FTS 16:30 01-09 Mexico: López Obrador delivers his last government report

  • 2 weeks ago
*Peru: forest fire rages through conservation area
*Palestine: israeli attacks massacre 47 civilians in the last few hours TeleSUR
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00:00On Sunday, Mexican-Palestinian Darcy Manuel López Obrador presented his last government
00:10report highlighting the achievements of his term in office.
00:16In Peru, a forest fire has burned some 700 hectares in the Mulpuch Conservation Area
00:21in the Amazon region.
00:25And in Palestine, the Israeli regime committed three massacres against Palestinian families
00:28resulting in the death of at least 47 civilians.
00:36Hello and welcome from the south, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Televisa Studios in Havana,
00:41We begin with the news.
00:42On Sunday, Mexican-Palestinian Andrés Manuel López Obrador presented his last government
00:47The Mexican leader read the sixth and last document to inform the people about the decisions
00:51and actions taken during the last year of his term of office.
00:55López Obrador addressed issues such as the social programs aimed at senior citizens and
00:59young people, the continuity of the so-called Second Floor of the Fourth Reformation, as
01:04well as the social and economic policies promoted by his cabinet.
01:07And López Obrador also referred to the achievements and challenges faced with respect to security,
01:13health, infrastructure and education.
01:20How can we ignore the motto of the Democracy Apostle, Francisco Imadero, effective suffrage,
01:30no re-election, or the quote of Lázaro Cárdenas, according to which a government or individuals
01:43that surrender their natural resources to foreign companies are committing treason against
01:50the homeland?
01:55With these ideals, we started our government almost six years ago.
02:05The first thing that we did was to make a reform in the Constitution until we could,
02:13and promote laws to stop the anti-popular politics that were being imposed and legalized
02:24by the main domain of an oligarchy power that seems to be a democracy.
02:34Until February 5th of this year, we presented to the Congress 20 constitutional reforms
02:42to restitute to the Constitution the revolutionary and popular meaning that it had since it was
02:53written originally in 1917.
02:58These initiatives are in the spotlight and are different and opposite to the reforms
03:05that were approved during the 36 years of the fascist neoliberal period, where they
03:14weren't thinking to benefit the people, but to adjust the legal frame to facilitate the
03:23and the surrender of goods of the people and the nation to a minority, a voracious minority.
03:31Now luckily we are living in an authentic democracy, building a new homeland, and with
03:47brotherhood ties.
03:50The Mexican health state also referred to successes Policía has had in worker salaries
03:55and pensions.
03:56In 2018, the average salary of workers enrolled in the social security system was of 352 pesos
04:11per day.
04:12Today it is of 557 pesos.
04:17It is working the trust funded in the Mexican bank to repair the damage that were caused
04:23by the reforms of Cerillo Calderón when they reduced the amount of the pension of the worker
04:29to the 30% of the salary.
04:32Right now, all the ones that are getting the average salary of that will have the 100%
04:40in their retirement.
04:44In the north border, the income is the half of the VAT since we arrived, and the half
04:54of the income tax.
04:57In that region, the gasoline and oil cost an average of 4 pesos per liter, less than
05:04the rest of the country, and it was increased to triple the minimum wage in real terms.
05:13President López Obrador highlighted the work done since 2018 to reduce poverty in
05:18the country.
05:19While in the government of Calderón and Peña Nieto, 100,000 people were impoverished every
05:28In our government, in the country, 100,000 Mexicans are coming out of poverty every month.
05:40From 2018 to 2022, according to the data, 5.1 million people came out of poverty, that
05:49is to say 5.6%, something that has not happened in more than 30 years.
05:56A few months ago, the World Bank announced that from 2018 to 2023, poverty in Mexico
06:06went from 34.3 million people to 24.7 million people.
06:14In other words, in five years, 9.5 million Mexicans came out of poverty.
06:20In other news, the majority of the Mexican Parliament refused to comply with the decision
06:26of two courts that ordered the suspension of the judicial reform discussions.
06:30In the words of the coordinator of Morena's parliamentary group, Ricardo Monreal, the
06:35instructions of a court in Morelos and another in Chiapas were inadmissible and out of order.
06:41In both cases, the judges ordered the two chambers to abstain from discussing any project
06:45related to the reform.
06:47Monreal assures that these maneuvers reflect the desperation of some sectors that are trying
06:52to preserve their privileges to the detriment of the Mexican people.
07:03In such premises, this legislative majority categorically and energetically determines
07:08that it does not and will not submit to the jurisdiction of the court or courts that order
07:13it because they do not have authority for it, because they cannot suspend the analysis
07:21and discussion and, if necessary, approval of the decision regarding the constitutional
07:30reform in judicial matters.
07:32Let's now take a short break, but remember you can join us on Tiktok at Televisual English,
07:40where you'll find news in different formats, news updates, and much more.
07:45Stay with us.
08:00Welcome back.
08:14In Peru, a forest fire has burned some 700 hectares in the Mulpuch Conservation Area
08:19in the Amazon region.
08:20According to local media, the fire started on Friday, August 30, early afternoon local
08:24time, and spread quickly.
08:26Although fire departments and local authorities are working to control the fire, they have
08:29warned about the need for more experts and volunteers to extinguish the flames.
08:33According to the report, the fire was caused by a woman, who has confessed to having burned
08:38vegetation with the intention of sowing on a plot of land, but the flames got out of
08:43In Venezuela, life is returning to normal, with the total restoration of electricity
08:51across the country following a sabotage against the system.
08:55Venezuelan authorities say they are monitoring the total resumption of power generation from
08:59a center in Guyana.
09:00The attack to the electricity system by sectors of the Venezuelan far right caused a blackout
09:04throughout several states in the country.
09:06At present, people in Venezuela are resuming their daily lives, as business activities
09:11and public transportation have been restored.
09:15And in the face of the sabotage against the national electricity system of Venezuela,
09:21traders and entrepreneurs implement strategies to get over difficulty.
09:25More details with our correspondent Gladys Casado.
09:29This is the Lebron market at the entrance of Petare, one of the most populated popular
09:34areas of Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.
09:37Many of those who have their stalls here will open their doors normally this Saturday.
09:42However, the day before, due to the sabotage against the national electric system, they
09:48took measures.
09:51What we were able to do was to see that there was no electricity, and then we automatically
09:56took the second option, which was to get out mainly from what was called the people accepted.
10:00We gave them the explanation that there was no electricity, and then they took it out.
10:06I went out to work because we have to produce.
10:09In other words, we have to wait in holy peace, we have to be calm, especially because the
10:14conditions of the country are such that we have to work, because fighting is not the
10:18way to win anything.
10:19Although many looked for alternatives to stay active, it played a trick on others.
10:25Because people always have their cash and they need anything.
10:31So we were here and we fulfilled what was needed.
10:34No, because I couldn't come, I wasn't alive.
10:38Yesterday I was affected precisely because of the lack of electricity.
10:42I couldn't work because we couldn't move.
10:44I live on the 11th floor and I couldn't go downstairs.
10:47On the other side of the situation, customers and passers-by also had a different Friday
10:52because of the lack of electricity.
10:54However, they found a city and businesses that, although at a different pace, followed
11:01the rhythm.
11:05They believed that they were going to have some activity in the population.
11:09On the contrary, the population was mobilized.
11:12We did well, except for the subway that couldn't work.
11:15We tried to avoid some major inconveniences and the people were mobilized.
11:19The people went to work, even when we were unable to work due to lack of electricity,
11:24but we were present.
11:25100% are active, thanks to God, 100% active, and that is understood that Venezuela really
11:34wants to move forward, and in spite of everything that was happening at the moment, what it
11:38does is to delay us.
11:45People went out to work peacefully even though there was no subway service in some circumstances.
11:51At least, I saw a lot of movement in the streets.
11:55The merchants opened their doors like a normal day.
11:59I don't think there was any impediment to continue growing as a country.
12:07According to official figures, more than 1,400,000 Venezuelans are registered as entrepreneurs,
12:14whose economic growth in the first semester of 2024 reached 15%.
12:20Attacking them is an attack against a pillar of the prosperity of the country.
12:25However, they are motivated by their commitment.
12:28We are in the best country in this world, which is Venezuela.
12:33It is what it has given us, and it is what the Venezuelan people are, people that give
12:37love, affection and work.
12:40And that is what we want, and that is why we fight for this country, to move forward
12:44and long live Venezuela.
12:45Gladys Cazara, Telesur, Caracas, Venezuela.
12:50Moving on, the U.S. National Institutes of Health announced the cancellation of their
12:54research on the so-called Havana symptom disease.
12:57Experts detailed that the decision is based on the declarations of several of the participants
13:01that state that they were forced to participate in the research.
13:04For the late investigations, the institution requires the consent of the subjects from
13:08the study as an ethical guarantee of the research.
13:10Likewise, the institute declared that during the first phases, no clinical signs or active
13:14symptomatology were found in the participants.
13:24In this regard, the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, through a post on the social
13:28media X, rejected the accusations of the government of Washington.
13:32The head of state also mentioned that the investigation was a vile pretext to include
13:35Cuba in the list of sponsors of terrorism and reinforced the genocide blockade with
13:40more than 240 measures, calling this incident as the Trump work that Biden maintains.
13:50Honduran President Xiomara Castro has just appointed Rishi Moncada as new Secretary of
13:55The announcement was made by the Honduran president herself in her inaugural speech
13:58on the national holidays 2024.
14:01The appointment follows the resignation of José Manuel Zelaya, coinciding with the resignation
14:06of his father, Carlos Zelaya, as Secretary of the National Congress, both in the context
14:10of investigations into Carlos Zelaya's meetings with external actors back in 2013.
14:16Moncada is scheduled to deliver a speech on her appointment, having previously resigned
14:20as finance secretary to launch her presidential candidacy campaign.
14:28The French Coast Guard reported on Saturday that 223 migrants have been rescued in the
14:33waters of the English Channel in the last 48 hours while trying to reach the United
14:38The Maritime Prefecture reported that migrants were traveling in several small overloaded
14:42boats with technical problems.
14:44Some of the migrants were in the water at the time of rescue after their boats sank,
14:48while others refused help with the intention of reaching the British coast.
14:51The United Kingdom has tried to stop the arrival of migrants from France, while Europe has
14:56only succeeded in aggravating the lethality of the transit routes of those trying to flee
15:01hunger, war and violence.
15:14Russian military forces repelled a massive Ukrainian drone attack on Sunday.
15:18At least 11 of the devices were aimed at Moscow, the country's capital city.
15:23According to the Defense Ministry, more than 160 drones were launched from Kiev against
15:26several Russian regions.
15:28Three of them were aimed at the power plant of the city of Kashira in the Moscow province.
15:33The Russian government confirmed that there were no injuries, casualties or material damage.
15:37While the drones shot down over Moscow fell on an oil refinery, where a fire broke out
15:41in other provinces such as Voronezh, Ryazan, Volgograd and Tula, more than 85 of these
15:47unmanned aerial vehicles were also shot down.
15:53We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
15:56channel at Telesol English, there you will be able to re-watch our interviews, top stories,
16:00special broadcastings and more.
16:02Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up to date on the
16:05world's most recent events.
16:07Found your break?
16:08Don't go away.
16:26Welcome back.
16:31In Palestine, during the last few hours, the Israeli regime committed three massacres
16:36against Palestinian families, resulting in the death of at least 47 civilians.
16:41The Israeli attacks and the arrest of the Gaza Strip wounded 94 Palestinians.
16:45The strikes also prevented the emergency services from treating the victims and recovering the
16:48bodies trapped under the rubble.
16:50With this, the number of martyrs since October 7, 2023 exceeds 40,700, while the number of
16:56wounded is estimated at more than 94,154.
17:04Also in Palestine, health authorities began the rollout of a polio vaccination campaign
17:08in Gaza after the war-torn territory recorded its first case in 25 years.
17:12The campaign began in central Gaza and will later continue first in the southern areas
17:16and end in the north.
17:18The campaign aims to cover more than 640,000 children under 10.
17:22The World Health Organization said that Israel agreed to a series of three-day humanitarian
17:26policies to facilitate vaccinations.
17:28However, humanitarian workers and international organizations state that what is really needed
17:32is a permanent ceasefire.
17:33I'm currently in a Rukra health facility in Deir al-Bala, where today we have started
17:34the rollout of the polio vaccination campaign.
17:35You will be able to see around me there are hundreds, if not thousands, of children who
17:36have been in this health facility today.
17:37And it's incredibly critical for our vaccination campaign that we continue this momentum after
18:01the first day.
18:02We're going to be in the middle areas for the next three or four days, rolling out this
18:06campaign before we go to the southern areas of the Gaza Strip, and then finally finishing
18:11the campaign in the north.
18:12The campaign itself has been incredibly complex.
18:13Getting the vaccinations with our partners UNICEF and the World Health Organization into
18:14the Gaza Strip, it's been incredibly challenging.
18:15So far, we have had humanitarian pauses in place.
18:16We are very hopeful that these pauses will continue.
18:17But what we really need, and what these children really need, is a ceasefire.
18:18So we're going to be in the middle areas for the next three or four days, rolling out this
18:19campaign before we go to the southern areas of the Gaza Strip, and then finally finishing
18:20the campaign in the north.
18:21The campaign itself has been incredibly complex.
18:22Getting the vaccinations with our partners UNICEF and the World Health Organization into
18:23the Gaza Strip, it's been incredibly challenging.
18:49We have had humanitarian pauses in place.
18:50We are very hopeful that these pauses will continue.
18:51But what we really need, and what these children really need, is a ceasefire.
18:52So far, we have had humanitarian pauses in place.
18:53Getting the vaccinations with our partners UNICEF and the World Health Organization into
18:54the Gaza Strip, it's been incredibly challenging.
18:55So far, we have had humanitarian pauses in place.
18:56Getting the vaccinations with our partners UNICEF and the World Health Organization into
18:57the Gaza Strip, it's been incredibly challenging.
18:58But what we really need, and what these children really need, is a ceasefire.
18:59So far, we have had humanitarian pauses in place.
19:00Getting the vaccinations with our partners UNICEF and the World Health Organization into
19:01the Gaza Strip, it's been incredibly challenging.
19:02So far, we have had humanitarian pauses in place.
19:03Getting the vaccinations with our partners UNICEF and the World Health Organization into
19:04the Gaza Strip, it's been incredibly challenging.
19:05So far, we have had humanitarian pauses in place.
19:28China, preparations are underway for the 9th edition of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum
19:34The meeting will take place from Wednesday, September 4th to Friday, September 6th under
19:40the slogan, Working Together to Promote Modernization and Build a High-Level in China-Africa Community
19:46with a Shared Future.
19:47According to Chinese authorities, the parties will address peacekeeping, global security,
19:51development promotion, prosperity, governance, and agricultural modernization.
19:56FOCAC was established in the year 2000 as a platform for strengthening relations between
20:02the two sides.
20:03Since its inception, it has been a stage for important advances in project financing in
20:19In this context, dignitaries and delegations from Africa began arriving in Beijing.
20:24Several important understandings are expected to be concluded during this meeting, including
20:27a framework agreement on development cooperation and issues related to trade balance and market
20:32access expansion.
20:33Like this, we have come to the end of this news brief.
20:40You can find this and many other stories on our website at www.terrestrialinglish.net.
20:44So join us on social media, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, and TikTok.
20:48For Terrestrial English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
