E.l-S.e.ñ.o.r-d.e-l.a Q.u.e.r.e.n.c.i.a. - Cap 11

  • 2 ay önce
E.l-S.e.ñ.o.r-d.e-l.a Q.u.e.r.e.n.c.i.a. - Cap 11


00:10No, no, no.
00:12No, no, no.
00:13Stop, please.
00:14What's wrong?
00:15No, no, no, I can't.
00:17Stop, Leonor.
00:19How can you say no?
00:20I'm begging you.
00:21Of course you can.
00:22Let go, let go.
00:23Stop it, Leonor.
00:24What the hell is wrong with you?
00:26Leonor, look at me.
00:29I don't feel comfortable here.
00:37You have to do your job as a fucking wife.
00:42If you feel comfortable or not, that's the least important thing.
00:45I beg you to please understand me.
00:48I'm not used to...
00:51Silence, bitch.
00:54You have to do it.
00:56Because I'm your husband and I'm asking you.
00:59You know that I love him.
01:02And it's not about that.
01:03It's just that I don't...
01:09If you loved me so much,
01:11then you would fulfill your duty.
01:25I'm not going to be waiting for you all day.
01:29I'm not going to be waiting for you all day.
01:37And you?
01:38Didn't they teach you to touch before entering?
01:42Hey, girl.
01:43Taking advantage of the fact that you're here,
01:45why don't you give me some affection and I'll pay you later?
01:48What are you talking about, Enaventura?
01:50Get out of here.
01:51It's better to be here before Maria catches you.
01:53Don't make me stay here all day.
01:55Get out of here.
01:56Get out of my house.
01:58Let me go!
01:59Let me go, you bastard!
02:01What are you doing with my husband, Emilia?
02:05You son of a bitch.
02:08And in the house, my mom is above me.
02:10Well, she was the one who jumped on you.
02:13What do you mean, liar?
02:14Shut up!
02:17Well, Ventura, get out of here.
02:28Get out of here.
02:34Let her catch you again, Emilia.
02:38You know that when I get angry, I get angry.
02:42So be very careful with me.
02:44Did you hear me?
02:47You have to keep an eye on the poor man of your husband, not me.
02:50I don't want you to go anywhere soon, Emilia.
02:53I don't want to have you close.
02:58Let's go.
03:07And you?
03:08What are you doing here?
03:10Mrs. Merced, but how beautiful.
03:12I just wanted to talk to you.
03:14You know what?
03:15I think this is not the best place to talk,
03:17so I'm going to ask you to please leave my room.
03:19Listen to me a little, please.
03:21I wanted to talk to you about Ignacio.
03:24About Ignacio?
03:25Of course.
03:26The relationship you have with him.
03:40What are you doing here? I thought you were going to be with your boyfriend.
03:44Was he there?
03:48Nothing happened.
03:50Don't lie to me, I saw her.
03:51I'm not lying to you, I swear.
03:52I saw her.
03:57He caught me by surprise, I couldn't tell him no.
04:02Don't be upset, please.
04:04How do you want me to be?
04:08Do you want me to give myself the same?
04:10You have to understand.
04:12What do I have to understand?
04:14That I am a married woman.
04:16I know you're married.
04:18But what do you want?
04:19That I don't care?
04:23Tell me.
04:24What do you want?
04:25Why did you come?
04:32We can't be together.
04:45What did you imagine, insolent?
04:48But aunt, you are a modern woman, please.
04:50Why don't you take on your romance with Ignacio?
04:52And stop playing hide-and-seek.
04:54It would be much nicer if you two could carry your love.
04:57The love you feel for each other.
04:58Get out of my room, get out.
05:01Look, I could.
05:02I could be your ally, your accomplice.
05:03Get out, I said.
05:08Think about it.
05:09Please think about it.
05:21Why are you saying that?
05:24Are you regretting it?
05:27I'm thinking about the future.
05:32What future?
05:37A future by my side?
05:40Are you afraid?
05:42Tell me.
05:44What future?
05:45Tell me.
05:47What future?
05:51A simple future?
05:53With a worker, a butcher.
05:56A future of effort.
05:57Are you afraid?
05:59Then what? Do I scare you?
06:00I don't care about that.
06:01Then tell me.
06:02It's not about that.
06:03What is it about? Tell me.
06:16I have to go.
06:18No, listen.
06:37Come in.
06:38Come in.
06:44Did you send for me, boss?
06:51Come closer.
06:57I thought you wanted me to see him at night.
07:03I wanted to see you now.
07:09Come in.
07:25Daddy, I love you.
07:40Please don't tell me you're here to talk about the marriage again.
07:43Well, yes, Lucrecia.
07:45But this time it's different. Come.
07:47Come, please.
07:48And why is it different?
07:51Because I'm here to tell you that you're absolutely right.
07:56It doesn't make any sense for you and me to get married.
07:59Are you serious?
08:01Very serious.
08:04Ignacio, I congratulate you.
08:05You're the only person who remembers this whole story.
08:09I congratulate you.
08:11Thank you.
08:12Thank you very much.
08:14By the way,
08:16can I ask you why you changed your mind so suddenly?
08:22It's my business.
08:24A little bit of honesty wouldn't hurt us.
08:27I can't marry you because...
08:31because I think I'm in love with another woman.
08:37With whom?
08:39Tell me who.
08:40I promise I won't tell anyone.
08:48I love you.
08:50I love you.
08:52I love you.
08:54I love you.
08:56I love you.
08:57What are you doing?
08:58You won't find out.
09:00What's going on?
09:02What's going on?
09:03She's doing something else.
09:07Do you want me to help you?
09:13Boss, is something wrong?
09:15Do you want me to help you or not?
09:20Do you want me to do something or not?
09:23Get out of here!
09:25Get out!
09:27I don't want anyone to see you.
09:33Don't be boring. Tell me.
09:38What happened?
09:39Nothing, man. She fainted.
09:40I'm taking her to the dormitory.
09:43Forgive me, sir.
09:46Forgive me for my actions.
09:50For my sins.
09:52Give me wisdom so I can find my way.
09:56Guide me to my family.
09:59To my husband.
10:01To my children.
10:05Give me strength to get him out of my head.
10:10I beg you, dad.
10:13I beg you.
10:15Let me get him out of my head.
10:18Let me get him out of my head.
10:19Give me strength.
10:21I don't want to be with him anymore.
10:30I didn't feel her coming in.
10:32Sorry to interrupt you, Leonor.
10:34Jose Luis needs you.
10:35Your daughter doesn't feel well.
10:41Teresita, drink some water, sister.
10:44Poor thing.
10:48Teresita, how do you feel?
10:53Teresita, can you tell us what happened?
10:56Ignacio, what are you doing here?
10:58Why aren't you going to work?
11:01Excuse me.
11:02Leave us alone, Lucrecia.
11:05Excuse me.
11:19I need to talk to you because what you saw on the desk is very serious.
11:27I was just listening to a sinful woman who is regretting her sins.
11:34I don't want you to misinterpret it because it doesn't matter.
11:38I'm going to explain.
11:41Herminia is trying to leave her past behind.
11:46I don't know if I have to tell you this, but Herminia lived in sin and had a licentious life.
11:55Do you understand me?
11:57She wants to take Satan out of her body.
12:03That's why it's very serious and I'm helping her.
12:06Do you understand me?
12:08Do you understand what I'm telling you, Teresita?
12:12Yes, daddy.
12:17This is an order that the Lord gave me.
12:20A task that the Almighty gave me and I have to fulfill it.
12:26It's my duty to do it.
12:30And I'm going to do it in silence.
12:33Without warning.
12:37That's why I need you not to tell anyone.
12:43What you saw.
12:45And why?
12:48It's not wrong to help others, is it?
12:54The Lord asks us for humility.
12:57That's why.
13:01So we don't fade away.
13:03If I want to guide this lost soul to find the kingdom of heaven, I have to be clean and proud, daughter.
13:13Proudness is a very serious sin.
13:16And we're talking about taking Satan out of Elminia's body.
13:20And I have to be clean.
13:22Do you understand me?
13:24Proudness is a serious sin and I have to help her.
13:27What happened? How are you?
13:29You don't understand me, Teresita.
13:31Nothing, mommy.
13:33Are you okay? What happened?
13:35She felt bad.
13:37Yes, but I'm better now.
13:39Why don't we call a doctor?
13:40It's not necessary.
13:42It's not necessary. You know I don't like doctors.
13:44I know, but the girl hasn't felt well in a long time.
13:47Mommy, I feel better.
13:49Talking to my daddy left me much calmer.
14:02That's how I love you.
14:08Together forever.
14:11And that's how it's going to be.
14:14Because I made a promise to your mother to God.
14:20We will always be together.
14:24Until death do us part.
14:27Isn't that right, my love?
14:41Look how soon, my love.
14:43Let me go, Ignacio.
14:45What's wrong with you?
14:47Do you want to know what's wrong with me?
14:49That I feel like a fool.
14:51I don't know how I was able to think
14:53that you were different from all men.
14:55You are a braggart
14:57who went to tell your stupid little brother
14:59the conquest of his last time.
15:01What are you talking about, Mercedes? I don't understand.
15:03Luis Emilio told me that we would make public
15:05the relationship we have.
15:07I obviously was the one who told him.
15:08I don't need your explanations.
15:10You are a braggart.
15:12That's what you are.
15:14No. Listen to me. Listen to me.
15:16I didn't tell my brother anything.
15:18He gave us, Mercedes.
15:20I don't believe you.
15:22You know what? I don't believe you.
15:24Behave like a man and admit that you were wrong.
15:32But how is the gallant?
15:34What's wrong with you, Ignacio?
15:36Are you crazy?
15:38I did that to help him, brother.
15:40You have your mouth shut.
15:43No, no, no, no.
15:45What the hell is going on here?
15:47Let him go.
15:49What happened?
15:51Father, father, father.
15:53Luis Emilio said something that bothered me a lot.
15:55What did he say?
15:57Tell him, Ignacio.
15:59What happened?
16:01Something stupid.
16:03Something that doesn't matter, right, father?
16:05No one is taking Combo for stupid.
16:06What happened?
16:08I'm going to talk.
16:13Brother, I'm sorry for my reaction.
16:15It was completely out of place.
16:17Father, I'm also very sorry.
16:20It won't happen again, I promise.
16:22Excuse me.
16:28It hurts a lot. Excuse me.
16:36Our father who art in heaven,
16:39hallowed be thy name.
16:42Thy kingdom come,
16:46Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
16:50Give us this day our daily bread.
16:53Forgive us our trespasses,
16:55as we forgive those who trespass against us.
16:58Do not let us fall into temptation.
17:01Deliver us from all evil.
17:36I love you.
18:06I love you.
18:37I love you.
18:45Take it.
19:06Take it.
19:33Get dressed.
19:35As you wish.
19:37Don't let anyone see you leave here.
19:40Or God forbid the girl woke up better today,
19:44after yesterday's terrible impression.
19:46You don't care.
19:51Excuse me.
19:55Did my son bother you?
19:59That's good.
20:01I don't want him to be a bad example for my family.
20:04I don't want him to approach Teresita.
20:06I don't want him to look at her.
20:08I don't want him to talk to her.
20:12As you wish, boss.
20:14And be careful with Mercedes.
20:16Mercedes, my wife's cousin.
20:18She's supposed to have you here.
20:21So she's going to keep an eye on you.
20:23Be careful with her.
20:25The one who should be watched is her, boss.
20:30Because she's dragging my brother's poncho.
20:31You'll see how she gets when she sees him.
20:35What did Mercedes say, Manuel?
20:37She went to pick him up yesterday.
20:39She's desperate to see him.
20:41I think it's for a reason.
20:54Who is it?
20:56It's me, Jose Luis.
20:58I'm not dressed, Jose Luis.
20:59I'm not here to look at Mercedes.
21:01You'll have to wait for me to get dressed.
21:03I'm not going to wait because I'm very worried about your behavior, Mercedes.
21:06You're worried about my behavior?
21:08And you don't like my behavior?
21:10I'm not going to allow my son's future mother-in-law
21:12to mix with a background employee.
21:16I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
21:18You're going to have to explain to me.
21:20I know everything that happens here in the business, Mercedes.
21:22So tell me what's going on.
21:24Because I'm very lost.
21:29You went to visit Manuel at his house.
21:33Is it true?
21:36Is it true?
21:38Or am I wrong?
21:40Who told you?
21:42That's none of your business.
21:44I don't want any kind of scandal in my house.
21:49Manuel is a simple background employee.
21:51And if you want to get involved with him,
21:53I'm going to suspend the marriage.
21:55Is that clear?
22:10Fucking Chinese.
22:15Can I talk to you?
22:17Of course, Mercedes, tell me.
22:19It's a personal question, if it doesn't bother you.
22:21It depends on how personal it is.
22:23Do you agree with Herminia living in this house
22:25and also working as an employee?
22:27What question?
22:29Answer me, please, honestly.
22:32That is a decision of José Luis
22:34and I must respect it.
22:36But I want to know you.
22:38What do you think about it?
22:42I don't like that woman.
22:45And I find it frankly horrible
22:47that we have to live in this house
22:49like a prostitute.
22:51I think exactly the same as you.
22:53I thought you thought differently.
22:55No, we have to get that woman out of this house.
22:57And you are the only one who can help me achieve it.
23:00Excuse me.
23:04Good morning.
23:06Good morning.
23:08Excuse me.
23:10I came to see you last night.
23:17I couldn't answer.
23:21How long are you going to deny what you feel for me?
23:23How long are you going to deny what you feel for me?
23:28Good morning.
23:30Leave that there.
23:32I want you to take these letters to the town as soon as possible.
23:36Leave them in the mail.
23:38Buenaventura has a horse ready.
23:40Excuse me.
23:47Did you go to see Teresita?
23:53It dawned much better.
23:56I'm glad.
23:58I'm glad.
24:00Do you know what I'm really worried about?
24:04Your cousin.
24:08Have you noticed anything strange about her?
24:16Well, Leonor.
24:18Don't trust her.
24:19She's not a virtuous woman like you.
24:22Your cousin's attitude.
24:25Notice what he is.
24:28What are you saying?
24:30No, no. I'd rather not comment on it.
24:32No, why are you saying that?
24:34No, no. Really, no.
24:36Please tell me.
24:39Imagine that apparently Mercedes is getting involved with a background employee.
24:51Girls, help me!
24:53These things are mine, ma'am.
24:55Let's see. You sent to change. You left me broke.
24:57And on top of that, you owe me money.
24:59I don't owe you anything.
25:01I thanked you.
25:03Did you need food or a bed when you were here?
25:05Answer me.
25:07Here the only one who benefited was you, ma'am.
25:09Who took away the little money I earned.
25:11You're going to last very little in the house of the Echeñiques, girl.
25:14It's the first curse to get me out.
25:17You're bad.
25:19You're bad for your body.
25:21Maybe that's why men like you so much.
25:23You bewitched them to see you again.
25:27Do you also think I'm a witch?
25:30Just like your grandmother.
25:32That is inherited.
25:34You are a witch and bad.
25:36Then be very careful, Aunt Carmen.
25:39It's not going to be a thing that one of these days
25:42dawns your day.
25:49Be careful.
25:53What did you want?
25:55What did I want?
25:57What did I want?
25:59What did I want?
26:01Put your direction.
26:03Don't come near me.
26:04What did I want?
26:06Don't come near me.
26:09Let it go.
26:11Let it go.
26:13Please, please, please.
26:15Let it go.
26:17The curse of the Echeñiques
26:19Please, let me go!
26:22Let me go!
26:39Can I talk to you, please?
26:43It's important.
26:45It's very important, really.
26:47Then talk.
26:51First, I wanted to tell you that I didn't talk to Luis Emilio, I swear.
26:55Why should I believe you?
27:00Because I love you.
27:04Last night I couldn't even sleep thinking about you.
27:10I don't want you to suffer, Ignacio.
27:13I don't want things to get complicated, really.
27:16Yes, I understand.
27:20But you love me, right?
27:45You have five seconds to jump the knife, motherfucker.
27:48One, two...
27:51Run, man, run, run!
28:08You know what I can think of?
28:10Tell Maria to make one of those apple cookies that she likes so much.
28:14As you wish, mommy.
28:19I'm worried, Teresita.
28:22Lately I've seen you so fragile.
28:26Well, I insist that it's better to call a doctor, but it seems...
28:29Yesterday's fainting was nothing.
28:31It won't happen again.
28:34I want to see you well.
28:37If you and my daddy are well, I'll be well.
28:44Someone help me, please!
28:46What happened?
28:47My God, Manuel!
28:48A bunch of people massacred me, and Manuel defended me from the bandits.
28:52Mom, his head!
28:54Tell his father!
29:00Let go, honey, I'm fine.
29:03Worry about Manuel, he'll be better.
29:05Does he feel well?
29:07I'm just a little dizzy.
29:09What's the matter with you two, Manuel?
29:11I don't know, Maria was just helping Herminia.
29:13Maria, would you like to go get bandages and alcohol at home...
29:16...to disinfect the wound as soon as possible?
29:19Yes, ma'am.
29:27Are you okay, Herminia?
29:29Yes, I'm fine.
29:30The one who took the worst part was Manuel.
29:34Would you like to go get some red meat...
29:37...for the swelling in the kitchen?
29:41To your kitchen?
29:53How could something like this happen to you?
29:57Do you really care?
30:00Of course I care.
30:02I don't know, I just do.
30:24This one is worth it.
30:26That one is going to be good.
30:28And it looks like it's made of gold.
30:31Did you see his face?
30:33No, miss, no.
30:35I could pay him now.
30:37I'm not going to give you a dime.
30:38Not a dime.
30:40I told you to make that woman disappear...
30:42...and there she is, with her big mouth.
30:44But she wasn't alone.
30:45That's not my problem.
30:47Let's see, let's see.
30:48What do you mean she's not going to pay us?
30:49Not a dime.
30:51And you poor people, keep your mouths shut...
30:53...because I'll make Jose Luis cut her head off.
30:55Is that clear?
