The Rocket Riot - Clutch Cargo - Ep. 07 52 - 1959 [English]

  • avant-hier
00:00Cargo! And it's pals, Spinner and Paddlefoot, in another exciting adventure, Rocket Riot!
00:08Clutch and company, having returned from their last adventure, start out for a little relaxation and plan to write another chapter in Clutch's adventure logbook.
00:17Nice day for flying, eh, Spinner?
00:19Perfect, Clutch!
00:21I think Paddlefoot's anxious to get there.
00:24It doesn't take too long by air.
00:27This is sure pretty country from up here.
00:30But I'd hate to have to land.
00:32Desert for miles.
00:34I'm afraid we'd have trouble finding water.
00:37They told us in school about the first settlers who crossed the desert.
00:41Water was their biggest problem, and a lot of them never made it.
00:45But since then they've found many uses for the desert.
00:50Oh, I don't like the sound of that at all.
00:53We'd better look for a spot to land.
00:55Golly, Clutch, nothing but rocks no matter where you look.
01:01Rocks or not, we can't stay up here.
01:03Make sure your safety belts are tight.
01:05Warm air rising from this hot desert may help keep the plane in the air.
01:17See that little opening between those rocks, Clutch? Maybe you can set her down there.
01:21That's about the biggest clearing around, Spinner.
01:23You can't do any more than try.
01:25Only a pilot with many years of experience could possibly set a plane down in such a small space.
01:31And Clutch has that experience.
01:33We've missed a few dandies so far, Spinner.
01:35Now, we've got enough flying speed, we'll...
01:40Pull her up. Easy.
01:46The toughest part is over.
01:48That rock!
01:49It's sticking up out of the sand!
01:51We're gonna hit it!
01:52Can't help it, Spinner. Hold on.
01:54I'm going to ground loop her.
02:06The plane comes to an abrupt stop.
02:08Then all is quiet.
02:10You okay, Spinner?
02:12I think I'm all in one piece.
02:15Paddlefoot says he's fine.
02:17That was a pretty sudden stop.
02:19Glad everyone's all right.
02:21We'll cut that landing gear bolt.
02:23The gear itself isn't damaged too much.
02:26We can't buy parts here.
02:28What do we do?
02:29Well, first, let's climb to the top of one of those boulders and look around.
02:33Clutch and company, climb to the top of a boulder and scan the horizon.
02:39Look. Smoke, Spinner.
02:41Where there's smoke, there's fire, and where there's fire, there's usually people.
02:44Do you suppose it's Indians?
02:46Could be, Spinner. There are still some around here.
02:49Water's what we have to worry about.
02:51That smoke looks close, but it may be miles away.
02:54Don't walk too fast, and stay in the shade whenever you can.
02:59A very unpleasant scene.
03:01A man, a boy, and a dog walking in the scorching sun with no water.
03:05But better to try finding help than to wait and die of thirst.
03:10Onward they trudge, getting weaker by the hour, until...
03:14Clutch, I... I can't make it.
03:18It's all right. It's all right, Spinner boy.
03:21I'll... I'll help you.
03:23With what seems to be his last ounce of strength,
03:26Clutch pushes on, but the heat and thirst are too much.
03:30Down he goes and lies still,
03:33the only sounds being those of a desert vulture.
03:41Can Clutch and company survive the desert without water?
03:44Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
04:00Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
04:04in another exciting adventure, Rocket Riot.
04:08You remember last time Clutch and company's plane had crash-landed in the desert.
04:12They started out walking without water.
04:14Clutch was carrying Spinner and Paddlefoot, who could go no further.
04:18Finally, thirst forced Clutch to fall.
04:21All was still.
04:29What the...
04:31We found you lying on the desert.
04:34I am Professor Knackwurst, the world's foremost missile and rocket expert.
04:40I know who you are, Clutch Cargo.
04:42I read your adventure logbook.
04:44Glad to know you, Professor.
04:46But I had with me a little boy and a dog.
04:48Oh, yeah, we already know Spinner and Paddlefoot.
04:52They woke up and went out to play mid-zit.
04:57What is mid-zit, a new game?
04:59Oh, no, you misunderstood.
05:03Zit is my helper.
05:05He is my assistant.
05:07So they went out to play mid-zit.
05:09Oh, I understand.
05:11They went out to play with zit.
05:13I am so glad to see you there.
05:16We have been testing rockets for quite a while now.
05:19And finally, I think we got one that will go to the moon.
05:23Now all we need is a pilot.
05:25The first man to go to the moon.
05:28Well, that sounds great.
05:30But I didn't know our government was quite that close to such a great feat.
05:34Not our government.
05:38Then you have no permission to conduct these experiments.
05:41They stopped me once.
05:43So I moved my laboratory here so they can find me.
05:47But your rockets create a great danger to flying passenger planes.
05:50We haven't hit one yet, but they came mighty close.
05:54Take a ride with me.
05:56I will show you one of my rockets.
05:59Clutch and Professor Knockworst, start for the launching pad.
06:05As a matter of fact, I will launch a rocket for you now.
06:09Looks like you've got one all ready to fire.
06:11Oh, yeah, I always keep one ready.
06:14Always? How many do you have?
06:16Quite a few.
06:18Look, in between those rocks.
06:20Wow, what a stockpile.
06:25Clutch, here we come.
06:28Those motorbikes are just the thing for this desert travel.
06:31Yeah, and each rocket carries a motor scooter in case you have to walk back.
06:36Golly, Clutch, we've been having more fun.
06:39Zit's been showing me all over. Haven't you, Zit?
06:46He said yes, and Spinner likes rockets.
06:50I know.
06:51Well, here's your chance to see a rocket fired, Spinner.
06:54Professor Knockworst is about to launch one.
06:56Just what I was hoping.
06:59It only takes a moment for Zit to ignite the rocket fuse,
07:02and they all travel a safe distance from the intense heat.
07:14Only five more seconds.
07:16Four, three, two, one.
07:22Blast off!
07:27Look, Clutch, something's happened.
07:29It's heading right at us.
07:31Will that runaway rocket hit Clutch and company?
07:34Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
07:50Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
07:54in another exciting adventure, Rocket Riot.
07:58You remember last time Clutch and company had been picked up off the burning desert
08:02by Professor Knockworst and his helper Zit.
08:05The professor, a rocket expert, had launched a huge rocket.
08:13Hang on tight, Spinner. We've really got to move.
08:18Get out of the way, Spinner. Flat on the ground.
08:20That rocket will do.
08:21Get behind it.
08:23Flat on the ground. Close to the rock.
08:25It's our only chance.
08:31Look, she nosed herself into the ground.
08:33Phew! Now I know what it feels like to almost get scalped.
08:37She blew a fuse, but think nothing of it.
08:40We got more where that one came from.
08:43Zit, get another rocket.
08:49What'd he say?
08:51He said, OK.
08:54Another attempt is made to launch a rocket. No success.
08:58Ach, my little rocket playmates are bashful.
09:02They won't perform. Another one, Zit.
09:10What'd he say?
09:11He said, OK.
09:14Again, an attempt is made to launch a rocket, and again it fails.
09:19Ach, I don't think this is a good day for us, is it?
09:25What'd he say?
09:27He said the gas fuel we used to fire the rocket must have gotten wet,
09:32so we should try again some other time.
09:35I think that's a very good idea, Professor.
09:37Shall we go back to the laboratory?
09:39Lead the way, Professor. We'll follow.
09:48Clutch, maybe I shouldn't say it, but the professor seems kind of different, don't you think?
09:54Yes, I do, Spinner. I'm sure he's the man they call the strange scientist.
09:58You and Paddlefoot stick close to me and keep your eyes and ears open.
10:02This man is known to be very tricky.
10:05They're waiting for us, and I wonder who that lady is.
10:09This is the man who did the quick sinking when the rocket ran away.
10:14Agent X, this is Clutch Cargo, and this is Spinner and Paddlefoot.
10:20How do you do, ma'am?
10:22Very well, thank you.
10:24I saw your heroic act through my binoculars.
10:28You and your friends are very brave.
10:31Not really, but we had to do something, and that was the quickest way.
10:35I like you. You are very modest.
10:39In my country of Spiceville, you would receive a hero's welcome.
10:44Let me bestow that honor upon you, now.
10:52Well, I, uh, well, well, uh, uh, well, I...
10:57He, he thanks you.
11:00And now, if you will excuse me.
11:04Clutch and company with the professor and Zip go to the laboratory,
11:08while Agent X opens a small case in another room,
11:12puts on a radio headset, and sends a code message to her government at Spiceville.
11:19Good. Agent X says she has met Clutch Cargo,
11:23and will soon kidnap him and land him on the moon,
11:26for our government of Spiceville.
11:31Will Agent X succeed in kidnapping Clutch?
11:34Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
14:19Clutch goes to work.
14:21And before long, the landing gear is fixed.
14:24Here she is, Clutch. As good as new.
14:27Not quite, Spinner, but she'll hold all right.
14:29Now we'll take the scooter back.
14:31I can just follow my tracks, Clutch. It won't take long.
14:34I'll be kind of glad to get away from here.
14:36I have a funny feeling about Agent X.
14:39Funny feeling? Like, like you love her, Clutch?
14:43No, Spinner. Like I... Well, like I don't trust her.
14:48Golly, Clutch. You think maybe she's a spy or something?
14:52Well, that's just between you and me, Spinner.
14:55Back at the laboratory.
15:03Thank you, Zip. They are back, Agent X.
15:08That's quite a trip, Professor. That sun is so hot.
15:12I will get you some cool water.
15:15We repaired the plane, Professor. We'll get an early start.
15:18A toast to your safe journey.
15:21Thank you.
15:24That cool water sure tastes good.
15:27After... you.
15:32Hey, I've been drugged.
15:34Clutch, I'm... I'm getting dizzy.
15:43Est-ce que l'agent X a kidnappé Clutch et l'entreprise?
15:46N'hésitez pas à vous abonner pour l'épisode suivant avec...
15:49Clutch Cargo!
16:00Clutch Cargo!
16:02Et ses amis Spinner et Paddlefoot
16:04dans une autre aventure excitante,
16:07Rocket Riot!
16:09Vous vous souvenez de la dernière fois que Clutch et l'entreprise ont réparé leur avion?
16:12L'agent X et le professeur ont parlé de envoyer Clutch vers la lune.
16:16L'agent X a alors drogué Clutch et l'entreprise pour boire de l'eau.
16:21Clutch et l'entreprise, inconsciente de se faire droguer,
16:24sont rapidement mis au bord d'un rocket de lune.
16:26Tout est prêt pour le lancement.
16:28A l'intérieur de la colonne, Clutch, Spinner et Paddlefoot se trouvent.
16:32Raccrochés à leurs sièges.
16:34Cinq secondes!
16:48Notre avion a réussi à lancer un rocket de lune!
16:52Lorsque ce rocket va s'éteindre,
16:55ils seront sur la lune.
16:58Tout va bien.
17:00Il n'y a pas longtemps et nous aurons le premier rocket de lune.
17:04Jump in sauer, Clutch!
17:06Comment allons-nous les ramener à la Terre?
17:08Je n'y ai jamais pensé!
17:09Ne vous inquiétez pas, professeur.
17:11Allons les ramener là-bas.
17:19Arrêtez ce ronflement.
17:21C'est le moment.
17:24Arrêtez ce ronflement.
17:26Nous sommes sur le point d'un grand succès.
17:29Encore inconscient et sans savoir de leur plein,
17:32Clutch et l'équipe s'éloignent vers la lune.
17:36Prends cette mauvaise femme!
17:38Peut-être que je peux changer le cours des rockets et les ramener à la Terre.
17:42Touchez-moi et je vais détruire le système de direction.
17:45Mais il est trop tard pour arrêter d'en prendre.
17:47Rapidement, l'agent X frappe la machine.
17:50Oh non!
17:51Maintenant, il ne me reste plus qu'à détruire les rockets.
17:57Il est à l'intérieur du rocket de la lune.
17:59Clutch bouge sa main.
18:00Il se réveille.
18:04Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
18:07Je suis réveillée.
18:09Nous sommes dans un rocket!
18:11Nous allons tomber sur la lune!
18:12On dirait que oui, Spinner.
18:13Prends soin.
18:14Voyons si ces contrôles de boutons fonctionnent.
18:17Clutch appuie sur le bouton de descente.
18:22Ils fonctionnent, Spinner!
18:23Nous descendons!
18:24Et vite!
18:39C'était un gros coup!
18:40Enlevez votre poignet de sécurité.
18:43Regarde, Clutch!
18:45Un Boomerang!
18:47Il a juste couru sur cette colline.
18:48Allez, nous le suivons.
18:50Nous sommes près de l'étage.
18:52Il a peut-être disparu.
18:56Eh bien, je serai...
18:58Regarde ici, Spinner.
18:59Une entreprise de cinéma tire une photo de la lune
19:01et nous sommes tombés sur leur set de cinéma.
19:04Vous avez détruit le tir!
19:06Les hommes de la lune sont tombés!
19:07Je viens de voir leur rocket!
19:09Un instant, monsieur.
19:10Il l'a vu.
19:11Nous étions dedans, mais nous n'étions pas de la lune.
19:14Clutch explique ce qui s'est passé.
19:17Pouvez-vous m'excuser d'une erreur si terrible?
19:20J'ai transformé l'agent X en BMI.
19:24Le BMI?
19:26Les chercheurs de la lune bonifiés.
19:28Ne vous inquiétez pas, professeur.
19:29Nous comprenons.
19:30Tout est pardonné.
19:35Je sais ce qu'il a dit.
19:36Il a dit OK.
19:37Non, il n'a pas dit plus de gros rockets.
19:40Seulement des petits spinners pour les garçons et les filles.
19:44Et pour les chiens.
19:48Et ainsi se termine la histoire de Clutch Cargo et de la riole des rockets.
19:52N'hésitez pas à vous abonner pour d'autres aventures excitantes avec Clutch Cargo
19:56et ses amis Spinners et Paddlefoot.
