Barbie Dolphin Magic Complete Disney Animation Cinema Part - 2

  • il y a 2 semaines


00:00Où ?
00:01Je pensais que tu n'allais pas dire à personne.
00:04Désolé, je pensais que tu parlais juste de Marlowe.
00:07Les sœurs racontent à l'un l'autre tout.
00:10Eh bien, fais juste en sûr que tu ne dis pas à Marlowe.
00:14Ce sera notre petit secret, d'accord ?
00:17Tu ne peux pas croire aux humains, tu sais.
00:20Les humains ?
00:22Je veux dire, les gens.
00:25Attendez, est-ce que c'est une boîte à sandwiches ?
00:29Vous avez dit des sandwiches ?
00:31Personne n'aime plus les sandwiches que moi.
00:34Vous voulez dire comme un roi fait de la neige ?
00:38Tu m'as cassé.
00:43Un peu d'aide ici.
00:45Tu es tout seul, Stacy.
00:47À plus.
00:52Attention, on y va.
00:56Elle est vraiment rapide sur ce truc.
01:01Je prends une de ces, et une autre de ces.
01:07Je ne suis pas la seule qui aime les sandwiches.
01:10Regardez tout ce nourriture.
01:13Où commençons-nous ?
01:16Qu'est-ce qu'il y a là-bas ?
01:22Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
01:25Du pain ?
01:33J'adore le pain.
01:37C'est tellement...
01:41Tu parles trop.
01:47Très bien.
02:05Ecoutez Hugo,
02:07pouvez-vous venir ici plus tôt que demain après-midi ?
02:13See you bright and early
02:18Don't worry little dolphin you're gonna make me a lot of money
02:33See if you can follow it
02:39It's so obvious that one
02:44How did you do that?
02:47Hey guys. Well, look who finally made it. Oh, wait, this is perfect
02:53group selfie
02:55small guys
03:02Isla have you met Ken yet? He grew up next door to us. We think of him like family
03:08Nice to meet you Ken. I'm Isla. Hey, he's interning here with Marlowe. Oh
03:24So you're playing shells, huh, you know it she's been trying to beat me for years
03:31You mean you've been trying to beat me
03:34You ready?
03:36Bring it
03:37Here we go again
03:41Round and round she goes where she stops only I know
03:48Sorry it rhymed. Oh, I got this that one
03:56You are good just not that good what what can I say I got skills
04:10Got it
04:23That was epic
05:03Don't know
05:07If you weren't here right next
05:14So far away
05:17It's here with you. I want to stay
05:21Sisters always have your back keep you on a steady track
05:26Sisters are forever there. She'll you bet they always
05:32Search the world
06:17I have to be at work early. I'd better hit the hay hit the hay. I'm pooped
06:27What do you do at work exactly
06:31Well, I clean the tanks where we keep the starfish and why do you keep them in tanks
06:37So Marlowe can study them. Oh
06:42That doesn't seem right
06:44Where's your cabin Isla?
06:47Cabin. Yeah, where are you gonna sleep? Oh
06:53I'm sleeping on the beach
06:57She kills me this one
07:02Wait, you're serious
07:04Why not stay with us instead we have plenty of room and I can take the puppies
07:11That's perfect
07:13Thanks, Ken
07:14Isla you in?
07:17You know what? This means, right?
07:34There you go, thanks always carry a spare she's like over prepared
07:49Well, thank you for letting me borrow your clothes and this
08:01We love an excuse for a sleepover
08:08This looks great
08:13This is the softest thing in the world
08:23If I slept on something like this
08:27I would literally never get up
08:42Well, I guess the sleepover has officially moved to the sleep part
09:14Love are you awake?
09:19Isla Charles
09:29Get my food off today I get my food off today
09:36That's great state that's right I almost forgot well she's got to get up sometime
09:56Impressive she was serious. She's never getting up
10:10Cutest alarm clock ever
10:13Hi guys, bye guys, sorry duty calls can wait
10:18When does the vet get here this afternoon?
10:21That's all Finn looks great. I'm sure the vet will give him the all-clear. I hope so
10:26We'll come by later to say goodbye to him
10:29Cool. I'll see you guys there
10:32How's it going over there
10:36Nothing, I think I know what'll work
10:38Breakfast sandwiches
10:47Who knew sandwiches were good any time of day
10:52It's official you like sandwiches way more than me
10:58That was great
11:00But now I need to go see Emerald. I don't think there's much we can do until the vet arrives
11:07Plus Ken is there he'll look after him. Hey, how about we go for a swim? It'll take your mind off of it. I
11:16Don't know. Oh, come on
11:20Okay. Sure. Let's go
11:50gemstone dolphins, this is amazing
11:55Look at their colors
11:58This is so cool
12:09This is incredible, I know
12:13Never gets old
12:15What you've done this before?
12:21Ruby wait Ruby. How do you know her name? Hey
12:34Ruby no
13:22you're a
13:25Yes a mermaid but but don't freak out. Okay. Oh
13:31Are you kidding?
13:33This is the coolest thing ever
13:36I mean, how did this happen? Were you born with the tail? Do you have magical powers? Can you talk to dolphins?
13:44Are you even human?
13:47Slow down
13:48Yes, I was born a mermaid with the tail
13:53Magical powers, I guess so
13:56Your necklace. Uh-huh. The necklace lets me switch from tail to legs and back again
14:03But Ruby knows the trick and likes me better with the tail. I
14:08Can't exactly talk to dolphins. It's more like we
14:13Get each other
14:21Barbie this is Topaz amethyst and Ruby
14:28Guys, this is my friend Barbie. Hi guys. Nice to meet you
14:37Show off
14:40And no, I'm not technically human
14:45But listen
14:47Remember what I said about not being able to trust people
14:52Yes, but I would never not you Barbie
14:56Of course not but not everyone is like you some people would try to take advantage of other
15:04You can't tell anyone
15:07Not even your sisters, but not because I don't trust them. I do
15:13But the more people who know a secret the more chance it'll get out
15:20Of course, I
15:24Your secret is safe with me I promise
15:28Thank you. I
15:31Just need to know one thing
15:36Can you teach me to swim like a mermaid I think so
15:47You're already a really strong swimmer but this will help
15:54You'll have more power if you move your legs like they're one
16:01So cool now you try
16:24So fun
17:30Free at last
17:32You go girl. Oh, it's good to be out of that boot
17:37But it was kind of nice to be forced to just sit and stare all day
17:42More like stare at people all day. What I've been
17:47observing nature
17:49But now I can do all kinds of stuff like bodyboard and surf and swim at that green dolphin
17:56Easy there tiger shark one thing at a time
18:00Besides, I don't think Marlowe's gonna let you anywhere near that dolphin. Yeah, she seems a bit
18:09Yeah, I know what you mean
18:13Hmm I think I could get more out of this image
18:18I'm running it through a filter. Hey skip check out the helicopter
18:30Sweet photo op
18:34Hey Marlowe's waving it in that must be the vet
18:39That's him. I
18:41Thought he wasn't coming till this afternoon
18:44What now you're both people watching I thought Stacey getting out of the boot meant we could go do stuff
18:53It does let's go find Barbie and tell her the vet is here. We don't want to miss saying goodbye to Emerald
19:29You hear that
19:31It sounds like animal. I wonder why we can hear him this far from the cove
19:41Come on
20:14I'll just be here floating
20:30Any luck with that mystery image, oh this filter is taking forever
20:39That's some serious machinery
21:08Yeah, that crab gets around
21:13Cute walrus
21:15Hmm kind of a weird logo for a vet the sooner we get him out of here the better
21:21I want him transported to the mainland facility safely and immediately
21:26The gemstone dolphins gonna make you a fortune
21:31My rates just went up. Let me be clear that
21:36Dolphin is going to make me a fortune
21:39You won't see a dime of it if we don't take off in an hour
21:44Get everything ready. The sooner we get him out of here the better
21:57Did I just hear that right so he's not a vet no and we need to find Barbie quick
22:10Come on skip hang on a sec
22:29What did you find
22:31There's a maze of tunnels down there, but it's too confusing. We kept getting lost right Ruby
22:40Where'd she go and where's amethyst and topaz they must have headed to the cove
22:54You look scared don't worry little buddy the vet will be here soon and
23:01Stop pestering that dolphin. Uh, I was just checking on him. He seemed sad
23:08He's fine
23:12See huh
23:17Are those it can't be
23:23Quick open the gate and let them in they're stressing him out
23:35What's the code four eight three five six
23:55The markings
24:05Entire family of gemstone dolphins, I can't believe this
24:11Ken quick close the gate. Are you sure now before they get out? You're the boss
24:32John l'a fait out. I'll be right back
24:42I knew there was something weird about Marlo
24:48Really honey you have to go now
