• 2 months ago
Drama, Thriller,

Regie: Robert Kirbyson | Drehbuch: Robert Kirbyson, Tara Stone
Besetzung: Nicole Gale Anderson, John Billingsley, Kunal Sharma
Originaltitel: Red Line

Wenige Minuten nachdem die U-Bahn in Los Angeles die Hollywood & Highland Metro Station verlassen hat, wird das Untergrundsystem von einer plötzlichen Explosion erschüttert. Der Zug entgleist und rast ungebremst in die Tunnelwände. Die Überreste liegen in Trümmern unter der Erde, die meisten Fahrgäste haben nicht überlebt. Die wenigen Überlebenden entdecken bald, dass der Albtraum hier längst nicht zu Ende ist. Nicht nur, dass sie in einem zusammengebrochenen U-Bahn-Tunnel gefangen sind, sie befürchten, der Attentäter befindet sich noch unter ihnen. Zudem wird kurze Zeit später eine zweite Bombe entdeckt. Nur der rebellischen Tori (Nicole Gale Anderson) gelingt es, Ruhe zu bewahren. Es liegt an ihr, die Lage zu entschärfen, bis die Rettungskräfte eintreffen, bevor sich die Überlebenden noch gegenseitig umbringen…

00:01:15Must not even with it's a house
00:01:24That do it was one time do one on top and it's kind of
00:01:37Got rid of kind of
00:01:39Moment I've seen with a woman to sneak up on him plan
00:01:41It's nice to miss and I don't know whether to look in the ova before six. I've been out here my friend baby
00:01:46It's really my friend. I feel I thought no
00:02:17It's fancy guns didn't spread on it here nice to start on Hollywood
00:03:18Needs to start on Hollywood and fine
00:06:07Baby no, no, no, no come through here Christine Christine
00:06:31Hey, it's too fast, okay, it's like that's why okay
00:06:39Keeps dying to me
00:06:42No, I'm there
00:06:46There's to it
00:06:51Hey, what's up, you know, I saw some funky red
00:06:58Keep the camera
00:07:00You're honest. Oh, she can't it's okay. I mean if that's funky red finder have me feel like the shows
00:07:05It's the mother dreamer
00:07:08Come back to me about even
00:07:16Hey Christine, so let's start it back with it
00:07:25Jared I've been financed
00:07:41These also this is thing about in the month for an cut don't you bring the hero's art man?
00:07:45Tell me John show me John. I swear to you. I'll speak baby. Oh
00:07:50Baby that's who it's a let's have a civil to the gesund show me yet
00:07:55So I feel mommy a grosses meeting. Yeah
00:08:03Can you
00:08:05Estaba blando, pero no la entendía
00:08:09Ich verstehen ich
00:08:17Hey, I
00:08:19took a
00:08:21show number man script is
00:08:23First here, but I'll soon be a später
00:08:33Stimm ich höre stimme hörte das auch schätze du bleibst hier bei mami. Ich hole schnell hilfe. Okay, ich habe mir das schon
00:08:41Dieser ganze scheiß tunnel bricht noch zusammen
00:08:50Gott sei dank ist irgendein von euch vielleicht möglicherweise sieht dass ich sprich nur spanisch ein problem eine frau und mein kind können übersetzen
00:09:03Kommen sie schon
00:09:35He'll get better.
00:09:37I'm sorry. Come on.
00:09:38Where to?
00:09:39Come on, come on.
00:09:51He's still alive.
00:09:53Oh, shit.
00:09:55No, no, no. Don't move. Everything's fine.
00:09:57Don't panic. We'll get you out of there, sir.
00:10:00Come on, help me. Hold him.
00:10:02What happened to him?
00:10:03Honey, it's going to be okay. The lady here will help me, okay?
00:10:06Could be worse than what it is.
00:10:12I'm going to help your mom.
00:10:15What did she say, baby?
00:10:17She said she could help.
00:10:18But you're going to need a doctor soon.
00:10:21I thought you were a doctor.
00:10:24What do you mean? You're not a doctor? Hey, hey, hey.
00:10:27I was a nurse in Mexico, you know.
00:10:29Nurse, okay? Nurse.
00:10:30She was my nurse.
00:10:35And what are you doing now?
00:10:36How do you say it in Spanish?
00:10:37How do you say it? Translate it for me.
00:10:38What are you working as now?
00:10:40Ama de Jervis.
00:10:45She's a housekeeper.
00:10:49I thank you, sir.
00:10:54Don't panic. There was an accident and you're on the red line.
00:10:58Nonsense. That was an earthquake, not an accident.
00:11:00Didn't you feel that?
00:11:01The tunnel holds earthquakes up to 7.5.
00:11:03If that was an earthquake, then it's huge.
00:11:05Together, on three.
00:11:07All right?
00:11:08One, two, three, go.
00:11:14So, that wasn't an earthquake.
00:11:16How do you know?
00:11:17The smell, it smelled like fireworks.
00:11:20If this train doesn't run out of gunpowder, a bomb will explode.
00:11:25Some kind of terrorist attack?
00:11:26No, no, that's not so sure.
00:11:28Are you supposed to panic?
00:11:29Three operations in Iraq.
00:11:31I know the smell.
00:11:32Now let's get the hell out of here.
00:11:37It's not that bad. We need something more stable.
00:11:39We'll get you out of here, okay?
00:11:44It's okay. Everything will be fine. I'm here for you.
00:11:47You promised you'd be okay.
00:11:50You promised you'd be okay.
00:11:52I'll be fine.
00:11:55Everything will be fine.
00:12:12If we had a screwdriver, we could just disassemble the whole fucking thing.
00:12:15I'm in favor of destroying the fucking thing.
00:12:18By the way, I'll get you out of here.
00:12:19You're right, that would be a method to keep my cross intact.
00:12:23Hey, we need your help back there.
00:12:25What exactly can we do?
00:12:26She needs it to clean the wounds. Tissues or something like that.
00:12:29I have alcohol.
00:12:30Great. Listen, can you bring that to the back? I'll get help.
00:12:33Wait, old man. It's raining concrete blocks out there.
00:12:35Hey, I'll accompany you.
00:12:36Wait, wait, wait. I think you should free me first.
00:12:38But my wife can't wait.
00:12:41You keep trying to free him and I'll be right back.
00:12:43Oh, shit.
00:12:44What is it? Are you coming?
00:12:46Yeah, sure.
00:12:47We need light.
00:12:48The door is jammed.
00:12:51On three. One, two, three.
00:12:57This is the middle wagon. Where did the top of the train go?
00:13:02Wait a minute.
00:13:07All right. Follow me.
00:13:26Oh, my God.
00:13:56Oh, my God.
00:14:26Oh, my God.
00:14:32Hey. Um...
00:14:35Your dad sent me here with the clothes.
00:14:37He's getting help right now, okay?
00:14:44Hey, I'm Tauri.
00:14:50Ich bin Christine. Das da ist meine Tochter Dylan.
00:14:53Und das ist Yolanda, richtig?
00:14:55Yolanda, sie...
00:15:02Look down there.
00:15:03The light is coming from outside.
00:15:13It's us, honey. Can you see the light?
00:15:19Dylan, can you hear me?
00:15:27Und schön vorsichtig.
00:15:30Ja. Danke. Das tut gut.
00:15:33Das tut gut, wenn der Schmerz dann mir nicht nachlässt.
00:15:38Jungs, also...
00:15:40Die anderen haben offenbar einen Weg nach draußen gefunden,
00:15:42aber sie brauchen dich dafür.
00:15:45Ja. Komm mit.
00:15:48Warte. Ihr wollt wirklich da rausgehen?
00:15:50Anders geht's nicht.
00:15:52Ich bin sofort wieder zurück, Mann. Versprochen.
00:15:55Oh Junge, was wollt ihr denn alle da draußen?
00:16:08Okay, hier lang.
00:16:14Jungs, nun kommt schon.
00:16:17Ja, komm.
00:16:32Pass auf, wo ihr hintretet.
00:16:38Hier sind wir.
00:16:40Was wollt ihr denn alle hier? Wir brauchen bloß den Schmächtigen.
00:16:43Wo soll man da durchkommen?
00:16:46Hier unten.
00:16:47Allerdings wissen wir nicht genau, ob's da ganz bis nach draußen geht.
00:16:50Ich kann nicht durch. Aber...
00:16:55Ihr wollt, dass ich da durchkrieche?
00:16:57Wie kommt ihr darauf, dass der Gang überhaupt irgendwo hinführt?
00:17:01Seht ihr?
00:17:06Das Licht am Ende des Tunnels.
00:17:09Sieht doch, es hat sich bewegt.
00:17:11Ja. Ich bin so weit wie möglich reingekrochen und hab laut gebrüllt,
00:17:14aber niemand hat mir geantwortet.
00:17:17Du, hör mal.
00:17:21Vielleicht kannst du ja ein bisschen weiter reinkriechen.
00:17:23Ich würd dich nicht bitten, wenn...
00:17:24Ich kann's versuchen.
00:17:25Nein, nein. Nein.
00:17:27Nein, ich gehe. Ich mach das.
00:17:28Keiner von euch geht da rein. Das ist doch ne Todesfalle.
00:17:30Genau wie der ganze Tunnel hier.
00:17:31Nein, nein. Ich mach das schon.
00:17:34Ich meine,
00:17:36immerhin wär's möglich, dass die Sache irgendwann verfilmt wird.
00:17:39Wisst ihr?
00:17:41Ich wollte immer schon mal den Helden spielen.
00:17:47Viel Glück.
00:17:48Hier, nimm die mit.
00:17:56Schön vorsichtig.
00:18:09Du, wie heißt du eigentlich?
00:18:14Boyd Milliken.
00:18:15Du bist Schauspieler, oder?
00:18:21Du hast in der U-Bahn ein Strip gehabt.
00:18:25Ja, sicher.
00:18:26Ja, aber ich bin ziemlich sicher, dass ich dich irgendwie kenne aus dem...
00:18:30Vielleicht aus nem Werbespot oder so?
00:18:34War das vielleicht der, in dem lauter Typen als Planeten verkleidet waren?
00:18:38Ja, ja! Und du warst einer dieser Planeten, oder?
00:18:41Das war ich. Das war ich.
00:18:43Das Ding wird immer noch gesendet.
00:18:45Ich glaub's ja nicht.
00:18:46Und welcher Planet warst du, Boyd?
00:18:48Der Uranus.
00:19:01Hört mal.
00:19:04Das ist ziemlich eng hier drin.
00:19:07Das ist doch scheiße. Er muss wieder umkehren.
00:19:11Ich dachte, da wär ne Spinne.
00:19:18Boyd, bist du verletzt?
00:19:20Nein, alles klar soweit.
00:19:22Ist so ein kleiner Ratscher.
00:19:23Also dann weiter, Boyd. Kann eigentlich gar nicht mehr weit sein.
00:19:26Ich hab hier, glaub ich, ein Schlupfloch entdeckt.
00:19:29Ja, dann hoffen wir's mal.
00:19:31Komm schon, Boyd.
00:19:34Denk an deine Rolle, ja?
00:19:36Du bist der Held.
00:19:39Vergiss, dass du mal wieder die Hosen gestrichen voll hast.
00:19:43Hier wird es heller.
00:19:44Sehr gut.
00:19:46Ich bin gleich durch.
00:20:00Das ist doch Verarschung, was?
00:20:03Was siehst du?
00:20:04Einen verdammten Computer.
00:20:07Das ist ne scheiß Sackgasse hier.
00:20:10Keine Ahnung, ob ich umkehren kann.
00:20:18Nein, nein, nein!
00:20:20Hallo, Boyd?
00:20:21Hörst du mich?
00:20:22Sag was, Kumpel!
00:20:23Bist du okay?
00:20:24Los, sag was!
00:20:26Sag doch was!
00:20:33Er ist tot.
00:20:34Er ist tot.
00:20:45Habt ihr den Weg gefunden?
00:20:48Nein, leider nicht.
00:20:49Der Tunnel ist eingestürzt, der Schauspieler tot.
00:20:51Und wie es aussieht, hängen wir hier fest, bis sie uns ausbuddeln.
00:20:56Das ist meine Tasche.
00:20:58Das ist meine Schuld.
00:20:59Ich hab sie gebeten, alle Taschen zu durchsuchen.
00:21:01Solange wir hier festsitzen, sollten wir uns,
00:21:03was auch immer wir finden, besser einteilen.
00:21:05Sind Sie einverstanden?
00:21:06Sehr gute Idee.
00:21:19War das ihr Freund?
00:21:26Es tut mir leid.
00:21:32Ich seh mal kurz nach meiner Frau.
00:21:59Hast du den Weg nach draußen gefunden?
00:22:02Noch nicht, Baby, aber...
00:22:05Daddy wird euch hier heil rausbringen, versprochen.
00:22:21Sehr gut, sehr gut, sehr gut.
00:22:23Los, zieh fester!
00:22:24Zieh noch fester!
00:22:29Ich danke euch.
00:22:45Gehört sie zu Ihnen?
00:22:55Sie war meine Frau.
00:22:59Ich wusste überhaupt nicht, dass sie auch in der U-Bahn sitzt.
00:23:02Sie ist doch...
00:23:04Sie hatte Platzangst.
00:23:05Sie ist doch niemals U-Bahn gefahren.
00:23:08Bitte beeilt euch, macht weiter.
00:23:14Los, komm schon!
00:23:15Na, komm!
00:23:31Oh, God.
00:23:43Dad, du musst fester drücken.
00:23:46Schon okay.
00:23:59Mein Gott.
00:24:01Hey, das ist ja ein halbes Krankenhaus.
00:24:05Wer verschließt denn einen Erste-Hilfe-Koffer?
00:24:07Gar kein Problem.
00:24:10Sowas ist Kinderkram.
00:24:13Was ist da drin?
00:24:16Ach, eine Bombe.
00:24:17Eine selbstgebaute Rohrbombe.
00:24:18Ziemlich groß.
00:24:20Wir haben zwölf Minuten, um das Scheißding zu entschärfen.
00:24:26Und so ein Mist nennt sich nun Erste-Hilfe-Koffer?
00:24:29Und was ist da drin?
00:24:30Ach, eine Bombe.
00:24:31Eine selbstgebaute Rohrbombe.
00:24:32Ziemlich groß.
00:24:33Wir haben zwölf Minuten, um das Scheißding zu entschärfen.
00:24:39Und so ein Mist nennt sich nun Erste-Hilfe-Koffer?
00:24:42Und was ist da drin?
00:24:43Ach, eine Bombe.
00:24:44Eine selbstgebaute Rohrbombe.
00:24:45Ziemlich groß.
00:24:46Und was ist da drin?
00:24:47Ach, eine Bombe.
00:24:48Eine selbstgebaute Rohrbombe.
00:24:49Ziemlich groß.
00:24:50Und was ist da drin?
00:24:51Ach, eine Bombe.
00:24:52Eine selbstgebaute Rohrbombe.
00:24:53Eine selbstgebaute Rohrbombe.
00:24:56Du hast ein ganz schlechtes Timing.
00:24:57Wir brauchen dich dringend im Nachbarwaggon.
00:24:58Ich sagte doch, dass es mir gerade gar nicht passt!
00:24:59Nun klar, aber es geht doch um dein Leben.
00:25:02Los, beeil dich!
00:25:04Dad, ich mache weiter.
00:25:11And if that's not the only one?
00:25:18There are more than one bomb, usually only two.
00:25:21I'm a history teacher, that's the usual tactic.
00:25:25The first bomb should attract as many people as possible, and the second...
00:25:28We should check that.
00:25:30Search the train, but be careful.
00:25:41What's going on?
00:25:44Oh my god.
00:25:45Please tell me you don't know anything about this.
00:25:47Good enough to know that we'd better keep our fingers off this.
00:25:50Sooner or later we should do something, right?
00:25:54What if we...
00:25:57...just press the button on the phone?
00:25:59What if the button triggers the detonator?
00:26:05And what if we pull the two wires exactly at the same time?
00:26:08No, no.
00:26:09We should all leave the train.
00:26:11All out of here.
00:26:12The shit is supposed to go up?
00:26:14The tunnel can't take a second explosion.
00:26:16I wouldn't even dare to clap my hands.
00:26:18We'll bring her into the little tunnel.
00:26:22Where Boyd is.
00:26:23Yeah, yeah, that's really good.
00:26:25And if we push her far enough, that will absorb the pressure.
00:26:28No, no, shit, my wife is right next to the tunnel.
00:26:30Then we'll get her out of there.
00:26:31Hey, that's what it's all about.
00:26:33From what I've seen, this is a closed room.
00:26:35The pressure wave doesn't know where to go.
00:26:36I'm in favor of defusing this thing.
00:26:37We're intelligent people and we can do this.
00:26:41Why is she in the first aid kit?
00:26:44That's the perfect disguise.
00:26:46You hang the thing right on the wall.
00:26:47I do, but the kit wasn't on the wall.
00:26:49It was in a bag.
00:26:51So the assailant could still be here.
00:26:55Like a suicide assailant?
00:26:57That's complete nonsense.
00:26:58That's a time clock, right?
00:27:00And the evidence, the bomber wanted to be miles away when the thing went up.
00:27:04Yes, he wanted to.
00:27:06But if the first bomb went up too early...
00:27:08Yes, coordinated explosion, that makes a lot more sense.
00:27:12But shouldn't the first bomb attract as many people as possible?
00:27:15Well, how do you attract people in a collapsed tunnel?
00:27:17Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:27:18You think the bomber is still on the move?
00:27:21That means he's dead.
00:27:25Or one of us.
00:27:35And what do we do now?
00:27:39If he's still here and wants to survive, he should better speak up.
00:27:42Oh, great idea.
00:27:44Would the mass murderer kindly take a step forward?
00:27:52Maybe he already told us how to detonate the bomb.
00:27:56You mean me?
00:27:58You said, both wires pull off at the same time.
00:28:01You don't have all of them, do you?
00:28:03He just thought aloud, okay, just like you.
00:28:06Yes, but I don't look like a terrorist.
00:28:09You think I'm a Muslim?
00:28:11Hey, are you okay, man?
00:28:12Hey, listen, we shouldn't get tangled up.
00:28:14Nine minutes left.
00:28:15So, if I'm wrong, I'm sorry.
00:28:17But most terrorists look like you.
00:28:19I'm a Muslim, and so is my fiancé.
00:28:22A true Muslim.
00:28:24I'm not saying he has to be it.
00:28:26I have no idea who it is.
00:28:28We're all suspicious, and so am I.
00:28:30But we're running out of time, so we should finally look at the facts.
00:28:34And the fact is that most terrorists are young men who came from the Middle East.
00:28:38Or psychotic and pale war veterans.
00:28:40Oh, is one of them here by chance?
00:28:43What's your name?
00:28:44Dude, that's a waste of time.
00:28:46Then tell me your name, now!
00:28:48Al, and next?
00:28:56That's Brazilian.
00:28:57And you don't speak Spanish?
00:28:59Brazilians speak Portuguese, you wanker.
00:29:01My name is Brazilian.
00:29:02I'm from Michigan.
00:29:04If you don't believe me, there.
00:29:05Alberto Hernandez, born in Grand Rapids.
00:29:07I have a snowblower, and I'm a fan of the Pistons.
00:29:09Can we please sharpen the bomb now?
00:29:11Please, guys.
00:29:12We can't go on like this.
00:29:13We have eight minutes left.
00:29:14I found something here.
00:29:16Transportation technology books.
00:29:18Mainly about subways, long-distance trains.
00:29:20Maybe we'll find a clue there, okay?
00:29:23Look here.
00:29:25There are pictures on it.
00:29:27Of tunnels and subway stations.
00:29:29All recordings from LA.
00:29:30That must belong to the bombers.
00:29:32Does it belong to you?
00:29:42What is it?
00:29:47You're on it.
00:29:50I'm not a bomber.
00:29:51I swear, bombs are not my thing.
00:29:53I'm not a bomber.
00:29:55No, no, no!
00:29:56Stop! Stop!
00:29:57Where did you get the gun?
00:29:58From the dead man.
00:29:59No, no, no.
00:30:01I'm definitely not a terrorist, okay?
00:30:02I'm doing my exam here at the University of Transportation and Transport.
00:30:05And I'm writing my thesis about the wheelchair line.
00:30:07I swear, I'm practically still alive here on the subway.
00:30:09I don't have any more lies, but...
00:30:10Where to?
00:30:11You said both wires should be pulled off at the same time.
00:30:13Was that the truth?
00:30:14Tell me, was that the truth?
00:30:15I'm not a terrorist.
00:30:16Give me back the spinner.
00:30:17And put the gun down and watch!
00:30:19Stop with the bullshit!
00:30:20Tell me.
00:30:21Stop with the bullshit!
00:30:24Stop with the bullshit!
00:30:40What are you doing, you bitch?
00:30:41If I didn't need you, I'd have killed you myself!
00:30:43Stop it, you bitch!
00:30:44What's going on?
00:30:45What are you doing?
00:30:47Get out of here!
00:30:49Hey, baby!
00:30:51Why are you hurting him?
00:30:52You're going back to Mama, okay?
00:30:54No, no, no.
00:30:55Look at me, baby.
00:30:57Go back to Mama.
00:31:02Now go.
00:31:03Now go.
00:31:07Only six and a half minutes!
00:31:16Wait, what's going to happen now?
00:31:20Pull on the injured arm as hard as you can!
00:31:23Pull on the injured arm as hard as you can!
00:31:25Are you crazy?
00:31:26Please stop!
00:31:27That's mean!
00:31:33It's just pain.
00:31:34And when you talk, it's over.
00:31:37I don't know anything!
00:31:39Please don't!
00:31:51I beg you!
00:31:53Do you know how this shit gets worse?
00:31:56No matter what I say, I'm just saying it so you can stop this shit, man.
00:32:00Don't you understand?
00:32:01What do you want from me?
00:32:03I'm not a bomber.
00:32:05I'm not a bomber.
00:32:14I'm not a bomber!
00:32:16That's enough!
00:32:17That's enough!
00:32:18That's enough!
00:32:19Even if the Bengel tells the truth, how are we supposed to know that?
00:32:22How are we supposed to know the truth after this?
00:32:24Not at all!
00:32:26Let's rely on the information he gave us when he was praying for safety.
00:32:31So, both legs at the same time?
00:32:34Because I believe that you want to survive.
00:32:37You want to live!
00:32:38That's right!
00:32:39I'll take the bomb out and pull the two fucking wires,
00:32:41unless you tell me explicitly...
00:32:43Do it, do it.
00:32:44Do whatever you want.
00:32:45Do it.
00:32:46That's enough for me.
00:32:48No, no, no, no!
00:32:49Wait, wait!
00:32:51Maybe he's not a bomber at all.
00:32:53And how do you know that?
00:32:54I just thought of something.
00:32:57If he belongs to that bag, then that's nothing.
00:32:59I swear to you.
00:33:01And why not?
00:33:02He didn't have two bags with him.
00:33:05How do you want to know that?
00:33:06Do you have a photographic memory?
00:33:08What bags did I have?
00:33:09I was sitting right across from you.
00:33:10Believe me, he didn't have two bags with him.
00:33:14All right?
00:33:16I would remember that!
00:33:23I'll bring the bomb into the tunnel and detonate it.
00:33:25Someone has to do it.
00:33:26No, no, no!
00:33:27Not a good idea!
00:33:28My wife is lying next to the tunnel!
00:33:31The best chance of survival for the majority.
00:33:39You have four minutes left.
00:33:41Someone else has to do that.
00:33:42Do you have a problem with me?
00:33:43No, I don't have a problem with you.
00:33:44But you are the man who has the experience you need when the bomb explodes.
00:33:48One of us should do that.
00:33:49Who wants to?
00:33:52Who goes?
00:33:54I'm the youngest and I get the farthest.
00:33:57I'll do it and end the statement.
00:34:00I'll go.
00:34:02I'm the oldest.
00:34:03I've lived my life and my wife is dead.
00:34:06I'll end the statement.
00:34:23Well then.
00:34:26I'll go with you into the tunnel.
00:34:39I'll be back in four minutes.
00:34:51Don't go any further!
00:34:53But Mom, it has to be!
00:34:54I said that's it!
00:34:59It has to be!
00:35:00Do you understand?
00:35:02Almost done.
00:35:03We're done.
00:35:07Oh God.
00:35:09That's it.
00:35:11Tell Yolanda that she...
00:35:13that she's needed in the back.
00:35:17She should hurry.
00:35:26What's going on?
00:35:29We found a bomb.
00:35:30Half as bad.
00:35:31We know how to detonate it.
00:35:33But now it's being brought to a place
00:35:35where it causes the least damage.
00:35:40Go with Dad.
00:35:41No, I'm staying here.
00:35:42Go with your father.
00:35:43It's not safe here, baby.
00:35:44Come on.
00:35:45And what about Mom?
00:35:47Hey, is that supposed to be a joke?
00:35:49Don't you know what your mom went through today?
00:35:55Your mom doesn't die that easily.
00:36:12You do exactly what he said.
00:36:41What's going on here?
00:36:46Why did they do this to you?
00:36:48Where are the others?
00:36:49Ida, listen to me.
00:36:50Go into cover, please.
00:36:51There's a second bomb.
00:36:53Yeah, come on.
00:36:54Get out of here.
00:36:55And get out of here.
00:36:56Okay, but I'm staying here.
00:36:57Come on.
00:36:59No, you stay back there, okay?
00:37:01What's that supposed to be?
00:37:03I'm looking for the key.
00:37:05Forget the damn key and go into cover, okay?
00:37:08I don't think my chances are so bad here.
00:37:12Are you crazy?
00:37:13I'm trying to free you.
00:37:17I want you to go into cover with the others.
00:37:19The thing will explode in a few minutes.
00:37:21I'll survive.
00:37:22Stop arguing and just help me.
00:37:31Come on.
00:37:32Come on.
00:37:33Come on.
00:37:34You don't think I'm stupid, do you?
00:37:37You don't think I'm a mass murderer, do you?
00:37:39I'm 90% sure.
00:37:43What's your name?
00:37:46When it's over, I want your number, okay?
00:37:50At least I'm good at this.
00:37:54How much time do we have?
00:37:58All right.
00:37:59So I'm as far in as possible.
00:38:01No, no, try to push her even further in.
00:38:03She's as far in as possible.
00:38:05Leave the flashlight there and get out of here!
00:38:07Leave the flashlight there and get out of here!
00:38:09If the bomb goes off, they'll need you.
00:38:11So go.
00:38:12Come on.
00:38:14Wait a minute.
00:38:16I love you.
00:38:19Promise me you'll survive.
00:38:21Get out.
00:38:23I love you.
00:38:32Come on.
00:38:36Come on, come on, come on.
00:38:41Tori, come on!
00:38:42No, we have to help him!
00:38:44Damn it!
00:38:53Get out.
00:38:54Go, go, go!
00:38:55Tori, come on!
00:39:06Get out.
00:39:42I love you.
00:39:43And your mom loves you too.
00:40:03What happened?
00:40:04The bomb didn't go off.
00:40:15Come on.
00:40:21Did you do what he said?
00:40:24I removed both wires at the same time.
00:40:26Just like he said.
00:40:30Come on, let's go.
00:40:35God bless you.
00:40:42She must be very proud of you.
00:40:50Her name was Kathy.
00:41:03Hi, baby.
00:41:06Hey, how are you?
00:41:08How are you?
00:41:12I really need a vacation.
00:41:16Be honest.
00:41:20Much better.
00:41:22You see?
00:41:25I just can't feel anything anymore.
00:41:32Did you find anything in the bags?
00:41:35A few water bottles, a few snacks.
00:41:37Unfortunately not much.
00:41:40Too bad.
00:41:49I don't even know your names.
00:41:52I'm Tori.
00:41:57And I'm Sam.
00:42:02Oh, right.
00:42:05You asked me that already.
00:42:09I'm Mason.
00:42:12So listen.
00:42:15The bomb out there makes me nervous.
00:42:17I want to see if I can push it deeper and block the tunnel.
00:42:20I can try. After all, I'm the smallest.
00:42:22That's completely redundant.
00:42:23It can't go any deeper.
00:42:25I bet we're safe.
00:42:27Still, I want to barricade the tunnel.
00:42:32What kind of problem do you have?
00:42:34We all know the assailant, don't we?
00:42:36I'm just of the opinion that no one should stay alone with the bomb.
00:42:41You don't accompany me.
00:42:42Besides, that's done much faster anyway.
00:42:47Last time he was the lucky charm, right?
00:42:54Come on.
00:42:55The work calls.
00:43:02Come on.
00:43:26What are you doing?
00:43:28Well, I know it wasn't you.
00:43:30So I'm trying to find a clue to the assailant among the corpses.
00:43:33No, no, no. Stop.
00:43:35That's completely pointless.
00:43:36He's probably long gone.
00:43:38Or he's lying here among the dead.
00:43:39And I want to find that out.
00:43:41Look at me.
00:43:43I'm the bomber.
00:43:45What exactly should I find strange about that?
00:43:46That's exactly what everyone here thinks.
00:43:48And maybe that's even the best thing for us.
00:43:50He's supposed to get away unscathed.
00:43:51If he's still alive,
00:43:53our only chance is his hope that he can get away.
00:43:57So let me play the bad guy.
00:43:59I like to be guilty until help comes.
00:44:01The cops will find out the truth, provided we're still alive.
00:44:08Leave the shit alone, please.
00:44:17What are you doing?
00:44:19I want to try to push her a little further in.
00:44:21You can't push her further than I can, Mason.
00:44:23What's going on, Sam?
00:44:24Do you think I'm the assailant?
00:44:26Of course not.
00:44:27I think he's the assailant.
00:44:28He had the subway books.
00:44:29He knew about the wires.
00:44:31I think we're just wasting time.
00:44:34He sacrificed his arm so he wouldn't fly up.
00:44:37I don't think he knew
00:44:38if the fucking thing would explode.
00:44:48He didn't even touch the wires.
00:44:50What is it?
00:44:54I can't reach it.
00:44:55Check if you can find a stick or something.
00:44:57Maybe I can push the suitcase further with it.
00:45:05I'll do it.
00:45:48Have you found a stick?
00:46:45I'm going to fix that.
00:47:18Are you still looking for proof?
00:47:20Don't worry, I didn't find anything anyway.
00:47:23I bet the bastard is gone.
00:47:47Why did you cry earlier?
00:47:50I never cry.
00:47:53Earlier, when you got in.
00:47:58You were so sad because of a guy, weren't you?
00:48:04Because of Ed.
00:48:12And what is he?
00:48:13Chief doctor?
00:48:19Then you're really fucked.
00:48:21Yes, you can say that out loud.
00:48:26No, he's...
00:48:33Actually, he's a great dad.
00:48:37This morning, however.
00:48:42I never wanted to see him again.
00:48:45And now I'm afraid I'll never see him again.
00:48:47Do you understand?
00:48:57It came from outside.
00:48:58Is everything okay with you guys out there?
00:49:00Yes, we're fine.
00:49:01I think it came from outside.
00:49:03Hey, stay here with mommy, okay?
00:49:10The boys are injured!
00:49:12The boys are injured!
00:49:14I got him.
00:49:15Hurry up!
00:49:18Where are you?
00:49:20Hey, Sam.
00:49:21Sam, Sam.
00:49:23Stay with me, buddy.
00:49:25Come on, get up.
00:49:26I'll go get Yolanda.
00:49:28You take care of Mason.
00:49:30Come on.
00:49:34Sit down there.
00:49:43No, no, no, no.
00:50:12I heard a...
00:50:14a crack, and I looked up,
00:50:16and the next moment I flew...
00:50:18I flew through the air because he pushed me away.
00:50:24I owe him my life.
00:50:30This Mason sacrificed himself for me.
00:50:33Mason sacrificed his life for me.
00:50:36We have to tell his story to everyone out there.
00:50:58Mason is dead.
00:51:42Adam was an electrician.
00:51:46I'm sorry.
00:51:48When it happened, we were devastated.
00:51:52Adam gave me a engagement ring,
00:51:54but I didn't want to accept it.
00:52:01The ring was much too expensive.
00:52:04I would have needed the money.
00:52:06I would have needed the money.
00:52:09But Adam told me
00:52:12that I needed the ring more.
00:52:17Please don't.
00:52:18Please don't.
00:52:37His death is killing her.
00:52:40She just lost her fiancé.
00:52:45I'd be more worried if she wasn't so desperate.
00:52:50Like Sam.
00:52:53That was kind of weird.
00:52:56He was so...
00:52:57Everyone has their own way of trusting, Tori.
00:53:00Maybe he didn't love her that much anymore.
00:53:03What do I know?
00:53:04What do I know?
00:53:06That's why Sam is still not a murderer.
00:53:08He doesn't have a ring at all.
00:53:18He only had the bag in his eyes.
00:53:21The one with the bomb was right under her.
00:53:24I'm begging you.
00:53:25You can't go in there.
00:53:26No, Adam.
00:53:27Mason was tearing at the bag.
00:53:29Maybe he just wanted Mason to have the bomb.
00:53:31He already had the gun.
00:53:34And who has the gun now?
00:53:43You're welcome.
00:54:01I covered Karen.
00:54:02I hope that's okay.
00:54:09No, that was very kind of you.
00:54:15Her name was Kathy.
00:54:16Oh, right.
00:54:19I'm sorry.
00:54:28It's probably better if I look for her.
00:55:04What's going on?
00:55:10Stop it!
00:55:11Stop it!
00:55:12Hey, listen.
00:55:13The gun is gone.
00:55:15Someone took it.
00:55:16Robina, stay here.
00:55:18I think I know who it was.
00:55:21But I urgently need your help.
00:55:30And what did you two talk about?
00:56:06Can we talk for a second?
00:56:10To be honest, it's about your wife.
00:56:13She's a...
00:56:14She's a...
00:56:16Can I just say I'm sorry?
00:56:41You have to go through the same thing as Rubina.
00:56:45And I just don't know how much more suffering she can endure.
00:56:52Well, and I thought...
00:56:54Maybe you could help her, or at least talk to her, you know?
00:57:01I, um... I'll try.
00:57:06Very well.
00:57:15How do you feel? Are you okay?
00:57:19According to the circumstances, I am.
00:57:22I was just admiring the...
00:57:24The beautiful ring of your wife.
00:57:29Oh, um...
00:57:31It almost slipped off your finger.
00:57:34I'm sure you want to keep it.
00:57:37A very beautiful ring.
00:57:42Thank you very much.
00:57:44No problem.
00:58:04Dylan, honey, what are you doing here?
00:58:08Mom needs something to drink.
00:58:10Yes, sure. Here's some water.
00:58:13Why are you giving him your ring?
00:58:16That's not...
00:58:25Okay, come here.
00:58:27Come on, girl!
00:58:28Go over there!
00:58:29Go! Go over there!
00:58:32Okay, okay, okay.
00:58:52We'll wait until help arrives.
00:58:54Then I'll let her go and everything will be fine, okay?
00:58:56You stay where you are and don't say a word!
00:58:59Now go.
00:59:00Sam, please!
00:59:03Please, can't you take me? Please!
00:59:09Unfortunately, that's not possible.
00:59:12Not at all.
00:59:14Because I'm sure you'd sacrifice Tori.
00:59:19Then go, but very, very slowly.
00:59:25Go now!
00:59:26Jared, you have to do something!
00:59:29And you get through there.
00:59:31Very carefully and very slowly.
00:59:35What are you doing?
00:59:36No, Dylan!
00:59:37Jared, leave him alone!
00:59:38He's a bastard!
00:59:44He can't just take you like that!
00:59:48Oh, God! Oh, my God!
00:59:52Oh, God! Oh, no!
00:59:56I don't even know how to explain it to Christine!
01:00:11Come on, get down.
01:00:19It's okay.
01:00:22Dylan, your name is Dylan, isn't it?
01:00:25Well, Dylan.
01:00:28I know this can scare you, but I'm also very scared.
01:00:32And do you know why?
01:00:34Well, your dad is so terribly angry with me.
01:00:36Did you see what he did to the man?
01:00:38I know, you did.
01:00:40He hurt the man very much, and very terribly.
01:00:43I don't want him to do the same to me.
01:00:47What should I do?
01:00:51I have an idea.
01:00:53There's a first-aid kit in this tunnel.
01:00:56And there's a lot of good medicine in there.
01:00:58It will definitely help your mom.
01:01:00And what if I could get it?
01:01:02I would get in again, help your mom, and your dad would love me again.
01:01:05But the tunnel is too narrow. I don't fit in there.
01:01:07But you do.
01:01:09No, I don't dare.
01:01:10Sure, just imagine what happens next.
01:01:12Your dad wouldn't be angry at all anymore,
01:01:15Do you understand?
01:01:16Good, okay, so you're going to crawl in there now
01:01:18and get the first-aid kit with the good medicine in it.
01:01:21You get this kit.
01:01:22Come on, I'm always behind you.
01:01:24I'll get a lamp, then you have light.
01:01:25And you get the kit out of there.
01:01:27Come on, Dylan. Come on, go ahead.
01:01:29I'll get the lamp.
01:01:34I heard screams.
01:01:36Where's Dylan?
01:01:39Where's Dylan?
01:01:46Sam is gone.
01:01:48We have to free the girl.
01:01:49We should do something right now.
01:01:51No, Al, we follow his instructions very closely.
01:01:53Oh, what, all of a sudden you want to teach him a lesson?
01:01:55Before you were on the run all the time.
01:01:57Yes, and how did that happen?
01:01:59Al was right.
01:02:01I should have stayed out of it.
01:02:03This is all my fault.
01:02:05I should have stayed out of it.
01:02:07This is all my fault.
01:02:10Wait a minute, why is it all your fault?
01:02:13I suspected Sam.
01:02:17We found out that he doesn't tell the truth about his wife.
01:02:20I set a trap for him.
01:02:21And Jared, I'm so sorry.
01:02:23Sooner or later, the lie would have been exposed anyway,
01:02:26no matter what the individual does.
01:02:28At least we know our enemy now.
01:02:30And we'll leave him alone.
01:02:33What happened to my little girl?
01:02:40As far as I know, you're not a saint either.
01:02:43At least I don't believe a single word this guy says,
01:02:46and I will prevent him from talking to his followers.
01:02:48And what is he supposed to do?
01:02:50He can't go anywhere.
01:02:52He could have killed us all, and he didn't.
01:02:55Oh, yeah? He killed my fiancé.
01:02:58And damn it again, I'm not going to stand around and do nothing.
01:03:07Keep going, Dylan.
01:03:10That's good.
01:03:14Keep going.
01:03:18Come on, do it.
01:03:21Dylan, the medicine in the suitcase will make your mommy healthy again,
01:03:24so hurry up.
01:03:27That's good. Keep going.
01:03:31What is it? Are you there?
01:03:33Then bring me the suitcase.
01:03:35Just don't open it.
01:03:39Dylan, you evil girl, the light is going out.
01:03:42Hey, Dylan, it's damn scary in there, isn't it?
01:03:45I'll turn the light back on,
01:03:47but only if you bring me the suitcase.
01:03:49And if you don't, you'll die in there.
01:03:51And I, yeah, I'll turn around and get on the subway,
01:03:54and then I'll shoot all the people,
01:03:56first your mommy and then your daddy.
01:03:58Is that clear?
01:04:00Dylan, the light is back on.
01:04:03Good girl.
01:04:06Come on!
01:04:14I'm coming!
01:05:06Emergency call 17.
01:05:10Here, Kurt, Don, where are you?
01:05:15It's from the police.
01:05:17Quiet, quiet, where is this coming from?
01:05:19I know you're there.
01:05:21It's coming from over here.
01:05:23Search, be careful.
01:05:26I think it fell through the arch.
01:05:30But I can't get to it.
01:05:32I see it!
01:05:34You know, if you catch the signal,
01:05:36you just have to press the button.
01:05:38I got it! I got it!
01:05:40I got it!
01:05:42Come on, press the button.
01:05:46We just need a short signal to know you're okay.
01:05:49So finally press the button, man.
01:05:54It hurts.
01:05:57Come on, open your fist.
01:05:59At least give us a little sign and press the button, damn it.
01:06:02Bring that thing here.
01:06:05Listen, as soon as we know you're okay,
01:06:07dig them all up twice as fast.
01:06:11Come on.
01:06:13Kate is waiting for you.
01:06:15And I want a little boy again.
01:06:19Do you understand?
01:06:24Throw it out.
01:06:27Do you understand?
01:06:29Please confirm, we are not sure.
01:06:31Please confirm.
01:06:41Do you want that?
01:06:43Then stay in the car again, damn it.
01:06:46And don't move.
01:06:49Do you understand?
01:06:51Come on.
01:07:04The radio.
01:07:08He's destroying the radio.
01:07:10Why is it that he doesn't care who gets saved?
01:07:12I told you, never trust this guy.
01:07:15This is not about our salvation.
01:07:18Yes, but I don't understand.
01:07:20Why doesn't he shoot us?
01:07:25Because of the bullets.
01:07:27They shouldn't find them in the corpses.
01:07:29The pig wants to get away.
01:07:31And how is that supposed to work?
01:07:33He has a bomb.
01:07:38The bomb.
01:07:41If he can make this bomb go off,
01:07:44then they will think we died in the accident.
01:07:48How does he want to do that without flying into the air?
01:07:51I don't know, and I don't want to experience it either.
01:07:54Oh my God.
01:08:06Why do you do such evil things?
01:08:11Do you have a dog, Dylan?
01:08:16And what's your dog's name?
01:08:20Daisy, that's nice.
01:08:22Daisy will probably run into you sometimes, won't she?
01:08:26Maybe she's just constantly walking down the street.
01:08:29She could hit a car and then she would be dead.
01:08:32Then you have to punish her.
01:08:34Daisy has to be punished.
01:08:36Evil dog.
01:08:40Daisy is an animal and always follows her instincts.
01:08:43We humans are also animals.
01:08:45You and me and all the inhabitants of this earth.
01:08:48Only our instincts are not good.
01:08:51Our instincts are driven by self-preservation.
01:08:55That means we care more about ourselves
01:08:57than we care about others.
01:08:59That's why we have to learn what it means to endure self-pity.
01:09:02Only then can we intervene and ask ourselves,
01:09:05what does that mean?
01:09:07We don't get anything out of it.
01:09:09We have no scruple to watch other people die
01:09:11as long as we don't lack comfort.
01:09:13But we have to get better.
01:09:15We absolutely have to get better.
01:09:17Otherwise our world will collapse.
01:09:25I'm sorry.
01:09:27I'm really sorry.
01:09:29You are a friendly girl.
01:09:33Shine here.
01:09:45And Ellen?
01:09:47She's outside.
01:09:49Chris, we'll be rescued very soon.
01:09:52So be brave, because our daughter needs you, honey.
01:10:09And tighten it.
01:10:11Are you okay?
01:10:13Yes, I am.
01:10:14Okay, get into your positions.
01:10:16We have to attract the monster.
01:10:17Guys up in the roof.
01:10:37Okay, how do we proceed?
01:10:41You could climb up there. He doesn't count on you in life.
01:10:48I have a better idea. But I need a small lead.
01:11:13All clear.
01:11:17What's that noise?
01:11:38You have to lift me up. Come on.
01:11:40On three. One, two, three.
01:11:50Hey, there's a light.
01:11:53Give me the flashlight.
01:12:02Watch out, someone's coming.
01:12:15You're the... Dylan, oh baby.
01:12:17I just ran away.
01:12:18Everything's going down again.
01:12:19Can someone help me?
01:12:20Dylan, did you notice anything? Did he say anything? Did you hear anything?
01:12:22Oh, he's making a two-bomb.
01:12:24What did you say?
01:12:25The big one and the small one.
01:12:28And with the small bomb, he'll destroy us while the damn tunnel stands still.
01:12:49Hey, he just pushed her under the car.
01:12:53We only have 66 seconds left.
01:12:56Press the stop button.
01:12:57Don't be stupid.
01:12:58Okay, that's a strange cell phone. I'm sure he's just using it as a timer.
01:13:01No, I'm not going over that bridge. We'll throw the thing at him and stay in the car.
01:13:06Christine's over there. She'll die.
01:13:10Please don't.
01:13:14Okay, okay.
01:13:15We'll detonate the bomb.
01:13:22Oh, thank God.
01:13:29Okay, okay.
01:13:31If this thing doesn't go up, he'll know.
01:13:33And he has a second bomb.
01:13:36I'll stop him.
01:13:39And how?
01:13:41I'll attack him.
01:13:42No, no, no. And the gun?
01:13:44Doesn't matter, Tori. I can do it.
01:13:45It's just a narrow passage.
01:13:47Every shot is a hit.
01:13:50Please, guys, I have to do this.
01:13:51Oh, no, Daddy.
01:13:52Please, Dylan, listen to me. You just have to trust me.
01:14:02Jared, I'll go out with you.
01:14:07I'll go with you, too.
01:14:10And please, I'll go with you, too.
01:14:13We're setting a great target for that asshole.
01:14:16One after the other, he'll snap us out of it.
01:14:19Then I'll go first.
01:14:25What's your plan?
01:15:36Come on.
01:16:06Come on.
01:16:24No, don't die!
01:16:37Go on.
01:16:46Jared, come here.
01:16:55Well, you're very brave, my friends.
01:16:59That's really commendable.
01:17:00But I'm going to shoot you one after the other.
01:17:02One after the other, one after the other, one after the other,
01:17:04if you don't get back into that carriage, right now!
01:17:16First your wife, and then your daughter,
01:17:19if you don't get back into that fucking carriage.
01:17:25He's shot way too many bullets. He knows that.
01:17:29Sam, you can't shoot us all.
01:17:31Are you saying that I don't have any bullets left?
01:17:34Are you saying that I don't have any bullets left?
01:17:45For the last time, get back into that carriage!
01:17:48He's not going to shoot.
01:17:50Otherwise, he would have done it long ago.
01:17:55You're a coward.
01:18:01Detroit, Atlanta, Los Angeles,
01:18:04what I did was very important.
01:18:06My work is done. I'm going to disappear.
01:18:08But how are you going to push me?
01:18:11For the very last time, get back into that carriage, right now!
01:18:19Fuck off!
01:18:25I'm sorry.
01:18:48Kill him!
01:20:07Don't do this.
01:20:11Let me go.
01:20:16Don't make yourself unhappy.
01:20:18Please, baby, don't do this.
01:20:20But I have to.
01:20:25Please, baby, put that thing away.
01:20:30you listen to your father.
01:20:33Dylan, put the gun down.
01:20:34Please, put it away.
01:20:35Come on, do what your father says.
01:20:39Leave it.
01:20:40Go away.
01:20:48He doesn't deserve it any other way.
01:20:55Very right.
01:20:59But still, it's wrong.
01:21:02Give me the gun, okay?
01:21:08Don't do it, please.
01:21:17You're a bitch.
01:21:32That was very good.
01:21:35Everything's okay.
01:21:59We're all going to be saved, daddy.
01:22:31Little one.
01:22:32And after everything that happened to you today,
01:22:35you chose the path of virtue.
01:22:40The more virtuous the heart, the greater the suffering.
01:22:44Good child.
01:22:50You know, I'm a very good teacher.
01:22:54Whatever I say,
01:22:57whatever I am,
01:22:59it has nothing to do with you.
01:23:04From now on, it does.
01:23:26I love you.
01:23:56I love you.
01:24:26I love you.
01:24:56I love you.
01:25:26I love you.
01:25:27I love you.
01:25:28I love you.
01:25:29I love you.
01:25:30I love you.
01:25:31I love you.
01:25:32I love you.
01:25:33I love you.
01:25:34I love you.
01:25:35I love you.
01:25:36I love you.
01:25:37I love you.
01:25:38I love you.
01:25:39I love you.
01:25:40I love you.
01:25:41I love you.
01:25:42I love you.
01:25:43I love you.
01:25:44I love you.
01:25:45I love you.
01:25:46I love you.
01:25:47I love you.
01:25:48I love you.
01:25:49I love you.
01:25:50I love you.
01:25:51I love you.
01:25:52I love you.
01:25:53I love you.
01:25:54I love you.
01:25:55I love you.
01:25:56I love you.
01:25:57I love you.
01:25:58I love you.
01:25:59I love you.
01:26:00I love you.
01:26:01I love you.
01:26:02I love you.
01:26:03I love you.
01:26:04I love you.
01:26:05I love you.
01:26:06I love you.
01:26:07I love you.
01:26:08I love you.
01:26:09I love you.
01:26:10I love you.
01:26:11I love you.
01:26:12I love you.
01:26:13I love you.
01:26:14I love you.
01:26:15I love you.
01:26:16I love you.
01:26:17I love you.
01:26:18I love you.
01:26:19I love you.
01:26:20I love you.
01:26:21I love you.
01:26:22I love you.
01:26:23I love you.
01:26:24I love you.
01:26:25I love you.
01:26:26I love you.
01:26:27I love you.
01:26:28I love you.
01:26:29I love you.
01:26:30I love you.
01:26:31I love you.
01:26:32I love you.
01:26:33I love you.
01:26:34I love you.
01:26:35I love you.
01:26:36I love you.
01:26:37I love you.
01:26:38I love you.
01:26:39I love you.
01:26:40I love you.
01:26:41I love you.
01:26:42I love you.
01:26:43I love you.
01:26:44I love you.
01:26:45I love you.
01:26:46I love you.
01:26:47I love you.
01:26:48I love you.
01:26:49I love you.
01:26:50I love you.
01:26:51I love you.
01:26:52I love you.
01:26:53I love you.
01:26:54I love you.
01:26:55I love you.
01:26:56I love you.
01:26:57I love you.
01:26:58I love you.
01:26:59I love you.
01:27:00I love you.
01:27:01I love you.
01:27:02I love you.
01:27:03I love you.
01:27:04I love you.
01:27:05I love you.
01:27:06I love you.
01:27:07I love you.
01:27:08I love you.
01:27:09I love you.
01:27:10I love you.
01:27:11I love you.
01:27:12I love you.
01:27:13I love you.
01:27:14I love you.
01:27:15I love you.
01:27:16I love you.
01:27:17I love you.
01:27:18I love you.
01:27:19I love you.
01:27:20I love you.
01:27:21I love you.