Breathless S01 E04 Hindi Dubbed

  • 2 days ago
00:00Good morning.
00:20We're all here today to discuss the conditions of this strike.
00:26The strike we were talking about is no longer enough.
00:29If we repeat the mistakes we made, that will be the result.
00:32Listen, we'll make a proposal to the management...
00:35...that when the strike takes place here in Suroya...
00:38...we'll refuse to provide minimum service.
00:41They know we're going on a strike.
00:43But that doesn't mean we're not going to do anything.
00:46Wait a minute, doctor.
00:48What do you mean you're not going to provide minimum service?
00:50That means we're not going to do anything.
00:52We'll just sit around.
00:54We're not going to help in the emergency room.
00:56And what about the ICU?
00:58The point is, the strike should be such a disaster...
01:01...that the management has no choice but to kneel.
01:05What happened to Rodrigo was a glimpse of trouble.
01:07But none of us here will refuse to help our patients when needed.
01:11If we don't stop now, we won't be able to help them later.
01:14Remember, we're not doing this to save ourselves.
01:18We're doing this to save public health.
01:21We can't let this go on.
01:22How many of you doctors don't have time to look after your patients?
01:25How many of you don't spend most of your time at home or at the hospital?
01:28How many of us are tired?
01:29How many of us don't know what to do?
01:35Folks, this is the time to stand together.
01:37If the management finds out, they'll do something...
01:39...and our efforts will be in vain.
01:41Guys, we have to work together.
01:43We'll do this for Rodrigo, okay?
01:45That's what Nestor said.
01:46It's time to make a decision.
01:47Those of you who are with us, please raise your hands.
01:55You have to do this for Rodrigo.
01:58No, how can we do this?
01:59Think about it.
02:01It's not me, it's you who doesn't understand.
02:02How can we do this?
02:04Come on. I'm in favor.
02:07For Rodrigo.
02:09I'm in favor. And so am I.
02:11What are you doing?
02:12We're with you, Rodrigo.
02:14For Rodrigo.
02:15For Rodrigo.
02:16For Rodrigo.
02:18What are you doing?
02:19For Rodrigo.
02:20For Rodrigo.
02:21In the name of Rodrigo.
02:22No, what are you doing?
02:23This is the biggest lie. Nothing else can happen.
02:25No, please, wait.
02:26No, no please.
02:27I'm not going to be a part of this drama.
02:29You guys can do whatever you want.
02:30But don't drag me into this.
02:34May, listen to me.
02:35I'll talk to her.
02:43May, listen to me.
02:45May, wait. Where are you going?
02:46Why are you doing this? Rodrigo was your friend, wasn't he?
02:49Rodrigo is no more.
02:50But we are.
02:51I don't want to be ruined.
02:53Look, we can do it.
02:54What's the point?
02:55You're going to Germany.
02:56What do you care if we live or die?
02:58Go to hell.
02:59Listen, can we talk in peace?
03:02May. May.
03:03Can't we talk in peace once?
03:05If you don't want to go to the strike, don't go.
03:07And don't tell anyone.
03:07I'm not a liar.
03:09You guys can do whatever you want.
03:12I don't know what you guys are thinking.
03:13But Nester is not God.
03:15He makes mistakes too.
03:17This strike is going to cost you.
04:11How are you?
04:33Do you know how many phones my brother had?
04:35I don't know.
04:36I don't know.
04:37I don't know.
04:38I don't know.
04:39I don't know.
04:40How many phones did he have?
04:41Because I'm getting calls from everywhere.
04:44A lot.
04:46He always had an extra phone to go live.
04:51And Nester has asked me to talk to you about something.
04:54If it's about minimum services, then no.
04:56I've already told him that I...
04:58No, no, no.
04:59It's not that.
05:01He wants to give Shraddhanjali to Roderick
05:02before the strike tomorrow.
05:09He's making an announcement to start the strike tomorrow.
05:13I think this will help a lot in making the strike a success.
05:20If you really want to help,
05:24then throw this trash away.
05:37Look, he's the one.
05:38Yes, he's the one.
05:47What's the problem?
05:49That's enough.
06:14Be careful. You're sitting with a traitor of doctors.
06:17What did you expect after what you did this morning?
06:21I don't know.
06:22I was hoping I'd get help from you.
06:25At least my girlfriend won't be as crazy as the rest.
06:28Will you keep your voice down?
06:32Are you ashamed of your girlfriend?
06:33But people will die of the strike.
06:34Won't you be ashamed of her?
06:36First of all, I'm not ashamed of her.
06:37Not at all.
06:38I remember.
06:40You said you didn't want to tell people anything.
06:41That's what's best for us.
06:42Or did you change your mind?
06:44No, right?
06:46And secondly, we won't let anyone die.
06:48Didn't Dr. Moa say that?
06:50That's great.
06:52This isn't shame, it's stupidity.
06:54Just think about why I'm doing this strike.
06:58Or don't.
07:00You don't want to listen to me?
07:08That's great.
07:09Please enjoy your food.
07:26I'll get going.
07:35I'm a little confused.
07:40Bye, KK.
07:49Room 204 has the reports.
07:51Thanks, doctor.
07:55One minute.
07:56I've been looking for you since morning.
07:57That's great.
07:58I've been waiting for two days for you to reply to my messages.
08:00Yes, I know. Sorry.
08:02This strike has been a problem.
08:03How are you?
08:06Do you really want to know or are you asking because you're ashamed of me?
08:09I really want to know.
08:11I know I haven't been able to give you time in the past week,
08:14but please understand, Jessica.
08:15It's not easy for me to deal with all this.
08:19It's not easy?
08:22My brother has committed suicide.
08:24And you're talking about dealing with it?
08:27I'm sorry.
08:31Sir, can we...
08:33Can we have dinner together?
08:36We can talk in peace.
08:49The chemo's working well.
08:50Look, the tumor's gotten so small.
08:52You can operate on it.
08:54Patricia will be happy to hear that.
08:55But I think we'll have to give her another cycle of chemo.
08:58You're doing the surgery because of the tumor?
09:00I want to make the tumor a little smaller
09:02so that there's no mistake in the surgery.
09:04I don't think Patricia will have a problem with it.
09:09Another cycle?
09:10You mean it'll take another month?
09:12Are you kidding me?
09:13I'm just saying, why can't we do it now?
09:16We can, but we'll have to wait for the long waiting list
09:18for the health care system.
09:19That's what we'll do in the long run.
09:22I'll go to a private hospital.
09:25But the surgery will be done there.
09:27But I won't be able to stay with you in the operation theatre.
09:29I need you.
09:33I can't wait any longer.
09:35I want you to get her out of me.
09:42Get her out of me, please.
09:43Get her out of me.
09:45Okay, okay.
09:46If we want to do the surgery, we'll have to do it tomorrow.
09:53So soon?
09:55If we want to do it, this is our chance, Patricia.
09:57Not in a few days?
09:58I said tomorrow.
10:02First, we'll have to take the anesthesia test.
10:04Then, we'll have to take the MRI. Both are important.
10:06Admit yourself this afternoon.
10:07P.L., arrange a bed.
10:09It'll be difficult to find a bed in such a short time.
10:11Arrange a bed.
10:14Wait a minute. What's going on?
10:15Wait a minute, please. I don't understand.
10:18How did you come here a month ago?
10:24Because of the strike?
10:25No, it's not because of the strike.
10:36What are you hiding from me?
10:40Patricia, I promise you that tomorrow morning
10:43you'll be ready to forget this cancer.
10:50I'm with you.
10:54Let us go.
10:55What happened?
10:56Pregnant. 35 years old. Road accident.
10:58Hypertension or tachycardia.
10:59It could be a little trauma or hemotarx.
11:01Call the gynecologist.
11:02My child.
11:03My child.
11:04Don't worry. We'll take care of both of you.
11:09She's having a heart attack. Hurry up.
11:11She's in cardiac arrest for 5 minutes and 20 seconds.
11:135, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.
11:16It's asystolic.
11:171, 2, 3, 4.
11:19Keep giving her 1 milligram of adrenaline every 2 minutes.
11:21Get that negative blood quickly.
11:23I need a portable scanner to see if the baby is okay.
11:25Go get it.
11:26It's been 6 minutes.
11:271, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
11:34It's been 6 minutes and 30 seconds.
11:38She has a heartbeat.
11:39But if we can't save the mother, we'll have to do an emergency caesarean.
11:42The pregnancy hasn't even been 24 weeks.
11:43We won't be able to do it.
11:44What's the time of the attack?
11:457 minutes and 30 seconds.
11:46There's no time. The heartbeat is decreasing.
11:47I'll inform the premature baby in the paediatrics.
11:52One minute. One minute.
11:53Check her heartbeat.
12:00We found the pulse.
12:11The baby is stable.
12:21The patient is being assisted by an MRI scanner.
12:25It was difficult, but I found a room.
12:28Patricia doesn't take her stuff. She must be on her way.
12:30Very good.
12:31Let's do the MRI right away.
12:32Otherwise, we'll have to do the operation without a scan.
12:34I've already asked.
12:35And it's very difficult to get a number for an MRI right now.
12:38Should we postpone the operation?
12:41She needs the operation.
12:43I think it's very important for her to know the truth.
12:46The truth is that she's being operated on right away due to a heart attack.
12:50I'm doing the right thing.
12:53I'm treating my patient without telling her anything about the heart attack.
12:55That's best for everyone.
12:57Trust me.
13:01You'll be with me in the operation tomorrow.
13:05Very good.
13:11Look, if the patient's condition is getting better,
13:13why are you asking for a union?
13:16You need to keep the patients happy, not worry them.
13:20What do you think?
13:22Come on.
13:23This is done.
13:25I'll get breakfast for you.
13:30What was that?
13:33She brought biscuits.
13:34Stop scaring the staff here.
13:36I'm not scaring them. I just want to think about the staff.
13:39Because this is the same hospital that started the heart attack.
13:41Yes, but this is the hospital where you're going to be treated.
13:45You know that, right?
13:46What is this? Isn't this casual?
13:48Come on, Emilio. You're too much.
13:51You should be my mother, not an advisor.
13:53I'll go get it. I'll be back soon.
13:55And yes, promise me that you'll rest.
13:58You're right. I promise.
13:59And please, you won't think about work or the heart attack.
14:04Okay? Now rest.
14:40Any difference?
14:42The brain is dead.
14:45The heart stopped beating for a long time.
14:47And the wife?
14:48She's fine.
14:50Her family has decided that she should be on life support until the baby is born.
14:54Dr. Rocio, we've received an order to remove the patient from here.
14:58We need your signature for this.
15:00What do you mean?
15:01We're removing all the ICU patients from here and sending them to other hospitals.
15:05There are already a lot of patients here.
15:07We'll have to send Ali Kanti, or she'll stay here.
15:10No one is going to stay here from 12 o'clock tomorrow.
15:13Yes, ma'am.
15:22Okay, fine.
15:23We'll remove her tonight and I'll take care of the rest.
15:26Yes, thank you.
15:35What are you doing?
15:37Have some honey.
15:38Don't add to my problems.
15:51Patricia, how are you?
15:55Dr. Moua told me to tell you that we won't be able to do your MRI today.
16:02But it's very important.
16:04It is, but if he's saying it can be done without it, then there's nothing to be afraid of.
16:10I was reading about it.
16:13Patricia, why?
16:14This is the only thing you shouldn't have done.
16:16Yes, I know. But what can I do?
16:20I couldn't stop myself.
16:24What are you thinking?
16:25Nestor said I could keep the press.
16:27But now I know that most patients get their press removed.
16:34I don't want to do this, BL.
16:38But if he's asked you, then it's not necessary to get it removed.
16:43Have faith.
17:02Give this to Lorena. She has a night shift.
17:03Okay, fine.
17:05Bye. Good night, Dr. Moua.
17:06Bye. Good night.
17:36I don't know where Patricia is.
17:38I don't know where she is.
17:39I'm so sorry. She'll be fine.
17:41Bye, doctor.
17:42Take care.
17:43Take care.
17:44Take care.
17:46Take care.
18:35I got the whole world in front of me
18:37In front of me
18:38In front of me
18:39I got the ocean right under me
18:41Right under me
18:43Right under me
18:44Right under me
18:45Right under me
18:46Right under me
18:47Right under me
18:48Right under me
18:49Right under me
18:50Right under me
18:51Right under me
18:52Right under me
18:53Right under me
18:54Right under me
18:55Right under me
18:57Right under me
18:58Right under me
18:59Right under me
19:00Right under me
19:01Right under me
19:02Right under me
19:03Right under me
19:05Right under me
19:06I've been looking for my own way
19:09Way, way, way
19:10I can't be bothered
19:12With your new face
19:13Face, face, face
19:14What are you doing here?
19:16Was your boyfriend's story just for the afternoon?
19:19Or was this story a lie too?
19:21What is this?
19:22You did all this drama just to come here?
19:25Are you crazy?
19:26Come upstairs. Let's watch it together.
19:31Bansal, I think...
19:32I think my friend is upstairs.
19:33Go away. Hurry up.
19:34No, no, no.
19:35I'm not going.
19:36I won't tell the truth until I find out.
19:38Go away. Hurry up.
19:39Don't follow me.
19:40Or we'll be in trouble.
19:56KK, why did you leave the door open?
19:59Sorry. I wasn't paying attention.
20:01I'm a little busy.
20:04Pick it up.
20:10Why are you laughing?
20:11I'm not joking.
20:12You're driving me crazy.
20:13Yes, you're not joking.
20:14But you're driving me crazy.
20:16I'm in trouble.
20:17I think the effect of this drug is starting.
20:19Damn it.
20:23It's so hot.
20:29I think the laundry was somewhere around here.
20:31There was a notebook with a password.
20:32I think there's a phone number in it too.
20:36I want to turn this phone off forever.
20:41Okay, here it is.
20:43Try 1226.
20:56But you'll always live in our hearts.
20:59Rodri, we'll always miss you.
21:00Thank you for caring for us.
21:02You were great. You will always be.
21:04I watch your videos every morning, Rodri.
21:07Rodri was amazing.
21:08He had a lot of followers.
21:10He helped a lot of people.
21:15What did you do?
21:16Stop talking nonsense.
21:18I'm tired of listening to his praises
21:20as if he was a great man.
21:22He only made bad videos.
21:29Look, I can understand that you're blaming yourself.
21:33But Rodri didn't deserve all this.
21:34So, is it my fault?
21:36It's my fault, isn't it?
21:43I don't regret anything.
21:46I'm going crazy with anger.
21:54Because instead of making these stupid videos,
21:56if he had known how to work hard,
21:58he would've become a good doctor.
22:10What nonsense is this?
22:12All this has ruined his life.
22:34Calm down. Calm down.
22:36Calm down.
22:38Calm down.
22:40I'm broken.
22:44I don't know how I'll live without my brother.
22:48First, you have to forgive yourself.
22:50I won't be able to.
22:51I won't be able to.
22:53It's difficult, but you have to do it.
22:56You have to do it.
23:08Sorry, Priya.
23:09Don't say sorry. Please don't say sorry.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:27Let go.
23:31Oh, yeah. Let's go.
23:34Let go.
23:38Oh, yeah.
23:41Oh, my God.
23:42Is he making a scene?
23:44I think so.
23:49And aren't you standing up when you hear others making a scene?
23:53I'm flying like a kite with Molly.
23:57I'm standing up when I see the chair.
23:58Did you really take it?
24:00Yes, a little.
24:02Is it over or is it still there?
24:04I stand up when I take a little.
24:06Stop it. No.
24:08Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Please stop.
24:22Let go.
24:26Oh, yeah. Let's go.
24:28Let go.
24:33Oh, yeah. Let's go.
24:35Let go.
24:41Cherish me like Sunday night.
24:47Cherish me like Sunday night.
24:50It's a long time.
24:54From like dynamite.
25:01Bad shot.
25:04Can't you stand up?
25:08I lost my focus. Sorry.
25:12So you're not rejecting me because you don't like me.
25:16You're doing it because I have HIV.
25:19What are you saying?
25:21Listen, it's nothing like that. I swear.
25:28Don't worry.
25:30I'm just going to pee.
25:33Oscar, listen to me for a second.
25:38What is this?
25:39He doesn't understand.
25:42On the count of three.
25:44One, two, three.
25:51No, please. I don't want to fight anymore.
25:53I don't want to help either.
25:55The gun you fired has nothing to do with that kid.
25:59Don't be in a hurry, but don't stop either.
26:01Is everything ready at the hospital?
26:03Yes, I've spoken to them.
26:08Let's go.
26:10Very good. Let's go. Be careful.
26:18Oh, shit.
26:20Call gynecology and pediatrics.
26:22We need to do a caesarean.
26:23Let's go to the operation theatre.
26:26He's in bad shape.
26:27His heart is getting worse.
26:31Fuck. He has a heart attack.
26:33Should I get a crash cart?
26:36Fetal bradycardia.
26:37There's no time. We need to do it now.
26:39No, but I haven't done a caesarean alone.
26:41And the baby is premature.
26:42There's less chance he'll survive.
26:43If there's even a 1% chance, try it.
26:45They'll be here soon.
26:53Come on. Come on.
26:58The baby's heart is weakening.
26:59You need to get him out.
27:08It's all stuck.
27:09It'll be hard to get to the uterus.
27:10Be careful.
27:11She's already dead.
27:12The baby is alive.
27:16Roshan, stretch him, please.
27:17Pull him.
27:18I need space.
27:26My hands are slipping.
27:27Hurry up. His heart must have stopped.
27:33I got it.
27:37Cut his forceps.
27:42I'll tell you what to do later.
27:45What's going on here?
27:47Operation theater.
27:48Hurry up.
27:51You removed the patient without anyone's permission
27:53and did the world's worst caesarean.
27:55Are you out of your mind?
27:57The baby's heart was weakening.
27:58We had to do it to save him.
27:59That's good.
28:00But if you hadn't decided to send him to another hospital,
28:03this wouldn't have happened.
28:04It's all my fault, Pilar.
28:06I take full responsibility.
28:08You don't have to be great,
28:09because you'll be blamed anyway.
28:10May's a junior doctor.
28:11If she'd done this, I'd understand.
28:13But you're a senior.
28:16Tell me the truth.
28:17Who did you ask to remove the patient from the ICU?
28:19And with whose permission did you operate on the patient?
28:21Dr. Pilar.
28:22There are better facilities in Alicante,
28:24so I thought nine months would be enough.
28:26But no.
28:27I was wrong.
28:28That's right.
28:29You were absolutely wrong.
28:32Now you won't be able to erase the black mark on your record.
28:45I'm sorry.
28:58Aren't you hungry?
29:00Who eats this kind of food?
29:02It makes me feel like government health care really needs help.
29:06There's good food on your table on our wish list.
29:09When this is all over,
29:11we can talk about your wish.
29:15What do you mean, when this is all over?
29:18When you cure me completely.
29:26Can you stay?
29:28Let's talk until I fall asleep.
29:31The nurse gave me sleeping pills,
29:33but they're not working.
29:40What do you want to talk about?
29:45I don't know.
29:47You tell me.
29:49How did you become the most famous oncologist?
29:52Tell me.
29:58When I was in college,
29:59there was a professor.
30:00He said there were three kinds of doctors.
30:02First, those who treat patients.
30:04Second, those who treat patients for the family.
30:06And third, those who treat patients
30:07because they think they'll make a lot of money.
30:12You treat patients because you think they'll make a lot of money.
30:15I became a doctor a long time ago.
30:18I became a doctor because of my family.
30:21So you're a doctor's family?
30:25I was wrong.
30:27I always got good grades.
30:29And because of that,
30:30my family got the idea that I should become a doctor.
30:33And I always did what they told me to.
30:36And I became a doctor.
30:38Mr. Educated.
30:39You never mentioned that in an interview.
30:44A doctor who's rebellious is better than me.
30:48Educated boys aren't attractive.
30:51And you are.
30:54Okay, now you tell me.
30:56Did you always want to be this?
30:57No, not at all.
30:58My family was middle-class and left-wing.
31:02My whole life.
31:05Were they happy with you?
31:07Very happy.
31:10I wanted to see my uncle's face.
31:14When they found out
31:15that I was joining a party,
31:17they got very angry.
31:20They fought for their left-wing ideas all their lives.
31:23And their beloved niece
31:25became right-wing.
31:32Poor uncle.
31:34What's he doing now?
31:35What day is it today?
31:40It was Thursday ten years ago.
31:42I'm sorry.
31:44Not cancer.
31:46Please write this down in my file.
31:53I'll get rid of your cancer.
31:56I promise.
32:07We have to read Joanna's statement carefully
32:09and find out what's wrong with it.
32:11Yes, Hugo said he took off his clothes.
32:13After that, whatever happened,
32:14Joanna's hand was in it.
32:15Yes, but who will listen to Hugo in front of Joanna?
32:17Taking off clothes and having sex are two different things.
32:19Who can know this better than you?
32:20Expert feminist?
32:21What nonsense are you talking about?
32:26I said too much.
32:28So you think I taught my son to drink and have sex with girls
32:31without a condom?
32:32I'm sure Hugo didn't do anything like that.
32:38And what if he did?
32:41Is our son really a rapist, Lewis?
32:46Listen to me.
32:50If that's the case, what's your fault?
32:52You're a good mother.
32:53You've done your duty as a mother.
33:00So many mothers think like that.
33:04But in reality, they don't know anything about their children.
33:09And that's what I'm afraid of.
33:11To be honest, when I see him,
33:12sometimes I feel like I'm going to faint.
33:14As if I don't know him.
33:16As if I don't know the truth about him.
33:18Not at all.
33:19Not at all.
33:22I wasn't with Hugo when he needed me.
33:24It's my fault.
33:30I'm not mad at you.
33:34How can a child raise another child?
33:44That's why you didn't tell me when he was in custody.
33:47You knew I wouldn't be able to handle it.
33:51I'm sorry.
33:55I understand why you didn't tell me.
33:57But from now on, if you want to help Hugo,
33:59we'll have to support each other.
34:05What's wrong?
34:08You're still hiding something.
34:12Leo, you're scaring me.
34:14I need to tell you something.
34:22The strike...
34:27The Nestor will announce tomorrow
34:29that we won't even provide minimum services.
34:59What's wrong? You didn't come home last night.
35:02I was here.
35:05This strike will have bad consequences.
35:08We knew we'd have to make sacrifices.
35:10Yes, but your sacrifices are affecting me too.
35:14It'll be hard for you to find a job in Germany.
35:17And all because you didn't have the courage to tell Dr. Pillar the truth.
35:20The truth?
35:24I don't care about my record. I'm not going to Germany.
35:27What do you mean?
35:28But we've been planning for months.
35:30No, you've been planning for months.
35:33Because you don't care about anyone but yourself.
35:35Do you know how hard it is to talk to you?
35:38You're not human, you're a wall.
35:41Very good.
35:43Now I'm listening.
35:45Say what you have to say.
35:47Say it.
35:48Say it.
35:57I don't want us to be together.
36:10I don't want us to be together.
36:17Look, I had a good reason to tell Luis, but I can't tell you what it was.
36:20You sold us out, and now you don't even know why.
36:22No, I can't tell you.
36:23But I've called the media.
36:24I've told them we have to make an important announcement about the strike.
36:27All preparations have been made. We'll have to start the strike soon.
36:30We've made a mistake.
36:32But even if they want to, they can't stop the strike.
36:35I wish that were the case.
36:37What do you mean there won't be minimum services?
36:39How could you even think of that?
36:40Do whatever you want, Luis.
36:43The strike will take place.
36:45You made a big mistake by going against the hospital.
36:48Nestor, understand one thing.
36:49If you don't stop being stubborn, I'll have to set up a substitute team.
36:53I'm sorry, but we won't back down.
36:54Do whatever you want.
37:01What do we do now?
37:02What do we do?
37:04Should we call the health council, or the special operations?
37:07Take it easy, Luis.
37:08On one hand, the president is getting himself treated down there,
37:10and on the other, Nestor is...
37:12Playing with a patient's life is just an excuse.
37:16They don't have the guts.
37:18We'll see.
37:19I'll see what I can do.
37:47Good morning.
37:58This is not a joke.
37:59It's about our existence.
38:02I have to go.
38:03I have an operation.
38:05You're not going to do it.
38:07What did you say?
38:08That I'm still a head surgeon.
38:10You can't do whatever you want without telling me, understand?
38:12What did you think?
38:14I can't stop the operation, but I can set a time.
38:17And that will be in the end.
38:19You're such a jerk.
38:21What if the operation doesn't end before midnight?
38:23What if it doesn't end?
38:24Then you'll leave the operation in the middle,
38:25because your strike is about to begin.
38:27And can you play with a patient's life, Pilar?
38:31Yes, you.
38:32I haven't done anything.
38:33Whatever you've done, you've done.
38:35I'm just showing you a mirror,
38:36so you can see that whatever you've done is wrong.
38:39If you want to do the operation, do it.
38:41No one's stopping you.
38:42If you want to leave the patient in the middle of the operation because of the strike,
38:45then do it.
38:46Then we'll see how it looks on the front page of Kassau Magazine,
38:49who just put you on the head.
38:51Don't piss me off, Pilar.
38:53I'm not pissing you off.
38:55This is a lesson.
38:57The patients you care about,
38:58it's time to leave them.
38:59You're getting it all wrong.
39:09Thank you, Arturo.
39:10No problem, doctor.
39:15It'll take them two more hours.
39:18Then there's no time at all.
39:19We'll have to tell Patricia.
39:22We'll take her to the operation theatre.
39:24Once we take her in,
39:25you'll offer a prayer,
39:26and announce the strike.
39:29We're bringing them in here so they don't know?
39:32That's what we're doing.
39:33Look, this isn't right.
39:35We should tell them the truth.
39:37Let's postpone the operation.
39:41I promised her
39:42that we'd do the operation today.
39:44So we'll do it today.
39:49Everything will be fine.
40:04Patricia, how are you?
40:06You took a long time.
40:08The operation theatre was busy.
40:10We'll take you in now.
40:12Is everything okay?
40:14Yeah, yeah.
40:15It's a routine thing here.
40:18Lie down on the bed, please.
40:21You'll have to leave your phone here.
40:22You can't take anything to the operation theatre.
40:24Give it to me. I'll put it in my bag.
40:29There you go.
40:50Don't be afraid, Patricia.
40:54Everything will be fine.
41:03Thank you all for coming.
41:06With this,
41:07we want to honor our colleague and friend Rodrigo.
41:10But we also want to make an announcement.
41:13He's in Suraiya Hospital.
41:14He's on strike.
41:15Minimum services will be shut down.
41:21So that what happened to Rodrigo
41:23doesn't happen to anyone else.
41:35Government health services!
41:37Government health services!
41:39Government health services!
41:41Government health services!
41:43Government health services!
41:45Government health services!
41:47Government health services!
41:49Government health services!
41:51Government health services!
41:53Government health services!
41:55Government health services!
41:57Government health services!
41:59Government health services!
42:01Government health services!
42:03Government health services!
42:05Government health services!
42:07Breaking news from the government health services.
42:10Those on strike have announced
42:12that they won't provide minimum services.
42:14The doctors won't do anything
42:16that will affect the patients.
42:18No one knows how long this strike will last.
42:24Excuse me.
42:25One minute.
42:26I need to talk to Patricia Segura.
42:28She's in the operation theater.
42:30I'm sorry.
42:31Please wait until she comes.
42:39Is everything OK?
42:41Yes, it's fine.
42:43I've made the announcement.
42:45Very good!
42:46Now we just have to wait.
42:48Go rest. I'll stay here.
42:50Just a minute.
43:00Keep it in place.
43:01Come on, come on, come on...
43:04Come on, come on.
43:11We're at the Oaken Soraya Hospital in Valencia,
43:13an assault will begin tonight against healthcare workers.
43:17You're destroying the healthcare.
43:20Everyone is losing their minds except you.
43:24Four steps.
43:42It's 12 o'clock.
43:43The strike must have begun.
43:45The patient is going that way.
43:46No one is going anywhere.
43:48We will end this operation.
43:49What do we do?
43:51Go back to your position.
43:52Pilar, we've been operating for a long time.
43:55We can't keep the patient in anesthesia for so long.
43:57Oh, so now you're making anesthesia the reason?
44:00The reason is not that you want to start your reckless strike.
44:03I'll stay here.
44:05Who else will stay with me?
44:07We told them she'll be fine.
44:09Patricia is important.
44:10And this strike too.
44:12And they know that?
44:15The strike has begun. What do we do?
44:36Let's go.
44:55I'll stay.
44:59BL, come this way.
45:00Pilar, there are only three of us.
45:02But the operation won't stop.
45:04Today, you'll prove why you're Nestea's favorite.
45:17What's this?
45:18We'll have to remove the entire breast.
45:20But I told them it wouldn't happen.
45:21But before you say that,
45:23you didn't think it was necessary to get an MRI done, BL?
45:25Come, look.
45:27You'll understand after touching it.
45:28It's a tumor.
45:30We can't save anything.
45:31I think it's spread to the lymph nodes.
45:35I can't tell you.
45:37We'll have to remove the breast.
45:49Pilar, it's getting worse.
45:52We'll have to remove the infected lymph nodes.
45:54We'll have to start adrenaline immediately.
45:55Causes. I need causes.
45:57Catheter 2, BL.
45:58I can't find it.
46:00Without it, I can't see where the sentinel lymph nodes are.
46:02It's getting worse, Pilar.
46:03BL, call the nurses.
46:04Everyone's on strike, Pilar.
46:06If we don't stop, she'll die.
46:10What do we do?
46:26It's more of a tumor than we thought.
46:30I'm sorry.
46:31I'm sorry.
47:01I'm so sorry.
47:02I've been so disturbed.
47:04I don't know what's happened,
47:06but I've lost it.
47:07It's gone.
47:09It's gone.
47:11It's gone.
47:19I couldn't breathe.
47:22Yes, you have cancer.
47:27Where's the nurse?
47:31I'm sorry.
47:32I'm sorry.
47:33I'm sorry.
47:34I'm sorry.
47:35I'm sorry.
47:36I'm sorry.
47:37I'm sorry.
47:38I'm sorry.
47:39I'm sorry.
47:40I'm sorry.
47:41I'm sorry.
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47:43I'm sorry.
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