Who Do You Want To Make A Piston Tomorrow?

  • 3 months ago
00:00So, I have really gotten to the point where there's one player that I really, really cover
00:07for the Pistons at five.
00:08We talked about it briefly yesterday, but that's Reed Shepard.
00:12Reed Shepard shot over 50% from three.
00:15He really does a lot of the little things that helps a team win really good defensively.
00:24He actually, I think, surprised people at the combine with his athleticism, his vertical
00:29jump, and the numbers he put up, but he's tiny.
00:34He's 6'2".
00:36That's not tiny, but he's a smaller player.
00:37By NBA standards, he's a smaller player.
00:42But you know, it's this draft.
00:45This draft, by all accounts, it sucks.
00:48And so, even the player that I covet the most, I can see a strong argument against.
00:55Last week, I was going on and on about Dalton Kinect, the shooter from Tennessee.
01:02He's bigger than Reed Shepard, but a five-year college player, some questions about will
01:07he be challenged defensively and things of that nature, and we got some texts of people
01:11ripping that I like Dalton Kinect, and I said, yeah.
01:16But this draft sucks.
01:20And then there's Cody Williams, the long-arm kid out of Colorado.
01:25Who doesn't have a great vertical leap, apparently, but he's got length.
01:29Yeah, they say he's creative at finishing near the basket, and his shot is pretty.
01:35But he only took, how many threes did he take?
01:36He took 41 threes, but knocked down 41% of those 41 threes.
01:40Which isn't a huge sample size.
01:42There's plenty of times where I've watched tape, and I'm like, he's kind of floating,
01:47but he's kind of a theoretical player of what he can be.
01:51And I like him.
01:52I don't love him.
01:53And at five, I don't want to take a player that I like, but this draft sucks.
02:01And then there's Devin Carter, who was the Big East player of the year.
02:07Out of Providence, who's a worker, he's a leader, he's smart.
02:11He's a glue guy.
02:12And those are all intangibles that helps your team win.
02:18Would I draft a glue guy at five?
02:21Normally, no.
02:25But this draft sucks.
02:26So I feel like every single player that I, and I don't want Modest Bezelis.
02:33And there are players, other players, I guess, could theoretically, I mean, if Alexander
02:39Saar is still there, he's another player that was coming off the bench for his team
02:46in Australia, I think it was.
02:48And you're like, okay, is he really going to be all that?
02:54And he might be, but all the players, I just keep coming back to, you're taking a chance
03:01no matter who you're taking, because there aren't sure things.
03:05The Rissachet kid from France, same thing.
03:10There's just not a lot out there on him, another theoretical player.
03:14He could be this.
03:16You know who I don't want?
03:18You're going to say Reed Shepard, aren't you?
03:20No, no, I'm not going to say, anyway, I mean, he's got one thing you love, which is shooting
03:2515% from free point line is great.
03:28But name, I hear people talk about that they like this guy, and I'm like, I don't get it.
03:32And I watched him play in the tournament, I'm like, I still don't get it.
03:36Donovan Klingin.
03:38There is some discussion.
03:39Center from UConn, 7'2".
03:41Can't shoot.
03:43There's some discussion of him maybe going number one.
03:45But he can't shoot.
03:46I don't understand.
03:47I thought everybody was like, you got to be able to shoot in order to play.
03:52I mean, defensively, I guess he can play defensively.
03:55There's a lot of players.
03:56But I feel like Bezelius to me, Bezelius is another, a sore Thompson, you know, and unless
04:07you think he's going to be better than a sore Thompson, I wouldn't take him.
04:13The Devin Carter kid is really intriguing.
04:18What I like about him most is that through his college career, he didn't really shoot
04:22And I guess he worked on it, worked on it, worked on it.
04:24And last year he went, here's three years in college, 26.7 from 3, 29.9 from 3, 37.7
04:32from 3.
04:33So he did turn himself into a pretty good shooter.
04:37So I'm okay if it's Devin Carter, but he's another guy who's only 6'2".
04:42So I wonder if NBA guys love this as a draft or hate it.
04:48And what I mean by that is they're all, it feels like they're all being asked to be,
04:55they're being asked and challenged by this draft to be the smartest guy in the room.
05:00Because there aren't sure things.
05:02It's not like typical drafts where you would say, wow, there's a handful of guys we love.
05:06And then there's a handful of guys we really like.
05:10And then it feels like this draft, there's a couple of guys that they really like.
05:15And that's it.
05:16Then it starts to get like the rest of these guys in normal draft years might be middle
05:23of the draft picks.
05:24Like, would they be lottery picks in normal drafts?
05:28Or at least what the Pistons are looking at at five?
05:31I don't know that a lot of what we're looking at at five would be lottery picks in normal
05:36It's just, I don't know why it happened this year.
05:39I don't know if this is a new trend moving forward that everything that's going to be
05:44taken is either four and five year college players or players that are just barely scraping
05:50the surface and starting to show a little bit of promise and they get drafted.
05:54But this is this is such a weird, weird draft.
05:58I would imagine the GM's probably like it because they're asked to really do deep dives
06:03on players, really do homework and and they're not being told, well, you have to take this
06:10Like, if you hear, well, you got to take Torkelson, you got to take Torkelson, you got
06:14to take Torkelson enough.
06:16Everyone's got Torkelson.
06:17Number one, as a GM, are you are you confident enough to not take Torkelson when everybody's
06:23telling you you have to take Torkelson this year?
06:26Nobody's telling you what you have to do because there are so many players that have question
06:32marks around them.
06:34There's no sure things in this draft.
06:35It feels like, no, it doesn't feel that way, at least as we're being told, you know, by
06:39my own eyeball test, I'm not impressed.
06:45But I also know that every draft is full of superstars.
06:48They're full.
06:49You got to do your homework.
06:50Of course, they got to develop and they got to be, you know, they got to be coached up
06:54and they got to be in the right situations here.
06:56Well, that's I'm not I can't get too emotional about what's going to happen tomorrow night
07:01at five.
07:02I'm open to everything.
07:04I'm open to almost every player except for Klingon.
07:07That's the only guy I'm really big on.
07:09But I don't know.
07:11I mean, I want to see I'm open to trading up.
07:14I'm open to trading back.
07:15I'm I'm excited to see what they're going to do, what what Trajan Langdon's efforts
07:21are going to be here.
07:22They still don't have a coach, which is interesting.
07:24Well, I mean, what you're looking at is essentially the first sign of what Trajan Langdon is going
07:30to be.
07:31Who's his Justin Henry Malloy?
07:32Which is one of the first things, first move to four, eight, five, three, nine, ninety
07:38Ninety seven.
07:39It's Carson Anderson.
07:40Ninety seven.
