Rocky And Bullwinkle Starring In Bullwinkle's Masterpiece

  • il y a 18 heures
00:30Oh, Bullwinkle the Moose, and a host of others.
00:37Hurry, Bullwinkle, the show's about to start.
00:40I'm coming as fast as I can.
00:43Wave to the people.
00:48Now what are you doing?
00:49Signing autographs.
00:51This is John Smith.
00:53But your name is Bullwinkle.
00:56I know, but that's hard to spell.
01:01We're gonna have a lot of fun.
01:04Come on and join us.
01:06Sure, there's always room for one more.
01:19Today our story begins at the National Art Gallery in France.
01:22A fabulous collection of paintings dating back many hundreds of years
01:25and including thousands of old masters.
01:27So valuable are these pictures that every room in the gallery
01:30is watched by not one, but two guards.
01:32Guards whose loyalty is unquestionable.
01:34Guards who are honest, faithful, and...
01:37How about true blue?
01:39But you're not...
01:41But you're not guards.
01:43You're Boris Baranov and Natasha Fatal.
01:45Right, darling.
01:46Well, what are you doing here?
01:48Just waiting for you to introduce us.
01:50Come on, Natasha.
01:51And in less time than it takes to tell,
01:53the two crooks had cut ten old masters from their frames.
01:56Natasha quickly rolled them around Boris
01:58just as the door opened and the museum director walked in.
02:01Ah, bonjour, Pierre, Marcel.
02:03Bonjour, darling.
02:04Hmm, putting on a little weight, aren't you, Pierre?
02:06Not for long.
02:08Where are you going?
02:09It's time for Crepe Suzette break.
02:11Crepe Suzette break?
02:12And I never like to keep Suzette waiting.
02:14Come on, Marcel.
02:15And the two villains dashed out just as the director said.
02:18Sacré bleu, mille tonnerre,
02:20and all the mild French expressions.
02:22Stop them!
02:23But he was a little too late.
02:24The two villains were already dashing through the alleys of Paris.
02:27However, the French police were not to be caught napping.
02:31I said the French police were not to be caught napping.
02:35Oui, oui.
02:36Calling all gendarmes.
02:37Calling all gendarmes.
02:38Bonsoir, messieurs.
02:40And so, within moments, the whole area was surrounded by police.
02:43Boris, if they find the paintings on us, we are kaput.
02:46How do we hide them?
02:47Don't worry, Natasha.
02:49Boris, you got fiendish plan?
02:51When don't I got fiendish plan?
02:53Sure enough, the wily thief had wrapped the paintings in a package ready for mailing.
02:56And as his partner watched, he dropped it in the nearest pillow box.
02:59Now, how do we make our escape?
03:01It's a snap.
03:02And sure enough, as dozens of French gendarmes watched wide-eyed,
03:05an odd-looking couple strolled down the rue de la Paix.
03:08Blonde, mille tonnerre, look there.
03:10He's nothing to average American tourists.
03:13Are you sure?
03:14Am I sure?
03:15Look, he's throwing away dollar bills.
03:17Oui, he must be an American.
03:19Besides, he obviously doesn't have the painting.
03:21And so the two villains strolled right through the police cordon.
03:24But as the gendarmes looked more closely at the bills...
03:26Hey, Henri.
03:28This is the first picture I ever see of Washington with a mustache.
03:31Hmm, no wonder he shaved it off.
03:33He looks terrible.
03:34Could he be a counterfeit?
03:35Hey, watch what you say about George Washington.
03:38You want to break up NATO?
03:40Never the more.
03:41This dollar is, how you say, the phony baloney.
03:45And the police once again took up the chase, but too late.
03:48A short time later, Boris and Natasha were on a jet plane heading for...
03:52Yes, where are we headed, Boris?
03:54To pick up the package we mailed.
03:56Where did you address it, darling?
03:57Think, Natasha.
03:59Who could you send a million-dollar package to?
04:01He'd be dumb enough to give it back.
04:03You don't mean...
04:04Yes, I do.
04:06Yes, that package, which arrived at its destination a few days later, was addressed to...
04:09Bullring to Moose Cross Bad Falls, Minnesota.
04:12That's me, all righty.
04:14You're expecting a parcel from Paris, France?
04:17Of course not. This is a family show.
04:19Oh, boy. Sign here.
04:21Did you send away for anything, Bullwinkle?
04:23Just some wallpaper samples, Rock.
04:25Wallpaper samples?
04:26Yeah. I've been thinking of doing over the chicken coop.
04:29The chicken coop?
04:30Well, it looks as if Bullwinkle may have the most valuable chicken coop on Earth.
04:33You bet. These buff Orpingtons don't come cheap, you know.
04:36But remember, Boris and Natasha are on their way to get the painting back,
04:39and they'll let nothing stand in their way.
04:41Especially nothing with antlers.
04:43So be sure to see our next episode, Transatlantic Chicken, or Hens Across the Sea.
04:50Last time you remember, Boris and Natasha posed as guards in a French National Art Gallery
04:55and swiped ten Old Masters, each worth a fortune.
04:58Of course, the museum director was very upset.
05:00He summoned the head security officer.
05:02They took the paintings right from under your nose.
05:05Oui, it's a pretty big nose.
05:07Well, you deserve a little something for this episode.
05:10I do?
05:11Which of these paintings do you like?
05:12Can I have the one of the clown?
05:14Of course you can.
05:17What happened, chief?
05:19It's obvious. I was framed.
05:21Meanwhile, Boris and Natasha had dropped the paintings into a mailbox
05:24and sauntered past the police, disguised as American tourists.
05:27I say arrest them anyway, Henri.
05:29Tot, tot, Aristide, you never arrest a tourist.
05:32Even if they steal?
05:33Aristide, look at the prices in the store window.
05:36They are ridiculous.
05:38Of course, so no matter how much a tourist steals, we're bound to get it back before he leaves.
05:43Unfortunately, Boris and Natasha weren't crooked tourists, just crooked.
05:46And so a short time later, they were zooming over the ocean
05:48to intercept their precious package of purloined paintings.
05:51Where do we catch up with it, Boris?
05:53Where else? Frosbyth Falls, Minnesota.
05:55Little did they know that their package had already arrived
05:58and been delivered to Bullwinkle Moose,
06:00who mistook the paintings for a wallpaper sample.
06:02I'm thinking of doing over the chicken coop.
06:04How do you like this pattern, Rock?
06:05The Mona Lisa.
06:07Can't say I care for that pattern.
06:09She's got kind of a sneaky smile.
06:11Bullwinkle, these aren't wallpaper samples.
06:13Somebody sent you a mess of beautiful pictures.
06:16Drawn by hand?
06:17Of course not.
06:18If they were original, they'd be worth a million.
06:20They're just reproduction.
06:22What good are they? They got no calendars attached to them.
06:26They'll do to keep the drafts out of the chicken coop.
06:28And Bullwinkle set to work nailing the paintings to the walls of the chicken coop.
06:31There you are, girls, your own windproof art gallery.
06:35But in the next few days, Rocky had bad news to report.
06:38Look at this egg chart, Bullwinkle.
06:40Those hens just aren't laying like they used to.
06:44It's not their fault, Rocky.
06:46It's those pictures of the Laughing Clavicle and Mona Lizzie and all.
06:49What have they got to do with it?
06:51Well, can you do your best work with somebody looking over your shoulder all the time?
06:55Well, maybe you're right.
06:57I'd better do something about it.
06:58Such as?
06:59I'll whitewash the whole place, pictures and all.
07:03Oh, you're welcome, I'm sure.
07:05And as Bullwinkle set off to find the whitewash brush,
07:08a long black car was pulling up in front of their little house.
07:11Anybody home?
07:13Hokey Smoke, who are you?
07:15Allow me to introduce myself.
07:17Sir William Blue, world's greatest art collector.
07:20And this is my secretary, Rose Madder.
07:24Those are sure arty names, all right.
07:26We pick nothing but the best.
07:28Hey, haven't we met before?
07:30You've probably seen my portrait in several galleries.
07:33Art galleries, Boris?
07:35Rugs galleries, Natasha.
07:37Well, what are you doing here?
07:39Just one of our little collecting trips, darling.
07:42You wouldn't by chance have any old pictures around that you'd like to sell?
07:45We pay top prices.
07:47Up to $3.98 a piece.
07:51Up to $3.98 a piece.
07:53How about that?
07:55Come on, Mr. Blue, we may have something here for you.
07:58And the unsuspecting Rocky led the disguised villains to the chicken coop,
08:01just in time to see Bullwinkle sloshing whitewash
08:04over the last old master.
08:06Of course, there was only one thing for Boris to do.
08:09He fainted.
08:11Well, is this the end of our hero's artistic adventure?
08:13Be with us next time for Portrait of a Moose
08:16or Bullwinkle Gets the Brush.
08:21Well, the art world is still buzzing over the shocking theft
08:24by Boris and Natasha of ten old masters from a French museum
08:27and their subsequent disappearance.
08:29But it's impossible. How could a picture drop out of sight so quick?
08:32Oh, I don't know. Remember the horn blows at midnight?
08:35Yes, that's right.
08:37Several painters offered to paint new pictures, but that didn't work out either.
08:40No, it's too expensive.
08:42What could be more expensive than the ten paintings?
08:44Ten painters, a time and a half.
08:47The matter even came up on the floor of the U.S. Congress.
08:49It's an outrage.
08:50It's regrettable.
08:52It's a communist plot.
08:53Sir, why do you think it's a communist plot?
08:55I think everything's a communist plot.
08:57Well, little as they say, did they know that those paintings
09:00at that very moment were hung in a chicken coop
09:02in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota,
09:04where our hero, Bullwinkle Moose,
09:06had just covered the last one with whitewash.
09:08Yeah, the hens couldn't work with people looking over their shoulders.
09:13All right, girls, back to work.
09:15Well, the hens may have been happy,
09:17but there was somebody who was definitely not,
09:19an art dealer named Cerulean Blue.
09:21Or as we know him, Boris Badenov.
09:24You, you whitewashed every square inch of canvas.
09:27Yeah, most of the round inches, too.
09:30He fainted.
09:31What's the matter?
09:32He never been in a warm chicken coop before?
09:34Mr. Blue was gonna buy those old pictures you painted over.
09:37For how much?
09:38$3.98 a piece.
09:39Up to $3.98 a piece.
09:42Well, you wait a second.
09:43I'll scrape this whitewash stuff off with this steel wool,
09:46and then we'll...
09:47No, no, no!
09:48There he goes again.
09:50But in a little while, Boris was his old, evil self again.
09:53Tell me, Mr. Blue,
09:54why don't you want Bowinkle to scrape off the whitewash?
09:57Because it'll ruin the valuable painting.
09:59What valuable painting?
10:00Uh-oh, think fast, Alink.
10:03This valuable painting.
10:05You mean my whitewash job?
10:07Whitewash my foot.
10:08Okay, you insist.
10:10No, wait, Bowinkle.
10:11He means he thinks this is a good painting.
10:13Think? I know it's a masterpiece.
10:15I'll buy it.
10:16Very smart, Boris.
10:18You think you're dealing with kids or something?
10:20I don't know.
10:21How much you offer him?
10:22I'll go top dollar, $3.98.
10:25Wait a minute!
10:26Don't interrupt.
10:27What were you going to say?
10:28I was going to say...
10:29Now wait!
10:30If the painting's worth anything at all,
10:32it's got to be worth more than $3.98.
10:35Okay, you got me over a barrel.
10:37Make it an even $4.
10:39I think we ought to sleep on it, Bowinkle.
10:41And so our heroes took the whitewash masterpieces
10:44and retired to their small cottage,
10:46where Boris and Natasha fumed in the car outside.
10:50What are you doing, Boris?
10:51You heard the men, I'm fuming.
10:53That's fuming.
10:54You got a better idea how to fume?
10:58Who you calling, Rock?
10:59I'm calling the art museums.
11:01They'll tell us if you're a great painter or not.
11:04Art museum, good afternoon.
11:06Say, can you come out and look at a painting?
11:08Why should I?
11:09I've hundreds to look at right here.
11:11Yeah, but we think we got a brand new old master
11:13here in Frostbite Falls.
11:14True, true.
11:15Well, that's a little different.
11:16I'll be right out.
11:17And one word of caution.
11:20Let's keep this thing a secret, shall we,
11:21just between us art lovers?
11:24Well, it was obvious the museum director
11:25didn't know the Frostbite Falls phone system,
11:27for everybody in town was listening in on the party line,
11:30including Boris Baranov.
11:32And I always listen to party line.
11:34How come?
11:35The party line is my country's answer
11:37to the thinking man's filter.
11:39Well, it looks as if Boris' plan has gone askew.
11:44We'll find out more in Boomwinkle Bust-a-Brush
11:47or the Cleft Palette.
11:52Well, sir and madam and all you kids out there.
11:55Get on with it, blabbermouth.
11:57All right, all right.
11:58Well, through a quirk of fate,
12:00Boomwinkle painted a coat of whitewash
12:01over ten stolen art masterpieces,
12:03and now Boris is secretly trying to buy them back.
12:06What I can't understand
12:07is why he thinks these are worth anything.
12:09Oh, I don't know, Rock.
12:10They do have a kind of dash to them.
12:12Ah, they're just whitewash.
12:14But notice how I left this little dark spot
12:16to kind of catch the eye.
12:17Boomwinkle, that's a fly.
12:20Oh, looks almost real, doesn't it?
12:22Well, we'll know whether they're valuable
12:24in a little while now.
12:25How come?
12:26I sent for some art experts.
12:27Sure enough, in just a few minutes,
12:29a caravan of cars began to pour into Frostbite Falls
12:31bearing the cream of the nation's art connoisseurs,
12:34including the dean of art critics, Price Macpherson.
12:37Very well.
12:38Where are these alleged paintings?
12:40I'll get them for you.
12:41Boris, suppose those art critics
12:43find out what's under that whitewash.
12:45Maybe I'd better raise my last offer.
12:47Well, here they are, Mr, uh...
12:49My enemies call me Mr. McVincent.
12:51What do your friends call you?
12:53What friends?
12:55Yeah, see what you mean.
12:56Well, what do you think of this one?
12:59This is absolutely and without a doubt
13:01the most dreadful, nauseating, ugly...
13:03I'll pay $10,000 for it!
13:05...the most ugly frame I can imagine
13:08for such an exquisite picture.
13:10You think it's exquisite?
13:11My dear boy, any painting worth $10,000 is exquisite.
13:15I say, Ernest, who's the chap who bid $10,000?
13:18Speaks with an accent probably from the Middle East.
13:20You mean he may be representing King, uh...
13:22Well, the King just can't go on collecting dancing girls.
13:25There's a bag limit, you know.
13:26Well, if it's worth $10,000 to him,
13:28it's worth $15,000 to me.
13:30I bid $15,000!
13:31Yeah, but wait a minute.
13:32These are just whitewash.
13:34The medium doesn't matter, short and furry.
13:36It's the soul of the artist.
13:38What do you call this, my good man?
13:42I call this one
13:43White Cow Eating Marshmallows in Snowstorm.
13:46It fairly sings, doesn't it?
13:48Boris, they are going crazy.
13:50$15,000 for a coat of whitewash.
13:53You know something?
13:54It is kind of pretty, isn't it, Natasha?
13:56You too.
13:57You think I don't appreciate beautiful things?
14:00Now hold on there!
14:01This is getting out of hand.
14:02Let it go! Let it go!
14:04I don't think we ought to sell any of these
14:07The squirrel is right.
14:08We really should think things over.
14:10We agree.
14:12I bid $25,000.
14:15Well, that did it.
14:16Within hours, the news of an astounding new find in the art world
14:18flashed across the continent.
14:19The most titillating new talent since Frank Giacomelli.
14:22Looks like a moose, paints like an angel.
14:24Collector's bid, Moose says next.
14:26Extreme! Moose starts art school!
14:28Well, Boris, you have done it again.
14:31You have made the moose famous.
14:33But not for long.
14:34Boris, you got a plan?
14:35Of course.
14:36And who boy is it ever fiendish?
14:38And so the next time Bullwinkle left the house,
14:40he was accosted by a strange little boy.
14:42Please, Mr. Moose, could I having your autograph?
14:45Of course, little felly.
14:47Thanks, oodles.
14:48Name is Bullwinkle.
14:49Sweet kid.
14:50Cute mustache, too.
14:53And that wasn't all,
14:54for Bullwinkle had just signed a will
14:56leaving all of his paintings to Boris.
14:58So when he dies...
14:59Which could happen any minute now...
15:01We get the old masters!
15:03Oh, that's my Boris!
15:05Please, you crushing my curl.
15:07Well, will the sinister document mean the end of our hero?
15:10And if so, what will happen to the Bullwinkle show?
15:13I get that, too.
15:15Be sure to be with us next time for
15:17Boris Berenoff Presents
15:19The 20-Inch Screen!
15:23Last time we saw Bullwinkle,
15:25he had just set the art world on its ear
15:27with a series of paintings done in whitewash.
15:29I call this one
15:30Vanilla Ice Cream Spilled on a White Sheet No. 2.
15:33What Bullwinkle didn't know
15:34was that underneath ten of his paintings
15:36were ten old masters
15:37recently filched from a Paris art museum
15:39by, uh, uh...
15:41Let me guess.
15:42Picasso J. Flom?
15:46Then it must be Boris Berenoff!
15:48The man you love to hate!
15:50You sure it!
15:51True, Boris was the culprit,
15:52but he didn't have the paintings.
15:54Instead, he had a will signed by Bullwinkle
15:56which left the paintings to Boris
15:58if anything should happen to him.
15:59And it just might!
16:01All unaware of his danger,
16:03Bullwinkle was busy turning out
16:04more and more whitewash canvases.
16:06What title do I put on this one?
16:08Uh, call it
16:09Man Eating a Sandwich in a White Room.
16:11I see the white room,
16:12but where's the sandwich?
16:14The man ate it!
16:15Then where's the man?
16:16Well, you don't expect him to hang around
16:17after he ate the sandwich, do you?
16:20That's the trouble.
16:21You people never understand us artists.
16:23Bullwinkle, why don't you use your head?
16:26It's easier with a brush.
16:28Meanwhile, the two villains
16:29had just planted several sticks of dynamite
16:31under the cottage and lit the fuse.
16:33You sure there's enough there, Boris?
16:35Baby, when this stuff goes off,
16:36all we got left is one pair antlers
16:38and 200 pounds of moose burger.
16:40But Boris, if we blow up moose,
16:42we blow up the paintings too!
16:43Good heavens!
16:44Boris, you said heavens!
16:46What can I do?
16:47They won't let me plug the competition.
16:49Well, now what?
16:51We just take the paintings
16:52before this stuff goes off.
16:54But we gotta be awful quick.
16:57Dashing into the house,
16:58the pair quickly ran to Bullwinkle's studio.
17:00Remember me, boys?
17:01Cerulean Blue, the world-famous art collector?
17:04What can we do for you, Mr. Blue?
17:06I've decided to raise my offer
17:07for the ten paintings.
17:09I now offer 25,000 apiece.
17:12As they say in the comics.
17:13Only one deal?
17:15Could I take them outside
17:16and look at them in the light?
17:17Why, of course.
17:18Which ten paintings did you want?
17:21Which ten?
17:22Yo, I just finished number 35,
17:24composition with whipped cream and snowballs.
17:27Where's the first ten you painted?
17:29In the pile there somewhere.
17:31Boris, the dynamite
17:32will blow up the old masters.
17:34I know, I know.
17:35Tell you what,
17:36I'll buy the whole bunch.
17:3735 of them?
17:3825,000 apiece.
17:41Only one thing.
17:42Let's take them outside
17:43and look at them in the light.
17:45And within just a few seconds,
17:46everybody was outside the house
17:48with the paintings.
17:50That was close.
17:51These old masters are worth millions.
17:54I only count 34 paintings here.
17:57Boris, it's only one painting.
17:59But that one might be the Mona Lisa.
18:01I'll get it.
18:04Hokey Smoke, what happened?
18:06Maybe the pilot light
18:07went out on your stove, darling.
18:09We don't have a pilot light.
18:11We don't have a stove either.
18:12Well, there you see.
18:14Not quite.
18:17Mr. Blue, you all right?
18:18Hey, I was wrong.
18:19There's 35 here after all.
18:22Yeah, that's certainly
18:23a good joke on you.
18:25And small wonder that Boris laughed,
18:27for somewhere in the pile of paintings
18:28he had bought
18:29were the 10 old masters
18:30worth millions of dollars.
18:32And what's more,
18:33we're taking the next submarine
18:34back to Pennsylvania.
18:35You don't mean...
18:36But you're the bad guy.
18:39Well, I'd have bet a million dollars
18:40you wouldn't win.
18:41Put up or shut up.
18:43I'll shut up.
18:44But be with us for our next episode,
18:47Dollars to Donuts,
18:48or The Wonderful World of Kruller.
18:53Well, Boris and Natasha
18:54had just bought 35
18:55of Bullwinkle's whitewash paintings.
18:57Including the 10 with old masterpieces
18:59under the whitewash.
19:00And now the villains
19:01are waiting for the next
19:02Pennsylvania submarine
19:03to come up on the outskirts
19:04of Pigeon River.
19:06There it is now, Boris.
19:08That's one thing you can say
19:09about our fearless leader.
19:10He made the submarines run on time.
19:13But Bullwinkle's brush and bucket
19:14was still busy night and day.
19:16Oh, what is it, Bullwinkle?
19:18That's obvious, Rock.
19:19It's Sandy Claus
19:21arriving in a terrible blizzard.
19:22I should have known.
19:23Finally, even the Paris Museum,
19:25which had lost the 10 old masters,
19:26had to change its mind.
19:28You mean we are going to replace them
19:30with modern paintings?
19:32Marcel, we must move with the times.
19:35And besides, the Moose
19:36gave them to us for nothing.
19:38Ooh, they're beautiful.
19:40And so 10 of Bullwinkle's paintings
19:41were hung in the spots
19:42vacated by the stolen old masters.
19:44Meanwhile, many miles away
19:46in the grim little country
19:47of Pottsylvania...
19:49Ah, it's good to breathe
19:50the air of Pottsylvania, Natasha.
19:52Mmm, that pungent odor.
19:55Yes, they must be burning books
19:57in the public square again.
19:59But we digress.
20:00We got to sell this million-dollar
20:01bunch of old masters.
20:03Who to, Boris?
20:04Natasha, there's only one man
20:06in Pottsylvania who has money.
20:08You mean our fearless leader?
20:10Yes, that greedy, money-grabbing,
20:13Go on, pack it off.
20:15...thrifty, industrious,
20:17frugal, level-headed...
20:19Why, it's fearless leader!
20:22Badenov, you are a groveling bootlicker.
20:25But I...
20:26Fortunately for you,
20:27I like groveling bootlickers.
20:29I'm glad.
20:30What you have there?
20:31Ten disguised old masters
20:32worth two million dollars,
20:33but for you...
20:34For me?
20:35Thank you, Badenov.
20:37Thank you?
20:38Thank you, that's what I get,
20:39thank you?
20:40Of course not.
20:41Thank you very much.
20:43Oh, boy.
20:45Now, what do you say?
20:48You're welcome.
20:50Not only that,
20:51but when fearless leader
20:52cleaned the whitewash off...
20:54These aren't old masters.
20:56These are plain canvas.
20:57Arrest him.
20:59Darling, is there anything I can do?
21:03Shut up, you mouth!
21:04Meanwhile, back in Frostbite Falls...
21:06But why didn't you give Mr. Blue
21:08the first ten paintings?
21:09Well, he was such a nice seller,
21:11I thought he'd like ten brand-new ones.
21:14I gave them to that Paris museum.
21:16And sure enough,
21:17when these paintings were cleaned...
21:18Sacré Blue, the masterpieces are back again.
21:20It's a wonder.
21:22It's a miracle.
21:23It's about time.
21:24Well, it looked as if Bowinkle
21:25really had it made as an artist
21:27until a terrible thing happened.
21:29That's right, Mr. Moose,
21:30we're plumbing out a whitewash.
21:32Oh, dear, I need 4,000 gallons of it.
21:34We'll have it in on Monday.
21:36But that was too late,
21:37for over the weekend,
21:38another artist appeared on the scene
21:39to catch the eye of the art world.
21:42This is Jackson Plop.
21:44Yes, Jackson Plop,
21:45painted with a mixture
21:46of peplum and chicken gizzards.
21:48Well, there's one thing
21:49you've got to say about this boy's work.
21:51It's got guts.
21:53Gee, Rock,
21:54I can't sell a painting these days.
21:56Yeah, and we're stuck
21:57with 4,000 gallons of whitewash.
21:59Wait a minute,
22:00where is all the whitewash?
22:01I sold it.
22:02Sold it?
22:03Who to?
22:04To them fellers who investigate pay-over.
22:064,000 gallons of whitewash?
22:08Believe me, to them,
22:09it's only a drop in the bucket.
22:10And so we reach another happy ending,
22:13Oh, now, wait a minute,
22:14this isn't a happy ending.
22:15Sure it is.
22:16Look, I'm smiling.
22:18Oh, good.
22:20Happy ending.
22:21This episode is over,
22:23but the very best of my collection
22:25is banned on YouTube.
22:28To see what you have been missing,
22:30go to
22:33and search for Gyro Screw Loose,
22:36and I'll see you there.
