• last year
Todo por mi Familia Capitulo 320 Completo en Español
00:00Tolga, I want to ask you something.
00:06Yes, of course.
00:07Have you ever seen them together before?
00:10Friend, what kind of question is that?
00:12Look, don't start being paranoid, please, okay?
00:15It's obvious that something's not right.
00:17What's going on with you guys?
00:20He doesn't look me in the eye, nor does he answer my calls.
00:24I swear I don't know what's going on.
00:27I don't understand a thing, but I'll do my best to help you.
00:31If he'd worked with Zarb, he'd find out what he's up to with Neivicke.
00:35I appreciate it, Tolga.
00:37Well, let's go. We don't want to waste any more time.
00:41Look at that. Come, come.
00:44We have to do the job.
00:49Hi. Hey, I'd like to ask you a favor.
00:52Can you let me play the guitar for half an hour?
00:54I'll give you the money I make.
00:56I'll just ask you to give me 10 liras. It's for an assignment.
00:59Do you know how to play?
01:01Well, a little, yes.
01:03Go ahead.
01:04Thank you very much.
01:08If you have a nice voice, you can sing.
01:11No. I don't know how to sing well.
01:17Look, do you see this wallet? It costs 5,000.
01:21That costs 5,000?
01:23That's right.
01:24From what I see, it's expensive.
01:26You know, how many women would buy the same one for just 10 liras?
01:31But this one was bought by your father, right? You didn't buy it.
01:34That's right.
01:36Well, then it wouldn't be right to sell this at that price.
01:40Oh, then what do you think to do the homework, Omer?
01:43I don't know, Lydia, but don't sell it.
01:46All right, then please enlighten us with your intelligence.
01:51I don't know.
01:52Come on, try harder.
01:57Oh, ma'am.
02:00Let me help you.
02:05Thank you very much.
02:07I can carry them. I'll take them to your house.
02:10All right, but let me give you 20 liras for your help.
02:14No, ma'am, I'm not doing it for money, but...
02:19We have a task that consists of earning 10 liras.
02:22If you want to pay us, we would appreciate it very much.
02:25All right, with pleasure. Let's go.
02:27Of course, ma'am, thank you very much.
02:29I'll take these.
02:32Help me with these, Lydia.
02:34Try harder if you want to win something. They don't weigh much.
02:37All right, we have to make a living.
02:39That's right, let's go.
02:41Can we do something? What do you think?
02:43If we say we win this.
02:47But we do have to think of an excuse, of course.
02:50What could it be?
02:55Did you hear what I said? You're distracted.
02:58Where did they go, Jasmine?
03:00What are you talking about?
03:01What do you mean, what? About Omer and that new girl.
03:04Hey, do you think they had the idea of going to the beach?
03:08Don't you think you're exaggerating?
03:11It's just her first day.
03:13And she's already attached to Omer as if they were boyfriends.
03:15I already noticed that she loves him.
03:17I haven't taken my eyes off him all day.
03:21And the worst part is that she's also pretty.
03:24Jasmine, watch what you say. I'm serious.
03:27Calm down, Suzanne. I'm kidding.
03:29You're so bitter, huh?
03:30Can you forget your jealousy for at least a moment?
03:33If you're like this, you make me desperate.
03:46You can't see me no matter what I say
03:50You have a voice but you can't choose
03:53You miss me but you can't go back
03:59You can't see me no matter what I say
04:02You have a voice but you can't choose
04:05You miss me but you can't go back
04:09You can't see me but you can't go back
04:26Where are you going?
04:29Hey, wait!
04:33Asiye! Come back!
04:43Hey, look!
04:44Did it hurt?
04:45You don't have to yell at me. It was an accident.
04:47Don't you have eyes in your face?
04:49You should be apologizing.
04:51Is that what you think?
04:52Leave me alone, you damn idiot.
04:54Hey, hey!
04:55Calm down.
04:57Is your girlfriend blind?
04:58She hits me and then insults me.
05:00Watch how you talk to her or you'll regret it.
05:03Oh yeah?
05:04It's her fault.
05:05Get out of here.
05:06Listen, you should apologize.
05:08Hey, leave me alone!
05:11That's enough.
05:12What are you going to do?
05:14Hey, stop fighting!
05:25Can we talk?
05:26You're in no hurry this time.
05:29Well, I am. I have to go.
05:32Oh yeah?
05:34Don't worry, I won't be long.
05:36I'll just ask you a question.
05:43Will you break up with me?
05:50Why do you say that?
05:51What do you mean why?
05:53Do you realize how you've behaved these days?
05:57You don't look at me anymore.
05:59You don't talk to me.
06:01You're always in a hurry.
06:02You're avoiding me.
06:05And I think,
06:07you must have things to do.
06:09Or maybe it's the stress of the exams.
06:12But how can you want to work with Sarp instead of your boyfriend?
06:19Answer me.
06:24Answer me, Ayvike.
06:27Tell me something.
06:29What's going on?
06:32I know something's going on, but I can't understand what it is.
06:34Why are you avoiding me?
06:37Can we talk later?
06:43We'll talk later.
06:45Just answer that question.
06:47You didn't do anything.
06:48You hit her in the head and then you took her to the hospital.
06:53Then, because you were arguing on the street, she lost her life.
06:57What are you hiding from me?
07:02Why can't you answer that question?
07:04I already said no, Berk.
07:05No, no.
07:06Nothing's going on.
07:07You can stop asking.
07:10Ayvike, tell the truth.
07:12What's going on?
07:14Please, if you don't trust me,
07:17you can forget about me, Ayvike.
07:27I'm serious.
07:29Tell me or we're done.
07:40Start talking.
07:42Tell me the truth.
07:43Why are you avoiding me?
07:45Answer now!
07:47If you care so much, why don't you tell me?
07:50Don't make me talk.
07:59I love you.
08:10I won't say anything anymore.
08:16I'll have to accept it.
08:17I'll have to accept it.
08:27Very good.
08:29And then I add vinegar.
08:39I learned this recipe when I went to Canada.
08:42A brilliant Italian chef taught me.
08:44At first, he didn't want to.
08:45He said it was a secret.
08:46You know how chefs are.
08:48Of course I know, Yamant.
08:50You don't know how many times
08:51I've had to deal with the chef from somewhere.
08:54They are my specialty.
08:55Especially those who come from Italy.
08:57In fact, I know a lot of people who are from there.
08:59I'm serious.
09:00I know what those people are like.
09:02I can say that by knowing an Italian person,
09:05you already know what their parents and grandparents are like.
09:07It's curious.
09:08But if there's one thing I'm sure of,
09:09it's that the food is better here in Turkey.
09:12And I'm not saying this.
09:13There's enough evidence.
09:14For example, here we have doner and kebab.
09:17There's also alinasi.
09:19But don't forget the kuskreme kebab.
09:21We have baklava and many other dishes.
09:23And in Italy, what do they have?
09:25You only know about pizza and pasta.
09:27They live eating the same thing day and night.
09:28What a shame for those people.
09:30Oh, Akif, stop saying that.
09:32Don't be arrogant.
09:34I was also learning the same recipe.
09:36What's the name of the Italian chef
09:39who taught you, Mr. Yamant?
09:41His name was Alfonso.
09:44But the sauce had a strange name.
09:46What was it, Dad?
09:48The famous Medicina di Amore di Alfonso.
09:51Excellent name.
09:53Those chefs.
09:55The famous Medicina di Alfonso?
10:03It's the name when you translate it into Spanish.
10:06Right. Exactly.
10:08Very well said.
10:10Why didn't you tell me you understood Italian?
10:12Tell me, what else can you do?
10:14Mahir, tell me, have you ever lived in Italy?
10:17Once, when I was a child.
10:20It was when your parents were still with you, right?
10:23When they were together.
10:25Yes, it's true.
10:28Well, who's going to add the pepper?
10:30You, Chef, but I'll give it to you.
10:32Here you go.
10:36Can you give me the basil so I can cut it?
10:38Of course.
10:40Here you go, Chef.
10:42Thank you, my love.
10:44Yaman, you have a good daughter.
10:46Could you tell me what grade she's in?
10:49Mahir and I went to school together.
10:51In the same classroom.
10:53Good, so they go to the same school.
10:55Oh, Yaman, you're a man who doesn't waste time, right?
10:58I thought Mahir's registration was quick,
11:01but you were faster.
11:03If your daughter is registered there,
11:05that means you already met Sebal, right?
11:07Yes, that's right, I did.
11:09I thought she was a very kind woman.
11:10She helped us a lot.
11:12Because I'm sure she liked you.
11:17Akif, what are you saying?
11:19It's the truth, Nevat.
11:21Just look at this man.
11:23He's very stubborn, don't you think?
11:25And Sebal is not ugly.
11:27I know that if they were a couple and got married in the future,
11:29the school would be a better place.
11:31She wouldn't be bitter.
11:33Akif, how reckless you are.
11:35Excuse my husband.
11:37You don't have to say those things.
11:39Very good.
11:41The last step is to add the basil.
11:44Are you ready?
11:46I hope it's delicious.
11:48Oh, hey.
11:50My friends will also come.
11:52The room is in order, right, Dad?
11:54That's right, the whole house is in order.
11:56But I don't know if I put enough dishes.
11:58I'll be right back, okay?
12:00Hurry up.
12:02I don't understand what they're doing.
12:04Hey, Mahir, you have a better view than me.
12:05If there is something else in the food that is not pasta, tell me.
12:08What happens is that it would seem incredible to me
12:10that after an hour of cooking, we would only eat that.
12:12Pasta is the easiest thing to prepare.
12:14Anyone can do it, do you understand, Nevat?
12:16Tell me, please, that there is only a little meat.
12:18Silence, silence.
12:20They will listen to you. Stop talking so loud.
12:22Well, let them listen to me. It's the truth, Nevat.
12:24How is it possible that you invite your partner to dinner
12:26and only offer him pasta?
12:28If that's the only thing there is,
12:30I'll get home and make something else.
12:32It's a promise.
12:36Oh, I left the sauce uncovered and it's boiling.
12:38What do I do?
12:40Do something, Nevat.
12:42If the sauce burns, she will want to prepare another one
12:44and I'm very hungry. I can't wait.
12:46Well, the table is ready.
12:48The table is ready. Go, hurry up.
12:50But nothing happens to the sauce?
12:52Of course not. Go to the table.
12:54What are you waiting for? We are hungry.
12:56And a lot.
12:58Ah, wait.
13:00No, my leg is numb.
13:02It almost never happens to me.
13:03Oh, it hurts.
13:08Oh, no.
13:10Excuse me, Asiye.
13:12Asiye, I saw that you have been strange lately.
13:15It's just that I broke up with Berg, didn't you know?
13:17He's very sad and didn't want to come today.
13:19Well, yes, it's normal.
13:21Although I think in the end they will make up.
13:23They love each other a lot.
13:25I know.
13:27I'm going to play. Stop!
13:29Please be honest.
13:31How do I look? Tell me.
13:37Yes, friend, you look good.
13:39But your tobacco scent is something horrible.
13:41I tried with another hairstyle. What do you think?
13:43It's better, Ogoyan.
13:45But it looks like you're going to a wedding.
13:47Who dresses like that?
13:49It's just the message I want to send.
13:51I want him to imagine that I could be his husband when he sees me.
13:53Do you think it's too much?
13:55I'm going to play.
13:59I'm not ready. Wait.
14:01Omer, is it a good idea to hide me?
14:05Hey, cousin, calm down.
14:07Do I look relaxed?
14:09Better turn around.
14:11Good night.
14:13Thank you. Good night.
14:18Lidia, how are you?
14:20I hope we didn't arrive too late.
14:22No, don't worry.
14:24If you want, come in.
14:28I appreciate it.
14:30Thank you very much.
14:31Lidia, why is he dressed like that?
14:33He's a person who thinks very differently from normal people,
14:36and he likes to do things his way.
14:38Don't worry.
14:40Okay, whatever you say.
14:47Your house is very beautiful.
14:49Don't drink it from there.
14:51They're here.
14:54Dad, I want to introduce you to my school friends.
14:59How are you? Nice to meet you, sir.
15:03Welcome. It's a pleasure, guys.
15:07Well, what are you waiting for? Sit down.
15:09Make yourselves comfortable.
15:14I see you made an effort to make this dinner.
15:16You know me. Sit down.
15:18Hello, Mrs. Keefe. How are you?
15:20Good evening, Mrs. Nevat.
15:22Preciosa, you look beautiful.
15:26Bahir, why didn't you tell me you were coming?
15:28I left a note at home.
15:29Olga, please. Enough. Sit down.
15:31You can't do this.
15:33I know you're happy to see him,
15:35but you're taking too long.
15:37Remember, you see him every day at school.
15:39Don't tell me you miss him. You live with him.
15:41Calm down. Don't get mad. Sit down.
15:43We know you're a nice boy.
15:50Are you okay?
15:52It's what I'm trying to do.
15:54Omer, is everything okay?
15:56Everything's fine.
15:57Everything's fine.
15:59Tell me something.
16:01Sebal's crazy hasn't bothered you lately, has she?
16:03Oh, yes. I remember Keefe telling me
16:05he was being very rude to you.
16:07Well, I haven't done anything these days. Right, Omer?
16:09That's true. For now.
16:12Sir, the pasta is delicious.
16:14Besides, its consistency is pretty good.
16:16I like it.
16:18Now try the sauce.
16:20It has a very good flavor.
16:22Well, let's see.
16:27Is it tomato sauce?
16:29Yes, but it's not the only ingredient it has.
16:31Look at this house, please.
16:33Do you think the people who live here
16:35would do something as simple as that, Gulcan?
16:37The sauce recipe has a story.
16:39On one of his trips to Italy,
16:41Yaman met a great chef
16:43and he taught him the recipe for medicine.
16:46That's not his name.
16:48Yes, but how?
16:50What was the chef's name?
16:54Oh, yes. I was just about to say it.
16:55Alfonso. It's Alfonso's love medicine.
16:57Yes, Alfonso's.
16:59Love medicine?
17:01Gulcan, you should eat all the pasta.
17:04I think he likes it.
17:06Look at him.
17:08Well, thank you again, father-in-law.
17:12No, I'm sorry.
17:14I'm sorry. Sometimes I say stupid things.
17:16Save me, friend.
17:18What am I saying? Just close your mouth.
17:20Don't make it worse.
17:22Silence. Stop talking.
17:23You two eat.
17:25Or the sauce will get cold.
17:28Did you like it, Akif?
17:30This is one of the best dishes
17:32I've ever tasted in my life.
17:34I'm serious.
17:36I could eat this every day.
17:38I know, I know.
17:40I know I'm asking for a lot,
17:42but I thought since you work at a bank,
17:44you could help me get it easily.
17:46No, impossible, Susan.
17:48I'm afraid I can't help you.
17:50Please excuse me.
17:51No, no.
17:53Yes, it's okay.
17:55Still, thank you very much for listening to me.
17:57Thank you. Take care.
17:59Oh, damn it.
18:01How am I going to get the money?
18:03No one has that much,
18:05and even if they had it,
18:07they wouldn't lend it to me.
18:11I have to know the truth about the accident.
18:22Answer the phone, damn it!
18:31If you don't want to answer,
18:33I'm going to go see you.
18:35I'll do whatever it takes to find out
18:37who took Ahmed's life
18:39the day of our wedding.
18:41I have to know the truth now.
18:45So you want to study medicine?
18:48So you want to study medicine?
18:52And you have good grades?
18:54Uh-huh. Yes.
18:57Uncle, you have in front of you
18:59the best students in the school.
19:03It's true.
19:05Good, great.
19:07I like hard-working boys.
19:09It's a shame my daughter
19:11is not an exemplary student.
19:13Dad, you shouldn't support me
19:15this way,
19:16so nice,
19:18in front of my friends.
19:20But Asiye is better than me
19:22in many subjects.
19:24Omer, you're better than me
19:26in math.
19:28Praise me too.
19:30Sir, by the way,
19:32I'm good at spirituality.
19:34Explain that, Ruhiyan.
19:36Oh, Akif.
19:38Can you learn his name
19:40at once?
19:44No, but close.
19:49I don't want to sound
19:51like an arrogant person, but...
19:53No, no, no. Please,
19:55sound arrogant and say
19:57what you have to say.
19:59I'm curious.
20:01I have a very good sense of humor.
20:03As you can see, Lydia is laughing
20:05right now.
20:07I also like to play golf
20:09and go with my cousin
20:11to skydive in Balikesir.
20:13In fact, we usually go in the summer.
20:14I can give her more information.
20:16What are you saying? What am I going to tell her?
20:18Good things.
20:20Sell me well.
20:22Ah, yes, it's fine.
20:24Sure, no problem. Don't worry.
20:26I'll tell her later. It's fine.
20:28Your cousin is very nice.
20:30And this is little.
20:32I must say that your friends
20:34are very nice people, Lydia.
20:36She didn't stop crying
20:38for having to leave her friends
20:40in Canada,
20:42but I can see that she will be
20:44very happy.
20:46Of course.
20:51By the way,
20:53what happened to your lip?
20:55Did you fight?
20:57That's right.
20:59Yes, Mahir fought.
21:01Remember, they are teenagers.
21:03They are very impulsive.
21:05But we already talked about that at home.
21:07Mahir, how did you fight?
21:09And why didn't I know about this?
21:11It wasn't important.
21:12I thought it would be easy
21:14to bother a chair on the beach.
21:16Yes, actually, Mahir
21:18just wanted to defend me.
21:20Hey, why didn't you call me?
21:22Yes, I thought about it,
21:24but I didn't have time.
21:26Besides, with Mahir I had enough support.
21:28I believe you.
21:30I don't know what happened,
21:32but thank you.
21:34No, no problem.
21:36Listen, Mahir,
21:38I'm going to give you some advice.
21:39We can leave this topic aside.
21:41When my dad starts giving advice,
21:43there may be a conflict of opinion.
21:45Do you think if we all finish eating in peace?
21:47What do you think, Dad?
21:49Yes, as you say.
21:51Dad, are you satisfied?
21:53No, not yet, daughter.
21:55Very well.
22:00We were about seven or eight years old.
22:02We had gone on vacation with Tolga.
22:04I wasn't seven or eight years old, as she says.
22:07I'm six months older than her.
22:09Are you going to start?
22:11Omer says the same thing.
22:13I don't understand why he has always believed
22:15that he is the older brother.
22:17Wait, I don't understand.
22:19Why do you say that?
22:21I'll explain.
22:23Dad and Mom adopted me,
22:25and when they did, they registered us as twins.
22:27But the truth is, I'm the oldest.
22:29Ah, well, I understand.
22:31And what happened later
22:33in the story you were telling?
22:35There was a handsome boy
22:37I met on those vacations.
22:39I remember I loved him.
22:41I understand. And then?
22:43I started swimming
22:45to make a good impression on him.
22:47But one of the waves
22:49almost touched my dad.
22:51I was so embarrassed.
22:53And what happened next, Lydia?
22:55Then I was lucky
22:57and I was saved by my hero.
22:59I'm also my sister's hero.
23:01Or at least she sees me like that
23:03and she's always telling everyone.
23:05I wish I was here.
23:07Do you remember the costume you had
23:09when you were a kid?
23:11That's right.
23:13In fact, I remember going up to the ceiling with him.
23:15My aunt almost had a heart attack
23:17and when she got down,
23:19she gave her a few slaps.
23:21Don't help me.
23:23Friend, just out of curiosity,
23:25what were you going to do
23:27if your mother didn't force you to go down?
23:29Were you going to fly or what?
23:31It was my plan.
23:33Although then I understood
23:35that it was ridiculous.
23:37Anyway, I think
23:39we're not going to see each other.
23:41We're not going to be in the picture,
23:43did you hear me?
23:45That's right, Gulya, we're not going out either.
23:47Lydia, can you come closer?
23:59No, don't do that, Lydia.
24:01You're so grumpy.
24:06I don't like being far away, but...
24:09I don't like being far away.
24:40But what...
24:43What is that bitch doing so close?
24:48What the hell is wrong with her?
25:00Hello, Yasmin.
25:02Did you see what Gulya posted?
25:04No, why?
25:06I don't know.
25:07Did he post anything?
25:09No, what did he post?
25:11Better look at his profile
25:13and you'll understand why I'm so angry.
25:21I think they're at Lydia's house.
25:23At Lydia's house?
25:25What do you mean by that?
25:27They barely met.
25:29Why is he there with her?
25:31And do you know where that bitch's house is?
25:33Well, we only talked a little at school
25:35and I know she lives near my house.
25:37Fine, give me the address, I'll go.
25:39What are you saying, Ozen?
25:41Are you going to go to her house?
25:58Call Sado.
26:04I hope he calls to give me the money.
26:07If he wants more time, I won't give it to him.
26:09He's ready.
26:11You must keep your promise, understood?
26:13I don't want you to talk to Susan.
26:15In fact, I want you to delete her number from your phone.
26:18Did you hear me?
26:20Okay, give me the money and I'll do what you ask.
26:23Where do I take him?
26:25I'll send you the location.
26:27It will be outside the city.
26:29Yes, okay.
26:31What interests me is that you disappear.
26:57And now what?
26:59Where is that man going?
27:02Is he going down?
27:04No, change of plan. Follow that car, please.
27:05Of course.
27:36Oh, son, you're here.
27:38How good.
27:40Pilates teacher demanded a lot from me today.
27:42Oh, it hurts me all.
27:47My love? Berk?
27:49What happened?
27:51Are you worried about something, son?
27:54Tell me.
28:06Son, you're scaring me.
28:08Tell me what happened.
28:11Did you say you wanted to move to Italy?
28:13That's right, why?
28:16Because I want to go.
28:18Really, Berk?
28:23But wait, I don't understand.
28:25Why did you change your mind?
28:30I don't have any reason anymore.
28:31I don't have any reason to stay in Turkey.
28:36But what happened, my love?
28:43I broke up with Naevi, mom.
28:46And why?
28:48I don't know.
28:51I don't even know the reason.
28:55She was always avoiding me.
28:58I don't know why.
29:02She even stopped looking at my face.
29:05When I asked her what she had,
29:07she kept silent or just left.
29:11She never wanted to be honest with me.
29:15I'm not willing to put up with her.
29:22everything is over.
29:32You just broke up?
29:38Oh, my beautiful son.
29:41Don't be sad.
29:43Better things will come.
29:45Maybe it will be better for both of us.
29:48That's how it has to be.
29:51I don't know how Naevi is now, but
29:55I'm not okay.
30:02My love.
30:07You said you had spoken to an agent from Vines Raices.
30:09What did he tell you?
30:11That's right. It was a few days ago.
30:13He even sent me some pictures of the house.
30:15If you want, we can see them together
30:17and you give me your opinion.
30:19No, mom.
30:21If you liked it,
30:23I have no problem.
30:25You choose.
30:32I don't like to see you sad.
30:35But there is no alternative.
30:39We have to leave here.
30:41There is no other way out.
31:01Let's go.
31:28Why did you stop?
31:29I'm sorry, ma'am.
31:31This will take us a long time.
31:33If you had followed him,
31:35we would have lost sight of him because of you.
31:44And now what does he do?
31:46He's crazy.
31:55The water is warm.
31:59And what were you telling me, Omer?
32:01That you play the drums, right?
32:03Actually, I'm constantly learning.
32:07How modest.
32:09If you play so well in your learning process,
32:11I don't know how you will do it in the future.
32:14Would you teach me to play?
32:16Of course.
32:18By the way, Mahir plays the guitar.
32:22We have a guitar.
32:24I always wanted to learn,
32:26but after class I found it boring.
32:28Do you want to play it?
32:30No, thank you very much.
32:32Hey, Lydia is saying it because she wants you to play,
32:34so can you give me your opinion?
32:36Does Mahir do it well?
32:38Does he have talent for music?
32:40A lot, actually.
32:42Okay, but I don't want you to feel bad.
32:44Why would he feel bad?
32:51That comment was very stupid.
32:53I'm sorry.
32:57I don't understand.
32:59Can you explain it to me?
33:01It's nothing.
33:03I just remembered someone,
33:05but there's no problem.
33:07Your turn.
33:09Maybe another day.
33:11Okay, maybe another time.
33:20Can you please leave, Omer?
33:22I'm outside.
33:29No, I'm not at home.
33:31I know that, Omer.
33:33You're at Lydia's house.
33:35I'm outside.
33:39Okay, I'm on my way.
33:52You forgot me so fast!
33:53Did you forget me?
33:56Why are you crying?
33:58Answer what I asked you first!
34:00Did you forget me?
34:02Are you with Lydia now?
34:04Tell me the truth.
34:06I realize how stupid you look.
34:08Don't take your eyes off of me, Omer.
34:10And if that's the case, I have the right to know.
34:12Tell me.
34:14No, wait.
34:16I don't want to know.
34:18I don't want to hurt myself more than I already do.
34:20Calm down.
34:21I'm with Lydia.
34:23Are you serious?
34:25Or are you just saying that because you don't want to hurt me?
34:28If I want to hurt you, there are other ways.
34:31There's nothing going on between Lydia and me.
34:34Try to understand.
34:37And don't tell me that's the only reason you came.
34:41I got a little jealous. I'm sorry.
34:43Just a little?
34:45It's okay. A lot. Are you happy?
34:47Do you think I'm an idiot who doesn't have feelings?
34:49Do you think I'm happy since I broke up with you?
34:55I've also suffered.
34:58I fight every day with the confusion that makes me hate you and love you at the same time, you know?
35:03It's very complicated.
35:05And it doesn't help that you're crying because you think I like someone else.
35:08You're wrong.
35:12Do you still love me?
35:17Yes, still.
35:20Susan, I've thought about it a lot.
35:25It wasn't your fault what happened to my brother.
35:28It was your car.
35:30But you didn't drive it.
35:33What bothers me
35:35is that you kept it a secret.
35:38Please, I'm sorry.
35:41I was afraid you'd get mad if we broke up.
35:44And that happened?
35:46What an irony, right?
35:47That's right. It's okay.
35:49But I'm not going to hide anything from you ever again.
35:52Tell me what I can do for you to forgive me.
35:55And I swear I'll do it.
35:57Okay, Omer?
36:03Are you going to flirt with other girls?
36:06Are you going to look at someone else just to forget me?
36:11And you're still with that idea.
36:13And you're still with that idea.
36:24My eyes can't see any other girl.
36:38Don't cry anymore.
36:40Yes, I felt sad.
36:44Do you have a napkin or something to wipe yourself with?
36:48No, what are you doing?
36:50I don't want you to let me hug you ever again.
37:14And my money?
37:16Here. It's three million.
37:19Thank you very much.
37:33And I should thank you.
37:35Here, Felfue,
37:37who convinced me to accept your offer.
37:39Look, you'd better shut up. Don't make me angry.
37:42Just take the money and leave. I don't want to see you ever again.
37:45If I didn't have problems,
37:47I would make his life impossible.
37:49Be grateful that it won't be like that.
37:51With this, I'll pay my debts.
37:53Have a good day.
37:56Where are you going, Ado?
37:58Are you thinking of running away?
38:03And these men?
38:05I'm going to kill them all.
38:07And these men?
38:10What kind of problems are you getting me into, Ado?
38:15You'd better leave. This is going to get ugly.
38:19Get out! Now!
38:27Hey, it's a misunderstanding.
38:29I'm not running away.
38:31On the contrary, I'll pay you.
38:33You can see, here's everything.
38:34Well, now that I've paid my debt, I'm leaving.
39:05Sado is dead.
39:07How is it possible? They killed him without hesitation.
39:10I don't want to get into any more trouble.
39:34What is that woman doing here?
40:05What happened?
40:07Tell me something.
40:09Who did it?
40:11Don't die, please.
40:15I took the brakes off the truck.
40:21Why would you do something like that? Why?
40:24For money.
40:27Because I paid well.
40:29What are you saying? You paid well?
40:31Tell me, who paid you?
40:32No, wait, don't die, resist.
40:34No, please, you have to tell me the truth.
