Bracia odc. 9

  • last month
00:00A few days later
00:04Oh, did you see that?
00:08They don't have the right to block us.
00:10Everything is OK formally.
00:12But who cares?
00:14If the investment is stopped, we're done.
00:24I have to go there.
00:26Do you want us to die here?
00:30To be continued
01:01Please, we have a beginning and an end.
01:04We have to talk to them.
01:06And what do you tell them?
01:07That they should stop?
01:08It's just illegal.
01:10Please, tell them.
01:12Yes to the forest!
01:14No to the concrete!
01:16Yes to the forest!
01:17No to the concrete!
01:19Yes to the forest!
01:21What are you doing here?
01:22And what are you doing here?
01:24I came to see who wants to destroy my project.
01:26Do you want to make a lot of money on it?
01:28Excuse me, is this a crime?
01:30Yes, it is a crime to cut the protected areas.
01:34Yes to the forest!
01:36No to the concrete!
01:37Yes to the forest!
01:39No to the concrete!
01:40Yes to the forest!
01:42No to the concrete!
01:44This is an illegal landfill and a toilet for men.
01:47For you, money decides what is protected and what is not.
01:51Yes to the forest!
01:52No to the concrete!
01:54Yes to the forest!
01:56No to the concrete!
01:57Yes to the forest!
01:59No to the concrete!
02:01Who is this girl?
02:03Do you know her?
02:05No to the concrete!
02:07Have you seen her?
02:09No to the concrete!
02:10Piotr, I'm asking you.
02:12No to the concrete!
02:13Yes to the forest!
02:14No to the concrete!
02:27Do you know what's going on in the construction site?
02:31We have to negotiate with the ecologists.
02:33I don't know anything about that.
02:35Permission to start work is a strong right.
02:37We have committed ourselves to all obligations.
02:39They have no arguments.
02:41So why are they sabotaging us?
02:44Take care of it.
02:46And you stay away from it.
02:48I have to supervise and stay away from the settlements that I have designed?
02:57You have to trust me.
02:59For the next few days, you shouldn't show up there.
03:05It just so happens that I was there.
03:08I know one of the protesters.
03:13Did you invite someone?
03:15We were only supposed to have a date, you and me.
03:20Who's coming here?
03:23Oh, hi.
03:24What are you doing here?
03:26I'm sorry for the mess.
03:28Stop it.
03:30Take a bottle.
03:32Will you drink to Friday?
03:34You'll get used to it.
03:36I have a gift for you.
03:40Sit down.
03:42Maybe something to drink?
03:43Coffee? Tea?
03:45Water is enough.
03:47Alek told me that he was talking to Piotr about taking care of the child.
03:52We're trying.
04:03Is everything okay?
04:06Yes, yes.
04:10I'm sorry.
04:11Yes, everything is fine.
04:15Let's go get some water.
04:23Why should I stay away from the matter that concerns me and my company?
04:28Because your name is Dobrowolski.
04:31Did your father talk to you about the competition?
04:36He congratulated me when he found out that our project took the first place.
04:40Oh, right.
04:42What right?
04:44You won fairly.
04:47But sometimes it's not enough.
04:50I'm sorry, what's not enough?
04:53It was a serious task.
04:55To prepare the project and win.
05:01I don't believe it.
05:02What are you talking about?
05:04Two guys at the beginning of their careers are making such a fuss.
05:07Do you believe that?
05:09Wait, wait.
05:12And is changing plans your job, too?
05:17You had nothing to do with it.
05:20I know I didn't.
05:21But did my father?
05:23No, either.
05:25So where did the protests come from?
05:29Maybe someone else wants to be in this area.
05:33Certainly those little ones who tie themselves to the trees.
05:36Those little ones have no idea
05:38who's shooting them from the back seat.
05:41One post on the Internet is enough to blow up the deal.
05:45I don't believe a word you say.
05:49Well, it's hard.
05:52Sooner or later you'll find out
05:56how this world works.
06:09I really admire you.
06:12I don't know how you do it.
06:14Home, children, hospital.
06:16Well, as you can see.
06:18I think I do.
06:19You do.
06:21Sometimes I'm so tired that
06:23the only thing I dream of when I come back from duty is silence.
06:26And there's never any silence in this house.
06:28I mean, now, except for Hutko.
06:32Even Alek is sometimes on the verge of insanity.
06:35And as we know, he's a Zen master.
06:37But he probably wanted to stay with his mother.
06:39And he's doing great.
06:41But you know, all the time it's just home, home, home.
06:44Children, meetings with brothers from time to time.
06:47Then go somewhere.
06:49Just you and Alek.
06:50The two of you.
06:51Why are you smiling?
06:52Well, because I don't have a vacation.
06:54Vacation is just an excuse.
06:56Just do something to take care of yourself.
07:00I can see that.
07:02Stop it, I'll take care of the kids.
07:06I won't bother you anymore.
07:09I'll go now.
07:13Really, think about what I told you, because...
07:18It's just important.
07:24Bye, baby.
07:36Are you done with work?
07:38Yes, Mom, I'm done with work.
08:05What are you doing?
08:15Are you looking for something?
08:19Okay, Mom.
08:20You'll find out anyway, I'll tell you.
08:23It seems that not all father's interests were clean.
08:26What do you mean, they weren't clean?
08:29Well, in short.
08:31Today, for example, I found out that probably
08:33the competition was also set.
08:35How did you come up with such nonsense?
08:39The source is so deceitful that it's almost believable.
08:41Believe me.
08:47Remember that your father would never hurt you.
08:49Mom, maybe my father helped me,
08:51but I didn't want this help at all.
08:54And I will bear the consequences.
08:56But you know that for sure?
08:58I know that there was nothing that my father would not have done.
09:00I know that for sure, yes.
09:02But he was liked and respected.
09:04I beg you, liked and respected.
09:07And what if the re-qualification of the subdivisions for the estate
09:10was also a curse?
09:13Hectares of non-users suddenly worth tens of millions.
09:16Don't you think it's weird?
09:17Piotrek, my father was not a developer.
09:19He can't be responsible for the decisions of his clients.
09:21Mom, I beg you, stop defending him.
09:23The existence of our company depends on this project.
09:25Do you understand?
09:26We have subcontractors to pay for one and a half million zlotys.
09:29If this estate is not built,
09:33I am bankrupt.
09:36You know I have a reason to be mad at my father.
09:39But what you say would be against his rules.
09:44Well, and that woman?
09:48Wasn't she against his rules?
10:05I'm not here.
10:08It's me.
10:11What are you doing here?
10:13I thought it was Adam.
10:15I came to the action.
10:16Oh, and you couldn't call me?
10:19I thought you stopped.
10:20Mom, God, the door is open.
10:22When I drove up to the house,
10:24I knew there was going to be a war.
10:26Yes, yes, we're waiting for you.
10:31Yuck, leave it.
10:33Jesus, what a mess you have.
10:34We painted the banners.
10:36God, I think I'll only eat a package of crackers today.
10:39Okay, so maybe you get a grip,
10:41and I'll finish it here.
10:46You know, I'd rather my mom didn't know I was here.
10:51I'm here.
10:53I won't tell her anything.
10:56Listen, I've got it.
10:57There it is.
10:59The best Greek.
11:01Straight from the stock for students.
11:03And my plan is to go to sleep
11:05like a pensioner lying in rubble.
11:07As usual.
11:16I'll just borrow it.
11:19Will you have dinner with me?
11:21Thank you, I've already eaten.
11:23Can't you just have dinner with me?
11:26I'm not hungry.
11:42I'm not hungry.
12:12I'm not hungry.
12:17I'm not hungry.
12:22So what?
12:23They didn't kick you out of the tree?
12:25The TV was on.
12:27They won't touch us in front of the cameras.
12:29Well, I guess it's a success.
12:31A good start.
12:37Tell me what's going on.
12:42Tell me.
12:44I don't know anyone as lied to as him.
12:47Oh, you met with Piotr.
12:48I knew it.
12:49You knew?
12:50I knew it.
12:51He came to intervene against our action.
12:53Wait, but what does Piotr have to do with it?
12:55Because now I'm lost.
12:57This whole fucking estate is his idea, you know?
12:59His project.
13:01Are you kidding?
13:02Wait, did you talk to him?
13:03Did he explain himself somehow?
13:04It doesn't matter.
13:05He's just lying and cheating.
13:08At least I know who I'm dealing with.
13:11I don't know,
13:12as if women in my family couldn't have normal relationships?
13:15Seriously, Rena,
13:16are we doomed to some bad relationships?
13:19No, Zosia, no.
13:22You're not.
13:25It's just...
13:27men are morons.
13:45I can't believe it.
13:46The oldest brother is coming back to his mom.
13:51I feel like there's going to be a lot of fun.
13:54You're going to wake up your mom.
13:56She took something to sleep.
13:57She's sleeping like a rock.
13:59What do you have here?
14:01Kenny Caciuloki?
14:03Shit, you can shut up.
14:05Don't you think it's funny?
14:09What do you think is funny?
14:10I don't know.
14:11For example,
14:12that two grown men are coming back to their mom.
14:17Yeah, it's really funny.
14:19I hope nothing happens to Alka and Wojtek,
14:21because your mom might not like it.
14:25Since when do you have such deep thoughts?
14:31It's me.
14:32The head of the family.
14:33And this is my older and wiser brother.
14:37Adam, fuck off.
14:39Get out.
14:40We're going in the same van.
15:01Put it down.
15:05Listen, I couldn't...
15:10You won't leave me with the same thing.
15:18Cooking is like cooking with women.
15:19There's no need to hurry.
15:21And you'll burn everything before you can try.
15:24Okay, philosophy.
15:25Focus on what's good for you.
15:31Am I too early?
15:33No, no.
15:34The guests have already left.
15:35The kitchen is clean.
15:36We can go.
15:38Oh, the kitchen is almost clean.
15:40I didn't notice.
15:42Bye. See you tomorrow.
16:14Do you want some?
16:15No, thanks.
16:16I'm good.
16:17I'm good.
16:18I'm good.
16:19I'm good.
16:35Do you want some?
16:41My head hurts.
16:43One small.
16:45You'll get drunk.
16:48Are you going to get drunk?
16:50I'm going to work tomorrow.
16:52Oh, uncle.
17:00Here you go.
17:16Do you remember when
17:18the old men went to the wedding
17:20and we were supposed to take care of the house?
17:22Were you with us then?
17:26Although I'm not surprised you don't remember.
17:28I thought we were trying to raise you to be human.
17:34it didn't work out.
17:40The point is, Adam,
17:42that you find a job
17:44and not end up
17:46like a frustrated artist.
17:50And a drug addict.
17:52You said it.
18:00depends on us.
18:02Your father used to say that a lot, didn't he?
18:06Here you go.
18:08A real man of success
18:10is sitting next to me.
18:12He is.
18:14We've got him in the house, in our suitcases.
18:20So tell me,
18:22what happened?
18:24I don't know.
18:26You have to
18:28figure it out
18:30on your own.
18:32Too bad.
18:34I've got something
18:36that will help you
18:38with that.
18:40Are you up for it?
19:12You've helped us a lot today.
19:16Great date.
19:22I don't think
19:24it's over yet.
19:28The wine didn't spoil the mood?
19:30You just closed.
19:42Maybe we should go
19:46to my place?
20:06The shelter.
20:08Yes, I'm listening.
20:12I understand.
20:16Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes.
20:18I'm sorry,
20:20but I have to go to my father.
20:22He broke the rules.
20:26I'll give you a lift.
20:28It'll be faster.
20:30Thanks, but you don't want to see him like this.
20:38I'll see you tomorrow.
20:40At your place.
21:00at your place.
21:06at my place?
21:32The real question is
21:34how to make some money
21:36so we can all live in peace?
21:38I'm scared already.
21:40I don't know.
21:42I know.
21:44We'll sell the wine.
21:46Brilliant, isn't it?
21:48Yes, brilliant.
21:50Wait, before you say
21:52it's pointless,
21:54answer one more question.
21:56Why do you need her?
21:58It's none of your business.
22:10What are you doing?
22:12We want to record a few songs with the guys.
22:14Will there be an album?
22:16When we sell the wine?
22:18Maybe it's not such a stupid idea?
22:22Bravo for this gentleman.
22:28But I'll tell you anyway,
22:30as long as we don't see the will,
22:32nothing will come of it.
22:34Why not?
22:36After all, if each of us agrees...
22:38I have...
22:42a watch here.
22:54A small one.
22:56A watch.
22:58A watch.
23:04Maybe my father was hiding it from us.
23:06Maybe it's an address,
23:08or a map to the treasure of the Dobrowolski family.
23:18Go to sleep.
23:20Whatever it was,
23:22what it was worth,
23:26we won't find out.
23:32Good night.
23:34I told you
23:36you shouldn't drink that beer.
23:38I didn't invent you
23:40to draw my attention.
23:46it's for your own good.
23:50You never talked to me like that.
23:54I used to be all alone
23:56and I had to talk to you
23:58not to go crazy.
24:02I fell in love.
24:06But I don't think
24:08you intend to bring her here for good.
24:14Why didn't I come up with it myself?
24:24Well, probably
24:26I came up with it myself.
24:32Drink, drink, drink.
24:48Not nice, boys.
24:50Why are you selling my boat?
24:56Because we don't need it.
25:02You don't know that yet.
25:04And what did you need it for?
25:08For a span?
25:12Yes, for a span.
25:18I was really free on it.
25:20Oh, so free.
25:24I didn't get that feeling.
25:30I don't understand you either.
25:36Why are you doing this to yourself?
25:38Are you asking me that?
25:42Then I'll tell you.
25:44Because I don't like everything.
25:46I talk to myself like Wojtek.
25:52Tell me,
25:54just honestly,
25:56did you plan our contest?
26:04And what would you like to hear?
26:24Everything hurts me
26:26from sitting on trees.
26:28Couldn't someone else
26:30hang from a branch today?
26:32Too few people.
26:34We change every six hours.
26:44What is it?
26:46I don't know what I'll do if he shows up there again.
26:50Or maybe...
26:52Maybe you could talk?
26:54I don't want to talk to him.
26:56And I won't believe a word he says.
27:02I'm going.
27:22I'm glad you're here.
27:24I've been waiting for this call
27:26since our last conversation.
27:30Since our last quarrel,
27:38Why did you agree to go to the beach with me?
27:40I've always liked
27:42walking with you.
27:50What do you want to know?
27:56Piotr was the last one
27:58I saw.
28:00What's going on?
28:02You're going to tell me
28:04everything I didn't know about Jurek.
28:16What's going on?
28:20You know my father
28:22won the competition.
28:24Has anyone complained about the competition?
28:26Not yet.
28:28I'm asking what you know.
28:30What does it matter now?
28:32Because maybe we're worthless
28:34and we live in lies unnecessarily.
28:36We won the prize because my father
28:38always wanted to be first.
28:40We were the best, no one questions that.
28:42Then why the hell did he get involved?
28:44Because we live in a world
28:46where it's not enough to be the best.
28:48You worry about ecologists
28:50but who cares?
29:20We leave it as it is, or...
29:22There's no...
29:29I remember how he started.
29:31Young, ambitious, from a poor family.
29:34He didn't get anything for his age, he had to fight it all by himself.
29:38I didn't know many people like him.
29:41But I don't mean Laurus from the dictapedia, Tadeusz.
29:46I don't know anything about the man I've spent my whole life with.
29:50You don't remember?
29:52It didn't work out for you, but he could do it.
29:55He provided for you.
29:57He was a father to your children.
30:01Was he dishonest?
30:04Well, I know he was to me, but...
30:07But when it comes to business...
30:09You know he wasn't a bad man.
30:11You know what, that's not the answer, Tadeusz.
30:14You know, Łukaszu...
30:16Jerzy was a lawyer.
30:18There are no easy answers in this profession.
30:22A double life costs more money and more emotions.
30:27So it's a yes.
30:30But no yes.
30:32He got lost, he made mistakes like everyone else,
30:35but he didn't hurt anyone.
30:38Not true, he hurt us.
30:45Should I know anything else?
30:49I'm only thinking about Piotr.
30:53Don't worry.
30:55It's just a crisis.
30:57He'll get over it.
30:59Give him time.
31:23Good morning, gentlemen.
31:26You haven't started without me, have you?
31:33Oh, my.
31:35It's rich, I see.
31:37Well, you have a taste for alcohol, Tadeusz.
31:40At least that's it.
31:42One at a time?
31:44Just a moment.
31:46Before we start, I have an announcement.
31:48I'm not drinking tonight,
31:50because I'm meeting with Marta in the evening.
31:54Someone really got involved, huh?
31:56I'm also having a date with Elisa today.
31:59One before the date.
32:00A small one, yes.
32:02You should drink.
32:07I see you're drinking and selling vodka.
32:10Are you selling the boat?
32:13We have an idea with Piotr.
32:15What do you think?
32:16I thought you were interested in it.
32:20I don't know.
32:21Everything changes.
32:24Piotr, are you serious?
32:26Do you want to sell it?
32:28I don't know.
32:29None of us are sailing anymore, right?
32:31You weren't sailing either.
32:33I had the impression that this whore
32:34is more important than all of us.
33:10I don't know.
33:19I open the vodka and he goes crazy.
33:25Renat, Renat.
33:29Adam, Renia is calling.
33:31Come home.
33:32We'd love to listen to you.
33:34Come home.
33:36I'm the alpha male today
33:39and I don't take back.
33:41So Adam got involved.
33:44He got involved.
33:45He got involved.
33:47You'd better tell me
33:48what you're doing with your Vika.
33:50Exactly, exactly.
33:51What do you mean?
33:55Did you throw her out of the house?
34:00With Vika...
34:02With Vika it's definitely over.
34:06I'm terribly sorry.
34:07I'm not sorry at all.
34:09I didn't like her from the beginning.
34:12Adam, stop it.
34:15Shut up.
34:20She's pregnant.
34:23With Krzysztof.
34:31I won't comment on the politeness.
34:34I'm proud of you, really.
34:40Tell me,
34:41who were you with in Greece?
34:44Guys, with no one.
34:46Leave me alone.
34:50No talking, no drinking.
34:53We're brothers, aren't we?
35:23I'm sorry.
35:50Do you need help?
35:51Are you looking for something?
35:52Yes, I am.
35:54There's supposed to be
35:55an inauguration meeting
35:56of the painting course.
35:57Yes, I can help you.
35:58It will probably turn out
35:59that I have a great job.
36:01No, no, not like that.
36:04Please follow me.
36:05We'll take care of it in a minute.
36:08I'm very grateful to you.
36:16Water, I beg you.
36:23Give me water, Wojtek.
36:30I'm dying.
36:35But I have to tell you
36:37that it was worth it.
36:41This time I'll take care of you.
36:44Like in the good old days.
36:47Actually, this boat is...
36:49Give it to me.
36:52Why do you want to sell it?
36:53Well, we voted yesterday
36:55that we won't sell it.
37:08It's almost cold.
37:11Damn, I'm tired.
37:13I forgot.
37:14I forgot.
37:15Oh, you were supposed to go to that...
37:16I can't believe I forgot.
37:17If she loves, she'll wait.
37:20No, she won't wait.
37:22Even if she loves.
37:26Oh, damn.
37:28Ten uncollected hotels.
37:31I have to go.
37:32I'm screwed.
37:33Stay, you'll hit me.
37:40Here you go, brother.
37:41And water.
37:42Where are you going?
37:43Even in free relationships
37:46there are certain rules.
37:51Get a hold of yourself, Piotr.
38:19Oh, good morning.
38:20Good morning.
38:22Good morning.
38:26My name is Tomasz Majcher.
38:29As you know, I'm a lecturer
38:31at the Department of Painting
38:32at the Academy of Fine Arts.
38:34Don't be afraid.
38:35I'm not biting.
38:36I'm not biting.
38:37I'm not biting.
38:39It's nice that you're back.
38:41Our course will be an adventure
38:43for some of you,
38:44and for others
38:45it will take you
38:46where you can meet
38:47real art.
38:48It takes courage,
38:49but for us to get to know each other better,
38:51I'd like to start
38:52by taking a look
38:53at what you've prepared for today.
38:55But, but,
38:56from now on,
38:57all of you
38:58have to follow
38:59only one rule.
39:01Sit down and...
39:02Do it!
39:03That's right.
39:04Sit down and do it.
39:06get to work.
39:08I'm so sorry.
39:23Good morning, Alek.
39:25Alek, yes, Alek.
39:26Alek, it's probably me.
39:28Alek, I don't know.
39:33Oh, Jesus.
39:35Can you tell me
39:36You even texted me that you're not coming back for the night.
39:40Piotr's life is falling apart. It doesn't look good.
39:43But you look great.
39:45Darling, give me something, please. You're a doctor.
39:49No, it's not my specialization, it's mania.
39:52You swore an oath to Hippocrates.
39:54I lied.
39:56Come on.
39:58Jesus Maria.
40:00She's going to break my head.
40:02Save me.
40:04Kuba will go upstairs, take a bath, change and go for a walk with you.
40:09Because the doctor prescribed him fresh air.
40:17I'm sorry.
40:19Have mercy.
40:21Kiss daddy's forehead.
40:27So what? You're only interested in one thing?
40:31I think there's nothing more important.
40:35Very interesting.
40:37What do we have here?
40:40I know it's not enough.
40:42No, why not enough?
40:46Don't you have anything newer?
40:49No, I don't.
40:51I haven't painted for 35 years.
40:54Why 35?
40:56Because my first son was born 35 years ago.
41:02So your family life won, right?
41:07I can tell you that you did better than many artists here.
41:11I'm sure of it.
41:15But I don't know what would happen if I went the other way.
41:19We'll see, we'll find out.
41:21We have a lot of time, so for now I'll give you a second chance to make a debut.
42:03What are you doing here?
42:06Adam told me I'd find you here.
42:10I saw you yesterday at the marina.
42:12It's a public place.
42:16Besides, I wouldn't go there if I knew you'd be there.
42:23Besides, I wouldn't go there if I knew you'd be there.
42:29What do you mean?
42:32Who changed the management plan?
42:37You won the competition.
42:39And I just found out that your father's office is in charge of this investment.
42:48Did you think I'd hide it from you?
42:53Could we not talk about ecology and architecture?
42:59I regret every minute I spent with you.
43:11I don't regret anything.
43:15I didn't hide the fact that I'm not alone.
43:45I'm not alone.