• last month


00:01One, two, three, four!
00:09In case you forgot, Grandfather knows best!
00:13Huh? What's he doing here anyway? We've had our yearly visit.
00:18You know Mom's death threats? Seems those weren't just annoying ways to get attention.
00:23Holy crap, Mitzi!
00:24She's fine now, but she's staying at that clinic downtown. So, we get Dad!
00:29I'm glad your mom's okay. Well, they're charging me for this call, so, you know, goodbye.
00:35Getting good at this pity thing. Damn, this sucks.
00:45She loves that thing.
00:47No, it's more like a love-hate.
00:49Here's some tea, Dad. I added fortified sake. Hiro drinks his like that.
00:54Whoa! I can't wait to hear you sing in your underwear.
00:58Is this what Hiro teaches you? To be a bum?
01:01Hima, you learning a lot from Grandpa? He's a better influence than Shin, isn't he?
01:07Daddy, don't forget your drink or Shin'll get into it.
01:10Right, thank you.
01:12I'll be in the kitchen.
01:14And ignore what Shin's reading. It keeps him sitting and not breaking things.
01:19That's not right. The puppy can't walk now.
01:22Come on, Hima, pick up after yourself.
01:25But how come? If you leave the mess long enough, Mom will clean it up.
01:28She'll what?
01:29You know, after she gets worn down from you not listening.
01:32That's not your mother's job. A clean room is a joy.
01:35What? You're crazy.
01:37What could be more fun than picking up after yourself?
01:40Creating a huge mess for Mom to clean.
01:43Check it out.
01:44Oh, but he seems very clean.
01:46Yo, Hima, Mom's new magazine.
01:53In five minutes, she'll have that apart, cover to cover.
01:58It's me.
02:01Yoshi, how's it going? Having fun?
02:04I hear you're staying with us this whole week.
02:06You earning a decent salary yet?
02:08Boss says in a year now.
02:11But seriously, when are you gonna go away from here?
02:13As soon as my grandchildren are properly matured.
02:16You might die first.
02:19Okay, guys, bath time.
02:20Bath time fun with Grandpa.
02:24There's no playing Kappa this time, though.
02:27Be careful. No drowning.
02:30He's gonna be hard on me the whole time.
02:32I don't think the kids turned out that bad. They can walk.
02:34Well, Shin can. Mostly.
02:37Oh, Hiro, don't worry.
02:38You've been a wonderful father, but everyone could use a little extra help, you know?
02:42And he did an excellent job of raising me.
02:47Soap on the back. Soap on the back.
02:52This soap's really good because it makes all the bugs drop dead and go down the drain.
02:56The great purple smell is just for fun extras.
03:00That's really powerful. It's burning my nostrils.
03:06No food again. Maybe a squirrel will die.
03:12Drink. Get wasted.
03:13Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug.
03:16There. Topped off.
03:18I think you'll like this one, Yoshi.
03:20It's cheap, but packs a real sturdy punch.
03:26Oh, yeah.
03:29Oh, yeah.
03:39Such barbaric behavior.
03:41This food needs TV.
03:43Ooh. Spring break hotties.
03:45Anyone know why this hasn't made it into the Olympics yet?
04:00I'd be glad to help you, struggling lady.
04:03Oh, she's so bouncy.
04:06Hiro, turn that program off.
04:08Huh? Why would I do that?
04:10It's unseemly for a man your age and a boy so young to watch filth.
04:14Evenings are for teaching your son.
04:16Oh, I'm sure he learns stuff all day in school.
04:18This is his time to recharge.
04:21Turn off that buddy idiot box right now!
04:23What kind of adult are you teaching your son to be?
04:26Watching Mindless Smut all night and going to bed drunk every morning.
04:29Just drink your beer and we'll talk about it at commercial.
04:31Turn that doggone thing off!
04:33Turn that doggone thing off!
04:39Look, I've had a crappy day and this is my house, Yoshi.
04:42I'll let you stay here.
04:44I'll let you bathe Shin and I'll let you drink my beer.
04:46But I'll be damned if I let you get in the way of drunk Koen.
04:54This won't bring the hotties back.
04:56Dinner's ready. I made beans that look like meat.
04:59Can we eat with sharp knives tonight?
05:01Hello, Hiro. Sounds like you and Dad are getting along well.
05:04We're so thrilled to see you.
05:07Oh, Mom, I don't think Dad wants to say goodbye to you right now.
05:10We're having dinner.
05:12You're right, dear.
05:13Just tell him I went quietly and it was the best thing for everyone.
05:18Daddy! Talk to Mom!
05:20Of course, right during dinner.
05:22Only your food for your grandpa.
05:24Okay, don't think I didn't hear you guys fighting.
05:27You can go one dinner without that stupid jiggle fest.
05:29You're really asking a lot of me, Mitzi.
05:31I love having Grandpa Yoshi home all day.
05:34He never gets tired of my antics no matter how bad I get.
05:38Leave your grandpa alone.
05:40Stop eating all the food!
05:44I need energy for my lady in a sec!
05:47It's a damn good thing I'm taping this.
05:55Alright, I'll be in the kitchen, boys.
06:00Sorry, maybe I shouldn't point out your failure so much, Hiro.
06:03Eh, we won't remember it tomorrow.
06:06This stuff is great for when Shin really pulls one of his pranks.
06:09Did Mitzi ever tell you about the time he made us garbage chili?
06:13I don't care. Just have him make me laugh.
06:19Shin Nohara.
06:21Do one of those dumb dances for your grandpa.
06:23Well, a traditional two-cheek dance will cost you two boxes of Chocobees.
06:27What'll I get for one box?
06:28One cheek.
06:32Dancing to Chocobees this late?
06:34Entertain him without nudity or sugar!
06:41He can't hang with this family.
06:43Looks like he's all worn out.
06:45It's a good thing Mom is getting released tomorrow.
06:47I must have broke him like a car window.
06:50Ah, Shin.
07:03What are you doing, Hiro?
07:05Oh, uh, what are you doing?
07:08Hold on. What happened to Shin and Hima?
07:11Hey, wanna you know what while they're gone?
07:14Hiro, I'm asleep.
07:15Come on, your dad's in the house. It'll be like high school again.
07:18They're just horny from watching TV.
07:28Hooter Tooter!
07:32This is the Noharas on a spring afternoon.
07:35In their last calm and reflective moment before the monster came.
07:45Always when we're eating.
07:47Dammit, this had better be good.
07:49Whoa, nice shorts, Mom.
07:50Hima, learn to walk and kick your brother.
07:55Why are you here?
07:56I was in the neighborhood.
07:57I used that park for LARPing.
07:59It's dropout!
08:00Yo, Shin!
08:03That's Klingon for what's happening.
08:06That's baby for what's happening.
08:08Shouldn't you be cashing unemployment checks?
08:10Well, on my unemployment form, I wrote my race as elf,
08:13and I guess they thought I wasn't being serious.
08:15So you need money.
08:16Poor stupid dropout.
08:19Heh heh heh.
08:25So, how many stomachs do you have anyway?
08:28You're a cow person, aren't you?
08:30I can't believe you screwed up unemployment.
08:32Why do you always write weird stuff?
08:34You signed Yonra of Hyrule on your apartment lease.
08:40Like watching a snake eat a live mouse.
08:43Oh, that was really good.
08:45I know money's tight, but you're eating, right?
08:48Well, it's an interesting situation.
08:50All I've had to eat lately is a 12-pack of edible panties I bought for my real doll.
08:54Mom gave her to me out of pity.
08:57That poor plastic girl.
08:59Why don't you sell her?
09:00Dolls can be worth a lot.
09:01Just ask Yosharin.
09:03I tried, but the guy at the place said she was already too broken in.
09:06And that they wouldn't accept custom models with vulcaneers and hobbit feet.
09:10Oh, Yonra, that's really, really creepy.
09:12Nanako Mark II is magical.
09:14I, uh, whoa, whoa, I mean, and, uh...
09:16How about an H-O-O-K-E-R? It's less shameful.
09:19Plastic Nanako. She's now a stinky-footed hobbit.
09:23Can you help me?
09:24I can help you look for a job. What are you good at?
09:26I'm good at basics math.
09:28Oh, I could be a tutor.
09:30You working with children, that's kind of a stretch.
09:32Ah, but what if I worked with Shin? He kind of likes me.
09:36Shin, you're being rude.
09:38Actually, his current classes are very recess-oriented, so a tutor might help.
09:42And he can live with me, too!
09:46I don't believe it!
09:48Someone who will finally take Shin off my hands! It's a miracle!
09:52If I'm learning from a dropout, I'm doing it in my own home.
09:56How much?
10:00Okay, how about this many per hour?
10:02That seems a little low, Yonro.
10:05How about this much?
10:0730 an hour!
10:09I get my power armor!
10:15Presenting the Yonro 5000!
10:18You better oil your crotch hinges for this beast's nautical mark 2!
10:22What? This means $5 an hour.
10:28How the hell did you get $30 from five fingers?
10:31Oh, I forgot. I was thinking of basics.
10:34Oh, who am I kidding? I can't afford to take Shin away tutoring.
10:39I'm still jobless.
10:42Here's an idea.
10:43What? I'm not staying with him for free either, Mom.
10:46I'll give you $10 in dinner if you tutor Shin here and clean up the place.
10:50Thank you!
10:51This is actually our second cleanest room.
10:53Most of the carpet crumbs haven't yet turned into penicillin molds.
10:58All right, I guess it's a good deal to possess a vacuum.
11:01Well, we do, but Shin filled it with cotton candy.
11:05I'll improvise.
11:06Well, I smell mold. Better start, Yonro.
11:09See how Mommy bosses the big nerd around?
11:11I'll be watching TV while you clean up.
11:13Helping you get touched on, Nanako.
11:17Well, Shin, let's commence.
11:19What are we doing again?
11:20Tutoring! I'm tutoring you!
11:22No! I don't want your hand up my butt even if I do get to touch your Nanako doll.
11:26What the freck are you talking about?
11:28Tutoring to keep up.
11:30You are brain dead!
11:32This is exactly why your mom hired me to be your teacher.
11:35Teacher? You're not a lady, though you do have boobs.
11:38And as your pedagogue, I demand a certain level of respect.
11:41No! I can't respect a dorkwad.
11:44Then what do you think you are, with your vast knowledge of Action Bastard and all spin-offs?
11:48You're right. I'm no different than you are.
11:51I'm a nerd!
11:53That's good.
11:54We're the same.
12:00Can we just start and get this over with?
12:02Your first assignment is math.
12:04These are kind of tough. When do you want this done?
12:07Have it on my desk by five.
12:09Okay, no problem. Hey, I'm teaching you!
12:11Fine when it's not me.
12:19Cut it out. I know you're faking.
12:22Boys, I'm going to the park to enjoy my free time, okay?
12:25Whatever makes you happy, Mitt's dog.
12:27Great. Then you won't mind taking care of Himo while I'm out.
12:31How long will you be gone?
12:33Oh, an hour. Possibly six.
12:35Yo, get me some choco-beets.
12:37We'll see.
12:38Whoa, whoa, whoa! I can't do...
12:39Oh, you'll be fine. Just don't let Hima touch your face.
12:42Her diaper rash is super contagious, okay?
12:45Also, if you've got to use the toilet for once, don't flush.
12:48And if you use it for twos, don't wipe.
12:50Ever since the explosion, the plumbing's been finicky.
12:53Bye. Have fun, boys.
12:56Five and a half awkward tutoring hours later.
13:00Once I feed Yanro sweets, he'll forget all about this abuse.
13:03That's odd. The house is never this quiet.
13:06Let's just hope Shin hasn't found and gagged him, the rascal.
13:11One for one, and two for two.
13:14Wow, they're really studying.
13:16Okay, shit, if you have three hotties, that's six boobies.
13:19And if you had two more hotties, how many total boobies is that?
13:22Come on, use the tricks I taught you.
13:24One chick has two boobs.
13:29It's hard.
13:31They can forget about cake.
13:33Eight boobs.
13:34Higher. It's ten boobies.
13:37Whoa, that's a lot to count. I'm going to need more fingers.
13:41You've learned nothing. Let's do another lesson.
13:44Now we'll study her granular area.
13:46This is where tentacle monsters get their life forces.
13:49It's also a pretty good place to hide a small gun or throwing star.
13:52Does your Nanako doll keep guns in her crotchie? Can I see them?
13:55Do you think the real Nanako keeps guns in her crotchie?
13:57Well, if I got to teach you full time at my place, you'd get to see Nanako Mark 2 a lot.
14:01I'll have Mom pay you more.
14:07I'm back. What's going on, guys?
14:09Oh, hi, Mitzi. I didn't see you there.
14:11I didn't do anything wrong. We've been tuning together all afternoon.
14:14Shin's right. In fact, now we're working on his kitchen.
14:20You're fired!
14:22Oh, frick!
14:27Yo, here's my show.
14:34Trial's a false mother.
14:36Dammit, Shin. Pick up your toys.
14:38Yonro left less than an hour ago. How could you possibly have made this big a mess again?
14:47Jump in whenever you want, Hiro.
14:50Do whatever she said. I wasn't listening.
14:55Wow. Japanese business thrives in new quarter.
14:58Leaves middle class salesman behind. Seems relevant.
15:04Shin, no indoor baseball.
15:06Bad pitch. My hand started against me again.
15:09What do you want, hand? Why can't we be happy together?
15:11This is serious, Shin. Clean up and don't talk crazy.
15:13How'd you even get this junk in my lap?
15:15Shin's had three kendo lessons and he hasn't changed at all.
15:18I thought it'd make him more disciplined.
15:20Mitzi, you thought it'd make him a sports phenom you could sponge off of.
15:23I know, and that plan's not working either.
15:26Hey, that reminds me.
15:27We were gonna make sure this teacher wasn't a creep after Shin came home with that penis grip,
15:31but then you had to do the dishes and I got into that new TV show.
15:34You really think one of us should go?
15:36Since the lessons are free, I was kind of hoping it'd take care of itself.
15:40How can I hold my noodle if my hand hates me?
15:43So who goes?
15:44The next day.
15:46Okay, I want to see what you do there, so forget I'm with you.
15:49Hope you like ghetto.
15:51The word's urban. I'm sure it's not, oh my god, that's ghetto.
15:57What the hell, Shin? That's no way to open a door.
16:02I'm here, not...
16:04Yes, Dildor, come in. Your timing is suspiciously perfect.
16:07I just finished my journal writing and I've proved the existence of the bugbear.
16:11I told you they were related.
16:13Wow, a teacher who plays along with Shin's stupid fantasies.
16:16Maybe he isn't so bad.
16:18Get dressed for battle, my liege.
16:21Hi, just thought I'd sit in today if you don't mind me here.
16:24I'd be honored.
16:25Honored, oh, stop.
16:27Really? But please don't touch me.
16:29Women are unclean.
16:30You miss good naked.
16:32Excellent, my heroic savior. Take your position.
16:35Heem and I'll just camp out over here.
16:38Oh, make sure you step over Leet's first few planks.
16:44I suppose that wasn't much of an advance warning, now, was it?
16:47No, hopefully that was the low point, cause ow.
16:53To fight today, a warrior must know what came before him.
16:56Yes, nut.
16:57Sounds like a kendo tradition. This should be good.
17:00Two times two hundred years ago the universe began
17:03And we sucked every drop in the creator teacher can
17:05But then came the overshadow, the first sinister woman
17:08She took the sweetness for herself and from us she all ran
17:11Oh man, can I have the milk?
17:13No, you can't.
17:14No sucking?
17:17Alas, without cool milk I'm burning. I'll become a sun.
17:21And I'll be forced to moon.
17:23Okay, how can this possibly be a kendo tradition?
17:26It's humanity's greatest tradition, ma'am.
17:28I told him the facts and he made it a song.
17:30Yeah, I'm gifted. Now on to part two.
17:32For many years we pondered how to get the teacher eternal back
17:35Then chose the spinning earth to knock up chicks for our comeback.
17:38Oh, come on!
17:39My lord, help, brofister.
17:41I'm sluggerous, your witch mistress sister.
17:44Whee! I'll stick my hand up your chest.
17:46Stop it, that's enough warm-up.
17:49Please don't learn that, sweetie.
17:51Surely things have to go uphill from here.
17:54And now you are ready to learn your next swordplay maneuver.
17:57Okay, here we go.
17:58Please don't be in song and dance form.
18:00Or about penis.
18:02A finishing blow to the face.
18:12Hey, he's not a total fraud after all.
18:16Try it out, Dildor.
18:19So, where do I aim this face mesh?
18:22Imagine your opponent's about yay tall.
18:25And what's he look like?
18:27Uh, like a boy your age, I guess.
18:30Only with bug mandibles.
18:31We can see them?
18:33Yeah, they're huge.
18:34Nah, I think that's too obvious, don't you?
18:37Yes, of course.
18:38A slaughterous would use much more trickery than that.
18:40What? What the crap are you talking about?
18:43Patience, false mother!
18:45That's right.
18:46To vanquish a foe, you must know his black heart.
18:50You gots to relax. You gots to relax.
18:53Fighting for the cosmos, you gots to relax.
18:55I propose this bug wears a full human skin suit
18:58and looks so harmless that he's worked his way into your dojo and heart
19:01and you go to wing night with him on Tuesdays.
19:03Brilliant work, Dildor. That sounds way more like her.
19:07Why do I feel like the only sober girl at the party?
19:10It's time.
19:14Strike quick and clean.
19:22Wait, Shin, where are you?
19:26He's smarter at home.
19:28Chased him right out the door.
19:31Just bear with him.
19:32One less spy. We're making progress.
19:35You freak!
19:36That was sweet learning. Wanna dance some more?
19:39No, you should practice now with a target that won't run away and buggish cowardice.
19:42Make my sword feel the wrathful judgment of your face smash.
19:49But wait.
19:50Firstly, you promised some kind of candy.
19:52If I do it right, I'm goal-oriented.
19:54He can't go five seconds without some new distraction.
19:57No candy.
19:58Good. Be firm.
20:00But you can share...
20:01Divine ramen!
20:02Get it from the dumpster.
20:05Somebody tell me why I keep going through the damn floor.
20:10For ramen!
20:13What? Is that the best swing he can do?
20:15Come on, Shin! Be a man and hit it like you hate it!
20:18Hey, if you think you're so sweet, then why don't you show me?
20:21Then maybe you'll stop judging us and thinking stuff only the audience can hear.
20:24What? No, I just...
20:28Actually, Shin, maybe I will show you.
20:31Okay, but aim for the bugbear's balls. He's weak there.
20:35You don't mind, right, Kenta?
20:37Don't touch me.
20:45Wow, you're a real natural with violence.
20:48Yeah? You think so?
20:49You can keep on going if you want.
20:51Why not?
20:53You wanna hear about the time Slutterous hit me with a bat?
20:58It was aluminum.
21:02She's a nun.
21:03While you guys are doing that, I'm gonna learn a more awesome sword skill.
21:07I'm a balancing master.
21:09Quick, Dad, put him on top.
21:11I doubt he's a good teacher, and he might be insane, but I sure love swinging this thing.
21:15Yeah, Mom told him I could keep taking lessons if he gave her some more pointers in one of his swords.
21:19He gave her the one named Math Mark.
21:24What the hell's happened to my family?
21:29I wonder if they'll notice. I'm going to the bar.
21:45Frogs and dogs are raining from the sky.
21:48Everything seems awkward to me. Nothing's just as it should be.
21:51If this keeps on, I'm sure I won't get by.
21:55But then I close my eyes and try to smile.
21:58I know things are bad and getting worse.
22:01But after all this, I can rest a while.
22:05And then I'll party, party, party, party, join us, join us, party, party, join us, join us, party, party, join us, join us.
22:12Take your day away and you can party, party, join us, join us, party, party, join us, join us, party, party, join us, join us.
22:18Shake your blues away!
22:23Yo, we're getting vacation, Mom!
22:26This party's shaking and it ain't just shaking here.
22:29I see that smile, you're grinning ear to ear.
22:32Sing this song and you should really sing it clear.
22:35Just sing along with us.
22:40Party, party, join us, join us, party, party, join us, join us, party, party, join us, join us.
22:45Shake your day away and you can party, party!
22:48Oh, I'm bad for truth.
22:51Grand old party it is.
22:53Party, party!
