A brief summary of the Quran | JUZ 12 | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

  • 2 months ago
▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00نحمده و نصلي على رسوله الكريم أمّا بعد
00:03The most brief summary of the 12th chapter of the Quran is that
00:08Allah, the Lord of Glory, in the beginning
00:10وَمَا مِن دَابَّةٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ إِلَّا عَلَى اللَّهِ رِزْقُهَا
00:15Allah, the Lord of Glory, has mentioned the provision and sustenance of every living being
00:23Allah, the Lord of Glory, has mentioned the provision and sustenance of every living being
00:31Allah, the Lord of Glory, is the Owner, the Creator and the Provider
00:36Allah, the Lord of Glory, is the Provider of every living being
00:39Allah, the Lord of Glory, knows the sustenance of every living being
00:48After that, the provision of the Seal of the Prophets, peace be upon him
00:52فَلَعَلَّكَ تَارِكُمْ بَعْضَ مَا يُحَىٰ إِلَيْكَ وَضَائِقُمْ بِصَدْرُ كَانِ يَقُولُوا لَوْ لَا أُنزِرْ عَدَهِ كَنْسُ
00:59These polytheists used to come to them with their wishes
01:04And they kept asking for a miracle
01:07So Allah, the Lord of Glory, said to the Prophet, peace be upon him,
01:10Do not be troubled
01:12Allah has sent you only to frighten
01:16You should go and frighten the fear of Allah and the fear of God and the recognition of God to humanity
01:23Now, at such a time, Allah, the Lord of Glory, in response to their requests, presented a challenge of the Holy Quran
01:31Here, Allah, the Lord of Glory, said somewhere,
01:34Make a surah of the Holy Quran and bring it
01:37This was mentioned at various places
01:41Allah, the Lord of Glory, from the 25th verse of this surah to the end of Surah Hud
01:49Allah, the Lord of Glory, has mentioned seven Prophets, peace be upon them
01:54Among them, the first is the mention of Prophet Noah, peace be upon him
01:57وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا نُوحًا إِلَىٰ قَوْمِهِ إِنِّي لَكُمْ نَذِيرٌ مُّبِيدٌ
02:02We have sent Noah, peace be upon him, to the people
02:05That I am clearly going to frighten you
02:09For 950 years, Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, gave the invitation of Tawheed
02:14Some people accepted it, but many people did not
02:18Now, by the command of Allah, Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, prepared a boat
02:22And after preparing the boat, he placed his companions, companions, and Muslims in that boat
02:30Among the animals, among every animal, he placed a man and a woman
02:34Then the punishment was such that water came out of the ground and water kept pouring from the sky
02:41And from the ground and the sky, this water took the form of a storm
02:45Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, said to his son Canaan, that you should also come and board this boat
02:52Why? Because I had prayed, O Allah, save my family
02:56Allah, the Lord of Glory, said, because this son is a disbeliever
02:59Therefore, he is not of your family
03:01This family will be the one who has believed in you
03:06The one who has not believed in you is not from your family
03:09This is how this point is understood
03:11Okay, if a father is a disbeliever among his sons
03:14Then a relative relationship is in its place
03:17But in the case of Allah, the relative relationship is a relationship of faith
03:21It is a relationship of Islam, a relationship of faith
03:24And that is the most powerful and powerful
03:28After this, Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, prayed
03:30And Allah, the Lord of Glory, saved Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, and all his family
03:36That is, he saved those who believed in him and destroyed the rest
03:40The second mention of the Prophet that Allah, the Lord of Glory, said in the 12th chapter
03:45He sent Prophet Hud, peace be upon him
03:49And Prophet Hud, peace be upon him, formally invited his people
03:54But they remained in idolatry
03:56Finally, Allah, the Lord of Glory, sent a storm of wind on them
04:00The roofs of their houses fell
04:02And the trees fell
04:04The animals and humans began to fly like kites
04:07And all of them were destroyed
04:09The third mention of the Prophet that Allah, the Lord of Glory, said
04:12He is Hazrat Saleh, peace be upon him
04:14The same wishes and miracles the people are asking for
04:17The demand for camels
04:18Finally, Allah, the Lord of Glory, fulfilled that demand
04:21Hazrat Saleh, peace be upon him, said
04:24Do not send him to Gaza
04:26They killed him
04:28When they killed him, Allah, the Lord of Glory, punished them
04:32And the punishment was such that it is called the punishment of screaming
04:37Therefore, the people of Saleh, peace be upon him, were also destroyed and destroyed by the punishment of screaming
04:42The fourth mention of the Prophet that Allah, the Lord of Glory, said
04:46And there he pointed to two incidents
04:49The angels came to Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be upon him, in the form of a human
04:54And the angels that came in the human form
04:57Hazrat Ibrahim, peace be upon him, as a guest, arranged for him to cook a calf
05:07But when he presented it to him, he did not eat it
05:10The fifth story that was narrated here
05:13The story that was narrated was of Hazrat Lut, peace be upon him
05:16And when the Messenger of Allah, Lut, came to him, he said to him,
05:20And he said to him, This is the Day of Reckoning.
05:23One of the worst sins of the people of Sadoom
05:26One of the worst sins of the people of Sadoom
05:29It was homosexuality
05:31Which had become common in this nation
05:33The angels that came to Hazrat Lut, peace be upon him, were beautiful
05:38So Hazrat Lut, peace be upon him, was worried
05:41That the people of his nation may have misconduct with him
05:44Or they may be in trouble
05:47The angels reassured him that they will not be able to do anything
05:50You just do this
05:52Hazrat Lut, peace be upon him, was told
05:54Take your wife and your wife and leave here at night
05:58So Hazrat Lut, peace be upon him, left
06:00Behind the people and the settlement
06:02These angels did this
06:04That they turned the whole nation upside down
06:07And buried them in the ground
06:11And in this way, they were crushed and destroyed
06:16After the incident of these five Prophets, peace be upon them
06:21The sixth incident that was mentioned
06:23Hazrat Shu'aib, peace be upon him
06:25Hazrat Shu'aib, peace be upon him, came to the people of Madinah
06:28And Hazrat Shu'aib, peace be upon him, explained the people of Madinah
06:32And explained with great morality
06:35But the matter of this nation was that
06:37They used to reduce in size
06:39Therefore, the punishment of shouting came
06:41And the people of Shu'aib, peace be upon him, turned upside down
06:45And in this way, this nation was also destroyed
06:48On the seventh number, the mention of Hazrat Musa, peace be upon him, has come
06:51The statement of his Prophet has come
06:53He invited the Pharaoh, but he did not listen
06:55So it was mentioned about the Day of Judgment
06:58That he will be ahead of the people
07:00And the Pharaoh and his army will be thrown into Hell one by one
07:06After this, the commandment of Iqamat-e-Salat
07:08Wa Aqim-e-Salat Ataraf-e-In-Nahar Wa Zulafa Min-Al-Layt
07:11In this verse, along with the mention of the time of Salat, Namaz, and the benefits of Namaz
07:17A total of four Namaz are mentioned, apart from Zuhr
07:20The mention of Zuhr is mentioned in the second verse
07:22Allah, the Lord of Glory, has said
07:24In the same way, the beginning of Surah Yusuf is mentioned
07:28And before the beginning of Surah Yusuf
07:30It is necessary to understand this brief background
07:33That the Jews once asked
07:36How did the Israelites leave Palestine and reach Egypt?
07:41In response to this, Allah, the Lord of Glory, has revealed Surah Yusuf
07:46And in this, the story of Hazrat Yusuf was called Ahsan-ul-Qisas
07:50The summary of the verse up to verse 21 is
07:53That these people consulted whether to kill or put them in a well
07:58The Jews, who were their elder brother, advised them not to kill
08:02However, to put them in a well
08:04Therefore, one day it so happened that they said to Yaqub
08:07That we are going on a picnic
08:09You give us permission and Yusuf should also come with us
08:12We will come at the time of Isha
08:16When it was night and he returned at the time of Isha
08:19When he returned, he brought a blood-stained kurta
08:22But Yusuf was not there
08:24And then the story was told that this is how it happened
08:26We kept our belongings close and the wolves ate them
08:29Hazrat Yaqub, peace be upon him, understood everything
08:32As for Zulaikha, it so happened that
08:34Seeing the beauty and beauty of Yusuf
08:36She became mischievous
08:39And once she intended to commit a sin
08:41She tried to close the door
08:44Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him, ran away
08:46And finally, this matter of Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him
08:49And the noise outside was found
08:52Dear Egypt learned of all this
08:55So Allah gave a brave child the strength of the wolf
08:59And through that strength of the wolf
09:01Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him, was witnessed for his purity
09:05Therefore, Zulaikha also admitted
09:07And Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him
09:10In this way, Allah the Lord of Honor
09:12Purified and blessed
09:14However, Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him
09:16Prayed here
09:18O my Lord, this prison is better for me
09:22As compared to the sin towards which it calls me
09:26It calls me
09:28So this prison is better for me
09:30After reaching the prison
09:32Two more prisoners came to the prison
09:36And they were brought to the prison
09:38To accuse the king of poisoning the food
09:41They stayed there for a while
09:43And they saw a dream
09:44And they asked Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him, the interpretation of the dream
09:47In the dream, one said
09:49I am squeezing grapes to give the king liquor
09:52And the other said
09:53There is a piece of bread on my head
09:55The birds are eating it
09:57Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him, was a prophet
09:59He first invited him to Tauheed
10:01And after inviting him to Tauheed
10:03Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him, said
10:05One of you
10:06He did not specify
10:08He said that one of you will be saved
10:10And the other will be hanged
10:12The one who was saved
10:14When he was about to be released
10:17Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him, said
10:19Tell the king
10:21That an innocent prisoner is also imprisoned
10:24But when that person went
10:26The one who was saved
10:28He went there and forgot
10:30Satan made him forget
10:32So for many years
10:34Yusuf, peace be upon him, stayed in prison
10:36Suddenly one day
10:38The king saw a dream
10:40In the dream, he saw
10:42Seven cows
10:46Fat, fresh cows
10:48And on the other side, seven thin cows
10:50So these fat, fresh cows
10:52Those thin, thin cows
10:54They are eating
10:56In the same way, in the dream, he saw
10:58Seven haystacks
11:00And some other haystacks
11:02They are dry
11:04The king tried to ask
11:06The king tried to ask
11:08Now that person
11:10The one who was released
11:12He remembered
11:14The king apologized
11:16That he did not know the meaning of the dream
11:18But the one who was saved
11:20He remembered
11:22He said that in your jail
11:24There is a prisoner
11:26Who knows the best meaning
11:28So in this way, the king noticed
11:30Hazrat Yusuf, peace be upon him, asked
11:32The meaning
11:34The lesson he learned
11:36If a person has a firm resolve
11:38And in front of Allah
11:40If he obeys
11:42If he is pure and pure
11:44Then not only
11:46Allah grants blessings
11:48Allah grants freedom
11:50Allah grants help
11:52But in the future
11:54In the 13th chapter
11:56Allah the Lord of Glory
11:58Allah the Lord of Glory
12:00Allah the Lord of Glory
12:02Allah the Lord of Glory
12:04Allah the Lord of Glory
