An Occasional Hell

  • 2 days ago
Drama, Mystery, Thriller,

A former policeman-turned college professor of forensics, is asked by a widow to solve the murder of her unfaithful husband and the disappearance of his mistress who may have been linked to some drug dealers.

Salomé Breziner
Anton Sanko, Randall Silvis
Tom Berenger, Valeria Golino, Kari Wuhrer
00:03:03Is this a cold-blooded murderer or a crime of passion?
00:03:07Now you all have been writing about personal things to yourselves this semester. I
00:03:13Was a cop once
00:03:15So that life is my world and my novels
00:03:18And now we have a situation
00:03:21unfortunately, where a faculty member of our very own University is found dead and
00:03:26the local waitress
00:03:28Is missing without a trace
00:03:32Write about that see how it affects you. What do you think?
00:03:35That's pretty obvious, isn't it?
00:03:37But the wife did it maybe the waitress's husband in it to be quite frank professor
00:03:43I think that tomorrow kicks off the first day of
00:03:46Christmas vacation
00:03:52That's true, mr. Cake party
00:03:55That's true
00:03:57Why would a guy kidnap his own wife after he killed her lover? Why would professor Lawton's wife kidnap her?
00:04:04Just kinky. I don't know
00:04:07He said she's been kidnapped anyway
00:04:12Okay, those are all things to think about over the holidays those of you that are enrolling in my course next semester
00:04:18I'll see you then and have a nice vacation
00:04:55My name is Elizabeth Lawton and I don't particularly appreciate being the subject of your class. Mr. DeWalt. Oh
00:05:07I'm very sorry, ma'am. I it's a terrible thing and I didn't mean to be insensitive. I
00:05:17Understand you were a policeman once I
00:05:19I would like to hire you to help me to find out who did this
00:05:35I'm not in that business anymore. Oh
00:05:40As you can see I've left that all behind me I'm not a cop anymore
00:05:44Now I write about what I did
00:05:48Scheduled to be questioned again this afternoon. I need your help
00:05:52I'm sorry my lawyer who was my husband's lawyer
00:05:56What's nothing to do with me and all the other lawyers in this town want nothing to do with me?
00:06:01They all grew up with my husband. You see
00:06:06Well, I'm very sorry goddammit we're all sorry
00:06:09He was your colleague you knew him not really I
00:06:15They think I did it
00:06:17Or that I had some part in it or that I planned it or that I
00:06:24If you can account for your whereabouts you have an alibi I can't
00:06:31I'll tell you what I
00:06:33Know some people who can help
00:06:35It seems to me that you would want to know who did this I do we all do but believe me you can do better than me
00:06:42These people are professionals
00:06:52Here we go
00:07:06This is a beautiful buck your husband bag, mrs. Lon
00:07:10They look nice in this gear
00:07:12Where'd your husband hot round here?
00:07:15Those are mine actually
00:07:19Well that 30 out six is a beauty she must be a pretty good shot mrs. Locke
00:07:29Have they found her yet? No, but we will
00:07:40Still some things I need to discuss with you details. I gotta fill in let's start with the
00:07:49Insurance policies, of course. Why else would I kill him if not for the money?
00:07:57There are two policies
00:08:02Why eat umbrellas white pairs of shoes white wrinkles?
00:08:06There are two children any idea why somebody
00:08:10Would choose to do this on your anniversary
00:08:18Any idea why somebody would use a musket instead of say 30 out six
00:08:33Maybe not to have somebody just come and be with you
00:08:42There anybody I could call
00:08:46Contact for you a friend
00:08:55Is it long
00:09:23This is professor DeWalt, I'm not in my office right now, please leave a message
00:09:29Professor DeWalt
00:09:31This is Elizabeth Lawton
00:09:34I'm sorry. I left so abruptly
00:09:38the police were just here and I think I am I'm in a lot of trouble and
00:09:46I'm sorry to bother you again, but I have nowhere else to turn
00:10:45Hey your mom around oh, oh
00:10:51Hi, uh, let's see you left before I could give this to you
00:10:55it's a
00:10:56list of
00:10:57Names addresses of different agencies you might contact
00:11:05It's a pretty paltry gesture I uh, I agree
00:11:10But I have to admit
00:11:13I'm just not the man for the job. I'm just trying to be honest with you
00:11:19Then why lie about knowing him I didn't lie
00:11:24Your name is on the desk calendar in his office
00:11:28I can't imagine why
00:11:31If your husband meant to call me for whatever reason he never followed through
00:11:37That's all I like him
00:11:39Baby, if I don't finish the damn research you can't finish the damn book
00:11:45You know that Saturday morning is the only time
00:11:54Hey, here's what you do
00:11:57You call Bruno and you make us a reservation for 830 tonight. All right
00:12:07I gotta go baby. Oh
00:12:10You don't have to be there right the moment the library opens, you know
00:12:15The world is not gonna come to an end. I'm a creature of habit. What can I say?
00:12:23Approximately how long had your husband been engaged in this?
00:12:31Every Saturday morning for a
00:12:35Year and a half
00:12:39When I called the library and she wasn't there I started looking for you I
00:12:47Couldn't even find his car
00:12:49And I went to his office then I went to the library the librarian had not seen him there on a Saturday morning ever
00:13:00Next Saturday, I was ready
00:13:24Okay, just stay with Nikki
00:13:33Know what you're thinking. You don't have to say
00:13:38It was stupid of me to leave the kids alone like that what if something would have happened to them when I was gone
00:13:46Yeah, but nothing happened no, but it could have I hate myself for doing that
00:14:28Come on
00:14:42The next Saturday forwarding again, I got more than I bargained for
00:15:18Got to go
00:15:26Be good he was a creature of habit just like he always said
00:15:37And all this time your husband never knew I
00:15:41Had to know more first everything
00:15:44Who was she?
00:15:45What does she do? Where did he meet her?
00:15:48What did they talk about?
00:15:51Why her?
00:15:59Finally after a couple of months, I just couldn't stomach it anymore. It's just that I was
00:16:07Was our anniversary?
00:16:12Just that one time maybe
00:16:19Rodney Gillen, who is this? Do you know where your wife is right now?
00:16:24Your wife is in the backseat of my husband's car being fucked as we speak
00:16:32It wasn't long before I started thinking I
00:16:35Mean, I don't even know this guy
00:16:38What if he's what if he goes crazy with this? What if he's violent or dangerous?
00:16:45Or was that what I wanted?
00:16:50Well, there at least you provoked
00:16:54At the very worst you hired Ryan to do the killing
00:17:01I'm in trouble. Aren't I? That's not for me to say
00:17:06If you want to help me please help my kids
00:17:13But just so you understand miss Slotn
00:17:16I'm out of shape physically and I'm out of practice
00:17:21And I tend to think the worst of people. I'm also very old-fashioned when it comes to the truth. I
00:17:28Have a bad habit of spilling it even when people don't want to hear
00:17:36So you understand mr. Dewalt I have nothing to fear from the truth
00:17:53You don't like my coffee
00:17:56No, I'm I'm doing yes. Um, no, could I talk to you for a minute?
00:18:02Well, I don't know Ernie. I'll be missing some killer tips here. Oh
00:18:07well, um
00:18:10Tell me about Jerry
00:18:12Did you all here know that that she was at home
00:18:15Dating this fellow. Dr. Lawton
00:18:18Well, we knew she flirted with him, but she flirted with every guy she ever waited on
00:18:22She made more tips than the rest of us put together
00:18:25She ever talked about her husband Ronnie
00:18:27He's a nutcase in what way?
00:18:35Rodney like to watch her with his friends. That's how he got off
00:18:42And the drugs
00:18:43He did a lot of drugs
00:18:45What kind of drugs?
00:18:47kind of drugs you got
00:18:49Jerry too
00:18:51Hey, hey
00:18:53Are you writing another book?
00:18:56What if I am you'll be in it, well, I want to use my real name
00:19:00Okay, but I want to be taller and with a 38 inch
00:19:03I hope it didn't get you too excited
00:19:13She's a married woman Ernie
00:19:16Arrest you for what you're thinking
00:19:18You could arrest us both
00:19:26So do I get in
00:19:28And get the 50-cent tour with me as you guys win tomorrow boys want to go through one last time
00:19:37So request his wife make an offer you couldn't refuse
00:19:41Don't be crass Larry
00:19:44grieving widow and the mother of two youngs
00:19:47Yeah, but how she looked
00:19:53So, what do we got
00:19:56We've got one civil war buff with a musket ball in his brain pain
00:20:02And about the ball itself, have you learned anything from that
00:20:05Ballistics is trying to make a match slug. It's like a pancake take months. We know one thing
00:20:13None of Alex's musket collections been fired in over a hundred years all rusted up inside the barrel
00:20:20What about Rodney
00:20:22He's got 22 revolver uses a target practice compared to local citizenry. He's practically
00:20:32Is he gonna be there tomorrow
00:20:34Afraid not. Oh
00:20:36He's spooked
00:20:39Don't you find that suspicious
00:20:41suspicious, yes
00:20:43proof of guilt
00:20:45It's hard to say hey, yeah, you know range still trying to make a baby five times a day
00:20:52Maybe you're cut down
00:20:55Having too much fun. No where I mean the car
00:20:59What are you talking about?
00:21:01lowers the count
00:21:40See you back in the game a sport
00:21:42Good. I'm really glad to see it, because, uh, I was beginning to worry about you.
00:21:51How about that perky little widow, huh? She put the starch back in your trousers.
00:21:56Don't do that.
00:21:58Don't pretend you don't like it.
00:22:09Want some?
00:23:13That's so good.
00:23:34My name's Ernest DeWalt, and, uh...
00:23:37Lena! Get in the house.
00:23:42Come on.
00:23:54Morning, gentlemen.
00:23:56Good to meet you.
00:24:01I do a little investigative work for Elizabeth Lawton.
00:24:03Who's she supposed to be?
00:24:05Well, Alex Lawton's the fella who got himself shot last Saturday, uh, down by the river on your property here.
00:24:11Elizabeth's widow.
00:24:12Who said that's my property?
00:24:14Court records.
00:24:18Seems to me, uh, you'd have been able to hear a gunshot up here, or a woman screaming, certainly.
00:24:24Must have been around 10, 11 a.m. or so.
00:24:28We don't pay much attention to what time it is around here.
00:24:31I guess not.
00:24:34Anyway, I, uh, I came up, uh, up the path.
00:24:37This path up through, uh, this woods of yours back here?
00:24:41I hear tell the police found a couple of strands of Jerry Gillen's hair snagged on a branch out there.
00:24:47You hear these voices often, do you?
00:24:56Yeah, right.
00:25:07How long you been having problems with your back?
00:25:09Well, it's my kidney.
00:25:11I was born with just the one.
00:25:14You on dialysis?
00:25:15No, sir.
00:25:18I won't let anybody hook any wires or pipes up to me. I'd just soon blow my head off.
00:25:23I wouldn't mind having one of them transplants, though.
00:25:26You two are finished tapping here. Some of us got work to do.
00:25:33Well, thanks for your help, boys.
00:25:42Now, where's Jerry?
00:25:43Bottom of the river. Bloodhound didn't pick up a cent.
00:25:49You all are playing this as a straight double homicide, right?
00:25:52Till Jerry Gillen turns up as queen of the county fair.
00:25:58Oh, uh, did you hear about a, um, a theft down at Fort Pulaski in Savannah a couple weeks ago?
00:26:08Yeah, I read about it in the papers.
00:26:10Several artifacts missing, including a Civil War rifle.
00:26:16You gonna check it out?
00:26:18Make a phone call.
00:26:19Get an inventory list from the museum.
00:26:24That's a good idea, Ernie.
00:26:26I would have never thought of that.
00:27:08What's up?
00:27:10Hey, what's up? What you doing, man?
00:27:13Quite a sound, guys. Very distinct.
00:27:17You wanna hire us or something?
00:27:18No, no, uh, I'm, uh...
00:27:22Now, uh, my name's Ernie DeWalt. I'm, uh, looking into the disappearance of Jerry Gillen.
00:27:27I think he's talking about Rodney's wife.
00:27:32Now, you all got another gig coming up?
00:27:34Theta Chi House, every Friday night.
00:27:36Even without Rodney?
00:27:38What kind of choice do we have?
00:27:39Yeah, like my fire's gonna sound real good without a keyboard.
00:27:45Well, any idea where I might find Rodney?
00:27:47Try Jamaica.
00:27:49Follow your nose.
00:27:50Well, rock on, dudes.
00:27:52Yeah, rock on, man.
00:27:54Rock on!
00:28:01What you looking at?
00:28:04Weird dude.
00:28:05Oh, yeah?
00:28:27Give it to me.
00:28:29Give it to me.
00:28:36Morning, gentlemen.
00:28:39Professor DeWalt.
00:28:40Hi, how's it going?
00:28:42Hey, Jimmy. How you doing?
00:28:44Didn't mean to disturb your breakfast there.
00:28:46Uh, no, that's... that's okay.
00:28:49Uh, was there a...
00:28:50As a matter of fact, there is something you can do for me.
00:28:52See, I'm, uh, working with the police concerning the murder of that Dr. Lawton.
00:28:57And I was wondering if you all could tell me anything about the whereabouts of, uh, Rodney Gillen.
00:29:05That would be Craig, I guess. Craig Fox?
00:29:08He's the president of the fraternity, so he's the one who books the groups and everything.
00:29:12Sure, I know Craig. He's in one of my classes.
00:29:15You know where I might find him?
00:29:19Well, I don't know.
00:29:22Oh, uh, keep up the studies.
00:29:35Jesus Christ!
00:29:37My parents are gonna disown me when they see this mess.
00:29:40Frankly, Craig-o, I don't give a damn.
00:29:43Rodney, you gotta hook me up, man. I'm gonna need some more coke.
00:29:47No can do, Craig-o.
00:29:50Come on, buddy.
00:29:52It's Christmas.
00:29:59Man, you are really beautiful in a pathetic kind of way.
00:30:02And because I love you, man, I'm gonna do this for you one last time.
00:30:06Friday night.
00:30:08You're the best.
00:30:27All these from the Civil War?
00:30:28I believe so.
00:30:29Looks like museum-quality stuff.
00:30:32But it wasn't enough.
00:30:34I was always looking for something different.
00:30:36Something more.
00:30:42Where's the sheet with my numbers on it?
00:30:45The police took them.
00:30:47The police took them.
00:30:57I came here one day.
00:31:00I forget exactly why.
00:31:04I guess he didn't hear me coming.
00:31:07It was, uh, six, maybe seven months ago.
00:31:11I come in and I see him kneeling.
00:31:13Like this.
00:31:15With his head under the table.
00:31:17And, uh, when I asked him what he was doing, he said the table felt wobbly.
00:31:22He was shaking it.
00:31:26It was only later after I realized that maybe I shouldn't have believed everything he told me.
00:31:31Apparently they were taken last summer.
00:31:34There's a date on the envelope.
00:31:36You can do what you want with them.
00:31:38I don't care to see them again.
00:31:45It's not your fault, you know.
00:31:48You must believe that.
00:31:54I'm sorry.
00:31:56I'm sorry.
00:31:58I'm sorry.
00:32:00I'm sorry.
00:32:02I'm sorry.
00:32:04I'm sorry.
00:32:06I'm sorry.
00:32:24All right.
00:32:27Okay. It's all set. Come on.
00:32:30I'm not getting naked unless you get naked.
00:32:35What the hell?
00:32:37There's no way.
00:32:39Come on. There you go. Come on.
00:32:44Come on. Get in.
00:32:48Come on.
00:33:08Come here, baby.
00:33:10That's right. Come here.
00:33:38Come on.
00:33:40I got you.
00:34:07I got you.
00:34:37I got you.
00:34:57You know, Alex, once a week just isn't enough anymore.
00:35:02I'm serious.
00:35:04I want it every morning.
00:35:07I want it twice every afternoon.
00:35:11Three times every night.
00:35:15You must think I'm a machine.
00:35:32When are we going to have our weekend together?
00:35:37I don't know.
00:36:07I don't know.
00:36:40Mrs. Lawton, I...
00:37:01Mrs. Lawton, Detective Abbott would like to ask you a few questions,
00:37:04but you're not obliged to answer unless you're feeling up to it.
00:37:07All right.
00:37:14What time did you go to bed last night?
00:37:1711, 11.30. I don't really know.
00:37:21You keep all your doors and windows locked up?
00:37:27Where do you keep your cat at night?
00:37:30Wandering the house, I guess.
00:37:32She has a litter box in the pantry.
00:37:38Any prints?
00:37:43Okay. Thank you.
00:37:47Detective Brown and I will take a stroll around.
00:37:53Maybe we could find some footprints.
00:38:02Let's go find some footprints.
00:38:04Well, I can't just sit here all day.
00:38:07I'd better go disinfect that sink.
00:38:10I'll clean it up. You go ahead and get dressed.
00:38:13You don't have to do that.
00:38:15I don't mind housework.
00:38:17To me, it induces a meditative state.
00:38:18I know what you're thinking,
00:38:20and I'm having a real hard time trying to picture her
00:38:22whacking off a cat's head
00:38:24and shoving it down the garbage disposal
00:38:26just because she thinks
00:38:28she might throw you all off the scent.
00:38:30Could be.
00:38:32Yeah, kitty, kitty.
00:38:34Well, I'm going to get dressed.
00:38:36I'm going to get dressed.
00:38:38I'm going to get dressed.
00:38:40I'm going to get dressed.
00:38:42I'm going to get dressed.
00:38:44I'm going to get dressed.
00:38:46I'm going to get dressed.
00:38:48I'm going to get dressed.
00:39:12No sign of four-step tree.
00:39:14No footprints in the flowerbed.
00:39:15Past six months, there have been two withdrawals from the professor's retirement.
00:39:20Almost $10,000.
00:39:24What for?
00:39:25You tell me.
00:39:28You find Jerry and her husband, you look up their noses, you'll find your evidence.
00:39:34Oh, wait a second, Ernie.
00:39:36Think about this.
00:39:39A guy with a passion for the Civil War gets dusted with what appears to be a Civil War rifle.
00:39:45Now, what better weapon to kill him with than something he's always wanted?
00:39:49Even more than sex.
00:39:51Bought with his own money.
00:39:53That's some anniversary present.
00:39:57You check out that robbery yet?
00:39:59Down at the museum in Georgia?
00:40:03Well, come on, Larry.
00:40:05Make some phone calls, send the guy down there.
00:40:07For God's sakes, it's only two hours away.
00:40:09Slow down here.
00:40:10Let's not forget who I take my orders from.
00:40:13Just know this, Ernest.
00:40:15Because of you, and only because of you, that she's not already in custody.
00:40:20Bye-bye. I love you.
00:40:23Don't worry.
00:40:24Thank you so much.
00:40:25Take good care of them. I'll call you tomorrow.
00:40:36Bye, Mom.
00:40:38Bye, Mommy.
00:40:48I feel like somebody's pounding nails into my heart.
00:40:54I brought these.
00:40:55Thought you might put them under the Christmas tree.
00:41:00Thank you very much.
00:41:04Mrs. Lawton?
00:41:06Are you aware of any recent withdrawals from Alex's retirement fund?
00:41:12I have been.
00:41:20Once in January.
00:41:22Another back in June.
00:41:25Oh, my.
00:41:27Ninety-eight hundred dollars.
00:41:32I want you to try and think back,
00:41:34and see if you can account for any trips or major purchases you all might have made,
00:41:38or anything else you might have spent it on.
00:41:41How could you do this to us?
00:41:52Would you like to come to dinner tonight?
00:42:01Yes, ma'am. That'd be nice.
00:42:19Come over here, Ernie.
00:42:32You getting anywhere?
00:42:38You know, if you don't stop ignoring me like this...
00:42:42sooner or later, you just might hurt my feelings.
00:42:45Figments of imagination don't have any feelings.
00:42:49Yeah, ask me.
00:42:51You got yourself a whole plethora of feelings.
00:42:58You taught me that word.
00:43:06I taught you everything.
00:43:11Maybe it's time for me to teach you a little something.
00:43:39I stopped by the other day to talk about that incident down at the inlet.
00:43:43I thought I might just drop by and chat a little bit with your husband.
00:43:46He ain't here.
00:43:48Oh, shoot.
00:43:49Drape around?
00:43:51No, they went off together.
00:43:53Son of a gun.
00:43:56They didn't have to go down to the inlet to go fishing, did they?
00:44:00Okay, well...
00:44:05You know...
00:44:08I just keep thinking about that gunshot.
00:44:12You know, the way the sound carries down that river over the water?
00:44:17It just seems to me so unlikely that none of y'all would have heard anything.
00:44:23I don't know.
00:44:24It just seems to me so unlikely that none of y'all would have heard anything.
00:44:30It just seems more reasonable that you would have heard something.
00:44:34Doesn't it seem that way to you?
00:44:38And by the same token, Alita...
00:44:41You don't mind if I call her Alita, do you?
00:44:43Such a pretty name.
00:44:45And by the same token...
00:44:49If you heard a gunshot or a scream, it doesn't make you responsible for it, does it?
00:44:57A gunshot could sound like anything.
00:45:00It could be something falling off a roof, a broken branch, a car backfiring.
00:45:05It might have been anything.
00:45:07Yes, ma'am.
00:45:08But, you know, what I'm wondering is...
00:45:12What time it was when you heard what might or might not have been a gunshot?
00:45:17Middle of the morning is the best I can say.
00:45:21And Draper, he was inside with you, canned vegetables, as I recall.
00:45:26Some of that good pick-a-lily.
00:45:28And Clifford, now, he would have been outside here in the yard,
00:45:32probably working on that old pickup truck of his.
00:45:34But now, if you heard the gunshot inside,
00:45:36then that just goes to figure Clifford would have heard it outside.
00:45:40Now, I didn't say that, did I?
00:45:43No, ma'am, you didn't.
00:45:45You didn't.
00:45:48Have a pleasant day, you hear?
00:46:12Damn, I'll be back.
00:46:17What's in it?
00:46:18What are you talking about?
00:46:20What's in it?
00:46:21What's in it?
00:46:28The killer, the killer, the killer.
00:46:31Oh, my.
00:46:35It's a woman.
00:46:36Shut your face.
00:46:38What's in it?
00:46:42It was absolutely fabulous.
00:46:45I'd forgotten how good a home-cooked meal can be.
00:46:49And Italian, no less.
00:46:51You're a man of simple pleasures, aren't you?
00:46:54Well, at my age, simple ones are always left.
00:46:57At your age?
00:46:59Hey, you're in the prime of your life.
00:47:02No, I peaked early.
00:47:09Come on, you didn't even touch your wine.
00:47:11I drank it all, look.
00:47:14You did?
00:47:20Actually, I had something of a problem with alcohol one time.
00:47:25Oh, Ernie, I'm sorry.
00:47:27What can I get you now?
00:47:28No, no, no, sit. I'm fine.
00:47:30I don't hide from it, I just don't touch it.
00:47:35But doesn't that make it harder to just have it right there in front of you?
00:47:45You, uh...
00:47:47Have you given any further thought to that financial business we discussed earlier?
00:47:52No, God knows I've tried.
00:47:54I just can't account for all that money he spent. I can't.
00:47:59Did, um, Alex ever complain about a lost house key?
00:48:03No, not that I can remember, no.
00:48:07You think it was Rodney who came here last night?
00:48:11That he has a key that he got from Jerry?
00:48:13Well, it's my guess that Alex and Jerry didn't spend all their time together parked out at the inlet.
00:48:21They must have taken some long rides, like to the beach or whatever.
00:48:25And it wouldn't have been all that difficult for her to make a duplicate without his knowledge.
00:48:35Why would she want a key to our house? So she could rob us?
00:48:40Cocaine's an expensive habit.
00:48:44She used drugs?
00:48:47But Alex wouldn't even take an aspirin.
00:48:51He wouldn't ever. He couldn't have known.
00:48:55Then again, how could he see her time after time after time and not even...
00:49:11I'll get some water to clean that up. Excuse me.
00:49:51I'm glad you're dead.
00:49:54I'm glad you're dead, you hear me?
00:49:57I wish I could kill you myself.
00:50:02Turn it off, Ernie, please.
00:50:05Turn it off.
00:50:07Turn it off.
00:50:08Turn it off, Ernie, please.
00:50:11Turn it off.
00:50:31Can I ask you something?
00:50:34I think you just did.
00:50:39How is it for you to live alone?
00:50:47I'm a vimful.
00:50:55Why are you alone?
00:50:57Jesus, it's hot in here.
00:51:00I need to get some air.
00:51:03A part of you thinks I might have done it.
00:51:09The best part of me knows that you didn't.
00:51:27And none of this would have happened if I would have been more...
00:51:32I don't know, if I would have been more...
00:51:35Please, don't.
00:51:36Please, don't.
00:51:39Not even for a moment.
00:51:44You cut yourself.
00:51:46Let me get something to put on that.
00:51:48No, Ernie.
00:51:54I'll be right back.
00:52:07Getting involved with the suspect?
00:52:10You've got to be more professional, lover boy.
00:52:36Did you use to catch little lizards when you were a boy?
00:52:40Little lizards?
00:53:05It's time for me to go home.
00:53:08It's too late for that.
00:53:12Don't be alone tonight, Ernie. Please.
00:53:57No, wait.
00:54:01I've done this in my dreams a hundred times.
00:54:04I'm sorry.
00:55:53Are you...
00:55:55I'm sorry.
00:56:04I'm sorry.
00:56:34Goddamn fucking wife.
00:57:04Goddamn fucking wife.
00:57:34Goddamn fucking wife.
00:58:04Goddamn fucking wife.
00:58:31Goddamn fucking wife.
00:58:32Goddamn fucking wife.
00:58:34Goddamn fucking wife.
00:58:37Goddamn fucking wife.
00:58:41Goddamn fucking wife.
00:58:44Goddamn fucking wife.
00:58:48You really have to limit the amount of liquids you consume in a day, including water.
00:58:52You go easy on coffee and tea and no more alcohol.
00:58:55You mean no more than previously.
00:58:57I mean no more than now.
00:58:59As far as you're concerned, a glass of beer is a glass of poison.
00:59:02But that's what I always liked about it.
00:59:05I'm going to put you on a low-potassium, sodium-restricted diet.
00:59:09You'll tire more easily. You'll require more sleep than you used to.
00:59:12But these are lifestyle changes, nothing more.
00:59:15You can lead a normal, active life.
00:59:17The only physical limitation associated with your condition is the stigma in your own head.
00:59:32Where are you, Ernie?
00:59:36Over here.
00:59:48You know where I think you are?
00:59:59Up a creek without a paddle?
01:00:02It's not my location that puzzles me.
01:00:06Where would my Rottman get himself a musket?
01:00:11Sears and Roebuck, maybe.
01:00:20The question isn't where, but why.
01:00:30So there was a rifle stolen.
01:00:33I think in 1861 or so.
01:00:36Tell me, is there any way to do ballistics on one of those?
01:00:40Well, today's technology, if we had it, we could do it.
01:00:48I don't think so.
01:00:50I don't think so.
01:00:52I don't think so.
01:00:54I don't think so.
01:00:55If we had it, we could do it.
01:01:00You think Rottman was in on this robbery?
01:01:03Well, there's every good reason to suspect he was, yes.
01:01:07Now, if Alex stole the rifle, and if that rifle is a murder weapon,
01:01:12who besides him would have access to it?
01:01:25Oh, God!
01:01:43Greg Fox?
01:01:55Greg Fox?
01:02:25Greg Fox?
01:02:55Greg Fox?
01:03:25Greg Fox?
01:03:47How the hell was I supposed to know this was going to happen?
01:03:50I'm just going to take one look at that dead cat and go,
01:03:52I'm scared now, man.
01:03:54I'm going to run right to the police and tell them Rodney didn't do anything.
01:03:57I did.
01:03:59Well, you didn't think it was such a stupid idea the other day, did you?
01:04:02You said, we'll scare her and she'll confess.
01:04:04I'm a lot smarter now, man.
01:04:06I'm a lot smarter now.
01:04:11Oh, no, not now.
01:04:23You'll take me to Florida.
01:04:25What, are you out of your mind, man?
01:04:27You are such a dick!
01:04:31We aren't doing shit!
01:04:33You take my truck.
01:04:35Oh, no, no, no, Jimmy Joe!
01:04:37That ain't the way it's going to go down,
01:04:39because as soon as I leave here, man, you're going to the fucking cops, man.
01:04:42So we're taking a little trip to Florida, man.
01:04:45We're taking a little trip to Florida, man.
01:04:47We're taking a little trip to Florida, man.
01:04:49You're going to the fucking cops, man.
01:04:51So we're taking a little trip, and we're taking it right now.
01:04:56Really sorry about that, Rodney.
01:05:02You little preppy prick, man.
01:05:04Let's just suck on this.
01:05:06Come on, man. What are you doing?
01:05:13All right, Jesus, guys.
01:05:15Time out, for Christ's sake.
01:05:19Come on.
01:05:45Oh, shit.
01:05:47We've got some company.
01:05:49Who the fuck is that?
01:05:51Professor Waltz.
01:05:53What the fuck is he doing here?
01:05:55I don't fucking know!
01:05:57Get the car, Rodney!
01:06:00What the fuck are you doing?
01:06:02Shut the fuck up!
01:06:16Come on, man!
01:06:20That's the last we've seen of that guy.
01:06:22I hope so.
01:06:45Oh, fuck.
01:06:47Oh, shit!
01:06:50Oh, no!
01:07:08Oh, shit.
01:07:19Hey, drop the gun now!
01:07:42Hey, Merry Christmas.
01:07:44Fuck off.
01:07:50How about a little explanation?
01:08:05Can you let me out a few minutes?
01:08:07I don't feel so good.
01:08:09Do I look like a chump to you, Ernie?
01:08:12Why didn't you pick up the goddamn phone?
01:08:15I put my ass on the line for you.
01:08:17You can't make a phone call.
01:08:20I'm sorry, Larry.
01:08:23You know what the hell went on out there?
01:08:25Come on, level with me.
01:08:27I will if you just let me out of here.
01:08:31You're lucky Beavis and Butthead won't say anything.
01:08:35Otherwise, the D.A. will throw an assault charge at you.
01:08:38Larry, let me get out of here.
01:08:42You should take a look at yourself, Ernie.
01:08:47You look like shit.
01:08:49I know, Larry.
01:08:51I gotta go fix myself up.
01:09:02Open this up.
01:09:50What's going on?
01:09:52I just got a phone call from the D.A.'s office.
01:09:55Well, that doesn't mean you're going to jail.
01:09:57Would they let me wear my own clothes?
01:10:01You're not going to jail?
01:10:05You're not going to jail?
01:10:09You're not going to jail?
01:10:13You're not going to jail?
01:10:17You're not going to jail?
01:10:21Oh, come on, Elizabeth.
01:10:23There's no way a judge is going to order a trial now.
01:10:25They've assigned me a lawyer, right?
01:10:27What do you think that means?
01:10:29Bob Greenspan.
01:10:32Well, good, good.
01:10:34Bob Greenspan.
01:10:36He's very good.
01:10:38He's the best.
01:10:40You'll see.
01:10:42Why did you leave?
01:10:44Oh, that?
01:10:46I had work to do.
01:10:49Did you see the fox?
01:10:51Did you think that you could sneak away like that
01:10:53in the middle of the night
01:10:55and I wouldn't even notice?
01:10:59You couldn't even bring yourself to make love to me.
01:11:03You wouldn't even take off your clothes.
01:11:11I needed you.
01:11:24It's called continuous ambulatory
01:11:26peritoneal dialysis.
01:11:29I have to hook myself up to two bags
01:11:32and flush myself out every six hours.
01:11:37It's what I have instead of kidneys.
01:11:40I was shot here and here.
01:11:45Do you think that would have made a difference for me?
01:11:46That's why I left.
01:11:51Not because I didn't want to stay
01:11:54but because it's
01:11:57it's not very pretty, is it?
01:12:05I didn't think it would make things very romantic.
01:12:09I was
01:12:11I was
01:12:13I was
01:12:14I was
01:12:16I was embarrassed.
01:12:33I've got a confession to make.
01:12:40Sometimes I think I did kill him.
01:12:41I've tried to tell you all this time
01:12:43but I don't want to spoil our
01:12:52You know, the truth is
01:12:56the truth is
01:13:00I should have never let this get started.
01:13:02All of a sudden it's kept my concentration
01:13:04from dealing with the business at hand.
01:13:07It's confusing that business might be.
01:13:09So I ask you
01:13:11what can I do for you now?
01:13:15Mrs. Walton.
01:13:19Be there for me
01:13:21Mr. Walton.
01:13:38You know, I do a lot of traveling
01:13:40but I never go anywhere.
01:13:49Anybody in there?
01:15:58No way, partner.
01:16:00Not like this.
01:16:02Get out.
01:16:04Go on.
01:16:06Leave me.
01:16:08Leave me in peace.
01:16:12I can't live like this.
01:16:19I can't live like this.
01:16:21I can't live like this.
01:16:23I can't live like this.
01:16:25I can't live like this.
01:16:27I can't live like this.
01:16:51Uh we need, we need an ambulance here
01:16:52at the Jude residence
01:16:53Draper Jude
01:16:55It's at Route 38
01:16:56Uh, about, about seven miles north of town, uh, yes, ma'am.
01:17:07Oh, and do me a favor.
01:17:08Uh, call, uh, uh, Detective Larry Abbott at, at Charleston Homicide.
01:17:12And, uh, get him out of here quick.
01:17:39I see that nowcamel!
01:17:52Move, now, move!
01:17:56Fireman, if I know those two, they've got a fucking munitions bump in there.
01:18:51On the same day.
01:18:54You see a date, time stamped on this thing?
01:19:03No, what I see is a piece of inadmissible evidence from a tourist attraction.
01:19:12You know as well as I would bring this down at the city hall.
01:19:15The DA is gonna piss all over our shoes.
01:19:18Yeah, maybe Abbott, but look, for the last 16 months, Alex and Jerry spent every Saturday morning a half mile down through those woods.
01:19:26You think the Jewish didn't know about that? Hell, he probably paid them rent, 10, 20 dollars each time, maybe, I don't know.
01:19:33Then he hears about this exhibition down at Fort Pulaski.
01:19:37So he takes a trip down to Georgia, he takes Jerry with him, and what does he see there but what he's wanted all his life?
01:19:43A 1770s Revolutionary War flintlock musket.
01:19:50Now, Rodney won't steal it, so who's left? Who else is available?
01:19:56Take Lita along, he says, see the pretty houses, stroll through the gardens.
01:20:01And one of them, probably Lita, brings back a souvenir and Draper brings back a long-carried musket.
01:20:06An 1860s war between the states rifle.
01:20:09Now Alex already has some of those, so he's not going to pay for it.
01:20:13And Draper blows him away.
01:20:27That's a good story.
01:20:34I've got to go break the news to Clifford and Alita.
01:20:43Hey Ernie, keep dreaming.
01:20:57Think about me.
01:21:10They're watching again.
01:21:13You used to be a detective for Christ's sake, start detective.
01:21:23I'll find you.
01:21:35Get the hell out of here.
01:21:37Here's your musket.
01:21:39What are you doing with that?
01:21:40I told you that's not the goddamn one I want, you moron.
01:21:43Now go on, get out of here, you stupid hillbilly.
01:21:46Go on, get out.
01:21:48Don't point.
01:22:11Get out.
01:22:12Well, that was smart.
01:22:14Come on, little brother.
01:22:15Help me.
01:22:16Move it.
01:22:19Where would you hide a body?
01:22:23Where even the dogs can't find it.
01:22:40Come on, easy.
01:22:54Pull it out, pull it out.
01:22:56Okay, go.
01:23:10I'll stay back.
01:23:40I made a deal with Alita, picked up Clifford yesterday.
01:24:04Hey, Brian and I would like to have you over for dinner.
01:24:08We'd like you to bring your lady friend, not just the three of us again.
01:24:14That'd be nice, Larry, thanks.
01:24:17Is it going to be okay with Elizabeth?
01:24:19Oh, yeah, sure, it'll be okay.
01:24:21I'll explain it all to her.
01:24:22I was a cop once, we all make mistakes.
01:24:23I got you covered.
01:24:27Hey, you were right about that.
01:24:33Lorraine's pregnant.
01:24:37I'm telling you, I mean, look, if I were you, I'd watch the coffee intake now.
01:25:08This is a real nice place they got here.
01:25:22There just might be another novel in all this.
01:25:31I'm gonna come and get you.
01:25:33You don't need me anymore.
01:25:38I think you're right.
01:25:43Merry Christmas, Ernest.
01:26:07Merry Christmas.
01:28:37Merry Christmas.