Watch The Little Drummer Boy (1968) Full Movie For Free

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00:30And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, and all went to be taxed, every one to his own city.
00:44For to disobey the Roman Emperor meant certain death.
00:48Oh, there were young people and old people, there were the famous and mighty, and some not yet known, but whose names would eventually linger and be revered for all time.
01:04There were good people who could ill afford the cruel tax about to be imposed upon them, and there were others.
01:18And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, and all went to be taxed, every one to his own city.
01:26For to disobey the Roman Emperor meant certain death, and some not yet known, but whose names would eventually linger and be revered for all time.
01:48And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, and all went to be taxed, every one to his own city.
01:56For to disobey the Roman Emperor meant certain death, and some not yet known, but whose names would eventually linger and be revered for all time.
02:04And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, and all went to be taxed, every one to his own city.
02:12And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, and all went to be taxed, every one to his own city.
02:20And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, every one to his own city.
02:28And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, every one to his own city.
02:36And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, every one to his own city.
02:42And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, every one to his own city.
02:48And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, every one to his own city.
02:54And it came to pass that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed, every one to his own city.
03:00Drummer boy, you may not believe me, but this is the luckiest day of your life.
04:30Présenté par
05:00Nous pouvons être riches.
05:02Pendant que les impôts d'impôts attendent d'être comptés, ils vont s'ennuyer.
05:09Ils vont craindre l'entretien que seulement moi, Ben Haramid, roi des déchets, et bien sûr, vous aussi, pouvez offrir.
05:19Mais je ne veux pas aller près de ce mob. Je déteste les gens, tous les gens.
05:24Et pensez-vous que j'aime les gens?
05:28Quel monde merveilleux ce serait sans les gens.
05:32Mais, alas, il faut exister avec les gens.
05:36Et bien sûr, il est mieux d'être plongé et riche que plongé et pauvre.
06:15Lorsque le jour est mauvais, l'air est mouillé, et les oiseaux volent bas,
06:37je dois travailler comme les autres hommes quand les oiseaux volent bas.
06:46Mais lorsque le jour est mauvais, l'air est mouillé, et les oiseaux volent bas,
06:59je dois travailler comme les autres hommes quand les oiseaux volent bas.
07:30Père! Mère!
07:35Et pourquoi cet exceptionnel salut aujourd'hui, mon fils?
07:38Oh, pas de raison.
07:40Joyeux anniversaire, Aaron.
07:42Oh, père! Mère!
07:44Vous m'avez apporté quelque chose?
07:46Je ne suppose pas que ça vous intéresse, jeune homme.
07:50Un tambour! Mon propre tambour! Oh, père!
07:55Essaye-le, Aaron!
07:57Et peut-être que c'était un cadeau d'amour, le tambour avait une qualité presque magique,
08:05et les animaux, quand ils l'entendaient, commençaient à danser à son son.
08:16Mais Aaron's happiness was to end all too soon,
08:21for one night, bandits of the desert attacked.
08:28Qu'est-ce qu'il y a là-bas?
08:32Tu dois courir, mon fils.
08:34Escagne-toi! Cours!
08:37Ils ont brûlé la ferme et ont pris les chiens,
08:40et Aaron's happy life had changed forever.
08:45And so Aaron roamed the land, a lonely orphan,
08:49his only friends, three of the farm animals who had escaped.
08:53He vowed to hate all humans for what they had done to his family,
08:58and he kept that vow.
09:03Ah, Jérusalem at last! Here we shall make our fortune.
09:07All these people!
09:09Ah-ha! The rest of my show caravan!
09:12Hello! Hello!
09:15Hello! Hello!
09:21Set up our performing carpets and let us be on with the show.
09:34Ladies and gentlemen, fellow taxpayers,
09:38the day need not be all gloomy,
09:41for I, Ben Haramed, King of the Desert Showmen,
09:45have brought at great expense,
09:47direct from the palace of the Emperor of China,
09:50the toast of royalty, Missal and Jamil,
09:54tumblers extraordinary.
09:58Hop! Hop!
10:01Hop! Hop!
10:05Hop! Hop!
10:10Wonderful! Wonderful!
10:12Perhaps it will show your appreciation for such a performance.
10:19And now let's move it right along with Ali of Arabia,
10:24the greatest juggler under the stars.
10:39Boy, you perform next. The crowd is restless.
10:42You must please them. Are you ready?
10:45I'm ready.
10:47No, no. Smile. Smile!
10:50See? Only a smile pleases the crowd.
10:53Smile. Smile!
10:57I cannot. Not at them.
11:00You stubborn little fool. Then wear a painted one.
11:05There. That's better.
11:07When do I go on?
11:09Now, before that goat juggles me out of my life savings.
11:12You never heard a lion laugh.
11:15You never saw a gator grin.
11:18A goose in a gaggle never gives a giggle.
11:21Why can't the animal smile?
11:24You never saw a smiling frog,
11:27a tickled clam, a happy hog,
11:30a light-hearted camel, a merry old mammal.
11:33Why can't the animal smile?
11:36You never heard a lion laugh.
11:39You never saw a smiling frog,
11:42a tickled clam, a happy hog,
11:45a light-hearted camel, a merry old mammal.
11:48Why can't the animal smile?
11:51A barrel of monkeys, a pack of silly donkeys,
11:54an elephant, a caribou
11:57have never been heard to chuckle a word
12:00or twitter like people do.
12:03You never heard a mouse guffaw,
12:06Why can't the animal smile?
12:09Why can't the animal smile?
12:19You heard them? More! More!
12:22Don't let them get away before I pass the hat.
12:27But as Aaron looked at the faces of the cheering mob,
12:30a great rage rose up inside him.
12:33How dare they laugh and be happy
12:36after what their kind did to his family?
12:39Stop! Quiet!
12:42I hate you all for what you did.
12:45You're all brain thieves and bandits and knaves and...
12:53Run for it!
12:56And so the troop was chased out of Jerusalem by the mob.
13:00Boy, you shall pay for this indignity.
13:03Ben Harry, Matt, look!
13:08By the hounds of heaven, it is the caravan of a king!
13:12We're in luck!
13:14Can I believe my luck?
13:16Two kings!
13:18Hold me up!
13:20Three! Three kings!
13:24And behold, there came wise men from the east.
13:28Three kings of the Orient.
13:31And lo, the star which they saw went before them.
13:37Yes, it was the star of Bethlehem which shone so brightly
13:41and graced the lonely, darkening desert with its silver light.
13:46But the little troop did not know what to do.
13:49It was time to go.
13:51It was time to go.
13:53It was time to go.
13:55It was time to go.
13:57It was time to go.
13:59It was time to go.
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18:31It was time to go.
18:33It was time to go.
18:35It was time to go.
18:37It was time to go.
18:39It was time to go.
18:41It was time to go.
18:43Le village de Bethlehem Et quand Aaron a regardé à l'étranger, il a vu ce qui
18:55semblait être un gentil armée de pauvres chèvres, tous lesquels sont conduits vers le petit
19:03Et pourquoi sont-ils tous en train de suivre la même étoile?
19:33Look, Samson, Baba, by that old stable up ahead, see?
20:16royal caravan!
20:18We found it!
20:20See, there is old Joshua!
20:22Their hearts were so full of joy that they did not look where they were going.
20:28Suddenly, something came careening out of the darkness.
20:31Out of my way, ragamuffin!
20:35Oh, Baba, you mustn't die, you mustn't!
20:41Who can help me?
20:44Yes, the kings, the kings are wise.
20:52They will be able to save Baba.
20:55Please, I've got to get inside to see the kings!
20:59You must let me through!
21:01And when Aaron came to the entrance of the stable, he could hardly believe what he saw.
21:09And she brought forth her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid
21:15him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn.
21:21Oh, your majesty!
21:23You must...
21:26Oh, the player boy.
21:28My lamb has been injured.
21:30You must save him.
21:32He is near death.
21:34Oh, lad, there is nothing I can do.
21:37But you are a king!
21:40A mortal king only.
21:42But there is a king among kings who would save your little friend.
21:49The babe?
21:51But I do not understand.
21:54It is not necessary that you understand.
21:58Go to him.
22:00But I...
22:02I have no gift to bring.
22:04Go, look about the newborn king.
22:10I am a poor boy, too.
22:18I have no gift to bring.
22:25Bless me to give for him.
22:31I am a poor boy, too.
22:40I am a poor boy, too.
22:48I am a poor boy, too.
22:55I am a poor boy, too.
23:02I am a poor boy, too.
23:06I am a poor boy, too.
23:26I am a poor boy, too.
