Pound Puppies Episode 25 Peter Pup

  • il y a 18 heures
00:00We now return to the all new Pound Puppies
00:31Oh oh !
00:33Hey, qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé ici ?
00:35Euh, nous ne l'avons pas cassé !
00:37Euh, c'est vrai, nous ne l'avons pas cassé le set de télévision !
00:42Oh non, alors qui l'a cassé ?
00:44Euh, c'était, euh, Cattzilla !
00:47Catt-qui ?
00:48Cattzilla ! Ouais, ouais, il a cassé le toit comme si c'était la tête de sa boîte à dîner !
00:55Ouais, et il était en train de faire un déjeuner à l'arrivée de Bright-Eyes, mais...
00:59Womper, le maître de la maison !
01:02Mais cet ancien Cattzilla était un perdant, alors il a cassé la télévision !
01:06Oh, nous avons eu de la chance de s'échapper avec nos vies !
01:09Je veux dire, nos vies ! Ouais !
01:12Bon, vu que la télévision est cassée, peut-être que ce serait un bon moment pour lire un livre !
01:17Tu veux dire l'un de ces trucs épais avec des pages ou des mots ?
01:20Mais tu vas aimer ce livre !
01:22C'est un livre sur un pauvre chien qui s'abuse !
01:24Une Vieille Reine et un héros chien !
01:26Qu'est-ce qu'il s'appelle ?
01:28Les aventures de Peter Pup !
01:30Peter Pup, mon préféré !
01:32Peter Pup, mon préféré !
01:34C'est comme ça !
01:36Très loin dans le ciel, très, très loin,
01:38Il y a un royaume appelé Puppyland,
01:40Où le soleil brille tous les jours !
01:42Il n'y a pas de poules ou de chiens,
01:44Pas de lèches et pas de fleurs !
01:46Les arbres s'effondrent avec des biscuits de chien !
01:48Et des chiens qui s'éloignent des arbres !
01:50Et voici la chose la plus importante de tout Puppyland !
01:53Il y a un garçon et une fille pour chaque chien !
01:56Pour aimer et comprendre !
01:58Et imagine qui sortira les chiens et les enfants jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient tous réunis !
02:01Peter Pup !
02:03Ne rigole pas ! Ils m'ont fait porter ça !
02:05J'ai voulu un uniforme de baseball !
02:07Au centre de Puppyland, il y a la Fountain of Puppy Power !
02:10C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:12C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:14C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:16C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:18C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:20C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:22C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:24C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:26C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:28C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:30C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:32C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:34C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:36C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:38C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:40C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:42C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:44C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:46C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:48C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:50C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:52C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:54C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:56C'est écrit Puppy Power !
02:58C'est écrit Puppy Power !
03:00C'est écrit Puppy Power !
03:02C'est écrit Puppy Power !
03:04C'est écrit Puppy Power !
03:06C'est écrit Puppy Power !
03:08C'est écrit Puppy Power !
03:10Wrong, Pipsqueaks !
03:12I'm Queen Lies-A-Lot !
03:14That's because she lies a lot !
03:16No, I don't !
03:18See, she's lying already !
03:30I always knew she was all wet !
03:34And the one who looks like Brittina,
03:36wearing the goofy new dress,
03:38is Fibina, Princess of Ippipounis !
03:42I'm the most beautiful princess who ever lived !
03:48You, Fibina, beautiful ?
03:52You're such a good little liar !
03:54But I was telling the truth !
03:56See, you're lying again !
04:00Why, even Sir Catgut's a liar !
04:02Now, if only one of those goody four-shoes pups would lie,
04:06then the rainbow of truth would crumble !
04:08And we could take over Gunky Puppy Land !
04:12Having all those pups and kids bow down to me
04:14would be absolutely horrible !
04:16But, Queenie Durst,
04:18don't you mean it would be wonderful ?
04:20Yes, I was lying !
04:26So one day, Peter Pup flew off
04:28through the starry night skies
04:30and travelled to the Puppy Pound
04:32to meet Whomper and Bright-Eyes !
04:34What ? Let's see that thing !
04:36Golly, it is us !
04:38But why would Peter Pup come here ?
04:40To invite you both to Puppy Land !
04:44I still say I'd look better in a baseball uniform !
04:48Alpha Alert, it's Peter Pup !
04:50So, are you little doggies ready to hit the skies ?
04:54But Jeepers, we can't fly !
04:56You can, with the help of little old Puppy Power Powder !
05:00Hey, look at me !
05:02I'm flying ! I'm flying !
05:04Oh, wow ! Thanks, nose-marine !
05:06Oh, moi ?
05:08My little old name is Sparkle,
05:10Peter Pup's fairy friend !
05:12And we're headed for Puppy Land !
05:14So come on, on with the story !
05:16Have fun, you guys !
05:18We will ! The best of luck !
05:20I never get to go !
05:22I never get to go ! Rats !
05:24Cheer up !
05:26At least nobody flies in your mouth !
05:32This flying stuff sure beats taking the bus !
05:38And it's all thanks to Puppy Power,
05:40which only works when Pupparoos are good !
05:42And it stops working when little old puppies
05:44tell big old lies !
05:48Oh, uh, we never tell lies !
05:50Never, ever !
05:52Uh-oh ! I'm losing engine one !
05:54Which means some pup somewhere
05:56just told a lie-a-roonie !
05:58Rubber, that some pup who lied was you !
06:02Thank you, little whopper !
06:04Your lies make my power grow !
06:08Soon I'll conquer Puppy Land,
06:10which will make me very sad !
06:14But, Quincy-poo,
06:16wouldn't it make you happy ?
06:18Of course, silly ! I was lying !
06:22Well, scramble my brains, why don't you ?
06:26Puppy Land will be mine !
06:32Ha, ha, ha !
06:34Heavens to Pixie Dust !
06:36These are Queen Lizalot's dream clouds !
06:38Some pup must have told a big lie !
06:40Oh, I'm glad it wasn't me !
06:42I never lie !
06:44Ouch ! Ooh, that smut !
06:46She lied !
06:48Little Whopper lied again !
06:50That's all the extra power I need !
06:54Oh, oh, oh !
06:56Oh, oh, oh !
06:58Oh, oh, oh !
07:00Ha, ha, ha !
07:02Ha, ha, ha !
07:04Oh !
07:06Zap him, Muffly, Quincy !
07:08Zap him !
07:14We're here !
07:18And Puppy Land will never be the same !
07:20No more Puppy Town !
07:22And best of all,
07:24the Puppies !
07:32Ha, ha, ha !
07:34Ha, ha, ha !
07:36Ha, ha, ha !
07:38Ha, ha, ha !
07:40Ha, ha, ha !
07:42Ha, ha, ha !
07:44This is Puppy Land ?
07:46Gee, it looked better in the picture book !
07:48What a dump !
07:50Lizalot totaled the joint !
07:52He must have told a real Whopper !
08:00Announcing the gunky queen of lies
08:02and the yucky new ruler of
08:04Icky Poo Puppy Land
08:06Queen Lizalot !
08:08Now hear this, you brats !
08:10From now on, you will obey
08:12my every command !
08:14Wrong-a-rooney, Lizalotty !
08:16Not while Peter Pup is still in this episode !
08:18Yay !
08:20Ah, my pup !
08:22Eww !
08:24It's a yucky pesky pup !
08:26Make him go away, Mumsy Queen !
08:28With pleasure, Fabina !
08:32Skip the special effects,
08:34Fibber Face ! You can't hurt me !
08:36Truth and honesty
08:38give me my power !
08:40Then the truth is, you're honestly
08:42washed up, Peter, cause one of your
08:44puppy pals is a liar !
08:46Not me, Peter ! I didn't lie !
08:48Ouch ! We're going down !
08:50Mayday ! Mayday ! Mother's Day !
08:52April Fool's Day, even !
08:54This lying business is really getting
08:56to be a pain in the old
08:58Oof ! Rumparoo !
09:00Holy Magnolia Blossoms !
09:02What's wrong, Peter ?
09:04My magical type power is doing a
09:06disappearing act !
09:08And your act is over, Peter Pup !
09:17Grrr !
09:19Grrr !
09:21Oh my gosh ! It's Catzilla !
09:23Sic'em !
09:25Grrr !
09:27Holy smokes !
09:29I never knew reading a book
09:31could get so dangerous !
09:33Grrr !
09:35Peter ? Yo, Peter !
09:37A little help here !
09:39Save us !
09:41I would, but I haven't been cleared
09:43for take off ! Ouch !
09:45And now my landing gear is busted !
09:47I still have a pinch of puppy power
09:49powder, Peter ! Well, pick my pickled
09:51peppers and pour it on me !
09:53Perfecto-mongo !
09:55Help !
09:57Excuse me, folks, I have to go into my big hero
09:59routine ! And I do mean
10:01big !
10:03Grrr !
10:05Kitty ! Kitty !
10:07Kitty !
10:09Grrr !
10:11Drop those puppies
10:13or I'll give you such a pinch !
10:31Come on, crew !
10:33We'll hide out in the puppy land forest !
10:35Curses !
10:37Those mongrels and kids are getting away !
10:39I hate them ! I hate them !
10:41I hate them !
10:43Eww ! And Gunky Sir Cat
10:45hates them too !
10:47Grrr !
10:49Grrr !
10:51Sooner or later
10:53that mean old queen will come looking for us,
10:55Peter ! We have to do something !
10:57I'll say ! Puppy land is
10:59fading fast ! The only one who can
11:01help us now is the little old wizard
11:03of Howl's...
11:05Faboo ! Let's go pay him a visit
11:07or rooney ! Whopper, while we're gone,
11:09you're in charge and make sure nobody
11:11leaves the forest no matter what !
11:13Right, chief ! We're counting on you, Whopper !
11:15Don't worry ! You won't regret this !
11:17Alright !
11:19I'm in charge now and I have supreme
11:21power ! Ha ha ha ha !
11:23Maybe they won't regret it
11:25but we will !
11:27No muttering in the ranks !
11:29General Whopper is in control !
11:31Ah ha ! With Peter Popcorn
11:33I can lure those children into
11:35my web ! My spider web,
11:37that is !
11:39Yucky !
11:41Scare the slime out of me, why don't you ?
11:43But I need a box
11:45to read my eight volume encyclopedia
11:47of dirty rotten spells !
11:49I'm looking for the perfect hex !
11:51Hmm... Let's see...
11:53Oh, Mighty Wizard of Owls !
11:55We need your help !
11:57Tell us how to defeat that wicked old witch,
11:59Lazalot !
12:01You're our last hope !
12:03I am ? I am !
12:05Well, isn't that special !
12:07Arrrrrr !
12:09We're doomed !
12:11Let me just check my book, I'm sorry !
12:13It's a bit cold !
12:15Well, we're going to have to go.
12:17We're going to have to go !
12:19It's a bit cold !
12:21Let me just check my book of spells !
12:23Bookski doodle, bookski die,
12:25flapski all your pages,
12:27and fly !
12:33This is how I studied
12:35for tests at wizard school.
12:39And if it hadn't been
12:41for these dizzy spells,
12:43I might not have flopped out !
12:47I found it !
12:49Here's the way to put the kibosh
12:51on Queen Lazalot !
12:53So, what do we do ?
12:55Cast a spell, mix a potion, change her kitty litter, what ?
12:57The only way to stop her evil
12:59is for the puppy who told the lies
13:01to admit it !
13:03Now, if we only knew who the little old
13:05Fipper was !
13:07I may be wrong, but my hunch is it's that dude
13:09in the diaper !
13:15I found the perfect spell to catch the kitties !
13:17Mummy Queenest, if the spell works,
13:19would you please cut off my allowance ?
13:21Oh no, Fabina !
13:23I'll be so happy,
13:25I'll double your allowance !
13:27Great !
13:29I was lying !
13:31So was I !
13:35Iggy poo !
13:39Sugary moogery,
13:41chocolatey mocklety !
13:43Sweetsky treatsky skiels !
13:47Give me a garden of gobbledy goodies
13:49so all the children make pigs of themselves !
13:57What you trying to do, Mumsy Queeny ?
13:59Lure the kids here to give them cavities ?
14:01Worse than that, Fabina !
14:03Much, much worse !
14:07Look, over by the castle,
14:09there's a little house !
14:11Look, over by the castle !
14:13Jumping jelly beans and leaping lollipops !
14:15Not to mention goody goody gumdrops !
14:17Wow, there's enough candy
14:19to last the whole year !
14:21Let's shout out !
14:23Yay !
14:25But Peter Pup told us to stay in the forest !
14:27Yeah, what if it's a trap ?
14:29A trap ?
14:33The mighty Wonder Whopper loves the traps !
14:37Forward, eat !
14:39Forward, eat !
14:41Yay !
14:43Oh, well, if you can't beat him, join him !
14:47Whoa !
14:49Running on empty again !
14:51Feels like somebody just broke a promise !
14:53And I'm fresh out of puppy power powder !
14:55Let's take the next off-ramp and call a tow-truck !
15:03You know, Puppy Land turned out
15:05to be a pretty nice place after all !
15:07Yes, eat !
15:09Eat, little swine !
15:11Soon you will be in my power !
15:13Power shmower,
15:15you mean old queen !
15:17No wonder Whopper could turn you into cat food !
15:19Not before my magic candy
15:21turns you into squealing,
15:23lying, piggly-wigglies !
15:25Ha ! She's even a bigger liar
15:27than I am !
15:29Hey, what's going on around here ?
15:31Whopper, you're a pig !
15:33What do you mean ?
15:35I'm only eating as much as everybody !
15:37I mean everybody else !
15:43Swallowing mudholes !
15:45I'm a pig too !
15:47What's happening ?
15:49Hey !
15:53Everyone's a pig !
15:55Attention, pigs and pigettes !
15:57You are all under my spell !
15:59I am your ruler !
16:01You shall obey my every command !
16:03Yes, queen lies a lot !
16:05Oink !
16:07We love you !
16:09Oink !
16:11We love you !
16:13Oink !
16:15Listen to her !
16:17She has you hypnotized !
16:19Now bow down, swine of mine,
16:21and worship your beautiful queen !
16:23Beautiful ?
16:25Ha ! That's the ugliest lie of all !
16:27Boy, oh, oink !
16:29Peter, am I glad to see you !
16:31I told them all to stay in the forest,
16:33but no !
16:35They had to all make pigs of themselves !
16:37Oink !
16:39Whoa ! Not again !
16:41Good hands, Queenie !
16:43You ever play centerfield ?
16:45Go ahead and joke, Peter Pop,
16:47but your fibbing friend has made you powerless !
16:49Maybe she's right !
16:51I'm all Peter Popped out !
16:55Now, my little blimpos,
16:57bring those other mutts inside !
16:59What ? We have to walk ?
17:01Oh, boy, the least you could do
17:03is give us piggyback rides !
17:05Oink !
17:13Hey, buck up, gang !
17:15Our masters will fight the evil queen
17:17and Peter Pop will save us !
17:19Hail, queen lies a lot !
17:21Oink !
17:23Long may you reign !
17:25Then again, maybe we'll rot in here forever !
17:27Lies a lot ! Lies a lot ! Lies a lot !
17:29Oink !
17:31I had nothing better to do,
17:33so I thought I'd just hang out !
17:35Oh, boy !
17:37Eww !
17:39But Ecky Poo Gunkle's running, Queenie Bear !
17:43And now, Peter Pez,
17:45I'm going to dip you in a vat of liar potion
17:47and you'll vanish forever !
17:51Uh-oh ! Looks like for once she's telling the truth !
17:53Holy Magnolia Blossoms !
17:55Holy Magnolia Blossoms !
17:57This is awful !
17:59Yeah ! He's gonna get that goop all over his nice elf costume !
18:03No one can help you now, elf-bot !
18:05Wrongamundo !
18:07My power and Puppyland will be saved
18:09if the pup who told the lies
18:11will just admit it and tell the truth !
18:15Whoa !
18:17What's everybody looking at me for ?
18:19Popper, you have to admit you lied !
18:21Yeah !
18:23We never tell lies !
18:25Never ever !
18:27I'm glad it wasn't me !
18:29I never lie !
18:31I told him to stay in the forest !
18:37Bye-bye, Peter Pop !
18:39The Yucky Ducky's time is up !
18:41Well, it looks like
18:43I won't get to wear that baseball uniform after all !
18:47Hey, Puppyland !
18:49Whoa !
18:51All right ! All right ! I admit it !
18:53It was me ! I lied ! I lied ! I lied ! I lied !
19:01Atta boy, Whopper !
19:03The truth is working !
19:05No ! Anything but the truth !
19:07No !
19:09D'oh ! You have a cow, why don't you ?
19:15Peter Pop is back in action !
19:17Nothing lies a lot is out of action !
19:19Take a gander !
19:21No ! My power is gone !
19:23I'm fading ! Fading !
19:25Fading !
19:27Ew !
19:29Freak me out !
19:31If that's what happens to liars, then I quit !
19:33And that's the icky poo truth !
19:37You see ?
19:39Honesty is the coolest policy !
19:41Check it out !
19:47Puppyland lives again !
19:51Hooray !
20:05The castle of love is melting away !
20:07And this is the start of a beautiful day !
20:09There'll be enough dog food for every dog and dogette !
20:13And plenty of love for each master and pet !
20:15And from now on, I'll be the most truthful pup yet !
20:19Honest doggies ?
20:21You bet !
20:23And from that day forth, Puppyland was filled with joy and laughter !
20:25Every pup told the truth !
20:27And they all lived happily ever after !
20:29Oh, I gotta admit !
20:31Books sure can be super nifty !
20:35I think we have something else to admit !
20:37We lied !
20:39We broke the TV !
20:41Yeah, but we didn't mean to !
20:43It was an accident !
20:45We're sorry !
20:47That's okay !
20:49And thanks for telling the truth !
20:51It's like Peter Pup always says !
20:53Honesty is the coolest policy !
20:55You'd be surprised at how much damage
20:57one little fibberoo can do !
20:59Oh no, we wouldn't !
21:01Cooler looks like Peter Pup !
21:03Cooler looks like Peter Pup !
21:05Who, me ? A flying elf in a green suit ?
21:07Don't be kooky !
21:09Now in a baseball uniform,
21:11that's more like it !
21:13Let's play ball !
