A brief summary of the Quran | JUZ 14 | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

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▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
00:30Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
01:00Allah is saying in this ayat
01:02We have revealed it
01:04We are going to protect it
01:06And see, more than 1400 years
01:08have passed
01:10Now we are all seeing that Allah
01:12has chosen for its protection
01:14a printing, a printing house
01:16a press house
01:18Not this, but the small
01:20hearts of the innocent children of the Muslim Ummah
01:22Allah has chosen for this purpose
01:24And MashaAllah, they become
01:26Hafiz of the Holy Quran
01:28Not in lakhs, but in crores
01:30In every era
01:32The children of the Ummah are coming
01:34while memorizing the Holy Quran
01:36After this, the creation of Adam
01:38has been mentioned
01:40That Allah has created Adam
01:42with His hand of power
01:44And put a soul in him
01:46And in the end of the devil,
01:48the evil has been mentioned
01:50After that, the attributes of the people of Jannah
01:52have been mentioned
01:54Their springs, their gardens
01:56And their brightness
01:58And all their blessings
02:00After Allah mentioned
02:02Then He mentioned the companions of Hijr
02:04These companions of Hijr
02:06Who were these people?
02:08The companions of Hijr
02:10in the tribe of Samud
02:12in the valley of Hijr
02:14they came and settled
02:16Because of this, they were called the companions of Hijr
02:18Hazrat Saleh A.S.
02:20was sent to this tribe
02:22Hazrat Saleh A.S.
02:24According to the law of Shariah
02:26And according to the command of Allah
02:28He was continuously invited to this tribe
02:30But the people did not agree
02:32And when they did not agree,
02:34a powerful voice came
02:36And through that voice, Allah destroyed them
02:38After this, Allah mentioned the Surah Fatihah
02:40Surah Fatihah
02:42Surah Fatihah
02:44Surah Fatihah
02:46was called Masani
02:48And was called the Holy Quran
02:50Masani means
02:52Masani Surah
02:54It is recited again and again
02:56Because of the blessings,
02:58Because of the mercy
03:00Because of the sweetness of the words
03:02Plus the river of meanings
03:04The summary of the whole Quran
03:06The commentators say
03:08That it is Surah Fatihah
03:10That is why it is called Masani
03:12It is recited again and again
03:14Usually it is recited again and again
03:16And it is repeated again and again
03:18in Salah
03:20Along with that, Allah said
03:22Al-Quran Al-Azeem
03:24Surah Fatihah is called Quran Al-Azeem
03:26Why? The reason is
03:28The commentators said
03:30The summary of the whole Quran
03:32is in Surah Fatihah
03:34After this,
03:36On the announcement of Tabligh
03:38The command of Tabligh of Islam
03:40Arise from the polytheists
03:42Arise from the polytheists
03:44And declare
03:46This is the command of Allah
03:48First was the hidden worship
03:50Then the declaration of Tabligh
03:52The declaration of worship
03:54The command of Allah
03:56And the summary of this Surah is
03:58That the whole life
04:00The command of worship
04:04Worship your Lord
04:06Until the certainty comes
04:08The certainty means death
04:10The whole life
04:12What does it mean?
04:14It does not mean that the whole life
04:16Is spent in prostration
04:18Rather, the life spent in
04:20Obedience to the commandments of Allah
04:22Is spent in worship
04:24As if the whole life is spent
04:26After this, Allah
04:28Started Surah Nahl
04:30With the same 14th Surah
04:32In Surah Nahl
04:34Nahl is called the honey bee
04:36So actually, the mention of the honey bee
04:38In this Surah
04:40Because it is mentioned many times
04:42And mentioned as a blessing
04:44That is why
04:46The name of this Surah
04:48Was given as Surah Nahl
04:50In the beginning, Allah mentioned
04:52The creation of man
04:54Then He mentioned the ungratefulness of man
04:56The creation of man from a sperm
04:58The benefit is clear and clear
05:00Meaning that
05:02Allah has created man
05:04From a weak and lowly sperm
05:06And then Allah
05:08Is saying
05:10That after the creation of man
05:12Allah has given man
05:14The power of hearing, vision and insight
05:16So the one who has
05:18Created such a magnificent creature
05:20Is he worthy
05:22To be associated with him?
05:24Is being associated with him
05:26An advantage to man?
05:28Can this be a sign of man?
05:30Not at all
05:32So Allah the Lord of Glory
05:34Has mentioned the creation of man
05:36And then the ungratefulness of man
05:38And has given the lesson of Tauheed
05:40That man should come to Tauheed
05:42Then Allah mentioned
05:44The blessings of Allah
05:50Allah the Lord of Glory
05:52Has mentioned the animals
05:56Horses, donkeys, camels
05:58Allah the Lord of Glory
06:00Is saying
06:02That you use many of them
06:04For adornment
06:06You eat the flesh of many
06:08And the animals
06:10And the blessings of Allah
06:12Allah the lord of Glory
06:14Mentioned all of these
06:16After that
06:18He mentioned the ungratefulness
06:20And the righteous
06:22One by one
06:24In a beautiful way
06:26What does it mean?
06:28The ungrateful
06:30And the disbelievers
06:32When there are new revelations
06:34And the command of Allah
06:36When it is said to them what Allah has revealed, they say these are old stories, these are old stories, these words, we seek refuge with Allah, are used by the deniers and the arrogant.
06:51But when it is asked to the righteous, the believers, the Muslims, then what do they say?
06:58When it is asked to the righteous, the believers, then what do they say?
07:02They say that whatever Allah has revealed is good, Allah has revealed good.
07:09When it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the believers, they mention goodness.
07:23When it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant, they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
07:53they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
07:58they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:03they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:08they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:13they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:18they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:23they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:28they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:33they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:38they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:43they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:48they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:53they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
08:58they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
09:03they say these are old stories, and when it is asked to the polytheists and the arrogant,
09:08Allah has also mentioned the honey, that how much healing Allah will give in this honey.
09:13After this, the most comprehensive verse is coming here,
09:18Allah has also mentioned the honey, that how much healing Allah will give in this honey.
09:23After this, the most comprehensive verse is coming here,
09:28In this verse, Allah has given the command to those who are righteous,
09:33In this verse, Allah has given the command to those who are righteous,
09:38In this verse, Allah has given the command to those who are righteous,
09:43In this verse, Allah has given the command to those who are righteous,
09:48In this verse, Allah has given the command to those who are righteous,
09:53In this verse, Allah has given the command to those who are righteous,
09:58There are three prominent figures in this verse,
10:03There are three prominent figures in this verse,
10:08Hazrat Ammar, Hazrat Sumayah, and Hazrat Yasir.
10:13Before understanding the meaning of this verse,
10:18the polytheists had arrested these three figures,
10:22Hazrat Ammar, Hazrat Yasir, and Hazrat Sumayah.
10:27and forced them to say the Kalimah of Kufr with their tongue
10:32As a result, Hazrat Yasir acted upon the greatness and did not say the Kalimah of Kufr with his tongue
10:39Hazrat Sumaiyyah also acted upon the greatness and did not say the Kalimah of Kufr
10:45Therefore, he attained martyrdom, he became a martyr, he is the first martyr of Islam
10:50He is the first martyr of Islam who has been mentioned
10:55However, Hazrat Ammar acted upon the greatness and did not say the Kalimah of Kufr with his tongue
11:01but his heart and his heart were at peace with Iman
11:04His heart was firm in Iman
11:07Now when he came and asked the Prophet of Allah, this verse came from Allah through Wahi
11:13that if the heart is at peace and the Iman of Allah is firm
11:18if someone says the Kalimah of Kufr with his tongue to save his life
11:24then there is nothing wrong with it
11:26There is freedom in this Shariah and there is flexibility and permission in this Shariah
11:30After this, the mention of Hazrat Ibrahim is mentioned in a beautiful way
11:34Inna Ibrahimaka na ummatan qanita lillahi haneefa
11:38He called Ibrahim as a nation
11:41Although Hazrat Ibrahim was a single individual
11:44He was a single individual but all the virtues and merits of the Ummah were gathered in Hazrat Ibrahim
11:51From his progeny, the progeny of the Prophets started
11:53One of his sons is Hazrat Ishaq
11:55Approximately 4,000 Prophets from the progeny of Hazrat Ishaq were sent by Allah
12:02The second son is Hazrat Ismail
12:04What can be greater than this in his progeny
12:08that the Imam of the Prophets, peace and blessings be upon him
12:11The Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is from the progeny of Hazrat Ismail
12:15After this, in the end, the style and method of Dawah of Deen is mentioned
12:20In this, it is especially said
12:22I call upon the way of my Lord with wisdom and good guidance
12:24That is, through virtues and motivation, humanity should be brought closer to Islam and faith
12:30If there are doubts, they should be rejected in a good way
12:33In short, this is the saying of a saint
12:35The right thing, the right intention, the right method should be said
12:38It will not remain without effect
12:40May Allah and the Lord of Glory guide us
