Henry Hugglemonster S01 E10

  • le mois dernier
00:00Et voici un monstre que vous voulez vraiment rencontrer
00:03Il s'appelle Henry et comme vous pouvez le voir
00:06Il a une famille vraiment chouette
00:17Hey, hey, hey, passez un Henry Hucklemonster Day
00:22Hey, hey, hey, passez un Henry Hucklemonster Day
00:27Si les choses se passent mal et que tout semble bien
00:31Henry Hucklemonster peut toujours trouver un moyen
00:34Personne ne sait ce que ce jour apportera
00:37Mais peu importe, Hucklemonster chante
00:41Hey, hey, hey, passez un Henry Hucklemonster Day
00:45Passez un Henry Hucklemonster Day
00:55Paint the town
01:04Hey, hey, Henry Hucklemonster here
01:06And I got to show you something really roar-some
01:11Told you it was roar-some
01:13Hey Cubby, can you read what it says?
01:15Sure thing
01:17Oh, it's time for the most beautiful town contest
01:20A contest? What's the prize?
01:22Well, it says the judges are going to visit all the towns nearby
01:26And pick one that they think is the most beautiful
01:29Our town is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen
01:32We have to win
01:33But what's the prize?
01:35Wow, it's a new playground
01:40Most grossest prize ever
01:42This is exactly what Roarsville means
01:47Oh, but wait, there's just one thing, guys
01:50We got to win the contest before we get the playground
01:53No, Sweet, Roarsville's already a beautiful town
01:57Yeah, but we got to make it the most beautiful town
02:00How do we do that?
02:01Well, maybe we could decorate Roarsville with lots of different colors
02:08That's it, you know, sort of like that poster
02:11The arts, always a great choice
02:14Yeah, we can make Roarsville into one beautiful work of art
02:17Oh, yeah
02:20Well, yes, I guess we could do that
02:24But for Roarsville to look its very, very best
02:26We should probably start by making sure it's neat and tidy
02:30Well, colorful artwork is nice, Henry
02:33But it can be a little...
02:35How can I put this? Messy
02:38For our town to be its most beautiful, we've got to make sure it's clean
02:42Then Roarsville will be perfectly beautiful and beautifully perfect
02:45I like where this is going
02:47Where is this going?
02:49I've actually noticed a few things that could use a little cleaning up
02:52Cleaning up?
02:53I've made a list
02:54First, let's bring our monster pets to get washed and scrubbed
02:57Then, let's clean up all the leaves here in the town square
03:00And that'll make Roarsville beautiful?
03:02Of course
03:03Our town will be neat and clean and tidy
03:06And there's nothing more beautiful than that
03:08When your leaves are in a pile
03:10All that neatness makes you smile
03:12Cause that's beautiful
03:16With old papers stacked and tidy
03:18You can't help but say alrighty
03:20Cause that's beautiful
03:24When you sweep the bakery crumbs up
03:27You just gotta give a thumbs up
03:30Cause that's beautiful
03:38Roar-tastically beauty
03:40It's a Huggle Cutie
03:41Roar-tastically beautiful
03:47Now this is gonna be lovely
03:49So, no colorful art?
03:52I'm sure some art would make Roarsville look beautiful
03:56But everybody likes Gertie's idea
03:58Oh, if that's what they all want
04:00Then I just gotta go with the flow
04:02I can do that
04:03I'm Henry Huggle Monster
04:05What are we waiting for guys? Let's go
04:07Uh-oh, we've got a problem
04:09The judges are visiting towns today
04:11And they'll be in Roarsville at noon
04:14We only have 17 minutes and 37 seconds to tidy up Roarsville
04:18We'll never make it
04:20There's no way
04:21There's always a way, Denzel
04:23We're Huggle Monsters
04:25Okay, let's figure this out
04:27What if we split up into groups?
04:29That might help us get done faster
04:31Perfect idea, Denzel
04:34Denzel and I can start at the bake shop
04:36And Denzel and Coby and I can go to the newsstand
04:38And get rid of all those old newspapers
04:40Then let's meet back here to clean up these leaves
04:42It's a plan
04:43Come on everybody, we've got a playground to win
04:53Morning girls, how can I help you?
04:55Well, it's not how you can help us, Mr. Huggle Monster
05:00We're here to help you tidy up
05:03How are we ever gonna tidy this up?
05:05No worries, I've got just the thing to take care of this
05:09I'm listening
05:11I call it the Squisher Squasher
05:13It'll squish-squash these papers in no time
05:16It's at home, be right back
05:18Come on, Denzel, let's get started
05:20Good thinking, Henry
05:25This pile of paper sort of looks like a big, scaly dragon
05:32You know what we could do?
05:34We could make these papers into a dragon sculpture
05:37Yeah, I guess we could
05:39But that's not exactly what we agreed to do
05:42But Denzel, it'll be beautiful
05:44Um, yeah, I guess
05:46You'll see, everyone will love it
05:49When you see some art with style
05:51You can't help but crack a smile
05:53Cause it's beautiful
05:57Turning garbage into artwork
05:59I think that's really smart work
06:01Cause it's beautiful
06:05Once the stove's been cleaned up
06:08And the counters are all cleaned up
06:11It'll be beautiful
06:16When the laundry's all been folded
06:18And your sculpture has been molded
06:20That's beautiful
06:24Rotastically beauty
06:26It's a Huggle Cutie
06:28Making things with beauty
06:31Oh, it's absolutely
06:34Rotastically beautiful
06:42Henry, you did good
06:44I dig it!
06:45Dig what is that?
06:47It's a Huggletastic work of art
06:51Not really what we talked about
06:53But it's beautiful, right?
07:01Oops, that's not beautiful
07:03Maybe it's all for the best, Henry
07:05That thing wasn't exactly tidy
07:07Wow! Big mess, little bro
07:10Bet you're glad I'm here
07:17What'd I tell ya?
07:18All squished and squashed and tidy!
07:21Now that's what I call beautiful!
07:24All that work for nothing
07:26The judges won't even get to see my dragon sculpture
07:29Well, as long as we win that new playground
07:32I'll be a happy Huggle Monster
07:34We've only got 6 minutes and 34 seconds left
07:37And we still have to clean up the leaves
07:39Squisher Squasher to the rescue!
07:41Come on, everybody!
07:49Nice work, Cobby
07:51Thanks, little bro
07:52I guess that means we're done
07:55Yep, this is one tidy town
07:57All we have to do now is wait for the judges to get here
07:59Then we collect our prize
08:04Hi, Flopster
08:05Who's a good boy?
08:07All your pets are scrubbed and clean
08:09And speaking of clean, I've never seen Roarsville look so... so...
08:14Tidy, I believe, is the word you're looking for
08:19Hey, Shaggy, hold on!
08:21Oh, oh, oh, oh!
08:25Non, non, non, non, non, non, non!
08:29This is not clean and tidy!
08:33Hey, you guys, come back! You'll catch it!
08:42No, no, no! This is not happening!
08:45Henry, they're heading for the art shop!
08:47Right behind you, Denzil!
08:52Non, non! Don't run through the paint!
08:55Okay, okay, stop!
08:57Oh, pretty!
09:00Oh, what happened?
09:02Oh, well, it was kind of an accident, I guess
09:05A terrible, horrible accident!
09:07This is not tidy at all, but it is beautiful!
09:11You're right!
09:13Why don't we turn this accident into a beautiful work of art?
09:16We could splash paint everywhere! It'll look Roarsome!
09:20Henry, that sounds just crazy enough to work!
09:23That's my little bro, full of crazy ideas that work!
09:27I don't know, but the judges will be here any minute
09:31So, I guess there's no other choice
09:34Okay, let's do it
09:36Use my paint, please! I insist!
09:39Okay, everybody take some paint and a monster pack
09:42And paint this town beautiful!
09:46This is gonna be good!
09:50When I see bright colors splatter
09:52My heart goes pitter-patter
09:54Cause that's beautiful, beautiful
09:58Oh, it's absolutely, mortastically beautiful!
10:09Oh, phew! We made it! And just in time!
10:13Those must be the judges!
10:16Wow! I think it looks beautiful!
10:19I wonder what the judges will think
10:25All the other towns were nice and tidy
10:29But this, now this is different
10:32This town is truly...
10:38Roarsville wins first prize!
10:42Congratulations, Roarsville!
10:44You've just won yourselves a new playground!
10:52I've got to admit, Henry, it's not exactly tidy
10:55But it is beautiful!
10:57It sure is, Gertie, and I'm glad you think so!
11:00Who knew a little accident could end up so roarsomely perfect?
11:04And perfectly roarsome!
11:08Henry Incorporated
11:12Hey, hey! Henry Hugglemonster here!
11:14Gertie Denzel and I are going someplace amazing!
11:17The Monster Toy Trailer!
11:19You can buy lots of roarsome stuff there!
11:22Here we come!
11:28There it is!
11:30It's a monster!
11:32It's a monster!
11:34It's a monster!
11:36There it is!
11:37It's amazing!
11:38Those toys!
11:40Mr. Winklemonster runs the trailer
11:42He's always got the coolest things!
11:44Check it out! I saved up a whole monster coin to spend on anything!
11:48I have a monster coin, too! How about you, Henry?
11:51Well, you're not going to believe it, but I've got two monster coins!
11:56So what are we waiting for?
11:59Oh, look! Stuffed monster dolls!
12:02Oh, drawing machines!
12:04Oh, look! There's a Mighty Roarhammer action figure!
12:09Actually, I already have that one.
12:11Henry? Henry! You have got to see this!
12:21Mega Monster Racing Sets!
12:23Dig it!
12:24And check out all the cars you can get!
12:26I want the green one with the flames!
12:29I want the one with the big, big wheels!
12:31Oh, this is the most roarsome thing ever!
12:33Hey, you monsters have good taste! And it's on sale!
12:37How much, Mr. Winklemonster?
12:39Only ten monster coins for the basic track, and three for each car.
12:43Let's see. That's ten plus three, plus three, and plus three again.
12:48That makes... nineteen!
12:51Nineteen monster coins? That's way more than any of us have!
12:55Especially me.
12:56Oh, I've got to have this race set!
12:59And Hugglemonsters always find a way!
13:03What are you going to do, Henry?
13:04I'm going to get enough monster coins, that's what!
13:06Oh, well, you better hurry, Henry, because I'm heading to the next town tonight,
13:10and I won't be back for a whole year!
13:12I'll be back before you leave, Mr. Winklemonster!
13:19Daddo, I need your help!
13:21Sure, kiddo. What do you need?
13:23Well, I just saw the most roarsome racing set in the world,
13:25and I've got to have it! I've just got to!
13:27And it only costs nineteen monster coins, so...
13:29Nineteen monster coins?
13:31Gee, Henry, that's a lot!
13:33You know, your birthday's coming up soon, and...
13:35But I can't wait until my birthday, Daddo!
13:37The monster toy trailer will be gone by then,
13:39and I'll never see the racing set again!
13:41Please, Daddo!
13:45Hmm. Well, I... I don't know.
13:47Oh, now, Henry, you can't get everything you want just by doing... the look.
13:53If it's not your birthday or a special occasion, you have to work for special things.
13:58Work for things? What does that mean?
14:00What Mama means is...
14:04Now that you're a little older, kiddo,
14:06you can do some chores around the house for extra monster coins.
14:09Monster coins, here I come!
14:11Oh, I'm workin', yes, indeed, and I'm feedin'.
14:14My monster dog is feedin'.
14:16I'm makin' the monster coins to buy my racing set.
14:19Yes, I'm workin', takin' the lead, and I'm rakin'.
14:22Up these leaves, and I'm hopin' no one else will buy my racing set.
14:27It feels so wholesome to do the work yourself.
14:29It feels wholesome to earn your way.
14:31I didn't know I could do it myself.
14:33It's gonna feel real good to get paid.
14:35Oh, I'm workin', yes, indeed, and I'm doin'.
14:38My chores with ease, and I'm makin' the monster coins to buy my racing set.
14:47Well, kiddo, you pulled it off.
14:49And we're very proud of you.
14:51So, here's your pay.
14:54Oh, one monster coin.
14:56Uh-huh, and it's a shiny one.
14:58But I need 19.
15:00Oh, I'm sorry, honey, but that's all you've earned so far.
15:03Don't worry, Henry, you're a real go-getter monster.
15:06Keep it up, and you'll earn more in no time.
15:10Oh, I gotta get more monster coins, and fast, Beckett.
15:14But how? How?
15:19Colin, what you doin'?
15:21Testing my new invention, little bro.
15:23I call it the Monster Mitt.
15:25Check it out.
15:32Now this is a cool ride!
15:34Thanks. I'm gonna put it in the park so everyone can play with it whenever they want.
15:38Come on, help me push it.
15:40Can we call it a chore? It'll only cost you one monster coin.
15:43A chore?
15:45Good one, Henry.
15:47Yeah, I was just kidding.
15:56There, done.
15:58Everyone is gonna love this thing.
16:00May I try it, please?
16:02Everybody gets a turn.
16:04Come on, Henry, I'll show you how to do this.
16:07Once a monster is safely in the seat,
16:09you just pull back this lever until it clicks,
16:11then you let it go.
16:14Colin, they love your Monster Mitt.
16:17Yeah, but the velocity isn't quite right.
16:20You know, I have a bigger spring at home.
16:22You stay here and help everybody ride the Monster Mitt.
16:24Okay, little bro?
16:25Oh, sure thing. I got everything under control.
16:28Even if I am a million miles from getting enough monster coins for my Mega Racer set.
16:34Oh, well. Who's next?
16:37Here you go. What's this?
16:39A monster coin. You know, to pay you for the ride.
16:42I mean, they charge for rides at the amusement park, don't they?
16:45Oh, yeah, but we're just a...
16:48Hey, you know, that's not a bad idea.
16:52Yep, that's right. It costs one monster coin per ride.
16:55You hear that, everyone? Only one monster coin per ride.
16:59Here you go.
17:02If I can get 19 coins, then my troubles are over.
17:26What a cool ride.
17:29What a cool ride. Can I try?
17:31Yeah, but it costs a monster coin.
17:34Oh, never mind. I don't have any.
17:37Hey, Henry, great ride.
17:39Yeah, I really dig it.
17:42And it only costs one monster coin.
17:44Here you go. It's not like it's enough to buy anything else.
17:48Nope, unless you save them up.
17:50Save them...
17:53And it looks like I've saved up enough for you-know-what.
17:56Okay, everybody, the Monster Mint ride is closed for a short break.
18:00A short break? But I'm next.
18:02Oh, sorry, Denzel, but I gotta go do something before it's too late.
18:06Hey, where's Henry?
18:08I'm not sure. He left, like, 12 seconds ago.
18:11But I'm next, so here's my monster coin.
18:14That's how much Henry was charging.
18:16Henry was charging? But he knew it was supposed to be free.
18:20It was?
18:22Not cool, little bro.
18:24Not cool.
18:26There you go, Henry.
18:28You had enough monster coins to buy the track and every racer I had in stock.
18:33Well, I said I'd be back, and I'm a monster of my word.
18:36And I'm a monster behind schedule.
18:38Gotta be in the next town by morning.
18:40No rest for the toy monster.
18:42See you next year, Henry.
18:43Bye, Mr. Winkle Monster.
18:47I cannot wait to see the look on everyone's faces when I show them the...
18:52Hey, guys, everything okay?
18:55Henry, did you charge everyone to go on my Monster Mint ride?
18:59Well, yeah.
19:01Even though you knew I wanted everyone to ride for free?
19:05Can we have our monster coins back, Henry?
19:08Your monster coins? Yeah, about that...
19:12Well, I already spent them, and Mr. Winkle Monster's gone, so...
19:16Henry, did you go buy the Mega Monster Racing Set?
19:20Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did.
19:23And all the cars, too.
19:25Even the green one?
19:27Oh, Henry.
19:29Oh, now I don't have a monster coin or a racing set.
19:37At least we still have the Monster Mint.
19:40Yeah. Let's go ride it. For free.
19:43Let's go!
19:45We can't take that away from us!
19:48Wow. I messed up. Big time.
19:51I'm really sorry, Cobby.
19:53I know, but I wanted everyone to use my ride for free.
19:57And you used it to get monster coins without even asking me.
20:01Are you mad at me?
20:03Yes, I'm mad.
20:05Well, a little mad.
20:07You know, this wasn't a very Henry Huggle Monster move, little bro.
20:11Usually, you think about how everyone else is feeling.
20:14You're right. I do.
20:16I'm usually a pretty nice monster.
20:18I just wanted that racing set so badly, Cobby.
20:21Sounds like everybody did.
20:23Yeah. They did, didn't they?
20:25Hey! I have an idea!
20:28Wait up, you guys! Wait up!
20:30What is it, Henry? Are you here to take our monster coins again?
20:34Ouch. No, I'm not, Gertie.
20:37Listen, I'm sorry I can't give you your monster coins back,
20:40but we all wanted the same toy, right?
20:43Alors, si nous le voulions tous, et que c'est tous nos monstres,
20:47pourquoi ne pas les posséder ensemble?
20:49Tu veux dire que le set de course appartiendrait à nous tous?
20:52C'est une très bonne idée, Henry.
20:54Oui, c'est une très bonne idée.
20:56Mais est-ce que ça va fonctionner?
20:58Il n'y a qu'une seule façon de le savoir.
21:01Eh bien, le set de course appartient à tout le monde maintenant,
21:05et ils semblent tous très heureux.
21:07C'est génial!
21:09C'est fantastique, Henry!
21:11J'ai passé 62,2 milles par heure!
21:14Je suis sûr que je suis contente qu'ils ne soient plus en colère contre moi.
21:18Ce n'était pas bruyant.
21:20Mais c'est ça!
21:22C'est ça!
21:24C'est ça!
21:26C'est ça!
21:28C'est ça!
21:30C'est ça!
