Destino terror Manicomio Cresson Parte 1

  • el mes pasado
paranormal, fenómenos paranormales, actividad paranormal, investigaciones paranormales, fantasmas, espíritus, casas embrujadas, eventos inexplicables, apariciones, cazafantasmas, experiencias paranormales, lo sobrenatural, misterios sin resolver, vida después de la muerte, fenómenos sobrenaturales, evidencia paranormal, avistamientos de fantasmas, fenómenos inexplicables, entidades paranormales, sucesos extraños
00:00We are back.
00:02Oh my God.
00:04And this time, we're going to get into the dark more than ever.
00:08God, what was that?
00:10It's scary.
00:11It's a huge property.
00:12It's like a small town.
00:13I feel like there's a tightrope between good and evil.
00:15You sit and listen.
00:17Were you a patient, an inmate, or something else?
00:19It's terrifying.
00:21What a strong chair!
00:22It's sinister.
00:23The property is a paranormal trifecta.
00:25They don't know what to expect.
00:31Come on!
00:33My name is Dakota Layden.
00:35I'm going with my sister and two good friends on a road trip
00:38to explore the most haunted places in the United States.
00:43Oh my God!
00:48Come on, come on, come on!
00:50I'm scared shitless.
00:51In order to experience fear
00:54and see how it affects our interaction with the paranormal,
00:57every night we separate and sleep alone.
01:00The catch is that only one of us knows where we're going.
01:06Horror Destination
01:11Las Vegas, Nevada
01:18Well, guys, it's been a long time since our last trip.
01:21We're a little rusty.
01:22It's time to ask you about your teams.
01:24Are we ready?
01:25Tanner, Renpo, what is this?
01:28Who's in here?
01:29We're leaving tomorrow and we're getting ready.
01:31I'm sure we're going to Kauai, so I'll take this.
01:33I have the most essential thing, a blanket.
01:37Are you ready for this?
01:38Oh, I'm never ready.
01:40It's a lot of stuff.
01:42Look at all these boxes.
01:43You only have a couple of friends.
01:44Don't lose them.
01:494,150 kilometers to Crescent, Pennsylvania
01:57Las Vegas, Nevada
02:05Well, the end of our last trip was insane.
02:10We went to Ireland and you only have one light.
02:14My candle's out.
02:16No, no.
02:18Shit! Dakota!
02:20As intense as the one in Ireland was,
02:22what I have planned this time around
02:24will make our trip the most challenging so far.
02:28What if we could go deeper into the darkness
02:31in every sense of the word, physically, emotionally, and psychologically?
02:36I want to see what happens when we go deeper into the darkness
02:39more than ever before to surpass the limits of our fears
02:42and be more vulnerable to paranormal activity.
02:46The majority of the nights we'll be in complete darkness.
02:51My first experiment starts now
02:56at a place that combines, in one place,
02:59some of the worst places we've ever explored in one.
03:03We are going to an isolated area in Pennsylvania
03:06to an abandoned sanatorium and prison.
03:13The paranormal activity has been reported
03:15since the facilities were in operation.
03:18They have seen apparitions in person with the whole body.
03:22Audible whispers have been heard without any equipment.
03:26And maybe most disturbing of all
03:28is that a mysterious entity takes over the voices of the visitors
03:32and manipulates them.
03:35This place has been haunted for a very long time.
03:39And above all, I have a very dark and twisted experiment
03:43that is going to impact everyone.
03:48Welcome to Pennsylvania.
03:5421 kilometers to the destination.
03:58Well, we are back on the road.
04:00We are in Pennsylvania right now.
04:04How are you?
04:06That's not good.
04:08I feel how much of it remains, and how hard it is.
04:11I'm not going to yell even once on this trip.
04:14I doubt it.
04:15It's going to be the biggest and worst place we've ever been to.
04:19How can it be worse?
04:20Here's the clue.
04:21This is the location.
04:22The place is practically like a city, that's how big it is.
04:25You'll find out a lot today.
04:26The theme of this new trip is going to be darkness.
04:29And I'm not talking so much about evil spirits,
04:31but that you physically can't see.
04:34Every time we sleep alone or do some kind of experiment alone,
04:39we won't have flashlights.
04:44No flashlights?
04:46You don't have a heart.
04:47This is a bad start.
04:48I don't think it's a good idea.
04:50So how do you expect us to see anything?
04:52You'll have to use your night vision camera.
04:55And the rule is for everyone?
04:57For everyone.
04:58For everyone.
04:59For everyone.
05:00For me too.
05:01For me too.
05:02Every time we've done an experiment in the middle of the dark,
05:04it's been a little bit scarier.
05:06You're not wrong, but you're still the worst.
05:10Tonight we're going to read the envelope.
05:12And in fact, I have something for all of you.
05:15I have something for our new trip.
05:19Something like that.
05:20Chelsea, do you want to go first?
05:21Give it to me.
05:22Okay, Chelsea.
05:23Here you have a bandage.
05:25There you go.
05:27For everyone.
05:28Alex, your bandage.
05:29No, I'm recording the reading of the envelope.
05:31No, not this one.
05:32Why did you give it to us, Dakota?
05:34We will read it.
05:36Why did you give it to us, Dakota?
05:38We will soon arrive at Phantasmal Destination.
05:41I'm going to guide you one by one so you can go alone to different buildings.
05:44And from there, we'll read the envelope through the walkies.
05:47I don't feel good, Spina.
05:50Anyway, we're close.
05:52Time to put on the bandages.
05:58All right.
05:59Now I'm going to accompany you one by one to your position.
06:03Let me give you the cameras.
06:05Oh, no.
06:07Follow me, but be careful.
06:09Oh, God, man.
06:10To the shit.
06:14Oh, sorry.
06:15Can you listen to me?
06:18Seriously, Alex.
06:19I think this is the most sinister building I've ever been in.
06:22I believe you.
06:23There are stairs here.
06:24Let's go up.
06:25Let's go in.
06:26Are we deep in here?
06:28All right.
06:29You feel it?
06:30I'm here.
06:31See you.
06:32Why do we let them get us into these things?
06:37It's not something friends usually do together.
06:40Do you want to be next?
06:42Rock, paper, scissors?
06:43No kidding.
06:44I know what you did, Tanner.
06:46I'm going to leave it to fate.
06:51It's Chelsea's turn.
06:52Am I next?
06:53Yes, you can.
06:54It's the last step.
06:55All right.
06:56No, there's one more.
06:57The floor is frozen.
06:58Come back here.
06:59Get out of here.
07:03I feel like I'm going very far.
07:07This is terrifying.
07:09I'm sorry, Chelsea.
07:12Now, left.
07:13I don't know what's worse.
07:14The place I'm going to or the journey to get there.
07:17It smells like mold.
07:19All right.
07:20It's probably...
07:22What was that?
07:23A door.
07:24I closed it.
07:25You scared me.
07:26This is scary.
07:28There's a chair.
07:29All right.
07:31Dude, there's some creepy noises.
07:36We're about a kilometer away.
07:39We're stuck in the middle of the snow.
07:42Any idea where you might be?
07:45Not a clue, to be honest.
07:51All right.
07:52See you, man.
07:55All right, guys.
07:57You can take off your blindfolds.
08:01Holy shit.
08:03I'm inside the pipe system.
08:06What are you talking about, Dakota?
08:08Under your chairs, you'll find an envelope.
08:11This is disgusting.
08:13What the hell?
08:14Feel free to open the envelope and find out where we're at.
08:23This could be the most terrifying place in the country.
08:27Not a good start.
08:29Chelsea, do you mind reading the first paragraph?
08:33Let's see how this goes.
08:36Buried deep in the dense forests of the lands
08:40dominated by bands of the state of Pennsylvania
08:44is the gigantic and undoubtedly intimidating complex
08:48of the former Crescent Sanatorium and Prison.
08:53I told the owner that he was sitting on a paranormal gold mine
08:56as soon as I saw it.
08:57I feel that there is a good and a bad tie between the good and the bad.
09:01The unique complex in the United States
09:05is made up of 20 gigantic buildings
09:08spread out over 14 hectares
09:12which are complemented by a system of sinuous and terrifying tunnels.
09:18Crescent is a paranormal trifecta.
09:20It is so over-infected from all three eras.
09:25The Sanatorium of Tuberculosis Allegheny
09:28was built on a land owned by Andrew Carnegie
09:32and was inaugurated in 1913.
09:35People came from all over the state
09:38hoping to find a cure for the deadly white plague.
09:41The facility was known for its revolutionary treatment plan
09:46which included a lot of free air,
09:48a high in vitamin A and protein food
09:51and more invasive measures
09:54such as neumothorax treatments
09:56to partially or completely collapse the lung.
10:00I still don't understand how this was a sanatorium and a prison.
10:04They seem like two totally different things.
10:07Yeah, I agree with Chelsea.
10:09I don't understand how they can be linked.
10:11It doesn't make any sense.
10:13Well, you'll find out.
10:14Alex, do you want to read the next two paragraphs?
10:16The treatments were highly sought after
10:19and eventually so many patients came in
10:22that they built a 122-bed children's ward.
10:26It is said that over the four decades of operation
10:29nearly 45,000 people were treated at the sanatorium
10:33and many of them died.
10:36Between 4,000 and 5,000 people died of tuberculosis on the property
10:40not counting the history of the prison.
10:42Sometimes the families didn't want to pick up the remains of their loved ones
10:45because they were afraid of getting infected.
10:47There are rumors that there are bodies buried.
10:50So many patients died at the sanatorium
10:53that the tunnels were allegedly used
10:56to discreetly remove the dead from the site
10:59and the institution would bury them
11:01in an abandoned cemetery in the vicinity.
11:04So you're telling me that they moved the bodies through these tunnels?
11:08Chelsea, you're in deep shit.
11:11How did I get so lucky?
11:13Read the next two paragraphs.
11:16Following the invention of antibiotics
11:18the facility became a hospital.
11:21They began to receive patients with mental disabilities
11:24and were open until 1983.
11:27They ended up closing but the state wanted to continue using the property
11:30so they began to build the state penitentiary.
11:34In 1987 the complex became SCI Crescent
11:40a male-medium security prison.
11:43Instead of the ground being filled with people
11:45who came voluntarily to receive treatment
11:48suddenly it was occupied by people
11:50who were involuntarily locked up inside.
11:53Tanner, so you're in the prison?
11:55I think so.
11:56Yo, dude, I'm starting to hear movement in this building.
12:01Yeah, even when I had the bandage on
12:03I heard things and now I heard something at the end of the hallway.
12:06Okay, yeah, the statements are true.
12:09The prison had a considerable number of inmates
12:12with serious mental illnesses.
12:15The relationship between the guards and the inmates was delicate
12:18and since the prison was closed in 2013
12:21there have been alleged reports of abuse
12:24and unnecessary prolonged solitary confinements.
12:28Some of the abuses documented included
12:31that they undressed the inmates, tied them to the bed
12:34and electrocuted them repeatedly.
12:37Well, it sounds like I'm in the prison area.
12:40Yeah, Tanner, you're in a very bad place.
12:43Bloody hell.
12:44What? Chelsea?
12:45Chelsea, are you okay?
12:47I'm okay, guys, I'm okay.
12:49I was scared to death. What happened?
12:51It seemed like a huge door was closing on me.
12:54I can guarantee you that we didn't go in.
12:56What's that on me?
12:58The chapel.
13:00That's creepy.
13:04The most active areas are the administrative areas.
13:08The administration building was part of the tuberculosis sanatorium,
13:12the oldest in the complex.
13:14While it was in operation,
13:15the guards claimed to have seen the appearance
13:17of an entire body in front of the windows of the second floor
13:20when the building was completely empty.
13:23And that's where I am, guys.
13:25Alex, do you want to read the next ghost place?
13:28Okay, that's where I am.
13:30All right, let's see if I can figure this out.
13:32The children's courtyard.
13:34Built in the 1930s,
13:37it was used to treat children under the age of six
13:40who suffered from tuberculosis,
13:42and at one time housed the sanatorium's morgue in the basement.
13:46Though there are some spirits of playful children
13:49who still live among the walls,
13:51there is also a more aggressive presence lurking here.
13:55There's something that we like to call a lookout
13:58or a stalker, and it stays at the end of the hall.
14:01It's known that the shadow figures
14:03come out like an arrow and chase people down the corridors.
14:07They've captured hostile psychophonies here,
14:09and there's also a famous entity for its imitations.
14:12It imitated some of the people I was with.
14:15All of a sudden, our radio would go off
14:17and it would sound exactly like the person I was with.
14:20Their voice, everything.
14:21I had the radio off.
14:22I hadn't communicated with anyone.
14:24What in the world is going on with you?
14:26I also have to say that the ghost that is said to imitate people
14:29is one of the most famous claims here.
14:32Oh, my God.
14:33Okay, Chelsea, can you read the next part?
14:36Okay, here I go.
14:37The tunnels.
14:39Scattered around the entire property,
14:42the tunnels connect nearly every building in the complex.
14:46It's completely dark.
14:48There's no light in the tunnels,
14:50and it's really hard to see where you're going
14:52even with a flashlight.
14:54People have reported feeling followed
14:57and experiencing sudden and drastic temperature drops.
15:01Not many people have been here,
15:03and I can tell you that the tunnels are the least explored.
15:06I don't know.
15:07But I don't think it's a good idea to leave your sister
15:09in the tunnel system from the start.
15:12Tanner, if you want to read the last ghost place.
15:15What is it? Where are you?
15:16Block F.
15:18It's in the middle of the complex.
15:21Was Block F the mental health pavilion?
15:25Block F was sent to all the prisoners
15:27who suffered from serious mental illness.
15:30Well, that's going to raise it up a little bit.
15:32Block F looks to be coming in from the outside,
15:35but as I walked into it,
15:37I felt like I couldn't breathe,
15:38like I was being strangled.
15:40When the prison was open,
15:42several guards saw somber figures
15:44walking down the corridors
15:46after having locked up the prisoners in their cells.
15:49You go in there, and you just sit and listen.
15:52You can hear them moving,
15:54crouching between the paintbrushes.
15:56When you walk down the corridor,
15:58you get the feeling that if you turn around,
16:00there will be a hundred behind you.
16:02You hear things with your own ears,
16:04like laughter.
16:05You go up there,
16:06and you feel that there's something
16:08right in front of you,
16:09and you can't keep moving forward,
16:11or something will get thrown.
16:14It's terrifying.
16:16It's better not to be there alone.
16:18The Rembots are very active here,
16:20and many responses have been obtained
16:22on the digital tape
16:24about what life was like during the prison.
16:27The psychophony that I captured
16:29caused me to run out of the cell,
16:31and I said, let me out.
16:33Which, if you're in a prison cell,
16:35that's probably what you want.
16:37This place actually is terrifying.
16:39Whatever's in there is intelligent.
16:42They have no idea where they're going.
16:47Okay, guys,
16:49it's time for us to be alone for a few hours.
16:52Please, don't use the flashlights.
16:54That's rule number one.
16:56Don't use them, please.
16:58Good luck.
17:00The events you're about to see
17:02happened within the next three hours.
17:07Oh, dear.
17:09I don't like this at all.
17:12If you want to get an idea
17:14of how dark it is,
17:15I'm going to show you.
17:16Over here.
17:17Infrared lights on, off.
17:20It's totally dark.
17:22This is going to be a very long experience.
17:26So Dakota left me with the music box.
17:29What this device does is,
17:31it has a motion sensor,
17:33and if something comes within the range of the sensor,
17:36it will trigger,
17:37and it will play a very long song.
17:40So I am going to leave it on the floor,
17:42in front of me,
17:43pointing right towards the hallway.
17:46If any of you guys want to get out
17:48and enter this room,
17:50I have a device that will play a song.
17:53It's like a little toy that lights up.
17:55All you have to do is come to this room
17:57and join me here.
18:01Oh, dear.
18:06If you want me to leave this room,
18:09can you turn on the music box?
18:21So, if I am in the tunnels without a flashlight,
18:25I can't see two or three centimeters from what I have in front of me.
18:29This is terrifying.
18:33It's really hard to walk,
18:35because I have a perception of the depth that I'm in.
18:51Just knowing that these tunnels
18:54connect all the buildings,
18:57makes me think that this is going to be a very active area.
19:03I used to think that my basement was scary.
19:06And here I am,
19:07wandering through a damn tunnel system.
19:12What's going on in my head?
19:20So, right now, I'm going to use a new component of the equipment.
19:24This is an improved audio recording device in real time.
19:27Basically, this is two different stereo microphones.
19:30One points to the left and one points to the right.
19:32And what it's going to do is capture any amplified noise.
19:35People have heard whispers here,
19:37and I want to see if I can capture anything.
19:39It's going to be really creepy,
19:41because any noise you hear will be much louder.
19:44Here we go.
19:54People have heard whispers here.
19:57Can you whisper something to me?
20:07If you can hear my voice,
20:09can you come closer and whisper something to me?
20:26That wasn't even a whisper.
20:28That was a female voice.
20:40Did I hear you?
20:45Can you repeat it?
20:51I swear it was like the scream of a woman.
20:54The weak scream of a woman.
21:04If there's anyone here with me,
21:06or can hear my voice,
21:08I've set up a little device.
21:10If you want to come closer to that red light,
21:12I'll be able to know if you're here.
21:14Can you do me a favor?
21:16Can you do me a favor?
21:21If anyone can hear me, can you activate that?
21:35Oh, my God.
21:37This is horrible.
21:40I'm on my second floor now.
21:43There's supposed to be a dark entity
21:46that mimics you or the people in your group,
21:50so I want to try a little experiment here.
21:55If there's anything or anyone up here with me,
21:58can you repeat this sound?
22:00Can you repeat that sound that I'm about to do?
22:13I'll do it one more time.
22:16And just repeat it the same way I do it.
22:33All right.
22:34I'm just going to keep going down the hallway
22:36and see what I see.
22:46I have been walking for a long time
22:48and I have no idea where I'm going.
22:52If there's anybody down here with me,
22:54can you make any noise?
23:09I keep noticing that I hear something behind me.
23:17It gives me a terrible feeling.
23:24Block F.
23:26Is there someone here with me?
23:33What was that?
23:36Okay, I'm going to take this for a moment
23:39because I think I see movement over there.
23:43What the hell happened to my camera?
23:46What is happening to my camera?
23:48Why is it so blurry?
23:50Just when I want to go down that hallway.
23:53I've never seen this before.
23:58What? What?
23:59Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
24:01Okay, okay.
24:02This is what I'm seeing right now.
24:04All of a sudden, the infrared lights went out
24:06when I said I didn't like what I was seeing down this hallway.
24:09I don't like the camera to fail,
24:11to malfunction, to get annoying, whatever.
24:13Come on, come on, come on, please.
24:14Don't waste the battery.
24:18What is going on?
24:21Holy mackerel.
24:23But I was looking down this window
24:24and it looks like everything has darkened in.
24:26And when I went to grab my camera,
24:28all of a sudden the infrared lights went out
24:30and I was totally in the dark.
24:32Luckily, I have more batteries.
24:35Holy mackerel.
24:39Is something in that hallway?
24:45Hey guys, I'm Dakota.
24:47We have been in our positions for about three hours.
24:50It's almost midnight.
24:52If you want to pick up your things and meet up with me in the yard,
24:55you can use the flashlights to get out.
25:01Those tunnels are about two kilometers long.
25:03I couldn't find the end.
25:05Have you taken a walk?
25:06I've stayed.
25:07I've sat in the chair in which you've sat me
25:09and that's what I did.
25:11Let's go in.
25:12Let's go to the equipment room
25:14and finish the night in a group.
25:16I can't believe you put me in a tunnel.
25:19I can't believe you went around the tunnel, Chelsea.
25:21That's so crazy.
25:24We've already set up the equipment room
25:26in one of the abandoned buildings
25:28and now we're going to spend the rest of the night
25:30from about midnight to seven,
25:32exploring the place in a group.
25:34I think we should start in the children's pavilion.
25:37I'll be recording in this new digital recorder
25:39for as long as we're there.
25:41The difference is that we won't know
25:43if we've captured anything on this
25:45until this trip is over and we review the audio.
25:55Oh my God.
25:57Holy crap.
25:58It looks so sinister on the outside.
26:13This is the children's pavilion.
26:15This is where people claim to have noticed
26:17a very mysterious entity
26:19that mimics the voices of those who explore it.
26:22To be the children's pavilion
26:25is very negative and ghostly.
26:28Let's just take a look around and see what happens.
26:40Sir, is there a child around here?
26:47Can you mimic us?
26:48Can you mimic one of our voices?
26:55It seems that something dark has begun lurking around
26:58when it has noticed that we are in the building.
27:04Oh my God.
27:07So, down here is the creepiest staircase
27:10that goes down to the morgue.
27:17Oh my God.
27:18This is so, so creepy.
27:21All the corpses,
27:22the thousands of people who died here at some point,
27:24were in this basement.
27:43I have something on my camera that records something
27:46that it can hear your voice.
27:49Do you have a message for us?
27:53Without the group knowing,
27:54the next psychophony was recorded at that moment.
28:10Well, let's continue.
28:12The truth is that this is terrifying.
28:22Oh my God.
28:28Let's go back up.
28:40Oh my God.
28:41It sounded really loud.
28:44Yeah, really loud.
28:48That was literally one knock.
28:50And then two more after it.
28:53Yeah, exactly like that.
29:08Dude, earlier around when I was alone,
29:10I said that if there was that thing that imitated it,
29:12I would repeat it, and I did that.
29:17Yeah, 100%.
29:18You did three different knocks.
29:20Yeah, because I wanted it to be special.
29:22I didn't want it to be like, tap, tap, tap.
29:24Are you telling me that you copied the same pattern?
29:26I don't remember how long I paused it,
29:28but it's about a knock.
29:40What the...
29:41This might be a hasty conclusion,
29:43but it is said that the imitator spirit
29:45wants to attract people to it, right?
29:49What have we heard here?
29:50And what's in that corridor?
29:52The tunnel.
29:53The only part that we haven't explored
29:55of the whole complex is the tunnel.
29:57Maybe we can explore it now.
29:59It's directing us here.
30:01I hate tunnels.
30:13Is there anybody down there?
30:16Who did those three knocks?
30:25So, the tunnels connected all the buildings on the property.
30:28It was meant to connect all the buildings
30:31because they wanted to hide that a lot of people
30:33were dying of tuberculosis.
30:35When I was down here,
30:37I felt the whole time that something was following me.
30:40I just felt like there was something in the tunnels with me.
30:45If there's someone here,
30:47can you do something to get our attention?
30:52What a low ceiling.
31:01I don't know.
31:02I don't like this.
31:04I just have a bad feeling about this.
31:06I don't like this.
31:07The more we go into the tunnels,
31:09the weirder it gets.
31:11I'm pretty sure that this is actually where I was sitting.
31:15It definitely is.
31:16I brought you into this chapel right here,
31:19and I sat you right there.
31:24Because we're all feeling something weird,
31:26I'm going to pull out the Ovilus.
31:28It's a device that has an internal database of words,
31:31and if there's something here,
31:33it can choose word by word and talk to us.
31:36Chelsea, you'll have the Ovilus,
31:38and I'll keep recording with the recorder.
31:41Let's keep going.
31:49Are we talking to the person
31:51who hit Alex three times?
31:57Can you tell us who you are?
32:03Oh, my gosh.
32:04Keep going.
32:09This is weird.
32:10Is this the same chair I sat you in, Chelsea?
32:13Wait a minute.
32:14Is this the chair I left you in?
32:17Because it's not supposed to be here.
32:22I don't think it's the chair I left you in.
32:24No, it's not.
32:25Okay, good.
32:27That would be very strong.
32:31What the hell?
32:36He said chair.
32:39He said chair.
32:41That's scary.
32:42Okay, something's been imitating us
32:44when we've been talking about the chair.
32:47Oh, my gosh.
32:49It's imitating us.
32:51It's not imitating us.
32:52It's mocking us.
32:56It's listening.
32:57Whatever it is,
32:58I don't know if it's the imitating spirit,
33:01but it's imitating us.
33:03I'm not trying to scare you guys.
33:06But this is where I've heard a ton of noises.
33:10Right here.
33:11Right here?
33:13Whoa, what was that?
33:17Oh, my God.
33:31Is someone there?
33:36Oh, my God.
33:44Oh, what was that?
33:45I've heard a lot of noises there.
33:48And it said count.
33:49Like the three of us.
33:50I can swear I've heard a lot of noises.
33:53Not just one.
33:54When it said count.
33:55It's not imitating us.
33:57Can you say that again?
34:05Oh, my God.
34:11Oh, what was that?
34:14Oh, what was that?
34:15Oh, what was that?
34:16I've heard a lot of noises there.
34:19It said count.
34:20Like the three of us.
34:22Not just one.
34:27Oh, my God.
34:28Me too.
34:29It's like we're confined right now.
34:32There's no way out right now.
34:39Knock on one of these pipes.
34:43Can you imitate Alex?
34:44Can you knock on one of these metal pipes?
34:56There's something there.
35:01Are you down there?
35:09As much as I don't want to, we should keep going.
35:18We're coming down towards you.
35:20Oh, my God.
35:24We know you can hear us.
35:26Is it music?
35:33What is it?
35:34Oh, holy shit.
35:37It's music.
35:40It sounded like a bell.
35:41It sounded like a music box.
35:42It sounded like a music box.
35:50Has it been the music box or just music?
35:52It has been the music box sounds.
35:54The music box is pretty clear, yeah, obvious.
35:58It's impossible that it was the music box.
36:01No, it's not possible that it was the music box.
36:03I've brought the music box from my position to the equipment room and I've put it in the box.
36:14It's music!
36:16That sounded like the music box, but it's physically impossible that it was the music box.
36:22If that thing can mimic hits and sounds, why can't it mimic the music box?
36:26I've used it.
36:27Yeah, you had it.
36:28It's the same building where I've hit it.
36:38Let's go down there.
36:39Dude, I don't want to go and check.
36:41No kidding.
36:52What is that?
36:54It's an entrance.
36:56What is that?
36:57I don't know.
36:58I don't think it has an exit.
37:00It just pops.
37:01That's what it looks like.
37:06We can go to the right or to the left.
37:10Where are we going?
37:11I don't know.
37:12I don't know what this is.
37:13This is the block F or the administration.
37:15I don't know.
37:16What do you see there?
37:18A super sinister corridor.
37:20Yeah, the most sinister corridor in the world.
37:23But what?
37:24Oh, my God.
37:26Dude, there's a staircase.
37:28Yo, there's a staircase, too.
37:38Oh, my God.
37:41Dude, this is the administration.
37:43This is the administration, yeah.
37:46Down there in that corridor, in that door is where I was.
37:49It's the administration.
37:50Bro, this is scary.
37:52The music box came from under these stairs, under the administration.
37:56We've been led through the whole facility.
37:59Is this where you wanted us to be?
38:09We probably want to spend some time in the administration.
38:12We only have like...
38:13I mean, I hate to be the party pooper, but I literally only have like 20 minutes of battery left.
38:17I want to go to the equipment room to check if the music box is there.
38:29Okay, look.
38:31Yep, there it is.
38:32In this white box.
38:34It's been here since Alex came back from the playground.
38:40There it is.
38:42I'm going to put it on.
38:46It sounds like what we've heard.
38:48It's the same bells.
38:58How's that even possible?
39:00I don't know.
39:01It's been imitating you, Alex.
39:02All night long.
39:03It's been imitating your punches.
39:04And then it's gone even further.
39:06It's been imitating one of the equipment that you've been using.
39:11I don't understand.
39:12How do we know that we've heard an equipment that we didn't even have?
39:15What's the biggest fear in hearing the music box go on is hearing it when it's not there.
39:22Let's put the batteries in the cameras and go back to the administration.
39:26There's only an hour and a half left until dawn.
39:33So, we're back in the administration building and we're going to follow what we've experienced.
39:43First, let's take a walk and explore.
39:50This is the most sinister thing we've ever had, guys.
39:53Nothing has ever been able to ring those bells.
39:56I'm looking at it all to see if something has fallen to the ground or if it's been a metal pole.
40:04If you can hear my voice, would you mind playing that music again?
40:13Without the group knowing, the next psychophony was recorded at that moment.
40:30It's like he's dead.
40:32Yeah, it looks like he's heading somewhere.
40:35And then he just ran away.
40:37All right.
40:40I am going to put the digital recorder on.
40:43It's a device that captures frequencies that our ears can't hear.
40:47Right now, I think we're at a point where we need to get direct answers.
40:51We need something.
40:54Have you tried to bring us to this building?
40:57It seems like we've only spoken or communicated with one entity, with one person, tonight.
41:03Were you a patient, a rape, or are you something else?
41:1327 minutes have elapsed.
41:18All right, I'm going to put the digital recorder on.
41:22All right, I'm going to put the digital recorder on.
41:28There are no answers or anything in the digital recorder after so many questions.
41:33Whatever it is, it controls the whole situation.
41:38It only does what it wants.
41:40Yeah, like whatever that is, the imitator spirit.
41:43It's dominant.
41:46I wonder if when that entity has been around with us,
41:49it would have been afraid of other things.
41:51If its goal was to bring us to the administration building,
41:54don't you think it would have said something in the recorder?
41:58It's not always about finding answers.
42:00It's about experimenting, and we've experimented a lot tonight.
42:04No matter what, at some point, we need to go back to this location.
42:10I don't agree with that.
42:13I don't.
42:14The sun is out, and it's time to get out of here.
42:19This is what it looks like in daylight?
42:22Oh, my God.
42:23This is huge.
42:25I'm not going to lie.
42:26I haven't seen that building.
42:28I didn't see it last night.
42:31There's a lot more to see here.
42:35Taking away the lights and being in the dark has been another story.
42:39And after overcoming this night,
42:41I can say that it works.
42:43Being completely in the dark,
42:45I haven't been able to know how big that building was.
42:48You are in the dark, and your brain is full of holes for you.
42:52Knowing that we're not going to have any lights
42:55on the rest of the trip,
42:57makes me not want to go back.
43:00As bad as that night was,
43:02things are going to get a lot worse.
43:06At the beginning of this trip,
43:08I've been talking about an experiment
43:10that's going to impact the whole world.
43:12The next destination will be just as scary,
43:16because we're going to go back to Creston.
43:21Not even in my dreams, man.
43:23Are you kidding me?
43:26And the experiment is going to start now.
43:29She's trying to say something.
43:31My eyes are playing tricks on me.
43:33What was that?
43:34My eyes are playing tricks on me.
43:36What was that?
43:38What was that?
43:39They have no idea what's coming at them.
