Detentionaire S3E03 - Misadventures in Babysitting

  • la semaine dernière
00:00Step right up ladies and G's, cause we've got brainwashing phones, missing principals, a new completely insane principal, plus things being made to look like they never existed.
00:12If only there was just one person who had all the answers. Someone at the top, someone who can explain why Vice Principal Victoria and Lynch set me up as a patsy, why Biffy's parents may or may not have designed the brainwashing phones.
00:25Why Barrage is gone, who put Captain Crazy in charge of our school, and seriously, where did my mom learn to fight like that?
00:55Are you friend or are you foe?
01:00Now I gotta go, it's so low.
01:25When Vince turned the school into his own prison slash clog factory, he was fired.
01:30Wowzie, that's correct Tina, yay, you actually got something right, kudos.
01:36Ow, not again!
01:38And now, teachers and the parent council are meeting to discuss who's going to run this school.
01:43And the best part, until then, all morning classes are...
01:50What better way to spend the morning than with a call-in show. Just dial in and tell us why you think Chaz is a better reporter than Tina. Call in and let us know, the lines are now open.
01:59Wow, Chaz, I can't believe I'm actually talking to you. I can't decide what I like about you best. Everything is so true about you.
02:12So listen, I finally caught up with my parents.
02:15And? Are they evil?
02:17Maybe, maybe not. Check this out.
02:20They said the brainwashing phones were a special order from their parent company. They don't even know why, they were just told to build them.
02:27So, I did some checking. The company they work for, Mobile Wireless Federation, is owned by, get this, Mann, Wurst and Finwich.
02:38Mann, Wurst and Finwich.
02:41Like the words in the prank song.
02:44Not just that. Dude, MWF owns like everything, everywhere, all over the world, even Green Apple Splat.
02:57So they're behind it all?
02:58Seems like it. And the person at the very top of MWF is... Kimmy's mom.
03:04Whoa! That lady that showed up at the dance, that's Kimmy's mom?
03:08Hey, where are you going?
03:10To ask Kimmy what she knows, of course.
03:13Kimmy would never tell you anything, she doesn't even like you. She thinks you try to use your whole bad boy prank image to be cool.
03:20She said that? Wait, how do you know what she said?
03:24Uh, well, I uh...
03:27Yo, Cam, Caf, two minutes.
03:29So, you and her are...
03:33Señoritas acquired, Mann. Follow my lead, let Cam turn this place into an inferno of preposterous awesomeness.
03:44What up, Chiquitas? Brandy, big shout-out, hola, girl!
03:49Sup, Cam? Read them and weep, Chiquitas.
03:54Full house beats two pairs. Hope you're wearing waterproof mascara.
03:58So, uh, girls, you know, Lee and yours truly were, you know, thinking about busting out, heading to the mall, chill and hang, smooth styles.
04:07I'm into that!
04:08Guys! Guys!
04:11You so did not just do that.
04:16There, that just made things worse, didn't it?
04:20You, talking to me? You're banned from that privilege for a week.
04:24You're lucky I have a spare shirt in my locker.
04:32Sorry, we're gonna make bubbles!
04:36Breaking news!
04:38This just in!
04:40I've got it!
04:42All students report to the gym. The head of the parents' council has an important announcement.
04:47All students report to the gym. The parents' council has an important announcement.
04:52OK, seriously, who is better?
04:54Me, hands down, right? I'm better, aren't I?
04:56I gotta whiz.
05:01My name is Cassandra. I'm head of the parents' council.
05:05Students, I'm not gonna sugarcoat this.
05:08Due to some major hiring snafus at HR, we are without a current head of education.
05:14So school's cancelled for the rest of the day.
05:17On one condition.
05:20We've come up with a small assignment.
05:23I present to you, your babies.
05:29Evil robot babies?
05:32Maybe they're just robot babies, man. You know, without the evil part.
05:38OK, now you're freaking me out.
05:40Each baby has been designed to copy an actual robot.
05:43OK, now you're freaking me out.
05:44Each baby has been designed to copy an actual child's needs.
05:48Capable of a wide range of emotions and bodily functions that you must clean up, of course.
05:56Depending on their mood, their eyes either light up red or green.
06:02Green is good. Red is bad. Blinking red is very bad.
06:09If the doll has spent more time in the red, you fail.
06:16Hey, what a surprise. You're not where you're supposed to be.
06:21Huh. What's with the board? Making an official list of people who don't like you?
06:25Ha ha. If you must know, it's for today's school-wide project.
06:30It's the list of who's partnering with who, and we've been personally asked to deliver it.
06:34Because that's how important we are.
06:37Tina, score!
06:39Out of the way! Official school business coming through!
06:45You, talking to me? You're banned from that privilege for a week.
06:52Sorry, I'll help.
06:57Get out of here, you stupid troglodyte!
07:02Kimmy's mom? Here? I can just go up to her? Great!
07:06Wait, did I just sabotage alone time with Tina?
07:09Why am I so obsessed with this conspiracy stuff?
07:13Now, students, please move to the board in a calm manner, find your partner, get your baby, and then you are all free to go.
07:30Hey, wait!
07:33We need to talk!
07:36Sérieusement, on a vraiment besoin de parler.
07:39Sur cette fabrique merveilleuse, est-ce que c'est du cashmere?
07:42C'est tellement doux, wow, au revoir.
07:52Un bébé? Avec Tina?
07:54Ok, tu plaisantes, non? J'aimerais plutôt manger mon propre visage.
07:58Ce serait délicieux.
08:01Ping! Ça ne se passe pas!
08:04Oui, ça se passe. Vous et Lee êtes des partenaires, et je suis avec...
08:10Vous devez être en train de me moquer!
08:13Au contraire, vous, Brandy Silver, êtes partenaires avec ce qui est calculablement l'un des plus intelligents des Nigma High.
08:21Notre bébé va devenir un nerd!
08:24Selon mes calculs, avec nos génétiques combinées, notre enfant aura les cerveaux d'Einstein, mais les grâces sociales et le visage d'une...
08:33Précisément. C'est la conclusion la plus logique.
08:36Alors, qui suis-je?
08:39Papa Cam, nous sommes des partenaires mariés avec l'enfant, Squeezie Flax.
08:44Quoi? Squeezie qui? Je pensais que tu étais effrayé par les robots.
08:49Mais ce sont mes propres robots, et je vais leur apprendre à ne pas être mauvais.
08:55Enfant, ne sois pas mauvais, sois bien, d'accord?
08:59C'est tellement imparable.
09:01Tu penses que c'est imparable? Je suis un seul père, avec des soeurs!
09:10C'est ici que se trouve le rendez-vous? Je me demandais si... si il n'y avait pas d'école. Est-ce que j'ai encore le droit?
09:16Pas de droit aujourd'hui. Tu as un projet de bébé. Va chercher un A maintenant, d'accord? Au revoir!
09:21Yo, Lee!
09:24Regarde, Lee! Holga et Cam ont un bébé robot non-naïf.
09:29Vous êtes des partenaires?
09:31Pas pour longtemps, confiez-moi.
09:35Oui, salut, c'est Lee, maman.
09:37En tant que président, il y a eu un terrible mix-up à l'hôpital de bébés. Je suis avec Holga et...
09:42Pas de mix-up! C'est un rendez-vous important. Va!
09:47Au moins, tu as une femme chaude. J'ai tout ce que tu veux.
09:51Ouvrez les portes pour l'Emu dans un train de sandwich!
10:00Pourquoi t'es là, mec?
10:01Longue histoire. En courant, j'ai besoin de parler sérieusement à la mère de Kimmy et au chef du conseil des parents.
10:06Attends-la. Elle doit venir parfois.
10:09C'est le Chas avec un message d'urgence du conseil des parents. Les élèves doivent sortir de la propriété ou autre.
10:16Je pense que tu dois arriver à la maison d'une certaine façon, mec. Mais pas de soucis, je l'ai.
10:21Holga, m'embrasse!
10:24Mesdames et Messieurs!
10:26Les élèves, j'ai officiellement déclaré aujourd'hui...
10:30...un jour de fête pour les bébés!
10:34Ça pourrait être une chose, non?
10:39Donc, si on va faire une fête à la maison, on a besoin de la bonne maison.
10:43Et quand je pense à qui a le meilleur style de maison à l'école...
10:48C'est ça! Ma fille Kimmy!
10:50Excellente idée! Ma maison, fête pour les bébés!
10:53Fête pour les bébés? Conga Line!
10:57Non! Pour qui?
10:59Fête pour les bébés, fête pour les bébés!
11:03Ok, ça n'a pas marché!
11:05Je m'occupe de Kimmy et je vais utiliser mes mouves, mes charmes et mes beaux visages pour convaincre Brandy de changer de maison, ok?
11:10Yo, Conga Line, attention! Le Capitaine arrive!
11:16Alors, je suppose qu'on est des parents? C'est fou! Comment ça va?
11:21Arrête! J'ai déjà appelé mon avocat. Je vais garder l'enfant, tu peux partager l'A.
11:26Excusez-moi, j'ai une fête à attendre.
11:29Attends! Je ne pense pas que la fête soit la meilleure place pour notre enfant.
11:32Peut-être qu'on devrait juste se calmer à ta maison.
11:34Moi, toi, un rendez-vous seul? Ça n'arrive jamais.
11:37Rencontre-moi à Brandy's ou pas, je m'en fiche, ça n'arrivera jamais.
11:40Salut, Lucio!
11:43Hey! Peut-être que Junior a faim? Quoi?
11:47C'est le deuxième vêtement que tu as détruit aujourd'hui.
11:50Je pense qu'on devrait aller à ta place. Tu sais, changer pour la fête.
11:53Non, je vais à la maison pour changer. Tu es en dehors de mon regard.
11:57Oui, ton ex-père est un saut de soda qui n'arrive jamais dans un pied de toi. Non, il ne l'est pas.
12:13Stalking Kimmy? Creepy!
12:16Biff, comment as-tu...
12:17Man, combien de fois dois-je te le dire? Je sais tout.
12:20Et je sais que tu auras besoin de mon aide.
12:23Axe, Cherry, dépêche-toi!
12:25Axe, Cherry?
12:27Des noms de deux meilleurs gars de chanson de l'ombre.
12:30Alors laissez-moi imaginer, tu convaincs Kimmy de rester à la maison jusqu'à ce que sa mère s'en sorte?
12:34Assez. Un en, parce qu'on doit y aller avant de la perdre.
12:36Non, je sais où elle vit.
12:38Comment tu le sais?
12:39Je te l'ai dit, je sais tout.
12:41Maintenant, aide-moi.
12:42Cherry, Axe.
12:45Tu le savais aussi, non?
12:48Maintenant, tu comprends.
12:54C'est Tina Cui, en direct de...
12:56C'est Chaz Monteranian, en direct de Brandy's Baby Party.
12:59Chaz Junior, qui a le meilleur intro?
13:02Soyez honnête, allez.
13:04Dis, Tina, même un bébé sait que je suis meilleur que toi.
13:07On verra, Chaz.
13:09Et plus de sandwiches bizarres pour notre enfant, d'accord?
13:11Silly Cam!
13:13Il ne sait pas que la diète de sucre, de goût, de narwhals et de berries de coutin
13:18protègent le bébé robot de devenir même.
13:21Comme ça!
13:28Alors, à 7 ans, après avoir gradué avec un doctorat,
13:31elle va créer sa propre entreprise de logiciels.
13:34Ou on la mette sur le circuit du talk show.
13:36On la met sur le circuit du talk show.
13:37On la met sur le circuit du talk show.
13:38Pour que tout le monde puisse voir sa première vue
13:39pour voir sa première vue
13:40à son prochain président du monde, ou sa prochaine princesse.
13:42à son prochain président du monde, ou sa prochaine princesse.
13:43Je me sens bien.
13:44Je me sens bien.
13:45Alors, pendant que vous aussi
13:46vous planifiez votre délusionneux conquête de l'univers
13:48pour votre enfant,
13:49vous pourriez voir Brainiac là-bas.
13:52Votre magnifique cerveau !
13:54Votre magnifique cerveau !
13:55Alors, Chica, ça va?
13:57Alors, Chica, ça va?
13:58On a besoin de votre aide.
13:59Hey, what's up?
14:00OK, here's the thing.
14:01We need to sort of reverse this party
14:03and land it at Kimmy's, comprende?
14:04Are you crazy?
14:06This party highlights
14:07another killer party I can throw
14:08which proves to the glams
14:09maybe Kimmy's not top dog!
14:11Those bumps might have cost our baby
14:13a few crucial IQ points.
14:15So, I've recalculated...
14:16But Lee means our...
14:21You woke the baby!
14:23Nice going, vicious dogs!
14:25Scaring babies?
14:27You should be ashamed!
14:29Now zip it!
14:30Joseph Margolis,
14:31Trixie Peterson,
14:32Emma Lou,
14:33down, now!
14:36Did you bring your
14:37wittle dollies over
14:38so we can play happy time house?
14:40Why are you here?
14:41I said to meet up Brandy's.
14:43So, uh...
14:45I'm here to meet up Brandy's.
14:49So, uh...
14:50That's not how you're dressing
14:51your baby, is it?
14:53Yeah, why?
14:54What's wrong with it?
14:56If you want your baby
14:57to look like everyone else's...
15:00My room.
15:01Fashion makeover, stat!
15:07Oops, my bad!
15:09My parents are in Baruba
15:10and if they come home
15:11and find a mess,
15:12it won't be good.
15:14Good point!
15:15So maybe let's move
15:16this party to Kimmy's.
15:19Clean that!
15:20You're lucky I'm your partner.
15:21Who knows what creepy,
15:22accident-prone genes
15:23your baby would inherit from him.
15:25So, once our child...
15:27Olga have idea cake!
15:29We make place messy,
15:30Brandy mad,
15:31kick everyone out,
15:32party at Kimmy's,
15:33leave Vince!
15:35Dude, we are not destroying
15:36Brandy's home, okay?
15:40Oh, boy!
15:42Jerry, why can't you be
15:44more like your brother, Axe?
15:50my old baby clothes,
15:51where would they be?
15:52The seventh closet
15:53by the Chesterfield,
15:54Madame Kimmy.
15:57Dude, once she finds
15:58an outfit,
15:59we are so kicked out.
16:00We need a plan.
16:01And gimme that!
16:03So, Kimmy,
16:04how long has your mom
16:05been head of the parents' council?
16:06I don't know,
16:07what's with all the questions?
16:08Read her bio,
16:09top shelf,
16:10white bookcase.
16:12What do you think?
16:13Why does that look so familiar?
16:15Because it's in this picture.
16:17Who's the freaky-looking kid
16:18next to you?
16:19Your brother?
16:20I recognize that heinous hat
16:23that's Biffy!
16:26Gimme that!
16:27Wait, so you guys
16:28are friends?
16:30we were baby friends.
16:31I was two.
16:32If I could talk,
16:33I'd have told my parents
16:34to take me home.
16:35Hello, Kimberly,
16:36I'm home.
16:37Dinner shall be served
16:38in the southern dining hall
16:39at six sharp.
16:40Camp mom
16:41got a party to head to.
16:43memory lane's been a blast.
16:44Let's go, losers.
16:47You were lucky
16:48to hang out with baby Biff.
16:49Look how cool I was.
16:52We used to call him
16:53baby clingy.
16:54See, here.
16:56memory lane,
16:57what a trip.
16:58You guys should totally
16:59catch up and stuff.
17:00I'll just go
17:01use the bathroom.
17:03Who's clinging to who?
17:04With those lips,
17:05miss baby kissy.
17:08you were way more clingy
17:09than I was kissy.
17:11Oh, really?
17:12Looks like a tie.
17:13This place is
17:14seriously too big.
17:17you're on recon duty.
17:18Keep an eye out for...
17:19Mrs. McAdams,
17:20the council is here
17:21and they are awaiting
17:22your update.
17:23I'll be there
17:28An elevator?
17:33Hush, little baby.
17:34Please don't...
17:37Okay, seriously,
17:38you've got to stop that
17:41Come on.
17:42Something like that
17:47Come on,
17:48come on.
17:52nice, evil,
17:54small doggies?
18:00Not a chew toy.
18:01Bad dog.
18:07But way to go.
18:08Work it, Axe.
18:13There is something up
18:14with Kimmy's mom
18:15and 20 bucks says
18:16she's in there.
18:17Time to graduate
18:18from baby to agent.
18:21Another baby clingy attack.
18:31keeping Kimmy busy?
18:32You are not going
18:33to believe this.
18:34Under the house
18:35are tunnels.
18:36I'm right outside
18:37of meeting them.
18:38Got to go.
18:39My plan is kicking in.
18:43Now how am I supposed to...
18:48I've tried the subtle approach.
18:49So Cam is going to go in
18:50hot and heavy now,
18:51big times.
18:54for reals,
18:55look away from the tablet
18:56for a second
18:57and look at me,
18:58look at me,
18:59look at me.
19:01you need to transfer
19:02this party like now.
19:04I'm school president,
19:06So I demand it.
19:09Wait, what?
19:10You sounded
19:11so stressful
19:12making sure no one
19:13makes a mess.
19:15Do that thing again
19:16that shows estimated
19:17annual income.
19:18Okay, seriously,
19:19where is Holger?
19:20If Holger can act
19:21all high
19:22like the baby army,
19:23think it makes
19:24the evil puke best.
19:42So that is
19:43what is to be done.
19:44They're talking
19:45about Barrage.
19:46And now
19:47the final order
19:48of business.
19:49Are you ready
19:50to brief us
19:51on the operation
19:59That smell,
20:00sulfur and cologne.
20:01Who puts aftershave
20:02on rotten eggs?
20:08I'm so sorry.
20:09I'm so sorry.
20:12What are you doing?
20:13I was just, um...
20:16Don't shush me.
20:17Spying on my mom's
20:18business meeting?
20:19What is wrong with you?
20:22what are you
20:23and your friends
20:24doing down here?
20:25My offices
20:26are off limits.
20:28it's me,
20:29Li Ping.
20:30We really need to talk.
20:31Oh, really?
20:32About what,
20:34You being
20:35at the school dance?
20:36The brainwashing phones?
20:37Where Barrage is?
20:39I'm sorry.
20:41was it?
20:42I was never
20:43at your dance,
20:45But we saw you there.
20:46Tell her.
20:48well, um...
20:49I think I would know
20:50if my mom was
20:51at the dance.
20:53it seems your friend
20:54is delirious
20:55and should be
20:56getting home.
20:57Don't forget
20:58to take your assignment.
21:02that was pretty much
21:03a 10 on the
21:04uncomfortable scale.
21:06we off to Brandy's?
21:07Spying on my mom.
21:08And you,
21:09helping him?
21:20I've been trying you
21:21all night.
21:23I'm really sorry
21:24about making Kimmy
21:25hate you,
21:28losing your baby.
21:29Stop talking!
21:30Me and you
21:31as friends,
21:33I am done wasting
21:34all my time
21:35helping you out!