• last week


00:00All right, camera's set.
00:01OK, and action.
00:05What are you guys doing?
00:06We're doing a little commercial.
00:07Commercial, honey.
00:08Nick and Cameron are filming in the gift shop for this show.
00:09I think Cameron is really beautiful.
00:10He kind of looks like my first ex-boyfriend.
00:11Maybe he could be my next ex-boyfriend.
00:12Oh, my God.
00:13Oh, my God.
00:14Oh, my God.
00:15Oh, my God.
00:16Oh, my God.
00:17Oh, my God.
00:18Oh, my God.
00:19Oh, my God.
00:20Oh, my God.
00:21Oh, my God.
00:22Oh, my God.
00:23Oh, my God.
00:24Oh, my God.
00:25Oh, my God.
00:26Oh, my God.
00:27Oh, my God.
00:28Oh, my God.
00:29Oh, my God.
00:30Oh, my God.
00:31Oh, my God.
00:32Oh, my God.
00:33Oh, my God.
00:34Oh, my God.
00:35Oh, my God.
00:36Oh, my God.
00:37Oh, my God.
00:38Oh, my God.
00:39Oh, my God.
00:40Oh, my God.
00:41Oh, my God.
00:42Oh, my God.
00:43Oh, my God.
00:44Oh, my God.
00:45Oh, my God.
00:46Oh, my God.
00:47Oh, my God.
00:48Oh, my God.
00:49Oh, my God.
00:50Oh, my God.
00:51Oh, my God.
00:52Oh, my God.
00:53Oh, my God.
00:54Oh, my God.
00:55Oh, my God.
00:56Oh, my God.
00:57Oh, my God.
00:58I heard that Panjayna has a crush on Cameron the Dancer, but I don't know if he's single,
01:02so we're going to find out.
01:03I love playing matchmaker.
01:05Amie, why weren't you at Piranha?
01:08You had to get home to someone?
01:13I don't know.
01:14A date?
01:15My puppy.
01:16Oh, puppy love!
01:17What is Derek up to?
01:18No dating?
01:24Any interest?
01:26In anyone?
01:27So, I just got out of a relationship, so.
01:29Wasn't toxic.
01:31Well, you're right, Derek.
01:32Right, toxic.
01:33Very toxic.
01:34You're a good therapist, you can tell.
01:35Don't you know that I'm toxic?
01:44Jamal Sams, who's the choreographer of the show,
01:46who also co-directs our show with none other than Mama Ru Paul,
01:50came to talk to Bosco and I about our new numbers in the show.
01:54Not only is he talented, but he's really, really cute.
01:58And I can't keep my eyes off him.
02:00Bosco and Coco.
02:03All right.
02:04Open at night?
02:05I feel like the prep's done.
02:06I feel like we've put in all the work and I'm excited.
02:09Are there any parts that make you nervous?
02:11I know all the choreo.
02:13But making sure that I'm in the right spot at the right time,
02:15because there's so many different moving parts,
02:17that if I'm off an inch, somebody's going to run into me.
02:21I'm nervous.
02:22It is live theater.
02:23Literally anything could happen.
02:24A costume piece could break.
02:25Something could not go as planned.
02:27These are live performances, you know?
02:29And it will start to develop.
02:30It will get better every night.
02:32It will work out within, you know, a couple days.
02:35What's the worst thing that could happen?
02:37So I know that I'm the newest girl in the cast,
02:39but how many girls have been in this show?
02:41It's almost 30.
02:43That rocks.
02:44Almost 30, yeah.
02:45Leaving legacies.
02:47Now I'm going to ruin it.
02:48I'm the last one.
02:49I'm the last one that's going to do this.
02:51And Coco?
02:53Well, you came in and, like, literally knew everybody's track,
02:58which is, like, the hardest job that anyone in the show has.
03:03It was fun doing so many different roles in the show.
03:08And I think that was so challenging and fun for me.
03:10For me, when it was brought to my attention
03:12that you wanted to do a number, I'm like, absolutely.
03:15Let's do it.
03:16We got your number.
03:17Pop it out.
03:19Jamal got me my own Janet Jackson number.
03:22To do a Janet Jackson number on the strip, iconic.
03:27I don't know if you know.
03:28My first club that I went to in Las Vegas
03:31was across the street from Piranha.
03:33I don't know what that club was.
03:37That was it.
03:38And I seen you there performing Janet.
03:40I was like, whoever that is, that's Janet Jackson right there.
03:44And so now to cut to, what, almost 30 years later?
03:48And to be able to give you a Janet number, it's so special.
03:54You are living the Janet dream.
03:57I just wanted to make you proud.
03:58I was like, I cannot mess this up.
03:59I feel really privileged to be able to work with both of you.
04:01It was awesome.
04:02We're so happy to have you.
04:08I think because Cam is the lead dancer, I get shy.
04:12I do sometimes.
04:13He is so sweet, which makes it worse.
04:15People who have a six pack should have shitty personalities
04:18to balance it out.
04:19You can't look pretty and have a nice personality.
04:21That's for us.
04:26So we got to go put on our mugs.
04:28I'm feeling a little nervous, just because there's
04:30a lot of things to remember.
04:31There's a lot of things that are happening,
04:33a lot of moving pieces.
04:34But I feel mainly excited.
04:36I'm excited for tonight, but I'm also excited for tonight
04:39to be over.
04:40That way I can just start to feel like, oh yeah,
04:42this is my role.
04:43I own this role.
04:44This is what I do every single night.
04:46I'm excited for that.
04:47Every night is different, because the swings come in
04:50and do different tracks, do different numbers.
04:52Most girls have done anywhere from three to six month contracts.
04:58Some only did a couple weeks.
04:59Silky came in for a couple week run,
05:01and then she came back into swing a couple days.
05:06I've been on the show since the beginning,
05:07and I've seen so many queens come and go.
05:09It's really awesome to see a queen make a number of their own
05:12and then see what kind of special spice they can bring
05:15to the group numbers.
05:16There's a lot of girls that live here in town.
05:18It's kind of nice that this has kind of become
05:20almost like a second L.A.
05:21as far as industry goes for real girls.
05:24There being a Vegas branch that grew girls can plug into
05:27is really cool.
05:29Knock, knock.
05:30Come in.
05:32Oh, hey.
05:33There you go.
05:34I'm nervous.
05:37I haven't done this.
05:38It's my first night.
05:39Oh, my gosh.
05:40With Bosco.
05:42All right, hazing is alive.
05:44It's so funny to watch how just one person's energy
05:48can change the whole show, you know?
05:50That is such an open-ended statement.
05:52But no.
05:53But it could be good, and it could be bad.
05:55Very much so.
05:56Very much so.
05:57Just different.
06:01Conveniently just made it in.
06:04Just swirled through.
06:05Yeah, you.
06:06What are you suggesting?
06:07Were you over in that dressing room?
06:11The boys?
06:12Oh, what are you doing?
06:13You're one of the boys tonight?
06:15With that hair on?
06:17Vangina has a tiny little crush on Cameron.
06:20She's just very schoolgirl about it.
06:22Wait, but your lipstick still looks good.
06:25All right, y'all have a good show.
06:26Thank you, Jamal.
06:27Thank you, Jamal.
06:28Look forward to seeing you.
06:31What's happening?
06:32How are you?
06:33How you feeling?
06:34I'm doing what I came to do.
06:36Burning the house down.
06:37Honey, we came to do a job.
06:39And so you're going into the show as host.
06:42And it feels correct, I have to say.
06:48And after Lawrence, you know, I mean,
06:50anybody's an upgrade from that.
06:57It's showtime.
06:59I'm about to go on for my first performance.
07:02I'm feeling a little bit of the jitters
07:04and a little bit of the nerves,
07:05but could have been a little bit of IBS.
07:08But I'm feeling good.
07:16First number, we're good.
07:18We're good.
07:19Went great.
07:20I think I'm off to a really good start.
07:30We did it.
07:32First show, down.
07:34And it went really, really well.
07:35It was a good show.
07:39That's what she said.
07:41All right.
07:47Show's over, and I love that Jamal stayed for the meet and greet
07:50because it's so exciting when he gets to congratulate
07:52new girls on their new numbers.
07:54I love that feeling.
07:55It was an incredible show.
07:57I could not be more proud of this particular cast, too.
08:00Everybody brings something different to the table.
08:02Jamal was really feeling my performance.
08:05I was really, really excited with how well it went,
08:07and then I was even more excited to see how much Jamal liked it.
08:10It was awesome.
08:12So thank you so much.
08:15I'm so excited.
08:16Yeah, let's take a picture on his mug.
08:18Three, two, one.
08:20It's time to untuck.
08:24Yes, go.
08:25Can I just tell you how fucking stunning you look tonight?
08:29Congratulations on your opening, your big opening.
08:32It was juicy and wide.
08:34I loved it.
08:35I have a huge opening.
08:37It just felt so natural and easy.
08:40This is how it should feel.
08:41You should feel dialed in.
08:42You should feel well-rehearsed and vibing with everybody.
08:45And they received you, bitch.
08:46They went up for you.
08:48People receive me quite often.
08:51Everyone's number is just so different.
08:53It's a widespread of everything at this point.
08:57A widespread.
08:59Now, you were saying before you were in a relationship
09:01last time you were in Vegas.
09:03Now you're single.
09:04Yeah, I'm completely single.
09:05So you are ready to experience Vegas.
09:07Oh, she's been in England.
09:09So last night was the kickoff.
09:12He could have been a murderer, and you let him on our bus.
09:16I didn't think he was.
09:19But then you really never know.
09:21You never know.
09:22You have to take a chance in life.
09:24She had Vegas.
09:25She rolled the dice.
09:27His name is Josh.
09:28And in the middle of it, she stopped and came running over
09:31to me, sitting in VIP, going, are you recording me?
09:34Because you were, bitch.
09:35No, we were not.
09:36I saw your phone.
09:37Go, go, get your phone.
09:38I saw your Nokia 3310, and you were recording it.
09:42Did you record a video of Pantana?
09:43Did I record a video of Pantana kissing the boy?
09:46I probably did.
09:47I don't remember.
09:48I think I do.
09:49I don't remember.
09:50I don't remember.
09:51I don't remember.
09:52I don't remember.
09:53I don't remember.
09:54I don't remember.
09:55I think I do.
09:56I think I have it in my phone.
09:57He is always on her phone.
09:59And she came over.
10:00She's like, are you recording me?
10:01I said, girl, I'm not thinking about you
10:03over there with your tongue down in man's throat.
10:05I mean, fully down.
10:07I can't sell that to TMZ.
10:10I have other footage of her, though.
10:12I do.
10:13I guess the question is, are we going to see him again?
10:15I think so.
10:16He signed the release.
10:17So yeah, we're going to have him.
10:19That's good.
10:21I don't know why the other queens are
10:22so interested in my dating life.
10:24Maybe I'm in a new chapter in my life
10:26where now I'm just, like, sucking everything that moves.
10:29I swear I saw you post on Instagram
10:33that you were engaged.
10:38So basically, I've always dreamed at the age of 35
10:42that I would be married and be happy.
10:44And the last relationship was something
10:46that was going to that.
10:48He just broke my heart completely,
10:50and I was shattered.
10:51And at that point, I was like, it's my 35th birthday.
10:54So I went into this store, bought the ring I've always wanted,
10:58this huge-ass Tiffany-like ring.
11:01I mean, it was a copy, but still,
11:03it was a real diamond that I've always wanted.
11:05And I was like, I am going to get married to myself.
11:07Posted online and said yes.
11:09Everybody thought that I got married because I said yes,
11:11but it was more like a commitment to myself.
11:13I haven't loved myself in so long,
11:15and that's part of drag is to teach you
11:17how to love yourself, right?
11:18But I forgot that over the past relationship.
11:21As a drag queen, I never thought I would make money.
11:23It's rewarding myself for my accomplishments.
11:26I deserve this.
11:27Even though I don't have the guy of my dreams,
11:29I'm going to get what I want.
11:30Out of everyone here, the only single people is us, right?
11:35Married, married.
11:37Double married.
11:41Now, I am moderating this panel today with these queens
11:44because I want to know the juicy gossip
11:46on how you bag a man.
11:49Or in Derek's case, two men.
11:51So, was it hard for y'all to find some, like,
11:54the special person?
11:55I didn't mind a meet and greet.
11:57I love that.
11:58I was in Knoxville, and their meet and greet situation
12:00was a shit show.
12:01Christopher stepped in to, like, help organize it,
12:03and I started flirting and dropped my Sharpie.
12:05He bent over, and...
12:07It was a bend and snap.
12:08It was a bend and snap.
12:09He bent a snap.
12:10The whole bend and snap.
12:11It worked, honey.
12:12It worked every time.
12:13I put a ring on it.
12:16Christopher and I were married in 2018,
12:18and it was actually during the time
12:20I was filming All Stars 4.
12:21He's so supportive.
12:22He's here with me now and helping me.
12:25My boo-boo, honey.
12:26That's my baby.
12:27Derek, you're so nice that they had to marry it twice.
12:30Like, how'd you land two?
12:31I actually, I met Nick at Pamela Anderson's fashion show,
12:34and he was doing artwork for The Palms,
12:36and he saw me, and he loves Britney Spears,
12:39and so all night long, he just was enamored.
12:42You were in drag?
12:44We were together for five years, and then we met Mac.
12:46I've been a throuple relationship for over ten years.
12:49Mac was the first person that we met
12:51that was someone that we didn't know.
12:53I think that it doesn't work for everyone,
12:55but it somehow works for me.
12:56We met Mac at my ex's house, which is very weird.
12:59So when you were at Chanel's house, what happened?
13:01Absolutely not.
13:03Ha ha ha!
13:05Ha ha ha!
13:08We saw Mac, and we were both like, oh, my God.
13:10He is 6'5", he's beautiful, blonde.
13:12He was the one that asked us to be in a closed relationship.
13:17Yeah, he said, I would like you guys to be my boyfriends,
13:19and are you guys okay with that?
13:20And I was like, oh, my God.
13:21Is this how this works?
13:24It was so cute.
13:25And he's like, I love where this is going,
13:26I love spending time with you guys,
13:27and I don't want to share you with anyone else,
13:29and so that was really, really cute.
13:31So was this before the drag race thing?
13:34Yes, he actually ended up filming that year that we met.
13:37Alaska picked him right away.
13:39Nick must be a strong person to have two queens around.
13:42Nick and I were not looking for it.
13:44We just happened to find him.
13:46I think that's the case with relationships in general.
13:48Like, you're never looking for it.
13:51I've been single for quite a long time.
13:54We're talking before drag race.
13:56Dating as a drag queen is just really difficult.
13:59I used to be like, I need to get a boyfriend
14:01because everyone else in my school has a boyfriend.
14:04And then it's like, no, actually, like, just do life.
14:08My dad gave me advice, and he was like,
14:10if it happens, it happens.
14:12If it doesn't, no matter how hard you try,
14:15it's not going to work.
14:16So, yeah.
14:17When you met Alfie, he was also a fan, I would say, right?
14:19I didn't even meet him in a club,
14:20because I said I would never meet
14:22the person I was going to be with in a club.
14:26That makes sense.
14:28I met him at an IHOP.
14:31I did.
14:32My friend wanted me to meet this guy.
14:34They were up at the IHOP,
14:35and he wanted me to come up and say hello.
14:37I had, like, the biggest attitude,
14:39because I literally came out of nowhere.
14:42I can't imagine.
14:45Worse than the normal one.
14:46Worse than my normal attitude.
14:47Because I was like, I don't want no man.
14:49I'm not looking for a man.
14:50I can take care of myself.
14:52And he was like, really?
14:53Tell me more.
14:54I was like, oh, this man will not go away.
14:55I said, I'm a drag queen.
14:57Oh, you thought that was going to scare him?
14:58Yeah, I was trying to get him to go away.
14:59Leave me alone.
15:01Yeah, so he went to work straight from the IHOP.
15:05And then when he got off work, he came to my place
15:08and met me, and we went out.
15:10So he was not sleeping to hang out with me.
15:14Then we got married.
15:17A few days after we got married, he went back to Florida.
15:19We went back to Florida.
15:20He went to the doctor, found out he had stage four cancer.
15:24So it was kind of like, pfft.
15:26It was that fast?
15:27It was that fast.
15:28And I got the call to do a drag race.
15:29Then I went to do a drag race while he was doing chemo.
15:31He gave me the option to get out of the marriage.
15:33And I was not leaving.
15:35I think that's love.
15:36Oh, I love that.
15:37Those are vows.
15:39To be cast in a drag race while your husband's going through
15:42chemo is bittersweet.
15:45You always want that in your career,
15:47but you always feel guilty that you're actually on a set
15:51while the person you love is going through chemo.
15:54It's not a good feeling.
15:56But he told me he needed me to do it for him to see me succeed.
16:02A lot of times on set,
16:03everybody thought I was upset about Alyssa, and it wasn't.
16:06It was I was upset with myself, you know?
16:08I was upset with myself because I was there.
16:10And you can really say that, you know?
16:14One of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.
16:26Thank you for sharing that with us.
16:28Yeah, I can share it now.
16:30I didn't even know that it was that fast.
16:32It was fast.
16:33No, I didn't know that.
16:34It was fast.
16:35We've been together now for 15 years?
16:39No, 15 years.
16:43Crazy, right?
16:46You're a really strong person.
16:47Thank you, thank you.
16:48That's why I'm always a bitch.
16:51Me and my boyfriend actually met in a Waffle House.
16:54In Waffle House?
16:56Yeah, whatever it's at.
16:57Yeah, yeah.
16:58My boyfriend actually used to come to my shows.
16:59And then one night he came up to me.
17:01I was covered in so much fake blood and huge hair.
17:04I just had a really weird number.
17:06And he's like, hey, do you want to get lunch tomorrow?
17:08I'm like, I'm not going to look like this.
17:09Because sometimes at the club people come up to you and they're
17:12wanting a very particular fantasy and situation.
17:15And that's fine.
17:16But I'm not going to do that for lunch.
17:19That's a lie.
17:23But he was really, really cute.
17:25He was really, really nice.
17:26And he also gave me money.
17:27And that's really important to me.
17:29Wait, tip.
17:30Yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:31I was like, here's money to go on a date with me.
17:34I somehow managed to find a man that's, like,
17:38been through the ringer with me and has seen the worst.
17:42And he stood by me this entire time.
17:44Even before, like, the pandemic lockdowns had lifted,
17:46I got, like, cast for Drag Race.
17:47And he was able to, like, go through that with me.
17:49I, like, lost my mom.
17:50And he was able to go through all that with me.
17:52Like, he, like, saw me at my worst up front.
17:55So now that we're, like, thriving and doing great,
17:57like, he's just like, OK, that was a good investment.
18:01He's bisexual.
18:03So he was kind of, like, into the fact that I did drag
18:06and, like, is very familiar with the trans community.
18:09So he kind of, like, could smell it on me.
18:11There's, like, a certain, like, baby trans, like, funk.
18:15We're just like, we'll keep an eye on that one.
18:18Let's see what happens once you get some money.
18:21The time, like, once I came back from Drag Race,
18:24I started hormones.
18:25And he was like, absolutely.
18:27And it felt, like, really, really reassuring,
18:29really, really powerful in a certain way.
18:32Transitioning in our relationship, actually.
18:34Blake's always been really, really supportive of me
18:37and my gender identity.
18:38We're still working through things.
18:40But he's incredible.
18:42I'm so lucky to have Blake.
18:44So lucky.
18:45Love you, Blake.
18:46He rocks.
18:47He's got it.
18:48That's so cute.
18:50The one common threat is that there
18:52is love for accepting the person for who they are.
18:55And I feel like that's so important.
18:56That's something I want.
18:57Gotta kiss a lot of frogs until you find the right man.
19:02My pick books fell on the floor.
19:05Oh, there's this one big one in here.
19:07What is it?
19:08Grab a cocktail.
19:09There's a surprise waiting for you in the green room.
19:13I wonder what's waiting in the green room.
19:16Does it smell?
19:18Oh, no.
19:19I am really confused to what is going on right now.
19:21Is that a body?
19:23Let me feel whose back is that.
19:24Whose back is this?
19:25It's someone warm.
19:26I definitely feel a body here.
19:27It's creepy, but I'm kind of intrigued, actually.
19:301, 2, 3.
19:35Girl, I like my feet.
19:39You're naked.
19:40You're going to sketch me.
19:42Our challenge is to sketch Cameron,
19:44and the winner gets a date with him.
19:45So, ooh, pangina.
19:49You have five minutes, and the time starts now.
19:53Oh, lord.
19:58I'm done.
20:01You're good.
20:03I think I captured it.
20:04You can say that I'm a bit of an artist,
20:06so I was able to draw it really, really quickly.
20:09And I think I nailed the likeness.
20:18That's quite the hairline.
20:20Rick Kennedy's?
20:25What are you doing to it?
20:27Pangina has been possessed by some sort of poltergeist.
20:32Does the canvas owe you money?
20:34I was a little scared.
20:42That was your leg.
20:44That was your other leg,
20:45and those were my two legs sticking out the back.
20:52How about those underwear?
20:58So I wanted to capture the feeling inside of me,
21:01then looking at Cam Gabe, if that's okay.
21:05I was feeling really, really artistic about it.
21:06So I went with...
21:10And I really think I captured how I felt.
21:14And, yeah, I think we should hang this up.
21:16Well, by the looks of it, it's already hung, sweetie.
21:23This is my Cameron.
21:28Not bad.
21:30You better fucking work.
21:32That's cute.
21:34Is there any Sharpie left?
21:35It's like a toothbrush.
21:36You were angry.
21:38Oh, my God!
21:42Look how flat it is.
21:44That's so good.
21:47All right!
21:48Oh, my God!
21:50It's really good.
21:51It's kind of good.
21:52He looks a little bit constipated, but yeah.
21:53Well, I was just drawing the artifact.
21:55So I'm constipated.
22:01Wait a minute, that doesn't even have a body.
22:03He doesn't have a body.
22:04What is that?
22:06That man look like he ain't never been to the gym.
22:08I was like, can't we just draw butterflies?
22:10I know how to do that.
22:13All I got is fabric on this side.
22:16I got fabric.
22:19This is a person that's haunting my nightmares.
22:22The winner is...
22:31It feels correct to win the drawing competition.
22:35So it's because, bitch, I got a UCLA art degree.
22:37If that doesn't come in handy, I don't know what will.
22:39Do you honestly really like it?
22:41I love it.
22:42It's very abstract.
22:43Oh, thank you.
22:45I just look at it as light and shadow impartially
22:48with no lust in my heart whatsoever.
22:51I really love it.
22:53It seems correct that Pangina won the drawing contest
22:56and a date with Cameron.
22:57I may have set that up earlier,
22:59not knowing or knowingly set it up.
23:02So you're welcome, Pangina.
23:03Which pot am I going to stir next?
23:09We are going to miss you so much.
23:10It's Lawrence's last night hosting here with us.
23:12It kind of snuck up.
23:14It did.
23:15It goes by, though, right?
23:16And then when it's over, it's over.
23:17And you feel dumped off.