A brief summary of the Quran | JUZ 15 | Mufti Muhammad Zubair

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▶ About Mufti Muhammad Zubair:
Mufti Muhammad Zubair is a Shariah Board member at Al Baraka Bank Pakistan. In view of his visionary approach, knowledge of macro environment and strong understanding of Shariah, Government of Pakistan has appointed Mufti Muhammad Zubair as a Member of “Council of Islamic Ideology Pakistan” for giving advice on Islamic issues and related matters to the government and the Parliament. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various academic institutions. He is also the Vice chancellor of Dar-ul-Ifta Jamia Suffah and Chairman Al-Suffah Trust, Karachi. Electronic and print media has been a forte of Mufti Muhammad Zubair. He is frequently invited as analyst and religious scholar on various TV Channels and has been writing columns, on critical matters, in newspapers, magazines and social media; and has been participated in global conferences in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Jordan, Syria, Tanzania, Hong Kong, Malaysia, China, and Taiwan. Mufti Muhammad Zubair is engaged with various corporate and Investment firms. He is the Shariah Advisor of Adams Sons Group of Companies Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Shariah Advisor Alif Investment UAE, Dubai and Shariah Advisor Segal Development Limited, USA.

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00:00We praise Him and send blessings upon His Messenger, but what is next?
00:03This is the most brief summary of the 15th Sipparah.
00:07It begins with Surah Al-Isra, and the meaning of Isra is to take away the night.
00:13Because in this Surah, the Prophet's journey of Ascension is mentioned,
00:18and this journey of Ascension took place at night,
00:23which is why it is called Surah Al-Isra.
00:26This journey of Ascension took place in the 11th year of Prophethood,
00:31and it is divided into two parts.
00:33The first part is from Makkah to Baitul Maqdas,
00:37and the second part is from Baitul Maqdas to Arsh-e-Mu'alla.
00:41The journey from Makkah to Baitul Maqdas is called Isra,
00:47and the journey from Baitul Maqdas to Arsh is called Ascension.
00:52This journey of Ascension is the most important, glorious, and glorious miracle of the Prophet.
01:01It includes the visit of Allah, the Lord of Glory,
01:03direct communication,
01:06the obligation of five prayers after 50 on the Ummah,
01:10three blessings upon return,
01:12the last verses of Surah Al-Baqarah,
01:15and if one does not do Shirk,
01:18then there will come a time when he will surely enter Paradise with salvation, forgiveness, and forgiveness.
01:28This is the announcement,
01:29and the third blessing is that Allah will reduce the number of prayers to 50,
01:35and in short, the obligation of five prayers.
01:38It is the mention of Bani Israel,
01:40and here Allah, the Lord of Glory, has said,
01:44that you will cause disorder twice,
01:47and if you remember,
01:48you will be doomed to destruction and humiliation twice.
01:59Allah, the Lord of Glory, while mentioning the disorder of the first time,
02:04said that they opposed the Shariah for the first time,
02:09killed the Prophets,
02:12committed the crime of distortion,
02:15and said that Allah, the Lord of Glory, imposed the Baqt Nasr on them,
02:19and this Baqt Nasr attacked the Jews,
02:22and massacred the Jews,
02:25and not only that he massacred them,
02:27but he also imprisoned those who were alive,
02:31and those who he took with him,
02:35they were in thousands,
02:38and he took them to Babul for 70 years in humiliation,
02:42and he imprisoned them.
02:45This was the first thing that Allah, the Lord of Glory, said to them,
02:50that you will be humiliated like this,
02:53and there will be destruction.
02:55This was the first thing that happened.
02:57Then Allah made them happy,
02:59but they did the same thing again.
03:01Then Allah, the Lord of Glory, while mentioning their second disorder,
03:05said in this place,
03:08Here Allah, the Lord of Glory,
03:11while mentioning their second disorder,
03:14said in this place,
03:16that when you cause disorder again,
03:19then you will be destroyed again.
03:22Therefore, during the time of Jesus Christ,
03:25the matter of the Jews' rebellion came up,
03:28and because of their bad deeds,
03:30Allah, the Lord of Glory,
03:32imposed the Baqt Nasr on them,
03:35and like the Baqt Nasr,
03:38he imprisoned them and massacred them.
03:42Therefore, during the time of the Prophet,
03:45as a result of their rebellion and rebellion,
03:49Khaybar was exiled once,
03:52and then during the Khilafat of Hazrat Umar,
03:55they were expelled from Khaybar as well.
04:00Then Allah, the Lord of Glory,
04:02Allah, the Lord of Glory,
04:04in reference to the Holy Qur'an,
04:07that whoever has the mood and temperament of guidance,
04:12Allah, the Lord of Glory,
04:14gives them guidance through this Qur'an.
04:17This is the Book of Guidance,
04:19the Dastur-e-Hayat.
04:20After this, Allah, the Lord of Glory,
04:23وَقَضَىٰ رَبُّكَ أَلَّا تَعْبُدُوا إِلَّا إِيَّا وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ اِحْسَانًا
04:26with the belief of Tawheed,
04:28He described the good treatment of the parents.
04:31Allah, the Lord of Glory, has decreed,
04:33do not worship,
04:34but treat only Allah and the parents with good treatment.
04:38In the following verses,
04:40prostrate before the parents and speak to them.
04:43By prostrating,
04:44it means that you should prostrate before your parents.
04:48وَاخْفِضُ لَهُمَا جَنَاحَ ذُلِّ مِنَ الرَّحْمَةِ
04:51And you should not raise your voice in front of them.
04:56And you should pray for them in this way,
04:59اَحْمُوا مَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِ صَغِيرَ
05:01O our Lord, treat these parents with kindness and mercy,
05:05as they treated us with kindness and mercy
05:08in the condition of childhood and adolescence.
05:12Then Allah mentioned the commandments and prohibitions.
05:15وَلَا تَقْتُلُوا أَوْلَادَكُمْ خَشْيَةً لَّا
05:18That is,
05:19do not kill your children in view of the poverty of sustenance.
05:24As some people think,
05:26it is better to have less children
05:28so that we can have more sustenance.
05:31Allah said that we provide sustenance for them.
05:34Allah denied the Prophets,
05:36peace be upon him,
05:38of being free like himself.
05:41وَقَالُوا لَنُؤْمِنَ لَكَ حَتَّى تَفْجُرَ لَنَا مِنَ
05:44الْأَرْضِ يَمْبُوعَةً
05:46The polytheists used to ask for spiritual miracles.
05:49Allah said that
05:51we will not bring faith on you
05:54until these springs are revealed.
05:58So, the Prophet was told that
06:00these powers are with Allah.
06:04وَقَالُوا لَنُؤْمِنَ لَكَ حَتَّى تَفْجُرَ لَنَا مِنَ
06:06الْأَرْضِ يَمْبُوعَةً
06:08The polytheists once objected that
06:10while praying in front of Allah,
06:12the Prophet used to say
06:14Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim.
06:17They said,
06:18we are told to call one God,
06:20but they are calling many.
06:22They are calling Rahman and Rahim.
06:24So, it was said that
06:26these are the names of Allah.
06:28All the names are of Allah.
06:30They are one.
06:31Rahman and Rahim
06:33are all the names of Allah.
06:35They are being called as one.
06:37Then, while mentioning Tawheed,
06:39وَقُلْ اِلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ لَمْ يَتَّخِذْ وَلَدٌ وَلَمْ يَقُلْ لَهُ شَرِيقٌ
06:43Allah mentioned Tawheed
06:46and concluded that
06:48there is no partner with Allah.
06:50Allah did not make anyone His son.
06:52So, Tawheed is the conclusion of this Surah.
06:55After this, Allah started
06:57Surah Kahf in this 15th chapter.
07:00Kahf is actually called Ghar.
07:02And the truth is that
07:04the Sahaba of Kahf have been mentioned in this Surah.
07:06So, by that coincidence,
07:08it is called Surah Kahf.
07:10The Jews or the polytheists
07:12had asked the Prophet
07:14three questions
07:16at the behest of the Jews.
07:181. What is the soul?
07:202. Who are the Sahaba of Kahf?
07:223. What is the story of Zulqarnain?
07:24The Prophet said,
07:26I will tell you tomorrow.
07:28They came tomorrow.
07:30The Prophet said, I will tell you tomorrow.
07:32They came again.
07:34The Prophet said, I will tell you tomorrow.
07:36They kept waiting for the revelation.
07:38But the revelation did not come for 15 days.
07:40When the revelation came,
07:42Allah warned them
07:44that they should not say
07:46about anything
07:48that I will do it tomorrow,
07:50except by the will of Allah.
07:52But they should also say
07:54Inshallah, if Allah wills,
07:56then Allah will take care of it.
07:58The most brief story of Kahf
08:00is that
08:02there was a polytheist king
08:04whose name was Deccanus.
08:06In the time of Deccanus,
08:08some young men
08:10turned to Tawheed.
08:12He was a polytheist.
08:14To save his life and faith,
08:16these young men went to a cave
08:18and took refuge there.
08:20Allah gave him a deep sleep.
08:22He slept there for about 309 years.
08:24After 309 years,
08:26when he woke up,
08:28he felt hungry.
08:30He gave a coin to one of his men
08:32and sent him away.
08:34The world outside had changed
08:36because 309 years had passed.
08:38King Deccanus was dead.
08:40To buy food,
08:42he took old coins from a bakery
08:44and sent them to a young man
08:46who was a polytheist.
08:48He was surprised to see
08:50that the coins were old.
08:52This is how the story unfolded.
08:54There was a new king
08:56who was a polytheist.
08:58He called these young men
09:00and treated them well.
09:02He welcomed them.
09:04Later, when these young men
09:06passed away,
09:08the king built a mosque
09:10in memory of them.
09:12Allah gave them
09:14excellent protection
09:16from the sun.
09:18The sun did not
09:20directly shine on their bodies.
09:22Allah gave them
09:24a special protection
09:26in their cave.
09:28Then Allah mentioned
09:32Allah said,
09:34This is the adornment
09:36of the world.
09:38Some fasts are adornments.
09:40Someone asked
09:42who is the greatest scholar
09:44on earth at this time.
09:46Since he was a prophet,
09:48he said,
09:50Allah did not like this.
09:52Allah, the Lord of Glory,
09:54ordered him to go
09:56and meet Khidr
09:58and learn from him.
10:00So, Hazrat Musa was told
10:02to go and meet
10:04Hazrat Khidr
10:06and tell him
10:08the reason for his coming.
10:10Hazrat Khidr, peace be upon him,
10:14Get on the boat with me
10:16but do not ask any questions.
10:18So, Hazrat Khidr, peace be upon him,
10:20did three strange things
10:22which were unique
10:24and unique.
10:26First, he removed
10:28the boat's deck.
10:30He did one thing.
10:32Second, he killed a child.
10:34Third, he fixed
10:36the falling wall
10:38without any reason.
10:40Since the first two things
10:42were against the Shariah,
10:44Hazrat Musa, peace be upon him,
10:48Why did you remove
10:50the boat's deck?
10:52Why did you kill the second child?
10:54Hazrat Khidr, peace be upon him,
10:58Because you could not
11:00restrain your thoughts
11:02and patience.
11:04Now I will give you
11:06the answer.
11:08The first thing was
11:10that the reason for removing
11:12the boat's deck was
11:14because there was
11:16a tyrant king.
11:18The tyrant king used
11:20to destroy
11:22the boat
11:24which was
11:26in his possession.
11:28So that the boat
11:30would remain with him
11:32and the tyrant king
11:34would not destroy
11:36the boat.
11:38The reason for killing the child
11:40was that the parents
11:42of the child were
11:44believers and righteous.
11:46But in the case of the child
11:48being alive,
11:50the parents were also
11:52suspected of being
11:56So it was decided that
11:58Allah, the Lord of Glory,
12:00should give these parents
12:02pure and righteous children
12:04in the place of this child.
12:06And the third matter was
12:08that their wall was
12:10the wall of orphans
12:12and their treasure was
12:14buried under this wall.
12:16These were the matters
12:18that Allah showed
12:20to Musa, peace be upon him,
12:22to make him a scholar.
12:24Sacrifice, sacrifice.
12:26For the sake of faith,
12:28just as the Companions of Kahf
12:30made an extraordinary
12:32sacrifice, we should also
12:34be ready to make sacrifices
12:36for the sake of our faith.
