Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 8 Tabula Rasa

  • 4 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 8 Tabula Rasa


00:00and imagine the rest of his life without me and then he gave me this any up you play for kittens
00:09have you spoken to dawn about that incident at halloween i thought you took care of that
00:14right what would i do without you well though you're using too much magic what do you want
00:20me to do just sit back and keep my mouth shut that'd be a good start just forget it ever happened
00:30forget but i think i was in heaven i was torn out of there pulled out by my friends
01:09can we talk vocal cord wise yes with each other no
01:18we have to talk about what
01:21we kissed buffy so we we kissed you and me all gone with the wind with the rising music
01:35and the rising music and what was that buffy a spell oh don't get pretty improper on me
01:44i know what kind of girl you really are
01:46don't know what we did is done but i will never kiss you spike never touch you ever ever again
01:57now easy boys no need to get physical eye
02:14is there mr spike you know this guy yeah what do you want uh me
02:21uh there are a lot of things i would like mr spank a house in bel-air with a generously
02:32sized swimming pool and of course the 40 siamese that you owe me take it easy and get your kittens
02:42oh i trust you mr god what is it with you guys why kittens why can't you just use money like
02:50everybody else she's funny i like funny in a girl i just need a little more time time time
03:00is what turns kittens into cats look i don't want to see anyone get hurt boys
03:08is you better close your eyes
03:24i said she was the slayer boss ah good for you the vampire slayer have you ever given any thought
03:34to a freelance work a little debt collecting perhaps no thank you boss he's gone huh spiker
03:45split yeah that's what i get for socializing all right come on boys we'll locate mr spike and uh
03:56talk to him a little more oh it was a genuine pleasure
04:09if i would just stop saving his life it would simple things up so much
05:23do you think she walked around on clouds wearing like birkenstocks and played a harp
05:33because those are just not flattering you know the clunky sandals not a harp
05:41i mean who doesn't look good with a harp
05:50what i'm just saying what everyone's thinking right baby you are attractive and have many
05:58good qualities it's totally not stupid to wonder what it was like for buffy but it could have been
06:05any one of a zillion heavenly dimensions all we know is that it was a good place and she was happy
06:12there we took her away from that we wrecked it for her we didn't wreck we didn't know we didn't
06:22want to know we're so selfish i was so selfish
06:31maybe we were
06:34i just feel weird feeling bad that my friend's not dead it's
06:39too mind-boggling so i've decided to simplify the whole thing
06:43me like buffy buffy's alive so me glad not to be miss psychopep squad but we have got to stop
06:52obsessing about what we did and start trying to make things better for buffy i'm with miss
06:58psychopep squad we need to spend more time with her just hang out maybe have weekly dinners over
07:06here or a book club short books videos i can fix it i know a spell no no more spells
07:18then what this isn't something that's going to be fixed by a video club i know i messed up okay and
07:28i want to fix i can't believe that we are talking about this again you know how powerful magic is
07:33how dangerous you could hurt someone you you could hurt yourself i know a spell that will make
07:40her forget she was ever in heaven god what is wrong with you i'm gonna go get that phone you
07:47probably don't hear it high-pitched ringing ears like a dog i'm gonna help you with that
07:55do you think i'm stupid i know you used that spell on me
08:01tara i'm sorry i don't just don't
08:08there's nothing you can say tara i didn't mean to what violate my mind like that
08:18how could you willow
08:21how could you after what glory did to me violate you i i i didn't
08:30mean anything like that i i i just wanted us not to fight anymore i love you if you don't want to
08:40fight you don't fight you don't use magic to make a fight disappear but i i just wanted to make
08:48things better better for us but you don't get to decide what is better for us will
08:55we're in a relationship we are supposed to decide together okay i realized i i did it wrong
09:04you did it the way you're doing everything when things get rough you
09:11you don't even consider the options you just you just do a spell
09:17it's not good for you willow
09:19it's not what magic is for but i i just want to help people maybe that's how it started but
09:30you're helping yourself now fixing things to your liking
09:35including me tara no
09:39tara no
09:50i don't think this is gonna work
09:54hey it is see it's working
09:59i i need you baby i i need you i i don't need magic i i don't i let me prove it to you okay
10:17i will go a month without doing any magic i i won't do a single spell i swear
10:30go a week one week without magic fine fine that's easy
10:41go a week and then we'll see
10:45i don't know i just
10:48think we both need some i don't know space
10:52i can't believe i'm saying this are you saying you're gonna leave me
11:03i have to
11:15you have to be strong i'm i'm trying to trying to to what
11:21desert me abandon me leave me all alone when i really need somebody
11:31i don't want to leave so don't
11:35don't please don't
11:39i can't do this without you you can that's why i'm going as long as i stay you will always turn
11:47to me if there's something comes up that you feel that you can't handle and i'll step in because
11:52because because i can't bear to see you suffer me too hate suffering
12:03had about as much of it as i can take believe me i'm loathe to cause you more but this
12:13i've taught you all i can about being the slayer
12:16and your mother taught you what you needed to know about life you
12:23you're not going to trust that until you're forced to stand alone
12:27but why now now that you know where i've been what i'm going through now more than ever
12:36but the temptation to give up is going to be overwhelming and i can't let so i won't
12:42no giving up you can be here and i can still be strong
12:47i believe it's the right thing to do
12:53you're wrong
13:00willow come on you ready not so much you go ahead tell giles to hold up i'll be there in a sec
13:10fine help me out here
13:14willow come on you ready not so much you go ahead tell giles to hold up i'll be there in a sec
13:27fine hurry up you don't want to miss the lowdown on our latest featured creature
14:03for buffy and tara this i char let me scramble do its chore
14:12purge their minds of memories grim of pains from recent slights and sins
14:20when the fire goes out and the crystal turns black spell will be cast tabula rasa tabula rasa tabula
14:31rasa so what do we got sorry what kind of ugly booglies lizardy types or um zombies or
14:49or vampires or what there are no ugly booglies dawn thanks for the jacket it's cold out there
14:59okay not a problem the cold only makes me stronger and more macho like
15:06i'm glad you're here um
15:12i have something i really have to tell you all um
15:17i know it feels like we've been through this before why don't you just jump to the chase
15:22tell him that you're
15:23here spike holy moly you need to give me asylum i'll say no need to get cute
15:36it's a disguise happens as a bloke but i'm not seizures now
15:43you met him i believe toothy bloke with a baby seal breath nasty fellow him and ugly too he's
15:50got a mouth full of chompers just waiting to be yanked out and worn his necklaces
16:04well now we've recovered from spike's sartorial humor
16:10i'll jump to the chase
16:13um i'm headed back to england and i plan to stay indefinitely now not now i mean not after
16:30everything yes now for reals this time because honest to pete a young shopkeeper's heart can
16:37only take so much i mean not that i want you to go i can't do this i just i need to buffy listen
16:49i know that this must be awful for you and i'm i'm sorry i i'm so sorry for i'm sorry
16:58everybody's sorry
16:59i i know that you guys are just trying to help but it's just it's too much and and i
17:08i can't take it anymore if you guys
17:15if you guys understood how it felt how it feels it's like i'm dying
18:33hey hey
19:05who are you people
19:09don't worry please don't hurt me oh it's okay i don't know anyone here either yeah
19:17huh who are you i uh
19:26okay who are you freaks you don't know me not a clue but you were just all like
19:34oh hey yeah because i thought you were a girl and i'd remember but well i am a girl i'm
19:40i'm not sure who i am exactly but okay why was i in the ground and why are you all staring at me
19:49is this some kind of psych test am i getting paid for this it's not just you
19:55does anyone remember anything
19:59nope well maybe you all got terribly drunk and this is some sort of blackout
20:07i don't think i drink i i don't see any booze i don't feel any head bumps
20:16i don't see alan font who okay i'm not panicking i'm not i'm not stop looking at me like i'm
20:24panicking hey take it easy guy okay no one's hurt right and and none of us look all hatchety
20:31hatchety murdery so we're probably safe here wherever here is get this stuff on these shelves
20:43weird jars of weird stuff
20:47weird books with weird covers like magic for beginners oh this is a magic shop
20:55a real magic shop maybe that's it maybe something magic happened magic
21:03magic's all balderdash and chicanery i'm afraid we don't know a bloody thing
21:10except i seem to be british don't i and a man with glasses oh that narrows it down considerably
21:20i don't like this it's okay don't worry we'll take care of each other we'll get our memory back
21:26and it'll all be right as rain oh listen to mary poppins he's got his crust all stiffened
21:33up with that nancy boy accent you englishmen are always so
21:40bloody hell sodding blimey shagging knickers bollocks oh god i'm english
21:48welcome to the nancy tribe you don't suppose you and i
21:53we're not related are we there is a ruggedly handsome resemblance
22:00and you do inspire a particular feeling of familiarity and
22:08and disappointment older brother father oh god how i must hate you what did i do
22:20there's always something and what's with the trollop hey huh i saw you sleeping together
22:27resting together look it's okay we're engaged oh it's a lovely ring oh great a tardy stepmom
22:39who's half old daddy's age tardy old you little twerp i'm young enough to still get carded
22:46carded driver's licenses
22:54it's me alexander harris cute picture hey i exist i'm willow rosenberg willow funny name
23:06i think it's pretty what do you got tara and look i'm a student at uc sunnydale
23:13me too hey maybe we're study buddies i don't have a wallet don't worry me neither but here look
23:26you're don or umad i'm uh called rupert giles rupert rupert
23:37rude you're not too old to put across my knee you know sunny anyway what did i call you um
23:53made with care for randy
23:58brandy giles why not just call me horny giles or desperate for a shag
24:03giles i knew there was a reason i hated you randy's uh family name undoubtedly
24:10oh hey i have a name on my jacket
24:16harris harris that's my last name maybe i have a brother and you go out with him
24:23or maybe you go out with me well we did wake up all snugly wiggly maybe you're my boyfriend
24:32either that or i got one pissed off brother out there somewhere i'm enya um this key fits this
24:40lock and the the forms next to the cash register say that rupert and and anya own the shop together
24:47this is our magic shop well that's that's very um progressive of me so you don't have a name
24:58of course i do i just don't happen to know it you want me to name you oh that's sweet but i think i
25:07can name myself i'll name me joan what did you just uh my name no i just i mean it's so blah
25:25joan i like it i feel like a joan
25:32fine that's your purgative prerogative whatever joan whatever umad boy you're a boss
25:43do you think we're sisters
25:48you never showed me affection like that
25:50i'd wager we need to figure out what's going on we need to get help looks like
25:58john fancies herself the boss we have a kid here a teenager a teenager and we have no idea
26:05what's wrong with us i think the hospital's our best bet uh yes let's um let's head out
26:13any suggestions on how we're gonna get there dad can drive he's bound to have some classic
26:20midlife crisis transport something red shiny shaped like a penis
26:30oh my god did you guys see that vampires and it's halloween it doesn't feel like halloween
26:36even if it is those guys were definitely not kids and those are definitely not costumes
26:41randy's right looks like we have vampires they're definitely not knocking for candy
26:47good doors we need to check to see if there's other doors and make sure they're locked and then
26:51put large objects in front of them come on monsters are real did we know this i don't
26:58know but we need our memories back we have to get to a hospital as a proprietor of a magic shop i
27:05propose we fight them we can use things here in the shop you know magic tricks or whatever they're
27:10called let out spike
27:15they seem to want spikes
27:25let's give him these oh i'm done
27:30but wait what are they going to do with them
27:35slay her that's just what they said before
27:39they're gonna use the spikes to to slay someone a female someone who do those
27:45jerks think they are bloodsuckers that kill by sucking blood take it easy joe you guys
27:53there's a trap door in the basement it seems to lead to the sewer
28:09now i'm not sure what i am so bear with me here now i lay me down to sleep
28:21you oh fine take your damn spice
28:25stop don't be stupid get your hands off me you son of a i said you owe us
28:32who me you've got the boss's kittens kittens
28:43hey stay away from brandy
28:49whoa what did you just do
28:58i don't know
29:01but it was cool boss ain't gonna like this i'll be back i won't be alone
29:14i think i know why jones the boss i'm like a superhero or something
29:24the boys want to taste blood boss
29:28they want to break down the door the boys are barbarians there's no need to do that
29:36the humans will turn on him soon enough and if they don't we'll burn the place to the ground
29:42okay i've got a plan maulers they seem to want randy and i seem to be pretty strong
29:49wicked strong so you guys go through the sewers to get to the hospital
29:53and randy and i'll give the monsters a run for their money that's your plan yes right i'm not
30:00leaving the shop i have to protect the cash register and do some spells oh well magic might
30:07help if it's worth a shot all right you work on that then we need to go ready randy ready june
30:15um son come here um please
30:27right good then
30:45hey i'm a superhero too
30:55john where are you going
31:19hey wait up almost there come on here we go
32:03this must be nice for us
32:04us sorry i mean i know there's the vampire problem and our memory loss and all that but still
32:19to spend this time together alone must be nice
32:25uh yes yes um i'm sure that's right um which uh which book should we start with
32:35this is the book for us oh good does it focus on on mind control or memory loss
32:43not exactly i just um my intuition tells me this is the book and i figure being a magic shop owner
32:51and a natural at the supernatural i should trust my intuition it's fine but as you recall i i too um
33:00magic shop owner true but my intuition says that you're not so much the magic guy and more of a
33:07paperwork type okay here we go what you don't barra barra himble gemination no wait up
33:20oh bloody hell what are you doing you don't know who you are right none of us do and we'll be
33:35chased by a vampire how can you say i me a vampire no check the lumpies and the teeth
33:51so how come i don't want to bite you and why am i fighting other vampires
34:13i must be a noble vampire a good guy on a mission of redemption
34:21i hope the hopeless i'm a vampire with a soul a vampire with a soul
34:28oh my god how lame is that perhaps we should try another book no this book made a little fluffers
34:36this book's gonna send him back i've got it this time okay kimball abri abri for you
34:45i'm a hero really i mean to be cast such an ugly lot in life and then to rise above it
34:56to seek out better nobler things it's inspirational in it and the two of us
35:01natural enemies thrown together to stand against the forces of darkness
35:05not a trust no thought of me biting you no thought of you staking me
35:10depends on how long you keep on yapping
35:31come on this way up the ladder
35:53he's coming
36:15clearly that is not a helpful book darling come down and we'll go about fixing this in
36:21a sensible fashion sensible you think it's sensible for me to go down into that pit of
36:25cotton top hell and let them hickety hop all over my vulnerable flesh well fine then just
36:30stay up there and keep making bunnies it's a capital plan what capital i never know what
36:36you're talking about woo shag brawly what the hell is all that what there's no way that you
36:41could remember me saying any of those words back her off you brawly
36:57note to self
37:34get a different book
37:50how you doing don't
37:54i'm okay it's scary but weirdly kind of familiar i know what you mean
38:08how are you
38:11a little confused i mean i'm uh all sweaty and trapped no memory hiding in a pipe from a vampire
38:26and i think i'm kind of gay
38:41so great kind of jerk and i feel compelled to take some vengeance on you
38:49oh no wonder i'm leaving you what
38:54look one way ticket to london and out of this engagement
39:03i'm off the nerve
39:12now look what you've done
39:22i smell fear it smells good
40:11oh that's better
40:26thank goodness i'm so sorry dear no rupee i'm sorry you were right
40:36that was the wrong book oh um
40:46yes yes it was but i'm still sorry don't leave me
41:12hey over here big guy check out this throbbing jugular
42:23oh don't mess with jonah
43:18sorry i just got back the memory of seeing king ralph
43:26we should get back
43:59well this place certainly needs a good tidy oh yes yes yes
44:23fighting your own kind howling around with a slayer and oh that suit uh what must be your
44:44you'll get paid i'm known well sir right sure you're good for it i know that i'm just going to
44:53uh yeah
45:07you all right
45:36i just wanna get it over with
45:43tears for me
45:53the days to pass me by
46:00i've been searching deep down in my soul
46:08words that i'm hearing are starting to get older feels like i'm starting all over again
46:23the last three years we just pretend and i said goodbye to you
46:37goodbye to everything i thought i knew
46:51the one thing that i'm trying to hold on to
47:15it seems that i can't live a day without you
47:34but it's not right
47:43goodbye to everything
47:57the one thing that i try to hold on to
48:28i want what's yours and i want what's mine
48:37i want you but i'm not giving
48:52that i knew
49:23goodbye to everything that i knew
50:15grr argh
