Will We Have To Choose Between Power & Consistency?

  • 2 months ago
00:00Bullet point three gator the kicker competition. So this one's gonna be interesting because they got a bit of a wild card
00:08Jake Bates
00:10Had a a field goal make percentage that I think would rank him 29th in the NFL last year
00:17What he did in the USFL
00:19That'd be fair
00:21he also
00:22Missed a bunch from 50 plus hit most of his misses. I think four of his five misses in the USFL were from 50 plus
00:29So he was missing those kicks while also making kicks from 64 62 and 60 yards and in the 50s
00:37Yes, so we're talking about a guy who's got an absolute cannon a howitzer of a leg
00:44That he has got to find a way to dial it in a little bit more
00:49He can go win this job without question he can go win this job
00:55We could get into a very weird and tough decision where do you have the guy that's more consistent
01:02The guy that that doesn't have the leg strength
01:05Or do you take the guy that can kick a field goal from his own side of the 50?
01:10Where he's standing on his own side of the 50
01:13It'll be an interesting interesting decision to make if they get to that point and you know
01:18I've tried to put myself in Dane Campbell's shoes and Brad Holmes's shoes on how to construct this roster and when it comes to the
01:23kicking position I
01:26Feel a lot that has it will depend on how good you feel about the offense and how good you feel about the defense
01:32Like if you think the offense is gonna score plenty of points and the defense is so vastly improved that you're gonna point differential
01:38It's gonna be massive
01:39Then maybe it's okay to take a chance on just having a kicker that can launch it from 65 if you need a 65-yard field
01:46Well, maybe you guys are in a shootout. It comes down to it at the end. You need the kick
01:52Okay, then maybe you can take that gamble
01:55But let it play. We'll let it play out and see what happens here. I
01:59Generally speaking I would go with consistency
02:02And I suspect it with a full training camp here that maybe he'll prove himself to be pretty consistent, too
02:07Why do you think Jake Bates is a lion today and didn't sign with another team?
02:12I think in part just familiarity and being right there at Ford Field and having played there
02:20Because the Lions contacted there were a couple teams that did but Lions were one of them
02:24yeah, I would just I would assume he chose the Lions because he thought this was his best chance to make an NFL roster and
02:32It probably didn't hurt that he'd kicked in Ford Field
02:35But I think you if you are in Jake Bates shoes or you were any UFL player and you had multiple teams call you
02:42What's the number one thing you're looking for? It's probably the opportunity and I think he saw the opportunity here more
02:49For me my criteria would be the opportunity. Well, I think that's part of it
02:54Sure, but I mean the Packers had a spot too and he chose the Lions over the Packers is because it's better opportunity
03:02I'm not sure. I mean the Packers went right what they do. They went out and signed the guy that from Michigan the
03:08Lions Turner. Yeah, the Lions dropped so
03:11Was there equal opportunity with the Packers and the Lions? It sounds like there's equal opportunity, but what's the better situation?
03:17Is it familiarity? Is it because you're going to the team that won the division?
03:22It probably is a kick inside probably indoors. There's probably an end which leads to the familiarity. So, all right next thing
