NFL Today Halftime 1979-11-18

  • 2 months ago
NFL Today Halftime 1979-11-18
00:00Back live in New York, I'm Brent Musburger. Hard to get this halftime up on the air. All
00:06the Giant fans around me are cheering madly because the Giants have their first rally
00:10of the day against Tampa Bay. We had overtime in Cleveland, Miami. Brian Seif freezes that
00:15tough Dolphin defense, gives himself a lot of time, and then Irv went to Reggie Rucker.
00:22Rucker had himself a marvelous afternoon. Watch this catch by Ozzie Newsome for a Cleveland
00:27touchdown. One-handed. But then it was Don Strock replacing Bob Gracie, driving the
00:34Dolphins back to a 24-all tie, now in OT. The gunfighter, Seif, most underrated quarterback
00:40in the league, steps up. Rucker's free. Tim Foley can't catch him. And it's 30-24. Now,
00:47these games are in progress, and yes, that is what's happening. San Diego 21, Pittsburgh
00:53nothing. Lord Jeff, John Jefferson, caught a 16-yarder to get San Diego going, and Fouch
00:58has been red hot. Kansas City still leading Oakland throughout the half now. It's 10-7
01:02by a field goal. Stabler just went two yards to Van Egan to get the Raiders back in the
01:06hunt. And San Francisco leads Denver 21-10 in the second. James Owens returned a punt
01:1385 yards for a touchdown in that game. Houston now getting ready for that Thanksgiving Day
01:19shootout with Dallas, destroying Cincinnati. 35-7. Pastorini went 17 yards to Barber. Campbell
01:26scored from two yards out also. Now the game is underway with the Giants being shut out
01:30right now. 14-0 by Tampa Bay, but again, the Giants are threatening for the first time
01:35this afternoon. Kodar has him inside the 20-yard line. And another game at the half, and of
01:40course you're watching that one. 24-14. Hey, Jim Zorn had some first half, didn't he? Passed
01:45for more than 200 yards. Now, Jane, there was a major news development in the NFL off
01:49the field this week. That's true, Brent. Earlier this week, Ed Garvey, the executive director
01:53of the Players Association, said the NFL was, quote, a monument to racism in its hiring
01:59practices of blacks and coaches and the front office personnel. Speaking with Irv and Brent
02:04earlier, Garvey repeated that charge and said former Green Bay Packer Willie Wood is an
02:08example of a black who should be a coach in the NFL. Irv then asked Commissioner Pete
02:12Rozell for his response to the charge. Well, I would like to see more minorities involved
02:19in coaching and other aspects of the NFL. I think that great progress has been made,
02:24and I believe that we'll have more in the future. But on the other hand, I think the
02:28same charge could be made of most companies and institutions in this country, including
02:32your network, Brent, and the other networks, media, all companies. I think that finding
02:39qualified minority people is the responsibility of all of us. But I think to make a charge
02:44of racism is a very, very disruptive thing for, in the middle of a football season, to
02:50make those charges in correspondence with the NFL player representatives was irresponsible.
02:55Great shirt. Thank you. Brent, let me put that to Ed. Ed, the commissioner says that
03:00charge is irresponsible in the middle of a season. How do you feel about that? Well,
03:04when you send out private communications to your player representatives, and after all,
03:08I work for them, and we ask them to take a position, and we were aiming toward a position
03:12at the end of the season. I don't think it's irresponsible. It's an important time to talk
03:17to the players while they're together and get their point of view. I think it's more
03:21irresponsible, really, to worry about personalities and who said what to whom. I think the most
03:26important thing is to face the fact that blacks do not have very many important positions
03:31in the NFL, and let's deal with it, whether it's me or whether it's Lenny Haas, the president
03:35of the union, sitting down with the commissioner and the owners. We think that's the way to
03:40tackle a problem, worrying about who said what to whom. And let me address this to the
03:44commissioner, Irv. Pete, what you're saying is that the owners are addressing that question.
03:50They are trying to make progress in the racial area? Well, they have been for a number of
03:54years, and I think we have made progress. Hopefully, we'll have more. I think one of
03:59the problems is that you're in competition today. You're in competition with all business.
04:04I know as a fact, and I think he will acknowledge it, that Irv Cross was offered the business
04:09manager's job at the Dallas Cowboys some years ago. But Irv was in a situation then with
04:13his outside business interests where he couldn't afford to come in at that level with the football
04:18team and give up the income he was earning, I believe at that time, with the brokerage.
04:22So I think that one of the problems is that the qualified people, black and white, frequently
04:26have better opportunities outside of football. But hopefully, we can develop and also recruit
04:31more top ones. Just think of the Super Bowls you passed up, Irv. At least three, right?
04:36You could have gotten tickets for all my friends, right? You were the first one to get one,
04:41believe me. The NFL today will continue on CBS with a lot of highlights after these messages
04:46from your local stations.
04:53Guess who's coming to dinner tonight? Me, Dad! The whole family's back for Thanksgiving,
04:58and have they got news? I was fired, Arch. A special one-hour Archie Bunker's place tonight.
05:03This is CBS. You're in good company on Cairo.
05:10What's happened to the Dallas Cowboys? Take a look at the standings, NFC East, the three-way
05:14tie, Dallas, Philadelphia, and Washington. Well, Irv, here's what happened to the Cowboys
05:18today. They were mobbed by the Redskins. On this first sequence, you'll see a fumble by
05:26The Redskin defense today was tenacious, Bet. First, Coy Bacon recovered that fumble.
05:30Theismann, Irv, then went to John McDaniel. Touchdown, Washington!
05:35Big day for Joe. Hit 15 out of 24 for 210 yards. Three touchdowns, but no interceptions.
05:40Here's a long pass to Danny Buggs, who collected 111 yards today receiving.
05:44And John Riggins, Irv, powered across from there for Washington.
05:48Now, here's the big play. Dallas was threatening late in the second period. Kenny Houston on
05:53the safety blitz and Roger fumbled.
05:56Coy Bacon again, number 79. What a big day he had. He was formally drafted by the Dallas
06:02Theismann going to Clarence Harmon. And the route is complete. 34 to 20. Washington wins
06:08it easily.
06:10Now, speaking of big days, watch O.J. Anderson, 32, keep it on the fake end of the round.
06:15You want to pick a rookie of the year? There he is right there, number 32. Gained 110 yards
06:20rushing today. Now leads the National Football Conference in rushing. With 1,215 yards, number
06:2432 is finally dragged down at the 1.
06:27Morris scoring for St. Louis. And then it was Jim Hart to Mel Gray.
06:32You may not believe this, Brent, but I played against Mel Gray. Number 85 was always tough
06:36to cover. And what a quick receiver.
06:39Hart here, and Morris hooking up again. Up over the top of the... Here's a key play.
06:44Watch Crepley. What a great catch by the Philadelphia tight end from Jaworski.
06:48Now, Jane, what about the games remaining?
06:51Well, the schedule stands, and I think Dallas has the roughest of the three in the lead.
06:54They play Houston, and then followed by the Giants, they go to Philadelphia, and that
06:58last game on December 16th with Washington.
07:01Washington's schedule is as follows. The Giants, Green Bay, Cincinnati, then they go to Dallas.
07:07And Philadelphia at Green Bay, followed by Detroit and Dallas, and then their final game
07:11with Houston.
07:13I think you're right, but the way Dallas is playing, I'll tell you, any schedule's gonna
07:15be tough right now.
07:17Now, the NFC Central. Tampa Bay, if they beat the Giants today, and they're ahead by two
07:22touchdowns, they could have the best record in the NFC. You heard it here first.
07:26Tampa Bay could go to the Super Bowl this year, but don't repeat it too loudly.
07:30They'll think it's crazy or I am.
07:32Todd, Tabarkan in Chicago, and the Jets blow another extra point.
07:35And then back they came with Mike Phipps. Are they a different team with him?
07:39You know, he's kind of a guy who's described as a late developer. He's always had great
07:42physical skills. Now he's putting in the work.
07:45That was Williams up over the top. Great fake by Phipps right here, or the Peyton.
07:49Then he throws to Williams for the touchdown, and Chicago beats the Jets.
07:53Here's Terry Miller exploding against Green Bay.
07:56The Oklahoma State running back was second in the Heisman Trophy boarding his senior year.
08:00He's finally starting to show some of that flash he showed last year. Pretty good run.
08:05And watch this catch by Lofton, over the middle for the Packers.
08:08They lost this game to Buffalo 19-12, but they led on that reception until Collier came
08:14back for the score. Now watch Collier. He's all alone, but he says, I've got to spike it.
08:19And he gets it done.
08:21Now it's Minnesota and Detroit. You'll see Detroit. Thanksgiving Day against Chicago
08:25and Walter Peyton. They force Chuck Foreman to turn it over.
08:29Komlo on the keeper.
08:31Hob McNeil missed that tackle.
08:33He's a good open field attacker. I'm surprised he did miss it, but of course the Lions take
08:36advantage of it with a score.
08:38Kramer, then coming back. And it is Ricky Young.
08:43Herb, you told me that Ricky played college football with Walter.
08:47His freshman year at Jackson State, they had in their backfield, Ricky Young, Walter Peyton,
08:51the Wilbur Montgomery from the Philadelphia Eagles, all thousand-yard rushes
08:54to the National Football League.
08:56Giants settle for a field goal. They're coming back. Tampa Bay 14, the Giants 3.
09:01Let's send you back now to Vin Scully and George Allen.
09:07We'll be right back.