• last month


00:00Previously on Shin-chan the high school years, the show skipped ahead ten years without explanation,
00:14but Shin looks the same, and he likes to box.
00:17I don't remember exactly what I said last time, but it was something about that guy
00:23being bad news.
00:24Shin-chan the high school years, episode two, Raging Bull Shin.
00:41We settle this on street like men do.
00:43Right here, right now.
00:45I'm not so frightened of you Shin no Hara, or your fists of legendary might.
00:50Pants hand or the remote hand?
00:56Nope, it was the remote hand.
00:58You lose.
00:59I'm the champ now.
01:04Wait a minute!
01:07I meant for us to have bare-knuckle fight, you capitalist stooge.
01:10Sorry, Russian guy.
01:11I'm calling it quitter-oonies.
01:20Dog piss on girl?
01:22And just like that, Shin's boxing days passed.
01:28Remember, I might be late tomorrow, depending on how long Mr. Doyle wants to drag out this
01:32custody hearing.
01:34Shin, you ready for the big fight against Soviet Institute?
01:37No, I give up boxing for love.
01:39What a loser.
01:42What do you mean daddy had three other daughters from three other mommies?
01:46Shut up you stupid whores, I don't believe you.
01:48He may be an insensitive, drunken, violent, abusive prick, but he's my abusive prick.
01:54Fuck, you girls suck ass at acting.
01:59We didn't mean it, we promised we'll emote more.
02:02How am I supposed to act with only no face, dumb face and dead face to play off of?
02:07My words, my beautiful words.
02:09I should have kept horny, at least he has a face.
02:19Where will the fairy balls hide?
02:21A bear's mouth.
02:27Go short.
02:32These antique uniforms are great.
02:34I am fast.
02:39We should work on your grunting tonight, Courtney.
02:48Hey Georgie, I thought you moved to the States?
02:50I'm in Japan on business.
02:52Doing what?
02:53Raising yen for Bush.
02:56You have to pay for sex?
02:58I do no such thing.
03:00Nothing wrong with paying for a little boo-de-boo.
03:03I wasn't talking about that kind of Bush.
03:05You weren't?
03:06I'm the Asian liaison in charge of fundraising for the re-election campaign of President Bush.
03:12Didn't he die?
03:13No, that was George W. Bush.
03:15I work for President Jeb Bush and we have to defend the White House from the axis of evil.
03:19Whoa, evil asses.
03:28Check his ass for evil.
03:32You have the mind of a first grader.
03:34Really? Because you have the body of a first grader.
03:36And the ass of a baby.
03:38And the voice of a grown woman.
03:40As a highly talented spin doctor, I'm rubber and you're glue.
03:43Whatever bounces off me sticks to you.
03:48Gotta pick up some dry cleaning.
03:50Jeb threw up on the PM's kimono at dinner last night.
04:06Being a teenager sucks.
04:14That was dumb.
04:24Watch your balls, man.
04:25Watch my balls, kid? And while you're at it, watch my fist at your face.
04:31I probably said something about how I hate awesome boxing.
04:42That bum smells like...
04:45Oh my god, Shin! Are you okay?
04:52If that guy was no match for you, why did you let him pound your head in?
04:56Well, I gave up on boxing because it was the only thing blocking me from the woman I love.
05:05You know, suicide does run in my family, Hiro.
05:10Maybe an awkward talk with his father would cheer him up.
05:14Shin, bath time!
05:17No! I can bathe myself now.
05:20And I just took a bath last summer.
05:23Come on. For old time's sake?
05:30Hey, you look like you took a creaming today.
05:33I remember my teen days when I would get pushed around.
05:37They called me the most boring man alive and made me eat dirt.
05:40Everybody made fun of me, even Sakura Watanabe, and she used to swallow her own urine.
05:45Ah, those were the days, Shin. Cherish these years of freedom.
05:50You should just kill yourself.
06:02Take that, fish who has nothing to do with my sorrows!
06:07Shin! Shin!
06:12What's up?
06:13I've got an idea for a new school newspaper series!
06:16Oh yeah?
06:17And he's right. Nobody wants fairy balls first thing in the morning.
06:21But who wouldn't want to wake up to a muscly young stud in boxer shorts?
06:25It's called Teen Pugilist and I want to model it after you!
06:28Me? No way! You know I quit.
06:31But boxing is your life, Shin. Are you sure you want to do this?
06:36What about the championship fight?
06:39You're letting everyone at school down.
06:43And what about Boo? He'll probably die taking your place.
06:48You don't know what it's like to love a girl.
06:50And maybe I never will!
06:52But I know all about men and men don't just bend over without a fight!
07:02On the next Shin-Chan, the high school years.
07:04Wow, that was some episode. I mean, when Shin did that thing.
07:07Okay, I didn't see it. I stepped outside for a smoke and missed the whole damn thing.
07:10But I'm sure it was hilarious as always.
07:12You're still sticking with that whole high school thing, huh?
07:14More power to him! Have you seen those Vanessa Hudgens pics?
07:17Don't leave your TV. Even just a bee. Here's part three.
07:22Damn it! Don't you see quitting's a mistake?
07:30Shut up! I gotta touch your boobies!
07:34Shin, no!
07:39Shin-Chan, the high school years.
07:41Shin-Chan, the high school years.
07:43Episode three. Million dollar boobie.
07:48Ah! Eek! Grr! Ooh! Yah! Ooh! Ah! Oh!
07:52I nub it! The rub it! Not a pub it! I stub it!
07:55I nub it! The rub it! Not a pub it! I stub it!
07:57I nub it! The rub it! Not a pub it! I stub it!
07:59I nub it! The rub it! Not a pub it! I stub it!
08:01Hey! Everybody sit down. It's time for math.
08:04It's time for math.
08:08Since you're all Asian, you're really good at math, right?
08:10Or does the fact that we're in an American school
08:12mean you all couldn't add six and nine with your pants on?
08:17I wasn't gonna touch it. I just wanted to look.
08:29I love coffee. I love cheap. I love the boys and the boys love me.
08:35There you are!
08:38No! I won't pose in boxer shorts. I don't box anymore.
08:41I know that, Shin. I'm gonna make my strip about Penny's stupid-ass play.
08:45But I thought you should know they just announced the championship match-up.
08:48Boo is gonna fight Sergei!
08:52In Russia, hell goes to you.
08:55If he dies, it'll be your fault.
09:00Ladies and gentlemen, the day is finally here.
09:02The duel in the school.
09:03This may go down as one of the most exciting ever in the history of high school pugilism.
09:07Sergei, the Krushin Russian, hails from the Union,
09:10formerly known as the former Soviet Union.
09:12His mentally challenged challenger, the ironically nicknamed Boo the Brain.
09:16Boo fills in for Shin Nohara.
09:17The last guy he fought is in the hospital, dying of cancer.
09:20And the bell marks the beginning of the first of ten in this championship contest.
09:23The fighters circle each other, watching,
09:25able to read the slightest twitches your eye might read a red book.
09:28Boo tests the waters with some jabs.
09:30Sergei effortlessly dodges and then counters.
09:33No, Boo! Take a dive!
09:36Watching these two warriors spar is like watching a dance.
09:39An Amish barn dance, where nobody touches anybody and the place is totally dry.
09:43Yes, folks, I'm reminded of my prom date.
09:45Lots of squirming around and zero physical contact.
09:48Is it too much to ask for just one bone-licking blow to the head before the night is over?
09:52Like a gutter-dwelling junkie, this crowd is desperate for a hit.
09:57And now, folks, the bloodthirsty fans have turned.
10:00They are booing the pugilists.
10:02Either that or they are chanting the Brain's name. I cannot tell.
10:05Oh, what's this? It looks like the Russian may have found Boo's Achilles heel.
10:09His kryptonite, his one weakness.
10:11Boo has never been able to last an entire round.
10:27That was it, folks.
10:29You have just witnessed one of the most powerful punches in the history of the game.
10:33Clocked by sportologists at 480 miles per hour.
10:37Uh-oh, has Boo been quadriparalysed?
10:39Will Inch Manager have to sneak into Boo's hospital room, remove his breathing tube and inject him with adrenaline?
10:44Folks, I sure hope not. What a stupid way for this story to end.
10:47I'm no doctor, but looks like post-mortem snot to me.
10:55Unspeakable tragedy here this evening.
10:57Boo the Brain is dead, meaning...
10:59The winner by technical manslaughter is Sergei the Crushin' Russian Iyamovitch!
11:04I would not want to be Shin Nohara right now.
11:06He has at least as much blood on his fists as Iyamovitch.
11:09Boo's Will said he wanted his ashes scattered in the kitty litter box.
11:13I never want to hear the word box again.
11:15But don't you want that championship belt?
11:18What do I need it for?
11:23I don't need no stinkin' belt! I love it when my pants fall down!
11:26How could you?
11:32Do that to your retard friend, Boo!
11:39Boo is now dead, you're to blame, Shin
11:43It's on your head, must avenge him
11:47Can't fight fighting, it's your thing!
11:59Shin, where are you?
12:01Boo is dead!
12:06Damn, this sucks. Why'd I give up boxing?
12:10Get used to me being on top, Shin.
12:16A choice to make!
12:19Make love or war!
12:22Divide or break!
12:23Shin, you're gonna miss your dinner! It's fried soup!
12:27Men have no choice!
12:29Only choose to choose now!
12:31You cry like a woman.
12:32They pay next week's spaghetti!
12:39A choice to make!
12:40A choice for war!
12:43Is making war!
12:46Oh well, if it is not much famous champion Shin Nohara.
12:49Come make tears for boyfriend?
12:50No, I've come make revenge all over your ass!
12:53You has not size or endurance or genetics.
12:56It's physically impossible for this little man to win.
13:02Then put your fists where your mouth is!
13:04Even if you are winning, what has you won? Your Boo is still gone.
13:07Yeah, so then what are you afraid of?
13:09He fears nothing!
13:12I defeat all. We meet on ring in one week.
13:16To be continued...
13:46Life, then killed, then brought back to life.
13:48After 168 hours, Jack finally won the league.
13:51Thank you High School Year!
14:16Where is Winifar?
14:19Shit, you're boxing again?
14:21Like my cheeks, we part.
14:26Hey Boo, does it bring a ghost freak you out?
14:47Shin, we don't have time this morning for your pre-weigh-in dump.
14:54Damn it, I should have let you finish crapping off those extra pounds
14:57between the raw eggs you've been guzzling and those chewable steroids.
15:01You're getting too fat!
15:09Oh Shin, there you are!
15:11It's a travesty!
15:14Word on the street is Sergei's got a new trick up his firmly toned bicep!
15:22He calls it the Train Bang.
15:24I think Dad has that movie in his private stash!
15:27It's not a porn, it's Sergei's new punch. It hurts like a train.
15:32Shin, how can you remain so calm?
15:34Aren't you scared? I mean, if a big giant man wanted to beat me up, I'd be real scared.
15:39Well, now I'm scared.
15:44His punch is like that train in your face. It's the Tunnel.
15:48The Tunnel was different in the movie.
15:53He killed Boo.
15:54Yeah, he killed me.
16:00No! I won't make him pay!
16:03I'm gonna derail that train and send it crashing off the tracks!
16:06I amma bet you're going down!
16:10I amma bet you're going down!
16:26He's taken up boxing again, which represents everything I most loathe in this world.
16:31And yet, he looks so hot doing it.
16:35I'm getting so wet just standing here watching him.
16:38I should really go inside where it's not raining.
16:56Being a ghost is stupid. I miss eating.
17:00Aw, poor little guy's all tuckered out.
17:02He spends every hour of every second boxing on things.
17:07You know what? I always thought it was the drinking that made Daddy pass out for days.
17:12But maybe the punching made him sleepy. Think that's it?
17:18Oh, I hope Shin is dreaming of a new move that can take Sergei down.
17:22I've got the eye of a leopard and the ass of a monkey.
17:27With the hoof of a cow and the ear of a donkey.
17:32Plus the liver of a yellow.
17:35Spotted penguin!
17:37Tomorrow you is dead.
17:38No, you is, but what is I?
17:40You is dead.
17:44I know you is, but what is I?
17:46You is dead!
18:05To come to his lunch tomorrow.
18:10Shin loves me.
18:12Hope he makes love better than he spells.
18:16Ladies and gentlemen, we are coming to you live from inside the Putin Dome
18:20at the Soviet Institute of Learn-Making in Kaskovay.
18:22What you are about to witness is a grudge match of epic grudginess.
18:25Here's Shin, the ground bomber Nohara, looking to avenge the tragic yet entertaining death of his friend.
18:31Now the entrance of the reigning anyway champion of Kaskovay International High School, Sergei,
18:36the crushin' Russian Ayamovich, clearly killing a 15-year-old boy just days ago.
18:40All right, dear friends, I want a clean fight, no bruises.
18:43The duel in the school zoo is underway.
18:46The fighters waste no time, getting off punches faster than the girls down at the docks get off lonely sailors.
18:51Only recently back from retirement, Nohara appears out of practice.
18:55But they say boxing is just like riding a bike.
18:57If you don't wear a helmet, your brains are likely to get splattered everywhere.
19:00Super heavy Funtime High's golden boy lands a solid uppercut on Ayamovich's chin.
19:04Wish he would quit moving around so much.
19:06It'll take much more than that for Mr. Nohara to tear down this wall of Russian man-flesh.
19:11The crushin' Russian is doling out punishment like nobody's business.
19:15Except that it is my business, as I'm paid to observe.
19:18And it is your business, and you support the advertising that supports me.
19:22Look at that little monkey go. His fists are flying at lightning speed.
19:25And, oh, Ayamovich with a cold cock in Nohara's mouth.
19:30Ladies and gentlemen, this Cold War is heating up faster than you can say-
19:33I love boxing.
19:34This is just a street fight, folks. We are looking at mutual-
19:38I expect more from famous champion.
19:41You are weak as your comrade. I must break you.
19:44All aboard to train bay!
19:48Oh, no!
19:56Shen, do something!
20:00Oh, yeah!
20:02Super punch that's just like all the others, except I wing-punch!
20:23Down goes Sergei! Down goes Sergei! He is beaten!
20:28Do you believe in miracles?
20:31I don't believe it! I don't believe it!
20:34I do not believe it was ever put, but Nohara has won the bout!
20:37Shen Nohara has done the impossible, and these people love it!
20:41It is absolute pandemonium!
20:43Even the Soviet Institute Student Body Politburo and Premier Symbol are on their feet
20:48for the new anyway champion of Koskove International High School's
20:53Shen the Brown Bobber Nohara!
20:59So that's the end of high school.
21:07It was lots of fun.
21:14We had Russians and all sort of booze.
21:20But for now we're done.
21:27We are out of time. Words are hard to rhyme.
21:30So, no more songs.
21:38Woke up late this morning. A storm was really rolling.
21:41Frogs and dogs were raining from the sky.
21:44Everything seems awkward to me. Nothing's just as it should be.
21:47If this keeps on, I'm sure I won't get by.
21:51But then I closed my eyes and tried to smile.
21:54I know things are bad and getting worse.
21:57But after all this I can rest awhile.
22:01And then I'll party, party.
22:03Party, party. Join us, join us.
22:05Party, party. Join us, join us.
22:07Party, party. Join us, join us.
22:08Shake your day away and you can
22:10Party, party. Join us, join us.
22:12Party, party. Join us, join us.
22:13Party, party. Join us, join us.
22:15Shake your blues away!
22:20Yo, Breaking Vacation, Mom!
22:23My heart is shakin' and it ain't just shakin' here
22:26I see that smile, you're grinnin' ear to ear
22:29Sing this song and you should really sing it clear
22:32Just sing along with us
22:37Party, party, join us, join us
22:38Party, party, join us, join us
22:40Party, party, join us, join us
22:42Shake your day away and you can
22:43Party, party!
22:45Oh, I'm bad for truth
22:48Brand old party it is
22:50Party, party!
