A brief summary of the Quran | JUZ 16 | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

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▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00Nahmaduhu wa nusalli ala rasoolihil kareem amma baad
00:03The most brief summary of the 16th chapter of the Quran is that
00:07at the end of the 15th chapter, the knowledge journey of Prophet Moses and Prophet Khidr
00:14and during that time, their knowledge conversation was going on
00:19and at the beginning of the 16th chapter as well, the same knowledge conversation
00:25and the revelation of all those incidents and the wisdoms hidden behind them
00:32were mentioned by Prophet Khidr.
00:35Then after the beginning of the 16th chapter,
00:38Allah, the Lord of Glory, has narrated the whole story of Prophet Zulqarnain and his circumstances.
00:48Before the story of Prophet Zulqarnain, it should be kept in mind that
00:52the polytheists had asked Prophet Moses three questions.
00:56One of the questions was to tell us about the person who travelled from the west to the east.
01:04The person who travelled from the west to the east, tell us about his circumstances.
01:08Prophet Zulqarnain is not a certain prophet.
01:12Although there is a saying about him that he is a prophet,
01:15but it is not certain that he is a prophet.
01:18However, Allah, the Lord of Glory, has given him extraordinary means.
01:23He travelled an extraordinary and long journey.
01:28Therefore, he travelled from the west to the east.
01:31The journey from the west to the east was where the sun was setting
01:34and it was the last corner of the world after which the sea was the sea.
01:38This was one of his journeys.
01:40The second journey was from the east to the west
01:43and this was the journey from the east to the west from where the sun was setting.
01:47His third journey was from the north.
01:50When Prophet Zulqarnain travelled from the north, he met the people there.
01:55They talked about the killing of Gog and Magog,
01:59and about the bloodshed from their side.
02:04He also said that you should build a wall in the middle of these mountains
02:09and we will offer you all kinds of wealth.
02:13Prophet Zulqarnain said that he did not need wealth.
02:17However, individual effort should be done with the help of human resources.
02:25Therefore, Prophet Zulqarnain built a strong wall there
02:30with the help of iron planks and molten glass
02:34and Gog and Magog were protected from it.
02:37Then Allah, the Lord of Glory, said
02:47which can be explained in simple words
02:50that how can anyone describe the attributes of Allah?
02:54It is not possible.
02:56Even if all the trees in the world turn into pens,
02:59all the rivers and seas turn into ink,
03:02and all the people turn into scribes,
03:05it is not possible to describe the attributes of Allah.
03:09Allah, the Lord of Glory, said this here.
03:12And the summary of these last verses is that
03:15there are three basic conditions for the acceptance of deeds.
03:20The first condition is that the belief should be right.
03:22The second condition is that the intention should be right.
03:24And the third condition is that the deeds of man should be in accordance with the Sunnah.
03:28After Surah Kahf, Allah, the Lord of Glory, started Surah Maryam in this 16th chapter.
03:34In Surah Maryam, Allah, the Lord of Glory, stated the right beliefs regarding Jesus Christ and Mary.
03:42And He refuted the Christians.
03:44And while refuting the Christians,
03:47He specifically stated that Jesus Christ was born from the womb of Mary.
03:53He is neither the third of the three,
03:56nor is he the son of God, nor is he God.
03:59Just as in the Holy Quran, Allah, the Lord of Glory, refuted the Christian beliefs in many places.
04:07After this, Allah, the Lord of Glory, mentioned the prayer of Hazrat Zakariya.
04:12He called out to Allah, the Lord of Glory, in secret.
04:15He called out to Allah, the Lord of Glory, in secret.
04:20And he asked for a son.
04:22And Allah, the Lord of Glory, accepted his request
04:26and gave him the good news of a son named Hazrat Yahya.
04:33Upon this, Hazrat Zakariya asked the question,
04:37I have become old,
04:39and what will be the sign of this?
04:43Allah, the Lord of Glory, gave this sign to Hazrat Zakariya,
04:48that despite having a healthy body,
04:51you will not be able to speak for three days.
04:54Then Allah, the Lord of Glory, mentioned the attributes of Yahya,
04:57that he will be obedient,
04:59and he will obey his parents,
05:03he will be pure,
05:05and he will be pious,
05:07and Allah, the Lord of Glory, made him pious,
05:09and he served his parents.
05:11Allah, the Lord of Glory, mentioned all these things.
05:14After this, it is mentioned in the book of Mary.
05:16It is the mention of Hazrat Mary, peace and blessings be upon her.
05:19And from here, the story of Hazrat Mary, peace and blessings be upon her, is narrated.
05:23It is said that she was about 13 or 15 years old.
05:27According to Mary, peace and blessings be upon her,
05:30Hazrat Jibreel came to visit her.
05:32Whenever Hazrat Jibreel, peace and blessings be upon him, visited her,
05:35he would come in the form of a beautiful man.
05:40When he came to Hazrat Mary, peace and blessings be upon her,
05:43she began to cover herself.
05:46Hazrat Jibreel, peace and blessings be upon her, told her,
05:49I have come with the good news of a son,
05:52and I am not a human being.
05:54In fact, I am an angel, i.e. Jibreel.
05:57And then, Hazrat Jibreel, peace and blessings be upon him,
06:00blew into her neck,
06:02from which Allah, the Lord of Glory,
06:04granted Hazrat Mary, peace and blessings be upon her,
06:07the pregnancy of Isa, peace and blessings be upon him.
06:11When the time of birth was approaching,
06:14Hazrat Mary, peace and blessings be upon her, was told,
06:17therefore, she reached near a hill.
06:21There, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
06:23through the date tree,
06:26granted her unseasonal dates.
06:29A spring of water flowed below.
06:32So Allah, the Lord of Glory, granted her water,
06:35and Allah, the Lord of Glory, granted her unseasonal fruit.
06:38Hazrat Mary, peace and blessings be upon her,
06:41spent there, according to one narration,
06:43forty days, and according to other narrations,
06:45she spent there as long as she could.
06:47And after that, she came to her family with the child.
06:50When she came to her family,
06:52the people of the family questioned her,
06:54and began to object,
06:56that she was an unmarried woman,
06:58and when she was not married,
07:00and she was not married,
07:02then how could she have a child?
07:04On this occasion, they pointed towards
07:06Hazrat Isa, peace and blessings be upon him.
07:08Allah, the Lord of Glory,
07:10granted Hazrat Isa, peace and blessings be upon him,
07:12the power of pregnancy in his lap,
07:14and he testified,
07:16and he said about his future,
07:18about being a prophet,
07:20and the good news of being given a book to him,
07:22after which,
07:24all the people of the family became happy.
07:26After this, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
07:28in this same Surah Maryam,
07:30mentioned the Tabligh of Hazrat Ibrahim, peace and blessings be upon him.
07:33Rather, it is mentioned in the book of Ibrahim,
07:35that many Prophets,
07:37the Dawah of Tawheed,
07:39and Tabligh and Irshad,
07:41were mentioned by Allah, the Lord of Glory.
07:43Therefore, many Prophets,
07:45while mentioning the qualities and qualities,
07:47Hazrat Ibrahim, peace and blessings be upon him,
07:49mentioned the Dawah of Tawheed
07:51to his father,
07:53as a special mention.
07:55Then Allah, the Lord of Glory,
07:57mentioned Hazrat Idrees, peace and blessings be upon him,
07:59mentioned in the book of Idrees,
08:01and Allah, the Lord of Glory,
08:03mentioned their Dawah and their Tawheed.
08:05Moving forward,
08:07Allah, the Lord of Glory,
08:09specifically mentioned Pul Sirat,
08:11there is no one among you
08:13who will not be helped by the people of faith.
08:15And when the people of faith
08:17pass through,
08:19when the people of Kufr pass through,
08:21they will never be able to pass through
08:25In the end, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
08:27mentioned the love of the people of faith.
08:33In the end of this Surah, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
08:35mentioned that for those who believe
08:37and do righteous deeds,
08:39Allah bestows love and
08:41blessings upon them.
08:43After this, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
08:45mentioned Surah Taha after Surah Maryam.
08:47In Surah Taha,
08:49in the beginning,
08:51Allah, the Lord of Glory,
08:53used to spend the entire night
08:55in Tahajjud,
08:57and his feet would become warm.
08:59Then Allah, the Lord of Glory,
09:01comforted the Prophet,
09:03and said that he should
09:05take some rest and some worship.
09:09in this Surah,
09:11Allah, the Lord of Glory,
09:13used the word Ma'amul Mubarak.
09:15The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
09:17was given the title of Prophet,
09:19and his entire story is
09:21the Hadith of Musa.
09:23From here, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
09:25mentioned this till Ayah 98,
09:27and the detailed story
09:29of Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
09:33when Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
09:35on his return from Madinah,
09:37he saw a place where
09:39a tree was burning.
09:41So, he sat his family there,
09:43and they went to the place
09:45where the tree was burning,
09:47so that they could find
09:49some light and a way.
09:51When they went there,
09:53they found that the branches of the tree
09:55were not burning in the fire,
09:57but because of the fire,
09:59the beauty of the tree was increasing.
10:01At this place,
10:03Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:05said, I am your Lord.
10:07Worship only me.
10:09I have chosen you for prophethood.
10:11I will grant you prophethood.
10:13Moving forward,
10:15there is a mention of prayers
10:17of Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:21to get rid of the tongue,
10:23and to make Prophet Harun, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:25a partner in this work of prophethood.
10:27Allah, the Lord of Glory,
10:29mentioned this.
10:31Then, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
10:33mentioned the childhood
10:35of Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:37with details.
10:39We had ordered to put Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:41in the river.
10:43Then, the sister kept walking with him.
10:45The matter of feeding him with milk.
10:47Then, Prophet Musa and Prophet Harun,
10:49peace and blessings of Allah be upon them,
10:51went to Pharaoh and invited him.
10:53After narrating the detailed story
10:55of Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:57Allah, the Lord of Glory, said,
10:59Thus, We tell you of the events
11:01and We have given you a reminder.
11:03This, which Allah, the Lord of Glory, said,
11:05is actually an evidence of the truthfulness
11:07and truthfulness of the Prophet,
11:09peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
11:11How is the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
11:13narrating the story of Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him?
11:15It is not possible without revelation.
11:17So, Allah gave the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
11:19this story.
11:23from the tongue of Prophet Musa, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
11:25this story is being narrated
11:27in the form of revelation and the Holy Quran.
11:29Then, in the end,
11:37in this, there is a mention of the five daily prayers.
11:39Allah, the Lord of Glory,
11:41mentioned the five daily prayers
11:43and gave the commandment.
11:45And in the end, this too,
11:53Here, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
11:55revealed the wealth of these disbelievers
11:57and gave the commandment
11:59not to turn towards
12:01the wealth of these disbelievers.
12:03That these disbelievers
12:05should never turn
12:07towards this wealth.
12:11Allah, the Lord of Glory,
12:13gave the commandment
12:15to always turn towards Allah and the Hereafter.
12:17And certainly,
12:19by giving this commandment to the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:21to the Ummah and to us,
12:23this commandment is intended
12:25that we should never turn towards
12:27the wealth of these disbelievers
12:29and their light
12:31and their knowledge
12:33and their forgetting of the Hereafter.
12:35We should always turn
12:37towards Allah
12:39and the Hereafter.
12:41And in the end, our supplication is that,
12:43All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of Glory.
