General Hospital 8-14-24

  • 2 months ago
00:04Gotta work on those reflexes with respect the throw could have been a bit more accurate. Don't you think James?
00:10I wasn't watching
00:22What I do
00:40Taking a break
00:42Hi Tracy, I was just
00:45thinking about something
00:47You want me to prep Hades? No, thank you. Actually. I'm planning on taking you for a ride
00:53So buckle up
01:05It's way too big for him right falling down over his face covering his eyes. He's riding blind
01:11But James keeps insisting that it's perfect
01:14Because it's yours
01:23nice hat
01:25Yeah, yeah, I think he left it here last night. I'll bet Cody's looking all over for it. You should take it back to him
01:33I would
01:35But I have to be on a call soon with some caterers for hiring
01:40Although I might have to cancel if the boss doesn't show up soon. Oh
01:46Olivia must have forgotten. She just left with Ned and all the kids not Olivia drew. He's MIA
02:10Think it's way too early for us to even think about getting
02:15Normally I would agree with that, but I got a call. I can't miss the campaign business
02:21Well enough Sasha
02:24For the fundraiser. We gotta go to the menu. Oh, you
02:27Skip it. Well, it's a little late to bail on everybody now. No, Sasha is a talented chef. She has excellent taste
02:39Should I'm gonna make any decisions without me so
02:44Well, I really want to be
02:48And on that phone call then I do not want to keep you
03:02So glad we decided to eat out here it's way too beautiful to be eating inside I agree this
03:09Reason is heavenly somehow this orange juice tastes even better out here. I know I know so
03:18Did blaze get off okay last night she got on the plane
03:24You know, I'm gonna go
03:27Dear you sit you need nourishment before you go and run around that pool all day
03:36Know you love your job
03:38But I am telling you come the fall you are gonna be so happy to put it behind you so you can put all
03:44Of your focus towards all of the concerts. You're gonna be giving
03:52There may not be as many of those as I thought I
03:56was counting on
03:57getting people to notice me with my job playing at the gallery, but
04:01Who's gonna go to a gallery owned by a murderer
04:04Clemens the pharmacist not a master criminal. Yeah, we just got to find him
04:11Keep me posted
04:14I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. No, I was just going out. I just came by
04:19I don't want to take up your time just came to say goodbye
04:22Where you going back to Puerto Rico?
04:25I'm going home
04:51Should I start stretching I didn't work out today, so I can't can't do anything too strenuous I plan on testing
05:01Your mind not your body
05:03Okay, well fair warning. I'm not very good at crossword puzzles or any word games really so
05:10Very finite set of skills over here. I will go easy on you sit
05:17This doesn't sound very fun
05:20Can you count can you tell the difference between black and white
05:26Last time I checked yes
05:28Then you can play back at I
05:33Am sure the gallery show will go on despite Ava Jerome's legal status
05:38No, it'll probably be a smash hit because of all the people who are gonna show up just out of sheer curiosity
05:43Yeah, yeah, of course you know all of those artists types
05:47They would jump at the chance to attach themselves to Ava's notoriety
05:51But that hadn't occurred to me yeah, I'm telling you the show will definitely go on, but you know what Geo
05:59You are too good and have so many positive things in your future than playing background music for
06:07poor Charles
06:08upperclass down-the-nose
06:13Champagne drinking black card carrying bourgeoisie save some of the caviar for the rest of us mom
06:20I don't really care what most people think of me. There's only a few people whose opinions really matter
06:29Like son
06:32So Allison just accepted an invitation to tour with Miguel morens
06:38Mm-hmm yeah, and then
06:41She and Christina broke up
06:43When did this happen yesterday? She Christine didn't say anything to me well
06:47I mean it was really really difficult for both of them, so I don't
06:52Maybe Christine is just processing it before she tells you must have been difficult for you to say goodbye to your daughter
06:57I saw her off last night, and we did not part on good terms. I've been there. I know what that's about
07:06You know
07:08It's not easy, right
07:12It wasn't
07:13But you know what you two love each other
07:17Right, and I'm sure you're gonna. It's gonna work out
07:21Right yeah, hopefully and but that potential reconciliation won't be taking place here in Port Charles oh
07:31So when you go back to Puerto Rico that's gonna be permanent that is the plan yeah
07:38You know Allison will be out on tour for a few months
07:41And she doesn't want or need me out on tour with her
07:43And I only came here to Port Charles to be with her, so it's not really a reason for me to stick around
07:49What if I gave anyone
07:55That was a
07:58Great way to start the day it's a great way to spend the night
08:06You know I think we set a new record that was like 10 hours and neither of us said something nasty to each other
08:12You want to try for 11
08:21To chew its way well yes duty calls another time absolutely
08:34I didn't realize drew would be here this morning. I thought he would have been here by now, so you haven't seen him
08:42All I want is for you to be happy
08:45Not since last night
08:47Did he say anything about our plans this morning?
08:51He didn't
08:54Would you mind calling him I mean he's so busy probably won't take my call
08:59But I'm sure he'll pick up for a star fundraiser. I don't know where he is and I don't want to interrupt him
09:07I'm sorry, it's just
09:09Drew's schedule is so crazy now that he and I hardly cross paths anymore at the new tomorrow Institute. I mean and
09:16from now on
09:18We won't be seeing each other there
09:20What does that mean?
09:30Hey James, I'm gonna play some frisbee. I trust you'll be more accurate than your grandfather
09:37No, thanks, how long do we have to stay here?
09:41Can't be tired of the Sun and fun already. We just got here. I know but I'm bored
09:48No allow me to fix that what do you want to do?
09:55You know you can tell me we'll be just between you and me I
10:00Want to ride horses with Cody, but grandpa Mac says no
10:06Look I don't see what the big deal is
10:09Two trees is an amazing ranch with great horses, but no Cody even better
10:15Look Mac. I know you and Cody have your own issue going on with each other right now
10:19But you forbidding James from seeing him that was not your call Mac, and I discussed this at home didn't we?
10:26Look summer's almost over James will be back in school. He won't care about who's giving him riding lessons
10:33She'll be so busy before you know it Cody. He'll be forgotten well
10:36I doubt that and don't you think Cody has been punished for long enough?
10:46You messed up big I hope you have a plan to fix this because I'm not going to do it for you
10:55Thank you for texting me that you were gonna be in the park
10:59It's such a lovely day
11:02Someone's in a good mood. Did you whiten your teeth?
11:06No, do something to your hair. No not really Nina something is definitely different about you
11:14Lucy would say that your aura is glowing
11:17She says her aura glows when Scott
11:23Did you sleep with drew again
11:27Didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I walked in you're talking to Sasha about you and drew and your work at the new tomorrow Institute
11:36Good morning everybody
11:37Good morning. Good morning Sasha. I am so sorry. I really am I
11:42We're just gonna have to call the caterers and reschedule and apologize to them just the the campaign
11:48Strategy session ran really late last night. I crashed where I was working and I overslept. I'm it's fine. It's fine
11:54I'm sure they'll be able to squeeze us in whenever
11:57Thank you, and sorry to barge in like that. I apologize for interruption. No, actually, it's fine
12:02You're part of it now Willow's is telling us something about you too and your work at the Institute
12:09I've actually come to a decision
12:16I've decided to go back to nursing
12:21I'm resigning
12:27You say again you said something about the doubles, oh, we'll get that while you're playing I'm gonna give you first roll so go
12:39It uh
12:42Seems like you've been playing this game for a really long time
12:46Because of you're so knowledgeable I
12:49I played this game with my boys and
12:57When they were young then I picked it up again when I was
13:01in the hospital for a while
13:04We're in the hospital for
13:06Well, that's a little forward, but you brought it up
13:10true I
13:12Was infected with
13:15Parasitic brain worms on a
13:18Tropical vacation as the result of a tainted treat that was fed to me by Ned's
13:27Conartist father Larry Ashton
13:30Parasitic brain worms, huh?
13:33Yep, but
13:36That sounds scary it was I
13:40Guess there are worse ways to spend a hospital stay than playing backgammon
13:44I actually
13:47Remember it rather fondly because people were fussing over you and you got to be the center of attention
13:57Because I made a friend
14:00Sonny would never hold it against you for honoring your agreement to play the gallery
14:05Even if Ava does own it. In fact, I think he would respect you even more for sticking to your word
14:10Absolutely, but even if Sonny does have a problem with it you have to do what's best for you
14:16Sonny is not your keeper. You are your own man. I know I just don't want to let Sonny down
14:24No, what's best for me right now is getting to work before I'm late
14:30Thanks for breakfast, I'll see you both tonight. Okay. Bye. Have a good day
14:38Was interesting
14:40What oh, you're usually one of uncle Sonny's biggest defenders and here you were just telling Gio not to care what he thinks
14:47What's going on?
14:50Do you even want to stay in Portra? Yeah, it has its charms. It's just that no
14:57But in my current situation, I lack the income to
15:03Sustain a bicoastal life. So it's a financial thing. Yeah, that's what I thought. So that's where I can help you out
15:10Well, if you're if you're talking about the coffee business
15:14The only thing I know about coffee is that I'm useless in the morning without it. So, you know numbers, right? Yeah, okay
15:24This is a good time
15:26Sure. Yeah, I'm just having breakfast with my mom. What's up?
15:29Yeah, I was just wondering can you come over here because I got a proposition for you what kind of proposition I
15:40Have agonized over it for weeks now I just
15:45Miss nursing. It's what fulfills me
15:48Makes me feel like I have a purpose
15:51Much more so than being on camera and doing PSA's. Well, all you had to do was tell me I would have understood
15:59Wanted to be sure first. I didn't want to disappoint the people I work with at the Institute and you know
16:04Nina's been so helpful prepping me for the PSA's now. She and I won't be working together anymore and
16:12Neither will you and I
16:15And you've been so supportive helping me get the job believing that I could handle it
16:22We'll always
16:25Believe in you Willow
16:26You've got my faith and support whether you work at the Institute or whether you work at GH
16:32She can Michael and I feel the same way about you
16:36in that
16:38We both want you to do what makes you happy
16:42Well, I appreciate you making this so easy for me
16:47I'm gonna go get the beach stuff together and I'll meet you back here in a few minutes. Okay. Thank you again
17:00Well, I have to go take a shower
17:05So having a good day the beach man, thank you
17:12You are a really good husband Michael you just rolled with Willow's decision
17:20In what choice do I have?
17:24I thought after our discussion last night that you were going to ditch your insane plan to keep Drew's attention off
17:32Willow by sleeping with him yourself again. Well, it worked didn't it? Because Drew's attention was completely on me and
17:40We had an amazing time. Yes. Mm-hmm. I know you two have great sex
17:44Fireworks go off angels sing you've described it clearly
17:48He slept over this time
17:50Spent the night I
17:52Wasn't expecting that and we're just having fun. It's not like it's seen above
17:58Maxie it's just two consenting adults
18:02Enjoying each other and
18:04After what we experienced last night
18:06I am confident that Drew will say that this is far more enjoyable than him intruding on my daughter's marriage
18:15Get it does seem most unfair that you can't see Cody just because he and grandpa Mac are having a disagreement
18:20But you know that happens with grown-ups sometimes just like you have fights with your friends, right?
18:25Yeah, but we usually make up right right and I'm sure Cody and Mac will too. It just
18:32Just take some time. Hey
18:34Don't worry
18:37People are working on it
18:39Look, I'm not going to apologize or make things easier for Cody. The guy is a liar and sneak
18:45I don't want or need someone like that in my life
18:48Fine, then don't
18:50I'm not gonna keep trying to convince you to give Cody a second chance
18:55That's your decision to make and I will be good with whatever you decide
19:00Thank you
19:01But I won't let you drag our grandson into this the longer you keep Cody and James apart without an explanation
19:08The less James is going to trust you and the worse the relationship is going to be
19:13Is that a price you're willing to pay
19:16When I was in the hospital I was not a
19:22model patient
19:25And my doctor
19:28Weathered my ill humor with grace took the time to get to know me. He was
19:35Generous and kind
19:38He was tough and don't even get me started on how prickly he could be
19:45He sounds like an interesting fellow. I
19:50Clicked with very few people in my life the way I clicked with him
19:56I'm glad he was there for you when you needed someone
20:01Me too Finn is one of a kind
20:08Do very much
20:31No, absolutely not that could cause sweating
20:38No, I mean I'm a little rusty and I'm not in the right wardrobe maybe next time we're all at the pool together
20:46Did it ever occur to you that I'm trying to shield?
20:49my grandson from disappointment
20:52Sooner or later James is gonna realize that Cody is not the hero
20:56He pretends to be what if you're wrong Mac?
21:00What if Cody does live up to James's expectations because that could happen, you know
21:05People can be better when they know someone believes in them
21:26Didn't know you're gonna show up
21:27Well, I was with Brooklyn when you called and said that you had a business proposition and health
21:33My curiosity got peaked and I wasn't doing anything else today. So I thought I'd come along
21:39Okay, come on in. Okay. Oh, hi Natalia. Hi ladies. How are you?
21:48So what is this idea you have that you've got us all so eager to hear
21:55Well, I was looking forward to investing in a new record label for the two of you
22:00Me too
22:02Don't get me wrong. I'm so happy for blaze that she is living her dream out on tour
22:07But I am disappointed that we had to shelve the idea. Oh, don't you worry, sweetheart?
22:13You're gonna have many more opportunities like this in the future
22:16Well the money I set aside
22:19It's still there, you know, so
22:23But it's it would be so much better
22:26Use instead of just sitting in a bank, you know collecting interest
22:32To do what?
22:34What I yeah, of course, of course, I'll let the two of you talk. Thank you
22:41So what did you have in mind, honey? Well, I would like to
22:46invest in deception
22:54Hey, um, you need some help thanks, but I'm okay
23:07I've got it. Okay
23:17See you later
23:19Willow don't come yet. I don't want to keep Michael waiting. I just don't want you to make a big mistake. I
23:25Know how excited you were when Willow took the job with the new tomorrow Institute
23:31I was I was only excited because Willow was excited
23:35if I learn one thing from watching Willow fight for a life is just how precious time is and I don't want Willow wasting a
23:44second being unhappy so
23:47Obviously, I don't have to tell you how precious time is with the person you love. Do I?
23:55Touch I'm sorry, it wasn't I wasn't open thinking when I said that
24:01I have made as much peace as I can with Randall's death
24:07Most of the time when I think about him now, I I smile is that a cry
24:14But I don't think I could survive another heartbreak like that again
24:23You know Sasha you're um, you're you're stronger than you think you are
24:28But life doesn't come with any guarantees now if you could hold yourself back and
24:35stay safe and alone and always wonder if you missed out on something great or
24:41You can risk being hurt
24:44For another chance at love
24:49Have you heard much from Finn since he's been gone
24:54Uh, actually, I think he's been concentrating on his recovery
25:03Well, it sounds like you
25:05You two have a very special relationship
25:08I'm sure
25:10You're both looking forward to see each other
25:12When he gets home
25:16Actually, I'm not too sure how happy he is going to be to see me
25:25Equally prickly and also tough friend, why not?
25:31Because I may have been too hard on him
25:35He hugged me when when he left but I haven't heard from him since then so
25:42Who knows
25:45Well, I've had a few friends go through rehab so
25:51I suspect that when Finn's seeing clearly he'll understand why you didn't go easy on him. I hope so. I
26:00Hope he can understand that
26:03My only goal was to help him
26:06You know, it sounds like
26:08underneath that tough shell
26:11You're actually pretty warm and fuzzy
26:14Compassionate too
26:19Just went
26:26Beginners luck
26:28Deception has been struggling since last summer. My feeling is if we put a bunch of cash into it, you know
26:36Take it over the hump and you you'll expand your audience
26:42You're really willing
26:43To buy a percentage of deception
26:46Absolutely. I'll structure the deal, but I'm a silent partner. Oh, I mean this could be a total game-changer
26:53On one condition
26:58You hire Natalia
27:04Look who I found
27:06We're so glad you could join us. Thank you. Yeah, I can't say long maxi texted that you were all gonna be here
27:12And it's a wonderful morning. I thought I would just combine my straw with a chance to see you guys and James
27:19speaking of James
27:21If he's still hell-bent on taking writing lessons with Cody, I won't stand in his way. Oh
27:27Finally James your grandfather has something to tell you
27:35Where is he I mean he was right over there
27:37James Malcolm West you answer me right now
27:48I'm gonna invest a lot of cash into deception without taking an active role, but I want my own
27:54Representative to look after my investment and she's great at finances and she's great in
28:01Negotiating. Oh, that's true. I mean Natalia's haggling over blazes contract
28:07Nearly kept Lucy awake at night. Well, that's a lot different than running a cosmetics company. Yes
28:14But Lucy and the rest of us lean more towards the creative side not the financial one
28:19Well, that's perfect because that's Natalia's specialty. She knows numbers
28:24She's gonna act on my best interest and always do what's best for deception
28:29What happens when your interests and deceptions interests don't align?
28:34Well, no, that's a that's a fair question deserves an answer
28:39We would put everything in writing. I'd be a fiduciary
28:43contractually obligated to act on
28:45Deceptions best interest which essentially are identical to Sonny's anyway, because if he succeeds then deception succeeds
28:54It's a very generous and intriguing offer, but I do need to discuss it with my partners starting with my grandmother
29:03Natalia, why don't you join me? I think that you would be your own best advocate. Yeah, I'd love to okay
29:11Thank you so much. Uncle Sonny for this opportunity. We will be in touch
29:17She said
29:22We stick around close I have a few words I have to say
29:27Just a few words because there's a whole dictionary I'd like to break over your head most stop
29:35You just want to say I'm sorry
29:41James can't have gone far. Okay, let's all let's all split off look in different areas and text the group shot if you find
29:46I'm sure he's fine. He's a smart kid. Yeah, too smart for his own good. This isn't the first time he's taken off
29:53Yes, I think I know where to find him
30:02Call is everything. All right, it's fine. I need to talk to you
30:08It's about Willow
30:11I told you my role at the Institute just
30:17Isn't what I expected I'm not feeling as fulfilled as I want
30:24Then we'll change it and
30:27We'll make you feel fulfilled you can't
30:30It's being there at all. That's the problem
30:35Because you never gave any indication of that before
30:39Because I didn't realize it until I went to visit Christina in the hospital
30:43Seeing everyone caring for her helping her myself. I
30:47remembered why I fell in love with nursing and
30:51Realized how much I miss it. That's the job. I want. This is that your work at the Institute is
30:58It's so good. You're amazing. I've seen the numbers you're driving so many people to the donor registration portal. It's incredible
31:05I don't want to leave anyone in the lurch. I will keep doing the PSA's until they find my replacement
31:12or they decide on another strategy, but I
31:16Can't commit to anything else. I'm going back to GH
31:21Well, if that's your decision
31:24But I'm happy for you, I just I want to make sure that you're being honest with your motivation
31:31Does your resignation?
31:34Have anything to do with me
31:37You cheated how you were watching me the whole time you are not a beginner at backgammon I
31:44Never said I was you assumed
31:47Well, you never corrected me that's hustling no, no that is called gamesmanship
31:52It's only hustling if you're playing for money
31:54Well, I'll have you know, I could have won if you hadn't distracted me with all those questions about Finn
32:00Mm-hmm. Not see what you call distraction. I call being interested in your life
32:05I wanted to know a little bit more about you and I did
32:10Now if I happen to win in the meantime good
32:14Well, I had plenty of opportunities to beat you and the next game I will not be so benevolent I
32:22Would expect nothing less Oh
32:26Tracy hi. I didn't know you were here. I I don't want to interrupt. Oh, no, please
32:31I think Cody will be very relieved that you arrived just in time. I was about to beat him senseless
32:43Looking forward to it
32:47Brooklyn hi
32:50Apparently backgammon is a blood sport around here good to know. Uh-huh. I
32:58Found this house. Oh, thank you. I was I was looking for this. I
33:03Found something else too. What's that my census? What does that mean?
33:11I am tired of being scared and playing it safe
33:18Life is short. I think we should do this do what?
33:31Saw you and James with their heads together. What were you talking about?
33:36James is both bewildered and distressed about max and tippity-toe
33:44Just like you want me believe me this is not the way I wanted to be proved, right?
33:53What should have been a long time ago
33:56Can you take a break? I?
33:58Can take the whole day off. I take a shower, too
34:03I don't wait. Besides, you don't smell that bad. Ah words. I've always dreamed of hearing from a woman that I'm kissing
34:10You can just get dirtier together
34:18Okay, sorry, sorry don't need to see this
34:23Congratulations to both of you
34:25You can get right back to it as soon as you answer my question. Have either of you seen James around here anywhere?
34:33What's wrong with Willow? Oh nothing Willow will no longer be collaborating with you on the new tomorrow Institute
34:40She's resigning her position there and she's returning to gh
34:44Yeah, I'll let her be the one to tell you why I probably can guess why
34:52Work at the Institute is important
34:56to them
34:57And to you you're literally changing lives
35:01Please don't give that up because I made things complicated for you. It is the only way to make things better. I
35:09Love Michael, I am committed to him and our family
35:16But I can't stop thinking about you and it is wrong, I know it's wrong
35:23So I have to put as much distance as possible between us
35:35Before I do anything else I'll regret
35:44I recently found out that my medication for bipolar has been off for a while. Oh my god, Sonny
35:52That's a big deal, are you okay did did they fix the dosage?
35:57Yeah, everything I'm getting back on track
35:59But the most important part is I just want you to know that you mean the world to me
36:04And you always have and you always will Sonny
36:08Honey, you mean the world to me, too
36:12and I
36:13Thank you for telling me because I I saw that you were off and
36:17Now I know why so we're friends again and everything's square we are always friends
36:25Square hmm. Not so much. What do you mean?
36:31This infusion of money that you want to put into deception
36:36Where's it coming from?
36:38Every dime is legit. I'm telling you right now you can I can even have you call my accountant
36:44You can ask him anything you want. I believe you about the money Sonny. I do but you have a
36:51certain reputation and and
36:54Even if the appearance of impropriety could be more damaging than actual malfeasance
37:02What is worrying you look Sonny?
37:08I love you
37:09Your personal life is your own but I do not want my daughter's business to be under any federal scrutiny because
37:18You're trying to impress the latest woman in your life
37:23There will be a
37:25large capital infusion
37:28Big enough to fund research and development for five years and would finally allow us to break ground on our very own
37:34Factory that alone would save us a substantial amount of money going forward and Natalia would have a large role in this
37:41What exactly would her title be?
37:43We've only had preliminary discussions, but I think CFO would be appropriate I see
37:48So I'm a little surprised as titular head of this company that the financial institutions have not contacted me with this proposal
37:56What bank are we dealing with is it PC community or?
37:59first city
38:03It's a small bank
38:05Totally vetted and the money is completely secure
38:09What is the name of this?
38:12Totally vetted completely secure small bank that is interested in investing in deception
38:20Okay, fine, it's the Bank of Sonny
38:25Over my dead body
38:33Think it's a great idea. I would think you were deliberately punishing Cody
38:37I finally got Sonny right where I want him. You can't trust one of your oldest friends. What about Jason?
38:43Nobody's gonna find out unless James wants us to