Parlez Vous Woo Cartoon Caboose!

  • avant-hier
00:00Good evening, dear ladies. I am the international. Come a little closer, and I will make the great love to you.
00:12Ah, your eyes are like the limpid pools, sparkling in the sunshine.
00:20And your lips, they are so red like the ruby. The flowers that bloom in the spring do not compare with your exquisite beauty.
00:32But Olive!
00:34Shush, Popeye! Don't interrupt the international!
00:39But Olive, what about our date? You and me are supposed to go to the movies.
00:46Why that runt Popeye got here ahead of me?
00:50And now I have a surprise for you lovely ladies.
00:54One of you shall be selected to have a date with me tonight.
00:59So stay at home, for who can tell, you may be the lucky one.
01:05Good night, see you later.
01:08Come on Olive, let's go out.
01:10No Popeye, I may have a date with the international.
01:31Good evening.
01:34Is this the residence of Mademoiselle Olive Oyl?
01:39Oh, it's the international.
01:45Oh, oh, do come in.
02:00I'll show Olive I can be romantic too.
02:04Pardon me Olive.
02:09Mademoiselle Olive Oyl, visitez-vous.
02:17Let's go Olive.
02:21Ah, my cherie, nothing shall ever separate us again.
02:27Now that we are alone, I shall give you the magnificent kiss.
02:39Olive, don't you remember? You and me has a date tonight.
02:45Ha, you've got some nerve butting in on the international.
03:08And now we shall take a stroll in the moonlight.
03:28Just a minute, I ain't got a date with Olive.
03:32Ah, you wish to fight the duel for Mademoiselle Olive?
03:37Okay, you ask for it.
03:39Oh, a duel over me? How perfectly romantical.
03:46I've won.
03:47Oh, thank you.
03:51En garde.
04:07Ha, ha, ha.
04:38En garde.
04:47Oh, he's a fake, it's Ludo.
04:52Oh, papa, you're wonderful.
05:02Ah, Mademoiselle Olive, you have the date of my love.
05:08Ah, mademoiselle Olive, you have the date of my love.
05:15Ah, mademoiselle Olive, you have the date with me.
05:30Oh, I'm just like butter in your hands.
05:44Ah, mademoiselle Olive, you have the date of my love.
05:50Ah, mademoiselle Olive, you have the date of my love.
05:56Ah, mademoiselle Olive, you have the date of my love.
06:02Ah, mademoiselle Olive, you have the date of my love.
