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Nicky Spurgeon (Will Smith) iskusni je prevarant koji svakoga može uvjeriti u bilo što. Nicky pod svoje okrilje uzima zanosnu plavušu Jess (Margot Robbie) i stvari između njih postanu osobne.
00:00Hi, the video is short here. Today we're doing a review of a 2015 comedy-drama called Focus.
00:06Before we start, most of you who watch our videos aren't subscribed to our channel,
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00:15Prevarant, Nicky Spurgeon, goes to a bar in New York City.
00:17There, he sees a beautiful young blonde with a man who looks like he's mad.
00:21She runs away from him and goes to Nicky's table to use him as a sacrifice. Her name is Jess.
00:27After a few drinks, she leads him in and they follow her to her hotel room
00:31and then they start kissing on the bed.
00:33Then, a man enters their room with a gun and threatens Nicky to shoot him.
00:37Jess says that's her husband.
00:39Nicky then finds out that there's a fight and Jess realizes that he's defeated them.
00:42Nicky says that the attempt was cruel and explains to them how they should've done it
00:45if they really wanted to shoot him, and he leaves.
00:48Radozan takes him by surprise and after Jess leaves the hotel, he comes to her and invites her to a coffee.
00:53Nicky tells her the story of two partners who were together in a scam that went wrong,
00:57because one partner had to shoot the other to make it look like they weren't working together.
01:01The partners were Nicky's father and grandfather, and one of them shot the other because of a tactic called the Toledo Panic Button.
01:06Jess asks Nicky to teach her. He agrees and says that the scam is a game of focus.
01:10Outside, Nicky explains to her that the attention is a reflector, and their job is to dance in the dark.
01:14The human brain is slow and can't multitask.
01:16You have to enter the victim's brain and look at things from their perception,
01:19and while he's talking to her, he continues to steal things from her.
01:21He wishes her luck and leaves.
01:23Nicky moves his business to New Orleans with his friend Horst and his team before dawn.
01:28Nicky has problems with gambling and he loses money on a horse race.
01:31Jess finds Nicky a few days later after doing research on him.
01:35She asks him to let her join the team.
01:38Nicky agrees to try it and at the same time he meets Horst, but he already knew that she was coming.
01:43It's Super Bowl week right now and the city is full of people.
01:45Jess joins them in a practice round.
01:48He leads her through the crowded streets where they steal watches, bags and other clothes from people who don't suspect anything.
01:53Nicky is impressed and she gets a chance to join the team.
01:56He also takes her to the hotel casino where they sell even more of their scams,
01:59such as open identity and credit cards.
02:02They even put up fake banknotes to record pin codes.
02:06Jess meets Nicky's friend and partner Farhad.
02:08He's involved in even worse scams.
02:10Farhad literally ignores Jess's existence and asks Nicky everything about her,
02:14and if Nicky will even fall in love with her, because Farhad would.
02:17Regardless of his behavior, he still likes Jess.
02:20While explaining to Jess what they will do with the stolen data in their databases
02:23and how they will share profits in percents, she accepts a hug that she likes,
02:27but Nicky tells her that everything they steal has to be sold so that there is no proof.
02:31When Jess asks Nicky about a big scam, so big that they can retire on the face of the city,
02:35he just says that the business is growing at the moment and that the big ones are just fantasies.
02:39While all the bags are being searched and while the money is being counted, Nicky is looking for cash to put on the race.
02:43Nicky finds a place for Jess to stay, and when she asks him to take her away,
02:47he tells her that it would be better to take a taxi.
02:49He emphasizes that there should not be a romantic relationship between them.
02:52Some time later, regardless of what he said, he comes to her and they enter into an intimate relationship.
02:56Jess asks Nicky why some people call him Mellow.
02:59He says that his father knew how to call him that because he was soft like a marshmallow.
03:02Nicky believes that there is no place for the heart in this game because it can kill you.
03:06The night before the big game, when all the scams are over,
03:08Nicky turns to the team and congratulates them on a broken record of a week worth $1.2 million.
03:13He sends all the people home with the usual promise that he will send everyone their share.
03:17Horst gives Nicky the money in a hurry and forces Nicky to promise that he will not gamble with that money.
03:22Nicky promises while Jess is watching.
03:24Nicky and Jess go to a football match.
03:26Jess says that she does not like football, so Nicky starts the game with small bets between the two of them,
03:31and that is whether the fan will catch the hot dog or whether the other will be too drunk to stand up for the fan wave.
03:36They look at the woman in a short shorts and bet how many men will look at her ass while she passes.
03:41Jess says 8, and Nicky says 3.
03:43A mysterious man named Mr. Lujan joins the game and says number 5.
03:47Seven men look at the woman's ass while she passes, and Jess was the closest.
03:51Lujan suggests that he put several roles on the game.
03:54Jess refuses because she does not know anything about football.
03:56Nicky accepts this offer and they bet $1,000 and Nicky loses.
04:00When Nicky wants to give up, Lujan practically begs him to continue playing.
04:03Unwillingly, Nicky agrees and continues to give up the role.
04:06He loses and gives him a bunch of money.
04:08The stakes escalate and the two of them continue on.
04:11After losing $100,000, Jess pushes the bag with cash into Nicky's hands and tells him that they need to go.
04:16He takes the money, throws it on the table and puts all the remaining money,
04:20that is $1.1 million, on a simple game, which is already on the card.
04:24Lujan is delighted, accepts and draws 5.
04:27Nicky is excited about the chance of his benefit when he turns the card and looks at number 3.
04:31He loses everything his team was working on.
04:33Jess is in shock and Nicky is just standing there stunned.
04:36Nicky is finally fed up with everything and wants to leave.
04:39Mr. Lujan underestimates him again,
04:41that's what you get when you play with big guys,
04:43and Nicky turns around and decides to go to the blue card.
04:46He tells Lujan to choose any player on the field and he will guess who it is.
04:50Almost impossible chance.
04:52Mr. Lujan thinks he's crazy and doesn't get along with crazy people, so he refuses.
04:56Nicky makes a deal with Lajin saying that Jess will choose the player Lujan chooses
05:00even though Jess doesn't agree with it.
05:02While Jess is nervously looking around, Lujan gives them a chance to withdraw.
05:06Jess looks at Nicky, who looks like he's asking him to take advantage of the opportunity and withdraw,
05:10but Nicky tells her to choose a player.
05:12Jess nervously scans the player again.
05:14Suddenly, she notices Farhad wearing a dress number 55.
05:17She laughs and chooses him.
05:19And to everyone and Nicky's surprise, that's the right answer.
05:22In the taxi, on the way home, Nicky, who now has a lot of money,
05:26explains to Jess that this was planned from the beginning.
05:29They know that Lujan was a well-known gambler,
05:31so he placed Lujan to see number 55 throughout the day,
05:34persuading him to choose that number when the moment was right.
05:37Nicky then tells the taxi driver to stand aside while the other car stops behind them.
05:41He instructs the taxi driver to take Jess to the airport.
05:44He leaves her a part of the money and leaves without a word,
05:47leaving Jess confused and heartbroken.
05:50Three years later, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
05:53Nicky works with a billionaire and owner of a racing car named Rafael Garriga
05:57and his partner Owens.
05:59They are in possession of a revolutionary new fuel combustion algorithm
06:02that will give them an advantage in the upcoming season.
06:05However, Rafael is concerned that this will not be enough.
06:08Therefore, Nicky will pretend to be a dissatisfied ex-employee of Rafael
06:11and sell a fake version to the second owner, McEwen,
06:14who is his biggest competitor.
06:16As a result of this, the competition will be slower, while he will be faster.
06:19Nicky goes to Rafael's villa for fun.
06:21He tells the bartender to pour him water when he asks for vodka,
06:24because he is an alcoholic, and to give the impression that he is becoming drunk.
06:27Nicky talks to all the guests.
06:29When he goes to meet Rafael as part of his plan,
06:32he looks at Jess as she comes from the stairs behind the amazing red carpet
06:35and freezes.
06:36She kisses Rafael on the cheek.
06:38He then approaches Jess and she assures him that she is doing well
06:41and that she has moved on from the life of a drug addict.
06:44Nicky looks depressed and leaves to get a glass of vodka.
06:47He pours him water instead, because the other bartender told everyone about his problem,
06:50so he doesn't even get a drink.
06:52When he gets drunk, Nicky plays his part as a dissatisfied employee,
06:55but instead of pushing Rafael, he hits him right in the face
06:58and pours his anger on him, because he is with Jess.
07:01When Owens follows Nicky outside, McEwen's guard comes to him
07:04and gives him McEwen's accreditation and invites him to lunch.
07:07The next day, while Nicky is having lunch with McEwen,
07:10Nicky has a hard time concentrating while he is talking to him.
07:13He is irritated and looks at Jess, who is flirting with Rafael.
07:16They decide to meet again later, when they find out that the fuel burning algorithm is real.
07:19He comes to Jess while she is away from Rafael and tells her that he doesn't believe him.
07:22She turns the story around and asks him why she should believe Nicky after he left her.
07:27While she is leaving, she gives him his watch,
07:30telling him that her game is still in place.
07:32Nicky gets an agreement with McEwen for 3 million euros,
07:35after it turns out that Nicky's false algorithm is valid.
07:38Nicky spends a lot of time trying to get closer to Jess,
07:41using dirty tactics like an old nanny who loses her turban just to talk to her.
07:45Jess tells Nicky everything he wants to hear in a flirting voice,
07:48and just before the kiss, she whispers to McEwen,
07:50I learned a lot from the last time we met and I would like to show you,
07:53just like I learned how to play a man like I am now to you.
07:57She tells Nicky to get away from her, because she won't sit on his shit again.
08:01As a last resort, Nicky brings Farhad to talk to Jess
08:04to give Nicky another chance and that he is sorry for her in Orleans.
08:07He gives her the ring she got for about 3 years ago.
08:10Nicky manages to arrange another conversation with her.
08:12He tells her that he didn't work for several years because he didn't feel right
08:15and that he even turned to his mother for help.
08:17Jess jumps to the point of the story, what do you want from me?
08:20Nicky says that she is a different person now,
08:22but no matter how much she wanted it, it's hard for Jess to believe it
08:25because he is a pervert.
08:26Jess leaves and is followed.
08:28When Nicky returns to his hotel apartment,
08:30he looks at Jess who sits at his door.
08:32They are in love.
08:33The next morning, he tells her that he is leaving tonight and that he wants her to come with him.
08:37Immediately after that, Owens is at Nicky's door.
08:39He tries to get rid of him, but Owens only enters
08:42while Jess tries to stay hidden.
08:44Owens complains about his feelings towards the younger generation
08:47and Nicky slowly moves forward while walking around the apartment
08:50as if he is trying to find someone.
08:52Jess runs to the balcony where she manages to avoid Owens
08:54and he leaves the apartment after leaving the package.
08:57Nicky eventually sells Raffaello the real algorithm
08:59not only to McEwen, but to every other racing team for a certain price.
09:03He wishes them all luck and gets the same answer.
09:06Who needs luck when we have friends like you?
09:08Counting somewhere around 27 million euros in cash.
09:11Nicky gets a message that he is failed, but he insists on leaving without Jess.
09:14After the time runs out, he takes his bag and opens the door where he sees Jess.
09:18It's a pity that it's so late.
09:19One of McEwen's guards buys unusual things at work
09:22and the innkeeper looks at him strangely.
09:24After a quick meal, he checks his watch,
09:26puts on a bandage and puts on protective equipment
09:28and presses the gas, hitting Nicky's car.
09:31Jess and Nicky are kidnapped and taken to one of Raffaello's warehouses
09:34with a tape over his mouth.
09:36He was a spy in McEwen's company to follow Nicky.
09:39Raffaello tells Nicky that he knows he sold the right algorithm to McEwen for 3 million,
09:42but there is 27 million in the bag,
09:44from which he concludes that he sold the algorithm to everyone.
09:47Raffaello wants to know how he got the right algorithm.
09:49He keeps Jess and Noah all the time until Nicky starts talking.
09:52Nicky finally admits that he used Jess and put a bomb in her neck,
09:55so when she returned to Raffaello's hotel room,
09:57the bomb cut through his computer password.
10:02Raffaello laughs because he knows it's a lie and removes the tape from her mouth.
10:05She admits to Nicky that Raffaello is not her boyfriend,
10:07she just wanted his watch, which is worth about 200,000.
10:10She never slept with him, she wasn't even in his room,
10:13even though Raffaello tried to sleep with her.
10:15Jess did all this to make Nicky loveable and enlightened.
10:18Nicky finally calms down that what was said was true,
10:21and right after he wanted to leave, he was shot in the chest by Owens,
10:24which poisoned Gerig and forced him to leave.
10:26Nicky bleeds while Jess cries and tells him she loves him.
10:29It looks like Nicky will die until Owens says he hit Nicky in the right place
10:33to avoid the main artery, although he broke his lung.
10:36Owens takes the blood from Nicky's lungs and brings him back to life.
10:39Owens then calls Nicky Mello, which Jess realizes is Nicky's father,
10:42Bucky Spurgeon, with whom she was in a contract all this time
10:45and that they had just taken Toledo Panic Button.
10:47The package that Owens left Nicky in one morning is actually a real algorithm.
10:51Owens takes Nicky and Jess to the nearest hospital.
10:53He reminds Nicky what he said about putting his heart in the game of cheating
10:56and adds that he will take all the money.
10:58Jess helps Nicky walk to the hospital.
11:01Nicky laughs when he notices that Jess is wearing a gargantuan
11:04on her forehead.
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