General Hospital 8-13-24

  • 2 months ago
00:00I'm going to be staying at the Metro Court long term.
00:04I'd like to be on good terms with the owner.
00:08It was you, wasn't it?
00:10I knew it.
00:13On many things, you'll have to be more specific.
00:17You arranged for that audio file implicating Carly to conveniently disappear from the FBI
00:24Well, it wasn't convenient for the prosecution.
00:28The poor U.S. Attorney showed up just to be forced to drop the case.
00:33Pity that.
00:34You're not even going to deny it, are you?
00:38I'm not going to be admitting to it, either.
00:40You want to pin something on me, do the legwork.
00:44I'm not going to be doing your job for you.
00:46Well, yeah, but my jurisdiction is just local, you know.
00:50I'm not international.
00:51And clearly, you can do whatever the hell you want with impunity.
00:55Oh, I love that word.
00:56I love what it means.
00:57Mostly, I just love having it.
00:58You want to tell me why?
00:59Why you would risk making that evidence against Carly disappear?
01:00And what do you want from her?
01:01The Yamanas are in town, and they want to book for tomorrow.
01:02Okay, great.
01:03But we're filled up.
01:04All right, but we're going to make it work.
01:05I'm just so happy the restaurant's doing so well.
01:06Wow, this calls for a celebration, huh?
01:07Champagne for all.
01:25Champagne for all.
01:26Well, just the three of us, here, here.
01:32What the hell are you doing here?
01:34Well, Carly, if you must know, we are here to toast my freedom.
01:50Thank you for your patience, all of you.
01:54I know tea parties are supposed to start between four and five, but business got in the way.
01:59I do hope you all will be able to forgive me.
02:03Of course we can.
02:04We love tea parties, any time, day or night.
02:08Adaptability is a very good trait.
02:11Should I pour?
02:13It's beautiful, isn't it?
02:14The most beautiful teas that I've ever seen.
02:15I agree.
02:16It was my mother's.
02:34You want me to go on tour, now?
02:38But I, I can't leave you, not with everything you're going through.
02:42You're grieving and hurt.
02:44And I am.
02:45Then how can you ask me to?
02:48Because you're a singer, you're a performer, and I love you.
02:53There will be plenty of opportunities to sing and perform.
02:56No, there won't.
02:57Not like this.
02:58This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
03:00You have to go.
03:01You can't say no.
03:04Because that's exactly what I'm saying.
03:08Hey, see Ava?
03:14I did.
03:16Did she confess switching pills?
03:18Why am I not surprised?
03:21She did admit that she knew that your meds had been replaced with placebos.
03:27So that's her story.
03:28She knew, but she didn't say anything?
03:31Pretty much.
03:32So if she didn't do it, does she know who did it?
03:36Well, she claims to.
03:38You believe her?
03:39I haven't decided.
03:41But if she's telling the truth, that means you have another enemy.
03:44I can see you want to celebrate.
04:12What I don't understand is why you're here and not in jail where you belong.
04:15Well, I pled not guilty, and just like that, I was granted bail.
04:20You're going to act like nothing happened?
04:24Christina could have died.
04:25Her baby did die.
04:26That is a tragedy.
04:27Yeah, and you're just sailing here like you don't give a damn?
04:32I don't know why I'm surprised.
04:33I mean, you've never been capable of any shame.
04:36What do I have to be ashamed of?
04:39Oh, okay.
04:40Ava, Ava, Ava, hold your peace until the trial.
04:46Perhaps you're right, Scott.
04:47I just want to celebrate and collect my things.
04:50Well, good luck with that.
04:52Oh, let me guess.
04:53You've already thrown them out into the street.
04:56Couldn't if I wanted to.
04:57Your suite is considered a crime scene.
04:59Well, the living room.
05:02I'm sure I can collect my things from the bedroom.
05:05It's a crime scene.
05:06That's ridiculous.
05:07What happened in there?
05:08Well, if you say so.
05:09And you're going to have to find other accommodations because we're booked.
05:14Of course you are.
05:16And if you want your things, you're going to have to contact the PCPD.
05:19Can we at least get a table since we're here?
05:23I'll send someone right over.
05:30What do I want with Carly Spencer?
05:33Don't the table and the wine kind of give it away?
05:38Yeah, like a romantic dinner for two.
05:41I'm sure that Valentine must have used this very tactic on you.
05:46Yeah, he did.
05:48Why are you using it on Carly?
05:50Because I enjoy her company.
05:51God, you're so incapable of giving a straight answer.
05:57That was a straight answer.
05:58I enjoy Carly Spencer's company.
06:01What about it?
06:03Is it really so difficult to believe that I'm intrigued by a woman, I want to enjoy
06:06her company and just simply see where it leads?
06:10Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but there's no entry here.
06:15Well, with Carly, maybe, maybe not.
06:19I don't know.
06:21But there is something big, definitely in the works.
06:26Why else would the WSB open a station here?
06:31You're right about that much.
06:33The WSB never does anything without having at least one ulterior motive.
06:40You have worked your whole life to get a break like this.
06:43You have focused on your career at the expense of everything else.
06:46And your mother is right.
06:48She's right.
06:49You have to go.
06:51Why are you pushing me away?
06:53Yes, I focused on my career at the expense of everything else.
06:57What's everything else?
07:00Oh, it's love.
07:01Oh, it's happiness and belonging.
07:05All of these things I was afraid to hope for because I was terrified of losing my mother's
07:10love, my family's love.
07:11I mean, you know what that fear is like.
07:12I do.
07:13And then you happened.
07:18And you became my everything else.
07:23And now you want to push me away.
07:24Well, you know what?
07:27Go ahead.
07:29I'm not going to leave you alone to deal with this.
07:34Because I love you.
07:36You really do, don't you?
07:43So much.
07:45Then you really have to leave.
07:51Ava will say anything to save her skin.
07:53Yes, she would.
07:54But we still have to confirm or disprove the story.
07:57And if it wasn't Ava who switched the pills, then who did?
08:00When Ava lived here, she had easy access.
08:03She could have gone into my medicine cabinet every month, changed the pills.
08:06Okay, but if it wasn't Ava, then maybe the switch didn't happen here.
08:12There's only one other place, the pharmacy.
08:17So you need to go to the pharmacy, right, at GH.
08:20Find out who was filling the prescription and see what they have to say.
08:26Copy that.
08:37Yes, thank you.
08:39Good news.
08:41Ava may bail.
08:43What you want?
08:45Ava out of jail?
08:47Makes it easier to even the score.
08:56Choose with a choice.
08:58Accept the trade-offs of treating or push through the pain and symptoms.
09:00With Ubrelvi, there's another option.
09:02One dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks.
09:04Treat it anytime, anywhere.
09:06Without worrying where you are or if it's too late.
09:08Do not take with strong success.
09:10Scott, you were marvelous.
09:12Yes, Ava, I was.
09:14For you, Agent Cates, your being there made all the difference.
09:16Well, I wouldn't say all the difference.
09:18Telling the judge that you're confident I won't leave town.
09:20Well, who called the judge?
09:22I was surprised to learn, though, that I am a material witness in an ongoing FBI investigation.
09:24What kind of an investigation?
09:26Or do I even have to ask?
09:28It's so rude to be used for.
09:30I have a question, Agent Cates.
09:32If I were to contact the FBI, how surprised would they be about this ongoing investigation?
09:34What are you implying?
09:36That the FBI is an investigation?
09:38I'm not sure.
09:40I'm not sure.
09:42I'm not sure.
09:44I'm not sure.
09:46I'm not sure.
09:48I'm not sure.
09:50I'm not sure.
09:52I'm not sure.
09:54I'm not sure.
09:56I'm not sure.
09:58I'm not sure.
10:00I'm not sure.
10:02I'm not sure.
10:04I'm not sure.
10:06I'm not sure.
10:08I'm not sure.
10:10I'm not sure.
10:12I'm not sure.
10:14I'm not sure.
10:16I'm not sure.
10:19The answer would be yes.
10:21And that would be?
10:23I have no idea.
10:25Right now, the Bureau's hidden agenda remains hidden even from me.
10:29You expect me to believe that you, a former head of the WSB, has no inkling as to why he's here?
10:31You expect me to believe that you, a former head of the WSB, has no inkling as to why he's here?
10:33The operating word there is former.
10:35I was demoted, remember?
10:37Now I'm just a lowly station chief.
10:39I go where I'm told to go.
10:41I go where I'm told to go.
10:43Come on.
10:45Just level with me, could you?
10:47I mean, I already figured out that
10:49your arrest
10:51and Valentin
10:53being revealed as the head of Pikemen
10:55it was all just a charade.
10:57Uh, how many syllables?
10:59I mean, it was a very good way for the WSB
11:01to distance themselves from Pikemen,
11:03and it worked.
11:05Uh, how many syllables?
11:07Uh, how many syllables?
11:09I mean, it was a very good way for the WSB
11:11to distance themselves from Pikemen,
11:13and it worked.
11:15of cozied up with Charlotte in a little chalet in Switzerland
11:19courtesy of the WSB, right?
11:22Well, if Valentin's enjoying the Alps,
11:24it's only because someone warned him
11:27that Agent Cates had a warrant for his arrest,
11:30thus allowing him to flee the jurisdiction.
11:34Honestly, Anna, whose side are you on?
11:37Whose side, indeed?
11:47Commissioner Devane.
11:51OK, thank you. Yeah.
11:57This has been so much fun.
11:58Let me guess, it's either jaywalking or parking violation.
12:03It's trespassing.
12:06Enjoy what's left of your evening.
12:09Wine is really good.
12:20This is fun.
12:21Did your mother like tea parties?
12:23Oh, she loved them.
12:25She actually was a proper Englishwoman,
12:27so she had tea practically every afternoon.
12:33There's a lot of pictures of your mum all over.
12:38She was really pretty.
12:40She was a beauty.
12:42She also seemed nice.
12:46Actually, she was the nicest, and she was very down-to-earth.
12:49She could put someone in their place and still be kind,
12:51which made it impossible to argue with her,
12:54and believe me, we all tried.
12:56But if she was so kind, why did you argue with her?
13:01I don't know.
13:02Sometimes families argue,
13:04and since we're quarter mains,
13:08we do it a little more than most.
13:11Ali, please, you have to understand.
13:20I loved that baby so much,
13:24and I had so much hope.
13:27But with her gone, all of that hope and all of that love,
13:31everything I had to give went with her.
13:35And now I am just...
13:39I'm empty.
13:41I don't have anything left to give, not even to you.
13:44Wait, so...
13:48So you're saying you don't love me anymore?
13:52I'm saying I can't love anyone or anything right now,
13:55and it's not fair for you to give up something
13:59that could make your life great
14:01just to be here with me
14:02when I could be making your life miserable.
14:06But what if you're wrong?
14:08I mean, what if that's the grief talking?
14:10Yes, the worst grief of your life,
14:12but what if we can navigate it?
14:15I mean, what if I can see you through this hell,
14:18and we find heaven on the other side?
14:24That's really beautiful.
14:27Seems like it belongs in a song.
14:29Maybe you could try it out on tour.
14:32Ali, listen to me.
14:35Say you're right.
14:37Best-case scenario, you stay here with me,
14:40you get me through to the other side, and then what?
14:43Every single time you see someone performing
14:46and living out the life you could have had,
14:49you're gonna hate me.
14:51I could never hate you.
14:52Yes, you could.
14:54Or worse, you could end up resenting me,
14:56and then you're gonna leave me anyway,
14:58and we'll be exactly where we are now.
15:00We are not. That's not where we are.
15:02It is, Ali, isn't it?
15:04Come on.
15:06You're telling me that there's not some part of you
15:08that doesn't want to get on a plane right now
15:10and go to Hong Kong and open for Kelmorez?
15:15Of course I want to go on tour.
15:21Why do I feel like you're making me
15:23choose my career over you?
15:28Because I am.
15:31I'm telling you
15:33that you have to live your best life.
15:36And right now,
15:38your best life is not here with me.
15:44Christina, she's strong.
15:47Look at everything she's already been through,
15:49and she's made it through all of it.
15:52She's gonna make it through this.
15:54I hope you're right, but you didn't see her eyes.
15:57When she looked at me and said,
15:58I want you to make Ava pay.
16:01Yeah, of course she's gonna feel that way.
16:03She's angry. She should be.
16:05But once she calms down, Sonny,
16:07and she knew exactly what she was asking for.
16:09I didn't know Christina had that kind of hate in her.
16:12But I understand the hate,
16:13because I had the same hate with Deke.
16:17You know, you can't even see straight.
16:21You don't believe me? Ask Alexis,
16:23because she walked in there as we were talking.
16:25And even Alexis said to me,
16:28don't kill Ava.
16:31It's because Alexis believes in the law.
16:37She thinks that's the way to get justice.
16:40She also thinks that if Ava dies,
16:42Christina's gonna think, you know,
16:45it was because of her,
16:46and she's not gonna be able to live with herself.
16:49I get that.
16:51But then again, if she has to go through a long trial,
16:53and Ava walks, it's gonna be worse.
16:59Christina deserves peace.
17:04What are you gonna do?
17:09Scout is protected by Simperica Trio,
17:12and he's in it to win it.
17:16How you would question my integrity
17:18when you just squirmed out from under RICO charges
17:21because the FBI's evidence against you
17:23conveniently disappeared?
17:25You're the one who escaped justice.
17:28The only thing you cared about
17:29was using me to leverage Jason to get to Sonny.
17:32That is all you care about.
17:33You don't care about justice.
17:34You don't care about the law.
17:35Hell, you don't even care about your son.
17:36Don't mention my son.
17:40What city have you been in for the past several months?
17:43The one where your son lives,
17:44or the one where Sonny lives?
17:46It's only a matter of time before the FBI
17:48finds out what you've been doing.
17:56Well, some celebration this is.
17:59I'm gonna split.
18:03Never mind.
18:09Don't let Carly get to you.
18:12She's just naturally abrasive.
18:15Really? I hadn't noticed.
18:17Not to mention Sonny's been brainwashing her for decades.
18:21If that was the case,
18:22why doesn't she let Donna stay with him?
18:25Because only Carly is allowed to judge Sonny.
18:30Anybody else even looks at him sideways.
18:32Oh, the wrath.
18:36I see what you mean.
18:38Speaking of Sonny,
18:40there's something I've been meaning to tell you.
18:45What is it?
18:48When I was in lockup,
18:50Sonny sent Jason to intimidate me.
18:55Agent Cates.
19:01I'm afraid my life is in danger.
19:07I can't make a move on Ava right now.
19:09Not when Jagger and the cops are expecting it.
19:11I'm just gonna have to bide my time.
19:15What about Christina?
19:15You think she's just gonna be willing to sit back and wait?
19:20What do you mean?
19:21Would she take matters into her own hands?
19:24No, Christina doesn't have it in her on her own to kill Ava.
19:32Boss, Commissioner Devane is here to see you.
19:34Oh, send her in.
19:44Well, this is like old times.
19:49What can I do for you, Commissioner?
19:52I just learned that Ava made bail.
19:55That's right.
19:58Don't pretend you don't know.
19:59Well, I just want to, I don't know what it has to do with me.
20:02Exactly nothing.
20:03And it needs to stay that way.
20:05If anything happens to Ava, if she so much as skins her knee,
20:13I will come down on you with full force.
20:16Do we understand each other?
20:19Crystal clear.
20:25I will not touch a hair on Ava's head.
20:34No argument with my mother lasted very long.
20:37Everybody adored her.
20:40So, she always got her way.
20:43She was the perfect combination of fun and elegant.
20:50Is elegant the same as fancy?
20:53Yes and no.
20:55Fancy can mean elegant, but it can also mean tacky.
20:59What does tacky mean?
21:02Tacky is the opposite of elegant.
21:05When someone is elegant, it means everything about them is just right.
21:09Their words, their voice, the way they carried themselves, and they make it look effortless.
21:16That was my mother.
21:17What about you?
21:19Are you elegant?
21:22And what about me? Am I elegant?
21:24For a nine-year-old, absolutely.
21:26You are very elegant, but it takes work.
21:28I want you to keep at it.
21:30Always strive for elegance, and above all, avoid animal prints.
21:37But I love animals.
21:41I want to tell you it's your pain and grief talking, but it's just...
21:46You want to do what's best for me, what's best for us.
21:51Let me guess, I should do the tour.
21:55You can't stay here just...
21:59To be with me, and...
22:01Because you feel like you have to.
22:02That's not what I'm...
22:04You can't stay here because you love me.
22:06You're just going to be thinking about the tour.
22:08And if I go on the tour, all I'll be thinking about is you.
22:11What makes more sense?
22:12You living your dream, or you staying here and living out my nightmare,
22:18and just wishing you were living your dream?
22:26Fine, I'll go.
22:28But if you need me, I'm just a phone call away.
22:34And then after the tour ends...
22:36No, no, stop.
22:38We're not going to do that.
22:38We are not going to make any promises to each other.
22:40Neither one of us know what we're going to be doing,
22:43or who we're going to be after the tour.
22:47Well, I know that I'll still love you.
22:49And I know I can't put a timeline on grief or on healing.
22:55But I can't even guess what my life is going to be like.
23:07Well, can we at least check in on each other, see how the other's doing?
23:18Finally, a win.
23:21I just want you to be happy and to be free to live your life.
23:28Can't do that if you're not there.
23:31Come on, you'll be surprised.
23:39Another surprise.
23:42Another surprise.
23:51I'm going to miss you so much.
23:59That you will be doing the thing you were born to do.
24:04And watching you soar is going to make me so happy.
24:09And I'm going to be so proud of you.
24:39I love you.
24:58Stay away from Ava just like that.
25:01Just like that.
25:04And I'm supposed to leave you because...
25:07Well, Ava's not a priority right now.
25:10You know, Donna, Ava, Christina, that's who I've got to take care of.
25:13I don't have time to worry about Ava.
25:16See that it stays that way.
25:20Same for you.
25:22Uh, Commissioner.
25:30I know I've been out of line.
25:33And I've been through some stuff.
25:36You know, we don't have to get into it, but I just want you to know that I'm handling it.
25:43I'm glad you're doing better.
25:47But I have a job to do.
25:49To serve and protect.
25:52That's right.
25:54Even Ava?
25:57Even Ava.
26:01All right, well, like I said, you don't have to worry.
26:04It's good seeing you again.
26:08Mr. Krentos.
26:15Did Jason threaten you?
26:17Jason's not much of a talker, but he did get his point across.
26:21What'd he say?
26:23He accused me of replacing Sonny's bipolar medication with placebos.
26:28Now, I, of course, told him I didn't do that, which is true.
26:32But the point is...
26:33He knows.
26:34He knows.
26:36The pharmacist, Clement. Is he safe?
26:39I picked him up myself. He's out of Sonny's reach.
26:41Oh, good.
26:43Are you finally gonna tell me who paid Clement to sabotage Sonny's mental health?
26:49I don't know.
26:52No, I mean it.
26:53Just don't tell Sonny.
27:01Who was that?
27:04Somebody who's supposed to be in prison.
27:10Hi. Can I help you?
27:12I hope so. Is, uh, Carly Spencer still around?
27:17Look, Violet, I like animals just as much as the next guy.
27:22I like animals just as much as the next person.
27:26You like horses, but you don't like Annabelle II.
27:29Well, that's because Annabelle II has one virtue, and that she's housebroken.
27:33Other than that, she's ill-mannered and ill-trained.
27:37And for some reason, she has free reign of this house, which is filled with antiques.
27:41Maybe we should just take the antiques and put them all on the front lawn and make an obstacle course for her.
27:47That would be amazing!
27:49Can we ask Monica for permission?
27:51Absolutely not.
27:52Monica would probably say yes, and I am not ransacking this house and making a canine obstacle course.
27:58It's Monica's house. Alan gave it to her.
28:01Well, that's because Alan is, uh, too generous for his own good.
28:17Come in.
28:21Hi! How are you? Are you in pain?
28:26No. No, not so much.
28:29Have they said when you'll be able to come home?
28:32Yes, in a couple days.
28:34That's good.
28:37Molly, talk to me. How are you doing? What's going on?
28:41Um, I was just with TJ. We were at Woodlawn Cemetery.
28:48That must have been really hard.
28:51Everything's hard.
28:56And I went to see Ava in jail.
28:59What? Why?
29:01I wanted her to know that she's not gonna get away with this.
29:04Oh, she won't.
29:07I wish I could be so sure.
29:10Molly, I'm sure.
29:13I can promise you Ava is going to pay for what she did.
29:20Ava is strong enough for a conviction.
29:22The photos alone will do it.
29:25Have you seen them? I saw a note about them in her file, but I haven't.
29:29I have them. I made Michael send them to me.
29:33Can I see?
29:38Now everyone, including a jury, will know that Ava is the reason I went through that window.
29:47All right.
29:50Let's get you to security.
29:53Um, the tour manager has somebody waiting there for you to expedite things through TSA.
29:58And, um...
30:03Honey, come on.
30:05You gotta snap out of it. You haven't said a word since we left the hotel.
30:14I know leaving poor Charles is hard.
30:19I know leaving Christina behind when she's in pain is hard.
30:24I know. But you must know what this tour is gonna do to boost your career.
30:30I mean, it's opening for Miguel Morez.
30:32This is gonna put you on an international stage in front of millions of people. It's not something you can pass up.
30:37It's not like I had a choice.
30:39What is that supposed to mean? Of course you had a choice.
30:42You could go and be a huge success.
30:46Or you could stay.
30:48And wind up a failure.
30:51No, success would just take a little longer. Or a lot longer.
30:56I already agreed to do the tour, Mom.
31:00You don't need to sell it to me anymore.
31:03Okay. Okay, good, then. Let's get you on the plane.
31:08I'm not coming.
31:10No, I can't come tonight. I've gotta tie some things up here in Port Charles.
31:14But I will meet you on the European leg of the tour when it starts.
31:18What I meant was no. You won't be joining me. At all.
31:24I don't know what you're saying, because of course I'll be joining you.
31:29You got what you wanted.
31:32Christina broke up with me.
31:34And now I'm breaking up with you.
31:39You're fired.
31:42In prison, you say?
31:45For anything special?
31:47Oh, yeah.
31:49You're being a little light on the details.
31:52If you tell me what he did that's got you so spooked, maybe I can...
31:55I'm not spooked.
31:57I'm just surprised to see him here.
32:01Did you and Anna get everything settled?
32:03I'm so sorry about that.
32:05Let me make it up to you.
32:07Come back to my suite and let's finish that bottle.
32:11I don't think that would be a good idea.
32:14And if I were to buy you a drink right here, would that be a better idea?
32:21I think that would be okay.
32:24Don't worry.
32:26Sonny won't get his hands on Clemson.
32:28At least not yet.
32:31What does that mean?
32:32When the time is right, I'm gonna lead Sonny right to him.
32:38That didn't take long.
32:40Anna doesn't make empty threats.
32:43Nothing can happen to Ava.
32:44Not now.
32:46But we have other problems.
32:49I don't want Avery living under the influence of Ava.
32:54Okay, how do you want to handle that?
32:56We're gonna let the court handle it, alright?
33:02I have pictures, let's not forget, of Ava's hands on Christina.
33:09It was her fault she went through the window.
33:11It was her fault the baby died.
33:13She's going down.
33:14I'm gonna get full custody of Avery and Ava is going to prison.
33:22And once Ava is in prison, bad things happen in prison.
33:30Embrace the crispy.
33:35Then how could your brother be too generous for his own good?
33:43My brother was a good man.
33:48But sometimes he gave too much of himself.
33:53He liked to be happy, but more importantly, he liked to make other people happy.
33:56And that kind of generosity can be exhausting.
34:00I've seen your brother's pictures around the house too.
34:03Sometimes he seems very happy.
34:06Others very serious.
34:09And Monica told me that he was a doctor.
34:14They were very much in love.
34:17They were a perfect match.
34:19And yes, they did love each other, like Monica says.
34:23But it took them a while to realize that.
34:27So they loved each other, but didn't know it?
34:32Something like that.
34:34But I think that Alan giving Monica this house was a stretch.
34:38But if Alan hadn't given Monica this house, then we wouldn't have a place to live.
34:44Or have tea parties.
34:46Can't argue with that.
34:48And by the way, Missy.
34:51Who was it that told you to say to me that...
34:59Firing me? Come on, you don't mean that.
35:01Don't I?
35:03No, you don't.
35:05Always dismissing me.
35:08Nothing I want matters.
35:10Nothing I feel matters.
35:12If it's not what you want or believe, then that's not what's happening.
35:17Because you're the parent, so whatever you say goes.
35:19Well, I am the parent.
35:21Nothing I can do about that.
35:23But what you don't seem to get is that as my business manager, you work for me.
35:29Not the other way around.
35:32This is happening whether you want it to or not.
35:36You are fired.
35:40Allison, this...
35:44Now I'm done.
35:50Those pictures show exactly what happened in Ava's room.
35:55They do.
35:57When I told Ava to withdraw the subpoena, she totally turned it on me.
36:02She went after our family.
36:04She started saying that Mom was a pathetic, destructive drunk.
36:07That my father was a violent thug who's not even fit to be around her child.
36:12When she said she wanted me to testify, I told her I would testify.
36:16I said, fine, I'll testify.
36:18I will testify that she is the reason Morgan died.
36:22That she shot Connie in cold blood and she got away with it.
36:25And I will tell the courts everything that I know about Ava Jerome.
36:30And that's when she grabbed me.
36:33To new friends.
36:35Is that what we are?
36:37Is there some other term you prefer?
36:42Pals it is.
36:45Why are you in Port Charles?
36:47Well, you heard Anna.
36:50I'm the station chief for the WSB's brand new office right here in lovely Port Charles.
36:56The real reason?
36:58Well, I didn't tell Anna everything.
37:04What did you hold back?
37:07I was given my choice of postings.
37:12Here or Bali.
37:15You chose Port Charles?
37:17I did.
37:19Because once you've seen one tropical paradise, you've seen them all quite frankly.
37:25And because you're here.
37:30Well, that's a lie.
37:32I only speak the truth.
37:36I'm sorry, I must not have heard you right.
37:39You want Sonny to find Clemen.
37:42Clemen's the bait.
37:44Sonny will go after him and when he does, I will be there to arrest him.
37:49But in order to do that, doesn't Sonny have to do something to Clemen first?
37:55I'll make sure Clemen survives. I need him to testify.
37:58No, I am going to use Sonny's relentless pursuit of vengeance to take him down once and for all.
38:07Alright, so either way, Ava's lying and she got the pharmacist to switch out the meds.
38:13Or she's telling the truth and somebody else did it.
38:16Either way, there's going to be a trail.
38:19What I need to know is if there's anybody out there actively coming at me.
38:27But right now, what about Ava?
38:30That can wait, as long as it takes.
38:34What Christina doesn't know is that the last words that Ava will ever hear will be...
38:46This is for Christina and her baby.
38:53On the next General Hospital.
38:55That was a great way to start the day.
38:58From now on, we won't be seeing each other there.
39:00I'm planning on taking you for a ride.
39:02What kind of proposition?
39:03There may not be as many of those as I thought.
39:05There's not really a reason for me to stick around.
39:07What if I gave you one?