• last year
Todo por mi Familia Capitulo 325 Completo en Español
00:00¿Ves el chico nuevo o es Tolga?
00:03¿Cuál de los dos te gusta?
00:08Solo contesta la pregunta
00:10No me gusta nadie
00:12Yasmin, dame un nombre
00:15¿Es Tolga o es Mahir?
00:18De lo contrario no irías con ellos
00:21Olvidé lo mucho que me conoces
00:23¿Cómo lo notaste?
00:30El chico nuevo, Mahir
00:33¿En serio, Mahir?
00:36Oye, entiende que él ya eligió su bando
00:40Está con ellos, apoya incondicionalmente a esos salvajes
00:43¿Y qué tiene?
00:45Entiende que eso lo convierte en nuestro enemigo
00:50Hermano, si notas que te volviste loco, ¿verdad?
00:53Comprende, no estamos en una guerra, no debemos vencer
00:56Muy bien, le voy a decir a mamá para ver qué opina de esto
00:59Espera, ¿qué haces, no?
01:01No le puedes decir a mamá
01:03Es broma, ¿verdad?
01:04Mira, hermano, si vas a decirle, te vas a meter en problemas conmigo
01:09Sabrá lo del auto
01:11Le diré de la multa
01:13Sabrá que te fuiste sin permiso ese día
01:15Está bien, Yasmin, ya, calma
01:17Eres peligrosa
01:19Al final eres mi hermana pequeña
01:22Hay cosas que podemos callar
01:26Así es, también pienso eso
01:32Tu libro
01:33Muchas gracias
01:34De nada, te veo mañana en el colegio
01:38Cepa, ¿dónde crees que vas?
01:45Señora Meriem, él no es su hijo, es solo un compañero de mi escuela
01:50¿Compraste leche?
01:52¿Leche? No, no compré
01:56No te preocupes, debes tener hambre
01:58Tenemos ensalada y arroz, ¿verdad?
02:01¿Qué hago?
02:03Entra, por favor, Cepa, ven
02:07Hola, buena noche, ¿qué van a querer?
02:09Un té frío
02:11Por favor
02:14¿Te gusta el frío?
02:15Sí, ¿por qué? ¿Tiene algo de mal, Homer?
02:17No, pero pensé que ordenarías un capuchino o alguna bebida más exótica
02:21¿Crees que soy presumida?
02:24Nunca hay que olvidar de dónde venimos, sin importar que tan bien nos vaya
02:28Imagino que lo dices por ti
02:30Así es
02:31Y quien beba té caliente no me agrada, ¿eh?
02:35Mi abuela bebía el té así
02:37Ella fue quien me enseñó que frío era mejor que caliente
02:40Y le hiciste caso para que pensara que eres buena nieta
02:44¿Y a ti por qué te gusta así?
02:47No lo sé, tal vez porque no es caro y lo puedo pagar, es simple
02:52Es una buena razón si lo piensas
02:54Bueno, ¿podemos pasar al siguiente problema?
02:56Está bien, como tú me digas
02:58Aunque quisiera tener más momentos de conversación, como el que acabamos de tener, Homer
03:03Mira, tienes potencial, pero sí hablas bastante
03:05Ya lo sé
03:07Como sea, pondré este número de aquí del otro lado
03:11Si miraste bien, había un 25 aquí, entonces lo tomaré
03:15Y como puedes ver, 50 menos 25 son 25
03:20Ya vamos a estudiar, ¿sí?
03:22De acuerdo
03:23Magir todavía no ha llegado, pero...
03:26De hecho, me envió un mensaje diciendo que tuvo algo que hacer, pero que podíamos empezar a estudiar y él llegaría después
03:33¿O prefieres esperarlo?
03:35No, mejor no
03:37No sabía que tardaría
03:39Está bien, acepto que todo sería mejor si Magir estuviera presente, pero también soy bueno para las matemáticas
03:46Te podría explicar algunas cosas útiles, ¿te gustaría probar?
03:50Muy bien, claro
04:01¿Por qué entras a mi habitación sin tocar, mamá?
04:03Pensé que querrías un poco de fruta
04:05Y además, algo se te acaba de caer ahí al lado de la cama, Ibique
04:08Me parece que es algo de color amarillo, ¿lo puedes levantar?
04:11Dámelo, lo quiero ver
04:13Date prisa
04:17Ya, tómalo
04:18Ay, mira, esta es una sombrilla muy hermosa, me pregunto quién te la dio
04:24¿Y por qué la tienes aquí? ¿Hay una gotera en el techo o qué?
04:28¿Hay agua metiéndose por la ventana?
04:30¿O por qué la sacaste, hija?
04:37Dime qué sucede
04:38¿Me la devuelves?
04:42¿Puedes irte?
04:43No, hija
04:44No me pienso ir hasta que no me digas qué pasa con esa sombrilla
04:47Y puedo esperar aquí hasta que me lo digas
04:50Este paraguas es de Berk, ¿te acuerdo?
04:52Yo solo lo tomé
04:55Teníamos un recuerdo muy hermoso con él
04:57¿Y sabes qué fue lo que hizo hoy?
04:59Lo tomó
05:01Y lo dejó tirado afuera de la escuela
05:04Lo hizo para demostrar su molestia hacia mí por no ser honesta
05:08Y es culpa de ustedes
05:09¿Y por eso la sombrilla es tan especial, verdad?
05:11¿Te estás burlando, mamá?
05:13No, al contrario
05:15Te entiendo muy bien
05:16Me considero una madre que tiene buena comunicación con su familia
05:20Soy yo una madre moderna, ¿sabes?
05:22Simplemente estoy tratando de comunicarme contigo, es todo
05:26No sé por qué estás sufriendo de esta manera
05:28¿Tú lastimaste a su madre o por qué tomaron la decisión de terminar?
05:31¡Chantajeaste a su madre y me obligaste a hablar con ella!
05:35¿Tú lastimaste a su madre o por qué tomaron la decisión de terminar?
05:37¡Chantajeaste a su madre y me obligaste a no decir nada!
05:40¿Cómo puedo mirar a ver después de eso?
05:42¡Eso es una mentira!
05:43¡Tomé un préstamo!
05:44¡Ya te lo dije cien veces!
05:45¡Es tan difícil de entender!
05:47Ay, está bien que sea una madre moderna, pero también tengo mis límites
05:51En cambio, tú tomas tus decisiones y me culpas por las consecuencias que tienen
05:55¡Deja de ser tan ridícula, Aibike!
05:57¡Estás en la escuela!
05:58¡Enfócate en tus clases y en estudiar!
06:00¡No vas ahí para tener novio!
06:02¡Mamá, tú no entiendes nada, ¿oíste? ¡Nada!
06:06¡De hecho, nadie lo hace!
06:11Sí, cariño, llego en la noche
06:18Yo también te extraño mucho, mi amor
06:21Hablamos cuando llegue a casa, ¿de acuerdo?
06:24Mira, tengo que colgar, estoy ocupada, pero te envío un abrazo, ¿sí?
06:33Ay, qué linda
06:50¿Quién será ella?
07:02¿Quién será ella?
07:07Esto no me gusta
07:32Ay, qué aroma
07:34No, no, aquí, ¿qué haces?
08:02¿Quién será ella?
08:14¡Buenos días!
08:15¡Buen día!
08:16¡Aubreyan, espera, muévete!
08:19¿Ya hicieron las paces?
08:22Al menos ellos son felices
08:26Ella y Berk terminaron
08:28¿Qué dices?
08:30Hablemos de otro tema, por el bien de Eivike
08:41¿No deberían agradecerme?
08:45¿No escuchan? Háganlo
08:47Gracias, Ogulcan
08:49Muchas gracias, primo
08:51De nada
08:52Digo, al final, soy el motivo por el que ustedes ya están bien, ¿verdad?
08:56Soy la persona que hizo todo esto posible
08:58Así que soy un héroe
09:00Oigan, ¿no han visto a Lidia?
09:01Lo lamento, yo no
09:04No eres de mucha ayuda, voy a buscarla
09:07Vamos a ir a la cafetería
09:10Oye, ¿qué haremos esta noche?
09:12¿Vamos al cine?
09:14Para que no me dejes con las ganas como ayer, mejor tú decide el plan, ¿qué te parece?
09:17Ya te dije porque no pude salir contigo ayer, Omer, no te enojes, ayúdame a pensar
09:22No lo sé, primero convénceme
09:24Ah, qué drama
09:27Buen día, maestro
09:29Buenos días
09:32Oye, olvidaste tu bolígrafo ayer, así que te lo traje
09:37Te agradezco mucho
09:39Te veo en clase, Omer
09:41De acuerdo
09:42Ah, por cierto, tomar clase contigo ayer me hizo cambiar mi perspectiva, Omer
09:47Me gustaría continuar con las lecciones, ¿podríamos agendar algún otro día?
09:51Sí, por supuesto
09:53Nos vemos
09:57¿De qué habla, Omer?
09:59Quería aprender matemáticas y tomó su primera clase ayer
10:02Emel necesita algunas cosas y se las puede comprar con eso
10:06Ah, qué bien, me da gusto que gracias a esa chica resolvieras el problema, Omer
10:11¿Ella te buscó para tomar clase?
10:13Después de que te fuiste se me acercó para pedírmelas
10:16Ah, mira qué oportuna lo hizo cuando ya no estaba, qué inteligente la maldita
10:22¿Por qué lo dices, Susana?
10:24¿No será que estás un poco celosa?
10:26Yo, no, para nada, ¿por qué lo estaría? Es lo que haces para tener dinero, solo es una alumna más
10:31¿Sí? ¿Así es?
10:43Buenos días
10:46Buenos días, ¿cómo te encuentras?
10:49Bien, gracias, me siento como una genio en matemáticas después de la clase de anoche
10:53¿En serio?
10:57Claro, incluso soñé que podía resolver ecuaciones y problemas
11:02Por cierto, ¿estudiamos hoy también?
11:05Por supuesto, estudiaremos cuando tú quieras
11:07Muy bien, gracias
11:09Pero hay que decirle a Mahir que esta vez no falte, desgraciadamente no somos buenos en matemática integral, pero quizá él sí
11:16No te preocupes, yo voy a hablar con Mahir
11:18Perfecto, gracias, te veré en la clase
11:21De acuerdo
11:26Ay amigo, oye qué clase de fenómeno eres que puedes aparecerte así de la nada
11:32Tengo ojos en todas partes
11:34¿Y para qué?
11:37Soy como Victor Hugo o Dostoyevsky
11:43Jasmine comes and says good morning to you, she thanks you for having been studying with her all night
11:49It is obvious that there will be an attraction between you
11:52The only thing I ask is that in case you become a couple, do not forget me
11:57Nothing would hurt me more than losing you Tolga, if you do not listen to me, when I finish I will not support you
12:02Hey, what you're saying is ridiculous, you do not know if we ...
12:07It will happen
12:08You will be a couple, trust me
12:12Cheer up
12:13Ogi, I'm going to buy you a coffee so you can close your mouth and leave me alone, come
12:19And a chocolate too?
12:20Yes, whatever you want
12:22Oh, but what a delight
12:25Can you stop doing that?
12:27Hey, what's wrong with you?
12:29Take me somewhere else, I'm seeing double again and it's not right
12:32Calm down, hey enough, do not you see? Do not be bothering
12:37But tell me, did you see them too?
12:39Are you serious Gonja?
12:41It's fine, perfect, I'll tell Orhan when I see him
12:44Nice to hear you, we should go out for a coffee someday and talk quietly
12:49Thank you Gonja, very good, I'll give your message to Orhan
12:53What's going on, everything fine Zengul? It seems that you received good news, you do not stop smiling
12:58In fact, yes, mother-in-law, they are very good news, Orhan
13:01Orhan, get ready, we're leaving
13:05Zengul, why are you screaming? Where are we going?
13:09I talked to my friend Gonja, do you remember?
13:11He told me that they opened a new restaurant nearby
13:13And they are looking for two new cooks
13:15Hurry up, maybe they'll give us the job
13:17Let's go my love
13:18Zengul, are you crazy? I know that place and it's very big
13:21How are we going to feed so many people between the two of us?
13:24Oh, do not say that Orhan, how do you think I do to feed our family?
13:28If I am able to feed Obulcan, nothing will be a challenge for me anymore, do not you think?
13:32I do not want to have problems again, let's see what happens
13:35Orhan, I'm the only one who's doing something to get this family ahead, do not you see?
13:39Ayri, do not leave me alone with the loan issue, I want you to see that I'm going to pay Ayla
13:44Okay, I'll go with you, but who's going to take care of the baby?
13:51Good question, we can not take the baby, right?
13:55And Hilmiye can not because she took her father to the doctor
14:00Do you think I'm painted or what? I'm going to take care of my grandson
14:04Mother-in-law, are you serious?
14:08Well, yes, if I could, I would never leave this creature, which is a very tender and beautiful being
14:13I really like to be with babies, especially if they are my family
14:17Go, it's late
14:18Thank you very much
14:19You're welcome
14:20Thank you, mother-in-law, what would we do without you?
14:22I already gave you food and I changed your diaper too
14:24If you cry, just load it and that's it
14:26Convince him a little, understand?
14:28I'm sure you will not have any problems
14:30Yes, yes
14:31Do not worry
14:32Thank you very much mother-in-law
14:33You're welcome
14:36And you rude, take that face, your mother wants to help us
14:54What do you want?
14:59What are you playing?
15:01Omer is not the only one who teaches math, did not you know?
15:05Oh, so that's what it's about
15:08Obviously you are very jealous
15:10Although you pretended to be completely calm in front of Omer, is not it?
15:17I knew it
15:19You did not want to show your true face in front of him so as not to have problems
15:24I understand you, do not worry
15:25You're not going to take classes with my boyfriend anymore
15:29Why not?
15:31Simply because I do not want to
15:35What happens? Do you find it funny?
15:39I find it funny that you behave this way
15:41In my opinion it is a very childish attitude
15:43I had no idea that there were still girls fighting in the bathroom for these things
15:47What time are you living in, huh?
15:49Look Lydia, I'm listening
15:51I know people like you well, I know exactly what you're looking for
15:55You want to stay with Omer, right?
15:58You want to steal him from me, that's why you asked him for lessons
16:02What a shame
16:04You did it even though you already know I'm with him
16:07But I will not allow it
16:09Oh really?
16:10That's right
16:13What happens?
16:15It is not obvious
16:17I do not know
16:19It is not obvious
16:21This crazy woman is very jealous because I asked her boyfriend for math classes
16:25She has a lot of insecurity
16:28Suzen, I'll tell you something
16:31You do not know how much fun we had yesterday, Omer and I
16:36He is a ...
16:38Good boy, really
16:41But ...
16:42He conforms with someone like you
16:45Is that what you think?
16:46That's what I think
16:50Do you know that this will have consequences?
16:53Then I'll show you
16:55What are you doing?
16:56What are you doing?
16:57Let go of my boyfriend
16:58Suzen, please
16:59You'll regret it if you do it
17:01Stop it!
17:02Calm down, Suzen
17:03It's enough
17:04Do not meddle in our business
17:09You're a bitch
17:11You're a bitch
17:12You're a bitch
17:13You're an idiot
17:15You're a psychopath
17:17Damn crazy
17:21Ruined ...
17:22My face, Yasmin
17:24It does not look much, do not worry
17:25Use makeup
17:31He's going to pay me
17:32I know very well what I'm going to do
17:37He will regret what he did
17:44Oh damn, Macbule
17:45You're like a turtle
17:46What time are you going to arrive?
17:48What are you saying about me, Fatma?
17:50Are you talking to my back?
17:52You finally arrived
17:53Take a seat
17:54What are you waiting for?
17:55Do it, fast
17:57What's going on?
17:59On the phone you mentioned that it was something urgent
18:02Do you have a problem?
18:04Oh, I'm an expert in bringing problems, Macbule
18:07My son, Orhan, does not want me close and does not want to forgive me
18:10It does not matter
18:11Listen, Fatma
18:12It is his right not to want to see you
18:14Maybe you have to give him more time to forgive you
18:17I give it to him, but he does not help me at all
18:19He wants me to leave everything
18:21Look, he bought me a ticket to return to Malatya
18:24And he says he wants to take me to the bus door
18:27How horrible
18:28Are you serious?
18:30And I ran out of ideas to prevent Orhan from kicking me out of his house, Macbule
18:33Why do not you give him time?
18:36I do not have time
18:38I do not have time
18:39Why do not you give him time?
18:41I can not
18:42I made a promise to myself
18:44To get him to forgive me as a place
18:47Or not
18:48Keep enduring life
18:49I'm tired
18:50Stop saying nonsense, Fatma
18:52What do you mean?
18:53Suicide if your son does not forgive you?
18:55That's right
18:56There is no option
18:57That's what I'll do with my heart, look
19:00I'm going to open it with my own hands
19:03I have an idea
19:05To stay here
19:06Oh, you're crazy
19:08Hey Fatma, did you lose your mind?
19:10What happens to you?
19:11I will use all the resources I have
19:14Have you gone completely crazy or what?
19:21We'll see if he wants to kick me out
19:23I do not think
19:24That allows his mother to return to Malatya in such bad conditions
19:28You're crazy Fatma
19:29Why do you get your legs dirty?
19:31I have something in mind
19:32Do you understand?
19:33Look, better not get involved
19:34It's okay, I know what I do
19:36He will not dare to kick me when he sees me
19:41I will not return to Malatya in many years
19:44Malatya is already behind me, Makbule
19:47I will not leave
19:48I'll stay with him
19:52Very good
19:56Your girlfriend just attacked me in the bathroom
19:58Do you know why?
19:59Just because I'm your student
20:01What do you say?
20:02Yes, she behaved like a madwoman
20:04Look what she did to my face
20:06It's like an animal
20:07How could she do that to such a beautiful face?
20:12She's a damn savage
20:16Sosen, did you attack Lidia?
20:19Did she come to accuse me as if she were a girl?
20:24Just answer, did you attack her or not?
20:25Omer, you do not know what he told me
20:27If I knew, I know you would not be talking to me like this
20:30He said I was worthless
20:33But what a shame
20:35How could you hurt that pretty face?
20:37Understand that he is not innocent either
20:39I do not know
20:40Do you want to stop criticizing?
20:42You fight every day at school
20:44There are always problems with someone
20:45When we girls do it, that's when it's wrong
20:48Oh, it's not true that you just said that, Sosen
20:50Please, someone tell her she's wrong for thinking like that
20:53I did nothing wrong, I just asked you for lessons
20:55But no, she does not understand that
20:58You are a liar, Lidia
20:59According to what you say, you are the only victim here, right?
21:02If I attacked you, it was because you provoked me
21:05Accept it, do not be a coward
21:07Look, this is my last warning
21:09If you put a hand on me again
21:11I will do my best to get you expelled from this school
21:14Omer, do me a favor, I beg you
21:16Tell your girlfriend that there is nothing between us and leave me alone
21:19It's serious
21:21Lidia, I'm coming
21:25You should be ashamed
21:26How can you hurt a girl?
21:28How can you hurt such a beautiful girl?
21:30If you're jealous, just say it
21:31Ogulcan, go with her
21:33That's what I was going to do
21:35I'm not saying you're not pretty, just ...
21:38What's wrong?
21:39Everyone loves her
21:40I do not understand what's so special
21:44Sosen, sit down
21:55You know I have financial problems, right?
21:58And there are days that I do not know if my sisters can eat
22:02Are you aware of that or not?
22:05That's right, I know
22:06Then reflect on it, do you want?
22:08You can not attack my students
22:10Omer, that girl is not interested in math classes
22:13She pretends to be your partner
22:15You do not trust me or what?
22:16If I notice that there is something strange, I will put limits
22:19You do not have to be attacking her
22:24Did you understand?
22:25I understood, okay
22:26Well, then behave
22:29Idiot, he caused us problems
22:31Forget that, do you want?
22:39I do not understand you here
22:41Do you have food in your mouth?
22:42Yes, I'm eating
22:44By the way, the cooks are better here than in Istanbul
22:47I realize
22:48You have not wanted to stop eating and I do not understand anything you tell me
22:52You have not wanted to stop eating and I do not understand anything you tell me
22:55You do not stop chewing, what did you say?
22:57That Yaman invited us to dinner at his house?
22:59What is he going to prepare for us? I hope it's not pasta
23:01No, we will not have dinner at his house, we will go to a restaurant
23:04Ah, that's good
23:06And if you want to come for dinner?
23:08Of course, in fact, I'm done, I'm just taking a walk
23:11Where are you exactly?
23:13I'm in a mall
23:15Hmm, okay
23:17Akif, listen to me
23:19If you see a clothing store, would you mind buying a nice blouse for me?
23:23And a semi-formal jacket for you
23:26Something more jovial
23:27What? Why are you insinuating that I dress like an old man?
23:30You do not like my style anymore?
23:32Oh, do not say that Akif, it has nothing to do
23:34It's for you to compete with Yaman
23:36I do not want you to feel inferior to him in any way
23:40And why would I feel that way?
23:42That clown is not even the pinch of the man I am
23:44I have been compared with better men
23:46My name is Akif Atakul
23:48Do you know what kind of husband you have?
23:50Akif, calm down, I'm serious
23:52I'm not saying it to bother you, do not get upset
23:54It's not that Yaman is better, but he's smart
23:57I want you to look very good
23:59Well, I'm going to hang up, I have to feed him to go down
24:01Yes, it's fine, good luck
24:03He compares me to that imbecile
24:08Here they sell fine clothes
24:10I do not need it, but I'm going in to see
24:14Let's go
24:25I like this jacket
24:27It's better than a jacket
24:29Classic, right?
24:32It's not semi-formal, although ...
24:35I do not think it's correct
24:38The color makes it look old
24:40I'm serious, it adds a few years
24:44I'm not such a young man anymore
24:47But it's not so bad that you want to age me
24:51But it's a very classic style, does not it look good?
24:54Nothing good
24:56I do not understand why men always prefer to use dark colors
24:59But I suggest you try something else
25:04Wait, I'll give you other options
25:10This may be ...
25:12Yes, maybe
25:14That's right
25:16Try this
25:22But ...
25:24Is not the color a little bold?
25:26You're afraid to be bold, is not it?
25:29Who? Me?
25:31Of course not, I like risks
25:33In reality, being bold is in my nature
25:35By the way, I'm here, Fatakul
25:37I'm going to look for a tie
25:43Calm down
25:51Very good, take this
25:56Go to the dresser now and try them
26:00Where is the dresser?
26:03I do not know, but I'm going to the dresser
26:05I'm going to the dresser
26:07I'm going to the dresser
26:10I do not know
26:12But you can look for it?
26:14Yes, of course I can look for it
26:16Hey, do not leave here, please
26:19Oh, sorry, I'm a very distracted man
26:33Damn, that woman managed to do what she wanted just by saying a word
26:38I'm a poor victim of her wishes
26:40I do not like the tie
26:42But she does
26:44Anyway, I'm going to try it
27:03A moment ago there was a woman here with me
27:05But I do not find her
27:07Do you know where she went?
27:09I do not know what you're talking about, sir
27:11Oh no?
27:13Okay, I'm going to buy this
27:15It fits you very well
27:17Thank you very much
27:19Like everything I use
27:21Where did that woman go? It can not be
27:23But I have her scarf
27:25I should return it
27:27She disappeared without leaving a trace
27:29But how charming she is
27:31Hey, shut up
27:35I'm not going to fall into the trap of her charms
27:37I must go
27:41Does it look good?
27:45Yes, I like it
27:53Mrs. Meriem
27:55Did you eat well last night?
27:57I hope you eat the same as today
27:59Where is my son?
28:01Where did he go?
28:03He went to work
28:05And when is he coming back?
28:07In fact, it will take a long time
28:09So it will be better not to wait for him to eat
28:17I'm not going to eat anything until I see my son
28:19I made my decision
28:21So do not insist
28:23I want you to come
28:25It will take
28:27It will take
28:49Hello Mahir, are you busy?
28:51I will go to the airport, I will pass by Mr. Akif
28:53What happened?
28:55I'm sorry, I'm still working
28:57I do not bother you
28:59Asiye, what happens?
29:01Mrs. Meriem wants to see her son
29:03On the contrary, she says
29:05She does not plan to eat anything
29:07I swear I do not know what to do with her
29:09Do not worry, I'll go when I can
29:11Sorry, I do not want to bother
29:13I know you're busy
29:15It's no bother
29:17Asiye, I'll pass by Mr. Akif
29:19Very well, thank you
29:21See you
29:25See you
29:43Mrs. Meriem, I spoke to your son
29:45He will come
29:47Really? Is he coming now?
29:49Not immediately, but as soon as he leaves work
29:51He will come here
29:53Thank you
29:55Come with me, let's wait to see when he arrives
30:01My son is coming
30:03That makes me happy
30:05Thank you
30:25I do not understand
30:27How did I get hurt?
30:29I was sitting on a bench in the park
30:31Suddenly I was thirsty
30:33I tried to get up to go for water
30:35And in a moment
30:37Two big men like a bull
30:39Passed at full speed to my side
30:41I was not so fast to dodge them
30:43The important thing was to take care of my grandson
30:45And that's what I did
30:47So you say
30:49Those men threw you to the floor, Big Mother?
30:53That's right
30:55The good thing is that when they did
30:57I screamed so loud that people came
30:59And they left like cowards
31:03There are many bad people
31:05In this city
31:07Orhan, did you hear?
31:09They would have hurt my baby
31:11For not having been for your mother
31:13Please, we do not know if it was like that
31:15We were not there
31:17Mrs. Fatma may be lying to us
31:19Did not you see how he arrived?
31:21I do not want to imagine what would have happened to my baby
31:25At this moment we would be in the hospital
31:27Asking heaven to give us a miracle
31:29To save him
31:31Take that off my leg
31:33I'm very cold
31:35Hey Grandma
31:37I hope you get better soon
31:39It hurts
31:41It does not matter
31:43The good thing is that little Umut did not suffer
31:45I could be there for him
31:47That's enough for me
31:49I appreciate it, Mother-in-law
31:51I do not know what I would do if something happened to my baby
31:55Orhan, do not worry
31:57I'm going to change
31:59Let's go
32:01I do not want to miss the bus again
32:03Oh no, Mother-in-law, you can not go
32:05In these conditions
32:07Look how hurt she is
32:09If she hit her head, she must be accompanied
32:11She may have sequelae
32:13Orhan, have mercy on your mother
32:15Do not send her like that
32:17Dad, listen to Mom this time
32:19It would be so bad if Grandma stayed to recover
32:21Think about it, please
32:25Leave her
32:27It will not cause problems
32:29We slept in the same room
32:31Let her stay
32:35Hey Dad, say something
32:41Yes, it's okay
32:43What did you say? Can you say it louder?
32:45I said it's okay, she can stay
32:47Really? Is not it a joke?
32:49Mom, Big Mother
32:51Let me give you a kiss
32:53Yes, thank you
32:55It is a miracle that Orhan has recovered
32:59I know he will forgive her over time
33:01Yes, I hope
33:03That's all I have to say
33:09Hey, take it
33:11Use this, it's for the blows
33:15Thank you son
33:17You did not have to bother you
33:19What a nice detail
33:21Yes, whatever
33:27It's not because he's my father
33:29But I can see that he also takes good care of his mother
33:31Grandma will forgive you
33:37Zengul, I want to ask
33:39What happened with the job interview
33:41To which they went
33:43It was too late
33:45When we arrived they had hired someone else
33:47But now what matters to me
33:49Now what matters to me
33:51Is that both you and my baby are well
33:53There will be another opportunity
33:55We have to thank life
33:57Give me, better
34:15When did you arrive?
34:17I arrived early
34:19Do not you remember?
34:21But did your father bring you or what?
34:23No, I arrived alone
34:25Mrs. Meriem, I'm Asiye
34:27And I come to take care of her and to be able to feed her
34:33And where is my son?
34:35He's not coming
34:37Yes, I think it should not take long
34:39He said he would have dinner with us
34:41Do we have food?
34:43Yes, of course
34:45I finish folding this and I do
34:57I'm going to make my son dinner
35:11Although there are no eggs
35:15I will have to go out to buy
35:45I know I should not criticize
35:47But this I can not shut up
35:49I have to say
35:51I'm the one who traveled to Ankara
35:53Who came from another city
35:55And Yaman is who comes late
35:57How is that possible, Nevat?
35:59Yes, I know
36:01I can not understand
36:03But what can we do?
36:05Do not worry
36:07It will be better that you do not think about it here
36:09Better think that
36:11We will not be able to go
36:13Better think that
36:15We will not have pasta
36:19Pasta with sauce
36:21You're right
36:23We will not eat the medicine of Alfredo's love
36:25It's tomato with some herbs
36:27What stupidity
36:29Do not you think?
36:31How can you make an elixir for love based on tomatoes?
36:33That is impossible
36:35He is the most talkative man that exists
36:37What do you think?
36:39Yes, my life, yes
36:43I'll see what there is
36:45Good love
36:47I like your style
36:49You look good
36:51I congratulate you, I admit that I did not expect so much from you here
36:55That color
36:57I had never seen it in you
36:59But the truth is that you look very good
37:01It makes you look more interesting
37:03Oh Nevat
37:05You know that I generally prefer to use dark colors
37:07But now
37:09I want to try something else
37:13You already have new ideas
37:15What happened to you?
37:17Did the weather in Ankara give you another perspective of life or what?
37:21It's good that you like it
37:23I hope that when Yaman arrives
37:25He feels intimidated by my new style
37:27I would like that a lot
37:29Well, that's for sure
37:31You'll see, be patient
37:33There they are
37:35They arrived
37:37Nice to see you
37:39Please excuse the delay
37:41Good evening
37:43There was traffic
37:45How are you?
37:47Do not worry
37:49Beware of this city
37:51It's always a disaster
37:53It's normal
37:55It's not long since we've been here, right?
37:57Lydia, welcome
37:59Thank you very much, Mr. Akif
38:01It's your new style, right?
38:03Well, no, that's how I see it sometimes
38:05Nevat, I am very pleased that you accompany us tonight
38:07By the way
38:09I invited a friend
38:11I hope there is no problem
38:13No, no, no, no
38:15For me there is none
38:17Any friend is welcome
38:19Well, thank you
38:21Hey, did you invite the woman you're dating?
38:23Is she your girlfriend?
38:25Oh Akif, what imprudence
38:27It's not your fault
38:29It's nothing
38:31In fact, you'll meet her soon
38:33Actually, she should be here
38:35But maybe the traffic delayed her
38:37Yes, of course, it must be the traffic
38:39Well, let's start ordering the drinks
38:51But what?
38:53That woman followed me from Ankara to here?
38:55She comes to this table
38:57I can't believe it
38:59Hello, Yaman
39:03Excuse me, there was a lot of traffic
39:05Istanbul is a city with a lot of people
39:07Yes, welcome
39:09What are you doing here?
39:11Sit down
39:13I'm looking for a waiter, but there is none
39:15This is incredible
39:17How is it possible that there is no one to attend us?
39:19What kind of restaurant leaves its customers unattended?
39:21I'm not going back
39:23The customer is a terrible service
39:25Damn it!
39:27Calm down, we haven't decided what to order
39:29Hey Sureyya, let me introduce you to my new partner
39:31Akif Atakur
39:35It's a pleasure to meet you
39:37Thank you, likewise
39:39I like your dress
39:45How kind she is
39:47She is your wife
39:49Nice to meet you
39:53And you must be Lidia
39:55Your father never stops talking about you
39:57That's right, it's me, nice to meet you
39:59A pleasure
40:01Sit down
40:03And where is your daughter?
40:05I thought you would bring her
40:07Oh yes, she is just parking the car
40:19I can't believe it
40:23Is she Suzen's mother?
40:25Akif, what are you mumbling to yourself?
40:27Turn around
40:35Her and her mother?
40:39Hello, good evening
40:41Hello, good evening
40:49My daughter Suzen?
40:51My life, they are ...
40:53You don't have to say anything, mom
40:55I already know everyone, except that man
41:03My name is Yaman
41:05Nice to meet you
41:09What other surprise do you think there will be?
41:15So you know each other?
41:19That's right, dad
41:21And a lot
41:37And a lot
41:53And that smell?
41:55Mrs. Meriem
42:07What's going on?
42:11What's going on?
42:19Has the gas key been left open?
42:37What's going on?
