General Hospital 8-15-24

  • 2 months ago
00:00around. Cody.
00:18There it is.
00:21If I knew where I left my son.
00:26No, this one covers my office.
00:31It's okay.
00:31There are only a few places I could have left it.
00:34So this won't take long.
00:37I will see you in a few the beach awaits.
00:47James Malcolm West heavy uniform check with General Hospital
00:50to see if he's been brought in.
00:54I'm checking to see if James is access his sister's rideshare
00:56account again.
00:57And if he has dealing with us will be his second biggest
01:01I'm pretty sure James is on his way to the quarter mains to
01:04look for Cody.
01:06I am at the quarter main stables with Cody and there is no
01:08sign of James Cody searching right now.
01:11He's going to check in a stable or behind a bale of hay or
01:14I don't know.
01:15And if we can't find him, we'll search the rest of the property.
01:17Hey, that sounds good.
01:19Matt Spinelli and I are going to go separate directions from
01:23the park to the quarter mains and the wall meet up at the
01:26stables later.
01:27Okay, sooner rather than later would be good.
01:29We're on our way.
01:31We'll find him sweetheart.
01:35James the only one who is in more trouble than you is your
01:40Let me be perfectly clear.
01:42I will not allow Sonny Corinthos to invest in deception.
01:47Okay, I'll admit there are potential challenges.
01:50There are also some astronomical rewards that could happen
01:54and there could be none at all.
01:56Meanwhile, exposing us to criminal liability and damage
01:59to the brand.
02:02Oh, look at all of you.
02:05So hard at work, you know to think that if Natalia there
02:09hadn't thought to call me.
02:11I just want to miss the whole thing entirely.
02:13And so it begins.
02:15So what is on the agenda?
02:19Nothing has been decided.
02:21Actually, we were discussing a multi-million dollar offer
02:26from Sonny Corinthos.
02:30I love Sonny.
02:33Tell me more.
02:34I know you say you have the best of intentions, but I'm not
02:38going to let you expose Brooklyn to Rico charges just so you
02:41can impress the latest woman in your life.
02:43That's exactly how you sounded when you're 12 years old.
02:47Oh, damn it, Sonny.
02:49You can't just think you're going to look at me like that
02:52and change the subject.
02:54I wouldn't dream of doing something like this.
03:03Come on in.
03:05Hey Jason.
03:07So if you can't trust one of your oldest friends, what about
03:14You think you can trust him?
03:18I think I finally got him this time.
03:21Sonny, just like I told you, Clement Moore's the bait.
03:24Sonny's going to come for him and I will nail him in the act.
03:26It's that simple.
03:28Things with Sonny are rarely simple.
03:31After all this time, I finally got Sonny right where I want
03:34him and it is all thanks to you.
03:47I was looking for you up at the main house and one of the
04:10gardeners said they saw you come down here.
04:13Michael and I are heading to the beach with Ned Olivia and
04:16the kids and I forgot.
04:19Well, that sounds fun.
04:21In between chasing the kids and covering them in sunscreen,
04:24it will be.
04:26Well, I know you have plans, but if I could just talk to you
04:28for a minute or two, I am.
04:31I've been thinking about you since I saw you at the Metro
04:34Corridor outside of the elevator.
04:37I am so sorry that I ran off like that.
04:41I must have looked ridiculous.
04:44No, not in the slightest.
04:45You look beautiful like you always do.
04:48It's just, I think being stuck in the elevator is probably
04:51way high on the list of things that people want to avoid.
04:57Getting stuck wasn't the most fun I have ever had, but we
05:02both know that's not why I rushed out of there.
05:07Yeah, we do.
05:10And that is why I am resigning from the New Tomorrow Institute.
05:15I'm going back to GH.
05:20Well, I'll miss working on those PSAs with you, but you need
05:25to do what you think is best for you.
05:29I have to get out of there.
05:32I am feeling so guilty about kissing Drew and I just.
05:39I can't risk that happening again.
05:45Can you be clear?
05:47I will not be allowing Sonny Corrinos to invest in Deception.
05:50It's foolish.
05:51Taking on an investor with deep pockets.
05:54How is that foolish?
05:56First of all, there is no world in which Sonny would be a
05:59silent partner.
06:01Otherwise, why would he bring on a glorified stage mother as
06:05his mouthpiece?
06:07So many insults packed into one sentence.
06:10You know, I read what you said about your daughter and Christina.
06:15I don't need to teach you a thing about insults.
06:19I made a huge mistake and I've apologized for every single
06:24So maybe there's a little something I could teach you.
06:28I don't think so.
06:29I said things that I deeply regret to someone that I should
06:32never have confided in and it's a lesson that I will never
06:35forget but it has absolutely nothing to do with how I navigated
06:38my daughter through her career in the music industry.
06:41You navigated your daughter into the spotlight by outing her
06:45was that part of your master plan?
06:49I will regret hurting my daughter until the day I die, but
06:53I have zero regrets about what I did with my daughter's
06:56Oh, I'd like to see that.
06:57Yeah, you would Tracy does have a point Natalia the things
07:02that you said about the LGBTQIA community are the antithesis
07:06of what Deception stands for.
07:08I am more than happy to do a full public mea culpa campaign,
07:12but also let me remind you that a CFO I would have absolutely
07:16nothing to do with the image of this company.
07:18I would have no public facing position with the media or the
07:23Well, that is exactly what I wanted and needed to hear.
07:26So I'm going to go with my first reaction.
07:29I think it's a great idea.
07:32Of course you would because I'm opposed true as a general
07:36rule true, but in this case, you know, I really feel like
07:42You're not thinking this through.
07:43I'm thinking what would be best for Deception?
07:52Before you start yelling, let me talk.
07:53Okay, I'm not going to promise anything, but I'll try.
07:59All right.
07:59I wanted to help Natalia because you know, I feel bad for
08:05no, of course, because she's so personable and sympathetic
08:08poor thing.
08:10All right.
08:10Try a little harder.
08:13Her daughter left town.
08:15She has no friends in Port Charles looks like she has at
08:18least one and I thought it would be a good thing to help her
08:22out because Deception would grow right and if Deception grows
08:28that helps Brooklyn.
08:31I appreciate you wanting to do good in the world Sonny, but
08:36why don't you just you know, donate money to an animal rescuer
08:40or adopt a dog you and Natalia would be so cute with a puppy
08:43but do not use Deception to park your mob money.
08:49Okay, the money that I earmarked for Deception is absolutely
08:54legit and accounted for.
08:56Okay, and since you know our history going back so far doesn't
09:04really matter right now.
09:06Listen, you want to know where your money's coming from?
09:14I'll tell you Jason just ask him.
09:22Your plan is great.
09:24I love it.
09:26Just out of curiosity though.
09:28Um, what's your plan B?
09:31I don't need one not this time Clement mess with Sonny's
09:35prescriptions because someone made him Sonny's going to want
09:38to know who that person is.
09:39And when Sonny comes looking for him, I'll be waiting.
09:44And what if Sonny just happens to kill Clement?
09:47He won't well, but you should entertain that because if that
09:52happens, I will lose any leverage.
09:56I have that I can use to protect myself.
09:58You have me.
10:00Oh, hey Ava thought I'd catch you alone.
10:03So we could talk about the case.
10:04Hi John.
10:05Nice to see you guys to see you too Scott.
10:07Hey, you know Scott here is a brilliant strategist.
10:12You should tell him your plan and we know that he's no friend
10:16of Sonny's that's a polite way to put it.
10:20Yeah, he'll give you a completely honest and objective
10:26You can trust him.
10:30I saw no sign of James along the bus route.
10:32He had a pretty good head start on us, but he has to be somewhere
10:35on this property.
10:37We looked everywhere.
10:38James is not in the stables.
10:40We should split up so we could cover more ground.
10:42That's a good idea.
10:43I've been to National Parks that have less acreage in the
10:46Any sign of him yet?
10:47Not yet.
10:48Cody and I will take the tennis courts Maxie.
10:51Why don't you and Spinelli cover the gardens and we'll stay
10:54right here in case James comes back.
10:57Good idea.
10:58All right.
10:59Don't text us if you find him yet.
11:00Yeah, absolutely.
11:07Look you stay here.
11:08Okay, I'm gonna go look for James.
11:09No, they've got it covered.
11:10We need to have a little chat about what this nonsense with
11:15It ends now.
11:21Hey, you okay?
11:23I feel like garbage.
11:24James ran away because of me.
11:26James ran away because he's a little kid and that's how they
11:29solve most of their problems, but you were not his problem.
11:33Yeah, I created the problem though.
11:34No, you didn't.
11:36Did you see how frosty Maxie was with Mac?
11:39She does not think this is on you and it's not going to matter
11:42anyway because we're going to find him together.
11:46Yeah, yeah, you're right.
11:48I mean, you've got a nose like a bloodhound and I've got a
11:51voice that can be heard for miles.
11:53So together.
11:55Yeah, we got this.
11:57Okay, if you were a tiny cowboy, where would you go?
12:04After that kiss on the 4th of July, I just don't trust myself
12:09to be around drew anymore.
12:11I never thought this could happen to me.
12:14I love my family.
12:16They're my everything.
12:18I never thought that there could be any part of me that could
12:21have feelings for anyone else.
12:28But I do and hating those feelings isn't making them go away.
12:35I know I'm hardly in the position to give relationship
12:38advice, but these feelings and wherever they're coming from
12:42whatever they are, do you think they might pass with time?
12:48That's what I thought but this doesn't feel like a crush.
12:55Well, let's talk it through then.
12:59What is it about Drew that gets to you?
13:04I wish I could say it's just this one thing because I could
13:08get over one thing but I am attracted to all of him.
13:17Can you give me some examples?
13:23I feel like my head has been all over the place.
13:25So I'm just gonna say it as I think of it.
13:28Okay, just sort of dump it all out there.
13:30I think that's the best way to do it.
13:33Well, I know it's a cliche but part of the attraction is
13:40because Drew's not my husband.
13:45I don't have to ask him to rinse the sink a hundred times
13:48after he shaves and I don't have to remind him to text the
13:51other school parents back or his family.
13:55And I feel horrible even saying those things.
13:57I mean in the grand scheme of things are nothing.
14:00It's just a part of everyday normal life and your feelings
14:04are absolutely normal too.
14:08But Drew doesn't seem everyday normal to me.
14:14He risked his life and saved mine by going to Greenland
14:19that kind of courage and strength is pretty rare.
14:25I will forever be grateful to him for that.
14:27I will too, obviously and I also admire the way he fought
14:34to put himself back together after Pentonville.
14:38And after all that all he wants to do is give back to the
14:41community and be a good dad.
14:44It's very noble, very admirable.
14:47Sometimes I feel like there's parts of Michael's life that
14:51he keeps for me.
14:55But it's not like that with Drew.
14:57He never holds back.
14:58He gives his whole self to things, you know?
15:04Yeah, I think so.
15:07And I just sat here and rattled off a list of things I find
15:11attractive about a man who is not my husband.
15:13Who does that?
15:15Like a normal human being does that? Willow.
15:22Maybe they're not necessarily bad.
15:27I know and I know that when Michael keeps things for me,
15:30it's because he's trying to protect me.
15:34But Drew treats me like I'm strong enough to know the truth.
15:39I just know that Drew would never lie to me.
15:44Deception's leadership is heavily weighted with creatives
15:48and not that that's a bad thing, of course, because creatives
15:52we do have the bold vision for Deception's future.
15:56You know, we never had a chief financial officer.
15:59We need a CFO.
16:02I agree.
16:03I sit on the board of several companies.
16:05I will contact their CEOs and I will get some suggestions
16:09and we start interviewing.
16:10But hey, you know what?
16:12I think it's nice and everything but you need to remember to
16:15let the prospective candidates know that they need to be ready
16:20willing and able to invest a large amount of cash into Deception
16:24as part of the job description.
16:28Does that make your mental list just a little bit shorter?
16:31Not really.
16:35Come on.
16:35You saw Deception's last quarterly report.
16:39It was filled with lots of those sad little teeny tiny arrows
16:43all pointing down and I hate them.
16:45I hate them.
16:46I don't want to see them again ever.
16:47And that is exactly in my position what I would be solely focused on.
16:51I wouldn't be obsessed with your fall ad campaign or some rollout
16:55of some lovely glam mascara, nice as I'm sure it is.
16:58My job would be totally about the numbers.
17:01It could free us up to finally focus on those expansion initiatives
17:06we're always talking about but never do.
17:08Yes, exactly.
17:09We really could use a large infusion of cash and once we accept
17:16Sonny's money, why bother keeping a legitimate business?
17:20I mean, what are the profit margins on smuggling like counterfeiting
17:26and for those of you that want to keep the personal touch we can
17:2986 the makeup and become bookies.
17:31There's a lot of money in that.
17:32Hey girls, do you know anything about smuggling or being a bookie
17:36or any of that counterfeiting stuff?
17:39Hey, look, I understand that you are not comfortable working with
17:44Sonny Corinthians.
17:45I hear you.
17:47You're welcome.
17:48So I guess that means you need to pick up your low phone, call your
17:51people and tell them they need to come up with millions and millions
17:55of dollars to match Sonny's offer.
17:59The money Sonny set aside for deception is strictly and solely from
18:04the current those call accounts.
18:06It's a legitimate business and good standing with the IRS.
18:11And what about the feds?
18:12Well, they do audit us often, but we always pass.
18:16All right, Jason, you're known for your honesty and you're very
18:20selective about what you say and what you don't say.
18:22It's nice to spend time with someone who doesn't need to talk because
18:26they like the sound of their own voice.
18:29I'll bring this back to Brooklyn.
18:31I'll tell her what we discussed.
18:32All right, let me walk you up.
18:36I look forward to doing business with you and Brooklyn.
18:43Yeah, we'll see.
18:51Would you find out about the pharmacist?
18:54So Clements the key as long as we have him, you get Sonny.
18:58Look, I know my plans unorthodox, but Sonny has gotten away for too
19:02long without paying for what he's done.
19:04This is our best chance to finally get some justice.
19:07Do you think you can pull this off?
19:09I really can.
19:13How can I help?
19:19Well, Ava admits that she knew your meds have been tampered with,
19:22but she won't say who's behind it.
19:26Assuming it wasn't Ava.
19:29I mean, my judgment got cloudy right around the time that she
19:34moved in with me.
19:35So her story seems a little convenient.
19:37Well, she wants you to think that she has something of value to
19:41What do you think?
19:43I think the only way to know for sure.
19:46Is to question the pharmacist.
19:48I admit thrown with the feds is above my job description, but
19:53Sonny, he's a two-bit criminal and I will shed no tears.
19:58He's a lot more than that.
20:01He's a money launderer and he's an extortionist.
20:03Yeah, you can keep going.
20:06I gotta be honest with you though.
20:07There's a personal piece to this.
20:12Well, I'm glad you said that because Karen she deserves justice
20:16for what Sonny did to her and it's about time.
20:19He gets it.
20:23I want Sonny to pay as much as you do trust me.
20:28But what you're talking about here?
20:29It seems more than a little risky.
20:32Well, but how risky Ava were thrown in with the feds.
20:35I mean, do I need to wear a bulletproof vest?
20:38You gonna give me a gun?
20:41Even if your plan works won't Clement eventually disclosed
20:46to the feds that I knew Sonny's meds were being tampered
20:51I can't see why that would come up and even if it did we would
20:55make a deal because we would give him some first step is going
20:59to be to get Clement to a secure location and that part alone
21:03could be a little tricky.
21:04I'll handle that.
21:09I will support you with any decision that you make.
21:15I just want you to do what's best for you.
21:22Yeah, can you do me a little favor though?
21:25Can you not be so hard on yourself?
21:27So no one is perfect and you're trying to do what's best for
21:32your family.
21:35If I was trying to do what's best for my family, I never would
21:39have kissed you in the first place.
21:41Well that one tiny little kiss doesn't have to change everything.
21:45It doesn't have to change anything.
21:53I don't know how you knew the exact words.
21:55I needed to hear.
21:57Because you're my daughter.
21:59That's how.
22:05Should we go back to the house?
22:11You have a beach to get to.
22:15Hey, yeah.
22:17Why are you looking at me like I'm responsible for this?
22:31James adores Cody and he ran away because you wouldn't let him
22:34see him.
22:36May I remind you that I'm the one that told Maxie James could
22:39go back to taking writing lessons with Cody.
22:41May I remind you that Maxie is a grown woman and should have
22:44been allowed to make her own decisions about who her children
22:48associate with and for the record by the time you issued your
22:52decree and granted permission.
22:55It was too late.
22:58Because James is just a child.
23:00He doesn't understand why you don't want him to see Cody in
23:03the first place.
23:03Eternity isn't something you discuss with a child.
23:06And an adult apparently.
23:08If I didn't know better, I would think that you were deliberately
23:11punishing Cody.
23:12That's ridiculous.
23:13Are you sure?
23:15Because you knew how much Cody adored James and you seem to
23:19get your ego a little bit bruised.
23:21So you had to get between the two of them.
23:24It's true and you know it and look where it got you.
23:44Somebody help me.
24:02James James, you are making me really nervous.
24:08Okay, but you're not in any trouble.
24:10So just go ahead and come out.
24:14I really hope this is someone with hands on him.
24:19Sorry Tracy for once you're going to have to handle deception
24:21on your own.
24:24Really anything what's wrong with you?
24:26Why are you talking?
24:27I fear I may have overtaxed my larynx during the search.
24:31Okay, I should have known James is going to do something like
24:34this, but how one moment he was in the park and the next he
24:37was gone.
24:37Yeah, but I know how James's mind works and he's upset about
24:41So in James logic, that means sneak away and find him.
24:43You know, none of us could have predicted he would do something
24:45like this.
24:46Not even Maximista the mother of all mothers.
24:49It's really James is sad that he and Cody are being kept apart.
24:52Okay, and he's like his dad.
24:55Nathan was loyal right down to his core.
24:58So is James.
24:59That's true.
25:01Mac might be upset about this but Cody has worked his way
25:03into James's heart and I don't think he's going anywhere.
25:06Why am I the only one who thinks James shouldn't be spending
25:09his time with some grifter?
25:11Really some grifter?
25:13If memory serves you have your own checkered past and you
25:17weren't always the patron saint of honesty.
25:20I wasn't like Cody you came to Port Charles with your own
25:24agenda and you were always working some angle.
25:27Does that sound like someone else?
25:29You know?
25:30Oh, and it seems like you have conveniently forgotten about
25:33all the dust-ups that you got into with Robert.
25:36Remember when the SS Tracy sank and Robert pulled you out
25:39of the water only to push you right back in that was a long
25:43time ago.
25:44Yes, it was and you changed you grew up and you matured and
25:48you became the most trustworthy person that I know.
25:55But there were a lot of people that gave you a second chances
25:58along the way and I think it's really disappointing that you
26:01won't extend even the slightest bit of the same grace to your
26:05own son.
26:06And that's exclusive of long-term losses that are due to
26:15lack of investment and expansion in a competitive market.
26:20How's it going?
26:20Did I miss anything good?
26:22Why wouldn't exactly use the word good though?
26:24Natalia is really holding her own with these two, which is
26:26not something I thought I'd ever see in my lifetime.
26:29This offer looks good.
26:31Now is supposed to that's what an offer is.
26:35It entices in intrigues.
26:36It seduces you into thinking that there's a brighter future
26:41ahead trace.
26:43We're talking business here not about your many many marriage
26:48proposals, which you did accept from Fortune Hunters and you
26:52know a lot about Fortune hunting.
26:53Don't you Lucy look Maxie is not here and it falls to me to
26:58be the voice of reason and I think we need to think about
27:04the needs of the company and our employees.
27:07Well, not that it matters but from over here in the cheap
27:11I think Tracy is making some excellent points.
27:16Lois finally someone besides me who is willing to engage in
27:21rational thinking.
27:23So the pharmacist Clement Moore.
27:27He worked a shift at General Hospital the other day hasn't
27:31been seen since hasn't been home.
27:33So bricks guys are going through the security tape at General
27:36Hospital to see the exact time.
27:39He was last seen.
27:40He's just a pharmacist know the talents or identity none that
27:45we're aware of.
27:46So if he's just a guy, you know off the street then he's going
27:49to want protection right or a ticket out of town good.
27:52We'll let Clement just go wherever he's going to go and he'll
27:55leave right to who he's working for.
27:57Brick, what do you got?
28:02You got something?
28:06Is it a positive ID?
28:10Okay, call me when you find him.
28:14So Brick got the hospital footage.
28:18Clement was last seen being escorted out of GH by John Cates.
28:28Why would an FBI agent want to take a pharmacist into custody?
28:32Why would Kate want to get involved in this?
28:35Anyway, Ava has been spending a lot of time with Jagger.
28:38I don't know, you know how much they've worked together or
28:41Maybe it was Kate who ordered the pharmacist to switch your
28:44meds. Well, he you know Jagger's proven capable of doing a lot
28:49of things that I didn't think he would do.
28:52Brick's guys have located Kate's.
28:58He's with Ava at her gallery.
29:00There you go.
29:01Scott Baldwin's there too.
29:03I want eyes on all of them.
29:06You really think you can scoop up Clement Moore take him somewhere
29:10secure and sit on him?
29:11I know I can.
29:15Where will you take him?
29:18Ava, you don't live there anymore and nobody has moved in.
29:23No, I know but it's perfect.
29:27Spoon Island is only accessible by boat and you say no one's
29:31there right now.
29:31So no nosy neighbors.
29:32No one who can inadvertently give us up to Sonny.
29:35Exactly what I was thinking.
29:38Okay, we'll meet there once you get your hands on Clement.
29:42Okay, I'll see you soon with the package.
29:47Aren't you supposed to be head of law enforcement?
29:51Isn't the FBI supposed to protect the public?
29:55Don't worry, Clement's going to be fine.
29:57He should be lucky.
29:58I haven't booked him for medical malfeasance.
29:59I'm not worried about the pharmacist.
30:01I'm worried about me.
30:04How about we table this until Max is available?
30:08I'm sure once you all calm down, you'll see that I'm right.
30:12Hang on.
30:12Are you telling us that we all need to calm down that we're the
30:16ones being too emotional?
30:17That's what I heard.
30:20I am merely saying that upon further reflection, you will see
30:25that letting Sonny Corinthos in the doors of deception is like
30:29inviting a vampire in except our vampire is a duplicitous crook
30:33who would sell out his mother to make a deal.
30:35Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay.
30:37Oh, okay.
30:38Okay, hold it right there for just one second.
30:40Okay, whatever his faults may be and yes, he has many Sonny
30:44Corinthos is a man of his word and I have always said that
30:48Sonny's word is his bond.
30:50If Sonny says the money that he's investing is clean.
30:55I for one believe him shocking Sonny would never invest tainted
31:00money into a legitimate business.
31:01Look, I I'll make sure of it.
31:03I plan to do a full forensic accounting of Corinthos coffee.
31:07And if there's even anything slightly questionable, I will kill
31:11the deal myself.
31:12Okay, you have my word on that.
31:14I'm in.
31:15Well, looks like we have ourselves a brand-new CFO.
31:28Hey mission accomplished.
31:32And look who else I found out by the boathouse.
31:35Hi, I'm Michael.
31:36I was hoping to talk to Willow about the PSA's but she just
31:39told me that she's going back to nursing.
31:42So she tells me and I think it's wonderful.
31:44You know what Elizabeth Baldwin is going to be so happy you're
31:48I don't I don't think she's going to know what to do with
31:51I wouldn't go that far.
31:53We all know that GH and every single patient that you have is
31:59going to be thrilled to have you back.
32:04James James James, I need you to come on out bud.
32:13James, I need some help with the horses.
32:34First thing I'm going to do when we find James is tell him
32:37he can have all the writing lessons with Cody that he wants
32:39and then I'm going to strangle him for making everyone worried.
32:42It'll be good for him to have you walk him through the consequences
32:46of his actions.
32:47Well, I want him to learn from this and I also want him to feel
32:50really really bad not like need therapy bad, but pretty close.
32:54That's entirely reasonable.
32:57There are so many people that are worried and looking for him.
33:00He's a lucky kid.
33:01He really is but I know him and we could have a thousand people
33:05out with bloodhounds looking for James and nobody's going to
33:08find him unless James wants us to.
33:37Can you save me Cody?
33:48Well, I'm really going to miss working so closely with you,
33:51but I am very proud of you for choosing what makes you happy.
33:56Thank you for everything.
34:01And on that note, I am going to put this hat in my bag and grab
34:05as much sunblock as I can carry and join the rest of my family
34:08at the beach.
34:09Sounds good.
34:15Thanks for keeping our conversation just between us.
34:20Yeah, well, I didn't need to know about it.
34:25I think I will be going and Michael.
34:30I hope that you have a great time at the beach with your family.
34:36You deserve it.
34:41Hey Nina.
34:44Are you busy Friday the 30th?
34:49The other quarter mains are planning a dinner for the extended
34:53family and I'm sure that willow and the kids would love to see
34:57I'm sure Drew is going to be there too.
35:00Of course.
35:00I would love that.
35:04I'll be there.
35:11Let me show you the last financial report.
35:13That's it.
35:15You're going to throw all rational thinking out of the window
35:18for some misplaced loyalty to Sonny Corinthos who says it's
35:23What about your loyalty to us to deception or we don't matter
35:28because we didn't grow up together.
35:29I did not say that.
35:31No, you said you trust Sonny.
35:32I said I trust Sonny to keep his word and that trust is going
35:39to put deception in jeopardy.
35:41I know you are nervous about his involvement and I understand
35:45why everybody should be nervous.
35:48You mark my words.
35:49You let Sonny Corinthos in and that will be the end of deception
35:54and we will all be very lucky if we're not escorted out of here
35:57in handcuffs.
36:03Who are you?
36:17Well, I'm Scott Baldwin.
36:19I'm here to rescue you.
36:21This plan of yours puts everybody at risk except for you.
36:26What are you talking about?
36:27I'm talking about you using Clement putting him in danger.
36:32He happens to be my only piece of leverage and now you're
36:36talking about hiding him at Windermere that that puts me in
36:39danger as well.
36:40Windermere is ideal, but it's a very temporary location.
36:43Well, if your plan doesn't go exactly the way you want, it might
36:47be an ideal place to dump my body.
36:49And even if I do survive, I'm facing attempted murder charges
36:54or have you forgotten that?
36:55No, I haven't.
36:56There are photographs of the incident with Christina.
37:00Just one of the many things keeping me up at night.
37:02I've seen the photographs.
37:06Hold on.
37:08It is possible that they don't prove what everybody thinks
37:11they do.
37:13Say more.
37:15Well, if you look at those photos another way, they could tell
37:21a very different story about what happened in that hotel room.
37:25I wonder how much the FBI actually knows about what Cates is
37:31His assignment was pikeman.
37:35I mean, how do we even know he has authority to go after you
37:39much less take a civilian pharmacist into custody?
37:42You think the FBI is going to reign him in?
37:45I mean, you would think at some point this guy's got to be under
37:50They're going to look at his work and he's been doing this
37:52stuff all alone.
37:52How do you even explain that?
37:55Jagger doesn't care.
37:57This is personal.
37:58He hates me.
37:59Look how many lines he's crossed to get to me.
38:02Seems like it.
38:05Sooner or later, I'm going to have to cross the line too.
38:13On the next General Hospital, I think we have a unique opportunity
38:17It wasn't your mom's mistake.
38:19It was mine.
38:19You can't put it off forever.
38:21I have the results of your discharge examination.
38:23Might be a bit of a stretch to paint me as a victim.
38:26If Jagger forces my hand, I won't have a choice.