• last year
Dolunay Episode 3 (English Subtitle) Full Moon
00:00:16Feel pay Hakan Bey geldi Hakan under Hakan
00:00:23Yeah, it's okay to be she's really pretty John did it I'll eat me cherry
00:00:39Said hey, so the last one
00:00:46Silly Hakan
00:00:48Some a choke on a new behavior. I'm not yeah, I don't want to say make you like it's a boy. I'm done. Do you want to steal him?
00:00:53But she's not doing
00:00:58Met but then bulletin was easy olmak için başvuracağız
00:01:18Didn't cover it up them at the sender buguna kadar bulutu hiç görmediniz evet bulut yedi yaşına geldi biliyorsun değil mi
00:01:27Nereden çıktı şimdi bulut merakı
00:01:29şöyle izah edeyim
00:01:31Bulut'un senin gibi bekar bir adamın yanında kalması doğru değil onun halasına daha doğrusu bir aile sıcaklığına ihtiyacı var
00:01:39Bu onun için daha sağlıklı
00:01:41Mahkeme talebimizi mahkum karşılayacaktır eminim emin ol mahkeme bunu miras için yaptığınızı anlayacaktır
00:01:48Bulut annesini babasını daha yeni kaybetti
00:01:51Bu pis miras oyunlarını zahmet edemezsiniz
00:01:54Ona zarar vermenize izin vermem bir saniye bir saniye bir yanlış anlaşılma var
00:02:00Senden izin alan yok ben seni bilgilendirmek için geldim buraya
00:02:05Vaktin aldın özür dilerim düzenin bozulmasını sevmiyorsun biliyorum şu an yaşadığın küçük bir düzen bozukluğu yarın seni büyük bir şoktan kurtardım
00:02:15İyi çalışmalar
00:02:30İkbal hanım avukatları toplantı odasına çağırın lütfen
00:02:342,1 aç gözünü
00:02:39Çikolata mı toptan
00:02:41Evet bunları yiyorsun daha sonra da hemen oyun oynuyoruz
00:02:44Bak ya nasıl yiyor sanki evde yemek vermiyoruz beyefendiye
00:02:49Bu çocuklar hep misafirlikte böyle biliyor musun
00:02:52Nazlı çarşamba akşamı aynı mekanda Aliyan'ın programı var sizi de davet etti
00:03:02Deniz çok isterdim ama gelemem
00:03:05Gerçi Fatoş'lar bayılır bu fikre
00:03:10Tahmin etmiştim zaten
00:03:12Fatoş'la kardeşine söyle o zaman
00:03:18Evet Bulut bey çikolatalı toplarımızı yediğimize göre şimdi ne yapacağız
00:03:23Tabiki de oyun oynuyoruz
00:03:27Hadi atsana bir tane yakalım
00:03:29Aşağı gitti bir tane daha
00:03:33Bak ya yemek için numara yapıyor
00:03:35Bir tane daha atsana
00:03:37Bırak çocuğun çikolatalarını
00:03:39Çok lezzetli ama sen de denesene
00:03:43Peki kayak yapmayı sever misin
00:03:47Hiç sevmem o kadar soğuktan
00:03:49Bir de ayağına bir şey tak eline bir şey tak gözüne bir şey tak
00:03:51Ay fenalıklar gelir insana
00:03:53Geliyor yani
00:03:55Ben denemiştim oradan biliyorum
00:03:57Ben de hiç sevmem
00:03:59Hep aynı şeyler çık dağın tepesine in aşağıya
00:04:01Sıkıcı yani
00:04:03Değil mi bence de
00:04:05Vallahi ben tam bir sıcak insanıyım
00:04:07Bana güneş olsun yeter
00:04:0930 derece 35 derece hiç şikayet etmem dayanırım
00:04:11Senin mevsimin gelmiş o zaman
00:04:13Kaçıyorsundur sen haftasonları
00:04:15Çeşmeye boğdurmam
00:04:17İstersen bir haftasonla beraber gidelim
00:04:21Neden olmasın
00:04:23Değil mi
00:04:25Yani ben işten fırsat buldukça
00:04:27Gitmeye çalışıyorum tabi ama
00:04:29Yazın bizim işler çok yoğun oluyor
00:04:31O yüzden söz veremiyorum şimdilik
00:04:35Peki ata binmeyi seviyor musun
00:04:37Ya ben bir ara çok sardım
00:04:39Çevremde herkes yapıyor diye ama işte
00:04:42Böyle koşum takımları çizmeler
00:04:44Ders almalar falan bilirsin
00:04:46Bilmem ve bir sürü teferrat hiç sevmem
00:04:48Aynı kafadayız ya biz seninle
00:04:50Şehir hayvanıyız ikimizde
00:04:52Ya değil mi
00:04:56Bir ara o zaman beraber de gidelim
00:04:58Kahvaltı ederiz orada
00:05:00Böyle tin tin ata binenlere bakıp eğleniriz
00:05:10Yapma ya
00:05:16Gelince konuşuruz
00:05:20Her şey yolunda mı
00:05:22İş yerinden aradılar
00:05:28Doğru düzgün muhabir edemedik
00:05:30Olsun onu da bir dahaki sefere yeriz
00:05:32Hem ben de işten çok uzak kalmak istemiyorum
00:05:34Birazcık boş deyince hemen gevşiyor çalışanlar
00:05:36O yüzden başında olmak lazım
00:05:38Peki ama biz bırakalım seni
00:05:40Yolda da muhabire devam ederiz
00:05:54İqbal Hanım
00:05:56Avukatlarımızı bilgilendirdiniz mi
00:05:58Bilgilendirdim Ferit Bey
00:06:00Demet ve Hakan bu davayı açabilirler mi
00:06:02Yoksa blöf mü yapıyorlar
00:06:04Demet hanım bulutun halası
00:06:06Kazanma şansları
00:06:08Demet hanımın geçmişteki aile yaşantısı
00:06:10Ve bulutla ilgili hiçbir iletişiminin olmaması
00:06:12Tabi ki elini zayıflatıyor
00:06:14Ama öte yandan bir aile ortamı sunabileceğini
00:06:16Göstereceklerdir mutlaka mahkemeye
00:06:18Aile ortamı
00:06:22Demet ve Hakanın aile ortamı
00:06:28Bulutun neden istedikleri gün gibi açık
00:06:30O zavallı çocuğa verecekleri zarar umurlarında bile değil
00:06:32Ve ben buna izin vermeyeceğim
00:06:34İzin vermeyeceğiz anladınız mı
00:06:36Peki Ferit Bey
00:06:44Sen sert bir patronsun galiba
00:06:46İpleri sıkı tutuyorsun
00:06:50Şöyle düşünüyorum
00:06:52Eğer ben işe zamanda gidersem
00:06:54Öğle yemeğinden zamanda dönersem
00:06:56Aynı şeyi çalışanlarımdan da istediğimde
00:06:58Kendimi kötü hissetmiyorum
00:07:00Sonuçta ben çalışkansam
00:07:02Büyük bir problem olmak zorunda
00:07:04Bugün işim var ama
00:07:06Bir ara moda evinde de ziyaret etmek isterim seni
00:07:08Yani bu yöneticilik tekniğini
00:07:10Bizzat yerinde incelemek istiyorum
00:07:14Olur tabi
00:07:18Ya aslında çalışanlarım
00:07:20İş yerine misafir davet etmesini yasaklamıştım da
00:07:22Eğer şimdi seni ararlarsam
00:07:24Aynı şeyi onlardan talep etmem hakkım olmaz
00:07:30Bu galiba
00:07:32Batuş Hanım
00:07:34Dönüyor muyduk buradan yoksa
00:07:36Düz mü devam ediyoruz
00:07:38Düz mü
00:07:40Dönmeyelim dönmeyelim
00:07:42Ben şöyle ileride ineyim siz devam edin
00:07:44Niye atölyene bırakmıyoruz seni
00:07:46Yoksa kaleni benden saklıyor musun
00:07:48Yoksa tehlikeyi uzak tutma çabası mı bu
00:07:54Hayda yenge
00:07:56Yok ben sabahları joking yapıyorum da
00:07:58Bu sabah yapamadım
00:08:00O yüzden birazcık yürümek istiyorum
00:08:02Hem zaten sende belli ki önemli bir işin var
00:08:04Geç kalmaz
00:08:10Alev topu geliyor
00:08:12Gelemiyor ben gelicem görürsün
00:08:16Alev topu geliyor o zaman bekle
00:08:18Gelir mi?
00:08:20Ben geliyorum
00:08:22Eğer bir tekme daha atarsam kazanıyorum
00:08:26Canım çok azaldı
00:08:28Ooo rengi çok güzelmiş
00:08:30Ben ineceğim ama görürsün
00:08:34Eee nasıl gidiyor
00:08:36Pek iyi değil
00:08:42Amca Nazlı'yı yendim gelsene de ineyim
00:08:44Tabi ki kapışacağız
00:08:46Ama şimdi biraz ara verelim bak misafirimiz var
00:08:50Sen niye oyunu durduruyorsun ya
00:08:52Ablam buradan geçiyormuş da beni ziyaret etmek istemiş
00:08:58Nazlı çok memnun oldum
00:09:00Demek bende
00:09:02Nazlı kazadan sonra
00:09:04Bulut'a toparlanması için yardımcı oluyor
00:09:16Hani babanla biz bir kardeşimiz olduğunu anlatmıştık ya sana
00:09:18Böyle çok uzaklarda
00:09:20Evet Avustralya'da yaşıyoruz
00:09:22Evet Avustralya'da
00:09:24İşte bu Demet halan
00:09:26Ta oralardan bizi görmeye gelmiş
00:09:28Aaa sen Avustralya'dan mı geldin?
00:09:32Hani şu kangurların yaşadığı yerden
00:09:34Evet canım
00:09:38Peki senin kangurun var mı?
00:09:42Ya niye gülüyorsunuz ya
00:09:44Hani böyle bizim kedimiz köpeğimiz
00:09:46Kuşumuz olur ya onun gibi
00:09:48Evet canım
00:09:50Yani benim bir kangurum yok ama
00:09:52Doğru biliyorsun Avustralya'da her yerde kanguru görebilirsin
00:09:54O zaman köpek balıkları da var
00:09:56Var tabi balinalar da var
00:09:58Gerçekten mi?
00:10:02Vay be
00:10:06Seni bir kere öpebilir miyim?
00:10:12Şimdi beraber oynayacağız tamam mı?
00:10:14Ben sana öğreteyim mi?
00:10:19Ablanın cenazede gördüğümü hatırlıyorum
00:10:21Ama Avustralya'da yaşadığını bilmiyordum
00:10:23Yok ama öyle gibiydi
00:10:27Aileyle bağlarını yıllar önce kopardı
00:10:31Aynı şehir içinde yıllarca görüşemedik
00:10:33Çok uzun hikaye
00:10:37Ama ne de olsa kardeş
00:10:39Abimde bende bir türlü silemedik kendisini
00:10:41Hem abim
00:10:43Bulut'un bir halasının olduğunu bilmesini istedi
00:10:47Bizde bu Avustralya yalanını attık
00:10:49Deniz anlayamıyorum
00:10:51Kusura bakma
00:10:53Ama çok tatlı biri gibi gözüküyor
00:10:55Neden koptunuz?
00:10:57Abimi de babamı da çok kırdı
00:10:59Babam da şirketi ve bizi korumak için
00:11:01Nirasını bölüştürüp
00:11:03Demeti aileden uzaklaştırdı
00:11:09Senden bir şey rica etsem
00:11:11Bu görüşmeden Ferit abinin haberi olmasın
00:11:13Deniz iyi de
00:11:15Söylediğim gibi
00:11:17Geçmişte bir sürü derin yaralar da var
00:11:21Ferit abi benim öz abim gibidir
00:11:23Duyarsa tepki gösterecektir
00:11:25Ve haklıdır da
00:11:27Ne yüzden beni yeniyorsun?
00:11:29Ama şunlara baksana
00:11:31Yıllar sonra buldular birbirlerini
00:11:37Tamam ama bir süre için sadece
00:11:51Efendim Ferit Bey
00:11:53Notunu aldım fizik tedaviye gitmişsiniz
00:11:57Bulut'u ikna edebildik sonunda
00:11:59Ben sizi rahatsız etmemek için
00:12:01İkbal Hanım'a haber verdim
00:12:03Şimdi neredesiniz?
00:12:05Bulut tabi dışarı çıkınca eve girmek istemedi
00:12:07Bir de tutturdu amcamı göreceğim diye
00:12:09Biz de denize geldik
00:12:11İyi etmişsiniz sabahta oynayamadılar tabi
00:12:17Çok eğleniyor galiba Bulut
00:12:19Evet öyle
00:12:21Bir verir misin telefonu onunla da konuşayım
00:12:25Olur vereyim
00:12:31Bulutcuğum dayın arıyor
00:12:33Onu duydun dayımı
00:12:35Alo dayıcığım
00:12:37Neye gülüyorsun yaramaz
00:12:39Çünkü benim Avustralya'dan Demet halam gelmiş
00:12:49Demet halam mı orada?
00:12:53Tamam Bulutcuğum
00:12:55Nazlı'yı tekrar telefona verir misin?
00:12:57Seni istiyor
00:12:59Ferit Bey
00:13:01Hemen eve dönün Nazlı
00:13:05Hemen dedim Nazlı birazdan değil şimdi
00:13:17Denize mi gitmişler
00:13:19Demet de oradaymış
00:13:21Nereden öğrenmiş ki
00:13:25Denizin ağzından girip burnundan çıkmıştır
00:13:29Onun Bulut'un yakınında olmasını istemiyorum Engin
00:13:43Dayı bak parmağım yerinden çıkıyor
00:13:45Aferin sana
00:13:47İşte parmağım kopuyor
00:13:49Bulutcuğum sen hadi yemeğini ye bak daha bitirmemişsin
00:13:51Tamam yiyeceğim birazdan
00:13:53Dayı biliyor musun Avustralya'da insandan çok kangaro yaşarmış
00:13:55Öyle mi?
00:13:57Evet evet öyleymiş
00:13:59Hatta ceviz diye bir kuş varmış
00:14:03Hala mı anlattı bunları sana
00:14:05Evet hepsini hala mı anlattı
00:14:07Hatta ilk geldiğinde hepsinin fotoğrafını gösterecek
00:14:13Ben bu boşları kaldırayım
00:14:17Afiyet olsun
00:14:23Çenan düştü Bulut
00:14:27Demetin denizde olacağından haberin var mıydı
00:14:29Denizin de yoktu
00:14:31Biz evde üçümüz oyun oynuyorduk
00:14:33Bir anda kapı çaldı
00:14:35Demet hanım gelmiş
00:14:39Baktım iyi anlaşıyorlar
00:14:41Biraz vakit geçirsinler dedim
00:14:45Evet sevmiş belli
00:14:47Ne halası yani kan çektiyse
00:14:49Bu ara pek dışarı çıkmayın
00:14:53Biz hava almak için
00:14:55Ben akşam eve geldiğinde sizi istediğiniz yere götürürüm
00:14:57Bir süre evde sakin aktiviteler yapın
00:14:59Bulut için daha iyi olacak
00:15:03Ayrıca her yaptığınızı bilmek istiyorum
00:15:11Anlaşıldı mı
00:15:19Aman ya
00:15:21Vallahi içim şişti
00:15:23Ne intrikalı hayatımız var
00:15:45Yavaş Bulut'u uyandıracaksın
00:15:47Ödümü kopardınız kaçıncı oldu bu
00:15:49Karanlıkta çıkıyor
00:15:51Su iç
00:15:53Seni de mi uyku tutmadı
00:15:55İlk defa kaldığım yerlerde olur öyle
00:15:57Odan rahat falan değilse
00:15:59Çok rahat çok rahat çok teşekkür ediyorum
00:16:01Şimdi bile var daha ne olsun
00:16:03Yani yakı camdan değil de
00:16:05Öyle odaya hoş bir sıcaklık veriyor
00:16:07Ferit bey ben size bir şey söyleyecektim
00:16:09Aslında böyle karşılaştığımız iyi oldu
00:16:11Demet hanım meselesi
00:16:15Biliyorum senin bir suçun yok
00:16:17Evet orası öyle de
00:16:19Ben başka bir şey söyleyecektim
00:16:21Bulut ile Demet hanım
00:16:25Demet hanım Bulut'u çok sevdi
00:16:27Bulut ile Demet hanımı
00:16:29Yani hiç öyle
00:16:31Yıllardır görüşmüyor gibi değillerdi
00:16:33Bilin istedim
00:16:51Rüyamı gördüm korkma
00:16:55Nazlı ben anneme bir şey diyorum
00:16:57Babamı istiyorum
00:17:21Babamı istiyorum
00:17:51Babamı istiyorum
00:18:21Demet hanım hemşire hanımın yanında
00:18:27Annemin durumu nasıl doktor bey
00:18:29Fiziksel problemlerin
00:18:31Hiçbiri aşılamayacak şeyler değil
00:18:33Fakat Demet hanım bize
00:18:35Hiç yardımcı olmuyor
00:18:37Evde de bize çalışanlarımıza
00:18:39Hiç yardımcı olmadı
00:18:41O yüzden sizin desteğinizi
00:18:43Almak durumunda kaldık
00:18:45İyi yapmışsınız
00:18:47Biz elimizden gelen
00:18:50Makul evcilerde zorlayarak yapıyoruz
00:18:52Şu anda konuşmayı red ediyor
00:18:54Ama sizin bu düzenli ziyaretleriniz
00:18:56Kendisine çok iyi geliyor
00:18:58Lütfen böyle devam edin
00:19:00Tabii ki
00:19:02Konuşabilir miyim kendisiyle
00:19:04Tabi tabi buyrun
00:19:06Rica ederim
00:19:16Hoş geldiniz Ferit bey
00:19:18Hoş bulduk
00:19:32Anne nasılsın iyi misin
00:19:34İyi misin
00:19:46İyi olacaksın anne
00:19:48Daha iyi olacaksın
00:19:50Hepimiz iyi olacağız
00:19:52Biraz daha toparlan
00:19:54Bulutu da getireceğim
00:19:58O da iyi
00:20:00Yavaş yavaş hayata tutunmaya başladı
00:20:08Lütfen doktorların sözünü dinle
00:20:10Lütfen onlara yardımcı ol
00:20:16Çiftliktekiler seni çok özledi
00:20:18Sen özlemedin mi
00:20:30Ne zaman istersen o zaman konuşuruz olur mu
00:21:04İnanır mısın tuvalete falan gidiyor
00:21:06Yani koltukta oturuyor
00:21:08Önüne yemek koyuyorsun yiyor falan
00:21:10Hala odun gerçi ama yaşayan bir odun
00:21:12İşte bizde doğayı sev yeşili koru takılıyoruz
00:21:16Ya sen Asu'dan haber aldın mı
00:21:18Yok konuşmadım hiç
00:21:20Ama bugün geliyor da o ya merak etme
00:21:22Akşam yola çıkacaklar
00:21:24Sabah burada olur
00:21:26Sen ne yapıyorsun orada
00:21:28Kahvaltı etmeye çalışıyorum ama olmuyor
00:21:30Kızım hadi bizim durumumuz belli
00:21:32Uyuyakaldık bulutla
00:21:34Senin sabah iş görüşmen yok muydu
00:21:36Niye öğlene kadar uyudun
00:21:38Var öğleden sonra
00:21:40Ay Nazlı bu dolaptaki her şey kokmuş
00:21:42Fatoş kokamaz
00:21:44Yani market alışverişini yeni yaptım
00:21:46Vallahi bak yokluğunda maydanoz bile boynunu bükmüş
00:21:48Maydanoz mu
00:21:50Fatoş maydanoz almadım ben
00:21:52Dereotudur o
00:21:58Fatoş bir saniye
00:22:00Bak Nazlı
00:22:02Ben kendim gördüm
00:22:04Aferin sana
00:22:06Gel Fatoş ararım seni sonra
00:22:12Biliyor musun
00:22:14Ben rüyamda ne gördüm
00:22:16Hayırdır inşallah ne gördün
00:22:18Senle evden
00:22:20Sinemaya gidiyorduk
00:22:24Çok komik bir filme gidiyormuş
00:22:26Ama o kadar komikmiş ki
00:22:28Yerleri dökülüyormuş
00:22:30Baksan çok güzelmiş
00:22:34Bugün sinemaya gidelim mi
00:22:36Lütfen lütfen
00:22:46Biz acaba bugün evde sakin sakin film mi izlesek
00:22:48Böyle koltuğa kıvrılıp
00:22:50Ama evde ben çok sıkılıyorum
00:22:52Evde benim içime basılıyor
00:22:54Öyle sağdan soldan mı geliyorlar
00:22:58Bunu bir an önce de tartışalım
00:23:28Deniz de görüyor mu bari
00:23:32Allah'ım sen elbiseleri böyle
00:23:34Çat diye parayı çıkartıp verebileceğin günleri
00:23:36Göster inşallah
00:24:20Hayırdır ne o
00:24:22Bunlar Demir'in hazırlattığı evraklar
00:24:24Biliyorsun Demir şirketteki payından
00:24:26Yüzde beş vermeyi planlıyordu Demet'e
00:24:28Sami amca sağlığında
00:24:30Bütün çocukları mirası bölüştürdü
00:24:32Demet o çakallı evlendiği için
00:24:34Babası sinirlendi ve as pay verdi
00:24:36Herkesin kendi kararı bu Ferit
00:24:38Ama Demir rahatsızdı bundan
00:24:40Pay devriyle ilgili belgeleri hazırlattı
00:24:42İmzaladı bana getirdi
00:24:44Ben de bakarız demiştim ama
00:24:46Şimdi kararsızım uygulasak mı acaba
00:24:48Bak o zaman Demir'e söylemiştim
00:24:50Şimdi sana söylüyorum
00:24:52Demet'e bu şirketten pay vermek
00:24:54Hakan'ı bu şirkete almak demek
00:24:56Engin sadece yüzde beş
00:24:58Yüzde beşle o herif hiçbir şey yapamaz
00:25:00Mesele bir şey yapıp yapamaması değil
00:25:02Zaten Ferit
00:25:04Her gün o herifin yüzünü göreceğiz ya bu şirkette
00:25:06Bu yüzden zaten Demir'le Deniz'in babası
00:25:08Kalkıp da kızına pay vermedi bu şirketten
00:25:10Engin tamam ama bu Demir'in
00:25:12Bir nevi vasiyeti bana
00:25:16Ama şimdi ortaya çıkarma bunu
00:25:18Şu dava bir sonuçlansın
00:25:20Demir sevilir
00:25:26O dosyayı da öyle ortada bırakma
00:25:28Eve falan götür
00:26:12Çok pardon ya denedim kafamda unutmuşum
00:26:14Acelem vardı kusura bakmayın
00:26:16Hanımefendi pardon kusura bakmayın
00:26:18Çantanızı kontrol etmem gerekiyor
00:26:20Beyefendi denemiştim kafamda kaldı acelem vardı
00:26:22Hanımefendi lütfen zorla çıkarmayın
00:26:24Bakın çantamı kontrol edemezsiniz
00:26:26Özel eşyalarımı karıştıramazsınız
00:26:28Bu ne biçim bir mağaza polise haber vereceğim
00:26:30Lütfen hanımefendi
00:26:32Bunu ödemesi de yaptınız mı?
00:26:34Asım Bey ne oluyor?
00:26:36Fıstık vaka Salih Bey
00:26:38Buyurun hanımefendi
00:26:40Bırakın kolumu
00:26:42Ne yaptın?
00:26:46Bu arada
00:26:48Sürçüde sadece lahan olsun
00:26:50Salatalık istemiyorum
00:26:52Bir ayran yanına bir de soda
00:26:54Fatoş Hanım
00:26:56Fatoş Hanım
00:26:58Fatoş Hanım
00:27:00Fatoş Hanım
00:27:02Fatoş Hanım
00:27:04Fatoş Hanım
00:27:06Fatoş Hanım
00:27:09Fatoş Hanım
00:27:15Tarıklı değil mi?
00:27:17Evet evet afiyet olsun
00:27:19Buyurun oturun
00:27:21Yok yok hiç rahatsız etmeyin ben başka bir tarafa geçerim şimdi
00:27:23Yok canım zaten yerde yok
00:27:25Hem arkadaşlık etmiş oluruz buyurun
00:27:27Gerçekten rahatsız etmeyeceksem oturayım
00:27:37Şey aslında
00:27:39Ya sizi burada gördüğüme şaşırdım biraz
00:27:41Ne bileyim
00:27:45Benim ev arkadaşım
00:27:47Çok yakın bir arkadaşım var ölü bir şey
00:27:49O tavsiye etmişti burayı
00:27:51O zamandan beridir geliyorum
00:27:53İnsan sürekli restoranlar deyince sıkılıyor biliyor musunuz?
00:27:55Burası hem sıcak
00:27:57Tamimi hem de yemekleri güzel
00:27:59Şey burası aslında acayip meşhurdur yani
00:28:01Bende bu tarafa yolum düşerse
00:28:03Bir şekilde ayarlıyorum işte
00:28:05Bir şeyler yemek için
00:28:07Yoğuruyorum falan
00:28:09Kardeşim aynısından alayım bende
00:28:11Nohut pilav
00:28:31Çok acıkmışım
00:28:33Afiyet olsun
00:28:35Ona bakmadım şey
00:28:37Bu ayranla sodaya şaşırdım biraz
00:28:39Enteresan bir şey oldu
00:28:41Bu mu?
00:28:43Siz bunu bilmiyor musunuz?
00:28:45Bu harika bir şey
00:28:47Hadi ya
00:28:49Hiç Allah aşkına şey yapmayın ne olur ya
00:28:51Mutlaka bunu denemeniz lazım
00:28:55Bir saniye
00:28:57Bunun raconu birazcık da bu
00:28:59Bunun raconu birazcık da bu
00:29:05Ayran sodaya o zaman
00:29:07Ayran sodaya
00:29:09Afiyet olsun
00:29:13Güzel değil mi?
00:29:15Güzel çok güzel
00:29:17Enteresan bu şey
00:29:19Böyle yazın tansiyonu falan da şey yapar
00:29:23Öyle de içilebilir
00:29:25Sen nasıl bir canavarsın ya
00:29:27Beni nasıl ikna ettin
00:29:29Nazlı ama belki el annesi
00:29:31gitmiş çok duymuşlar
00:29:33Yani çizici film ama öyle çocuk filmi değil
00:29:35Yani sen de seversin
00:29:37Ben zaten severim de Ferit dayımı pek sevmeyecek
00:29:39Adam evde oturun dedi
00:29:41Biz hala geziyoruz
00:29:43Nazlı ben sevmem
00:29:45E sen niye sevmezsin o zaman
00:29:47Valla öyle olacak
00:29:49İyice yalancı olduk sayende
00:29:51Nazlı bu bizim sırrımız
00:30:01Kardeşim Asuman doğru
00:30:03Karakol mu?
00:30:07Hangi karakol?
00:30:09Beyefendi kesin bir yanlışlık vardır
00:30:11Yani çünkü kardeşim Bodrum'da benim
00:30:15Tamam tamam
00:30:17Hemen geliyorum ben
00:30:19Bir saniye bekler misiniz lütfen
00:30:21Abi bir bakar mısın
00:30:23Neredeymiş bu karakol
00:30:27Alo ben taksiciyim
00:30:29Buyur abicim seni dinliyorum
00:30:31Nazlı bu arada karakol neresi?
00:30:33Polislerin çalıştığı yer
00:30:35Polislerin çalıştığı yer
00:30:39Bence sinemadan daha eğlenceli olabilir
00:30:41Asuman ablan sayesinde ikimizi de göreceğiz
00:30:43Ne olur Asuman bir şey olmasın
00:30:45Ne olur
00:30:47Ay çok acıkmışım
00:30:49Sabahtan beri hiçbir şey yemedim
00:30:51Şey bu arada
00:30:53Siz böyle sokak lezzetleri falan seviyorsanız
00:30:55Yedikule'de bir çorbacı var
00:30:57Ama böyle bir şey yok
00:30:59Efsane yani biliyor musunuz orayı?
00:31:03Bilmemeniz normal tabi
00:31:05Ya neticede çorbacılar ve
00:31:07En meşhur yemekleri işkembe
00:31:09İşkembe mi?
00:31:11Bayılırım işkembeye ben
00:31:13Damardan şırdan da var mıdır acaba orada ya
00:31:15Olur mu Fatoş hanım
00:31:17Kralı var kralı ama asıl bir kelle paça yapıyorlar
00:31:19Of ya böyle dilinizi falan yersiniz öyle söyleyeyim
00:31:21Ay kesin gitmem lazım oraya
00:31:23Tam olarak nerede demiştiniz Yedikule'de
00:31:25Top merkezi Aslı o meydanın
00:31:29Şey yapalım isterseniz tabi
00:31:31Böyle müsait bir zaman
00:31:33Ben götüreyim sizi
00:31:35Tamam olur beraber gideriz
00:31:39Fatoş hanım
00:31:45Fatoş hanım
00:31:51Kızım senin ailen falan yok mu?
00:31:53Ay var var olmaz mı?
00:31:55Ama Arnavut yaz falan işte memleketteler
00:31:57Antakyalıyız da biz ama ablam birazdan gelir yani
00:31:59Hemen burada oluruz acaba
00:32:03Asuman neler oluyor
00:32:05Kızım sen bu durumda değil miydin korkutma beni
00:32:07Siz ablası mısınız?
00:32:11Adınız Nazlı
00:32:13Doğru Nazlı
00:32:15Nazlı hanım kardeşiniz bir mağazada
00:32:17Hırsızlık yaparken yakalandı
00:32:29Biliyor musun bu meraktıya bir şey var
00:32:31Böyle yamuk bir çubuk
00:32:33Bunu böyle atıyorsun geri geliyor
00:32:35Bunu Avustralya'da eskiden yerler kullanıyormuş
00:32:37Öyle mi?
00:32:39Sen nereden biliyorsun bunları?
00:32:41Anam anlattı
00:32:45Ablanın telefonu çalıyor
00:32:47Nazlı benim ablam değil arkadaşımdır
00:32:49Acaba kim arıyor?
00:32:51Belif bey
00:32:53Dayım arıyor alo dayı
00:32:55Biz Nazlı'nın polisteyiz ya
00:32:57Neydi buranın adı?
00:33:01Ne demek karakoldasınız
00:33:03Bulut telefonu hemen yanındaki büyüye verir misin?
00:33:05Evet bir polise ver
00:33:09İyi günler
00:33:11Orası neresi?
00:33:13Tamam ben çok yakınım hemen geliyorum
00:33:15Aklım almıyor Asuman sen ne ara döndün İstanbul'a
00:33:17Ne ara oldu bütün bunlar
00:33:19Ya okulda bir süre gitmediniz mi siz Bodrum'a
00:33:21Ya abla benim başıma neler gelmiş sandın gelmiş değil sorguluyorsun
00:33:23Ben uçakla döndüm Necla'yla
00:33:27Nereden buldun sen uçak biletinin parasını ya
00:33:29Kızım delirtme beni ya
00:33:31Ben okul gezisi değil miydi bu kafana göre sen nasıl uçakla dönersin
00:33:33Ya biriktirmiştim
00:33:35Ayrıca ben öyle otobüse saatlerce yollarda falan gelemem tanımıyor musun?
00:33:37Dar alırım ben oradan
00:33:39Hiç tanımıyormuşum ben kardeşimi hiç
00:33:41Nerede Necla?
00:33:43Onu kuzeni aldı ben de taksiyle döndüm
00:33:45Baktım çok erken daha birazcık alışveriş yapayım dedim
00:33:47Alışveriş mi?
00:33:49O zaman öldürürüm seni senin alışveriş anlayışın bu mu?
00:33:53Ee ne yapıyoruz şimdi?
00:33:59Ben Asuman'ın ablasıyım
00:34:01Ben gerçekten çok özür dilerim
00:34:03Asuman çok pişman
00:34:05Özür dilerim
00:34:07Çok çok pişmanım ben gerçekten böyle bir insan değilim
00:34:09Bir anda boşluğuma geldi çok özür dilerim
00:34:11Kusura bakmayın ne olur
00:34:13Gerçekten böyle bir insan değil lütfen yaşının ufaklığına verin
00:34:33Aa dayı hoş geldin
00:34:35Hoş bulduk iyi misin?
00:34:37Ya ben iyiyim benim boşver
00:34:39Nazlı'nın kardeşi gelmiş içeride polisle konuşuyor
00:34:41İyi niyetiniz için tekrar teşekkür ederiz
00:34:43Allah kardeşine size doğarsın
00:34:45Bir daha böyle bir şey yapmasın
00:34:49Fiyat Bey
00:34:53Ben sizi aramıştım ama
00:34:59Tamam sonra konuşuruz
00:35:09Nazlı rica etsem alabilir misin sen?
00:35:11Bulut Bey hazır mıyız?
00:35:151 2 3
00:35:21Doğru eve gidiyorsun
00:35:23Ay tamam abla ya sen gelmiyor musun?
00:35:25Hayır ben geçici bir süre Ferit Beylerde kalıyorum
00:35:27Bulut'a arkadaşlık etmek için
00:35:29Vay hiç haberimiz yok
00:35:31Telefonlarını açsaydın haberin olurdu
00:35:33Bana bak Asuman hemen eve git Fatoş'u arayıp kontrol edeceğim kaçta gittiğini
00:35:37Tal yıkışını kaçırmışsın yine kondu o güzel kafana
00:35:39Yere kapa katına kaybetme bunu
00:35:41Doğru konuş ağzına bir tane çarparım görürsün gününü
00:35:43Dur tut şunu ben bir selam verip geleyim
00:35:45Asuman gel buraya
00:35:47Ferit Bey kusura bakmayın
00:35:49Bugün bir yanlış anlaşılma oldu
00:35:51Sizi de buraya kadar yorduk
00:35:53Selam vereyim
00:35:57Allah sana akıl fikir versin Asuman
00:35:59Delirtirsin adamı sen
00:36:39İyi geceler Ferit Bey
00:36:41Bende öyle hava alayım diye çıkmıştım
00:36:43Bulut yemeğini yedikten sonra hemen uyudu
00:36:45Normal değil mi sence fazlasıyla hareketli bir gün geçirdi
00:36:51Fazlasıyla hareketli bir gün geçirmesi normal
00:36:53Ya hayat her zaman o kadar sakin ve steril olmuyor
00:36:55Bazen beklemediğimiz durumlarda kalabiliyoruz
00:36:57Ben hayatım ve Bulut'un hayatı sakin kalsın diye
00:36:59Bir sürü insana bir sürü para ödüyorum
00:37:01Bunlardan biri de sensin Nazlı
00:37:03Bulut'un hayatının sakin kalmasından sorumlusun
00:37:05Sanki hiç evde kalın dememişim gibi
00:37:07Özür dilerim Ferit Bey
00:37:11Yani Bulut bir daha asla karakollara düşmeyecek ki
00:37:13Hiç şüpheniz olmasın
00:38:39Pisi pisi pisi
00:38:41Gel pisi pisi
00:38:43Acıktın mı sen bu kadar ağlıyorsun
00:38:45Gel gel
00:38:49You should have stopped.
00:38:51I hope the kitchen is open.
00:38:59Well done. You locked it well.
00:39:09Oh! I hope I have a good day.
00:39:17Wake up, it's morning.
00:39:21Oh Nazlı, oh!
00:39:23If you step on it now, the cloud will wake up.
00:39:26What would have happened if it had gone?
00:39:38Did you hear the cat in the garden?
00:39:42No, I didn't.
00:39:43Oh, I thought you came from there.
00:39:45There is a cat in the garden. Did you know?
00:39:48Is that so?
00:39:50So, why did you come then?
00:39:52I didn't hear the cat's voice, but when I heard voices at the door, I came.
00:39:56Oh, okay.
00:39:57If you see him, give him food.
00:39:59He cried a lot, he didn't let me sleep.
00:40:01Maybe I'll find him later.
00:40:12Did you find the cat?
00:40:13No, he ran away.
00:40:15Should I prepare breakfast for you?
00:40:17You don't have to prepare breakfast for me, Nazlı.
00:40:19Yes, but I can prepare it, no problem.
00:40:23I cooked these things.
00:40:30I was a little too hard on you yesterday, I'm sorry.
00:40:34Oh, that's the point.
00:40:36I mean, I wouldn't want to take the kid to the police station, but it's human nature.
00:40:41No, it's not about the police station, you were right about that.
00:40:43It's not a place for a little kid to see.
00:40:46When I told you not to go out, Demet is Bulut's aunt.
00:40:49They're going to file a lawsuit to take Bulut's custody.
00:40:54I get nervous when you're out.
00:40:56Okay, but wait a minute.
00:40:57I mean, can they take Bulut's custody?
00:40:59Hakan will be more of a husband than Demet.
00:41:02He doesn't do what he can to do what he can.
00:41:05We haven't seen each other in years, we don't like each other very much.
00:41:07That's why I feel like Bulut would be safer if you were at home when you were out.
00:41:13Not that much.
00:41:14I mean, what harm will his aunt do to Bulut?
00:41:17Let him see.
00:41:18Excuse me?
00:41:19I mean, why can't he see his aunt Bulut because of the tension between you two?
00:41:23You see it, he sees it.
00:41:25There's something called common trouble.
00:41:28Nothing is as simple and innocent as it seems to you, Nazlı.
00:41:37What are you doing?
00:42:01What are you doing?
00:42:02I'm fine. I'm composing.
00:42:05I've been working on it for a long time.
00:42:07He's been waiting for a long time, I think he can wait for that day.
00:42:10Let's do something today.
00:42:12No, I'm pretty focused now.
00:42:14I won't be able to relax until I'm done.
00:42:16You come to me.
00:42:17We'll eat, we'll have coffee.
00:42:19Deniz, I want to see Bulut.
00:42:29You promised to take things seriously.
00:42:32Be a little patient. Yesterday one, today two.
00:42:34So you're asking for Mr. Ferit's permission.
00:42:37No, I didn't say anything like that.
00:42:39Look, I want to help you too.
00:42:43Look, I'll arrange something with Bulut.
00:42:45But not today.
00:42:47Okay, Deniz.
00:42:49See you.
00:42:56I don't need anyone's permission to see my nephew.
00:43:01Don't look at me, don't bother me. Go on.
00:43:06Are you bored?
00:43:07No, I'm fine.
00:43:15Pour, pour.
00:43:18Bulut, Demet, Hakan. I'm a little obsessed with them.
00:43:21Demet and Hakan are obsessed with what they're doing.
00:43:24They're making me angry here for five kilometers.
00:43:26I don't know what to do.
00:43:28I don't know what to do.
00:43:30They're making me angry here for five kilometers.
00:43:32There must be something else.
00:43:38Demet is the kid's aunt. He says let them meet.
00:43:42So what, Engin?
00:43:43They went to the police station yesterday with Bulut.
00:43:47It was bad, but the girl had to go.
00:43:51Engin, these girls have something to do.
00:43:53Come on.
00:43:54We're back to square one again.
00:43:56Asuman is already a very young girl.
00:43:58She's in a good mood.
00:43:59It's obvious that her sister is dealing with this a lot.
00:44:01But look, you're being unfair to Nazlı.
00:44:06Okay, run, run.
00:44:07Come on.
00:44:11Come on, come on, come on.
00:44:21Oh, the security downstairs didn't see me.
00:44:23I came comfortably.
00:44:24Where did you come from, Asuman?
00:44:26What kind of a welcome is this?
00:44:30Come, come.
00:44:33Oh, my dear.
00:44:36I missed you.
00:44:37You're not at home.
00:44:38Since you flew out of the nest in your new house,
00:44:40I thought I'd come and see you.
00:44:41What's up?
00:44:42We started talking nonsense again as soon as we got here, didn't we, Asuman?
00:44:45I didn't fly out of the nest, sister.
00:44:47I'm working here.
00:44:49I'll stay for a while, then I'll go home.
00:44:51Of course.
00:44:52You've never missed me anyway.
00:44:54I don't miss my brother at all.
00:44:58Where were these glasses?
00:45:00I think we'd miss you enough yesterday, Asuman.
00:45:05Besides, how many times do I have to tell you?
00:45:07This is the workplace.
00:45:08You can't just pop in whenever you want.
00:45:13Don't you have school?
00:45:14No, I don't.
00:45:15What school?
00:45:16All the classes are canceled and everyone is tired.
00:45:19What about you, Pert?
00:45:20Mecna and I had a little fight on the plane.
00:45:23But I'm going to go to her from here.
00:45:25We're going to do the evening ritual.
00:45:27You're still talking about yesterday without being ashamed.
00:45:29Don't remind me, Asuman.
00:45:30My blood is boiling as I think of it.
00:45:32What did we miss?
00:45:33Don't you have any shame?
00:45:34Sister, you're making everything more dramatic, like my parents.
00:45:37I slept with the devil.
00:45:38I apologized 40 times.
00:45:39What else can I do?
00:45:40Asuman, your sleeping never ends, sister.
00:45:43You wake up the devil, you wake up Mecna, you wake up him, you wake up this.
00:45:46Don't sleep, girl.
00:45:47Don't you have a mind?
00:45:49Girl, what are you doing?
00:45:50You're making me kiss again.
00:45:52Come on, let's cook something good for him, okay?
00:45:55Life is beautiful to you, Asuman.
00:45:57It's pretty good, get out of here.
00:46:01We started the procedures yesterday.
00:46:03The article will reach their hands today.
00:46:05Not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we'll go to the pre-trial.
00:46:09So, lawyer, what is our chance of winning this lawsuit?
00:46:13The situation is clear.
00:46:14If the judge does not want the child's order to deteriorate,
00:46:17Mr. Ferit may decide to stay.
00:46:21Well, is it good for you to get close to my cloud?
00:46:26In court, the cloud's soft attitude towards you,
00:46:29knowing you, will definitely affect the judge positively.
00:46:36Then I'll go and get married to my niece.
00:46:41Now, my love.
00:46:44We'll find out, okay?
00:46:46Good luck.
00:46:47Good luck.
00:46:50Now, let's get down to business.
00:46:54Lawyer, how can we guarantee this?
00:46:58We need something stronger that we can use against Mr. Ferit.
00:47:03You said you investigated.
00:47:05Mr. Bekir?
00:47:07We couldn't find it, Mr. Hakan.
00:47:09But we'll find it until the court.
00:47:11Bekir, look, we don't have time.
00:47:14You have to hurry, okay?
00:47:15Okay, brother.
00:47:16The meeting is over, good luck.
00:47:22It is not suitable for him to live with a single man.
00:47:25He should grow up in a happy environment, thinking about the trauma of the child's age and experience.
00:47:29He says a happy environment.
00:47:31It's like he's going to be in a happy environment with Hakan.
00:47:35They even talked to my mother.
00:47:37It's not possible for her to live with her broken mother.
00:47:40It's not even a crazy thing.
00:47:42Does Deniz know that the case will be opened?
00:47:44Did she send her sister a request?
00:47:46No, I haven't told her to stay away yet.
00:47:48But it's a matter of learning.
00:47:51I hope Bulut doesn't have to go to court.
00:47:54So that the child doesn't get into such environments.
00:47:56Those two don't care about the child.
00:47:58They don't even care what will happen to Bulut.
00:48:00They're trying to infiltrate the company by using the little boy.
00:48:02But I won't let that happen.
00:48:03Demir would have already known that Demet would get into these dirty games.
00:48:06He wouldn't have tried to give a percentage of the company.
00:48:12The next day
00:48:20What are you doing at night?
00:48:22Can you stay alone?
00:48:24Who are you talking to?
00:48:26I'll blow your mouth.
00:48:27Look at her, she doesn't know anything.
00:48:34What's up?
00:48:38Did you lose again?
00:48:40She's a baby.
00:48:41She'll start crying now.
00:48:45Someone named Mrs. Demet came.
00:48:47She said she was going to surprise my nephew.
00:48:48She's going upstairs.
00:48:49She didn't tell anyone, but I called you anyway.
00:48:55The house turned into an acceptable heart thanks to you.
00:48:57Stay with Bulut.
00:49:00You missed us.
00:49:07Mrs. Demet.
00:49:11Hello, dear Nazlı.
00:49:12I know my arrival was a little sudden.
00:49:15But I really wanted to see Bulut today.
00:49:17We talked about something the other day.
00:49:19I have a surprise for him.
00:49:20You did a great job.
00:49:22But Mr. Ferit is not at home.
00:49:23And I'm in a difficult situation.
00:49:26Dear Nazlı.
00:49:27I'm Bulut's aunt.
00:49:28And I'm going to get your will soon.
00:49:31I actually know about the will.
00:49:33But I don't want to stay between you.
00:49:35I don't want to lie either.
00:49:37Dear Nazlı.
00:49:38Believe me, I don't want to leave you in a difficult situation.
00:49:40But you understand me, please.
00:49:42Bulut is my nephew.
00:49:44The only thing left of my brother.
00:49:47Besides, Ferit can be your boss today.
00:49:50But maybe the next day,
00:49:52I can be your new boss.
00:49:56Of course, if you want it too.
00:49:58With Bulut.
00:50:05Thank you for your cooperation.
00:50:08Mrs. Demet.
00:50:10Dear Bulut.
00:50:11I'm here.
00:50:12Aunt Demet.
00:50:16My dear.
00:50:17Nice to meet you.
00:50:21Look what I got for you.
00:50:25I hope.
00:50:26Thank you very much.
00:50:30Shall we play?
00:50:31We'll play.
00:50:32But when you get better, okay?
00:50:35But I want to play now.
00:50:38Is this woman going to take Bulut?
00:50:40It's none of your business.
00:50:42My dear.
00:50:43Open your eyes.
00:50:45Look at this woman.
00:50:47What a cool woman.
00:50:49If you get hurt, you'll be lucky with this woman.
00:50:51If you do my job, I'll do yours.
00:50:54Asuman, are you listening to me?
00:50:56Where do you hear from?
00:50:57I stopped.
00:50:58Forget it.
00:51:00I'm going to the garden with my aunt.
00:51:01We're going to play boomerang.
00:51:03Okay, honey.
00:51:04I'm coming.
00:51:05Look at me, Osman.
00:51:06I'm already full of words.
00:51:08Don't tire me more.
00:51:09Don't bother me.
00:51:12This girl is stupid.
00:51:13Really stupid.
00:51:21That's it, Deniz.
00:51:25They did what they were going to do again.
00:51:28What do they want to do?
00:51:30The boy just lost his mother's father.
00:51:33Deniz, I'm home now.
00:51:35I'm going to leave something at home.
00:51:36Then you, me, lawyers.
00:51:37Let's meet and talk.
00:51:39Okay, brother.
00:51:40Call me when you want.
00:51:48Come on, throw it.
00:51:53It didn't work again.
00:51:55Come on, my cloud.
00:51:56You'll learn over time.
00:51:57You throw it so well.
00:51:59As a result,
00:52:00In Antakya, people have very limited opportunities to improve themselves.
00:52:03Especially for a person with big dreams like me,
00:52:06Small cities can be like a dungeon.
00:52:08That's why I came to Istanbul to improve myself and realize my dreams.
00:52:17Mrs. Demet's time here is already very limited.
00:52:20I don't think we should bother.
00:52:26Yes, Asuman.
00:52:28You're right.
00:52:29The opportunities offered by Istanbul cannot be compared to small cities.
00:52:35But there's the internet.
00:52:36We can look at everything from there.
00:52:38There's the internet, that's right.
00:52:40We found you smart.
00:52:41Know everything.
00:52:43Tell your aunt.
00:52:45Did you like the boomerang?
00:52:47Yes, I liked it very much.
00:52:50Yes, my cloud.
00:52:51Do you know?
00:52:52My uncle Demet came from Australia.
00:53:01Your uncle knows I'm back.
00:53:08But now I have to go.
00:53:11Okay, honey?
00:53:12Come on, kiss your aunt.
00:53:14Oh, aunt.
00:53:15I'll come again, okay?
00:53:19Dear Nazlı.
00:53:20Thank you very much for your hospitality.
00:53:25I'm pleased.
00:53:26I'm very pleased too, Mrs. Demet.
00:53:28See you again.
00:53:31See you, Ferit.
00:53:48Nazlı, kitchen.
00:53:55You throw this boomerang very badly, by the way.
00:53:57I throw it better than you.
00:54:00Mr. Ferit.
00:54:01What is he doing here?
00:54:02How do you get this house?
00:54:03It happened all of a sudden.
00:54:05I mean, Asu came first.
00:54:06I told him not to come.
00:54:08It was a big surprise for me.
00:54:10Then suddenly Mrs. Demet appeared at the door.
00:54:12I have no fault.
00:54:13Who is coming here?
00:54:15Mr. Ferit.
00:54:16Cloud's aunt came to your door.
00:54:19I took him in.
00:54:20Because Cloud's aunt.
00:54:22If you are not satisfied with my work,
00:54:24you can fire me instead of insulting and accusing me all the time.
00:54:27This is also an option.
00:54:35There will be an investigation soon.
00:54:38Cloud's aunt will forget that she is her aunt when she takes over.
00:54:42Do you understand?
00:54:43Be sure of that.
00:54:56Cancel the meeting.
00:54:58Tell Engin to come to me.
00:55:00I will return to the company today.
00:55:04You can see the state of the house.
00:55:06It's like a madhouse.
00:55:07Come on, don't walk around.
00:55:09Sister, what should I do until the evening?
00:55:11Should I walk on the streets?
00:55:12Don't stretch it out again.
00:55:14Sister, okay.
00:55:15I will never take my step out of the kitchen.
00:55:17Mr. Ferit, I promise you won't understand that I'm at home.
00:55:20I know this is your workplace.
00:55:21I'm putting you in a difficult situation.
00:55:23You won't look at me anymore.
00:55:25I can't get out of difficult situations because of you.
00:55:28Come on, sit here.
00:55:30I don't want to see you standing.
00:55:40Was that Mr. Ferit at home?
00:55:43No, he wasn't at first, but he came later.
00:55:46Look, the same cold Ferit looks, the same arrogance.
00:55:51No, it's really uncomfortable for me to see the kid, you know?
00:55:55I'm Bulut's aunt.
00:55:58What right does he have to do this to me?
00:56:00What right?
00:56:01Okay, okay, okay.
00:56:02Come with me.
00:56:03Come here, calm down.
00:56:04No, I mean, I'm losing all my energy.
00:56:07Okay, okay, okay.
00:56:09My love.
00:56:10Would you look at me?
00:56:12No matter how much Bulut is Ferit's nephew, he is also your nephew.
00:56:17It is your right to see him whenever you want, wherever you want.
00:56:20No one can interfere with this.
00:56:23Look, they separated you from your family.
00:56:25They fired both of us from that company.
00:56:28Thanks to Bulut, we will enter that company again.
00:56:31Do you understand?
00:56:33Yeah, my love, you're right.
00:56:36I think Bulut grew up with them after all.
00:56:40Are you sure we're going to win this case?
00:56:43Now, when you look at it, yes, his hands look strong.
00:56:47But my husband has tricks like pulling a rabbit out of a hat.
00:56:59Asuman, would you like to use your hands for more necessary things?
00:57:04Look, you can break this, for example.
00:57:10It came out like that, as if nothing had happened.
00:57:13It got inside.
00:57:15If we applied what was inside, you know what would happen, right?
00:57:18If he knew, how would we have given him a trump card to get Bulut?
00:57:21Think about it.
00:57:22Come on, brother, come on.
00:57:23God forbid, don't say such things.
00:57:25Why are you taking her with you?
00:57:27Didn't you tell me not to leave her in the office?
00:57:29I brought her with me to pick her up.
00:57:31She got into my nose.
00:57:34Okay, okay, calm down.
00:57:36Let's take Bulut's custody anyway.
00:57:38After that, she will have certain days to see the child.
00:57:41When there is no benefit anyway, it goes away as it used to be.
00:57:48Asuman, it's done, come here.
00:57:52Are you listening to words?
00:57:53You're going to talk to me, go.
00:57:55Your phone is ringing.
00:57:56Mashallah, ears hear everything like a radar.
00:58:02This is your limit, don't cross it.
00:58:04You have no business there.
00:58:05Come here.
00:58:07Thank you for taking care of me, Nazlı.
00:58:09I just came, cookies, coffee.
00:58:11We have a guest.
00:58:12Don't exaggerate, Ferit.
00:58:14The girl has no fault, what can she do?
00:58:15She said I'm her aunt, she got in.
00:58:17Don't take the anger of Demet's son out of that girl.
00:58:19What the hell is this?
00:58:36Deniz, you called me.
00:58:38How are you, Nazlı?
00:58:39How is Bulut?
00:58:40Bulut is fine, but we got a little confused.
00:58:42Thank you, Mrs. Demet, because Çatkapı came.
00:58:45What? Did Demet come?
00:58:48God, what does this woman want to do?
00:58:51Maybe I could handle Mrs. Demet coming again.
00:58:54If Mr. Ferit didn't come on it.
00:58:56Of course, it wasn't very nice when he came.
00:58:58Okay, don't worry, okay?
00:59:00You have no fault.
00:59:01Deniz, I have to go back to work.
00:59:03Let's talk later, okay?
00:59:05See you.
00:59:14Uncle, uncle.
00:59:16Uncle, come on, let's play a game.
00:59:19The commander is calling, let's go and see.
00:59:27We're here, we're here.
00:59:28What are we playing?
00:59:29Light sword, gun, war game.
00:59:34Oh, great.
00:59:35Then this is our shield.
00:59:39Uncle, you with this.
00:59:42Uncle, you with this.
00:59:47I'm with you.
00:59:55I think it's time to throw you in the pool.
00:59:57Let me throw you into the pool, let me throw you into the pool.
00:59:58Let go of her, or I'll hit her.
01:00:01Uncle, let me go.
01:00:03Throw her, throw her into the pool.
01:00:08I'll throw you then, leave the child at the same time.
01:00:11Send him to his feet now.
01:00:12Really, slowly.
01:00:13Well, well, that's it, well done.
01:00:16Okay, I'm letting you go.
01:00:37I'm here to help my sister so she doesn't get tired.
01:00:41I was really surprised, Asuman.
01:00:44But you can't fool me like that, honey.
01:00:46You have to go now.
01:00:48Don't worry, I'm going now.
01:00:50I had a job with Necda in the evening.
01:00:52Our program was canceled with her.
01:00:54Now I'm going home and I'm waiting to die of heat or boredom.
01:00:59Asuman, don't upset me.
01:01:01Look, what can I say?
01:01:03Malya had a program in the evening.
01:01:05She invited us.
01:01:06But I can't come anyway.
01:01:08You can go with Fatoş if you want.
01:01:09It would be a change.
01:01:11Okay, sister.
01:01:12We'll take care of it with Fatoş.
01:01:14Asuman, wait.
01:01:21You have to go in the evening.
01:01:23We can't do anything to your sister.
01:01:26Of course I can't, crazy.
01:01:28See you.
01:01:36Goodbye, I'm going.
01:01:38Asuman, where are you going?
01:01:39I'm going out soon, let's leave you.
01:01:41Okay, I'll drop you off somewhere on the way.
01:01:46See you.
01:01:47Do you have a gun?
01:01:49Don't bother.
01:01:51Thank you.
01:01:52We'll drop you off somewhere.
01:01:54Thank you.
01:01:56See you.
01:02:03Thank you for dropping me off.
01:02:06You're welcome.
01:02:07It was a long way.
01:02:09When does the school end?
01:02:11I'm in the second grade.
01:02:13I want the school to end.
01:02:15I want to focus on my career.
01:02:17But I want to study.
01:02:19You can work while you're at school.
01:02:21Actually, I want it too.
01:02:23I want to work in a big and reliable company like yours.
01:02:26I want to do an internship.
01:02:28It's important to do an internship for your career in the future.
01:02:35What do you do?
01:02:37Do you have hobbies?
01:02:39I mean, it's different than running a big company.
01:02:50Is this the street?
01:02:52Yes, the next apartment.
01:03:02Alya, Alya, Alya.
01:03:04I called you just in time.
01:03:06I was in the middle of an important conversation.
01:03:10I said I'd come.
01:03:11And you said you wanted an internship.
01:03:14See you there tonight.
01:03:17Thank you for dropping me off.
01:03:19You're welcome.
01:03:39Deli, I have an appointment with the girls tonight.
01:03:45I'm here.
01:03:51I said I'm here.
01:03:52Don't you say hi?
01:04:00Are you texting Engin too?
01:04:02What's it to you?
01:04:04It's nothing.
01:04:06He was downstairs just now.
01:04:08I was going to tell him to come upstairs if I didn't want to bother with the message.
01:04:12How was Engin downstairs?
01:04:14Asuman, what do you mean you wanted to?
01:04:16Answer me.
01:04:18Who am I talking to?
01:04:39I taught him that too.
01:04:51Come on, baby.
01:04:52You kiss me too.
01:04:54Me too?
01:04:56Well, you asked for it.
01:05:10Don't drive her crazy. Tell me.
01:05:12Where did you see Engin? Tell me.
01:05:18I went to my sister's place.
01:05:20I came with Deli and Engin.
01:05:22Then he dropped me off at home.
01:05:24What? Did Engin drop you off at home?
01:05:26Yes, baby.
01:05:28He's a good boy, of course.
01:05:30I couldn't think of it.
01:05:32I wish I had told him to come upstairs.
01:05:34I couldn't think of it.
01:05:36I wish I had told him to come upstairs.
01:05:39We could have a coffee and you could have seen each other.
01:05:41Asuman, listen to me.
01:05:43If you do such a treacherous thing...
01:05:45Okay, calm down. Don't do such a thing.
01:05:47Besides, what does it matter to me?
01:05:49At the end of the day, Engin will find out the truth.
01:05:51Think about what you're going to do then.
01:05:55I don't know.
01:05:56I don't know what I'm going to do.
01:05:58I'm sorry.
01:06:00I can't understand anything from your face.
01:06:02Never mind. Don't lower your mood.
01:06:04Look, I don't have any plans for tonight.
01:06:06Let's go out and do something fun.
01:06:08Let's go to Alya's concert.
01:06:10Besides, you couldn't go last time.
01:06:12You must have been in a bad mood.
01:06:14Come on, let's go there with Engin.
01:06:16What does it have to do with Engin?
01:06:18Would I ever let you in Engin's future?
01:06:20He has something else to do tonight.
01:06:22I heard it in the car.
01:06:24I'm texting Alya.
01:06:26You know, she has her own number.
01:06:28I say, two people are coming.
01:06:31They can write our names on the door.
01:06:33I don't want anyone to take money from me.
01:06:37Okay, I sent it.
01:06:39Okay, we'll have a change.
01:06:45Girl, Alya is calling.
01:06:47Hello, Alya.
01:06:49We can't go out tonight.
01:06:51It was canceled all of a sudden.
01:06:53It's not good.
01:06:55But it's okay, we'll come to the next one.
01:06:57Look, we've gathered the group now.
01:06:59We came to Deniz's house.
01:07:01Why don't you come and pick up your friend?
01:07:03I don't know.
01:07:05It would be great.
01:07:07Do you know Deniz's house?
01:07:09No, I know.
01:07:11Okay, see you there tonight.
01:07:13Okay, see you.
01:07:17What happened?
01:07:19They'll be at Deniz's house.
01:07:21But it's better.
01:07:23Now we don't have to pay for anything we eat and drink.
01:07:25I'm going to get ready.
01:07:27You clean your face.
01:07:45He's sleeping.
01:07:47He's so innocent.
01:07:49I wish he'd always stay like this.
01:07:51When he grows up, all the innocence is gone.
01:07:55Do you believe that a human being can really be innocent?
01:07:57Do you believe in yourself?
01:07:59Not always.
01:08:01But for a while, yes.
01:08:03When I was a kid, for example.
01:08:08Don't you believe in yourself?
01:08:12I think innocence is a trick that people make up.
01:08:16In other words, there is no pureness that is claimed to be.
01:08:23Intoxicants and passions control people.
01:08:26Even the most innocent people can be captured by their passions one day.
01:08:30Therefore, the purity you think exists is actually not at all.
01:08:38Even as a child?
01:08:40Even as a child.
01:08:42Look at him, he doesn't give up until he gets what he wants.
01:08:45How is he innocent?
01:08:49Shall we put him to sleep?
01:08:51Let's put him to sleep.
01:08:56Come here.
01:08:58I love you.
01:09:21How are you, my daughter?
01:09:23Tell me your story.
01:09:26Who upset your eyes?
01:09:29How are you, my daughter?
01:09:31Tell me about yourself.
01:09:33What broke your heart?
01:09:37Who got wet in the breath of the smoke in those fresh hair?
01:09:42Whose hands have aged, the breaths of the fog
01:09:48The work of a brave man, his unyielding, unyielding sorrows
01:09:56I know what you have suffered
01:10:02I feel you cry even if I touch you
01:10:06The time of sadness has passed
01:10:08How did you get into my blood?
01:10:09You'll meet your aunt Ayla.
01:10:14Why did I fall for you?
01:10:16Fatoş, don't make it worse.
01:10:18My daughter, would Ayla call us if she didn't want to?
01:10:24I know what you have suffered
01:10:30I feel you cry even if I touch you
01:10:34The time of sadness has passed
01:10:36How did I get into your blood?
01:10:40I don't know anyone here.
01:10:42Why did we come here?
01:10:44Come here, Deniz.
01:10:46Then we'll get you out of here.
01:10:50Hi, how are you?
01:10:53Ayla called, she said we're doing something tonight.
01:10:55We got up with Fatoş and came here.
01:10:57How are you, Fatoş?
01:10:59I'm fine, thank you, Deniz.
01:11:01I'm sorry we came without telling you.
01:11:03No, dear.
01:11:05When the bar program was canceled,
01:11:07Ayla wanted to throw a party somewhere.
01:11:09So we came here.
01:11:11Nazlı is not here, is she?
01:11:15She's with Ferit.
01:11:17She's with 724 Clouds now.
01:11:18She can't come whenever she wants, unfortunately.
01:11:21So, why are you alone and not with your friends?
01:11:26They are Arya's friends.
01:11:29I don't know most of them.
01:11:31Engin was supposed to come, but...
01:11:33Okay, if your friends are coming,
01:11:35let's not bother you at all.
01:11:37Let's go.
01:11:41When the bar program was canceled,
01:11:43he said he wouldn't come.
01:11:45Let's go.
01:11:48Let's go.
01:12:28Nice to meet you.
01:12:30Me too.
01:12:32So, how did you find it?
01:12:34It was great. I loved it.
01:12:36It was really beautiful.
01:12:38Thank you, Alya.
01:12:40I couldn't come to the program,
01:12:42but it was a great night.
01:12:44You are amazing.
01:12:46Thank you so much.
01:12:48You are amazing.
01:12:50All my attention is on you.
01:12:52Your appearance burns me inside.
01:12:54Stop it.
01:12:56Look at the compliments you are getting.
01:12:58Compliments are useless.
01:13:00I couldn't record an album,
01:13:02and I can't go out regularly.
01:13:04I'll tell you everything by tomorrow morning.
01:13:06These are nothing.
01:13:08Who is the fashion designer, Alya?
01:13:10Girls, you think I'm a superstar.
01:13:13I don't have a budget for a fashion designer.
01:13:15I buy what I like from the shops.
01:13:18Your style is beautiful.
01:13:20Thank you.
01:13:22Actually, when I go abroad,
01:13:24I buy things from the flea markets.
01:13:26I wish I had the talent to sew what I want.
01:13:28Fatoş is sewing.
01:13:30She has a great style.
01:13:32I just graduated from fashion design.
01:13:35That's what I'm looking forward to.
01:13:37You can sew anything you design in your head, right?
01:13:40So, your appearance burns me inside.
01:13:44Fatoş can sew for you.
01:13:46You need a great fashion designer for his job.
01:13:50Can you really sew?
01:13:54I mean, it's possible. Why not?
01:13:57There are tailor shops in Ümraniye and Maltepe.
01:14:01We can sew from there.
01:14:03You are as short as a rope.
01:14:05Give me your phone, I'll record it.
01:14:08Okay, I'll give it to you.
01:14:10Alya, play another song.
01:14:16Okay, call me.
01:14:20Come on, one more.
01:14:32I had to tell you this, mom.
01:14:34Life goes on outside.
01:14:39Please, pull yourself together.
01:14:41Come back to life. Join us.
01:14:58Look, after the treatment, the cloud is getting better every day.
01:15:03There is only one problem that bothers us right now.
01:15:07Demet and Hakan.
01:15:09Those two are trying to infiltrate the company using the cloud.
01:15:13I won't let any of them.
01:15:16I will protect your grandson.
01:15:18I promise.
01:15:34Okay, see you.
01:15:38No, he said do it without me.
01:15:39No, he said do it without me.
01:15:41After all, both sides are family.
01:15:44Yes, we can start, gentlemen. Mr. Deniz has an emergency.
01:15:48Mr. Ferit, being in a close relationship with a child for years is our biggest advantage.
01:15:53On the other hand, Mrs. Demet is married.
01:15:55So in the eyes of the court, it is very important for the child to grow up in a healthy environment.
01:15:58On the other hand, as I said, your relationship with your child is very close.
01:16:02But Mrs. Demet is a stranger for the cloud.
01:16:05So we should build our strategy on this.
01:16:07Your relationship with the cloud.
01:16:16What happened?
01:16:21Who is it?
01:16:24There is no escape this time.
01:16:29Hello, dear Deniz.
01:16:31We can finally talk, Demet.
01:16:33Honey, I'm sorry.
01:16:35I couldn't come back to you yesterday.
01:16:37It's not that you couldn't come back, you didn't.
01:16:39Because he knew I was going to be mad at you.
01:16:41While I was picking up Mr. Ferit to get closer to the cloud, you were getting ready for the civil war.
01:16:45Dear Deniz, look, sister.
01:16:47I am the family of you and the cloud.
01:16:49Not Ferit.
01:16:51In addition, the cloud needs a really good family environment to overcome the trauma it has experienced.
01:16:57And only we can provide this right now.
01:17:00Is Hakan going to provide a good family environment?
01:17:04Okay, Demet, okay, I don't want to argue anymore.
01:17:05It's already happened.
01:17:08My only request from you.
01:17:10Don't forget that other people will be affected in the steps you will take from now on.
01:17:14Other people than Ferit.
01:17:30Come here.
01:17:33Yes, you're right.
01:17:35Well done.
01:17:37How did you find his place?
01:17:39I'll eat you.
01:17:41Uncle, welcome.
01:17:43Thank you, my handsome nephew.
01:17:45Uncle, let's play puzzle together.
01:17:47But you have to be patient.
01:17:49Let me change my clothes first, eat something.
01:17:51Then I'll come, okay?
01:17:55But Uncle Doctor said well done to me.
01:17:57Then we'll do whatever you want tonight.
01:17:59You're right.
01:18:01Come on, let's do it.
01:18:03I'm coming right away.
01:18:05Mr. Ferit.
01:18:08Can I go to MEP this evening?
01:18:10I need to buy my Japanese books.
01:18:15There's a pre-trial for tomorrow, Nazlı.
01:18:18Bulut should come too.
01:18:20It would be great if we all go together.
01:18:22If you don't use your permission for a few more days, until everything is settled.
01:18:25I can get you your Japanese books if you want.
01:18:27I'll stay, of course, no problem.
01:18:29I'll get the books later.
01:18:31Nazlı, come on.
01:18:32Come on, come on, come on.
01:18:34Look, I broke another one.
01:18:36Thank you.
01:18:38Come on, come on.
01:18:40Should we sleep now?
01:18:42Aren't your eyes tired?
01:18:44We'll continue tomorrow.
01:18:46Hello, Tarık.
01:18:48You knew Nazlı's house, didn't you?
01:18:50Of course, I know, I know, Mr. Ferit.
01:18:54Nazlı's Japanese books are at home.
01:18:56Her brother or housemate knows.
01:18:58Can you bring it?
01:19:00Of course, of course I'll bring it.
01:19:02We had to get the Japanese books, but...
01:19:04Okay, let's get it, then you'll let me go.
01:19:07Mr. Ferit, we're going home now.
01:19:09Thank you. If they can't find it, you can call me from there, Nazlı.
01:19:12Of course. Good evening.
01:19:19Okay, sister, okay.
01:19:21I already knew you wouldn't come.
01:19:23We're used to it anyway, I'm not your real brother.
01:19:25We accepted it with Fatoş.
01:19:27But now we have this spoiled rich kid.
01:19:29Even the boy you've known for three days
01:19:31you value more than me.
01:19:33You lost yourself.
01:19:35Little boy.
01:19:37His mother and father died.
01:19:39Are you aware of this boy?
01:19:41Are you keeping him with yourself?
01:19:43You'll find time like that, dear.
01:19:45Anyway, now that we're available to you
01:19:47or if we have time to spare,
01:19:49then we'll talk.
01:19:51You go and take care of Bulut.
01:19:53Good night.
01:19:55Come on, it's bedtime.
01:19:57I'm not sleepy yet.
01:19:59I think you are, but you're not aware of it.
01:20:01Okay, let's pack up.
01:20:24Good night.
01:20:54Good night.
01:21:14Oh my God.
01:21:16What did I forget again?
01:21:24Oh my God.
01:21:31Miss Fatoş?
01:21:33Mr. Tarık?
01:21:35What are you doing here?
01:21:37I was going to ask you the same question, but...
01:21:55I'm Naz's housemate.
01:22:00I'm not a famous fashion designer or anything.
01:22:04I want to be, but
01:22:06for now, I'm just sewing clothes for the people at home.
01:22:09I'm a jobless, weak stylist.
01:22:13Please don't tell Engin, okay?
01:22:16I mean, when we ran into each other at the door that day,
01:22:20when he thought I was Zeynep,
01:22:22I couldn't say anything.
01:22:25I know I did something very wrong, but
01:22:28I want to tell him myself.
01:22:30Please don't hear it from you, okay?
01:22:33I'm so embarrassed right now.
01:22:38Miss Fatoş,
01:22:42I'd better go.
01:22:44Good night.
01:22:55I'm sorry.
01:23:16Did you find the book?
01:23:19I'm sorry.
01:23:21I'm talking about the book. Did you find it?
01:23:24My housemate is not at home.
01:23:26I couldn't get it, unfortunately.
01:23:35Come on.
01:23:37It's too early. I'm not sleepy.
01:23:41But the more kids sleep, the faster they grow.
01:23:43The more kids sleep, the faster they grow.
01:23:52Hey, hey, hey.
01:23:54What happened?
01:23:57My mom told me the same thing.
01:24:02When will they come?
01:24:07Okay, honey.
01:24:10But if my mom saw you crying like that, she would be very sad.
01:24:14I missed your mom, too.
01:24:16I missed my dad, too.
01:24:18I missed both of them.
01:24:24will I never see them again?
01:24:31Even if I were a good boy,
01:24:33will I never see them again?
01:24:36You're already a very good boy, Bulut.
01:24:39Your mom and your dad were proud of you for being so brave.
01:25:04Don't worry.
01:25:08I can't stay with anyone but my uncle.
01:25:11Don't worry.
01:25:13Your uncle won't leave you to anyone else.
01:25:15I won't, aunt.
01:25:17Let's go.
01:25:22Ma'am, my client and his wife are respected members of our society.
01:25:26Moreover, my client is the child's aunt.
01:25:29On the other hand,
01:25:31they argued that Mrs. Demet hadn't seen Mr. Demir for years,
01:25:35and Mr. Demir himself and his family
01:25:38didn't want him to be with my client.
01:25:43as you can see here,
01:25:45Mr. Demir, just one day before his death,
01:25:48in the name of Mrs. Demet,
01:25:51asked for a share from the company,
01:25:54but he never gave it.
01:26:01Sir, we're seeing these documents for the first time.
01:26:04Moreover, the truth is controversial.
01:26:07These documents are not original.
01:26:09They are photographs, sir.
01:26:11The game Mr. Demir played against Mrs. Demet is obvious.
01:26:14Mr. Ferit tried to mislead my client
01:26:17by hiding these documents.
01:26:19He wants to be the sole owner of the company
01:26:22over the child.
01:26:24Sir, my client and his wife
01:26:26can provide an ideal family environment for the child.
01:26:29Mr. Ferit lives alone.
01:26:31It is not right for a child at this age
01:26:33to be left to the hands of the caretakers.
01:26:41In order to examine the evidence,
01:26:43to postpone the hearing to a later date,
01:26:46in this period of time,
01:26:48the temporary position of Bulutkaya
01:27:01has been decided to be given to Demet Onder.
01:27:11Mr. Ferit.
01:27:25I won't be able to stay in your house anymore, uncle.
01:27:28I'm sorry.
01:27:40Bulut, come on, let's get some fresh air.
01:27:43Come on.
01:27:45You go, I'll be right there.
01:27:59You won't be able to get away with this so easily.
01:28:03You won't be able to get Bulut either.
01:28:11Oh, Asuman, oh, Asuman.
01:28:13My God, she can't wake up.
01:28:15Everything is happening to me again.
01:28:17Come on, I couldn't wake up.
01:28:19Why don't you wake me up? I don't understand.
01:28:21The alarm rang for half an hour.
01:28:23There is a business meeting.
01:28:25Asuman, it's very important.
01:28:26How can I know that you have a business meeting?
01:28:28Besides, that alarm rang for hours.
01:28:30Why couldn't you wake up?
01:28:32If you ask me if I could sleep,
01:28:34I had a night like a nightmare.
01:28:36I couldn't sleep at all.
01:28:38Oh, couldn't you sleep because of your love?
01:28:40I say I couldn't sleep because of my sadness, Asuman.
01:28:42Can't you listen to me? My tears came out.
01:28:44At the end of the day, it was going to come out one day, dear.
01:28:46The girl called in the evening.
01:28:48She called in the morning, aunt. I didn't pick up.
01:28:50She called a few more times later.
01:28:52Oh, she must have told you, Tarik.
01:28:54The girl you think is rich,
01:28:56she definitely said she was a piece of silk.
01:28:58Well, I don't think he's going to hide your lies from his boss.
01:29:00He must have told you.
01:29:02I mean, you and Engin have been seeing each other for weeks.
01:29:04You're fooling him.
01:29:06Well, I'm as angry as I know Engin, of course.
01:29:08Oh, it's like we've met a hundred times, you and Engin, Asuman.
01:29:10After we met at the back door,
01:29:12we were supposed to see each other at least once.
01:29:14No, you wouldn't go to school so early.
01:29:17Do you have an exam?
01:29:19Besides, can you walk? Let's not miss the birthday.
01:29:21Oh, I don't want to go to the birthday.
01:29:23What happened? Did you get on the bus?
01:29:24What happened?
01:29:26Shut up, shut up.
01:29:28Uncle, I'm so scared.
01:29:30Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.
01:29:32We're with you.
01:29:34Uncle Ferit is with you, I'm with you,
01:29:36Nastya is with you, okay?
01:29:38I live with that woman.
01:29:40Okay, okay.
01:29:42We're always with you.
01:29:44How is the process going to work now?
01:29:46The lawyer will come and tell you everything now.
01:29:48After such a big trauma,
01:29:50how is this kid going to change his level again?
01:29:52Because of that file.
01:29:54Because of that file.
01:29:56It was just a small gesture
01:29:58from the late Demir's brother Demet.
01:30:00He was going to spread a kind of olive branch.
01:30:02But thanks to this file,
01:30:04they claim the right over Bulut.
01:30:06Because they have much bigger ambitions over the company.
01:30:10Wasn't that file with you?
01:30:12I mean, how did people get to this?
01:30:14Someone took a picture of it somewhere.
01:30:16But I'm not going to leave it with them.
01:30:18I'm going to make them regret
01:30:20for trying to take Bulut from me.
01:30:25I don't think we need to wait any longer.
01:30:30can you please prepare Bulut?
01:30:33It's not over yet.
01:30:35Yes, that's right, it's not over.
01:30:37But it's going to be over soon, Ferit.
01:30:40Besides, Bulut is not going to stay with us
01:30:42for such a short time.
01:30:44He's going to stay with us forever.
01:30:46Demet, I'm going to ask you.
01:30:48Don't you breathe for that man?
01:30:50Because it's not worth it.
01:30:52Bulut is neither yours
01:30:54nor your husband's business.
01:30:56Your only concern is the shares of Mal Mülk Company.
01:30:58You think you can take me down
01:31:00with your mind.
01:31:02Ferit Aslan, Ferit Aslan,
01:31:04come down, come down, come to us.
01:31:06You're not saying anything for us,
01:31:08do you understand?
01:31:10You don't even care about us,
01:31:12and you're going to see it soon,
01:31:14very soon, very clearly.
01:31:16Hakan, that's enough, don't confuse the situation.
01:31:18Since you're talking,
01:31:20I'll tell you too, Mr. Deniz.
01:31:22Otherwise, are you going to continue
01:31:24to be this man's puppet?
01:31:26Don't talk nonsense, puppets.
01:31:28These are not the topics I will discuss
01:31:30about my preference.
01:31:32Let me remind you, Mr. Deniz.
01:31:34Let's not hear them, okay?
01:31:36I'm so scared.
01:31:38I'm also a member of this family,
01:31:40do you understand?
01:31:42Okay, let's go get some air.
01:31:46Let's have some fun together, okay?
01:31:50If that kid doesn't come to my house today,
01:31:52you're a witness, Deniz.
01:31:54Come on, Demet.
01:32:06Where did you say you found Nazlı?
01:32:08Brother, I'm looking for Nazlı, she's not answering.
01:32:13At least we know she's with Nazlı.
01:32:16Maybe she took her to a quiet place
01:32:18to get rid of the confusion.
01:32:20Come on, let's go.
01:32:23Come on, Bulut.
01:32:27Nazlı, why did we come here?
01:32:29Where is this place?
01:32:33You have to wait a little.
01:32:35But it will be very good for you.
01:32:37You will have a lot of fun.
01:32:41Welcome, Nazlı.
01:32:43Thank you, Brother Ismail. How are you?
01:32:45Thank you very much. How are you?
01:32:47I'm fine, too.
01:32:49This is Bulut, my friend.
01:32:52Ismail, we came to see Selma.
01:32:54Is it better?
01:32:56Of course. Come and see Selma now.
01:32:58Come on, we're going to see Selma.
01:33:00Nazlı, who is Selma?
01:33:02Selma is my friend.
01:33:04Would you like to meet her?
01:33:06I would, and maybe she's my friend, too.
01:33:08Of course, she's your friend.
01:33:10You will love Selma very much.
01:33:12Selma loves you, too.
01:33:14Isn't Selma useful to us?
01:33:16A little.
01:33:17Bulut, let me introduce you to Selma.
01:33:20I can't believe how much she's recovered.
01:33:25She's recovered. You can't keep her in place now.
01:33:27Was Selma a dog?
01:33:31Say hello.
01:33:33Can you take this?
01:33:35Thank you.
01:33:39They found Selma on the side of the highway three months ago.
01:33:42Her treatment has been going on since then.
01:33:46She had her last surgery. I haven't seen her yet.
01:33:49I hope she doesn't get into a traffic accident like me.
01:33:53You'll get better just like her.
01:33:58Bulut, let's feed you.
01:34:00Give it to me.
01:34:02Do you want to eat this?
01:34:06Not food. I don't like this very much.
01:34:09Give it to me.
01:34:12Selma is very useful.
01:34:14Say it like you mean it.
01:34:20What were you doing? We were so curious.
01:34:22You didn't even answer your phone.
01:34:24Deniz, I'm sorry. I turned it off when I was entering the courtroom.
01:34:27Then I forgot to turn it on.
01:34:29How did you find us?
01:34:33You said you'd take care of the animals when I called for peace.
01:34:36I didn't forget either.
01:34:38What's up?
01:34:40Let me introduce you.
01:34:42This is my uncle.
01:34:44Uncle, this is Selma.
01:34:46Selma, what's up?
01:34:48You look so smart.
01:34:52We'll play a game with Selma later.
01:34:54Let me call your uncle.
01:35:03Selma, come here.
01:35:05Come here.
01:35:07Come here.
01:35:16Deniz, they're not at Nazlı's house.
01:35:18I know. I found them. Don't worry.
01:35:21You found them? Where are they?
01:35:23At the animal shelter.
01:35:25Animal shelter?
01:35:27Okay, I'm coming. I'll pick you up.
01:35:29No need. We'll come.
01:35:31Hold this.
01:35:33Of course, if the cloud can get out of here.
01:35:35Okay, then. Don't be late.
01:35:39We need to take the cloud to Demet.
01:35:41You know, to court.
01:35:43I know. I know. They have a court decision.
01:35:45Resisting will only spoil the cloud's psychology. I know.
01:35:47You come to me first.
01:35:49We'll pick up the cloud's stuff and get out.
01:35:51I want to leave the cloud.
01:36:03Ms. Iqbal.
01:36:04Where did Demet find those documents?
01:36:06Find out as soon as possible.
01:36:08I want to know who leaked the documents.
01:36:10Did Ms. Demet take the child?
01:36:12She did.
01:36:14She appointed Ms. Demet as a temporary judge.
01:36:16I knew.
01:36:18I took the photos with my own hands.
01:36:20I told Ms. Demet.
01:36:22Well, Ms. Demet wouldn't know.
01:36:24Will the photos be edited or not?
01:36:26Will the court accept it or not?
01:36:28How do you know you're not trying to steal money from us?
01:36:33After all, the judge gave the child to Ms. Demet.
01:36:35Thus, it was proven that my photos were also original and important.
01:36:39I kept my word against Ms. Demet.
01:36:41Now it's Ms. Demet's turn.
01:36:54You've come this far.
01:36:56From now on, it's in your hands.
01:36:58If you use your mind, your back won't come to the ground.
01:37:03Mr. Bekir.
01:37:06Please tell Ms. Demet.
01:37:08She can always trust me.
01:37:21Did you tell her?
01:37:23Yes, I did.
01:37:25She said, come to me first, I'll take you.
01:37:27She said, come to me first, I'll take you.
01:37:29On the one hand, my friend whom I know as my brother.
01:37:31On the other hand, my sister whom I haven't seen for years.
01:37:34We're stuck together.
01:37:36You can't be stuck together, Demis.
01:37:38I didn't see the cloud in court.
01:37:41I mean, the priority of both of you should be the cloud.
01:37:49You're right.
01:37:51Shall we go?
01:37:53If we can get rid of the cloud, let's go.
01:37:58Let's go, Mr. Cloud.
01:38:00We're going.
01:38:02Say goodbye to your friend.
01:38:04Goodbye, Selma. But we'll come back, right?
01:38:06Of course we will.
01:38:08Selma is very pleased.
01:38:19Yasu, thank you so much.
01:38:23I've been needing something like this for a long time.
01:38:25Okay, you know, you're one of my friends.
01:38:29Well, honey, we made money. We're spending it.
01:38:32We'll get a lot more out of Ms. Demis.
01:38:34I mean, I didn't do anything wrong.
01:38:38I gave them the document I had.
01:38:40If they hid it from Ms. Demis, there's nothing I can do.
01:38:42She looked at the court, examined it, and made a decision.
01:38:44I don't know.
01:38:46I mean, of course.
01:38:48But Mr. Ferit didn't hide it, either.
01:38:50After all, you're doing business.
01:38:52You hide the information, you get what's right.
01:38:53That's right. My blood is boiling.
01:38:56Look at me, Kante.
01:38:58Don't talk about this with my sister, Fatoş.
01:39:03Don't be ridiculous. I wouldn't say such a thing.
01:39:06Let's have a coffee over there. It's sweet.
01:39:09She's a good girl, actually.
01:39:11I wish I had money.
01:39:13If you don't have money, call a friend.
01:39:15You get tired when you call.
01:39:23I'll call you later.
01:39:38Can't I see Grandpa again?
01:39:48Of course you can see him.
01:39:52You'll sleep at Aunt Demet's house from now on.
01:39:55Just for a few days, Bulut.
01:39:57You'll return to our room as soon as possible.
01:40:00Don't worry, Uncle Hakim will make the right decision in the second hearing.
01:40:05He doesn't love me. He doesn't love me.
01:40:08For God's sake, Bulut.
01:40:10Is it possible not to love you?
01:40:12Besides, Aunt Demet is your aunt.
01:40:15Of course she loves you very much.
01:40:16Besides, if you get bored, you can come to your uncle's house.
01:40:21You can even come to my house. We can make cookies.
01:40:45Welcome, my dear. You brought joy to our house.
01:41:00What did we talk about?
01:41:02This is your house now.
01:41:04Don't you ever wonder about the room here?
01:41:07You're very lucky.
01:41:09There are a lot of people who love you.
01:41:11There are a lot of houses you can go to.
01:41:15Is there a pool in this house?
01:41:18Of course there is.
01:41:20You can go in if you want.
01:41:22No, I won't go in.
01:41:24Uncle bought me a boat to swim in it.
01:41:30Of course, you can swim if you want.
01:41:33Come on, let's see.
01:41:38Won't you come with us?
01:41:44I can't come now.
01:41:46I have a few things to do.
01:41:49But Uncle Deniz will stay here for another month.
01:41:53Won't you ever come?
01:41:56Won't we ever meet?
01:41:59Of course we will.
01:42:00I missed you so much.
01:42:02As I said, you'll be back home soon.
01:42:06Uncle, I love you so much.
01:42:10I love you too.
01:42:20Bulut, come on.
01:42:23Let's go.
01:42:25Let's go.
01:42:27Let's go.
01:42:31Bulut, come on.
01:42:34Come on.
01:42:39Well done, Bulut.
01:42:42Well done.
01:42:45Come on, boss.
01:43:00Come on.
01:43:17I know it looks weird.
01:43:20I didn't want to talk to Bulut.
01:43:23It was a little weird to take Bulut and leave like that.
01:43:26But he was so sad that I couldn't leave him there.
01:43:30He's been through so much.
01:43:33I couldn't let him stay there.
01:43:36I know.
01:43:40I know you did it for Bulut's sake.
01:43:57Okay, Ferit.
01:44:01I'm waiting for your e-mails, Mr. Kubilay.
01:44:04Okay, Mr. Engin. I'll send it right away.
01:44:06Okay, thank you.
01:44:12They left Bulut and Hakan.
01:44:15Ferit's voice is still bad.
01:44:18It's not easy.
01:44:20I mean, he's been with Bulut for weeks, Mr. Ferit.
01:44:24Demir and Zeynep are even more connected.
01:44:25Of course, there's also Hakan and Demet.
01:44:28I mean, Mr. Ferit can't handle this easily.
01:44:33By the way, are you here? Are you going out?
01:44:35Should I arrange a driver for you?
01:44:37Let me call Fatoş.
01:44:40If you're lucky, she'll answer the phone this time.
01:44:44And if I'm lucky, she'll have time to write me a coffee.
01:44:48Then you'll take me.
01:44:51Because you're my best friend with Fatoş.
01:44:56I'm fine.
01:44:58Engin is calling again.
01:45:00What am I going to do?
01:45:02He's been calling me since this morning.
01:45:04What's up, Fatoş?
01:45:06Is he a pervert?
01:45:08Give the number to the prosecutor.
01:45:10They find perverts as a shock.
01:45:12No, no, it's not like that.
01:45:14I knew someone, but I didn't want to open it now.
01:45:17Oh, you met at my place then.
01:45:20You're good-natured, too.
01:45:22Of course, you gave the number.
01:45:23He's been calling me since this morning.
01:45:25If he calls again, give it to me.
01:45:27I'll beat him up.
01:45:29No, it's not like that.
01:45:31Make me another sausage.
01:45:33But this time, put mustard in it.
01:45:36Okay, I'll do it.
01:45:40You're not saying the girl I stole like a thief, Tarık.
01:45:43What a shame, Mr. Engin.
01:45:48Tarık, do you know anything about Fatoş?
01:45:51About me?
01:45:55How do I know, Mr. Engin? I don't know anything.
01:45:58I don't know. You must have seen something on TV.
01:46:01You must have seen something in the newspaper.
01:46:03You must have a bad reputation in the society.
01:46:05No, I don't think there's anything like that.
01:46:09I don't know anything either.
01:46:14I didn't ask anything about disappearing in the eyes of the girl we met.
01:46:18She has such blue eyes.
01:46:20I mean, I didn't even ask her last name.
01:46:23I'm going on the Internet, there's no doubt about it.
01:46:25Mr. Engin, are you here? I'll set up a vehicle for you.
01:46:35We miscalculated. We're going the wrong way.
01:46:38I want to go somewhere. You don't have a job. I hope it's on our way.
01:46:43Okay, sure.
01:46:46Look, I'm going to close my eyes now.
01:46:50Uncle, you're really good at basketball.
01:46:54Of course, I have some skills of my own.
01:47:06I have to go now.
01:47:09If you have any problems here, tell me.
01:47:12Uncle, don't worry. I don't mind anything.
01:47:15Besides, my uncle told me. I'll go back to my room in a few days.
01:47:19You're a great kid.
01:47:21I'm not a kid. I'm a cute monster.
01:47:25Don't you see this place? It's like a toy store.
01:47:29My uncle wouldn't let me play with so many things at the same time.
01:47:34Your uncle is right, actually.
01:47:36I know, but don't tell him anything, okay?
01:47:38Okay, okay.
01:47:40Do this. I'll taste a few things.
01:47:43Then I'll ask for a few more things. They'll have to take them.
01:47:46You're really a monster.
01:47:48I'm a toy monster.
01:47:50Come on, make me that car, so I can take the wings of the car.
01:47:53Okay. Wings. I got it.
01:48:03It's so beautiful here. It's like it takes everything.
01:48:08I always come here when I'm bored.
01:48:12My father used to bring me here when I was a kid.
01:48:15We used to fly kites in the beautiful Estia.
01:48:19Kites need to be perfectly symmetrical so that they can fly properly.
01:48:24It's a great choice for you. You love it.
01:48:27I mean, everyone loves symmetrical things, but you love them separately.
01:48:31Everyone loves symmetry. They don't know, but they love it.
01:48:33I read something about us finding it more beautiful without being aware of symmetrical people somewhere.
01:48:40I don't know if it's valid for me.
01:48:42I mean, it doesn't have to be flawless for me to like something and find it beautiful.
01:48:48I don't know how symmetrical I am.
01:48:53You're beautiful.
01:48:55If that's what you're wondering about.
01:49:03I love you.
01:49:10I want you to continue working with me.
01:49:13You'll come back like you used to. You'll cook and come back.
01:49:20Cloud will be back home soon anyway.
01:49:23By the way, don't be unemployed. Don't let anyone's order go wrong.
01:49:28It won't go wrong.
01:49:31I hope.
01:49:33I hope.
01:49:40I'll only say one thing.
01:49:42Don't upset Cloud.
01:49:44How can you say that?
01:49:46We can't do anything to the boy.
01:49:48You don't have to hurt him or beat him to upset him.
01:49:51He's a kid who grows up with love and attention.
01:49:54Don't worry, Deniz.
01:49:56He won't be alone here because Ferit is at home.
01:49:59Are we bad people?
01:50:01I hope you're not.
01:50:04I'll come to see Cloud.
01:50:06Every day.
01:50:08Ferit Efendi appointed you as the chief engineer.
01:50:11Sorry, did I say something? I didn't understand.
01:50:13Do you have an objection?
01:50:15No way.
01:50:17I'd be happy, Deniz.
01:50:19I think you should move here.
01:50:21Big house, huge pool, lots of rooms.
01:50:24Perfect living space.
01:50:26And you're renting that warehouse for nothing.
01:50:31Next time I come, I'll bring you a few mosaic magazines.
01:50:34You can read them, too.
01:50:48Thank you.
01:50:50You've changed your way for me.
01:50:52It doesn't matter.
01:50:54I'm already in a bad mood today.
01:50:55I don't know what happened.
01:50:57See you tomorrow.
01:50:59I mean, we probably can't meet.
01:51:01Because you'll be out of town by the time I get here.
01:51:03Besides, you don't have to look for me.
01:51:05I think you'd better write to me what you want.
01:51:08I mean, what you want to eat.
01:51:11I'll be there at the same time tomorrow.
01:51:17Thank you.
01:51:19You've helped Cloud and me a lot.
01:51:22Everything will be fine.
01:51:24See you.
01:51:51The document was prepared by the district office we always work for.
01:51:54We have a secret agreement with them.
01:51:56I mean, in such a situation,
01:51:58if they leak it out,
01:52:00they have to pay us a large amount of compensation.
01:52:03They can't take such a risk.
01:52:05They'll lose their credibility in the market.
01:52:07Someone took that risk.
01:52:09Someone didn't even think about their reputation in the market.
01:52:11He didn't even think about what Cloud would become.
01:52:13He gave the documents to Demet.
01:52:15He said, I don't know what to do.
01:52:17I don't know what to do.
01:52:18He didn't even think about what Cloud would become.
01:52:20He gave the documents to Demet.
01:52:22Mr. Ferit, no matter what, I'm not going to let this go.
01:52:24I'm still investigating.
01:52:26We're definitely going to get a clue from somewhere.
01:52:28Thank you, Ms. İkbal.
01:52:30You can leave if you want.
01:52:32Okay, good night.
01:52:33Good night.
01:52:47Aren't you going to leave?
01:52:49I have a few things to do.
01:52:51I'll take care of them and leave.
01:52:59Look, you can't take Cloud back like this.
01:53:01Go home and have a good rest.
01:53:03Or forget it.
01:53:05I gave up. Let's go somewhere outside.
01:53:07Let's do something.
01:53:09Another night. I promise.
01:53:11I'll go.
01:53:13Look, I'll look at the images an hour later.
01:53:15If you're not at home, we'll change the plans.
01:53:17If you change your mind, you know where to find me.
01:53:19I don't know. I'll call you if I look.
01:53:32Don't worry.
01:53:34We'll find the person who gave that document.
01:53:36I know, Engin, I know.
01:53:38I'll tell him about this world when I find it.
01:53:40Did you find the money? Where did you find it?
01:53:42I swear I did.
01:53:44Gamze's brother bought a T-shirt from the horse race.
01:53:46Gamze and I made a coupon.
01:53:48He got the coupon.
01:53:50I'll look for it.
01:53:52I'll look for it.
01:53:54I'll look for it.
01:53:56I'll look for it.
01:53:58I'll look for it.
01:54:00I'll look for it.
01:54:02I'll look for it.
01:54:05I'll look for it.
01:54:07I'll look for it.
01:54:08Did you find it?
01:54:12T-shirt from the horse race.
01:54:16I swear I did.
01:54:18I bought the T-shirt.
01:54:19No way.
01:54:21You made me tear my eyes.
01:54:23Fatih, I'm going crazy.
01:54:25You've started the gamze.
01:54:27Don't they have time?
01:54:29They have nothing between them.
01:54:31Our gambling is missing.
01:54:33We fell in gambling.
01:54:35Didn't we grow up in the same home with you?
01:54:38I don't like it, Asuman. It's a sin, a sin.
01:54:40I mean, sister, you really made everything so dramatic.
01:54:43You literally made me a gambling addict.
01:54:45Once, luck smiled on my face.
01:54:47I bought gifts to make my sisters happy.
01:54:50I wanted to make a gesture.
01:54:51You brought it from my nose.
01:54:52God bless you.
01:54:53You have potential, Asuman.
01:54:54Oh, that luck didn't smile on my face.
01:54:56Look, I've been playing numbers every week for five years.
01:54:59I haven't won three times yet.
01:55:01Come on, I can't win in gambling.
01:55:03I can't win in love either.
01:55:05Who am I talking to?
01:55:06Seriously, hang out together.
01:55:09It's so beautiful.
01:55:11Did you like it?
01:55:15I'm going to try it.
01:55:16Don't miss it.
01:55:17She's so happy.
01:55:18I wish she could see that happiness from you.
01:55:36I'm going to try it.
01:56:00I'm telling you as your sister and your wife...
01:56:03...that you have a little problem.
01:56:07My mom is waiting for the date for breakfast.
01:56:16Partner, what are we going to do with your brother Bohemian?
01:56:18You can't make him pass by saying he's your brother.
01:56:20Because my father entrusted both of us with this carat.
01:56:28Mom, don't bother. Your son is wild.
01:56:31He called us and asked.
01:56:32Mom, look, I'm really not sleepy at all.
01:56:34Okay, let's go to my uncle.
01:56:36My uncle plays beautiful music for us.
01:56:38Don't you say I want to play with my uncle's battery?
01:56:41We'll stop by to have coffee.
01:56:43I won't break my arm.
01:56:55But promise me you won't do such things again.
01:56:58Oh, Nazlı.
01:56:59What did you do?
01:57:00What a beautiful girl.
01:57:03How is it? Does it look good?
01:57:05It's beautiful.
01:57:06My mother had such a dress.
01:57:08My father bought it when I was little.
01:57:10It was so beautiful. It was warm.
01:57:11We'll wear it.
01:57:18Oh, my God.
01:57:20Come on, what happened now?
01:57:24Oh, Nazlı.
01:57:26Why are you sad now?
01:57:28Oh, I don't know.
01:57:29Look, we're having fun.
01:57:31We know.
01:57:33Who knows what Cloud is doing?
01:57:37What happened to Cloud today?
01:57:39Cloud is Ferit's aunt.
01:57:41You know that blonde guy called Demet?
01:57:44He cried a lot.
01:57:48He didn't cry a lot, of course.
01:57:50He was very sad, Asuman.
01:57:52And he's trying not to be fooled.
01:57:54He's throwing it in.
01:57:55He was so sad that he left his uncle.
01:57:57Who knows what storms are breaking out of him?
01:58:00What is he going to do tonight?
01:58:02God knows what nightmares he's having.
01:58:04Oh, my God.
01:58:06Ferit was definitely going to stay.
01:58:09They presented a document to the court at the last minute.
01:58:12I don't know what happened, but...
01:58:14The judge finally gave it to Mrs. Demet.
01:58:17Someone must have played with that kid's psychology for money.
01:58:21What a heartless people.
01:58:23I hope God doesn't show them the face of the day.
01:58:27If someone really did something like this, amen.
01:58:29I hope God doesn't show them the face of the day.
01:58:35What happened, sister?
01:58:38If something happened, tell me.
01:58:45Baby, I can't pity you.
01:58:48Cloud is sad.
01:58:50Come to your sister.
01:58:52We're apart from our mother and father.
01:58:56He put himself in Cloud's place.
01:58:58He's my baby.
01:58:59I can't believe it.
01:59:00Asuman has feelings, too.
01:59:02He's got empathy with the kid.
01:59:04My beautiful hearted brother.
01:59:08But Mrs. Demet is his aunt, too.
01:59:11That's his home.
01:59:13He'll be happy there, too.
01:59:17Okay, sister.
01:59:19Cloud will be happy.
01:59:21You're right.
01:59:23Mrs. Demet is his aunt, after all.
01:59:25It's gonna be okay.
01:59:26Don't be sad.
01:59:27We're always with him.
01:59:31Cloud is crying.
01:59:33I can't believe it.
01:59:35My beautiful.
01:59:37Let me wash my face.
01:59:39Wash it, sister.
01:59:44It's not obvious, but he's sensitive, too.
01:59:50Let me make some tea.
01:59:57Cloud, Melis will take care of you from now on.
02:00:00Melis is my new assistant.
02:00:03I think you'll get along very well.
02:00:05Because Melis started working with us today.
02:00:08So it's her first day in this house like you.
02:00:11Hi, Cloud.
02:00:14Did you get him from court?
02:00:17No, Cloud.
02:00:18We didn't get you from court, either.
02:00:20You're my nephew.
02:00:22That's why you're here.
02:00:23You're my brother's trust.
02:00:25Is Melis your nephew, too?
02:00:30Look, Cloud.
02:00:31Let's do this.
02:00:32Think of Melis as your sister Nazlı.
02:00:35Wait a minute.
02:00:36Of course not.
02:00:37Nazlı is not my sister.
02:00:39She's my friend.
02:00:41And I call her Nazlı.
02:00:45You can call me Melis if you want.
02:00:50Maybe I'll call you my friend.
02:00:53Do you go to school like Nazlı?
02:00:56No, Cloud.
02:00:57Melis doesn't cook in this house.
02:00:59Because Mrs. Sabahat cooks in our house.
02:01:02So from now on, there's Melis instead of Nazlı.
02:01:06That didn't work out.
02:01:08If you can't cook like Nazlı, you can't replace Nazlı.
02:01:13You're so rude.
02:01:15Maybe we can be friends with Mrs. Sabahat.
02:01:20I'm a little dizzy.
02:01:23Can you tell Mrs. Sabahat to make me a salad?
02:01:31I'll come back to wish you a good night.
02:01:34Other than that, I may have been confused.
02:01:38But from tomorrow on, I'll take care of Refika's sleep and diet.
02:01:43Is there anything you want in the room?
02:01:46I want a TV.
02:01:49Is this appropriate for a child at this age?
02:01:52I want a TV.
02:01:54I want a TV.
02:01:56I want a game machine under it.
02:01:58I have my own house, my uncle's house, and my uncle's house.
02:02:02I play as much as I want in all of them.
02:02:04I'll play here as much as I want.
02:02:06This place is like a hospital.
02:02:08I'm stuck.
02:02:10Okay, Cloud.
02:02:13I'll get everything you want.
02:02:16Just don't cry.
02:02:19Mrs. Refika.
02:02:20Let's put a TV for now.
02:02:22Let's keep the daily use time short.
02:02:29Do I have to say my name in the games I want?
02:02:37No. Okay.
02:02:40Dead world.
02:02:42You won't do greed and speed.
02:02:45Otherwise, the worms you ate yesterday will come today...
02:02:48God forbid.
02:02:50But it's all because of Demir.
02:02:52He didn't put up with what he could because he didn't want to get into that company.
02:02:56But then what happened?
02:02:57He didn't have it in this world.
02:03:00Although he tried to give Mrs. Demet five percent of his share, but...
02:03:03Oh, I can't.
02:03:05Five percent.
02:03:06So he bites his flesh and throws his bone in front of us.
02:03:08Five percent.
02:03:10He has forty-eight percent shares.
02:03:12Forty-eight percent husband and wife.
02:03:15He was the victim of Demir's greed.
02:03:17Oh, he's burning with age next to Kurun.
02:03:20That's how it's going to be.
02:03:22What's going to happen?
02:03:24Five percent will be theirs.
02:03:26The cloud will be alive.
02:03:27Forty-eight percent will be ours.
02:03:29Then they say, why don't you like children?
02:03:31How can I love a child?
02:03:32He's not a child, he's a monster.
02:03:38Oh, good morning.
02:03:40What happened? Couldn't you find a common ground?
02:03:43Oh, he wants a TV, Pasha.
02:03:45Hakan, please, let's put it right away.
02:03:47I mean, if necessary, let's put the one in the living room.
02:03:49That's enough for tonight.
02:03:51Bekir, call the kids.
02:03:53Let them find this AVM without closing or somewhere.
02:03:55Let them bring that kid a TV.
02:03:57Okay, brother.
02:03:58Oh, by the way, there are those game consoles under it.
02:04:01Can you take it from them, please?
02:04:03But consult and take it so that nothing goes wrong.
02:04:09Oh, poor thing.
