• last year
Adéntrate en el oscuro y escalofriante mundo del Manicomio Cresson con "Destino Terror: Manicomio Cresson," un documental que explora la historia macabra y los misterios que rodean este lugar abandonado. Descubre la verdad detrás de las leyendas urbanas, los testimonios de antiguos pacientes, y las inexplicables actividades paranormales que han convertido a Cresson en uno de los lugares más terroríficos del mundo.

Este inquietante documental te llevará a un viaje a través del tiempo, desde la construcción del manicomio hasta su misterioso cierre y posterior abandono. Descubriremos la historia de sus pacientes, muchos de ellos víctimas de tratamientos crueles e inhumanos, cuyas almas parecen seguir vagando por los pasillos y celdas. A través de imágenes de archivo, entrevistas con investigadores paranormales y testimonios de personas que han osado adentrarse en sus ruinas, desentrañaremos los secretos de este lugar maldito.

A lo largo del documental, se presentan numerosas evidencias de actividad paranormal, incluyendo grabaciones de audio y vídeo con fenómenos inexplicables, fotografías que revelan apariciones espectrales, y relatos de experiencias aterradoras vividas por investigadores y curiosos que se han atrevido a explorar el interior del manicomio. Escucharemos historias de voces susurrantes, sombras que se mueven, objetos que se desplazan solos, y la escalofriante sensación de ser observado constantemente por presencias invisibles.

"Destino Terror: Manicomio Cresson" no solo se centra en el misterio, sino que también analiza el contexto histórico y social que rodeó al manicomio, ofreciendo una visión completa de su pasado y su presente sobrenatural. Se exploran las prácticas médicas de la época, las condiciones de vida de los pacientes, y las razones que llevaron al cierre de este siniestro lugar. El documental busca no solo entretener, sino también generar una reflexión sobre el cuidado de la salud mental y el respeto a la memoria de quienes sufrieron en este lugar.

Prepárate para una experiencia aterradora. "Destino Terror: Manicomio Cresson" te hará cuestionar la realidad y te dejará con la piel de gallina. Este documental no es apto para personas sensibles.
00:07I want to see what happens when we enter the darkness more than ever before.
00:12In this trip, we will never use flashlights.
00:16I don't like this, Spina.
00:18Oh my God, man.
00:19What do they give you?
00:22And prison.
00:23I'm in the damn tunnel system.
00:25Can you repeat this sound?
00:30What the hell?
00:31I heard blows down there.
00:32He said count, like the three blows.
00:35Whatever it is, it's an imitator spirit.
00:37It's dominant.
00:38We're going back to Creston.
00:41Are you kidding me?
00:43Not even talking about that.
00:46My name is Dakota Layden.
00:48I'm leading my sister and my two best friends on a trip to explore the most beloved abandoned places in the United States.
00:56Oh my God!
00:59No, no!
01:02Let's go, let's go, let's go!
01:03I panicked.
01:04I'm experiencing how terror affects our relationship with the paranormal.
01:09Every night we separate to sleep alone.
01:13The trick?
01:14Only one of us knows where we're going.
01:20Horror destination.
01:33Creston, Pennsylvania.
01:39Our experiences the night before in Creston's sanatorium and prison were absolutely terrifying.
01:45And now, for the first time ever, we are going back for a second consecutive night in a row.
01:51I have some questions that were definitely left unanswered last night.
01:54But I also have some new information about this place.
01:57This one won't be easy.
01:59And when I say we're going to go into the dark, I mean it in every sense of the word.
02:04And I can't leave until we figure out what the hell happened last night.
02:08We really only scraped the surface.
02:10Almost 30 acres.
02:12More than 20 buildings.
02:14This place has a very rich and deep history.
02:16We double more on the sanatorium side.
02:19And tonight, we're going to take care of the prison.
02:22With the spirits of criminals and criminals,
02:25we also need to be more worried about this imitating entity that we've already detected.
02:30Because we know this thing can follow us.
02:32We know this thing is not afraid to manifest itself.
02:34No matter the building we're in.
02:36Second night.
02:37Here we go.
02:38Sanatorium and prison in Creston.
02:40Now we can go back and answer about last night.
02:43I know we're excited.
02:44You're totally wrong.
02:46I hate you right now.
02:47I'll take the laptop.
02:49Last night, when we went down to the tunnels,
02:51we all heard what sounded like a music box.
02:53We didn't have the music box.
02:55We only used it when Alex was alone in the nursery.
02:58Tell me what you hear.
03:03Are you there?
03:06What are you doing?
03:07My God.
03:08The milk!
03:10I can hear music.
03:12It sounded like the music box.
03:14That is for sure the same sound as the music box.
03:18A hundred percent.
03:19The music box has a very distinctive sound,
03:22and that's quite the imitation of the music box.
03:26One thing that's so mind is that it sounded very loud
03:30as we were there, but it also sounds very loud on the audio.
03:35And you can hear the gears turning.
03:38We really feel like we're being followed by the imitating spirit.
03:42I'm curious to see if this night will be the same.
03:44There's only a couple of hours left before it gets dark.
03:46What do you think if we go around and see this place during the day time?
03:49Let's do it.
03:51Where do we start?
03:52Yes, where do we start?
03:53This is the administration building where I was.
03:56It's the administration?
03:57You scared me.
03:58Good for you.
03:59That building is creepy.
04:00And Tanner, you were in that one over there.
04:02It's much worse.
04:04That actually looks like a building,
04:06but that looks like it's been in ruins for many years.
04:09Chelsea, you were right here under us.
04:11Right under our feet.
04:16Now that there's light, I have a false sense of confidence.
04:20Oh, no.
04:21This is the children's pavilion.
04:23This is where Alex was alone last night.
04:25Do you want to see where I did the hit experiment?
04:28It's on the second floor, right here, on this door.
04:33And then we heard that in the basement.
04:37What the hell?
04:38I think I heard a couple of hits there.
04:40He said like three hits.
04:43I don't want to stay here any longer.
04:45Yeah, we're leaving.
04:46We could really spend a lot of time here.
04:48We hit four areas last night.
04:50And tonight we'll hit four more.
04:52But there are 20 buildings in this area.
04:54I'm starting to think that two nights might not be enough.
05:02Okay, that sounded like a slap.
05:05I don't know if he heard where we were coming from or underneath.
05:08Isn't it if we go down there?
05:09Is that where the tunnels are?
05:12Well, that's really bad for me.
05:16The fact that I can see everything and all the buildings
05:19makes this night even scarier.
05:23I can definitely go down the guardrail a lot.
05:26And we know that's not a good idea in a place like this.
05:29Now that there's light here, I have a false feeling of confidence.
05:34Oh, my God.
05:36Yeah, this is pretty freaking creepy.
05:39Tanner, this is where we left off, down this hall.
05:42Yeah, that's the only part I explored.
05:44To be honest with you, I was too nervous to move.
05:49So this is the most psychiatric part of the prison?
05:54Damn, it's like a control room to close all the doors.
05:59Jeez, this is actually huge.
06:01It's falling apart.
06:04Look at the roof.
06:05It's about to fall apart.
06:07Shouldn't we leave for safety reasons?
06:11I think it's still scary.
06:13But I think now I'm a lot more aware of the environment because I can see.
06:18The administration.
06:22All right, let's find the tunnels.
06:24Just so you know, the tunnels will be exactly as daytime as nighttime.
06:30Because there are no windows down here.
06:33Oh, my gosh.
06:34You can really get lost down here.
06:37In any case, I'm even more scared of the tunnels now that we've experienced so many things there.
06:43Damn it!
06:46I thought it was closed.
06:47Maybe it was the wind or something.
06:49Of course.
06:50It's so windy in the tunnels.
06:51It doesn't open.
06:52It's like something's blocking it.
06:53I'm so scared, guys.
06:56Can you do it again?
07:05I say we get out of here.
07:06It's time to go to the material room and read the file.
07:09Tonight we do four new buildings.
07:12Are you kidding me?
07:13And I'm curious to see if there's any relationship between the new buildings with what we noticed last night.
07:24All right, guys.
07:25It's the beginning of the second night.
07:27Instead of going in through the door as strangers, now we're going in as acquaintances.
07:32Chelsea, open it.
07:38Round two of the Crescent Sanatorium and Prison.
07:44Due to a century of painful deaths,
07:47lost hope, and violent personalities interacting in the Crescent Sanatorium,
07:52there are too many stories to uncover in one exploration.
07:56But there is one true resident, especially a sadist, who stands out as the most terrifying.
08:03The most prolific prisoner who was here was a serial killer named Joseph Kalinger, accused of killing three people.
08:10He was the most violent and well-known prisoner in this prison.
08:13Kalinger was responsible for a wave of crimes in the early 1970s,
08:18which began when he killed his eldest son, Joseph Jr., and another little boy.
08:25He killed his own son?
08:27How do you get to the point of killing your own son?
08:30It gets worse.
08:32He then kept on committing violent crimes with his other son, who was only 13 years old.
08:40How is that possible?
08:41That's disgusting.
08:42They went on to rob and sexually assault four families.
08:46His kingdom of terror only ended when Joe killed a young nurse and he was captured.
08:52He was sentenced to life in prison in 1976, and he was finally transferred here.
08:57In fact, he died in this prison in 1996 of a heart attack.
09:01They say that Kalinger's spirit is here.
09:03He's one of the most active and present ghosts.
09:05Oh, my God.
09:06I don't want to talk about tonight.
09:09Most active areas include Building 4 and Block 1.
09:15The minute you step inside Block I, you can tell that it was one of the most restricted units.
09:20They were locked up in their cells for 23 hours a day and they didn't interact with other people.
09:26In this cell block were the worst criminals in the prison, including the serial killer, Joe Kalinger.
09:32If you call him by his name, he will interact with you, and it is a very heavy energy.
09:38They say that Kalinger's spirit is still working with Dana in his cell, even further away,
09:43and that he communicates with those who dare to come near.
09:47I don't want to do that.
09:49I'm telling you, I don't like this place.
09:53Block J is the largest and most modern of all the cell blocks.
09:59It is also where two prisoners took their lives before their sentences were off.
10:04Block J is one of the newest buildings.
10:06I think they built it around 2006 or so.
10:09It doesn't scare me outside.
10:11But when you walk inside, I think it's scarier than the other blocks.
10:15It's dark and there are bars on the shower doors.
10:18It makes me uncomfortable.
10:21REM pods are very active here.
10:24Some have said that they smell sulfur in the corridors.
10:27Unlike other buildings, here the spirits usually leave the women alone,
10:31choose not to bother them, and focus their energy on the men in the group.
10:36That's not what you usually hear in a prison.
10:39It's pretty unusual, really.
10:41The chapel.
10:43Built in 1914,
10:45chapels were held for both patients and prisoners.
10:49A chapel.
10:50You'd almost always think it's a super sacred place.
10:53It's a sanctuary, right?
10:54Not in this case.
10:55This is the exact opposite.
10:57I think the dark energy moves around the entire complex,
11:01but it's usually in the tunnels and in the chapel.
11:04And that tunnel entrance in the chapel,
11:06I think you can use it to go from one place to another.
11:10The energy changes drastically.
11:12It's very strong.
11:14Some people have been shaking uncontrollably,
11:17not because of the cold, but because of total exhaustion.
11:20That's weird.
11:22It doesn't make sense.
11:24There is also an entity with claws that has been seen on the ceiling.
11:29It will follow you and perch on the ceiling,
11:32watching you explore the rest of the building.
11:35My most terrifying experience took place in the chapel.
11:39I saw something peeking out of the upper window,
11:42as if it were moving through the ceiling.
11:45Then I saw how it took out its hands and moved away.
11:48I was totally terrified.
11:50In the end, my friend told me to leave.
11:52As we left, I said,
11:54it's following me.
11:55It's on my back.
11:56I felt like it was taking someone on a horse.
11:58I never went back there.
12:00That is now a level up.
12:03So this thing was watching us last night?
12:06We can't let anything follow us on our trip, Dakota.
12:09I know that.
12:12Block E.
12:14Old accommodation for the majority of inmates.
12:17Block E has a wide variety of paranormal activity.
12:20If you look at the cells, you're looking at them.
12:22You see them moving around in their cells.
12:24If you ask them to come out, they come out and they talk to you.
12:27Big figures of shadow appear in the fog and cover the light.
12:31You can hear noises everywhere,
12:33you can hear whispers next to the showers.
12:36But it's said that physical encounters are the most terrifying.
12:40Some have pulled their hair out
12:42and others have been touched,
12:44specifically by ghostly hands
12:47that caress their legs and backs.
12:50I think Chelsea should be very careful in Block E
12:53because they're very active and they want to touch you.
12:56I feel like if there's a feminine presence in that cell,
12:59they're going to take advantage of it and not in a good way.
13:03No way.
13:04Oh, my God.
13:06I'm actually glad I didn't read the whole thing last night
13:08because I don't know if I could have put up with it.
13:10Well, it's time to explore this place
13:13for the second consecutive night.
13:19So we just finished reading the file
13:21and we're about to start our second night.
13:24We have to go to a lot of buildings,
13:26so I think we should split up into pairs.
13:28Tanner and Alex, would you like to go to Building 4?
13:31OK, Al, you and me, mate.
13:33Let's go find Kalinger's cell.
13:35And Chelsea and I will go to Block J.
13:38OK, guys.
13:39OK, good luck.
13:40If you need us, don't use the radio.
13:42OK, see you later, guys.
13:44I mean, friends.
13:45Building 4.
13:46Wow, this building is very intense.
13:49So, what are we doing?
13:51We're going to Block 1,
13:53which is where Joseph Kalinger was held.
13:56Who is one of the most famous serial killers
13:58in American history.
14:05I think we've found the area.
14:07Oh, my God.
14:17We're going to stay here for a while.
14:21Can you tell us why you're here?
14:26One thing that keeps giving me a bad feeling
14:30is that imitator spirit.
14:32It sounds bad, but I hope that if someone follows,
14:35it follows Dakota and Chelsea,
14:37because I just don't want to have to deal with that.
14:42Block J. Let's go.
14:44All right, let's try to make it out alive, Dakota.
14:46All right, Chelsea.
14:47I will try.
14:49You too.
14:51Block J.
14:53All right, this is freaky.
14:59So, this is where most of the inmates slept,
15:02is that correct?
15:04This is a very strange building
15:06because spirits usually focus their attention on men
15:10and leave the women totally at peace.
15:17Is there someone here?
15:24We've been told you don't like men.
15:28Do you not like that I'm here?
15:38Okay, what?
15:43What the hell?
15:45It sounded like metal.
15:46It sounded like they were hitting something metallic.
15:49All I could imagine is an inmate hitting his door.
15:56Are you over in wing A?
16:06This is A, wing A.
16:11Who made that noise?
16:21Dude, we've got to go find Joseph Kalinger's cell.
16:25Oh, shit.
16:27Bars and plexiglass?
16:30Yeah, this is it.
16:34Joseph Kalinger's cell.
16:35I think if we can, we should sit inside this cell.
16:41All right, I've got a digital recorder in my hand.
16:43We'll ask you a few questions,
16:45we'll play the recording,
16:46and hopefully we'll get some answers.
16:48Joseph, are you here with us?
16:56Joseph, why did you force your 13-year-old son to kill?
17:05Joseph, do you still feel the urge to kill people?
17:16All right, I'm going to play the recording,
17:18see if we can get anything.
17:21Joseph, why did you force your 13-year-old son to kill?
17:27Joseph, do you still feel the urge to kill people?
17:39He said a lot of things.
17:41It's like he's trying to say a whole sentence.
17:43But I can't tell what he's trying to say.
17:45Nothing at all.
17:46Can you turn up the volume?
17:48It's at maximum.
17:49It's at maximum.
17:51Joseph, do you still feel the urge to kill people?
17:56Joseph, do you still feel the urge to kill people?
18:00Dude, he's trying to say something.
18:02Oh, my God.
18:03You can clearly hear a voice.
18:04I haven't been able to tell.
18:06All right.
18:08But it doesn't feel good that he's answering that question.
18:11Do you still feel the urge to kill people?
18:13I'm sure he's pissed that we're in his cell right now.
18:17I've got an idea.
18:18You've got an idea?
18:19Since spirits focus on men,
18:22I think you could move by yourself to prison.
18:25What do you think?
18:27Oh, my God.
18:29You're a psychopath.
18:30We're not traveling all over the country
18:32to play the fool, Dakota.
18:34You are a fool.
18:35What I'm saying is...
18:36Listen to yourself.
18:37You're losing it.
18:38You're losing your mind.
18:40Dakota, I think you need to be alone anyway.
18:43I spend 90% of my life alone.
18:45You're one of the best investigators I know.
18:47Oh, thank you, Chels.
18:48You're going to another level.
18:50I don't believe you right now.
18:51I don't believe you.
18:54I'm just going to take a walk.
18:59My sister, over there,
19:01she's holding something in her hand
19:03that you can use to talk to us.
19:05Choose one word.
19:09Oh, gosh.
19:10This is very strange, Chels.
19:15How come you don't like it when there are men here?
19:21Time's up, 20 minutes.
19:28Nothing in the ovilus?
19:29Not a single word in the ovilus.
19:31What the fuck?
19:34I'm starting to think
19:35that it's good that you're here.
19:44The same noises we heard before
19:46are now coming from behind me.
19:49Maybe you should try the other wing.
19:52You should go over there.
19:54Okay, great.
19:55Now send me to the other wing.
19:59I think we have to keep going.
20:01I agree.
20:02We should give him a chance to speak
20:04because we know he could say something.
20:06And recording for the second time,
20:08as a proof,
20:09Joseph, do you want us to keep going?
20:11Don't you want us inside your cell?
20:14We asked you if you were still feeling the urge to kill
20:17and you said something.
20:20Do you have the urge to kill again?
20:27Joseph, why did you kill all those people?
20:34Okay, I'm going to stop the digital recorder.
20:37I'm curious to see what we have.
20:39Joseph, do you want us to keep going?
20:41Don't you want us inside your cell?
20:46We asked you if you were still feeling the urge to kill
20:49and you said something.
20:56I asked something and it cut off.
21:01It's not playing anything.
21:03I can only hear the noise.
21:06It's not playing anything.
21:08I can only hear interference.
21:11Are you sure it's playing?
21:14Yes, time is passing.
21:16Are you sure it's the right fragment?
21:18Yes, it's still going.
21:24Okay, I'm going to stop the digital recorder.
21:26What the hell?
21:28You hear the first question
21:30and then nothing until you say,
21:32okay, all right, I'm going to stop the digital recorder.
21:36We asked if you were still feeling the urge to kill,
21:39the question you had answered the first time
21:41and then it cut off my question again.
21:44It's as if you had taken control of the recorder
21:46and you hadn't silenced us.
21:48But the fact that in the end you hear the,
21:50okay, I'm going to stop the digital recorder.
21:52I've never seen anything like it.
21:54I don't think it's a defeat because...
21:56We just did a full session before
21:58during which it worked perfectly.
22:00I want to show Dakota this.
22:02Let's see what she thinks about what happened here.
22:05Block J.
22:07Is the spirit that imitates people in here?
22:13What the fuck?
22:15What was that?
22:16My radio.
22:18And I fell.
22:19Are you okay?
22:20Yeah, no, I'm just a little dumb.
22:26Dakota and Chelsea, do you copy?
22:28This is Dakota and Chelsea.
22:30We have something to show you when you're ready.
22:39What happened?
22:40Dude, you're not going to believe this.
22:42Buddy, you have to listen to this.
22:44We asked if you were still feeling the urge to kill
22:46and you answered something.
22:51And it stops.
22:53It stops.
22:54It's gone.
22:55It's still going.
22:57His voice just disappears.
22:59That never happened to us.
23:00I mean, maybe we touched a sensitive fiber.
23:02Did we do something to piss him off?
23:04Are you sure it was Joseph?
23:06It has to be.
23:07We were in his cell all the time
23:09asking him specific questions.
23:11All right.
23:12What do you say we keep going in pairs?
23:14I'm good.
23:15Let's go.
23:16At least for now.
23:17We're not dealing with the imitating spirit.
23:19At least we know.
23:23So, now Chelsea and I are going to Block E.
23:26A sinister walk to Block E.
23:29In Block E is where people have experienced
23:31a lot of physical interaction.
23:33Some have been grabbed by the leg,
23:35others by the ass.
23:36And in Block E is where they've seen figures
23:38walking in the shadows,
23:40starting in the hall.
23:42Let's go in there and see what happens.
24:00Is there anyone in here?
24:02B wing?
24:07Can you give us a signal if you're here
24:10that you can hear my voice?
24:15Compared to Block J,
24:17which we came from,
24:18Block E looks a lot more sinister.
24:20I almost feel the same energy
24:22as I did in the tunnel last night.
24:24Are the tunnels also connected to the prison?
24:27The tunnels connect all the buildings.
24:34There it is.
24:36Let's go to the chapel.
24:41This is...
24:42My God.
24:47I don't like this at all.
24:50I'm going to set up this thermal camera.
24:52It said that there's some creatures
24:54that merodean through the ceiling.
24:56So if there's a change in the temperature,
24:58we can capture it and see it here.
25:01I feel like the first thing we should do
25:03is kind of just sit down and be in silence for a minute,
25:06see if we can hear anything,
25:08see anything, feel anything.
25:14Is there anyone or something here with us?
25:19If so, can you make a noise?
25:21Announce your presence.
25:28I feel like something is watching us right now.
25:31Like it's studying what's going on.
25:34I was thinking just the same thing.
25:36I feel like something is on the ceiling,
25:38watching us, watching us.
25:42Why are you in this chapel?
25:44This is supposed to be a place of God.
25:48There's a camera on the altar
25:50that detects the temperature.
25:52So if you move over here,
25:54we'll be able to detect you and see you.
26:03What was that?
26:05Dude, it sounded just behind us.
26:09I'm fucked right now.
26:11I don't feel that sensation all over my body.
26:14Where is that going?
26:21Is there someone here?
26:25We know there's someone here.
26:29Can you do it again?
26:33Would I do it at one of these doors?
26:37No, I'm pretty sure not.
26:39Or one of these.
26:44That sounds exactly like what we heard.
26:47What was that?
26:49I'm starting to feel sick.
26:51I need some fresh air.
26:55Here you can usually see figures of shadow
26:57that cover the light.
26:59So I've brought a new device.
27:01A laser grid.
27:03It's a laser that projects a bright grid.
27:05So maybe we can see it
27:07if we can get something to pass through.
27:10We've been told that people have seen you
27:12running around and blocking the light.
27:14Can you put yourself in front of one of those red lights?
27:24Can you come over this way?
27:26We will be able to see you.
27:31I feel like my eyes are playing tricks on me.
27:33I feel like I'm seeing a shadow.
27:35It's really hard to tell.
27:38Whoa, dude.
27:42My camera was super blurry.
27:45Your whole face.
27:46Everything was super blurry.
27:48It's doing it again.
27:49What are you saying?
27:50I'm not kidding.
27:53What was that?
27:54The music box.
27:55The fucking music box.
27:56Oh, shit.
27:58It's the music box.
27:59What the fuck?
28:00Is somebody in here?
28:09I'm not kidding.
28:12What was that?
28:13The music box.
28:14It's the fucking music box.
28:15How is that possible, Chelsea?
28:17I have no idea.
28:20Yesterday we heard it in the tunnel.
28:21Now we've heard it in Block E.
28:23That means one thing.
28:24Whatever the imitator spirit is,
28:26it's here right now.
28:30The imitator spirit is here.
28:32Are you trying to scare us again?
28:37Jesus, Chelsea.
28:38I don't want to move.
28:39I'm so scared.
28:41My heart.
28:42I think it stopped for a second.
28:46Oh, God.
28:47Tanner, Alex.
28:49What's up, man?
28:51You're not messing with us right now, are you?
28:55What's up?
28:56We just heard the music box again in Block E.
28:59What the hell?
29:00It's not a joke.
29:01Chelsea and I don't want to move.
29:03Could you please come?
29:04Yeah, let's go.
29:05Okay, we're coming.
29:10What are you doing?
29:11Holy shit.
29:12Guys, get in here.
29:14We heard the damn music box again.
29:18We were sitting at this table,
29:19trying to get something to cross in front of the laser grid,
29:22and we heard several bells from the music box,
29:24very faintly, but it came from the entrance,
29:26like where you just came in.
29:28Whatever the imitator spirit is,
29:30it's here right now.
29:31The crazy thing is that we were told
29:33it was in the children's hall,
29:35and what we've come to find out
29:37is that it's just following you wherever you're at.
29:40Yeah, well, it doesn't really matter
29:42if you're in the sanatorium building
29:44or in the prison building.
29:46It's following us.
29:48Let's go look.
29:49I want to go see what's around here.
29:55Can you activate the music box again?
30:00Guys, just go together.
30:03Oh, my God.
30:11How does this thing happen?
30:13I cannot understand it.
30:15Like, why is it using that specific sound?
30:18I don't get it.
30:19Think about it.
30:20It knows it's scary.
30:21We took time out of the day
30:23to go over what we were afraid of on the property.
30:26Maybe it was watching us while we were going over that.
30:30It knows how to scare us.
30:32What is the limiter?
30:33What is that thing?
30:34I don't think it's something natural,
30:36I don't think it's something human.
30:38I think it's something that has adhered
30:40to all the death and pain that exists here.
30:42It's like an accumulation of all the bad things
30:44that have happened here.
30:45Whatever it is, it can go around the property
30:47and it doesn't care if it shows up
30:49wherever people are.
30:50God, I hate this.
30:51I hate it to the point of saying it.
30:53The next thing we have to do is go to bed separately.
30:56I don't want to do it, but it is what it is.
30:59I never want to hear the music box ever again,
31:02ever, ever, ever.
31:04Me neither.
31:05Right now it's time for us to go to bed.
31:09We believe that being alone and being isolated
31:12that it amplifies your fear
31:13and it amplifies the paranormal activity.
31:16And this time we don't have any lights to sleep alone.
31:19Oh my God.
31:21We've all agreed to sleep in the four scariest places.
31:25First, we have the chapel.
31:27Then we have block E.
31:30Then we have building 4.
31:33And last, we have the tunnels
31:35that are underneath the administration building.
31:39Tanner will write the four in pieces of paper
31:41and then we're going to each take out one
31:43and we're going to sleep there the rest of the night.
31:45I think, because he's such a wonderful person,
31:48Alex should do it first.
31:50I knew it.
31:51As soon as you said wonderful person,
31:53I knew it was going to be me.
31:55Everybody knows that Alex always takes out the tunnels.
31:59Except this time, it's not the tunnels.
32:02I'm sure it's not the tunnels.
32:06Dude, block E, not the tunnels.
32:09It's a piece of shit because you just heard the music box there.
32:12Tanner, do you want to take it out now?
32:14Come on, Tanner.
32:15It's your turn, Tanner.
32:17Oh my God, I'm nervous for you.
32:19I hate this part.
32:28It's the tunnels!
32:30Dude, what a piece of shit.
32:33One of the theories we have is that the limiter uses the tunnels to get to all the buildings.
32:39Okay, Chelsea, do you want to be the next one?
32:42Well, here I go.
32:50The chapel.
32:51The chapel.
32:53I have not been in the chapel yet.
32:56But an abandoned chapel sounds really bad.
33:00That means I've touched the fourth building.
33:03That's where Kalinger, the serial killer, is.
33:05The fourth building is really scary.
33:07Well, that means it's time for us to pack up and go to bed.
33:12Tanner to the tunnel.
33:14Tanner's tunnels.
33:15Tanner's tunnels.
33:16Sounds good.
33:17Sounds good.
33:18Tanner is terrified.
33:27The tunnels.
33:28I'm not very happy.
33:30In fact, I've had a hard time coming here after all that has happened.
33:36It's very dark.
33:38I'm just going to start by showing you how dark it is down here.
33:42This is what I see.
33:44Absolute and complete darkness.
33:46The following events took place over the course of the next three hours.
33:50The main experience we've all had is that there is one thing,
33:54one entity, that has been following us.
33:57I just hope that, whatever it is, it leaves me alone.
34:03So I'm going to use this recorder.
34:06Any small noise will be clearly heard around here.
34:11Oh, that's so bad.
34:16Improved real audio.
34:21Building 4.
34:23Joseph Kalinger, are you here?
34:30Was that you that affected the recorder before?
34:35I'm sitting in front of your cell.
34:4017 minutes have passed.
34:43I'm sitting in front of your cell.
34:50Okay, I'm going to stop the recorder.
34:52Well, I haven't received any answers.
34:56But at least my questions have been recorded.
35:02I'm afraid of being here alone.
35:05I mean, I'm in a giant room.
35:08I don't know where to look.
35:09I can't see anything.
35:11The only light source I have is the laser grid I have behind me.
35:17What's the use of that?
35:20I don't know.
35:30Improved real audio.
35:39Improved real audio.
35:47Something is moving somewhere in the chapel.
35:54Is someone here?
36:03I have no idea what that was.
36:08I don't like being down here right now.
36:12It's a mess because I can't even see around me.
36:17I'm in total darkness.
36:22If there's someone down here with me,
36:26are you an evil spirit?
36:30Or are you just fooling people to have fun?
36:35I don't know.
36:41I don't know what's going on, but I don't feel good.
36:45I feel like I've run out of energy all of a sudden.
36:48Like I've suddenly been drained.
36:56It's just that now I don't feel like myself at all.
37:05It's being documented.
37:23I have a rush of adrenaline that keeps me awake.
37:27It's not like my eyes are tired.
37:30It's just that my body has no energy.
37:33I notice something's not right.
37:37I notice something.
37:39I notice...
37:49At this moment, all the audio was lost.
38:03Hello? Tanner to Dakota.
38:06This is Dakota.
38:07Hey man, I just heard the music box.
38:10What? You heard the music box?
38:12Man, I'm freaking out because...
38:16I feel weird right now.
38:19And on top of that...
38:21Man, Tanner, I can't hear you.
38:23There's interference.
38:25Are you sure it was the music box?
38:27I'm 100% sure it was the music box.
38:29Do you want me to come down with you?
38:31Say yes or no, I can barely hear anything.
38:34I don't know.
38:35I think I can keep going, but...
38:42I don't know what's going on.
38:43It's cut off.
38:45I don't know if he wants me to come down or not.
38:59I don't know what's going on.
39:29I don't know what's going on.
39:46I just can't do it.
39:55I just can't do it.
39:57I had to get out of there.
39:58I had to go.
39:59I didn't feel safe.
40:01I just didn't feel right.
40:04I had to go.
40:08I was just thinking that,
40:09hopefully, Chelsea is hearing the improved audio right now.
40:13I'm sure she'd love to hear it on the radio.
40:17Let's give it a go.
40:23Hey, Chelsea, how are you?
40:26Are you stupid?
40:36Chelsea, were you sleeping?
40:39You've pierced my ears.
40:44You should feel bad,
40:46considering you're wearing the headphones.
40:48I wouldn't have done it...
40:51if I'd remembered you were wearing them.
40:55But seriously,
40:56I think my soul has left my body.
41:01Hey, Tanner, Dakota here.
41:03I just wanted to let you know that the sun is coming out,
41:06and we have to go pick it up.
41:08Yeah, dude.
41:09I'm sorry to tell you this, but I left a while ago.
41:22You okay, man?
41:23It's been the scariest night in the history of my life.
41:26What happened?
41:27I heard the music box behind me,
41:29and I was so scared.
41:31And as I was moving through the tunnel,
41:34boom, I heard a super loud noise.
41:37And they've always told us that if we feel uncomfortable or threatened,
41:40we have to get out.
41:42Get out, yeah.
41:43And I had to go.
41:44I had to get out of there.
41:46There's a point where it gets too dangerous,
41:48and I feel like you got to that point.
41:50I was just waiting a moment to get scared,
41:53and he decided to scare me out.
41:56Please tell me we're done with this place.
41:59We're done here.
42:03The reason I wanted to spend two nights here
42:05was to see what happens when you go from a prolonged exposure
42:08to a place with paranormal activity.
42:10Obviously, the first night was scary,
42:12but the second night was worse.
42:14And I think being in total darkness
42:16had a lot to do with the activity.
42:18Without a doubt, Tanner got the worst of this place.
42:20He ended up sleeping in the tunnel.
42:22This was the first time that someone
42:24left their assigned place in the middle of the night.
42:26So I'm definitely concerned about him.
42:28Going two nights to the same place,
42:30it got worse.
42:32It is a lot of stress to mark the line,
42:35and I think you did the right thing.
42:39This is a place with so much drama,
42:41so much darkness,
42:43but it is a little bit of a paranormal activity.
42:46I'm not saying that this was the most terrifying place
42:48that we have visited,
42:50because we have a long road ahead of us,
42:52and I'm going to go a little bit longer.
42:54Our next destination will test us.
42:58It's a place that should be full of positive
43:00and wonderful memories.
43:02But for us, I suppose,
43:04it's a place that we would like to forget.
43:07565 kilometers later.
43:09Who killed you?
43:15Are you serious?
43:16She just said Professor.
43:18She said Professor.
43:20I have a feeling that the councilor knew something
43:22that someone didn't want him to know.
43:45To be continued.
