Mystery Of The Third Planet (3 of 7) - Dollar Store Version

  • avant-hier
00:00In the community center of Habitat, Professor Steele learns the details of how speakbirds, those rare creatures that tell only the truth, are disappearing. They are vanishing.
00:13Oh, speakbirds have all disappeared.
00:18It's important that we find the answers. Do you have any real clues to the mystery?
00:24We have strong feeling that it is somehow the work of Doctor Bentley.
00:28Doctor Bentley?
00:30And there are no more speakbirds? They are all gone?
00:33They are all vanished. We are very sad.
00:46I have a speakbird. Do you want him?
00:51Why are you whispering?
00:53Because my life is in danger if I am discovered with one.
00:57Show me the speakbird.
00:59Remember, speakbirds speak only the truth about everything they see. That is why so many of them have been killed.
01:07Look about you. Do you see any suspicious humans? I dare not show you the speakbird unless we are absolutely safe.
01:15But none see the sinister Doctor Bentley lurking nearby.
01:21Oh, that's like the bird on the statue of Kim and Brian.
01:25Take this speakbird and listen to the truth he will tell you.
01:29What a stroke of luck!
01:31We'll protect him with our lives.
01:37What's this?
01:39Daddy's soldiers!
01:48Stay close, Kristen. This is real danger.
01:51What do we do?
01:53Use the Transaur.
01:55Green, this is Steel.
01:57Trouble in the Grand Hall.
01:59Come quickly.
02:01Oh, they're getting awful close.
02:03Oh, look! Captain Wojak! Help us!
02:10Get him, Daddy!
02:18Oh, no!
02:20Quick action and sharp thinking soon overcomes the slow-witted guards.
02:33These are robot guards. We'll shut them down by removing their controls.
02:37Oh, really tough. Wow!
02:41I thought you said trouble. This is no time to be playing games.
02:48Hey, look! Indicator, it works. I put on my invisible hat and nobody can see me.
02:53Oh, here comes Daddy.
02:57Kristen? Kristen?
03:03Where did you come from?
03:05I was here all the time, Daddy.
03:07All the time, all the time.
03:11Trouble. Real trouble, Kim.
03:14Send a distress message. We're being pulled into a great cavern.
03:17Being pulled down. Are you listening, Buran?
03:19Being pulled into a huge cavern. The ship is going to crash.
03:22Send a mayday, Buran. Quickly!
03:25The voices of Kim and Buran.
03:27Speedbird must have been with them.
03:30We are captains Kim and Buran. Send help.
03:34Daddy, they must still be alive.
03:36I'll bet Captain Kim sent Speedbird so we could rescue them.
03:40This is work for professionals. We should send for a patrol ship.
03:43But there isn't time.
03:46We must help.
03:48Oh, someone's at the door.
03:52It is only me. I have brought a gift of some value.
03:55I wish to have this beautiful diamond turtle.
03:58Oh, I've never seen anything so sparkly.
04:01But we must give you something, too.
04:04How about this stupid parrot?
04:06Unfortunately, we cannot give him away.
04:09Never mind. Keep the turtle as a token of your visit to Habitat.
04:13Perhaps it will bring you luck.
04:15Goodbye. Goodbye.
04:19I don't know about him. Something's suspicious.
04:24Send help. All aboard. Planet 3. Mayday.
04:27We must go there. I have to know if Kim and Buran are still alive.
04:31Oh, goody. I'll help, too. I'll be very brave.
04:35I'll activate ship's controls.
04:37Set course for the shortest path to the Aldebaran.
04:39Directly past the planet metal.
04:42Aimed for the darkest, most dangerous reaches of the universe,
04:46our three friends are headed for perilous times
04:48at the hands of Dr. Bentley, the pirates, and fierce armed men.
04:52Our three friends are headed for perilous times
04:54at the hands of Dr. Bentley, the pirates, and fierce armed robots.
04:58Against all odds, the search for the speakbirds
05:01and the missing captains Kim and Buran must continue.
05:14What's that? A signal?
05:15It's an emergency alarm. Wait. A message will flash on the screen.
05:19Message from planet metal.
05:21Help. We are in the grip of a terrible rust epidemic.
05:24Send lubrication. We are rusting to death.
05:28Send help quickly. This is our last chance.
05:31I'll reply. The computer will translate to metal language.
05:36The nearby planet metal was constructed in the early part of the 22nd century
05:41by a large industrial concern.
05:43Populated only with self-sustaining robots,
05:46planet metal has no source of lubrication for them.
05:49All supplies except solar energy must be transported in.
05:57They sound desperate.
06:00So in spite of the urgency of their journey to the third planet of the sun of Aldebaran,
06:05Commander Green immediately directs the ship to a landing orbit
06:09which will bring them quickly to the nearby planet.
06:17L'énorme balle de métal qui possède les travaux industriels de la haute technologie
06:21semble désertée lorsque l'expedition touche le sol
06:25et leurs pas ressemblent à ceux de l'ombre.
06:29Pas d'activité nulle part.
06:33Restez proches, Kirsten.
06:38Est-ce que Docteur Bentley et son ami fat ont quelque chose à voir avec ça?
06:46Ecoutez, j'entends quelque chose à l'étage.
06:52Quel endroit étrange!