• last week


00:00My stuff is really good.
00:12Today I'm taking Bosco to see this fabulous designer, Ludo Garnier.
00:16How are you?
00:17Ladies first.
00:18You good?
00:19He's incredible.
00:20He even works at the Moulin Rouge.
00:21Very excited to see your stuff.
00:22Oh yeah, go upstairs.
00:23I'll come back.
00:25Now that I'm in Vegas, I want to really tap into the showgirl vibe of things.
00:30Oh my gosh.
00:32That looks so you.
00:33This red one?
00:35She is a vibe.
00:36There's so much feather.
00:37I'm sure there's like an island of naked birds somewhere out there because of this room in
00:39The headpieces are fabulous.
00:40What would be your thing?
00:41What would you like?
00:42I love anything that kind of gives me a little bit of share.
00:43I really, really love Bob Mackie's showgirl sketches.
00:44And in fact, the showgirl costume that I brought with me is the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:45It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:46It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:47It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:48It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:49It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:50It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:51It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:52It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:53It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:54It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:55It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:56It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:57It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:58It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
00:59It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
01:00It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
01:01It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
01:02It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
01:03It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
01:04It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
01:05It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
01:06It's the one that I'm wearing right now.
01:07When I see you, I really see like a bird, very light.
01:11You know, this is kind of peacock, but this is a tail that you can see.
01:16She's gorgeous.
01:19Like this, it's different.
01:20Oh, gorgeous.
01:21Oh my gosh!
01:22Mine's like, it's more heavy than that.
01:23Yeah, I can see you definitely playing with the heavy ones.
01:26She's really light.
01:27Feel her.
01:28Oh my gosh.
01:29Oh, cute!
01:31So when you're on stage, you can be more lighting.
01:33If I was going to redo and start from the beginning, I'd be way more naked.
01:38If possible, I just want two puffs of Marabou right here, one there,
01:42and then the biggest backpack you've ever seen.
01:44Is that a possibility?
01:45That's very good.
01:46Yeah, I want to come out from behind and then turn around.
01:49And Coco, no naked.
01:52Not this 50-year-old body, no.
01:55Just the shoes.
01:56Just full of rhinestones.
02:00No, I'm kidding.
02:01So wait, tonight.
02:02They're probably running it tonight.
02:03I think I'm still doing that, Jack, tonight.
02:05You're doing great.
02:06It is my last day, and it's bittersweet because, like, you know,
02:08these are the kind of moments where I'm like,
02:10I don't want to go, but I got to go.
02:18Being a part of RuPaul's Drag Race Live here in Vegas
02:21was a moment that I never saw coming.
02:25I never thought that I would ever be here,
02:27or drag for that, at this caliber, would be here.
02:30So being a part of this show on the strip is just drag goals for me.
02:36This is RuPaul, and we like the word discipline.
02:40We're not going to bother her.
02:41This is a job.
02:42I got to say, I got to say.
02:46I'm loving Vegas a little bit more and more and more.
02:50I'm loving it.
02:52I'm loving Vegas a little bit more and more and more.
02:55So, yeah, I do want to come back.
03:06Derek, can you believe how long we've been performing on the Las Vegas strip?
03:10This is crazy.
03:11It's been over a decade.
03:13Oh, yeah.
03:14Well, two, almost two for you.
03:15Two for me.
03:1604 was when I moved here.
03:17How old were you?
03:18June of 04.
03:19I thought you said, how old are you?
03:21Don't mind me asking.
03:22I was 20 when I got here.
03:24And then I turned 21 the next month.
03:27You got here in 2010.
03:29So it'll be almost 14.
03:31And we've seen it all.
03:33I love the fact that Vegas is such a changing city.
03:37We've outlasted hotels.
03:38I feel good that we've lasted this long.
03:41That's a long time in Vegas.
03:43I think Coco and I have such a bond because we were in a show together before Drag Race Live.
03:49And so we went from being impersonators on the strip to now auditioning for Drag Race,
03:55being cast, doing all-stars, coming in for Drag Race Live.
03:59And I always have to remind people that celebrity impersonation will always be a part of drag
04:04because it's what gets some audience in the seats.
04:10It's a recognizable way right away that, oh, I want to see this show.
04:14They have a Britney or they have a Janet.
04:18And some people are only going to get to ever see us.
04:22They're not going to get to see them.
04:25It's an opportunity that very few people have had and will have to be a part of that family.
04:30And we don't take it for granted.
04:31I don't take it for granted.
04:32I know you don't take it for granted.
04:33This is the dream job.
04:35This is what I dreamt being a part of when I thought drag and Vegas.
04:40Friendships like yours and mine are, like, so important to me.
04:44We have really been cheering each other on.
04:46And our cheerleaders in each other's corners through the years.
04:48And we've toured together.
04:50And I love Coco.
04:51I mean, there's no one like Coco.
04:53And I think she thinks the same about me.
04:55Well, a lot of people don't know this, but you were the one who made me do Drag Race.
05:00You were the one that made me even submit a video to do Drag Race.
05:03I remember you telling me that Vegas was it for you.
05:08Like, you were doing Janet on the strip.
05:10And you're like, no, but this was my dream.
05:12And I'm like, this is still going to be here.
05:14An opportunity to do Drag Race won't.
05:16But you have to take it.
05:18You know?
05:19Because season five without you, it wouldn't be what it was.
05:24You have such a powerful story.
05:28I always believe in taking that risk.
05:30And I would do it again.
05:32I would love to help Coco with anything in this world.
05:37It was so funny because remember before this show even got here,
05:41we were asked questions like, do you think it's going to work?
05:44And you and I were like, of course.
05:47It's Vegas and it's RuPaul.
05:50To last this long and still be able to come back and do it again and again,
05:54it's pretty amazing for us.
05:57Nothing beats this.
05:58This is what I always thought drag was supposed to be on the strip.
06:02Oh, speaking of dream, I'm going to have this conversation with you.
06:05You dare not to share this with the girls.
06:09I kind of want to explain this fantasy to you because y'all really think it's a fantasy.
06:12Oh, here we go.
06:13Listen, now this is the deal.
06:14I spend so much time with drag queens.
06:18So I kind of wanted a friend that I could hang out with and do stuff with that I don't.
06:24There's nothing that relates to drag.
06:25I get that.
06:26So that's where Josue came in.
06:28It's not a romantic thing.
06:29It's more of a take me away from this world.
06:32Take me.
06:33Oh, yeah, that too.
06:34It's more of a take me.
06:35I do want them to take me.
06:36I know you want to.
06:37I want them to take me away from the world of drag and pageants.
06:40So it's kind of an outlet for me.
06:43The hours.
06:45You know, the timing.
06:46Well, the schedule's perfect to have a friendship with a male dancer here.
06:49But don't tell the girls that.
06:50Let them think what they want.
06:51Oh, they know, but.
06:52No, they think they know.
06:53They think they know.
06:54They think they know.
06:55Everyone gangs up on Coco about Josue because she's making something into something that
06:59it's not.
07:00If you see her photos, she lives in a fantasy world.
07:03And I love that.
07:05Okay, now get out.
07:07Get the fuck out.
07:09Take your dirty towel.
07:11And you need a little bit more pink in that eye.
07:12Oh, really?
07:14It's pretty even.
07:18That bitch.
07:28So I'm getting ready to go on stage and this is a message for me.
07:34And I'm just like, bitch, wait, what?
07:42Dwight Frankenstein won't be missed.
07:45I didn't write that.
07:46I didn't.
07:47That's not even my handwriting.
07:48She's the only one calling it, though.
07:50First of all, who up in here writing all my shit?
07:54First of all, a man wrote that.
07:56Had to be you.
07:57Wasn't me.
07:58Two people.
07:59Not me.
08:00Stand before me.
08:01Not me.
08:02That called me.
08:03First of all, wait.
08:05I would have had an imposter beam.
08:06I'm going to figure it out, bitch, but I'm going to find you.
08:09I'm going to find you.
08:11He was in here.
08:12This shit was wrote.
08:13I've been here, Lil.
08:14Who wrote that?
08:15It was me.
08:16Girl, you know Coco Lime?
08:17Don't say it twice.
08:18So that's why you want to be nice to me?
08:19No, I didn't do it.
08:21Why am I getting blamed for this?
08:22I did not do it.
08:23I did not do it.
08:24I would have put the mother of the bride.
08:25I didn't write that.
08:27I don't think so.
08:28No, I can't spell Frankenstein.
08:29I don't think they spelled it either.
08:31I wouldn't have done that.
08:34Makeup on, it's showtime.
08:45Hi guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
08:48Tonight's cast will be
08:49Derrick Barry
08:52Kennedy Davenport
08:54Pangina Heal
08:55Coco Montrese
08:57And your host, Latrice Royale
09:13Jamie I am so moist
09:28I wear a harness to pull me up into the air and that harness did not come off and so the metal end of that
09:35harness swung and hit me in the forehead I
09:39Didn't realize it was bleeding until I got off the stage
09:54Got you got a little neck. Yeah
09:58This is a live show that we're doing like five nights a week
10:02Things can happen and will happen if it's not on my end. It's gonna be on someone else's end
10:08She got hit with the harness thing hit her and she's bleeding
10:15Yeah, she's okay she up in the dressing room the show must go on you just have to keep going
10:29So listen here this is Latrice's last night with us we're so proud of you we love you so much
10:36You are now inducted into the RuPaul's Drag Race live Hall of Fame
10:43We love you so much
10:45Thank you, you like me you really like me
10:54Show is over and now it's time to untuck the last time with Latrice
10:59Latrice I want to know how was your last night hosting amazing, but sad
11:05Yeah, as soon as you got the swing of it. It was
11:08All right
11:10You had a day one of my nerves are bad now my nerves are good like I don't sweat
11:16Yeah, it's my nerves
11:19When you did
11:23They lost it nobody's ever captivated them that fast shove it up your mother
11:34Moment every night. I feel like it's set the tone for you, and you realized
11:40Anything you do they're gonna be there eat you up
11:43Now I have to tell you guys because I worked with her last year, and I said no you're coming back
11:48And she's like no this is it for me. I said no you're gonna be back you did
11:51This is the kind of show that it doesn't get old and you just come do your job
11:56Leave your work here, and then you go home, and that's what I live for am I getting some cool air
12:01Oh, you're blowing me, baby
12:03Across the room I've never felt so blown before I got another gear watch
12:17Oh, what was it? That's not even that was the worst orgasm
12:25What the hell you squirming like a chirping like the bird how a woman has an orgasm
12:30Reenact it we would love to hear it. This is the new one. It's kind of still the same no
13:02Love what she's having that might have been a scene from scary movie for sure well. I'd like to hear your orgasm
13:10Girl if you made that sound in the bedroom trade would rise and work for me. No way hoes play
13:20That bitch is quick and shady as fuck. I'm just saying don't let the beauty fool you
13:28Was so nice
13:31I'm really nice, and I've done nothing, but nice things my entire time here. Oh
13:36Bitch yeah, we got some
13:38I walked into my room and noticed on my mirror. There was a little mess there
13:45And some ugly-ass red lipstick that I wouldn't wear, but maybe one of you would
13:54Smell a
13:56Vickery, I'm a red. I don't wear red something's going on here, and it's fishy
14:01And I only do people who call me the bride is Derek and Coco I
14:09Have no idea who wrote the message I really have no clue
14:11I call you the mother of the bride of Frankenstein
14:14And I would get that correct in my read on a mirror now this
14:18Little garden gnome over here was short enough to sit in your chair and write it
14:23I would not do something like that Latrice could beat me up I
14:29Didn't see you pangina. I don't know where you were
14:32It was bad John at the worst was be around what the fuck it was
14:37China doesn't even know who bring a sign is I do
14:43Thank you, I was I mean I didn't write it
14:47I don't even have a lipstick. I only use like lip balm. She doesn't have a lipstick because
14:52Does her makeup?
14:56Anybody could have written the message not me, but anybody
14:59Kennedy was there with me. I know I'm Kennedy. I thought Bosco doing her makeup because I went in there
15:04I just feel like the evidence
15:10It wasn't not me it was not me. It was not me. Oh
15:15Girl without further ado, let's go ahead over and move on to the reading challenge
15:27Okay, so because it's my last day hosting I wanted to have a little fun with the girls, okay
15:34Because the reading is what
15:40In the grand tradition of Paris is burning the library is officially open
15:46Up first Doug Barry
15:51Angina you think you have an hourglass figure really you're giving us a grandfather's clock
15:58Kennedy the pandemic is over your eyes do not have to socially distance anymore, okay?
16:03Now I don't want to forget Latrice. I think you would make an incredible
16:09Bartender because I know you are very comfortable behind bars
16:16I didn't know there were two trans in the show a trans woman and trans fat
16:27With my English bad, sorry Derek Barry you're so good at hair flips you never lose your hair
16:34Oh, I spoke too soon
16:37That's without a wig Bosco you spend so much money on your face and your boots, but you kept the laugh
16:47Derek Barry yes, I love your number in this show because the dancers are amazing
16:53The treats Royale how dare you come on this stage and think that you're the most beautiful thing out there
16:59You may be the biggest thing out there, but beauty is not your thing these are beauty to me girl not with that wig
17:09Cocoa there's nothing to read when you are read
17:15Nothing more to say
17:26She's had the wardrobe of a gay magician and the haircut of a lesbian
17:31This man has fucked so many twinks that his breath smells like prep
17:38This man is fucked so many twinks that his foreskin has a limp wrist
17:44This man has fucked more young men in the state of Nevada than crystal meth
18:05She's a fly girl
18:14It feels correct to win I have a thing about winning comedy challenges, so just made sense
18:21The library's closed
18:24So I have a little part in gifts that I want to give to each and every one of you
18:27For my heart to each and everyone of you so first up I have the golden spoon she loves to stir the pot this goes
18:34to Derek Barry I
18:37Love stirring the pot. I mean hello
18:44And China when I saw it I immediately thought of you, okay
18:53There's nothing in it
18:58On my boxy shoulders, thank you worked hard for them Cocoa. I know how much you love a filter
19:13Kennedy I got you half of a brush
19:17Your hairline so far back. You don't need
19:20You can just press the top of it, okay?
19:26Come on over here, baby
19:28Because your tits still have that new car smell sure do I thought it would go great with this pine car freshener
19:38And then I had one more gift no I can't I'm gonna back up I'm gonna hide
19:42It really was just a gift to myself really. I just wanted to see Derek and Coco fight one more time
19:48If you can't read this stuff, how the hell you gonna read somebody else
19:59Can I get a gay man
20:28Being a part of RuPaul's Drag Race live here in Vegas is
20:33Drag goals for me like who wouldn't want to be here
20:38This is the show I dreamed of
20:41It's everything I envisioned. I wanted Broadway in Vegas meets drag and I found it
20:46So I feel like I manifested this show and I manifested being in it
20:52I feel truly blessed doing this show every night. It's a good good feeling
21:00It kind of fulfills a dream that I had as a kid and
21:07That I had as a kid and that was to be able to entertain the world
21:17To headline and work among some of the best drag queens in the world that I respect
21:24For me, this is a dream gig
21:31To do it with people that like I've
21:34Watched on television
21:36Growing up in drag like this show is so cool
21:40I'm gonna take this and just kind of like stick it in my back pocket for rainier days
21:48This show is really a sisterhood
21:51We just have a good time
21:57So if y'all haven't seen the show what you doing, I mean like what you waiting for I mean
22:00But I asked somebody huh, I'm telling you