The Apprentice (US) S05E01 - Summer Of Sam's 2006.02.27

  • 3 days ago
The Apprentice is the "ultimate job interview" for those competing in an elimination competition for a one-year, US$250,000 contract to run one of real estate magnate Donald Trump's companies.


00:00My net worth right now is $8 million, and I run four successful companies.
00:11I'm totally self-made.
00:13I didn't go to college.
00:14I've created everything that I have out of nothing.
00:18I won a tennis title for the state of Louisiana and two U.S. championships for swimming.
00:23Athletics carries over with my business.
00:25I have to win.
00:26It's just, it's in my blood now.
00:29I get my determination and drive from my mother.
00:32She left the Philippines when she was 28 years old.
00:35She came over here with nothing to her name.
00:37I'm going to make her proud.
00:39At 24 years old, I set out to start a multi-million dollar building company and did it.
00:44I'm aggressive.
00:45I'm a baller.
00:46Trump's going to like me because the truth is I'm a lot like him.
00:59I'm Donald Trump, and I'm always on the lookout for talented people.
01:07I'm looking for someone who's a natural leader.
01:09I'm looking for someone who's a strategic thinker.
01:12I'm looking for The Apprentice.
01:26Right now I'm heading to New York City to meet with 18 candidates that I've hand-picked
01:31from over 1 million applicants.
01:34They're about to take part in the most grueling interview process of their careers.
01:38For the next 15 weeks, they'll push themselves beyond their limits and work harder than they
01:44ever thought possible.
01:45I grew up in public housing projects, but I now run $40 million worth of business at
01:49a Fortune 200 company.
01:50My will to succeed is unstoppable.
01:54I graduated number one in my class from the University of Florida.
01:57I then went on to get my MBA at Harvard Business School.
02:00I'm tough as nails, and basically I'll run through a brick wall to get what I want.
02:04I've worked in the Middle East, Europe, all across South America.
02:07I'm the highest achiever in sales globally for my company.
02:10This is a done deal for me.
02:14All 18 candidates have exceptional skills, but only one of them will get to run one of
02:19my companies.
02:20For that person, it'll be the dream job of a lifetime.
02:28Who will succeed, who will fail, and who will be the apprentice?
02:50Who will succeed, who will fail, and who will be the apprentice?
03:20Who will succeed, who will fail, and who will be the apprentice?
03:50I've arrived at Republic Airport in New York, where I've asked George and Carolyn to bring
04:03the candidates to meet me on my jet.
04:08Go right in.
04:21All right, I just landed.
04:28I'm going to go see the candidates.
04:29I'll be in in about an hour.
04:31Wow, this is very exciting.
04:36But you have to say, this is the only way to travel.
04:40Is that right?
04:42So here's the deal.
04:43This isn't just an interview process.
04:46It's not just fun.
04:47You're going to learn how to make a lot of money.
04:49And if you learn how to make a real lot of money, you're going to have a plane just like
04:52this someday.
04:53So that's not so bad.
04:54Here's the story.
04:55We're going to go out.
04:56We're going to teach you a lot of different things.
04:58You're going to all become rich.
04:59You're going to all have your own planes.
05:00You're going to fly all over the world.
05:01And you're going to do lots of good things and perhaps some bad things, too, in life.
05:04But you're going to have a lot of fun doing it.
05:07Let's go.
05:08Come on.
05:09Follow me.
05:10Mr. Trump walked in and said, this is what you're working for.
05:12This is what an apprenticeship with me means.
05:14This is what working in the Trump dynasty is all about.
05:17It's about wealth.
05:18It's about success.
05:19And you couldn't leave there not being motivated to be the last guy standing on that podium.
05:32It's very, very windy out here today.
05:35So at least we now learn that I do have real hair.
05:38That's the only good thing about this.
05:42Before we begin, I want to just introduce you to two very special people in my life,
05:46George and Carolyn.
05:48You know who they are.
05:49They've become very famous.
05:51They're great people.
05:52They will be my eyes and ears.
05:56I'd like now to discuss a little bit about each of the candidates.
06:01And let me know about yourselves.
06:03Go ahead.
06:05My name is Lee.
06:06I'm 22 years old.
06:07I have a bachelor's degree from Cornell University, where I graduated with a 4.0 grade point average.
06:10I'm a criminal defense attorney, public defender for the city of New York.
06:13I'm an emergency and acquisition consultant.
06:15I have a business degree from Baylor University and a law degree from the University of Michigan.
06:19I own a restaurant in Huntington Beach, and I have so.
06:21I graduated from the University of Mississippi and received a full scholarship to play volleyball.
06:25I'm an insurance defense attorney and a real estate attorney.
06:28I created my own diet, and I lost 110 pounds.
06:30I'm a worldwide product marketing manager for Texas Instruments.
06:33I'm also a member of MENSA, meaning I have an IQ in the top 2% of the world.
06:37And I currently am an area manager for a Fortune 500 company.
06:39My company is combined worth about $10 million.
06:42Three years ago, I started my own construction company.
06:44I currently own two businesses.
06:47I actually run my normal $10 million company back in Russia.
06:51I went to law school at Columbia University.
06:53As an attorney, I represent...
06:55Went to Harvard Business School, graduated with my MBA.
06:57For a major investment firm in Beverly Hills.
07:00I also have two boys in my family.
07:02I graduated valedictorian from Southampton University.
07:06A lot of great accomplishments, and what you're going to go through is going to be very tough.
07:11But somebody is going to come out a winner.
07:13Now, I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
07:15I have a great respect for MENSA.
07:18Because Tarek has an IQ that's higher than anybody here other than myself.
07:23So I'm going to ask Tarek to step forward.
07:27He's going to be one of your project managers.
07:30Now, I also happen to have a lot of respect for the Harvard Business School.
07:36It's second only to Wharton, where I went.
07:39So I'm going to ask Ali to step forward.
07:43You are both project managers.
07:46So, we'll start with ladies first.
07:49Why don't we choose individual members for your team?
07:56Mr. Trump asked me to pick the members of my team.
07:59I didn't expect that it was going to be something that he assigned to us.
08:02And I was taken a little off guard.
08:04I don't think there's a single decision that could be more important than picking your team.
08:09It's probably the most important decision I'll make during this whole job interview process.
08:13It's a little rough with names right now.
08:15So, I'm going to go ahead and pick you.
08:17Okay. Any particular reason you picked a woman first?
08:21I'm impressed by her credentials.
08:23And I like her demeanor.
08:24And I think she's a real tiger.
08:26Okay. We'll find out.
08:27Tarek, go ahead.
08:28I'll take Dan.
08:29Why did you pick Dan first?
08:31Because he's a parent.
08:32He has two boys.
08:33Okay. That's a good reason.
08:34I respect that.
08:35Go ahead, Ali.
08:36I'd like to pick you, please.
08:39I was hoping to grab Andrea because Andrea has four businesses of her own,
08:43which clearly requires a lot of creativity.
08:46I'll take the gentleman with the pink tie.
08:48The handsome man in the orange tie, please.
08:51I'd like the lovely lady in the brown.
08:53Okay, Ali. It's your turn.
08:55We'll take the gentleman with the wonderful British accent.
08:59I think it might be fake, but I'm not so sure.
09:01I don't think so.
09:02I didn't choose Sean because of the accent.
09:04He seemed to have a great presence about himself.
09:06It's important not just to have people that have achieved a lot.
09:09It's important also to have members on your team
09:11that you really look forward to working with,
09:13and he's one of those people.
09:24I'll take the gentleman with the blue tie from New York.
09:26All right.
09:27The tall gentleman with the pink tie, please.
09:30All right.
09:31We'll take the beautiful girl in the brown.
09:33And the gentleman on the left here.
09:37It didn't really bother me being the last one chosen on Ali's team
09:40because even in high school on gym class
09:42when we would choose different teams for different activities,
09:45oftentimes I was the last one chosen.
09:47It didn't bother me then, and quite frankly, it didn't bother me now.
09:52Let's get started.
09:55Today's task combines aviation and advertising.
09:59Now, I'm just thinking standing here
10:01when I parked this big, beautiful plane
10:03at the end of the runway at LaGuardia Airport,
10:07that's all about advertising.
10:09People going out see the name Trump.
10:11That doesn't hurt me.
10:13So what we're going to do is something very, very similar.
10:17For your first task,
10:19each team is going to have a Goodyear blimp,
10:22and using that blimp,
10:24you're going to drive business to Sam's Club.
10:27Has everybody heard of Sam's Club?
10:29Has everybody heard of Sam's Club?
10:33It's the nation's top warehouse store for small businesses,
10:36providing everything from furniture to automotive tires
10:40to utilities to lots of different things.
10:43Your task is to use your blimp through advertising
10:47to sell as many Sam's Club memberships as possible,
10:51either by getting new members or upgrading current ones.
10:55Whoever sells the most memberships wins.
10:59As you know, somebody's coming back to the boardroom,
11:02somebody's going to be happy, somebody's going to be very sad,
11:05and somebody will be fired.
11:07We all know that.
11:09Good luck.
11:12I take it as a compliment
11:14that Mr. Trump wanted to designate me
11:16as the first project manager,
11:18but it does put me out there very quickly.
11:20I would have loved to have maybe had a day or so
11:23to assess my team prior to putting everyone to work,
11:26but if I do lose, you know, my neck is on the line.
11:29Hey, Allie.
11:31All right, Pepe.
11:39First of all, I am so pumped about this team.
11:42Obviously, we don't know each other very well,
11:44but I think we all kind of went on instincts
11:46when we were saying who to choose,
11:48and I think that we've got the nine most talented people here.
11:50When I first got together with my team
11:52in the van ride over to Sam's Club,
11:54I was so excited about the team I had chosen.
11:56My team is Sean, Tammy, Pepe, Andrea,
12:00Roxanne, Brent, Stacy, and Michael.
12:04Should we get the team name out of the way
12:06so we can just go into a task?
12:08I'll tell you what I was thinking.
12:10Guys, tell me what you think.
12:12I thought we could call ourselves the Killer Instinct Corporation
12:14because we got the Killer Instinct.
12:16I don't think they were in Killer Instinct.
12:18Well, I mean, you know, shows that no one can mess with us.
12:20Brent came up with the name Killer Instinct,
12:23which was horrible, absolutely horrible,
12:25and my opinions of him started to form, I think, then.
12:29He's got a way of delivering his ideas and thoughts.
12:32It's almost awkward.
12:34I think it's awesome that you're a cheerleader
12:36because it's right on with what I'm thinking,
12:38which is synergy, which is, you know,
12:40energy and synchronization and all of that.
12:42Hey, is anyone opposed to synergy?
12:44Done. Synergy Corporation.
12:46Yeah, I like it.
12:53We're going to begin brainstorming,
12:55and then we're going to get real specific with it, okay?
12:57And once we have our idea on paper,
12:59then we're going to execute by the end of the day,
13:01and we'll be good to go.
13:03Being in Mensa, the one thing that it allows me to do
13:05is think on my feet very quickly,
13:07and I think when you're blessed with the ability
13:09to think quickly and think on your feet,
13:11that is going to separate you from the pack.
13:13I know I can sum people up pretty quickly,
13:15and I picked Dan, Bryce, Charmaine,
13:17Leslie, Teresa, Lee, Summer, and Lenny.
13:20Before we spend the time...
13:22Team name. All right.
13:24I was thinking Gold Rush, because it's a double entendre.
13:26One, Gold Rush.
13:28We all are trying to make a lot of money one day.
13:30We started talking about the team name a little bit.
13:32I came up with the team name Gold Rush.
13:34Everybody liked it. We settled on it,
13:36and we went forward.
13:38Gold Rush Corp.
13:40Good job. We got a name. We're Team Gold Rush.
13:44It's for businesses as well.
13:46They open earlier for businesses.
13:48Businesses can stay open later,
13:50and you can fax your order.
13:52Our first task was selling Sam's Club Plus membership
13:54and using the Goodyear Limp
13:56as an advertising tool.
13:58Upon hearing that, I thought I hit the jackpot.
14:00I'm a small business owner.
14:02Sam's Club's out there to help the small business.
14:04I have the membership.
14:06I know how it was sold to me, and I know how I utilize it.
14:08Oh, you live in East Brunswick?
14:10Wait. Someone just said
14:12they live in East Brunswick.
14:14Right now, I reside in East Brunswick, New Jersey,
14:16about five minutes from Sam's Club.
14:18Advantage was,
14:20I know area left and right, like every corner of it.
14:22Make a left.
14:24This is the Sam's Club on your left.
14:26Let me introduce you.
14:32We arrived at the East Brunswick Sam's Club,
14:34and I tasked Teresa
14:36with new creative taglines
14:38or slogans or the type of thing
14:40that we wanted to see on the blimp
14:42so we could give it to Red,
14:44which is for good year.
14:46We want the logo, that exact logo.
14:48But I want you to work on doing something
14:50with that arrow that says,
14:52it's a big deal.
14:54We got graphics from Sam's Warehouse,
14:56and we really emphasized
14:58their logo, which is,
15:00it's a big deal.
15:02Sometimes you can overanalyze what needs to be done
15:04with marketing, but when you have something
15:06like Sam's Club that works, why change it?
15:08Sam's Club, come see the big deal.
15:107 to 3.30, Sam's Club again.
15:14Yep, agreement.
15:20This is not Manhattan,
15:22so out in the burbs where this blimp is going to be,
15:24that's going to be a real eye-catcher.
15:26Is there something that we can do that's like a
15:28big thing, like a reason
15:30that people are going to come here?
15:32Can we maybe rent a karaoke machine
15:34and put it outside or something?
15:36Yeah, stay-at-home moms
15:38are not here to karaoke,
15:40definitely not business owners.
15:42I was just thinking along the entertainment lines.
15:44You're right.
15:46Rent has
15:48some professional idiosyncrasies.
15:50He was singing karaoke.
15:52Now I question what my first
15:54instincts were when I picked him,
15:56but I appreciate his energy.
15:58He's full of it, full of energy.
16:00I'm still thinking
16:02trying to do free makeovers
16:04or something and hire a professional
16:06hairdresser to come in. I'm just thinking,
16:08women love to get their hair done.
16:10I'm a woman, I hear you, but I like
16:12to go to a very nice salon to get my hair done.
16:14Well, I'm just saying.
16:16Or massages. That's what we need.
16:18I'm not a professional masseuse. I'll give a massage.
16:20I've been told I give good ones.
16:22I really like the idea of those sea massages.
16:24Yes, I think the massages are good.
16:26That's a great idea, Sammy.
16:30I have good ideas.
16:32I don't know what Ali's problem is.
16:34Maybe she feels I throw out too many and I talk too much.
16:36Maybe she's threatened by me.
16:38Maybe she felt I shouldn't be here because I'm going to make everyone look bad.
16:40I don't know.
16:42If we're thinking spa day, the most we could do
16:44is not a full-blown manicure, but a polish change.
16:46Something quick.
16:48Our strategy is to get as many people here as we can
16:50using the Goodyear Blim.
16:52Pamper them a little bit with free manicures,
16:54free massages, and during that time
16:56sell them on the Plus Membership.
16:58Heck, I come.
17:00Summer, can I put you in charge
17:02of just contacting the restaurants?
17:04I know you have business experience with restaurants and such.
17:06I'm going to give you the email list
17:08as well as the phone contact list.
17:10Once we get that from them, hopefully as soon as possible,
17:12if you can just start firing away, perfect.
17:14I do have to do it prior to the dinner rush.
17:18Summer's from the restaurant business.
17:20I want her calling the restaurants,
17:22giving them the motivational pitch
17:24as to why they need to come in tomorrow.
17:26Ma'am, how can I help you?
17:28Yes, ma'am, I'd like to invite you and your company
17:30to Sam's Club tomorrow.
17:32Okay, thank you so much.
17:34Ma'am? Yes?
17:36I'd like you to come and compare prices.
17:38One of my rules is to call restaurants and small businesses.
17:40I made one call total.
17:42I chose to not make more calls
17:44because I didn't have a hook.
17:46I didn't have a reason why to tell them to be there that next day.
17:48I had nothing to go on,
17:50and Targ was still trying to figure out
17:52what a promotion would be.
17:54Okay, I'll give you a call in the morning.
17:56Okay, thank you.
17:58I'm not really sure
18:00why Summer had a difficult time on the phone call.
18:02I mean, I would have thought she would have been able
18:04to connect with these people that do similar things
18:06to her restaurant owners.
18:08The one person she talked to, I believe, owned a restaurant,
18:10and it was not a successful phone call.
18:16People that are successful
18:18always know when it's time
18:20to pull somebody, to change the squad.
18:22You don't want them to fail
18:24because probably it's your team
18:26that's going down with them.
18:28So pull that person before they fail.
18:34Okay, guys, you ready to go flying?
18:36Let's go.
18:38Putting me up in the blimp here today
18:40is a waste of my talents.
18:42I am very upset about it.
18:50I'm not a troublemaker,
18:52and I'm not going to say anything at first,
18:54but I started the brainstorming for that idea
18:56that we ultimately are going with.
18:58I was saying hairdresser,
19:00and then it came up from manicure to massage therapist.
19:02I see it. It's Sam's Club. We're right here.
19:04So at this point, I've kept my mouth shut,
19:06and I hope we win the task.
19:08And I'm doing this today for one reason,
19:10because I am a true team player.
19:12But, I mean, I'm definitely
19:14not happy about it.
19:22Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
19:24welcome to Sam's Club.
19:26We hope you're having a fantastic afternoon today.
19:28Remember, the people from Synergy Corporation
19:30have an amazing setup for you
19:32at the front of the shop.
19:34We've got manicures and free massages.
19:36And remember, if you see any of those friendly young people
19:38in those black T-shirts, please do ask them
19:40about the upgrades to Membership Plus.
19:42Cheers. Bye-bye.
19:44Can I ask, what kind of Sam's Club membership
19:46do you currently have? Would you mind if I swipe your card
19:48to see if we could save you some money?
19:50$1.03, and that's just on your Sam's Club purchases.
19:52Do you want to upgrade?
19:54I'm telling you, you do.
19:56And I can tell you why.
19:58Michael has such a go-getter attitude.
20:00He's got such a fire, a passion.
20:02I don't think he's going to let a single sale walk through that door.
20:04Yeah, I'll get a manicure.
20:06And you want a good massage.
20:08If he'll stand that long enough.
20:10You know what? I'll stand by with you.
20:12All right. How you doing?
20:14By upgrading to the Membership Plus,
20:16you get the health and medical discount program
20:18for free.
20:20The women really take the shot.
20:22I would probably estimate that about 95% of his sales
20:24were to women that probably
20:26loved every word coming out of his mouth
20:28because it sounds so good.
20:30Listen, if you've got time before you go back to school,
20:32manicures and massages are free.
20:34Please, enjoy some.
20:36I think Synergy's strategy is good.
20:38The fact that they put the two areas up front
20:40so that before people get into the store
20:42and get interested in shopping,
20:44they see something's going on,
20:46they will contact you in a very nice, friendly manner.
20:48It's been such a joy.
20:50Really, nice meeting you.
21:06Lenny, can you hear me? This is Team Gold Rush.
21:08This is Tarek.
21:10Gold Rush, I can't hear you.
21:12What do you want us to do?
21:14This is very good.
21:16The only thing I would recommend is
21:18I want the circumference to go across Route 18
21:20because I want the Route 18 traffic
21:22to see the sign.
21:24I'm glad that both Lenny and Summer
21:26are in the blimp.
21:28Lenny's from East Brunswick, New Jersey,
21:30so he's familiar with the area.
21:32That's why I wanted him in the blimp,
21:34but I have zero confidence that Summer
21:36would be successful at all in the sales floor
21:38I couldn't even complete the one simple task
21:40I asked her to do, which was to call people up
21:42on the telephone.
21:50How are you?
21:52This is a complimentary tote bag for you.
21:54It's yours, done, no strings attached.
21:56But I just wanted to let you know
21:58that we're having a promotion for our Plus Members card.
22:00How are you?
22:02Did you get your complimentary gift bag?
22:04No, I'd love one.
22:06This is a free Sam's Club duffel bag
22:08to the first 485 customers that walk through the front door
22:10trying to incite a little bit of excitement
22:12into coming in early that morning.
22:14Here's a free duffel.
22:16Let me get one for you.
22:18So you get this gift bag, complimentary gift bag.
22:20Complimentary gift bag, yes.
22:22Only if you join us.
22:24First 485 people.
22:26I want to get as many people through the front door as possible.
22:28So where's the gift bag?
22:30Oh, the gift bag is physically a bag.
22:34That's a duffel bag.
22:36You like the show, don't you?
22:38I love the show.
22:40Tarek is a project manager, and he's a member of Mensa.
22:42But we don't have a big idea, that huge thing.
22:44We're telling everyone it's a huge day at Sam's Club,
22:46but what is the huge thing?
22:48I mean, we're giving out Sam's Club duffel bags,
22:50but I'm confident in our sales ability.
22:52I'm confident in our personalities.
22:54And what that is is it gives you up to 2% cash back
22:56on all your purchases.
22:58You're paying 70 bucks,
23:00and you're not getting the benefits.
23:02And you're not getting the benefits.
23:04Leslie, myself, and Lee were crushing it.
23:06Leslie's really great
23:08because she really connects with the consumer.
23:10You know, the front of your card
23:12will look like your Discover card.
23:14I think I really connect.
23:16I have more of an excitement level,
23:18which kind of gets the excitement going with the consumer.
23:20You're going to want to get rid of that card
23:22and get the up to 2% card
23:24so that you're really benefiting
23:26from what you're spending.
23:28Lee was in a suit
23:30and he was going to do some business consulting.
23:32I thought that was a great creative idea.
23:34People were really looking to him
23:36because he commanded a little bit more respect
23:38and maybe they wanted to listen to him
23:40a little bit more.
23:42So if you buy that TV over there,
23:44you'll only have one year warranty
23:46with the membership you currently have.
23:48You'll have a two-year warranty with the Plus membership.
23:50We were a force to be reckoned with.
23:52We were going to win this competition.
23:54One, two, three.
23:56Team Gold Rush!
24:00How do you guys think we did today?
24:04We were amazing.
24:06Nice work.
24:46So Gold Rush Corporation
24:48and Synergy Corporation,
24:50you were now faced off for the very first time.
24:52The first in a long struggle.
24:54Now why are you not wearing the uniform?
24:56I am not wearing the uniform
24:58because I went in there today
25:00and gave business analysis advice
25:02to the customer.
25:04Did everybody on the team agree with it?
25:06I believe so.
25:08So nobody's upset that you're dressed a little bit
25:10more slovenly, huh?
25:12Very handsome.
25:14Okay, let me start with Ali.
25:16What do you think?
25:18I think we did fantastic.
25:20I would find it very hard to believe that we didn't win this.
25:22Derek, tell me how you did.
25:24You're that confident.
25:26I am very confident.
25:28My team performed absolutely amazing
25:30and I really owe them a lot of credit
25:32for the amount of hard work that they put into it.
25:34It wouldn't have been a success without them.
25:36Who thinks you maybe won't win tonight?
25:38Do you all feel so confident that you're going to win?
25:40I think everything went rather well.
25:42There's things that I would have changed.
25:44You don't like that, Derek.
25:46You don't like what you just heard, do you?
25:48That's unbelievable. I'm absolutely shocked.
25:50Let's find out.
25:52How did Gold Rush do?
25:54Gold Rush did quite well.
25:56They used simple marketing techniques
25:58and they used the blimp to promote their slogan,
26:00It's a Big Deal.
26:02They sold 40 new memberships.
26:08George, how did Synergy do?
26:10Synergy did things differently.
26:12They used their blimp basically
26:14to advertise free manicures and massages
26:16they were giving away to Sam's Club.
26:18They sold 43 new
26:20Sam's Club memberships.
26:28You're the winners. Congratulations.
26:30Synergy, here's what we're going to do.
26:34I'm going to take you to lunch
26:36at the Wharton Club.
26:38Now, I went to the Wharton School of Finance.
26:40It's a great school. To me, it's the best business school
26:42in the world. And we're going to have a great time.
26:44We're going to learn all about business, all about everything.
26:46You're going to get into my head for a good hour.
26:48We're going to have a great lunch, and we're going to have a lot of fun.
26:52Sounds good.
26:54And Goldrush, I'll see you tomorrow
26:56in the boardroom. Somebody will be fired.
27:14Someone from our team has got to go.
27:16We lost by three memberships.
27:18If you had to point one person that didn't
27:20give 110%, we all
27:22point to the same person.
27:24Summer has to go.
27:26Immediately. Who throws their team
27:28under the bus before you even know if you've got a winning team?
27:30The task
27:32fell down because of Summer.
27:34Her negativity, her
27:36ineffectiveness, and her lack of follow-through.
27:38She made one
27:40phone call. If she would have made two
27:42phone calls, five phone calls,
27:44we would have won.
27:46She has to go. Bye-bye.
27:48I remember her saying
27:50I want to be in charge of calling
27:52restaurants. She didn't do it.
27:54She called three places. She only spoke to one.
27:56She did not do anything to contribute.
27:58And that's it.
28:00What's going on with you, Lee?
28:02I know that you're upset.
28:04I just personally don't like to talk negatively at somebody
28:06behind their back. I just feel
28:08I've never done it before.
28:10It's easy to gang up on Summer. She was in the blimp all day.
28:12She brought a little negative energy.
28:14People perceive her as disloyal, but
28:16Summer's not completely to blame for the loss
28:18because she voiced some concerns.
28:20The blame for the loss
28:22falls on Torek, the project manager.
28:24What would you have done differently?
28:26I think we needed some sort of spin,
28:28creative something.
28:30We just didn't come up with the right idea at the right time.
28:42In business,
28:44lunches are very pleasurable
28:46and very not so pleasurable.
28:48That's the way it works. That's business. That's life.
28:50So let's make this a bad one.
28:52I'm only kidding.
28:54Can you describe
28:56to me how it feels to be a brand?
28:58I like not to think about things like that
29:00because it puts too much
29:02pressure on you. What I do
29:04to get rid of pressure is
29:06say it doesn't matter.
29:08It makes life a lot easier. Do you understand what I mean by that?
29:10We think
29:12it's so important what we're doing.
29:14Especially for us, it's important.
29:16If you really think about it,
29:18you'll have an earthquake in India where
29:20100,000 people die. You'll have some other
29:22huge problem
29:24going on in Africa where
29:26so many people are just being killed viciously.
29:28When you really think about it,
29:30what we're doing,
29:32is it really so important?
29:34Having lunch with Donald Trump
29:36is a big deal. You get to ask him
29:38questions that no one gets to ask him.
29:40And being able to sit with him and hear
29:42his thoughts in person, live,
29:44is something special.
29:46Alright everyone, to success.
29:48To success on the next task.
29:50Having lunch with Mr. Trump was certainly a great
29:52reward. We raised our glasses
29:54because we were just feeling so good about the whole afternoon.
29:56And cheers to Mr. Trump and to Synergy.
29:58Amen to that. Synergy!
30:00Mr. Trump!
30:08I called
30:10one customer. I was sitting,
30:12waiting for a gimmick, a hook.
30:14He said, we need a hook, we need something to offer tomorrow.
30:16I did say, I don't think
30:18this is the appropriate time
30:20or environment to call these
30:22companies. It's phony to call
30:24a restaurant, say you know about their business,
30:26say how you could help their business, because if you could've
30:28helped their business, and you know about their business, you wouldn't
30:30be calling during the day.
30:32And I said, I don't think this is the appropriate
30:34time or environment
30:36to call a restaurant, say you know about their business,
30:38say how you could've helped their business, and you know about their business,
30:40you wouldn't be calling during the dinner rush.
30:42And that's my defense on the phone calls.
30:44I know you probably definitely
30:46will end up working, right?
30:48But me, I don't know.
30:50Maybe, maybe I will.
30:52Maybe, I don't know.
30:54The reason why Terry is going to bring me back,
30:56probably he will say like,
30:58those two people, Summer and Lenny,
31:00work less than everybody else.
31:02But you can't take me because I was
31:04I did my job, and I did a great job.
31:06We go to the boardroom,
31:08I want you to be quiet, please.
31:10Alright? Don't bring anything up.
31:12Alright? Just be quiet.
31:14We heard you already.
31:16We'll kick asses. We'll be fine.
31:20Just to walk you through the dynamic of it all,
31:22there are a lot of different things that we could've done differently,
31:24but, you know, I'm
31:26committed to not bringing you into the boardroom, but
31:28I'm going to need your help in there.
31:30I'm just going to need you to stand by me in front of Trump.
31:32I think you did a good job.
31:34I just think, creative-wise,
31:36we just didn't have it.
31:38But I just...
31:40I just warn you,
31:42if you bring up to Trump
31:44anything that you would've changed or done differently,
31:46you are immediately
31:48going to set yourself up as a target.
32:06Please leave your bags here and go right into the boardroom.
32:30So, Derek,
32:32you're a Mensa genius.
32:34How does it feel to lose?
32:36Not because I'm a Mensa, but because I'm a wild competitor
32:38and I can't stand losing.
32:40As project leader, I take responsibility for this loss.
32:42But it's important to note
32:44that we lost not because of a lack of leadership.
32:46We lost because two people on this team
32:48did not step up and execute on the task
32:50to which they were assigned.
32:52Who are the two people?
32:54That'd be Summer and Lenny.
32:56And yet Summer predicted you were going to lose.
32:58Don't you give her credit for that?
33:00May I say something? Because my name was mentioned
33:02despite the fact I was riding the blimp,
33:04is it a mistake that you were in a blimp?
33:06No, no, no, it's not, because I utilized my knowledge
33:08of the area I actually live in.
33:10It's Brunswick, okay?
33:12Is he not a leader, or did he just do a bad job this time?
33:14I don't want to end up
33:16having a leader like Terry.
33:18You know what they did when they put you in the blimp?
33:20They sent you to Siberia.
33:22Lee, let me ask you a question.
33:24You've seen this whole deal.
33:26What did you think of him as a leader?
33:28I think it was a severe lack of mismanagement.
33:30We had no creative process whatsoever
33:32or any juices flowing at all.
33:34All right, Theresa, let me ask you.
33:36What did you think of Derek as a leader?
33:38I think his excitement
33:40and his motivating the team
33:42and getting the respect of the majority of the team
33:44was excellent.
33:46Well, he didn't get the respect of Lee.
33:48He didn't get the respect of the Russian.
33:50Did he get the respect of the Russian?
33:52I don't think so.
33:54So why did you lose, Theresa?
33:56Summer was given a task,
33:58and that task was to contact the businesses.
34:00I gave up on the team at that point.
34:02I said, I know the restaurant business,
34:04and I know they will buy this product.
34:06And your restaurant's very successful, isn't it?
34:08Yes, sir.
34:10It runs like a ship, and if someone's calling me
34:12during my dinner rush to sell me a product
34:14and tell me it's good for me,
34:16it's not a good product.
34:18They don't know about the restaurant business
34:20or they wouldn't call me.
34:22How many people did you call?
34:24I called one person.
34:26But you're saying you only called one person.
34:28I don't know why we lost, but I can tell you
34:30that moving forward, who I would like to not see on the team,
34:32and that would be Summer.
34:34Yeah, but, you know, say what you want about Summer.
34:36She was right. Before you lost,
34:38she said you were going to lose.
34:40Mr. Trump, I don't think anyone can commend
34:42a person for making a chess move
34:44when it's the only move they can make.
34:46One of the paramount reasons
34:48that we were all so surprised
34:50was that her outspokenness
34:52did not present itself until the boardroom.
34:55Derek, you're going to pick one person
34:57or two people, or maybe three people,
34:59and you're going to come back,
35:01and who are you picking?
35:03Summer, Lenny,
35:05and Lee.
35:07And Lee? Okay.
35:09Theresa, Bryce,
35:11Dan, Charmaine,
35:15Go upstairs. Enjoy the suite.
35:17And you will come back with your three people.
35:19Yes, sir.
35:21Okay? Thank you.
35:51Carolyn, what do you think?
35:53I think Derek actually led the team fairly well.
35:55I think Summer should have made those phone calls.
35:57Lenny was in the blimp.
35:59He probably didn't contribute too much.
36:01Well, first of all, as far as Derek,
36:03you picked him as the leader.
36:05He didn't volunteer. That makes slightly different.
36:07And I think it's tough to lead.
36:09As far as I'm concerned,
36:11if Summer had made the telephone calls,
36:13she might have gotten more business,
36:15and that might have been the difference
36:17of winning or losing.
36:19She made the decision not to make the calls.
36:33Lee, you have disdain for Derek?
36:35I do now.
36:37Everyone on my team said I did a phenomenal job.
36:39And you told me I did a good job
36:41leading this team.
36:43What did you say in here?
36:45I never said that you did a good job.
36:47I said you did some good things well.
36:49I did say, as soon as I said
36:51that maybe you should fire Derek,
36:53I think you should,
36:55he brings me into the boardroom.
36:57It shows dishonesty.
36:59How could you tell someone I'm not going to bring you in
37:01and then make him a president?
37:03Did you tell him you're not bringing him in?
37:05Yes, sir, but that's when I thought
37:07I could only bring two people in.
37:09So why did you bring Lee in?
37:11I brought the three people in
37:13who did not execute on the tasks
37:15to which they were assigned.
37:17Do you think I'm unintelligent?
37:19Yeah, I think you're unintelligent.
37:21I don't think he's unintelligent,
37:23but maybe lacks common sense.
37:25Hey, Derek, let me ask you this.
37:27Why did you bring Lenny back?
37:29I brought Lenny back because
37:31he has nothing to do with not liking me.
37:33Why didn't you bring him back?
37:35He was in the blimp and he was flying around
37:37having a good time.
37:39Because he did nothing.
37:41He did not step up when he was called to step up.
37:43Derek, let me ask you a question.
37:45He was in the blimp with the area
37:47and he directed where the blimp went.
37:49How can you say that's of no value?
37:51You've got somebody who knows the area.
37:53Derek, didn't this thing fail because of you?
37:55Absolutely not, Mr. Trump.
37:57You can't blame him for being in a blimp
37:59and not coming back. You're the leader.
38:01I blame them for their effort.
38:03Yeah, but they still need leadership.
38:05I gave them leadership.
38:07These two guys, whether you like them,
38:09don't like them, whether they were good, bad,
38:11they probably shouldn't be in the room.
38:13What did you contribute to this team?
38:19You didn't make the calls and you were up in a blimp.
38:23What I contributed to this team
38:25were not things that everyone could see.
38:27So tell it to me.
38:29What did you contribute?
38:31I was aware of the product.
38:33But why didn't you make the phone calls?
38:35Why didn't you make them?
38:37Maybe you hit, maybe you don't hit.
38:39At least you made them.
38:41Did you score with the one you made?
38:43She said, we'll call you back.
38:45Summer, I'm still trying to figure out
38:47what did you contribute to this team?
38:51What did you contribute to this team?
38:53It's the third time I asked.
38:55I contributed product knowledge.
38:57I think everybody had product knowledge.
38:59Go ahead.
39:01I don't believe so. I don't believe Derek knew the product.
39:03I knew the product as well as everybody else.
39:05Okay, wait a minute.
39:07Wait a minute, Summer.
39:09Lenny, if I fired Summer,
39:11would you be disappointed?
39:13Yes, I will.
39:15Because you think that it should be somebody else?
39:17She's a strong woman and I think
39:19she deserves to stay.
39:21She's a huge input. She's practical.
39:23Derek, let me ask you a question.
39:25When we talk leadership, why didn't you step up
39:27and give something away?
39:29Don't you know customers like a freebie?
39:31You had a budget at that point.
39:33What did you do?
39:35We had the gift bags.
39:37What was in the gift bags?
39:39There was nothing in the gift bags.
39:41So you gave a gift bag with nothing in it.
39:43That's right.
39:45It was a complimentary giveaway.
39:47I don't think that was a bad decision.
39:49What, giving away nothing?
39:51You know, Derek, these people are laughing at you.
39:53I'm starting to laugh.
39:55Let me just say something really quick.
39:57Why should you interrupt me when I'm knocking their ass?
39:59By interrupting me when I'm knocking him,
40:01what are you doing to yourself?
40:03Because I'm being truthful and I'll always be truthful.
40:05How stupid is that, right?
40:07It's not stupid.
40:09I'm getting ready to almost fire this guy
40:11for being a horrible leader
40:13and you interrupt me
40:15and you were no great shakes yourself.
40:17You did a lousy job.
40:19Here I am, I'm getting ready practically to fire this guy
40:21and you keep interrupting me
40:23and stopping me from doing it
40:25and in the end what Carolyn said to you is true.
40:27She said, what have you done?
40:29Answer it. You know what? Summer, you're fired.
40:41Go. Thank you.
40:43You didn't make it by much, I want to tell you that, Derek.
40:45She saved your ass.
40:49With her own stupidity, she saved your ass.
40:51Not for long.
40:59I'm sorry.
41:01No, it's fine.
41:03Truthful throughout.
41:15That was sort of obvious at the end, wasn't it?
41:17A little obvious.
41:19It was probably the right answer, but I'll tell you what.
41:21Carrick is totally overrated.
41:29I'm sorry.
41:31I'm sorry.
41:33I'm sorry.
41:35I'm sorry.
41:37I'm sorry.
41:39I'm sorry.
41:41I'm sorry.
41:43I'm sorry.
41:45I'm sorry.
41:47I'm sorry.
41:49I'm sorry.
41:51I'm sorry.
41:53I'm sorry.
41:55I'm sorry.
41:57I'm sorry.
41:59I'm sorry.
42:01I'm sorry.
42:03I'm sorry.
42:05I'm sorry.
42:07I'm sorry.
42:09I'm sorry.
42:11I'm sorry.
42:13I'm sorry.
42:15I'm sorry.
42:17I'm sorry.
42:19I'm sorry.
42:21I'm sorry.
42:23I'm sorry.
42:25I'm sorry.
42:27I'm sorry.
42:29I'm sorry.
42:31I'm sorry.
42:33I'm sorry.
42:35I'm sorry.
42:37I'm sorry.
42:39I'm sorry.
42:41I'm sorry.
42:43I'm sorry.
42:45I'm sorry.
42:47I'm sorry.
42:49I'm sorry.
42:51I'm sorry.
42:53I'm sorry.
42:55I'm sorry.
42:57I'm sorry.
42:59I'm sorry.
43:01I'm sorry.
43:03I'm sorry.
43:05I'm sorry.
43:07I'm sorry.
43:09I'm sorry.
43:11I'm sorry.
43:13I'm sorry.
43:15I'm sorry.
43:17I'm sorry.
43:19I'm sorry.
