The Apprentice (US) S04E05 - Lost In Space 2005.10.20

  • 5 days ago
The Apprentice is the "ultimate job interview" for those competing in an elimination competition for a one-year, US$250,000 contract to run one of real estate magnate Donald Trump's companies.


00:00Previously on The Apprentice, Capitol Edge's issues with Toro forced Christy to put her in her place.
00:07You owe it to every single person here to bust your butt.
00:11But Rebecca came to a friend's defense.
00:14I do see something in Toro and I guarantee you that you will see her step up on the next task.
00:19I guarantee it.
00:21The candidates were challenged to create a new character to represent Dairy Queen's Blizzard brand.
00:27Excel designed Ginny the Blizzard Genie.
00:30I'm thinking sexy. I'm thinking for a young kid, it's like a motherly figure.
00:33For a tween, it's sexy.
00:35And her belt buckle, totally DQ.
00:38At Capitol Edge, the women missed the mark and designed their character for kids.
00:43I want Zippy to look childish.
00:46He's got a little pack that has all the ingredients and he zips it together and spins.
00:51And when project manager Felicia asked Toro to wear the costume, she let her team down.
00:57I can't do anything that's going to embarrass my family under any situation.
01:00Step up to the plate, Toro.
01:02I just can't do it.
01:03Ultimately, Capitol Edge's character came up short.
01:07The concern here is that it's perhaps a little geared towards kids.
01:11We're not in the cartoon business and so the Excel team was the winner in this case and better delivered.
01:17Capitol Edge went to the boardroom for the second straight week, where Rebecca reluctantly gave up on her friend.
01:24So Rebecca, if you're me, who would you fire?
01:28Toro, the team won't work with her on it.
01:31You know, I'm so disappointed with you, Toro.
01:33You have the great Wharton education, but you are totally ineffective.
01:37You've done a terrible job and Toro, you're fired.
01:42Fourteen candidates are left.
01:45Who will be fired this week?
02:12Uh, listen to me, y'all.
02:21Dollar bills, y'all.
02:41Money can drive some people out of their mind.
02:48No good, no good.
02:50Money, money, money, money, money.
03:05Right now, it's the blondes versus the brunettes.
03:07Felicia's out.
03:08I think she'll stay.
03:09Felicia's gone.
03:10She's so gone.
03:11She missed the target demographics and that's square on the shoulders of the PM.
03:14It's all about team dynamics and the reason why we're winning this is because we have good dynamics.
03:19They're acting like a bunch of sorority girls that just got caught with sleeping with Chief Judge's boyfriends.
03:25Ah, there it is.
03:27Was that fast?
03:29Who goes there?
03:31It's all over?
03:33It's over.
03:34Was there even discussion?
03:35Hey, ladies, let's go back to the bedroom.
03:37That sounds fun. We'll be right there.
03:39We at Capital Edge have agreed that whatever happens in the boardroom, we leave in the boardroom.
03:43We'll have a meeting tonight and we'll start on tomorrow's task fresh and new.
03:47What we've done up until now, let go.
03:50Task number five is a new beginning.
03:52Bring what you have to the table and don't hold back.
03:54I'll be honest, one of the things that I felt is that we've had a false sense of unity on some of our tasks.
03:59And I think we need to, as much as possible, cut out all the back talking.
04:03I think everyone appreciates whatever you have to say, say it to somebody's face.
04:07I'm really tired of being around bickering women, honestly.
04:10And when we lose, it makes us even more divisive.
04:13Our fifth task tomorrow will really tell whether we are as strong as we think we are.
04:18But I do think at the end of the day, it hurts us in our tasks.
04:21I agree.
04:22That's fair.
04:23It does.
04:39Hi, this is Rona.
04:40Good morning.
04:41Good morning.
04:42Mr. Trump is very busy today, but he'd like to meet you at 7.30 a.m.
04:46At Grand Army Plaza on Fifth Avenue.
04:48And I'll be stopping by on his way to a meeting.
04:50Thank you very much.
04:51You're welcome.
05:08Good morning.
05:09Good morning.
05:10Welcome to your fifth week of your 13-week job interview.
05:14Now, Bill Rancic, my first apprentice, will be replacing George this week.
05:19Now, Capitol Edge, your people are dropping like flies.
05:23So, I'm going to ask Bill Rancic, my first apprentice, to come up to the podium.
05:28Bill Rancic, my first apprentice, will be replacing George this week.
05:32Now, Capitol Edge, your people are dropping like flies.
05:36So, I'm going to give you an opportunity.
05:38You'll have one minute to talk and decide whether or not you want to choose one of the people from Excel to go onto your team.
05:46And I personally don't think it would be a bad idea.
05:49So, go ahead.
05:51We're ready.
05:52We don't need a minute.
05:53Excuse me?
05:54We're ready.
05:55We're ready.
05:56What does that mean?
05:57Yes, sir.
05:58You want a Rhodes Scholar?
05:59Yes, sir.
06:01Go ahead, Randall.
06:02Capitol Edge picked Randall for two reasons.
06:05One, we thought he would be an asset to our team.
06:07And two, we thought it would hurt the men's team to lose him.
06:12All right.
06:13Let's get started.
06:14We're standing in the middle of New York City.
06:17This is Fifth Avenue.
06:18There's Trump Tower right behind you.
06:20Fifth Avenue is famous for its parades.
06:23And parades mean floats.
06:26For your next task, you will be working with Sony Pictures,
06:31one of the great movie picture companies anywhere in the world.
06:35Sony Pictures is making a movie called Zathura.
06:41You'll build a prototype float,
06:43and you'll be judged on how you advertise, promote,
06:46and visually incorporate the spirit of the movie into your float.
06:51You'll meet with the director of the movie, Jon Favreau,
06:54and Sony executive Jeff Amer.
06:57The team that creates the best float,
06:59as judged by those two people, wins.
07:03Losers come to the boardroom.
07:05Somebody will be fired.
07:07Clay, since you're the winning project manager on last week's task,
07:10and your team supported your exemption, you will be exempt.
07:14Good luck.
07:18It's a very big deal that they took Randall from us.
07:20Randall has our secret sauce,
07:21knows our process and protocol for how we operate this team,
07:23and knows every single member of this team
07:25and what our strengths and weaknesses are.
07:27So they have a huge advantage now.
07:29It's going to be a huge challenge to win this task, huge.
07:39Money is important for a lot of reasons.
07:41It's a scorecard.
07:42How well did I do?
07:43How much did I make?
07:44How much did the company make?
07:46Bill, I'm glad you called.
07:47Well, your name has been great in Las Vegas.
07:49And that's even good for your building.
07:50It gives it a status.
07:51Oh, it's great.
07:52It's great, Donald.
07:53It adds prestige to the brand, and it's done well.
07:56You can do a lot of things, but in business, it's all about money.
08:00Yeah, a good deal, I'd say it's like a great deal, okay?
08:02Yes, it is.
08:03So long.
08:11What floor?
08:12Everybody know what floor?
08:13Seventh floor.
08:14It was time for me to step up and show my team
08:16I could be a good project manager,
08:18and I'm going to lead you guys to victory.
08:20We went to Sony's headquarters to meet with the director
08:23and the executive from Sony and view the trailer.
08:26I'm Jeff Amer, President of Worldwide Marketing for Sony Pictures.
08:29And I'm John Favreau, I'm the director of Zathura,
08:32working with them on this project.
08:33The movie is a science fiction family adventure,
08:36but I didn't make it just for kids,
08:37so I don't want to see this thing focused for any one particular group.
08:40Can you tell us a little bit about the story of Zaruthra?
08:46I'm so sorry.
08:47Okay, thanks.
08:48I think that's enough.
08:49We can bring in the other group now.
08:51One of the guys said Zathura wrong.
08:53The elephant in the living room on this project is
08:55it's a name that, you know, once you learn it, it's easy.
08:58But if you only hear it once, you're not going to remember the title.
09:01And a big part of why we're doing this
09:03is to teach people what the name of the film is.
09:06We figured we'd show you a trailer for it.
09:07This trailer really just shows the beginning of the movie.
09:10There are a lot more elements to the film.
09:12Robots come out of the game, aliens, spaceships.
09:14Although all these crazy things are happening,
09:16it's really about the relationship with his family.
09:18Well, I don't want to stay here, though.
09:20There are some days when you need to grow up all at once,
09:23and I need today to be one of those days.
09:25I'll be right back.
09:26Zathura is a children's book about two brothers who find this board game.
09:32As soon as they open the board game,
09:34their house is actually uprooted from Earth,
09:36and it becomes their spaceship,
09:37and they go on this wild adventure throughout the galaxy.
09:41Dad's going to kill us.
09:50That's not going to buy you any points, by the way.
09:52Clapping for the trailer.
09:53Good luck.
09:54Thank you very much.
09:55Good luck to all you guys.
09:58Hi, I'm Jennifer, and this is Capital Edge.
10:01Are you the project manager?
10:02Yes, I am.
10:03I've wanted to be PM ever since I got here.
10:06I'm here to kick some major butt.
10:08I love managing, and these are leaders here.
10:11These are very local people who have strong opinions,
10:14but I still know that I'll be able to manage them
10:17and we'll come out successful.
10:19I have to say the board game is really a big part of the movie,
10:22a big focal point.
10:23Yeah, it's the name of the movie,
10:24that's the name of the game,
10:25and it's the name of the place they're going.
10:27It took me a while to learn how to say it,
10:29and I kept saying it wrong,
10:30and my agent almost didn't get the job
10:31because I couldn't remember the name of the movie.
10:33So a big part of it was,
10:34let's incorporate the title into the float,
10:36because if you don't know the name, you can't go see it.
10:39Good luck, everybody.
10:40Thank you so much.
10:41We look forward to doing this.
10:43Thank you so much.
10:44Thanks a lot.
10:52Here's my idea, my wow factor, guys.
10:54We have the title, which is Zathura,
10:56which we have to brand as much as possible throughout this float
10:58because people are not going to know this name,
11:01it's a new name,
11:02and they need to be able to identify with it.
11:04So we're going to be able to get the audio to say,
11:07Zathura, Zathura, Zathura, over and over again.
11:10James, thoughts, concept?
11:11It'll be great.
11:25Oh, my God, that looks phenomenal.
11:27Thanks, brother.
11:28When you see this float coming at you in a parade,
11:31you would see the board game come to life.
11:34You would see robots and meteors and spaceships.
11:37We wanted people to feel the experiences these two boys had
11:41during the adventure of reaching the planet Zathura.
11:51I want to know what Marcus is doing.
11:57You want to see if there's any paint up you can do?
11:59You want to see what?
12:01Anything painting-wise.
12:04Marcus is a huge pain in the ass.
12:05He's always been a pain in the ass.
12:07Basically, I have to keep Marcus on a tighter leash
12:09as the project manager
12:10because if he's wandering around doing nothing,
12:13he offers no service to the team,
12:15and it's difficult because when you're a project manager,
12:17you're managing 10 different things at once
12:18and making sure everybody else is happy.
12:20Let me get you guys dinner.
12:21What do you guys want?
12:22Mexican food.
12:24Marcus, you're good at this.
12:25Get us Chinese food.
12:27How am I good at it?
12:28You're good at ordering food.
12:29You're the PM.
12:30You tell me to do something, I do it.
12:31You want me to get Chinese food?
12:32Yes, go get Chinese food.
12:33I want sesame chicken.
12:34Hey, what they do not do is take orders verbally.
12:36I'll go get the menu.
12:38I always feel somewhat marginalized,
12:39but people in the team constantly are thinking
12:41about how they're going to position me
12:43should things go wrong.
12:44But they're going to find out
12:45that I am definitely the Teflon player.
12:47This team will never set me up.
12:49Chick's and broccoli combo, yeah?
12:59I'll just manage the longer ones right now.
13:03This is awesome.
13:04And there's going to be a terrace,
13:06like a veranda going all the way across.
13:08My concept is to see the house in the original standing,
13:11and then as the flow passes by you,
13:13you see the house being ripped away,
13:15and then you see the galaxy.
13:17So you kind of get an invitation
13:19to come join this adventure.
13:21So it's...
13:22I think that it should be this and galaxy behind it.
13:26Like it is now?
13:27And galaxy in front of it.
13:29So not the transition.
13:30See, I really like the transition idea.
13:32It'll still transition, Jen.
13:34I think it should be in front of the house.
13:36Christy was extremely bossy,
13:38and she was confrontational.
13:40She was even disobedient
13:41when Jen asked her to do certain things.
13:44Christy makes the team miserable,
13:46and Jen is someone who can make it better.
13:49I think there are weak areas that Jen has,
13:51but I don't think that Christy can improve her attitude.
13:54The door is coming up.
13:56I don't think the windows should be any bigger.
13:58I wasn't even talking about the windows yet
14:00until just a second ago.
14:01Maybe you need to just listen
14:03before you just put down the idea.
14:05There seems to be a lack of respect
14:07amongst certain members of the team.
14:09Unless we all respect one another,
14:11we'll never do what the guy's doing,
14:13because that's been the key to their wins.
14:15Christy, every time you don't like something,
14:19the way you say it is very...
14:23The way you say it is very...
14:26very bossy.
14:28Very bold?
14:31I'm really tired of it,
14:32and a lot of people are tired of your attitude.
14:34You don't think you have one, and you do.
14:36You complain about little things.
14:38Please just try and roll up your sleeves, smile.
14:40Jen, I think I'm doing a lot here.
14:42You know what? You're doing a ton.
14:44I'm busting my tail.
14:45You're doing a ton, but it doesn't make it okay
14:47to complain and whine when I ask you to do something.
14:49I honestly don't think I'm complaining and whining that much.
14:51No, you are.
14:52I'm sorry that you do.
14:53You just don't know you are,
14:54because that's what you do.
14:55Even if someone is a great performer,
14:57if they're a complainer and a whiner
14:59and have a negative attitude,
15:01then it brings the team down.
15:03Christy needs to go.
15:04I'm sick of it.
15:05So let's stop complaining about things,
15:06stop whining about things,
15:07and work.
15:09It's really getting blown out of proportion.
15:41Come on, we got to clean up.
15:47Marcus went from being someone who you kind of marginalized
15:50to this task more than any other task.
15:53He became a point of frustration
15:54because of the heavy lifting and the sweating
15:56that I'm going through,
15:57and to watch him procrastinate and walk around
15:59is so frustrating.
16:00I want him to either step up or step out,
16:02because I cannot stand his bullsh-t anymore.
16:05Quite frankly, I don't know what Marcus has done.
16:07I'm tired of carrying his weight.
16:08He's got to start sweeping.
16:11Hey, Brian.
16:12Come here for a minute, okay?
16:13What's going on?
16:14Just come here for a minute.
16:15Me and you.
16:17This guy skates his whole way through this process.
16:20Earlier, when you said to me,
16:22you know, you're good at ordering food,
16:24okay, I take offense to that, okay?
16:26Take offense.
16:27And when I came up to you...
16:28You can't take a joke.
16:29If you can't take a joke, take offense.
16:30Okay, if it was a joke, that's fine.
16:32We lose this.
16:33I know you're taking me in,
16:34and I know you get a problem with me,
16:35and I'm just trying to tell you,
16:36I've been trying to do the best I can for you,
16:38and this game that you're playing with me,
16:40when before...
16:41Whoa, whoa, whoa.
16:42You think I'm playing a game with you?
16:44I'd rather just say it to you...
16:45Marcus, Marcus.
16:46...than not say it, okay?
16:47You're throwing a lot of hot air at me right now.
16:49That's fine.
16:50And I don't want to hear it.
16:51If you're going to bring this up before a presentation,
16:53then you have some freaking balls.
16:55I wanted to tell you what's on my mind,
16:57and if you're not interested, then that's fine.
16:59I am interested to hear what's on your mind
17:01in a better scenario than...
17:02Okay, I had to say what I had to say.
17:03Okay, yes.
17:04You said what you had to say.
17:05I'm tired of cleaning without you.
17:07So I need you to help me clean.
17:08Me and him are having a talk,
17:09and we're done.
17:10I'm the one cleaning right now.
17:11Hey, Josh.
17:12Stop with your excuses, bro.
17:13Time to clean.
17:14Hey, no excuses.
17:16I will do whatever this guy asks me to do.
17:18I'm tired of carrying your water, bro.
17:19You haven't been carrying my water.
17:20I'm sweeping the floor.
17:21You haven't been carrying my water.
17:22You need to do it, too.
17:23Let me tell you, bro.
17:24Your time is up.
17:25Your time's up.
17:26I reached my wits' end with Marcus.
17:27When I get to pick up a broom
17:29and sweep for an hour and a half,
17:30he better be shoulder to shoulder with me,
17:32because I'm not going to carry him.
17:33I'm tired of him.
17:34Who is he?
17:35Prima Donna?
17:37Okay, so let's go through presentation
17:40mentally right now, you guys.
17:43Jen broke the team into two groups.
17:45I went with her, Randall, and Rebecca
17:48to get a couple of items from a carpet store,
17:51and I didn't think we needed those items,
17:53but she wanted to get them,
17:54even though we didn't have much time.
17:56I thought we needed to be spending that time practicing.
17:59So I went with her, Randall, and Rebecca
18:01to get a couple of items from a carpet store,
18:03and I didn't think we needed those items,
18:05but she wanted to be spending that time practicing
18:07our presentation and finalizing the float.
18:09Do we want to?
18:10Oh, turn it on, turn it on, turn it on, turn it on.
18:16How do you turn this on?
18:17I got it.
18:18Felicia, Felicia.
18:19Flip on the phone.
18:21Is it plugged in?
18:22Hi, is this Allah?
18:23No, it's Felicia.
18:24This is not plugged in.
18:25Hey, I was just wondering, did you get the sign up?
18:27You know what?
18:28Tell him we can't talk to him right now.
18:29I didn't, I just hung up on him.
18:30I don't have time to deal with them
18:32asking me questions right at the deadline,
18:34my project manager's gone with half of the team,
18:37and we had like 45 minutes until presentation,
18:39and we started panicking.
18:40The name isn't up, things on the float aren't done
18:43that are really important, like the Z on the planet,
18:46and all I could think about was it's not done,
18:48it's not completed, it's piss poor planning.
18:56How's it going?
18:57Good, how are you?
19:00Where's the team leader?
19:01Jen M.
19:02Jen M., right?
19:03She's shopping.
19:04What is she doing?
19:05She's shopping for what?
19:06What did they go get?
19:07Hey, Allah.
19:08Hi, how are you?
19:10What did they go get?
19:11We're actually doing it,
19:12it's kind of like a red carpet affair,
19:13so the girls went out to get red carpet.
19:14Red carpet, yeah.
19:15Like it's a premiere.
19:17Felicia, we got 10 minutes.
19:22I'm getting off, let me get off,
19:23and you can put the Z up, and we're set to go.
19:26I think it was crucial for us to finish the project up
19:29and make it presentable.
19:30If the name wouldn't have been up there
19:32and the back wasn't finished
19:33and the floor wasn't stained
19:34and the place was a disaster,
19:36I mean, I think from the second
19:37the executives would have walked in,
19:38we would have been disqualified.
19:40In my opinion, we saved the day.
19:57Good afternoon.
19:58Good to see you again.
19:59Good to see you.
20:00Good to see you.
20:01How are you?
20:02How you doing, Brian?
20:03How you doing?
20:04How's it going?
20:05Want me to tell you a little bit about it?
20:09All right.
20:10What we tried to do was we took the board game
20:11and the movie and bring them to life.
20:13You feel like you're a part of the experience.
20:15The house sits on a track,
20:16and what happens is the track would float
20:18from one experience to another,
20:19ultimately reaching its final destination.
20:22Experience number one, running into robots.
20:25Two, meteor shower.
20:26And three, spaceships.
20:28And what we also did was we talked about branding.
20:30Branding the name Zathura.
20:31It's a hard name to pronounce.
20:32When I spoke to you about it yesterday,
20:34I fumbled on the name,
20:35so we included audio in the float.
20:37Let me play a little clip.
20:38So it talks, the float talks.
20:40It talks to you.
20:41Here you go.
20:48And it would go down in a loop,
20:50because it's all about the name.
20:51I mean, I got to tell you,
20:52when I first heard the name,
20:53I was like, Zathura, what's Zathura?
20:54Sure, sure.
20:55And as a kid, I definitely saw E.T. with my family,
20:58and I enjoy, you know,
20:59it's something that I really remember
21:00when I was, you know, 12 years old,
21:02which is like, what, a year ago?
21:03And I remember watching Jumanji.
21:06It's an epic thriller game that people are playing,
21:09and, you know, they're basically following an adventure
21:12through the game.
21:13These are details of things that I developed
21:15over the last year.
21:17And I have to say that you guys were very true to it,
21:18and I'm very pleased with that.
21:19We wanted to hit the nostalgia.
21:20The game board.
21:21I'm complimenting you, so you should,
21:23because I'm going to say good things now.
21:25Okay, good.
21:27When Jon Favreau told Brian to shut up
21:29during the presentation,
21:30he was basically saying what everyone on the team
21:31was thinking as he watched Brian speak,
21:33because Brian was just talking too much.
21:35It was like Marcus injected with Marcus fluid or something.
21:39I got to tell you, I owe it all to my team,
21:41who did not sleep,
21:42and they came up with a really impressive idea.
21:45It's a team effort, guys.
21:47The men's float incorporated a lot of the ideas of the movie.
21:50Stay true to the brand and the name of the movie,
21:53which is Zathura.
21:54You see the name Zathura all over the float.
21:57On the back, it even has its website,
21:59and I think it was true to the spirit of the movie.
22:18We are so excited about what we're about to share with you.
22:21We have all of my helpers crawling underneath
22:23getting ready to move the parts around,
22:25so bear with us as we take you through
22:28the incredible adventure of Zathura.
22:31So we start with the house. It's very normal.
22:34And then, if you'll follow me this direction,
22:36if you're standing off the side of the street,
22:38this is how you'll view it.
22:40Zathura is all about transitioning
22:42from the normal to the extraordinary.
22:45During the presentation,
22:46Jen mispronounced the name of the movie.
22:48You could see the expressions on the executives when she said it,
22:50and even Carolyn and Bill couldn't keep from laughing.
22:54It was horrible.
22:55We wanted to have not only the house and the boys,
22:58but the game itself, Zathura.
23:01And they are here.
23:03One of them is being sucked away, just as we saw.
23:06And I will admit, I will admit something kind of funny.
23:10When we first started,
23:11we felt the house wasn't quite as large as we thought it should be.
23:15I actually had to amputate the mannequin's legs a little bit
23:19in order to make them small enough.
23:21But we were creative. We worked with it.
23:23We got them dressed.
23:24The presentation was a disaster.
23:26Jennifer couldn't get her thoughts together.
23:28There was no flow to her speech.
23:30She was very fractured.
23:31I mean, she was just a wreck.
23:33And we wanted to show your names in Zathura.
23:36Very large here.
23:38Show it, you know, on the board game and the planet.
23:42If my helpers will please come out.
23:45I feel great about the overall presentation.
23:48Sure, there were a couple things we could have done better,
23:50but I was able to get excited about it and just speak from my heart.
23:54We are in love with our Zathura float.
23:57And we know that the executive and the director loved it as well.
24:01Thank you so much.
24:02Thank you, Carolyn, for coming.
24:04Thank you so much. Take care.
24:19Georgette, I'm going over to Sony.
24:21Okay, sir.
24:22So just hold my calls.
24:28Remember, that thing's rolling down the street.
24:30You want something that you can see from a distance and has an impact.
24:33And I know it's just a prototype,
24:35but it's that first impression when you see it.
24:37And I think I knew as soon as I walked in, I don't know how you felt.
24:49Hi, John. Hi, Jeff.
24:51Donald, how are you?
24:52Good to see you.
24:53Nice seeing you.
24:54Nice to meet you.
24:55Well, I hear Zathura is a great movie.
24:56We're going to find out.
24:57We'll find out.
24:58So, John, Jeff, what do you think?
25:00Well, I think that both teams did an incredible job
25:03with the amount of time they had to work with.
25:05So why don't we start with XL?
25:09One of the goals that we had was to incorporate the title of the movie into the float.
25:15And I think, as you can see, although you only see two sides,
25:18Zathura is here and here.
25:20It's on the other side.
25:21It's on the back of the float.
25:22So from all four sides, they got the one goal accomplished quite well.
25:27You really get the sense, like on the poster,
25:29that the house is sort of floating in space.
25:31The scale of it is small.
25:32It feels vulnerable.
25:33It looks a lot like the house.
25:35If you look at the colors, the textures, the windows, the layout,
25:38it was all very true.
25:39Okay, let's see the other one.
25:41So, Capital Edge, there are two places where the title actually is.
25:44One is right here, as you can see, at the top, and one is on the back.
25:48Basically, if you don't catch it up here,
25:50you're not going to catch the title of the movie.
25:52Creatively, they had scale issues with making a consistent vision for the float.
25:57You see there are big potted plants sitting on the front of it,
25:59which is a different scale than the house,
26:01which is a different scale from the kids and the planets.
26:04I think there was one other thing that was bothersome to us,
26:07I think there was one other thing that was bothersome to us,
26:10and the presentation from Capital Edge,
26:12the title was mispronounced at least four or five times in the presentation.
26:16They better pronounce it right.
26:17Well, we were trying to give them the benefit of the doubt
26:19of maybe they were tired, but both teams had worked all through the night.
26:22Both teams hustled.
26:24I think we saw a lot more potential in the XL one.
26:31The big reason was that this is a marketing task.
26:34XL, congratulations, you won.
26:40Now, Brian, you're the winning project manager.
26:43Does anyone on XL think that Brian deserves to be exempt?
26:46Yes, sir.
26:47Is that unanimous?
26:48Yes, sir.
26:49Yes, sir.
26:50Appreciate it.
26:51All right, congratulations, Brian.
26:52Congratulations, XL.
26:54Just so you know, in approximately six weeks,
26:57you'll be seeing your float in the Hollywood Holiday Parade.
27:00Now, after successfully collaborating on a parade float,
27:04you'll get the opportunity to collaborate again on a song.
27:08To your reward, you're going to a recording studio
27:10where you'll get to write music with hip-hop and R&B star Wyclef Jean.
27:15He's one of the top in the world.
27:17He's also a master of collaboration.
27:19These guys know him well.
27:21You're going to have a lot of fun, okay?
27:23Yes, sir.
27:24Congratulations, Brian.
27:25Thank you very much.
27:26Good job.
27:27I'm a little impressed, Brian.
27:28That's pretty good.
27:29Hey, listen.
27:30Okay, Capital Edge, I'll see you back at the boardroom.
27:33Somebody will be fired.
27:46Oh, I don't like the moon.
27:48I'm so sick of losing.
27:52I don't think I bring negative energy to my team.
27:54I feel like I stay positive.
27:56So, what do you think?
27:59It was definitely eye-opening.
28:01There are a lot of times where somebody is talking
28:04and nobody's listening.
28:06That's not happening a lot.
28:07Yeah, I'm guilty of that.
28:09Sometimes, yeah.
28:10I think this loss has, in some respects,
28:12confirmed that there's something wrong.
28:14I mean, something's broken on this team.
28:16It's a matter of figuring out what that is.
28:18People say seek first to understand and then to be understood.
28:29Got a crew for you, Clef.
28:31How you doing?
28:32Our reward was awesome.
28:34It was to hang out with Wyclef Jean,
28:36who's a famous R&B rap artist.
28:38We got the opportunity to hang with him and write a song.
28:41It's called The Rubble Man.
28:43The Rubble Man.
28:44Oh, yeah.
28:45Brian is Rubble.
28:46I named him Rubble very early on.
28:48He was named after Barney Rubble
28:50because he actually has no indent in the back of his head.
28:52It goes straight from the back to his back.
28:55The Rubble Rhyme Master.
28:57Rubble Rhyme Master.
28:58All right, I'll rhyme it out.
28:59We'll rhyme.
29:00We'll write it out.
29:01We're going to call the track The Rubble Man.
29:04There it is.
29:05Go Rubble.
29:07We'd been up for 36 hours,
29:09and it was tough to be excited about anything.
29:12But Wyclef Jean, he's a musical genius,
29:15and he had each of us do a particular instrument
29:18and a particular lines.
29:19And he started working on blending this together,
29:21and our song actually started having a life of its own.
29:24Relax your hands.
29:25I got you.
29:26You know who this is!
29:27You know who this is!
29:29Rubble Man.
29:30Ladies, if you see us in the club,
29:34Ladies, if you see us in the club,
29:38break it.
29:39Join us.
29:402, 3, 4.
29:41It's a Rubble dance.
29:481, 2, 3, 4.
29:50I'm a medium pimp, got girls around the world.
29:53In the club watching girls twirl.
29:55There you go.
29:56I'm in the club watching girls twirl.
29:58We need some more words here.
29:59Always in the club.
30:00Always in the club.
30:01I feel that.
30:02Always in the club.
30:03Music bump, bumping it.
30:04Sound system dumping it.
30:07Music bumping it.
30:08That first one was crazy.
30:10I gotta hear that.
30:11He did some hip-hop.
30:12Y'all want to make this hot?
30:14Make it hot.
30:18You know who this is.
30:22Ladies, if you see us in the club,
30:29It's the Rubble men.
30:30You know who this is.
30:32Medium pimp, got girls around the world.
30:34Always in the club, gotta watch the girls twirl.
30:37Ain't hard to find if you've got the mental power.
30:39You can find me in the street at the Trump World Tower.
30:42Proper attitude, you don't have to be rude.
30:44Skinny supermodel, you put me in the mood.
30:47Music bump, bumping it.
30:48Sound system dumping it.
30:49Trump, Trump, Trumping it.
30:52Ladies, if you see us in the club,
30:58It's the Rubble men.
30:59You know who this is.
31:01The task itself was about managing details, creativity,
31:04building a layered float.
31:06And it was parallel to the way Wyclef did this amazing
31:08arrangement of piecing together everyone on the team's
31:11talents and components.
31:13It was like the birth of our new song.
31:19Wyclef's here.
31:33Christy's a pain in the neck.
31:35Maybe for a presentation, Christy was so rotten to me.
31:39Don't screw it up.
31:42Miss it.
31:43Don't miss the point.
31:44Like, right in the face, like, totally trying to unnerve me.
31:48It's not about the presentation.
31:50It was about the float.
31:52I wish I could have done better.
31:54I know that I made some mistakes as project manager.
31:57But the reason we lost is because Christy couldn't be managed.
32:00Christy needs to go home because she's a negative person.
32:03She whines all the time.
32:05She complains.
32:06She's bossy.
32:07She thinks it's Christy's way or no way.
32:09She will not even take this apart.
32:12Yeah, and that's fine.
32:14But you need to outsmart her.
32:16You know?
32:31You can go right in.
33:01So what was the reason you lost, Christy?
33:03Branding is obviously a huge part of why we lost.
33:06I don't think Christy is the person to be asking
33:08because Christy is a liability on this team.
33:11You're very hard to work with.
33:12I think everyone agrees with me.
33:14But Christy is not a positive influence on the team.
33:17And it gets old.
33:18Mr. Trump, if I may say something.
33:20At one point, during the construction of the float,
33:23I did feel that Jennifer really had it together.
33:26She was decisive.
33:27She had everything under control.
33:29She was giving everybody direction.
33:31But it was very short-lived.
33:32How do you think she did on the presentation?
33:34I think she did horrible.
33:36In the final hours, she just crumbled.
33:38She was extremely nervous.
33:39Did I give him that contributor to the loss?
33:41I mean, you said things like we had to amputate the little boy's leg.
33:44You wanted to be project manager.
33:45This was your time to step up, and you blew it.
33:47I'll admit, I was overwhelmed by this task.
33:50You missed all of the criteria of this task.
33:53Every one of them.
33:54As a team?
33:55As a team.
33:56One was the title.
33:57Totally blew it with the title.
33:58And the scale was awful.
34:00Whose idea was the scale?
34:01The scale of that house was terrible.
34:03It was Christy's concept.
34:04I needed Christy to be spearheading it.
34:06And she's very hard to work with.
34:08She makes it hard for anyone to manage the team.
34:10By the way, she does.
34:11You do have a tough edge, Christy.
34:12She's tough.
34:13That doesn't mean bad, but she's pretty tough.
34:14She's bad tough.
34:15What do you think, Marcia?
34:17I just think it's ridiculous for a project manager
34:19to have to deal with someone who's being bossy.
34:21Has she been that way?
34:22Over and over and over.
34:24Let me finish, please.
34:25You know, you should.
34:26She's on your side right now.
34:27You should let her finish.
34:29I want her to finish.
34:30It's like a rule you should learn.
34:31She's helping you, so don't interrupt her.
34:33I know that there was a point where Christy
34:35was talking over people.
34:36She was pouty.
34:37She was bossy.
34:38She was controlling.
34:39And I came up to Jen and I said,
34:40is this Christy's float or is this everybody else's float?
34:42Randall, let me ask you a question.
34:44If you were me, who would you fire?
34:46I think it largely depends on whether you ascribe it
34:48to the time factor or whether you ascribe it
34:50to the team dynamic.
34:51I would say team dynamic.
34:52I might fire Christy, then, because I think
34:54in terms of the overall fit with the team,
34:56I think she's the one that can cause disruption.
34:58I think Marcia probably agrees with you on that.
35:00I would fire Christy for a team dynamic
35:02for the same reason I said we should fire Melissa.
35:04I think negativity is kryptonite.
35:06I think it impedes our ability to be creative
35:09and to function.
35:10I'm just shocked to hear all this,
35:11because all I ever get is positive.
35:13Don't be shocked.
35:14Don't be shocked.
35:15I've talked to you about it time and time again,
35:16though, you have to admit.
35:17No, you haven't, Jen.
35:18I admit I made mistakes, but I have the potential
35:20to be your next apprentice.
35:22Christy does not.
35:23I am a hard player and I can sell anything.
35:26But no one likes to work with you.
35:28That is, you know what?
35:29Maybe you're intimidated.
35:31I am not intimidated by you.
35:32Maybe you're intimidated.
35:33You're intimidated by me, Christy.
35:34That's really how I feel.
35:35That's why you never want,
35:36you always speak over me.
35:37I'm definitely not intimidated by you, Jen.
35:39All right, Jennifer.
35:40I want you to choose two people
35:42that you're going to bring back into the boardroom.
35:45One of the three of you will be fired.
35:47The rest of them are going to go
35:48to this magnificent suite in the sky
35:50on 57th and 5th, the famous Trump Tower.
35:55Who are they?
35:56I definitely am going to bring Christy in.
36:04And I really don't think
36:05I need to bring anyone else in.
36:06Just Christy?
36:07Just Christy.
36:08Okay, Christy and Jennifer wait outside.
36:10The rest of you go upstairs.
36:49What do you think?
36:50I think Christy's headstrong.
36:52I don't think she's the reason that they lost the task.
36:54I think Jen has made far too many mistakes.
36:57What do you think, Bill?
36:58I got over here with Carolyn.
36:59Jen wasn't even there
37:01for the final moments of the float.
37:04All right, so let's see what happens.
37:06Robin, let them in.
37:08Okay, you can both come back in.
37:25You two don't like each other very much, do you?
37:29You don't like her very much at all, do you?
37:32I would not hire Jennifer to work with me,
37:34and I don't feel that she's a straight shooter.
37:36I don't feel like she can lead well,
37:38and time management obviously was lacking in this task.
37:41So, Jennifer, what do you think of Christy?
37:43She is very outspoken,
37:45but I think she does it in a very bossy way.
37:47Christy is not manageable.
37:49She doesn't want to be managed.
37:50I disagree with that.
37:51If you couldn't manage her,
37:52why didn't you put her on the bench?
37:54Put her on the side and move on.
37:55Because she was very, she was cute.
37:57She was more of a hindrance than anything else,
37:59and she weighed the team down.
38:00So, as a good manager would do,
38:02you park them on the bench, and then you move on.
38:04I wouldn't be able to do that.
38:05Why wouldn't you?
38:06Time was of the essence,
38:07and she was very good at getting things done.
38:09How do you manage one of his companies
38:11if you can't manage one individual?
38:12I managed her as well as I could.
38:14All of my sales reps back home say
38:15I am the best manager they have ever had.
38:18They feel more inspired by me
38:19than they've ever felt about anyone in a corporate setting.
38:22I was hired into a company to turn it around
38:24so we could sell it in three years.
38:25I did that in one year.
38:26With the team that I hired, who highly respects me,
38:29they know I expect a lot,
38:30but when they deliver...
38:31This team doesn't respect you.
38:32When they deliver that...
38:33The team doesn't like you very much, you know that.
38:35I'm very outspoken.
38:36I am, I am very outspoken.
38:38I do have an edge,
38:39but you have to have an edge in the business.
38:41You have a big edge.
38:42I get results, Mr. Trump.
38:43Sometimes I get a little tongue time.
38:45I'm human.
38:46I can lead people.
38:47People like to follow me.
38:49Is it just because people like you
38:50or because you're a good leader?
38:52It's because of both.
38:53This is a job interview
38:54and it's not a popularity contest.
38:55It's not a popularity contest,
38:57but you have to respect the other team players.
39:01That is true.
39:02I agree with her on that.
39:03This is a very, very tough thing to do
39:06because I think you're almost like exact opposites.
39:10I've never had anything quite like it.
39:13Christy, you've really got a tough edge
39:15and you can cause a lot of problems.
39:17This is not a popularity contest,
39:19but you're just too difficult to work with.
39:22You're a distraction to the team.
39:24Jennifer, I think you're like a really good leader.
39:27Sometimes I don't know if your concepts are right
39:30and I'm not sure if you can lead under pressure,
39:32to be honest with you.
39:33I'm just not sure if you can lead under pressure.
39:35I do lead under pressure.
39:36Okay, maybe you do.
39:37This task...
39:38And maybe you don't,
39:39but you know what?
39:40I'm going to give you another chance
39:41and I'm going to say,
39:42Christy, you're fired.
39:54I'm sorry.
40:04Shut up.
40:05I don't even want to hear it, Jim.
40:19What do you think, Bill?
40:20She made it out of there by the skin of her teeth.
40:22The fact is,
40:23Capital Edge is not getting along
40:25and Christy is never going to help them to get along.
40:27Oh, of course.
40:28There's no doubt about it in my mind.
40:30I'm just going to have to make some drastic changes to this team.
40:32This team is not working.
40:52When Jennifer and I walked out of the boardroom,
41:19she gave me the most pitiful look
41:21and stuck out her hand as though she wanted to be so sweet.
41:24She is so fake
41:26and I really don't care for Jennifer.
41:29I wish Alla and Felicia the best of luck.
41:33If anyone wins, I want it to be one of those two.
