nobody's house episode 5

  • 2 months ago
nobody's house episode 5


01:02What's going on? What's all that noise?
01:04It's you, isn't it?
01:06One of your stupid tricks.
01:07What is?
01:08Selfish pig.
01:09Well, how do I know until you've told me?
01:11You know.
01:12I don't.
01:14Go on, get lost.
01:15Where have you hidden them?
01:16Let go.
01:17That's two now, two you've taken.
01:19Two what?
01:20Sarah and Chukey.
01:20Oh, you stupid dolls.
01:22You see, you're always beastly about them.
01:24Dolls at your age. Why don't you grow up?
01:26What have you done with them?
01:28If you've done anything to them, I'll...
01:30I'll stamp on your train set.
01:32Yeah? You and who's army?
01:40Oh, girl.
01:41Silly little girl.
01:43Grow up.
01:51Let go of my head.
01:53Let go of my ear.
01:54Not till you give me my dolls back.
01:56Go on.
01:57Tom, Jilly, stop it.
02:03I'm waiting.
02:04She's the last to be fired.
02:06I'm sorry, Mum, but she's gone potty.
02:08She stole my dolls.
02:09And touched your dolls with a barge pole.
02:11Did it before, Mummy, remember?
02:13You buried Chukey in the coal.
02:15Well, don't look at me like that.
02:17I haven't touched her dolls, honest.
02:19She's probably done it herself just to get me into trouble.
02:22I haven't.
02:23Look, before we start accusing anyone of anything,
02:25let's go and have a jolly good search in your room, Jilly.
02:27I've already looked everywhere, Mummy.
02:29Come on, Tom.
02:30You too.
02:31I'm very worried about him.
02:33It's not like Tom to tell lies,
02:35but really, there's no other explanation for it.
02:48Yes, yes, of course.
02:50I need you to go up to bed, darling.
02:52I wasn't sleeping.
02:54I was just resting my eyes.
02:57What were you saying?
03:00Just these missing dolls of Jilly's.
03:02Yes, I'll talk to Tom.
03:04I'm not absolutely certain it is him.
03:07They can't just have got up and walked out.
03:09What other explanation is there?
04:06It was you!
04:17What's going on? What's that noise?
04:19She set a trap. It was nobody.
04:22Nobody. He's been pinching my dolls.
04:24What's going on? What's happened?
04:28She set a trap.
04:30And, um...
04:31I walked right into it.
04:33So it was you.
04:34Sorry, darling.
04:35Oh, Tom.
04:36I'll deal with you in the morning.
04:38You clear this mess up and get back to bed.
04:41Do as Eddie says.
04:42Don't be long. It's late.
04:44No more noise, right?
04:50I suppose that'll mean no pocket money for me.
04:52Oh, I'm sorry, Tom.
04:54I couldn't tell them it was nobody, could I?
04:56There just had to be someone to put the blame on.
04:58Look, I'll give you half my pocket money.
05:02Ooh! Nobody?
05:04Was he here?
05:05I think so. I always get a little shiver when you find him.
05:09Well, come on, nobody, I've got a bone to pick with you.
05:13Why doesn't he appear?
05:15Too ashamed, I should think, playing stupid tricks like that.
05:18Well, come on, nobody, where have you hidden Jilly's dolls?
05:21I think he's gone.
05:24Well, he's got to appear sometime.
05:26Come on, let's get this mess cleared up and get to bed.
05:28I'm in enough trouble as it is.
05:34Hmm, pocket money.
05:38Thanks, Daddy.
05:40I'm sorry, Tom.
05:42Perhaps that'll teach you not to play silly tricks like that.
05:50Okay, off you go.
06:06You wait till I see nobody.
06:10Oh, no, you don't, nobody.
06:12Come on, we've caught you red-handed.
06:14You've got Tom into an awful lot of trouble.
06:16I've had my pocket money stopped.
06:18I know, I heard.
06:20Well, what's the matter with you, anyway?
06:22What do you want with Jilly's dolls?
06:24Promise you won't laugh.
06:26Well, I've got this friend, see.
06:28What do you mean?
06:29Well, another one of us?
06:31No, she's a ghost.
06:34Well, she's a ghost like me, see.
06:36Oh, and I took her one of your dolls.
06:38Of course, she liked them.
06:39Well, where is she?
06:40Oh, it's all right, she's out of the way.
06:42She won't be any trouble.
06:43She already has been.
06:44Oh, shut up, Tom.
06:45Look, nobody, let her come in.
06:47She can play with my dolls as much as she likes.
06:49You really mean that?
06:50Hang about.
06:54What do you go and do that for?
06:57I mean, well, this girlfriend of nobody's.
07:00She's bound to be from the workhouse.
07:03So what?
07:04Well, she's not the sort of girl you want to play with.
07:06She'll be dirty, smelly, probably a thief or something.
07:09Shh, nobody's coming back.
07:12I'd like you to meet my friend.
07:17My name's Beatrice Ellen.
07:31Well, I like her.
07:33Oh, yeah, sure, so do I.
07:34I think it's a bit funny, her being with nobody.
07:37I mean, well, they're as different as chalk and cheese, aren't they?
07:41I don't suppose it matters if you're a ghost.
07:43Anyway, she's great fun to play with.
07:45So am I.
08:03Oh, Miss Beatrice, what have you done?
08:18Don't sneak up like that.
08:20Stupid doll, anyway.
08:21Miss Beatrice, wait.
08:22Well, I don't want to mess around till morning.
08:25I've got to clear that junk out of my room.
08:31OK, I'll play with Beatrice then, then.
08:33You do what you like.
08:35But I've got to do all that stuff, you know.
08:39Oh, nobody, would you?
08:41Just got one or two things to, erm... Bye!
08:43What's up with him, then?
08:45I don't know. Like he was worried. Guilty.
08:47Like he's got out of something.
08:53It's Beatrice. Are you in here?
08:55Well, you've just got to play that junk out of my room, OK?
08:57OK, how long will you be?
08:59Oh, about five minutes or so.
09:01Bye, Steve.
09:06Nobody, what have you got?
09:08Erm... Just got to find Miss Beatrice. Bye!
09:19Oh, no!
09:23You all right, darling?
09:38Accident, darling?
09:40No, I just decided to throw them all onto the floor.
09:44I didn't know the sod was all perfectly safe one minute,
09:46then it just seemed to slide as if it had a life of its own.
09:48Don't be silly, darling.
09:50Accidents will happen.
09:52Probably some slippery soap sod.
09:59Never mind, pet.
10:06I'll try and get you another one, darling.
10:08Ah, never mind.
10:10I don't always like that.
10:14Oh, no!
10:16Sorry, darling.
10:18Oh, look at this mess!
10:22I could have sworn I put that pot on the pile of papers.
10:24Oh, dear, well...
10:26Accidents will happen.
10:28Oh, sorry.
10:41Tom? Hmm?
10:45Accident? Well, I didn't do it.
10:47Then how did it happen? Well, that's what I'd like to know.
10:52Well, why should he? Well, he took them before.
10:54Yeah, but he didn't break them.
11:00Honestly, I didn't do it.
11:02Then how did it get in there?
11:04Well, somebody put it there. Honest.
11:08Have you seen Miss Beatrice?
11:10Er, no, we...
11:12Oh, heck.
11:14Ain't nobody waiting.
11:18There's something very funny going on here.
11:22I don't know.
11:52Miss Beatrice?
12:22But why?
12:24Doesn't she like us?
12:26I don't know what it is.
12:28I always know she's a problem, but I never realised.
12:30Tell her to buzz off, then. We don't want any more trouble.
12:32She's our friend.
12:34Gets so lonely being a ghost all by yourself.
12:36Yeah, but she seems such a nice girl.
12:38Why does she do these horrid things?
12:40Well, she's always been a bit headstrong,
12:42spoiled like.
12:44I don't know.
12:46I don't know.
12:48I don't know.
12:50She's always been a bit headstrong, spoiled like.
12:52But she's always nice to me.
12:54And me being a little ragged,
12:56working in kitchens, cleaning pots and greasy pans
12:58and mucking out stables and such like.
13:00Didn't she have any brothers and sisters?
13:04No parents, really, at all, that you'd notice.
13:06Always out of gallivanting, though,
13:08or socialising.
13:10I expect that's why she cottoned on to me.
13:12For company, like.
13:14I didn't care, just so long as she did.
13:16How would that have taken me?
13:18I'd do anything for her.
13:20But she's troubled nobody. You said so yourself.
13:22Aye. Took many a thrashing cos of her pranks.
13:24Blamed everything on to me, she did.
13:26And you didn't mind taking the blame.
13:28No, I did it for her, didn't I?
13:30Couldn't let them touch Miss Beatrice, could I?
13:32But how did she come to meet her again?
13:34There's a ghost, I mean.
13:36Well, I always had to tell her whereabouts.
13:38Died of the plague, like me, she did.
13:40Why does she come back home to you?
13:42Ghosts have to have a reason, don't they?
13:46But she's not regular.
13:48Comes back now and again.
13:50Happened I were out on one of me visits,
13:52you know, she'd have bumped into but her.
13:54Remembered me, she did.
13:56I'm sure she did, after getting you into trouble like that.
13:58So you brought her back here?
14:00Well, she likes it here.
14:02And it's nice to the likes of me to have company.
14:04Well, we can't go on like this.
14:06She'll do some real damage soon.
14:08Then where will we be?
14:10Oh, look, nobody.
14:12She's got you into trouble before,
14:14but she'll get away.
14:16You both think I'm daft.
14:18But all right, then.
14:20I've never had anybody to help, love,
14:22to look after.
14:24Don't you laugh.
14:26If you want her to go, that'll be the pair of us.
14:28She goes, I go, so think on that.
14:32He means it.
14:34But we can't let him go.
14:36We'll have to find an answer somehow.
14:48Ready, darling?
14:52Mummy, can...
14:54Come to the bar?
14:58Mummy, can I ask...
15:00Come on, bedtime.
15:02Can I just ask you one question?
15:04All right.
15:06What is it?
15:10Why is it that some people,
15:12some people do horrid things?
15:14They hurt the people they're really fond of.
15:16And they don't mean to, but why do they?
15:18Well, that's quite a question
15:20for this time of night.
15:22Why don't we talk about it in the morning?
15:24Please, Mummy.
15:26Let's see, darling.
15:28People do nasty things for all sorts of reasons.
15:30Sometimes, perhaps,
15:32because they're not very well
15:34or because they don't know any better.
15:36Yes, but...
15:38Mostly, I think, because...
15:40They're trying somehow to get attention.
15:42You see?
15:44I see.
15:46Come on. Bed.
15:50And tell Tom to get out of the bathroom.
15:52It's late.
15:54Night, Mummy.
15:56You can have it if you really want it.
16:00I know it's you,
16:02and I know it was you who was doing
16:04all those horrid things today.
16:06I don't know what you mean.
16:08What are you accusing me of?
16:10Nothing. It doesn't matter.
16:12I just want you to know
16:14that I love you.
16:16I love you.
16:18I love you.
16:20I love you.
16:22I love you.
16:24Nothing. Doesn't matter.
16:26You can play with my dolls.
16:28You can play with all my toys, if you like.
16:30You mean... You mean you don't mind?
16:32No, nobody plays with Tom's toys.
16:34Why shouldn't you play with mine?
16:36I don't need to play with your toys.
16:38They're nothing like as good
16:40as the ones I used to have.
16:42Did you have lots?
16:44Of course. Lots.
16:46What sort?
16:48I mean, were your dolls different?
16:50What were they like?
16:52interested. I don't believe you. I think you're prying. prying? why should I? well
16:59did you have a doll's house? doll's tea party sets and things? I had everything.
17:04were all the dolls dresses like yours? with all those beautiful frills and lace
17:08and things? of course. I had the most beautiful dolls in the world. I had I
17:14had... what's the matter? nothing. you can tell me. I'm your friend. I haven't any
17:25friends and I don't want any either. don't look at me like that. I'm sorry. I just don't
17:32want you to be unhappy that's all. mummy says it's why people do horrid things because
17:36they're unhappy. she says it's because... I don't care what she says. I don't need
17:41anyone else. that's silly. everyone needs someone to talk to and be friends with.
17:45I don't. didn't you have any brothers and sisters? well your mummy and daddy then.
17:50you are prying. has that nasty little urchin been saying things? nobody. no.
17:56well he did say that you didn't have any brothers and sisters. sure. well he said
18:02that your mummy and daddy had lots of parties and things to go to. oh yes.
18:06parties and lunches and dinners and tea parties and functions. always so many
18:14functions. but they must have been very important. they were very rich. that's all.
18:21that seemed to make them important. but it's none of your business anyway. I
18:27suppose I'm lucky. I mean apart from mummy and daddy there's Tom. I know he's
18:32horrid and does stupid things sometimes but he's all right really and I can tell
18:36him things. but he is a boy and boys are a bit soppy. I wish I had a sister. why
18:43don't we pretend that we're sisters? well that'd be fantastic. then I could tell
18:47you things and you could tell me things. we could have secrets that no one else
18:50would know about. would you like that? wouldn't that be a good idea?
18:56Tom! Tom! for goodness sake Tom! what is it nobody? emergency downstairs he's saying.
19:05it's not another fire? no it's miss Beatrice. come on. can't it wait till morning? no it can't
19:11you daft sister. she's ruining everything. Gilly? what's she done? she's making
19:15friends with the last. that's what. friends with Beatrice you mean? yeah come
19:20on. you gotta put a stop to it. oh nobody. you've gone raving mad or something. what's the
19:24matter with making friends with Beatrice? you don't understand nothing about ghosts
19:27do you? come on! why? why does that mean you have to leave? because I'm happy. I've
19:35got no reason to stay here any longer. but I'll try and come back. sometime. oh
19:42please. I'll try. think of me. I will. miss Beatrice wait!
19:54now look what you've gone and done. what do you mean? what's happened? what has Gilly done?
19:58it's quite simple Tom. Beatrice was just one of those girls who had to come back
20:03and haunt because she was unhappy. she wanted someone to take care of her. someone to be friends with.
20:07then why was she such a pain doing all those nasty things? she was trying to get
20:12attention. right nobody? right. so you went and made friends with her and made her right muck of things.
20:17what happens to me now? what do you mean what happens to you now? we're your friends.
20:21what happens when you're both grown up? you'll not want to know me then. don't worry we'll probably have children of our own by then.
20:26you'll be friends with them. that's an how do you do ain't it? I mean that miss Beatrice
20:32would have right mad at him wouldn't she? always bossing me about. did I tell you about the time
20:38she sends me up to the gym looking for treasure? oh she comes out this story about her granddad being a
20:43seagoing man and he'd just come back off this long seafaring journey with a sack full of
20:48treasury gold and silver and such like. anyway he did it up the chimney. well no way I'd have found it because these old chimneys were like rabbit warrens.
20:55well I'll never forget this as long as I live. she sends me up to the chimney. while I'm up there. she likes firing a great down below but I can't go down so I has to go up sea.
21:04come down in Cook's range covering muck. right I must have been up there half a dozen hours if I were up there a minute.
21:09like that slap-banging top pot that cook would bring up for servants dinner. what a thrashing I got for that.
21:14I'll never forget it. you're right I sat with you Beatrice. that's a fact.