Blues Clues S05 E18

  • avant-hier
01:30Nous pouvons jouer nos mains.
01:33Nous pouvons applaudir nos mains dans la grande bande de Blues.
01:39Je fais un rythme et vous répétez.
01:52Vous entendez ce rythme?
01:56C'est comme un pattern de sons.
02:00Nous devons pratiquer notre instrument.
02:06Hey, Blue!
02:08Quel instrument joueras-tu dans la bande?
02:17Nous jouons au Blues.
02:21Nous jouons au Blues.
02:25Nous jouons au Blues Clues.
02:29Nous jouons au Blues Clues.
02:31C'est un très bon jeu.
02:37Nous jouons au Blues Clues.
02:39Blues Clues.
02:44Vous savez ce qu'il nous faut pour jouer au Blues Clues?
02:52Hey, Side Table.
02:54Pouvons-nous avoir notre note-book?
02:56Bien sûr que tu peux, Joe.
02:58Mais je veux que tu saches.
02:59Avant que je te donne la chanson,
03:00tu dois chanter ce que je chante.
03:02Chanter ce que tu chantes?
03:04Chanter Hip Hop, Hippity Hop.
03:06Hip Hop, Hippity Hop.
03:11Hip Hop, Hippity Hop, Tip Top.
03:14Oh, oui!
03:16Voici ton note-book.
03:18Merci, Side Table Drawer.
03:20Pour jouer au Blues Clues, il faut trouver...
03:24Un plan!
03:25Oh, un plan!
03:27Et c'est notre...
03:30Une Clue?
03:31Et puis, on l'installe
03:37Il faut trouver un autre plan.
03:38C'est la seconde clue.
03:39On l'installe dans notre note-book, car c'est qui?
03:42Le Blues Clues!
03:44Il faut trouver le dernier plan.
03:46Ça, c'est la troisième clue.
03:47We put it in our mouth because the blues, blues, blues, blues
03:51You know what to do
03:52Sit down in our thinking chair and think, think, think
03:59Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time
04:02We can do anything
04:07That we wanna do
04:10Are you ready to look for blues clues?
04:12So we can figure out what instrument Blue wants to play in the band?
04:18Did you see which way Blue went?
04:21That way!
04:22That way? Come on!
04:25Hey, clap blues clues with me, okay?
04:31We are looking for blues clues
04:33We are looking for blues clues
04:35We are looking for blues clues
04:37Wonder where they are
04:40Wow! That sounded great!
04:43What kind of instrument is that?
04:45This? This is an old washboard
04:49You can use it to clean clothes or to play rhythms
04:57And you two were great on the rattles
04:59Thank you
05:01Sorry to leave, but it's time to wash this one
05:06Sorry to leave, but it's time to wash the clothes
05:13A clue, a clue!
05:15You see a clue? Where?
05:19Right there!
05:21Is it in front of me or behind me?
05:25In front of you
05:30It is a clue! Right in front of me
05:33On this lid or top
05:37You know what we need now, our handy dandy?
05:41Notebook, right!
05:47First an oval like this
05:49Then a line that goes down and around for the bottom
05:52There, a lid
05:56So what instrument could Blue want to play in the band with a lid?
06:04Maybe, but let's keep looking for clues so we can be sure
06:12I hear a rhythm!
06:23Hey Periwinkle!
06:24Hey Joe!
06:26Look, I'm playing rhythms on my notebook
06:30Look, I'm playing rhythms on my drum
06:34I'm going to play them in Blue's big band
06:37Want to help me practice?
06:39Do you want to play rhythms with Periwinkle?
06:48Periwinkle can play his drum and we can clap our hands
06:53Great! So I'll play a rhythm and then you clap it
07:01I think we need to hear that one more time
07:03Could you play that again Periwinkle?
07:10Will you clap that rhythm?
07:12Try it!
07:16Oh, it's like this!
07:20We did it!
07:23You got it!
07:25Now try this one
07:34Could we hear that one more time?
07:36Here it comes!
07:42Can you clap that rhythm?
07:44Go ahead!
07:52Let's clap it again!
07:56Now let's put the two rhythms together
08:01One more time Periwinkle
08:09Let's hear you try it!
08:20We did it!
08:22Great job!
08:24Those are the rhythms we need to learn
08:27Great job!
08:29Those were some wonderful rhythms Periwinkle
08:32And nice work clapping along
08:38The mail's here
08:39Hi Periwinkle
08:58Hey Mailbox!
09:01Hey Joe!
09:03What's that instrument?
09:05It's my flag symbol
09:09I like it
09:11Here's your letter
09:14Thanks Mailbox
09:16We just got a letter
09:20We just got a letter
09:22We just got a letter
09:24We just got a letter
09:25I wonder who it's from
09:29Oh look, it's a letter from our friends
09:32Hi Joe!
09:34We're listening to the drummers
09:46You want to come try?
09:49Come on
10:10Bye Joe!
10:16Sounds like Blue
10:18Come on!
10:26A clue!
10:28You see a clue?
10:33Right there
10:35On the table
10:36On the table?
10:41Where is it? I don't see it
10:44In the pot
10:45In the pot?
10:49There's a clue in this pot
10:51It's on the table
10:53In this pot
10:55It's on these
11:04You know what we need now
11:06Our handy dandy
11:08Our notebook!
11:12Our second clue
11:14Is beans
11:16Let's draw a round shape that curves in a little
11:18And a few more
11:23We have beans
11:27So what instrument could Blue want to play in the band?
11:30With a lid
11:34And beans
11:41Oh, good thinking!
11:43But let's find our last clue and see
11:48Come on!
11:53Blue just skidooed into that picture
11:56Clap the skidoo song with me
12:09Listen to that music!
12:22Oh, hi, Piano!
12:25Great music!
12:27I'm trying to tell a musical story
12:30About some piglets
12:31But I don't have anyone to play the part of the piglets
12:37Do you want to be the piglets in Piano's story?
12:43You'll be perfect
12:45You just need one thing
12:51Piglet noses!
12:56One for me
12:57One for Blue
13:02One for you
13:07Okay, let's practice being piglets
13:10Bow bow bow bow!
13:18Okay, piglets
13:19Listen to the music and try to feel what the rhythm is telling you to do
13:24Bow bow!
13:26It was late one night
13:28The moon and the stars were shining bright
13:31The piglets had had a long day
13:33Bow bow!
13:40What do you think the music is telling us to do?
13:46Go to sleep!
13:50Go to sleep
13:54I am a sleepy piglet
13:56Let's lie down
14:11Are you asleep?
14:15The piglets slept all through the night
14:17Snug in their bed
14:27What do you think the music is telling us to do now?
14:33Wake up!
14:36Wake up
14:40We've got to rise and shine
14:44Stretch with me
14:47The piglets woke up
14:49It was time for them to go to school
14:52We've got to get to school
14:54But how?
14:55Listen to the rhythm of the music
15:04What type of movement goes with this rhythm?
15:13Walking or marching?
15:15March to the rhythm with me
15:22We're marching to school
15:24Suddenly, the piglets heard the school bell ringing
15:27They were late for school
15:33Now, what is the rhythm telling us to do?
15:38Run with me
15:42I'm running
15:44I'm feeling the rhythm
15:49We made it
15:52The sleepy piglets made it to school just in time
15:56The end
16:02Thank you, piglets
16:04You really know how to feel different rhythms in the music
16:08You're welcome, Piano
16:13And thank you for helping me move to the different rhythms
16:16You were fantastic
16:20Well, it's almost time for my music class
16:22I don't want to be late
16:41A clue!
16:43You see a clue?
16:48Right there!
16:53I don't see it
16:55Behind you
17:01There's a clue on this empty can
17:06You know what we need now?
17:07Our handy dandy?
17:11Notebook! Right!
17:18An empty can
17:20First, let's draw a round shape for the top
17:22A line that goes down and back up
17:25Two curves on the front
17:26There, an empty can
17:28We have all three clues to figure out what instrument Blue wants to play in the band
17:33We're ready to sit in our...
17:34Thinking chair!
17:36Thinking chair! Let's go!
17:41Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think
17:45So, what instrument could Blue want to play in the band?
17:50With a lid?
17:54And an empty can
18:00We could put the lid on the can
18:02But what about the beans?
18:08Maybe we could put the beans inside the can
18:11And then put the lid on
18:13Then if we shook the can, the beans would come out
18:16And we'd be able to play
18:18And then put the lid on
18:20Then if we shook the can, we could hear the beans inside
18:26What instrument would that be?
18:31A maraca
18:33A maraca
18:35A maraca is an instrument you shake to make music
18:40We just figured out Blue's Clues!
18:42We sat on down, figured it out
18:45What Blue's Clues were all about
18:47Wow! You know what? We're really smart
18:54Let's play some rhythms in Blue's big band!
19:01Does everybody have their instruments?
19:05Nice maraca playing, Blue!
19:07I'm here too!
19:09Hey, Piano! Hi, Piano!
19:11Remember how we moved to Piano's different rhythms?
19:14Are you ready to clap with me?
19:18Okay, Blue, the band's all here
19:22Let's play!
19:23Who wants to play the first rhythm?
19:26I will, I will!
19:29I'll play it, and then you play it back
19:37Let's clap it!
19:45We did it! We played Periwinkle's rhythm!
19:48Now, let's hear your rhythm, Blue
19:58Now we play it! Clap with me!
20:06Nicely done!
20:07Let's hear another rhythm
20:12We'll do one
20:14It's our turn to play a rhythm
20:17Let's try this one
20:24Clap it with me
20:38We did it! We played rhythms together in Blue's big band!
20:44Thank you so much for all your help today
20:47Clap with me
21:14Let's dance!
21:44Let's dance!
22:14See you soon!