FTS 20:30 17-08 Venezuelan pres. leads demonstration in defense of peace

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00:00In Venezuela, the President Nicolás Maduro led the great national march for peace and
00:15in support of his popular victory in the presidential elections of July 28.
00:22In Russia, authorities have reported a new drone attack by Ukrainian troops on the outskirts
00:27of the Saporizhia nuclear power plant.
00:35The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas accused Israel of frustrating negotiations
00:40for a ceasefire and the Gaza Strip.
00:47Hello and welcome to From the South, my name is Belinda de los Santos and from the Televisual
00:51Studios in Havana, Cuba, we begin with the news.
00:54In Venezuela, the President Nicolás Maduro led the great national march for peace and
00:59in support of his popular victory in the presidential elections of July 28.
01:04In the midst of the great concentration on the way to the Miraflores Palace, the Venezuelan
01:09people raised slogans and received the President, who was present, to accompany the people together
01:15with the First Lady, Silvia Flores.
01:18During his address to the people, President Maduro highlighted that the presence of the
01:22people in the streets is yet another victory after the electoral one, and that it also
01:28represents a win in the face of social media influencers and the opposition leader.
01:33Also, the President reiterated the call for communal elections on August 25 as a new instance
01:41of democratic participation for all Venezuelans.
01:50As they have no leaders and they hid, one lives in Madrid, in a mansion, in the Salamanca
01:56neighborhood, the thieving and murderous rat of Leopoldo López, the rat of Guaido lives
02:05in a mansion in Miami, Julio Borges in Spain, they have the Seona who is deflated and spiked.
02:18She is spiked and that makes her more dangerous because she has a criminal and violent mind.
02:25But they are not going to be able to beat us, they are not going to be able to.
02:33So they looked for 20 influencers.
02:36One has 80 million followers, the other one has 60, it cannot be.
02:46But you know what those influencers lack, street, they lack people, they lack dreams,
02:54they lack the Venezuelan national cause.
02:59In this context, the population mobilized in defense of the electoral victory of President
03:03Nicolás Maduro and in rejection of fascism and the ultra-right.
03:08The rally traveled through several avenues of the city of Caracas until it reached the
03:12Miraflores Palace, seat of the national government and the destination of more than 10,000 motorcycles
03:19that accompanied the march in defense of peace and the electoral victory.
03:24Simultaneously, citizens throughout the national territory took to the streets in defense of
03:29national sovereignty.
03:35And in this context, the people of Apura State in Venezuela also marched to defend peace
03:40and celebrate the victory of President Nicolás Maduro.
03:43Let's listen.
03:46The women's sector is mobilizing against the fascism that is in the blockade, the violence.
03:51This is a country of peace and here democracy won, Nicolás Maduro won, and from here we
03:55are supporting him, from here we are backing him and guaranteeing peace and sovereignty.
03:59In Venezuela this is a territory of peace.
04:05Here we are, the doctors of the homeland the revolution of health with Nicolás Maduro,
04:09we do not want fascists.
04:11The oil of Venezuela belongs to the people and for the people for Latin America.
04:15Keep it up president, overcoming president.
04:18Meanwhile in Colombia, social organizations stood in solidarity with Venezuela due to
04:23the events that threatened peace in the South American country.
04:27The movement in solidarity with Venezuela expressed its concern for the current situation
04:31in the country.
04:32The general counsel of Venezuela in Barranquilla, Juan Ferrer Romero, pointed out that the Venezuelan
04:38extreme right wing does not express the truth of the facts, they only incite acts of violence
04:45for an alleged fraud of which they have no proof.
04:49Ferrer also assured that the extremist groups would not be able to destabilize people that
04:55work in the defense of their sovereignty.
05:02On July 28, the Venezuelan people reaffirmed their course by electing Nicolás Maduro as
05:07their president once again, and the people of the world are with the Bolivarian revolution.
05:13For 25 years the Bolivarian revolution has been a beacon of hope, a popular movement
05:18that has resisted with courage and dignity the onslaught of US imperialism and its allies.
05:24And also on Saturday, the extreme right also called for its supporters in Caracas.
05:30The concentration that spread by a few blocks covered only sectors of the east of the Venezuelan
05:36Aerial shots showed the dimension of the mobilization of the extreme right at the moment when the
05:43opposition, María Corina Machado, addressed her followers, a rally in which former presidential
05:50candidate Elmundo González did not participate and whose objective was to reject the country's
05:55electoral power and the official results of the last presidential elections.
06:03And now let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok, where you will
06:08find news in different formats, news updates and more.
06:12We'll be right back, stay with us.
06:33Welcome back to From the South.
06:42In Russia, authorities have reported a new drone attack by Ukrainian troops on the outskirts
06:47of the Saporizhian nuclear power plant.
06:50According to the authorities of the plant, the attack was launched by the Ukrainian army
06:53around seven in the morning local time, this Saturday, on the road that passes next to
06:58the reactors of the plant, which represented a threat to security.
07:04This is the route through which the staff moves constantly, however, the attack left
07:08no dead or wounded.
07:10The latest incident against the nuclear power plant, located in the eastern zone, took place
07:16on August 11th, when Ukrainian forces attacked a cooling tower with two drones causing a
07:27Earlier, the Russian government had warned that it would give a tough response if Ukraine
07:36carried out any nuclear provocation.
07:39Through a statement, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that it was evaluating information
07:43released by independent channels on the preparation by the Ukrainian regime to attack the nuclear
07:49power plants of Kursk and Saporizhia.
07:51They also denounced that the objective of this provocation was to accuse Moscow of self-attack
07:58on its plan in order to allegedly create reasons for attacking nuclear facilities in Ukraine.
08:03The security agency condemned these plans and stated that they constitute a direct violation
08:09of the International Convention on Combating Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.
08:19And also in this context, Russian Defense Ministry reported on massive surrender of
08:24the Ukrainian military in Kursk province after operations were thwarted by Moscow.
08:30According to a spokesman for the Russian security agency, several Ukrainian settlements in Kursk
08:36have been evicted since August 15th.
08:40The Ministry of Defense also reported that Russian forces continue to conduct military
08:44operations in the area with a view to advancing the recovery of the region and taking prisoners.
08:51The Ukrainian army launched a surprise offensive against the Kursk region on August 6th, killing
08:56at least 12 civilians and wounding more than 120 people, including 10 children.
09:23And now we move on to Palestine, as resistance movement Hamas accused Israel of frustrating
09:28negotiations for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
09:31Hamas political bureau member Ghazi Hamada stated that despite the efforts of the mediators,
09:37conciliation was not achieved on any point of the proposal.
09:41He also explained that the resistance will not accept any agreement without a full ceasefire,
09:46withdrawal of occupation from Gaza.
09:49The return of displaced people and an agreement on prisoner exchanges.
09:54Hamad believes that even if new conditions are established, Tel Aviv would continue its
09:59siege against Palestine.
10:08And in the meantime, massacres by genocidal Israeli troops continue in the Gaza Strip.
10:14At least 15 people were killed in the Suwayda refugee camp.
10:17Palestinian troops bombed tents full of people, most of them hungry and thirsty women and
10:23The Israeli fighter planes launched three attacks in the surrounding of the camp, where
10:28the Palestinians that they themselves displaced there with the promise that this was a safe
10:34area were taking refuge.
10:37These attacks in the center of Gaza, in addition to new orders for massive evacuations in the
10:41north and south of the Palestinian settlement, are taking place while the international community
10:47is concentrating its hopes on a ceasefire.
10:54And also, recent reports revealed that Israeli settlers and military have set at least 273
11:01fires on Palestinian property in the occupied West Bank since October 2023.
11:06The resistance committed to the wall and settlements issued a statement in which it detailed that
11:11since the outbreak of the new cycle of violence on last October 7th, some 120 fires were caused
11:18in the governorate of Nablus, 42 in Ramallah and 26 in Yenin, of the total 77 affected
11:24land and crops, while 196 burned public or private property, including apartments, buildings
11:31and vehicles.
11:32The committee denounced that the Israeli Occupation Authority sponsored these actions with the
11:37aim of terrorizing and intimidating the population in order to cause forced displacement.
11:48And in other news, in India, the Medical Association suspended non-urgent service for 24 hours
11:54this Saturday in protest of the rape and murder of a young woman resident of the hospital
12:01in the city of Kolkata.
12:03The medical body indicated that essential services and the operation of emergency rooms
12:08will be maintained, but there will be no service in ambulatory patient departments nor elective
12:14These actions of protest are added to others at national level in support of the professionals
12:19of the Kolkata hospital, who remain mobilized since October 9th after the rape and murder
12:25of a young resident.
12:27Most doctors demand rigorous sentences for this matter, of which only one accused is
12:33known, as well as greater security in health facilities.
12:42We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
12:45channel at TELUS for English, and there you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top
12:50stories, special broadcastings and more.
12:52Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
12:57world's most recent events.
13:01Final short break, don't go away.
13:22Welcome back from the South.
13:24The African Union Health Agency reported a detection of more than 18,000 cases of Mpox
13:31in the year 2024.
13:32The health agency detailed that so far there are 3,101 confirmed cases, another 15,636
13:41suspected and 541 deaths in at least 12 countries because of the virus known as Mono Smallpox.
13:50In response, the World Health Organization declared an emergency due to rapid spread
13:56with the first cases of this new variant of Mpox appearing in Sweden and Pakistan.
14:01In this case, it urged the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to prepare
14:08for the emergence of more cases.
14:16And also in this context, the Ministry of Health of Peru issued an epidemiological alert
14:22in the South American country for 77 cases of Mpox confirmed by the National Center for
14:28Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Diseases.
14:32The alert is issued to warn citizens of the risk that this new variant of the monkeypox
14:39Official data recorded that during 2022, there were at least 3,697 cases.
15:05We now move on to other topics.
15:06In Colombia, delegates from the nine countries that make up the indigenous peoples of the
15:11Amazon Basin met in the capital to establish criteria and commitments to protect biodiversity
15:16in their territories and communities in preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference to be
15:22held in Cali.
15:23Our correspondent Erlando Vargas has the details, let's see.
15:31In the Colombian capital, the indigenous people belonging to the Amazon Basin held
15:35the first international meeting of native people on the road to CBD.
15:39Nine delegates from the countries that make up this region and their representatives from
15:43Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and Peru, as well as state
15:48entities from the host country, were present.
15:58We talk about the expansion of indigenous reserves, that legal security to maintain
16:03the balance of nature.
16:05There are some very important issues of direct funding for indigenous people, who care for
16:09and protect the territory to be able to talk about biodiversity at the national, international
16:15and global level.
16:16There are some bets that are going to order to protect the territory, protect the environment
16:21and protect biodiversity.
16:32Native people are key to the protection of biodiversity and the fight to combat climate
16:35change and preserve the ecological balance in the plain.
16:39The Amazon Basin alone is home to more than 500 indigenous people, who are in permanent
16:43struggle for the preservation of the so-called lungs of the world, which is why it is necessary
16:49for them to be heard and participate in social, ecological and climate policies.
17:01For us, my people and other peoples of the Amazon, we are aware of our contributions,
17:07but many times the states and the governments do not recognize these types of contributions,
17:12that for millennia, with our knowledge, our connectivity with Mother Earth, with nature,
17:17we have contributed and that is one of the strong demands of these great dialogues at
17:21the global level.
17:23But we must never lose sight of the right to life, human rights, the rights of indigenous
17:28people are not negotiable.
17:40Spaces such as these serve to promote environmental protection policies, they also serve to reflect
17:45on the conditions of indigenous people, historical victims of violence and colonialism.
17:54Colonialism still exists, but in another form, it is now the transnational companies that
18:00have many important resources and are installed in a territory from one day to another and
18:05already have the legal security that the peoples have been demanding for more than 20 years,
18:10a situation so complicated and difficult, but also we indigenous people have always
18:15said we are not against the development of private companies, as long as they respect
18:20the collective rights of indigenous people.
18:29Representatives of the native people of the Amazon Basin sign an agreement that will be
18:32taken to the largest biodiversity conference, CBD COP16, to be held next October in Colombia,
18:39bringing their proposals for the protection and defense of the biodiverse territories
18:44and lungs of the world.
18:48And in other news, Hong Kong celebrated the birth of its first giant panda twins on August
18:5315th, delivered by Ying Ying, who became the oldest panda to give birth for the first time
18:59at nearly 19 years old.
19:01The cubs, a male and a female, were born after a five-month pregnancy, with the female weighing
19:07122 grams and the male 112 grams.
19:10This event is significant, as giant pandas are notoriously difficult to breed, and Ying
19:14Ying had previously struggled with pregnancy.
19:17The twins are currently receiving round-the-clock care due to their delicate condition.
19:23Hong Kong's chief executive, John Lee, remarked on this special occasion, coinciding with
19:27the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China.
19:32The pair of pandas is expected to arrive in Hong Kong next month.
19:42And like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
19:44You can find these and many other stories on our website at cedesverenglish.net.
19:48And also join us on social media, we are on Facebook, X, Instagram, Telegram, and also
19:53on TikTok.
19:54For Cedesver English, my name is Belén de los Santos, thank you for watching.
