the red hand gang story 3 part 1

  • 3 months ago
the red hand gang story 3 part 1


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01:00Hey Doc, would you hurry up? We gotta go. Come on, you can work on your invention some other time.
01:11Gentlemen, here it is. Introducing the GTX Skate. It'll replace the automobile. You know, you steer with this, right?
01:21And generous cargo space. And headlight for night driving. It'll solve the energy problem. And it's 100% non-polluting.
01:33Here. I want to take a picture and send it to the president.
01:38I don't believe any of this.
01:42Wait a minute. I can give it a better position.
01:52Total wipeout.
01:55Instead of the president, you better send it to Ralph Nader.
01:59Yes, get on bikes and rejoin at the old zoo.
02:14This place is sure run down, isn't it?
02:19Hey, at least they still have some chimps. Let's go see them. I mean, they do great tricks. And you know, they're almost as smart as we are.
02:28You're wrong. They're smarter. Chimps don't build collapsible skatemobiles.
02:34Now, is that any way to talk to a genius?
02:37Hey, hi, Joanna.
02:39Hey, Joy.
02:41Hi, everybody. This is my cousin Holly. She's visiting from New York. Hi, Holly.
02:46Hi, Holly.
02:48Are you hungry?
02:50Holly can't talk. She's deaf, so she can't hear you either.
02:55But she can tell what you're saying if you look right at her and speak slowly.
03:00Then she can read your lips.
03:02Well, how about that?
03:05Welcome to the red hand game.
03:11Well, I'm off to the snack bar.
03:13I'll go with you. See you guys later.
03:16Bye, Joanna.
03:17Bye. See you later, Joe.
03:19I'm for the chimps myself. You know, I still got two whole rolls of film to shoot.
03:23Hey, me too.
03:24Same here.
03:26Come on, Holly.
03:46It's empty. Where can they be?
04:07Well, you know, chimps, probably out swinging somewhere.
04:11Where's Holly?
04:13She's right over...
04:16She's wandered off somewhere. We've got to find her.
05:42We found a horn blowing.
05:44Some dumb kid back there wouldn't get out of the way.
05:47Today's a big day, Nolan. You ready?
05:50I don't much like the idea of stealing.
05:53You're not going to be doing any stealing. He is.
05:56He's my chimp. I trained him. It's the same thing as me doing it.
06:01Come on, you're bothering Max about it. We can talk it through.
06:04I don't know what you're getting so nervous about, Nolan. It's a foolproof robbery.
06:13You send the chimp to the museum. You direct him with your hand signals.
06:17He picks up the jade carving, and we're 200,000 bucks ahead.
06:20You sure it's worth that much?
06:22I got a buyer waiting.
06:25All right, the deal is set. We go to the museum right at noon.
06:28Now, the jade carving is in the back room under a glass cover.
06:32The chimp goes up the outside wall, through the skylight and the roof, and...
06:37There's somebody back there.
06:54She must have heard everything we said.
06:56We better call the whole thing off.
06:58Are you crazy? Give up a rich heist just because of one stupid kid?
07:01You just shut up, I'll handle this.
07:24I'm sorry. I forgot. When I told you where we were going, you couldn't hear.
07:32I'm sorry. I forgot. When I told you where we were going, you couldn't hear.
07:43I'm sorry. I forgot. When I told you where we were going, you couldn't hear.
07:53I'm sorry. I forgot. When I told you where we were going, you couldn't hear.
08:02I'm sorry. I forgot. When I told you where we were going, you couldn't hear.
08:05I'm sorry. I forgot. When I told you where we were going, you couldn't hear.
08:30We're in luck, Noah. That kid couldn't have heard us talking.
08:32You sure?
08:33I remember now. She's the one I almost ran over. She couldn't hear my horn.
08:36Gotta be stone deaf.
08:38The deal is on.
08:39You know, I've been thinking...
08:40Look, Dolan, don't get cold feet on me now.
08:43I just don't want to make Maxwell do something that's wrong.
08:46Look, Dolan. Think of all the good you can do with your share of the loot, huh?
08:50Look at this place. Look at it.
08:52It's run down. You can fix it up. You can get more animals, give them a nice place to live.
08:56They're counting on you, Dolan.
08:58You can't let them down, can you?
09:04She was way up in the back park.
09:06She was one bit scared.
09:08Oh, good. Then everything's okay.
09:11Except I never did find my chimp.
09:13Holly did.
09:14She did? Well, show us.
09:17No, I can't. My mom's coming to pick us up.
09:21But you can find it easy.
09:24Just go up that road, okay?
09:27Come on.
09:29See ya.
09:31Hey, little buddy, you want to come with me to see the chimps?
09:34Sure. Right after I get another hot dog.
09:37All right.
09:38I'll go with him. See you guys up there later.
09:40See ya, Jack.
09:42Come on.
09:48I just can't believe you taught him to talk with his hands.
09:51There are other chimps in laboratories who've learned how also.
09:54Using the American Sign Language for the deaf.
09:56If that little girl knew finger language,
09:58she and Maxwell could have talked back and forth to each other.
10:01Yeah? Tell him something.
10:04You want eat?
10:16What'd he say?
10:18He says, me want out.
10:20He wants to get out and run around.
10:22No way.
10:24We can't take a chance on him running off now.
10:26Come on. I'll show you the sack he's gonna put the loot in.
10:46Hey, there he is.
10:48Think you could get a picture of me next to him?
10:50Think you'd do that, Doc?
10:54Only problem is, he's telling you to apart, that's all.
10:57Oh, thanks a lot.
11:06Hey, look at that.
11:08He's waving at me.
11:12These will make great close-ups.
11:22Why do you suppose he's mumbling his fingers so funny?
11:25Think they itch?
11:31Oh, it's the end of the road.
11:34Now I have to find someplace shady to change him.
11:40Here's a bag he's gotta use.
11:42Put him in a big cage. We'll rehearse it one more time.
11:53Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
11:57Here we are now.
12:02That's the way.
12:04We have to go and do a little practice.
12:06Come on, now. Here we go.
12:13Here we go. Right down this way.
12:15Look at down here. It's really close.
12:18Look. There it is.
12:21Here we go. That's the way.
12:23Come on.
12:25There we are.
12:27There we are now.
12:41That's it.
12:51Hey, they're putting him in the big cage.
12:54I bet they're gonna teach him some tricks.
12:56I gotta take pictures of that.
12:59All right, Maxie, do your stuff.
13:02Now you climb up wall.
13:11Hey, he's doing it. That's a smart monkey.
13:14He's not a monkey.
13:16All right, Maxie.
13:18He's not a monkey.
13:20All right, all right. All right, now tell him to take off the cover.
13:24Take off the cover.
13:31All right, now tell him to pick up the rock and put it in the bag.
13:36Pick up the rock and put it in the bag.
13:44Put it in the bag.
13:49And easy as that, we got a hunk of jade worth a hundred grand apiece.
13:53What kind of trick is that?
13:56Hey, there's a kid with a camera.
14:03Hey, you!
14:14Doc sure likes that camera, doesn't he?
14:17Tonight's hobby keeps him out of trouble.
14:47Let's go.
15:17What was that guy chasing you?
15:19I don't know.
15:21We weren't doing anything.
15:23Doc was just taking some pictures.
15:26I got half a mind to go back up there and tell that guy off.
15:31And if you go up there, you do have a half a mind.
15:34We better get out of here.
15:36Want to go over to Jo-Ann's?
15:38No, thanks.
15:40I guess I'll go develop my pictures.
15:43Hey, don't you want to go talk to that guy?
15:47Not even by phone.
16:14That kid got away, huh? Too smart for you.
16:18Got away, yeah. Too smart, no.
16:21What's that?
16:23The kid's camera case. He dropped it.
16:25And printed inside, nice and neat, is his name and address.
16:31Would you come on?
16:34You can help me with the pictures. Just forget about the man.
16:38Hey, I can't. There's nothing worse than being chased.
16:41Yes, there is. Getting caught.
16:44There's no chance of that.
16:46No way he'd ever find us now.
16:49Let's go.
17:09You're not going to pull any rough stuff with those kids, are you?
17:12I'm going to get that film, whatever it takes.
17:20I bet these pictures of the chimp came out beautiful.
17:26It has to be completely dark in here.
17:29Any light at all would ruin the pictures.
17:50I guess we're ready.
17:52Look, I'll blacken out the window.
17:54You shut the door good and tight.
17:56All right? Got you.
18:02Hi, boys.
18:04I just came by to return your camera case.
18:08It's a good thing your address was in it.
18:11Nothing to worry about.
18:13Here. Don't you want it?
18:16Yes, sure. Thanks.
18:20I'm sorry that my helper would chase you.
18:24He just doesn't like anybody pestering the animals.
18:35We weren't sure any animals were there.
18:38It was so run down.
18:40Oh, I know.
18:43I'm sure you didn't mean any harm,
18:46but you shouldn't be playing around back there.
18:49It could be dangerous.
18:51I just wanted to take some pictures.
18:54I really like chimps.
18:56I know what you mean.
18:58Take care now.
19:01I still say we could have just gone in and grabbed it.
19:04They're just kids.
19:06No point roughing them up to get what you wanted.
19:11Wouldn't you like to see the faces of those smart-aleck kids
19:14when they try to develop them pictures in that roll of film?
19:25I'm sorry.
19:30Don't feel so bad.
19:32I mean, it's not totally blank.
19:39There's something here on the end.
19:42It looks like a thumbprint or something.
19:45Two total white box.
19:47First it was the skate mobile, and now it is.
19:51I tell you, man,
19:53I tell you, man,
19:55if I ever do decide to write a book about my rules,
19:58this is one day I'm gonna leave out.
20:03Hey, what about the other roll of film?
20:05Just throw it away.
20:07I mean, that's probably ruined, too.
20:10Man, I'm just gonna forget about hobbies
20:13and just go back to being a normal kid
20:16who spends most of his free time being disruptive.
20:19That's all.
20:21It's worth a try, Doc.
20:23Come on.
20:27I'm telling you.
20:35What's that?
20:37It's a fire bomb.
20:39Leave it behind to get rid of any evidence.
20:41Less than an hour to go.
20:43Won't be long now.
20:46These pictures are really super, Doc.
20:49Well, when you've got to touch, got to touch.
20:52These close-up shots of the chimp's hand?
20:55Wow, really super.
20:57Hey, you know.
20:59What's Holly writing?
21:01The chimp talks in pictures
21:04with hand signs in deaf language.
21:07What's the chimp say?
21:09Climb, window, tape.
21:12Climb, window, tape.
21:15What's going on?
21:17Max is kind of lonely.
21:19He was just telling me
21:21that he liked that girl that was here.
21:23Make sure that truck is ready.
21:25We got to leave pretty quick now.
21:27It was kind of weird the way that man chased us away.
21:46Yeah, and the way my film turned to ruin
21:49right after the other guy was here.
21:52So I think Holly's got a good idea.
21:55We'll go back there so she can talk to the chimp some more.
21:58Come on.
22:03I don't believe any of this.
22:21I don't believe any of this.
22:52Holly says the chimp's being taught to break in somewhere.
22:55Oh, no.
22:57She dropped my pictures by the truck.
22:59There they are.
23:01Hey, if the men ever see them.
23:03They won't.
23:11Hey, Dolan, you better put that chimp up front with us.
23:14We don't want him seen.
23:21piano plays softly
23:33piano plays softly
23:52trumpet plays
24:05band plays
24:21trumpet plays