:25And the Seimas' elections
00:09:27became a real comedy
00:09:29in Lithuania-Wileński and Belarus.
00:09:31He wanted to do the same
00:09:33in Podlasie,
00:09:35where the Vilnius and Chodkiewicz
00:09:37were fighting fiercely.
00:09:39One of those kings
00:09:41always listened to them,
00:09:43never to us.
00:09:45It will change, it will change.
00:09:49Write what I say.
00:09:51To the Senators
00:09:53and Lithuanian deputies
00:09:55who shamelessly
00:09:57fled from Ljubljana.
00:10:01If you think that
00:10:03by this despicable act
00:10:05you will achieve anything,
00:10:07you are wrong.
00:10:11on the Holy Cross,
00:10:13you will see
00:10:15that it is not
00:10:17the Holy Cross
00:10:19that will punish you.
00:10:23on St. John,
00:10:25you will be put
00:10:27under the Seimas' rule.
00:10:29Whoever will not come
00:10:31will lose the seats, offices
00:10:33and the good state.
00:10:35We will call new Senators
00:10:37and we will announce
00:10:39the repeated elections
00:10:41of the Seimas' deputies.
00:10:43Your king is patient,
00:10:45but he will not
00:10:47let you go.
00:10:49You are the target
00:10:51to be copied,
00:10:53and tomorrow
00:10:55the postmen
00:10:57will come to your house.
00:10:59Why to my house?
00:11:01They left
00:11:03only a few hours ago.
00:11:07how tired they will be
00:11:09when they have to return
00:11:11in a gallop.
00:11:13Ha ha ha ha ha ha
00:11:15What are you laughing at?
00:11:19Only when you want
00:11:21you can be a great king.
00:11:23Your Majesty,
00:11:25the Wileński Wielmar's
00:11:27government is enough.
00:11:29We do not want anything more
00:11:31than to join the Polish Crown.
00:11:35If you really want it,
00:11:37let it happen.
00:11:39And we
00:11:41the Rusyns
00:11:43will join
00:11:45more with Kraków than with Vilnius.
00:11:47And us too.
00:11:49I curse you,
00:11:51the inactive king.
00:11:53The Rusyn princes
00:11:55are no different from the Radziwiłłs.
00:11:57They are different.
00:11:59They are stupid.
00:12:01That's why the Poles
00:12:03have no chance.
00:12:05You are wrong.
00:12:07From now on, not only in Vilnius,
00:12:09but in the whole of Poland
00:12:11there will be all-powerful governments.
00:12:13The Polish nobility is too wise
00:12:15to allow this.
00:12:17But in the common parliament
00:12:19there will be a minority
00:12:21and the enslaved Bojars will rise.
00:12:23So let the Poles
00:12:25straighten their necks.
00:12:35If your ambassadors
00:12:37recognize me,
00:12:39they will recognize you too.
00:12:41Do you agree?
00:12:43Poland will grow,
00:12:47and Vilnius
00:12:49will lose its dignity.
00:12:55My Lord!
00:12:59The king has died.
00:13:01He has died again.
00:13:07The king has died.
00:13:11My dear king,
00:13:13I greet you,
00:13:15the barons, knights and inflants.
00:13:21And I recommend
00:13:23that, as you wish,
00:13:25the inflants will not be
00:13:27included in Lithuania
00:13:29or in the crown.
00:13:31They will become
00:13:33a common domain of the Commonwealth.
00:13:35We respect the ancient
00:13:37privileges of the city,
00:13:39as well as the freedom
00:13:41of the Lutheran religion.
00:13:43We only recommend
00:13:45the selection of
00:13:47parliament members,
00:13:49officials and miners
00:13:51among your fellows,
00:13:53and the inflant nobility
00:13:55will use
00:13:57Polish liberties.
00:13:59Glory to you, king!
00:14:01You can count on our gratitude.
00:14:03Glory to you, king!
00:14:13Let them come in.
00:14:33Let them in.
00:14:41We are at your king's
00:14:45You were not in a hurry.
00:14:49Where is Hetman Radziwiłł?
00:14:51Hetman Radziwiłł
00:14:53is asking for forgiveness,
00:14:55for his place in the soldier's camp.
00:14:59And the Lithuanian marshal, your father?
00:15:01My father
00:15:03has died.
00:15:05He was wounded in the back.
00:15:07It is a pity.
00:15:11But he himself is the cause
00:15:13of his death.
00:15:15We are in great danger
00:15:17after his death.
00:15:19Who else is missing?
00:15:21Kastelan Wołowicz.
00:15:23He has confessed
00:15:25that he will never
00:15:27sign this document.
00:15:29But Kastelan
00:15:31has ceased to exist
00:15:33and lost all his powers.
00:15:35And Hetman Radziwiłł,
00:15:37if he does not want to share his fate,
00:15:39will swear
00:15:41to the union decree in the soldier's camp.
00:15:43Long live the king!
00:15:45Long live the king!
00:15:47We will swear everything,
00:15:49but we beg you,
00:15:51merciful lord,
00:15:53do not punish Lithuania so harshly
00:15:55that it should lose
00:15:57its power.
00:15:59We beg you, merciful lord.
00:16:03Get up from the ground,
00:16:05or you will get dirty
00:16:07with your caftans.
00:16:09It is futile.
00:16:11And Lithuania,
00:16:13bigger or smaller,
00:16:15will still be a part
00:16:17of one country.
00:16:23None of my ancestors
00:16:25worked around this action
00:16:27as I did.
00:16:29Instead of gratitude,
00:16:31many of you are not friendly
00:16:33and show it in private.
00:16:35The union is a great thing
00:16:37that will last for centuries.
00:16:39I and you,
00:16:41the Commonwealth,
00:16:43will remember it
00:16:45in gratitude.
00:16:49Explain to the Lithuanian brothers
00:16:51what we have previously agreed.
00:16:53The most merciful lord
00:16:55in his mercy
00:16:57is partial to your requests.
00:16:59And the Lithuanian government
00:17:01will rather leave
00:17:03the government and the army.
00:17:05But the Commonwealth
00:17:07from now on
00:17:09will be the highest authority
00:17:11in our kingdom.
00:17:13We agree
00:17:15with gratitude.
00:17:19We, the noble crown,
00:17:21once again protest
00:17:25the Commonwealth.
00:17:27Our kingdom will never
00:17:29be strong because of this.
00:17:31If two sides
00:17:33strive for harmony,
00:17:35each must give up something.
00:17:39Prince Prymas.
00:17:53Zygmunt August, King,
00:17:55swear to God
00:17:59that we will respect
00:18:01this act
00:18:03in which the Polish crown,
00:18:05the great Lithuanian Duchy,
00:18:07the Duchy of Inflancy and Prussia
00:18:09and the Russian land
00:18:11in one,
00:18:13indivisible Commonwealth
00:18:15will be united
00:18:17for ever.
00:18:21Who drinks,
00:18:23will die.
00:18:25Who doesn't drink,
00:18:27will die.
00:18:29So it's better
00:18:31to drink and die.
00:18:35the Mazovian deputies,
00:18:37you Lithuanian boyars,
00:18:39must hold on tight
00:18:41so that these heretic bears
00:18:43don't devour us.
00:18:47the Polish crown,
00:18:49you Lithuanian boyars,
00:18:51must hold on tight
00:18:53so that these heretic bears
00:18:55don't devour us.
00:18:57We beg you!
00:19:01we beg you.
00:19:07We're celebrating
00:19:09true brotherhood today.
00:19:13even Prussia with Lithuania.
00:19:15It's the easiest thing
00:19:17to call the Commonwealth today.
00:19:19I'm terrified of the loneliness.
00:19:21I can finally see our new brothers
00:19:23up close.
00:19:25In our Wielkopolska,
00:19:27the former Krawczyk
00:19:29keeps his customs,
00:19:31even though he doesn't shine
00:19:33with his golden moustache
00:19:35under his Russian robe.
00:19:37Nothing like freedom,
00:19:39my boyar.
00:19:41We'll change them soon.
00:19:43We'll change them,
00:19:45we'll change them.
00:19:47You're joking, Rafał.
00:19:49Have you heard
00:19:51that in some kingdom
00:19:53so many different nations
00:19:55and so many religions
00:19:57are equal in rights and freedoms?
00:19:59It's a small thing.
00:20:01It's true.
00:20:03But I'm talking about something else.
00:20:05Leszczyński knows what he's talking about.
00:20:07Too many of us
00:20:09in the middle of the wild lands
00:20:11have suddenly come
00:20:13to the Wielkopolska.
00:20:15And Luska...
00:20:19Three more glasses.
00:20:29Hey, girls from Lublin,
00:20:31good morning to you.
00:20:33Will you come to my quarters?
00:20:35If my son was important,
00:20:37why not?
00:20:39When the head is blowing,
00:20:41the manhood is burning.
00:20:45Will you come to me?
00:20:49Like Mr. Rejasin?
00:20:51I'll come.
00:20:53I'll ask one father for permission.
00:21:11Herr Graf,
00:21:13tell me honestly,
00:21:15do you like it here?
00:21:17Well, people,
00:21:19honest, kind,
00:21:21I can't be surprised
00:21:23that you have no understanding
00:21:25for shopping
00:21:27and city affairs.
00:21:31How can such a kingdom
00:21:33grow in strength?
00:21:35And are we
00:21:39not rich?
00:21:41You are,
00:21:43but the royal treasury
00:21:45has no profits from it.
00:21:49And the truth is that
00:21:51over the Dnieper,
00:21:53wheat reaches to the throat.
00:21:55Our land is fertile.
00:21:59As if Jesus
00:22:01sowed it with his own hand.
00:22:03However, the fortune of it is broken.
00:22:07You will always have the importance
00:22:09of the Tatars on your neck.
00:22:11Every house you build,
00:22:13they burn you.
00:22:15Well, for a great fortune
00:22:17it is even worth dying.
00:22:21And the Dukat?
00:22:23And the Dukat?
00:22:29and you have so much?
00:22:31I won anyway.
00:22:45Come in,
00:22:47brother, come in.
00:22:49The last Dukat.
00:22:53If you break it,
00:22:55you will get three from me.
00:23:49Two governments
00:23:51in one country?
00:23:53Not a sure government.
00:23:55I will tell you something special,
00:23:57which is in my head.
00:23:59Don't go, Czarnuko,
00:24:01to look for fools somewhere else.
00:24:03You, sir,
00:24:05and you, sir,
00:24:07you are related
00:24:09to a young girl.
00:24:11Give me your hand, young sir.
00:24:13Let's get married a little.
00:24:15And you, sir, you can get married.
00:24:17You will be a great
00:24:19like a king,
00:24:21a royal crown
00:24:23right around your head.
00:24:25Strange is the surprise.
00:24:27How could she see
00:24:29that he married my daughter?
00:24:31And this crown?
00:24:33No, no, no, it's not like that.
00:24:35As for a decent lord,
00:24:37he is a wise man.
00:24:41And he will leave you
00:24:43in a moment.
00:24:45I'm sorry to say this,
00:24:47but bad times are coming.
00:24:49Bad for the king
00:24:51and for this country,
00:24:53if he doesn't become king.
00:24:55Give me your tongue, Usyk.
00:25:05The king,
00:25:07apparently, is ill and hard.
00:25:11he has been using
00:25:13this crown
00:25:15since Freilina left.
00:25:17Thank God,
00:25:19she left
00:25:21so he could go to the altar with her.
00:25:23Now Mazovian Freilina
00:25:25has put his queen in her bed.
00:25:27And she won't let
00:25:29other girls in.
00:25:31Tell us,
00:25:33your majesty,
00:25:35we want to know from afar.
00:25:39Queen Anna's favorite court
00:25:41was taken away
00:25:43by her rival, Mniszka.
00:25:45He took her away
00:25:47from Warsaw
00:25:49and he kept her
00:25:51in the forest court.
00:25:53And the queen
00:25:55felt humiliated.
00:25:57He led a court lady?
00:25:59If it were
00:26:01an ordinary nobleman,
00:26:03I would pay him.
00:26:05Where is she?
00:26:07Lady Zajączkowska
00:26:09fell in love
00:26:11in August
00:26:13and lost her
00:26:15son-in-law with joy.
00:26:19The king of our country
00:26:21has often been
00:26:23driven into a corner.
00:26:29Enough of this!
00:26:31Human thing is to drink
00:26:33and devil's thing
00:26:35is to sleep.
00:26:39Drink to me,
00:26:43from this glass.
00:26:45Although you are
00:26:49I bow to you,
00:26:53but hurriedly.
00:26:55If you are my brother,
00:26:57do not despise me.
00:26:59Make a nobleman in the garden
00:27:01of equal birth.
00:27:03But do not give birth
00:27:05to a falcon.
00:27:07If you do not drink with me,
00:27:09you will drink with me.
00:27:13You have to think
00:27:15that importance is importance,
00:27:17and I confess to you,
00:27:19that you are a falcon.
00:27:21And what about this cold guy?
00:27:23He has no faith
00:27:25in our country.
00:27:27Do not shoot, my dear.
00:27:29Today is a holy day.
00:27:33You will not win
00:27:35with such people.
00:27:41And these wise men,
00:27:43with the same messengers
00:27:45as you and me,
00:27:47they despise us.
00:27:49And they threaten the senators
00:27:51because they want to rule.
00:27:53So we have to
00:27:57hand in hand.
00:27:59And we will
00:28:03our mouths.
00:28:05You have your representatives,
00:28:07and we have great lords.
00:28:09And there is no council
00:28:11for this brother.
00:28:13As it was before the Union,
00:28:15so it will be after the Union.
00:28:27This Jesuit is an Italian
00:28:29who did not learn
00:28:31his choice well.
00:28:33We are curious about your opinion,
00:28:35Holy Father.
00:28:39My relative,
00:28:41who is Calvin, says
00:28:43that you have recently
00:28:45come to Poland
00:28:47to cleanse heresy with the Holy Fire.
00:28:49But hide it, God.
00:28:51We love every heretic.
00:28:55As a hunting bear.
00:29:01As a rider
00:29:03of a wild roe deer.
00:29:05Until he cares for him,
00:29:07he pushes his oak.
00:29:09And when he touches him,
00:29:11he loves him twice.
00:29:13And because of this
00:29:15love for us,
00:29:17numerous heretics,
00:29:23are still coming.
00:29:25We come with a noble mission.
00:29:27Polish nobility
00:29:29to liberate the most holy
00:29:31Slavic people from the Turks.
00:29:33And when it happens,
00:29:35in front of the wall of Christianity
00:29:37and its adornment ...
00:29:39Your speech
00:29:41sounds like an angelic choir.
00:29:43Because we
00:29:45on the land of the Cretans
00:29:47the Turks threaten day and night.
00:29:49And what
00:29:51do we have to fight with him?
00:29:53The Holy Cross
00:29:55instead of the cannon?
00:29:57All the capitals of the Catholic world
00:29:59are without you.
00:30:01No one in Poland,
00:30:03except for the priests and the nobility,
00:30:05you will not incite to the Holy War.
00:30:07We need peace.
00:30:09Because you want
00:30:11to multiply the wealth.
00:30:13We want.
00:30:15Is it a sin?
00:30:19Such a glorious kingdom
00:30:21stands open to pagans.
00:30:27You will regret it one day.
00:30:31I'm not afraid of anything
00:30:33like the death of our king.
00:30:35And the next election.
00:30:37I will tell you in secret
00:30:39that August,
00:30:41his sister,
00:30:43Jan Zapolian,
00:30:45the successor of Patrujan,
00:30:49after his mother,
00:30:51always a strong young man
00:30:53and the emperor's enemy.
00:30:55Only thanks to him,
00:30:57the seventh garden is in power today.
00:30:59Cheers, Jan Zapolian!
00:31:05And don't be too happy.
00:31:09Habsburgs are ready
00:31:11to kill him.
00:31:13They tried once
00:31:15on Wawel when he was a boy.
00:31:17They are constantly thinking
00:31:19about the Polish crown
00:31:21and the Jesuits are their supporters.
00:31:23They have a honey-tongue.
00:31:25They flatter you,
00:31:27saying that
00:31:29the nation of Sarmatians
00:31:31comes from the Romans
00:31:33and will soon be the first nation in the world.
00:31:35It's like a skyscraper.
00:31:37Besides, the noble masses
00:31:39worship him.
00:31:41The Jesuits are much wiser.
00:31:43They came from noble families
00:31:45and educate their sons.
00:31:47If it goes on like this,
00:31:49the law will become
00:31:51the law of the Commonwealth.
00:31:53If the noble masses
00:31:55can gain it,
00:31:57the freedom of conscience
00:31:59will be ours soon.
00:32:01Don't steal, Mr. Zamolski!
00:32:05Ah, here we are!
00:32:11Listen, gentlemen!
00:32:13This golden-mouthed bishop,
00:32:15Andrzej Dudycz,
00:32:17the personal emperor's ambassador,
00:32:19has passed on to the Lutheran faith.
00:32:21He makes Polish nobility proud.
00:32:23What a fairytale!
00:32:25Oh, what a fairytale!
00:32:27If he invites you and me
00:32:29to a wedding,
00:32:31he will marry Mrs. Elżbieta Staszówna.
00:32:35I know her.
00:32:37A beautiful girl.
00:32:39Didn't I tell you that
00:32:41all of them will be given
00:32:43Polish air and freedom?
00:32:45Why such proud words?
00:32:47The emperor will shed blood for her.
00:32:59Since you have thrown
00:33:01the bishop's dress away,
00:33:03fight with me now.
00:33:05If you become a coward,
00:33:07I will bite you like a rabid dog.
00:33:09The emperor is laughing.
00:33:11Bite me, bite me.
00:33:13Be gay.
00:33:15But before that,
00:33:23read this.
00:33:45if you try to deceive us again,
00:33:47you will not live
00:33:49for hours.
00:33:55And now you have to
00:33:57condemn me publicly
00:34:01in front of the king
00:34:03and the Polish parliament
00:34:05that I betrayed the emperor.
00:34:13You don't have to
00:34:15defend yourself,
00:34:17Dr. Twardowski.
00:34:19I am a learned man,
00:34:21not a raifur.
00:34:23If you could know
00:34:25the state of mind of our king,
00:34:27you would know that
00:34:29he holds on to every thread of hope
00:34:31and then a new life
00:34:33enters him.
00:34:35This girl is like a twin,
00:34:37similar to that one,
00:34:39and even her name
00:34:41is the same.
00:34:43Nastyness, yes.
00:34:45Trust Twardowski's love.
00:34:49He needs a miracle.
00:34:51He is in need
00:34:53of something supernatural,
00:34:57Give him back his faith.
00:35:01Sometimes it happens
00:35:03that the wisest thing is madness.
00:35:05Great madness.
00:35:09Why don't you show me
00:35:11the court lady?
00:35:13Because I don't want
00:35:15to take any advantage
00:35:17of those crazy gamblers.
00:35:19I don't need help from the king.
00:35:21And in the monastery, girl?
00:35:23In the monastery.
00:35:25In Krakowskie Przedmieście.
00:35:27Her father is a merchant from Warsaw.
00:35:29He gave her to a nun
00:35:31in a monastery under his care.
00:35:33She wanted to please
00:35:35various lords too early.
00:35:37I will steal her from the nuns.
00:35:41You will see her, doctor.
00:35:43You will see her
00:35:45and you will be amazed.
00:35:47I am telling you,
00:35:49this hand
00:35:51will decide.
00:35:53At least don't cheat,
00:35:55Mr. Mniszek.
00:35:57We all want
00:35:59that you live
00:36:01as long as possible,
00:36:03but the concern
00:36:05of the Commonwealth
00:36:07I order to ask.
00:36:09Who would you like
00:36:11to see on the throne?
00:36:13I am still happy
00:36:15with good health.
00:36:23We want to support you, king
00:36:25and join forces
00:36:27to shoot.
00:36:29Especially now,
00:36:31when your relative,
00:36:33is being poisoned.
00:36:35There is no proof
00:36:37that he is poisoned,
00:36:39only assumptions.
00:36:41But he suddenly died
00:36:43because of our pity.
00:36:45We would like to know
00:36:47whether he is a Swede
00:36:49or a Prussian.
00:36:51Or maybe a Frenchman
00:36:53or Ivan.
00:36:55The law of the Commonwealth
00:36:57forbids me
00:36:59to give instructions.
00:37:01You will decide.
00:37:03I can't. You are the king.
00:37:05It's difficult to talk to us.
00:37:13But we want to meet
00:37:15with the project of the next election.
00:37:17Tell us what's in it.
00:37:27In a month from the day of misfortune
00:37:29the parliamentarians will gather
00:37:31to make a double or a quadruple
00:37:33of the number of MPs
00:37:35and together with the local senators
00:37:37to look at one or more elections.
00:37:39The parliament is free.
00:37:41The election
00:37:43will take place in Lublin
00:37:45as the city of the future capital
00:37:47of the Commonwealth.
00:37:49Most of the votes
00:37:51are to be cast.
00:37:53The votes of the MPs
00:37:55are counted as well as of the senator.
00:37:59You will decide
00:38:01such an election
00:38:03when I am no longer here.
00:38:09We need earlier, my dear sir,
00:38:11to avoid
00:38:13a great confusion.
00:38:15Trust me
00:38:17that I am constantly
00:38:19thinking about the future.
00:38:23I am thinking
00:38:25about the future
00:38:27of Lublin.
00:38:45It's a famous project.
00:38:47They know better than the senators
00:38:49what the king of the Commonwealth
00:38:53The great gentlemen
00:38:55will never stop
00:38:57voting for such an election
00:38:59after my death.
00:39:01And I
00:39:03will not
00:39:05bow to the MPs.
00:39:09If Janek Zapolja
00:39:11were alive
00:39:13I would tell him
00:39:15who I would like to see on the throne.
00:39:19But God
00:39:21has mercy on me.
00:39:27Forgive me, Chancellor.
00:39:29I will listen to the stars' judgments.
00:39:31My hope is in them.
00:39:33Forgive me, Chancellor.
00:39:35I will listen to the stars' judgments.
00:39:37My hope is in them.
00:39:39How hard it was for him to agree.
00:39:43How hard it was for him to agree.
00:39:45The king will not try.
00:39:47He is afraid of your health.
00:39:53He warns you that you may lose your senses.
00:39:57I am ready for anything.
00:40:07Thank you, master,
00:40:09that you wanted to help me.
00:40:11Because when a man is lost at night
00:40:13he looks for hope
00:40:15in the wild spark of hope.
00:40:29I have brought you
00:40:31the sad news
00:40:33for the last time,
00:40:35my lord.
00:40:37Everything lies in it.
00:40:39Let's postpone the feast
00:40:41for a few days.
00:40:43Now, master, now.
00:40:49Relax his muscles
00:40:51on the brightest side.
00:40:53Take care.
00:40:57Move away from yourself.
00:40:59And think.
00:41:03Think hard
00:41:05about something
00:41:07that you desire the most.
00:41:09It has to be
00:41:11a person,
00:41:13not an abstract thing.
00:41:17Do you hear
00:41:19how quietly,
00:41:23more and more quietly,
00:41:25you fall asleep
00:41:27in bed,
00:41:29in bed.
00:41:35You fall asleep
00:41:39in bed.
00:41:41You fall asleep in bed.
00:42:07A lot more
00:42:09will happen.
00:42:13But you will tie your life
00:42:15to this woman
00:42:17and give birth to a son.
00:42:39You are
00:43:01Since the king
00:43:03took the throne
00:43:05with Ivan,
00:43:07he has been
00:43:09taking care of nothing.
00:43:11He dreams of an heir
00:43:13and tries with different women.
00:43:15They say that Gizanka
00:43:17will give birth to a child,
00:43:19although no one believes
00:43:21that it will be his.
00:43:23If he took the Lutheran
00:43:25wedding with this girl,
00:43:27a great turmoil
00:43:29will break out in Poland again.
00:43:31The Sejm of Abdication
00:43:33will announce it.
00:43:35We must not rush.
00:43:37We need time, a lot of time.
00:43:39We are no longer threatened
00:43:41by St. John the Baptist.
00:43:49In the evening,
00:43:51a feast at the castle.
00:43:53Come with us.
00:43:55It is true happiness
00:43:57to have such friends.
00:43:59Imagine that this morning
00:44:01the French ambassadors arrived
00:44:03and recommended Julius.
00:44:05And Augustus?
00:44:09He nodded his head
00:44:11but his thoughts.
00:44:13We and Habsburgs
00:44:15are reluctant,
00:44:17we rejoice.
00:44:19It is not surprising
00:44:21that France is a rich and popular country.
00:44:23The king of France
00:44:25promises to build
00:44:27a military and commercial fleet
00:44:29for us.
00:44:31And the defense alliance
00:44:33assures us
00:44:35if we are attacked
00:44:37by our neighbors.
00:44:39The emperor will be puzzled
00:44:41when he finds out.
00:44:43Let him be puzzled
00:44:45as soon as possible.
00:44:47I would like to warn you
00:44:49against too much joy.
00:44:51Speak. What is it?
00:44:53You were both in France.
00:44:55You know what tyranny prevails there.
00:44:57The kings of that village
00:44:59do not respect the will of the Sejm.
00:45:01They do not respect
00:45:03the freedom of religion.
00:45:05The human rights of rapists
00:45:07fly from their caprices.
00:45:11Worse than in the Habsburgs.
00:45:13Much worse.
00:45:15Jędrusiu, Jędrusiu,
00:45:17are you telling us this?
00:45:19In Poland, a Frenchman must be a right guard.
00:45:21And a servant of the Sejm.
00:45:23Otherwise he will cease to be a king.
00:45:25Let's change him.
00:45:27Don't worry.
00:45:29I wanted to know your opinion.
00:45:31And I wasn't wrong.
00:45:37I am worried about something else.
00:45:41That this Henryk
00:45:43suffers from the French disease.
00:45:45Which is affecting
00:45:47his strength.
00:45:49And for this reason
00:45:51he deals
00:45:53with the youth.
00:45:57Oh, this ugliness.
00:45:59Are you sure?
00:46:01I heard it from the imperial spies
00:46:03in Paris.
00:46:05And the Habsburg court
00:46:07has spies
00:46:09not the worst.
00:46:11Believe me.
00:46:27Six years ago
00:46:29you swore to the king
00:46:31that you would not
00:46:33abandon the Roman faith.
00:46:35And I was
00:46:37a witness.
00:46:39I swore.
00:46:41I had no hope
00:46:43that I would become a father.
00:46:47a good God
00:46:49asked me
00:46:51to become a father.
00:46:53And I did it.
00:46:55However, a good God
00:46:57listened to my prayers.
00:46:59I trust that
00:47:01after my daughter
00:47:03I will have a son.
00:47:05Don't look at me
00:47:07with such a shudder.
00:47:09And then,
00:47:11my king,
00:47:13my mind can understand
00:47:15all sins and blasphemy.
00:47:17At least,
00:47:19against the order of reason.
00:47:21The longing of a child
00:47:23and love for a woman
00:47:25are stronger
00:47:27than reason.
00:47:29I will not
00:47:31divorce the pope of my marriage.
00:47:33I will follow Henry VIII.
00:47:35But I will not
00:47:37force anyone
00:47:39to change their faith.
00:47:41Not only the church
00:47:43condemns you,
00:47:45but also your subjects.
00:47:47I should remind you
00:47:49how many enemies you had
00:47:51when you married a barbarian.
00:47:55Although you don't like violence,
00:47:57you were close to the idea
00:47:59to use it.
00:48:01Even today, the nobility accuses you
00:48:03of a secret agreement with the Viennese court
00:48:05that was to hurry you with military aid.
00:48:07Those were old times.
00:48:09Why resurrect them?
00:48:15A few years ago,
00:48:17when I came to the bishop's call,
00:48:19you called me again
00:48:21by a woman, dear sir.
00:48:23And now, for the third time,
00:48:25you do it with a woman
00:48:27who is not worthy of it.
00:48:29No one
00:48:31will recognize this marriage.
00:48:33Even the heretics.
00:48:35Because you are wearing a crown.
00:48:39You will be alone,
00:48:41dear sir,
00:48:43completely alone,
00:48:45without God
00:48:47and people.
00:48:51I don't intend
00:48:53to crown
00:48:55my son's mother.
00:48:57And let it be known
00:49:03The English algebra
00:49:05also comes from an ugly bed,
00:49:07and the people
00:49:09recognized blood of Tudors in it.
00:49:13I trust that
00:49:15the same will happen
00:49:17to my son,
00:49:19because the nobility
00:49:21lives in fear of tomorrow
00:49:23and the heritage is in need.
00:49:37about whom you speak
00:49:39with wisdom and conscience
00:49:41of the cathedral church,
00:49:43I am ready to beg.
00:49:47my cold marriage.
00:49:51Free me
00:49:53from the clutches of conscience.
00:49:57I want to remain faithful
00:49:59in the capital of Piotrów.
00:50:07I know
00:50:09that you have such power
00:50:11to distinguish me
00:50:13from the people.
00:50:17But do not do this.
00:50:21Show me the goodness
00:50:25which the Son of God
00:50:27commanded against the sinners.
00:50:35You have just mentioned
00:50:37my niece.
00:50:39If she lived
00:50:41and gave birth to me as a son,
00:50:45I could shine
00:50:47as an example of Christian life,
00:50:49because I would be happy.
00:50:55However, I have governed
00:50:57in a different way.
00:50:59I bear my cross
00:51:01in humility.
00:51:03In humility?
00:51:05And you are still
00:51:07thinking about retreating
00:51:09from the church.
00:51:11You know the parable
00:51:13of Christ about talents.
00:51:15Whoever receives more of them
00:51:17and wastes more
00:51:19will be severely punished.
00:51:23But I have not harmed anyone
00:51:25as other Catholic monarchs.
00:51:29I have never shed
00:51:31human blood.
00:51:33I have never set fires.
00:51:37No one has been imprisoned
00:51:39because of me.
00:51:41I have never taken revenge.
00:51:45And I love peace
00:51:47more than military glory.
00:51:53Would all this
00:51:55mean nothing
00:51:57in the eyes of our Lord?
00:52:03It is my sin
00:52:05that I hope for the Fatherland
00:52:07all the time,
00:52:09not for myself,
00:52:11but for my people.
00:52:13I feel how much
00:52:15misfortune awaits
00:52:17when the Habsburgs
00:52:19take the Polish crown.
00:52:21Misfortune is less
00:52:23than public humiliation
00:52:25and the war of brotherhood.
00:52:27Your son's people
00:52:29will not recognize
00:52:31the capital of Peter.
00:52:35The Roman Church
00:52:37stands on unbreakable principles
00:52:39even if one more king
00:52:41had to resign.
00:52:45You will be
00:52:47a witness
00:52:49to this, Cardinal.
00:53:01Think, my dear lady,
00:53:03whether you will wait for your son.
00:53:05You will be dust
00:53:07and rot.
00:53:09You will die a worthy death.
00:53:11That is all you have left.
00:53:17My lips have sinned.
00:53:23Pray for me,
00:54:01It is worse
00:54:03than I could imagine.
00:54:05A heretical marriage
00:54:07will take place
00:54:09with Gizanka.
00:54:11Of all his concubines,
00:54:13Gizanka is the most shameless.
00:54:15She will not
00:54:17back down
00:54:19from lying
00:54:21to give birth to a son.
00:54:25the Pope advises
00:54:27that the marriage
00:54:29should be
00:54:31two things less
00:54:33than the king and Rome
00:54:35would have to break.
00:54:37I wish I could hear his words.
00:54:39The Church
00:54:41looks at you
00:54:43with holy eyes
00:54:45at the divine nature
00:54:47of the Church.
00:54:51But I am surprised
00:54:53by the Duke and the Bishop.
00:54:55Have we made
00:54:57an agreement to divorce
00:54:59because, let's call it by its name,
00:55:01to undermine our work?
00:55:03He is an unfortunate man.
00:55:07But we cannot help him.
00:55:11We cannot.
00:55:13The emperor's envoy
00:55:15has arrived
00:55:17with a very important letter.
00:55:27Jesus Christus
00:55:29I am very pleased
00:55:31to receive
00:55:33this letter
00:55:35from you,
00:55:37Your Majesty.
00:55:39The letter
00:55:41I am
00:55:43Opad Cyrus.
00:55:45This is my envoy's letter.
00:55:51I have to
00:55:53inform you of a sad news.
00:55:55Queen Catherine
00:55:57was called by God
00:55:59to her glory.
00:56:01Emperor Jarek
00:56:03looks at this
00:56:05because King August
00:56:07will not abandon
00:56:09her now.
00:56:11There is no such intention.
00:56:13There is not.
00:56:15It is not a secret to us
00:56:17that the king is ill,
00:56:19and that he will live a long life
00:56:21without a queen.
00:56:23It is not strange.
00:56:25We can ignore her.
00:56:27Queen Anne
00:56:29was called by God
00:56:31to her glory.
00:56:33Thanks for the advice.
00:56:35We will think about it.
00:56:37Queen Anne
00:56:39I have the honor to ask
00:56:41The project would be excellent
00:56:43if the archduke was not a young man
00:56:45and Anne was an old woman.
00:56:47Paganin, Jagiełło
00:56:49was not much younger than the queen.
00:56:51Jadwiga was a girl.
00:56:53And the great royal family
00:56:55took their beginning.
00:56:59There are no fruits
00:57:01of such malice
00:57:03but a certain mockery.
00:57:05I must speak to the king
00:57:07about it.
00:57:09With the brides?
00:57:11It is never known.
00:57:13Maybe my sister
00:57:15will be my advice.
00:57:17Opat Cyrus
00:57:19with news
00:57:21of the death of Queen Catherine
00:57:23has arrived.
00:57:25Catherine died.
00:57:35the archduke will give me a wedding.
00:57:37My dear lord.
00:57:43Church servants
00:57:45you have no right to refuse me.
00:57:47Would you like
00:57:49me to live in alienation?
00:58:01How many times
00:58:03have I told you?
00:58:05The girl is stupid.
00:58:07Why do you irritate them?
00:58:09Why do you show the child to people?
00:58:11How dare you?
00:58:13You are a swine.
00:58:15And who are you?
00:58:17Your mistress.
00:58:19You will be if I want.
00:58:21And if I don't want, I will be.
00:58:23And now pack up.
00:58:25Because you have to run away before evening.
00:58:27Run away?
00:58:29Do you want me to kidnap you tonight?
00:58:31I order you.
00:58:33Mother, at least
00:58:35the king won't let me.
00:58:37The living corpse
00:58:39never listens to him.
00:58:41Save me.
00:58:43He won't let me.
00:58:45The king is not enough for you.
00:58:47The only hope
00:58:49in the alarm clock.
00:58:59The king is not here?
00:59:01The doctors are at his place.
00:59:03They will try
00:59:05to take him away from tomorrow.
00:59:07They want to kidnap a decent lady
00:59:11if the king
00:59:15Will they hide her then?
00:59:17It's hard to hide,
00:59:19but the king won't look for her anymore.
00:59:21Mother, everything is ready
00:59:23for the wedding.
00:59:25Even death
00:59:27can't stop me
00:59:29from seeing him
00:59:31a few Sundays at the most.
00:59:33The wild one.
00:59:35The most expensive one.
00:59:37Your head would go
00:59:39with the king
00:59:41and you with him.
00:59:57Don't grieve,
00:59:59my lady.
01:00:01Don't grieve.
01:00:03The cherry is a miserable thing
01:00:05in front of
01:00:07the wedding ring.
01:00:11The doctors are now
01:00:13at the king's place.
01:00:15So it's better
01:00:17to come there in an hour
01:00:19and I'll tell you what to do.
01:00:27You are a doctor, my king.
01:00:31They are especially keen
01:00:33on your advisors' ducats.
01:00:51They said
01:00:53you won't survive the journey.
01:00:55My dear lady,
01:00:57laugh at this.
01:01:03They bought them.
01:01:05They bought them.
01:01:07I would always
01:01:09trust you,
01:01:11when three doctors
01:01:13told me that.
01:01:15I'm afraid.
01:01:17I'm afraid.
01:01:19I'm as weak as ever.
01:01:21Drink, my dear lady,
01:01:23these herbs.
01:01:29To the bottom.
01:01:35And I assure you
01:01:37that when you go to the desert,
01:01:39it will prolong your life.
01:01:43Do you feel
01:01:45the flow of strength?
01:01:49Rise up,
01:01:51my dear lady.
01:02:07Go to the wall.
01:02:21And go back.
01:02:37You are tough.
01:02:39Get in the carriage tomorrow morning
01:02:41with the one
01:02:43who carries your child
01:02:45in her womb.
01:02:47Don't take other girls.
01:02:49Respect the strength.
01:02:51And you will meet
01:02:53this boy
01:02:55right after the New Year.
01:03:05Go away.
01:03:07Go away.
01:03:09Oh, no.
01:03:11I won't go
01:03:13until I find out the truth.
01:03:15She will wait for them.
01:03:17I will call you
01:03:19in a moment.
01:03:27that you will not
01:03:29marry this girl.
01:03:31She is mine.
01:03:35I swear
01:03:37on the memory of our fathers.
01:03:39Get rid of her.
01:03:41She is not yours.
01:03:43She gave birth to a child.
01:03:45What she carries in her womb
01:03:47is also not yours.
01:03:49Not a word more.
01:03:51Do you dream
01:03:53of all the glorious deeds
01:03:55from the memory of the nation?
01:03:57A whistle and one whistle
01:03:59will be left for you.
01:04:01You will not kill kings
01:04:03with your laughter.
01:04:05You have been committing
01:04:07your sins for a long time.
01:04:09Get rid of her.
01:04:11I beg you.
01:04:13Get rid of her.
01:04:15He would die
01:04:17in the fire of hell.
01:04:19No, no.
01:04:21Spit this curse.
01:04:23Have mercy.
01:04:25You have no mercy on your soul.
01:04:27Because I am the unhappiest
01:04:29of all kings.
01:04:31Because you are
01:04:33the most depraved.
01:04:35None of the Christian monarchs
01:04:37needs a harem.
01:04:39I swear
01:04:41that I will die
01:04:43in peace
01:04:45when my son
01:04:47is healthy.
01:04:49It is a pity
01:04:51that you did not die long ago.
01:04:53You would avoid God's punishment.
01:04:55You are threatening me
01:04:57with hell.
01:04:59You are a bad woman.
01:05:01You are bragging
01:05:03about your
01:05:07If this is the God
01:05:09who curses me,
01:05:11I would rather be a sinner.
01:05:13Do not accuse God.
01:05:17I am the only one
01:05:19who sins.
01:05:23She told me
01:05:25to give you a curse.
01:05:27Give it to me, brother.
01:05:29Give it to me.
01:05:31You are wrong
01:05:33to say
01:05:35that I have no mercy.
01:05:39Not for everyone.
01:05:41Not for you.
01:05:45You have never
01:05:47found a smile
01:05:49for me.
01:05:53you have a generous heart.
01:05:55You listen to everyone.
01:05:57Your eyes
01:05:59are always
01:06:03You could not be surprised
01:06:05that you are the same
01:06:07I hated you
01:06:09like no one in the world.
01:06:13But I love you
01:06:15like no one in the world.
01:06:21Do you love me?
01:06:29I love you.
01:06:33I love you
01:06:37so much
01:06:39that I prayed
01:06:41to God
01:06:43to let my sister
01:06:45see her
01:06:47in vain.
01:06:49I prayed
01:06:51to God
01:06:53to think
01:06:55about you.
01:06:57You see,
01:06:59we both
01:07:01are not
01:07:03destined for
01:07:05each other.
01:07:07It is easy for you
01:07:09to say this
01:07:11because you have been
01:07:13breathing smoke
01:07:15all your life.
01:07:17You have not taken
01:07:19any burden
01:07:21on your mind.
01:07:23You do not know
01:07:25the burden
01:07:27of ruling.
01:07:29You have never
01:07:31felt me
01:07:33and you will never hear
01:07:35the thunder of misfortune
01:07:37of the future
01:07:39when the fire
01:07:41of fireflies
01:07:43will be extinguished.
01:07:45I have suffered
01:07:49in your eyes
01:07:53Do not be offended.
01:07:55I did not go to the monastery
01:07:57to give my hand
01:07:59to someone
01:08:01who could not
01:08:03make me happier
01:08:05than I am now.
01:08:09talking about
01:08:11the vainness of the world
01:08:13but think about
01:08:17What do you mean?
01:08:19What do you mean?
01:08:21If I died suddenly
01:08:23you would be the king
01:08:25and do everything
01:08:27so that Habsburg
01:08:35The king...
01:08:53Wake up, king.
01:08:55Wake up.
01:08:57Are you all right?
01:09:01Suddenly I felt
01:09:03a strange feeling
01:09:05as if my soul
01:09:07had left me.
01:09:09But it is already
01:09:13What is there
01:09:15to worry about?
01:09:17Mrs. Barbara is asking
01:09:19if she should pack her bags.
01:09:21I told you
01:09:23we are going.
01:09:27I beg you.
01:09:31should I go?
01:09:33The forest air will heal the king.
01:09:35Do not worry, princess.
01:09:37Dear sir, do not believe her.
01:09:39When she is with me
01:09:41I will be safe.
01:09:55I am going
01:09:57to the stable.
01:09:59I like
01:10:03by horse.
01:10:05Do not
01:10:09your life
01:10:11by sin,
01:10:13dear sir.
01:10:15And instead of
01:10:17going to the stable
01:10:19think about
01:10:21another way.
01:10:23I am not going
01:10:27I want to rest
01:10:29in the Knyszynska Forest.
01:10:31A very long way
01:10:33awaits you, king.
01:10:35Get ready for it.
01:10:37Do not worry, bishop.
01:10:39In the horoscope
01:10:41I still write a little
01:10:43with my life,
01:10:45and I trust the stars more
01:10:47than the monastic morals.
01:10:53Give me the mirror.
01:11:17with the sacrament
01:11:19and the sacrament.
01:11:23Take the horse,
01:11:27and leave with this unruly woman.
01:11:29Without a personal order,
01:11:33The king is now
01:11:35one with God.
01:11:37Do not count on his protection.
01:11:39The highest lord,
01:11:41a thousand ducats,
01:11:43is not guilty of her,
01:11:45and you, our payor,
01:11:47have already
01:11:49caught enough.
01:11:51Get out of here.
01:11:55one thousand ducats
01:11:57without a personal order.
01:11:59Should I call the guards?
01:12:07I am going, I am going.
01:12:13It is our fault.
01:12:15And the king's for ten.
01:12:45It is our fault.
01:13:05I feel better now.
01:13:09I feel better.
01:13:11Sit down
01:13:13next to the bed.
01:13:25Give me your hands.
01:13:29If you want to forgive,
01:13:31do it.
01:13:33And do not count
01:13:35my name after death.
01:13:39I have sinned,
01:13:41I wanted good
01:13:43for everyone.
01:13:45Do not cry.
01:13:47Do not cry yet.
01:13:49Your tears
01:13:51will be nice
01:13:55I look at them from there.
01:14:01I wish I could
01:14:05that you
01:14:07were talking
01:14:09about a new French envoy.
01:14:15many people
01:14:17came from Paris.
01:14:19I promise benefits.
01:14:21But remember
01:14:23that the French
01:14:25are better at this
01:14:27than the Habsburgs,
01:14:29that they do not border with us
01:14:31and the enemy of that
01:14:33I swear
01:14:35on the wound of Christ.
01:14:39Do not let
01:14:41those who come after me
01:14:43have the courage
01:14:45to tremble
01:14:47and freedom of religion,
01:14:49because it is the key
01:14:51to the most valuable
01:14:53Polish crown.
01:14:55And one day
01:14:57the world will look
01:14:59for an example for itself in us.
01:15:01Be merciful, Lord.
01:15:05Go now
01:15:07to be alone, brother.
01:15:11In the likeness
01:15:13of the barbarian
01:15:15of my kind approach.
01:15:31Thank you.
01:16:01Thank you.
01:16:31Be merciful, Lord.
01:16:33Be merciful.
01:16:35Be merciful.
01:16:39It's me.
01:16:47Don't you recognize me?
01:16:53Who are you?
01:17:07until death.
01:17:17King Augustus,
01:17:21do you want to marry
01:17:23this barbarian?
01:17:31Repeat after me.
01:17:45Say after the priest,
01:18:01Pour the wine.
01:18:09the box
01:18:11with the jewels.
01:18:13I am looking for them.
01:18:29Repeat after me,
01:18:39There will be no wedding.
01:18:47will you leave
01:18:49your daughter
01:18:51with me?
01:18:55or not mine.
01:19:15Until the end of your life,
01:19:17it's enough for you.
01:19:21look into my eyes and come down.
01:19:27I am talking to you.
01:19:49I am talking to you.
01:20:19I am talking to you.
01:20:49Here are the final words
01:20:51of the testament
01:20:53of our King.
01:20:57For the benefit of the Commonwealth,
01:21:01God has witnessed,
01:21:03we have put above our own.
01:21:05We ask our subjects,
01:21:07being citizens of the Crown,
01:21:09as well as the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
01:21:11and other lands,
01:21:13to feel one
01:21:15inseparable body forever.
01:21:17One nation.
01:21:23Our Lord was so different
01:21:25from those monarchs
01:21:27who say,
01:21:29let them hate me,
01:21:31as long as they are afraid.
01:21:33He, on the other hand,
01:21:35was the king of free people.
01:21:37He always knew in the government.
01:21:39He died.
01:21:41All the cruelty
01:21:43was foreign to him.
01:21:45And he united
01:21:47his subjects
01:21:49with love.
01:21:55senators and nobles,
01:21:57swear to you,
01:21:59the brightest lord,
01:22:01that in this dangerous time,
01:22:03when the king is gone,
01:22:05we will defend
01:22:11and the Commonwealth
01:22:13as if we were
01:22:15looking at a mirror.
01:22:17May God help us in this way.
01:22:19May God help us in this way.
01:22:21We swear
01:22:23to keep
01:22:27regarding religion.
01:22:29We will not allow
01:22:33as a result of church differences.
01:22:35We will not judge anyone
01:22:37for their faith.
01:22:39We will not deprive them of their honor.
01:22:41We will not punish
01:22:43the confiscation of property
01:22:45and the loss of office,
01:22:47as is common
01:22:49in other kingdoms.
01:22:53May God help us in this way.
01:22:55May God help us in this way.
01:23:11May God help us in this way.
01:23:41Their young children,
01:23:43their wives and daughters,
01:23:45with Stiletto in their hearts,
01:23:47the king of France did it.
01:23:49And his brother Henry,
01:23:51whom you elected.
01:23:55This is what Paris
01:23:57and France are all about now.
01:23:59And that's not all.
01:24:01King Charles
01:24:03announced it
01:24:05that anyone who does not follow the Roman faith
01:24:07will be sentenced to prison.
01:24:09The conclusion is simple.
01:24:11We do not want
01:24:13a French bandit on the throne.
01:24:15Shame on you!
01:24:17Let's put the young Swede
01:24:19on the king.
01:24:21Like a lamb after his mother.
01:24:23Or Zbator.
01:24:25Or Ivan.
01:24:27Listen to me, old man.
01:24:29What Henry
01:24:31said in Paris
01:24:33as a Polish king
01:24:35must be openly condemned
01:24:37Silence to all devils!
01:24:41When in the cathedral of Paris
01:24:43in front of our embassy
01:24:45the pact of the convent is sworn,
01:24:47the nobility and the people of Paris
01:24:49will understand
01:24:51that in the Republic
01:24:53a completely different system prevails.
01:24:55If it is agreed,
01:24:59And if it is not agreed,
01:25:01we will take another elect.
01:25:03We and the nobility
01:25:05and the people of Paris
01:25:07will be condemned.
01:25:09Listen to me, Catholic.
01:25:11Not only Henry,
01:25:13as Mr. Kanz also said,
01:25:15in the cathedral of Paris
01:25:17will condemn his deeds,
01:25:19but Charles himself,
01:25:21the king of France,
01:25:23will do it with him.
01:25:25In what way?
01:25:27If he wants to see his brother
01:25:29at Wawel,
01:25:31trust me,
01:25:33he will do it.
01:25:35He will announce amnesty
01:25:37for the rioters
01:25:39and the nobility
01:25:41will allow them to go.
01:25:43Here is the postulate of Polonik.
01:25:45Here is our horonga
01:25:47with which we are going
01:25:49to Paris in the embassy.
01:25:51Let the whole Christian world
01:25:53be amazed
01:25:55that our freedoms
01:25:57have brought the tyrants
01:25:59to shame.
01:26:33Thank you.
01:27:03Thank you.
01:27:05Thank you.
01:27:33Thank you.
01:28:03Thank you.
01:28:33Thank you.