• 2 days ago

Un nido mortal de arañas acecha en el ático - Y el nido está a punto de ser despertado por una reportera de noticias y sus colegas.
00:00:30Idiots because they ruled out a credible science for how ethical the investigation was
00:01:16Know easy
00:01:21For me
00:01:28Do you know so gently dress
00:01:31El experimento is an exit
00:01:34Mediante la corrección del gen g h1 el organismo se ha mantenido estable
00:01:45El sujeto está respirando
00:01:49Moviendo si
00:01:51Y consciente de su entorno
00:01:55Muestra todos los rangos predichos
00:01:59Biológicamente inmortal y pero agresivo y crecimiento adaptativo
00:04:11But I know
00:04:23Hola, hola
00:04:25Lo siento
00:04:26Chris dijo que podía esperar en tu oficina espero no ver no está bien solo me asustaste si
00:04:36Como estas que si estoy bien gracias si solo ya sabes solo batallando debido a la situación actual
00:04:44probando nuevas formas de ser creativa busca diferentes historias diferentes formas de contarlas
00:04:50Si nada me preocupa y en todo caso es el desafío lo que me emociona
00:04:57El asunto es que he querido venir a hablar contigo linda
00:05:03Puedo ver que estás preocupada así que seré directa
00:05:06Estoy segura de que sabes que las cifras no han sido muy buenas recientemente
00:05:11Se que haces tu mejor esfuerzo, pero como empresa no podemos sostener estas cifras
00:05:20Es el espacio que me dieron
00:05:25Vamos quien escucha realmente tan temprano solo camioneros y trabajadores nocturnos
00:05:32Digo cuando tenía el puesto principal mis índices de audiencia eran digo tú sabes como era cierto que tus cifras eran mejores cuando tenías
00:05:39El puesto principal pero comparando hay tipos de programas nuevos que lo hacen mejor
00:05:45Necesitamos estar al día
00:05:47Si bueno no voy a venderme como Davy
00:05:52Quiero que mi programa sea serio discutir los verdaderos crímenes sin resolver de eso se trata
00:05:59No voy a venderme y empezar a producir contenido de atracción masiva de baja calidad
00:06:06¿Cuándo fue la última vez que aumentaron tus cifras de audiencia?
00:06:10No te estoy pidiendo que te vendas barato linda, pero algo tiene que cambiar
00:06:17No debería decirte esto pero los ejecutivos de arriba están empezando un nuevo espectáculo en tu horario dos noches a la semana a partir del próximo mes
00:06:27¿Estamos compitiendo?
00:06:29Esencialmente quieren entender lo que está impulsando la disminución de audiencia
00:06:33Si las cosas no mejoran linda no puedo protegerte
00:06:38Si entiendo
00:06:41No quiero parecer ingrata en serio
00:06:46Solo solo dame unos días para resolverlo de acuerdo yo
00:06:52No lo sé
00:06:53Pero las cosas mejorarán
00:06:55Eso espero linda porque como negocio realmente no puedo
00:06:58Gracias por pasar
00:07:02Te avisaré si hay alguna otra novedad
00:07:04Si, gracias
00:07:29¿Qué haces despierto tan tarde?
00:07:33No podía dormir
00:07:35¿Estás bien?
00:07:37Si, solo bajé por un poco de tomatitos y leche, mis nuevos antojos
00:07:44¿Tu programa será pronto, no es así?
00:07:47No, no estoy en la radio esta noche
00:07:53¿Índices de audiencia?
00:07:56Me dieron la noche libre
00:07:58Ay mami
00:08:05Todo saldrá bien ma, te lo prometo
00:08:10Solo siento que he trabajado tan duro y por tanto tiempo para llegar a este punto ¿y para qué?
00:08:19Solo para que me lancen al programa matutino que ningún bastardo escucha
00:08:22Y aún así esperan que suba los índices de audiencia
00:08:27Si, la gente está convirtiendo estos programas de crímenes reales en una broma
00:08:33Burlándose de la situación, haciéndola divertida, agregandole sonidos estúpidos
00:08:40¿Qué pasó con tener una discusión seria al respecto?
00:08:44¿Sabes? Los programas deben ser elegantes
00:08:48Dándole a las familias y víctimas el debido respeto
00:08:53Encuentra un crimen, algo que no se haya investigado antes, o aún no
00:09:00Reinventa el show mamá, tu puedes
00:09:06Mira, Lucy llegará mañana, estoy lista para tronar pero no puedo ir a ningún lado exactamente
00:09:12Deja que Lucy y yo te ayudemos
00:09:18Gracias mi vida
00:09:20Lo resolveremos ¿de acuerdo?
00:09:24Ahora ya es suficiente vino, a la cama vamos
00:09:28Si, solo déjame terminarmelo, subiré en un minuto
00:09:33Buenas noches ma
00:09:45Oh Dios mío
00:09:48Hola mamá
00:09:49¿Estás bien?
00:09:50Si, si
00:09:52¿Cómo estás?
00:09:53Estoy bien, supongo
00:09:55¿Eso es todo?
00:09:56Oh, el coche está lleno, de hecho quizá necesite ayuda en un rato
00:10:04Oh Dios, ese viaje realmente me dejó fuera de combate
00:10:07No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:10:11Oh Dios, ese viaje realmente me dejó fuera de combate
00:10:15Dios, tomo como cinco horas o algo así
00:10:17¿Una taza de té?
00:10:18Oh, por favor si, pero que sea doble
00:10:21Muy bien
00:10:22De lo contrario podría desmayarme en cualquier momento
00:10:30¿Ya estás bebiendo?
00:10:35Es de anoche
00:10:40Mamá, ¿qué está pasando?
00:10:44Si es papá, dímelo y puedo ir yo misma
00:10:47Ay no, no tiene nada que ver con tu padre
00:10:52Mira, no quiero entrar en esto ahora
00:10:55Quiero escuchar lo que has estado haciendo
00:10:59¿Te acuerdo?
00:11:01Cuéntamelo todo
00:11:02Um, ¿estuvo bien?
00:11:08Bueno, no estoy segura de querer volver
00:11:11Si, tal vez me tome un descanso
00:11:14Hay un puesto esperando por mí si lo quiero
00:11:17Pero solo... quiero pensar en mis opciones, ¿sabes?
00:11:24¡Dios mío, estás en casa!
00:11:26¡Mira ese tamaño!
00:11:28Oh, gracias, también me da gusto verte
00:11:31¿Cómo has estado?
00:11:32Sí, muy bien, solo esperando a que salga el pequeño
00:11:35¿Ya sabes qué va a ser?
00:11:39Dijiste que lo mantendrías como sorpresa
00:11:42Y lo hice, pero luego me enteré accidentalmente
00:11:45¡Vamos, escúpelo, sí!
00:11:47¿Niña? ¡Es una niña!
00:11:53Entonces, cuéntamelo todo
00:11:57¿A qué te refieres?
00:11:59A mamá
00:12:01¿Qué está pasando?
00:12:03Si es papá y no me lo dice
00:12:05Jesús, no, ya no sabemos nada de él
00:12:09Es el trabajo
00:12:11Bueno, ¿qué tiene de malo?
00:12:13Pensé que le estaba yendo bien
00:12:15Sí, lo estaba, hasta que le dieron el turno de la mañana
00:12:19¿Qué? Bueno, pensé que estaban realmente impresionados con ella y la aceptación que tenía
00:12:23Claramente no tanto
00:12:25Para ser honesta, Lucy parece en sus últimos momentos
00:12:29Si no sube los índices de audiencia, podría estar fuera
00:12:35Bueno, ¿cuál es el plan entonces?
00:12:38Creo que necesita reinventar el programa
00:12:41Hacerlo mucho más moderno
00:12:43Mientras conserva su esencia
00:12:45Resolviéndolo no resuelto y todo eso
00:12:52Y supongo que hay una sola forma de hacer eso
00:12:55Y es haciendo un regreso sensacional
00:12:59¿Cómo diablos va a hacer eso?
00:13:03Pues, resolviendo un crimen
00:13:07Como, en realidad, resolver un crimen
00:13:11Sí, sí, si pudiera encontrar algo que realmente pueda hacer estallar su programa, ¿sabes?
00:13:16Hacerlo más viable, alguien, alguien a quien realmente quieran escuchar
00:13:22Sí, pero no creo que sea así de fácil
00:13:26Elegir al azar un crimen y boom, lo resolvió
00:13:30Tengo algo de tiempo
00:13:33Sí, podría ayudarla
00:13:36Bueno, estaba pensando
00:13:39Que tú y yo, las dos, podemos ayudarla
00:13:42Sí, sí, eso sería lindo
00:13:47En fin, ¿cómo va todo con el papá?
00:13:51Me sorprende que no esté viviendo aquí ya
00:13:54Se lo he pedido, créeme
00:13:57¿En serio?
00:13:59Solo me pone pretextos
00:14:02Su madre cree que no está listo para cambiarse
00:14:06Y económicamente, aún así no puedo hacerlo
00:14:09Hubiera pensado en eso antes de dejarte embarazada
00:14:19Oye, vamos, solo era una broma
00:14:23No, pero tienes razón
00:14:26Lo que dijiste es completamente cierto
00:14:31No sé por qué aceptó todo esto, cuando claramente no quiere estar conmigo
00:14:36Pero no te preocupes, lo arreglaré
00:14:39¿Me conoces?
00:14:46He estado investigando algunos casos de delitos
00:14:50Pero no hay nada que realmente haga que mi programa suba
00:14:54Le falta misterio, es...
00:14:58Necesito algo impactante, algo fuera de lo normal
00:15:02Necesito algo impactante, algo fuera de lo normal
00:15:06Bueno, estuve investigando un poco
00:15:10Creo que encontré algo que te podría interesar
00:15:14Bueno, es información militar ligeramente sensible
00:15:19Pero ha estado en mi radar por un tiempo
00:15:21Es de cuando hacíamos nuestro entrenamiento
00:15:23Es en la ciudad de aquí cerca
00:15:25Hubo ciertos rumores e historias sobre este científico
00:15:29Que estaba llevando sus experimentos al extremo
00:15:32Te escucho
00:15:34¿Qué lo hace tan interesante?
00:15:36Bueno, estaba leyendo este artículo
00:15:41Fue despedido por ignorar las regulaciones biomédicas
00:15:46Y por llevar sus experimentos al extremo
00:15:53Trataba de promover la antigua investigación nazi
00:15:57Y crear animales modificados genéticamente
00:16:03Bueno, sé que te gusta el verdadero crimen, pero...
00:16:06¿Qué hay de un nuevo tipo de crimen?
00:16:09¿Qué hay de explorar el tabú?
00:16:12Creo que sería bueno que lo entrevistaras, mamá
00:16:15Supongo que podría pedirle a Shauna que invierta algo de dinero en algunas...
00:16:20Entrevistas en su ubicación
00:16:22Pasar unos días con él
00:16:25Sí, sabes, él tal vez quiera la publicidad
00:16:28Sí, podríamos convertir esto en una oportunidad para una beca de investigación
00:16:32Para ayudar a promover su trabajo
00:16:35Y si cree que esto se dará a conocer a las masas
00:16:39Entonces podría mostrarnos todas las cosas raras que ha hecho
00:16:43Un último intento desesperado
00:16:46Tenemos que ir al extremo, no puedo tener ideas pasivas, etc
00:16:53Y si lo entrevistas
00:16:55Será controvertido, será muy interesante
00:17:01Y también podemos ir contigo
00:17:04¡Sí! Puedo conducir y Bel también puede ayudar
00:17:13¿Así que quieres que financie un programa en medio de Kent?
00:17:19Bueno, cuando lo pones así suena más bien como un fin de semana en desarrollo
00:17:24Creo que esto podría ser realmente genial
00:17:27¿No lo ves?
00:17:29Lo único que veo es a ti y a tus hijas disfrutando de un fin de semana de lujo
00:17:33Lamento decirlo sin rodeos
00:17:35Creo que hay muchas oportunidades de que este tipo te cierre la puerta en la cara
00:17:39Tú fuiste la que dijo sobre reinventar el programa
00:17:43Creo que esto podría ser, esto es lo que necesito hacer
00:17:47Sabes, lo mezclaré, llevaré a Bel a mi casa
00:17:50Sabes, lo mezclaré, llevando a los espectadores conmigo, escucharán grabaciones en vivo
00:17:57Podría realmente engancharlos, darles algo que valga la pena sintonizar
00:18:01Este tipo de presupuesto extra se suele destinar a un programa que ya tiene éxito
00:18:06No sé cómo persuadiré a los ejecutivos de arriba de que esta es una buena idea
00:18:10De poner más dinero en una producción que ya está fallando
00:18:14Lo harías para cambiar la imagen del programa
00:18:17Esta es la última oportunidad para ver que se levante
00:18:19Perdón por llegar tarde
00:18:25¿Qué me perdí?
00:18:27Lorena, Linda quiere que financie un programa en el medio de Kent sobre un chiflado que vive solo y experimenta con animales
00:18:34¿Qué piensas?
00:18:36No es más que eso
00:18:38Creo que sé dónde me estaba equivocando
00:18:41Necesito ser más controvertida, ir más al extremo
00:18:46Y creo que este investigador nazi podría ser
00:18:49El primero de una nueva serie
00:18:57No sé si creo que esta sea una mala idea
00:19:00Ahora piénsalo, digo, esto es muy comercial y
00:19:04A los oyentes les encanta este tipo de pensamiento al revés
00:19:10Si hay ruta para grabarlo
00:19:12Podría ser genial
00:19:14Bueno, tú eras la que quería algo nuevo y refrescante
00:19:17Esto lo es
00:19:19Vamos Shauna, por favor
00:19:27Tienes tu especial
00:19:29Pero hay algunas restricciones
00:19:30Sí, te escucho
00:19:33Primero, yo estaré ahí
00:19:35Al primer indicio que tenga de que esto es una farsa, cancelaré todo el programa, sin preguntas
00:19:41Segundo, Lorena estará en el lugar
00:19:45Lo siento amor, pero necesitamos tu experiencia
00:19:47Por mí está bien
00:19:50Eso es todo Linda
00:19:52Realmente tienes que hacer que esto funcione
00:19:56Sí, lo sé, gracias
00:19:58¿Y cómo te sientes con todo esto?
00:20:00Sí, confiada
00:20:02Digo, si nos puede decir algo realmente bueno
00:20:05Realmente podría levantar el programa de nuevo
00:20:10¿Y fue fácil que te dieran luz verde?
00:20:12No, pero nunca pensé que lo sería
00:20:13Considerando que la pinche cosa está prácticamente muerta de todos modos
00:20:17Aquí estamos
00:20:19Solo necesito aprovecharlo al máximo
00:20:21Tú puedes mamá
00:20:28Supongo que yo también voy
00:20:33No sé si puedo tener más invitados en esto
00:20:36Bueno, no solo será un invitado mamá
00:20:38Y es un experto en tecnología
00:20:40Estoy literalmente a punto de soltarlo
00:20:41Así que lo necesito ahí
00:20:43Por favor
00:20:45Está bien
00:20:48Será mejor que seas sutil en esto, Danny
00:20:51¿Qué está pasando?
00:20:53Tuvimos otra discusión
00:20:55No podía dejarlo solo como ha estado
00:20:58Mira, si él no viene estaré sentada en el teléfono enviándole mensajes todo el tiempo
00:21:03Lo necesito ahí, es lo mejor
00:21:06Está bien, pero...
00:21:08¿Qué pasa?
00:21:09Está bien, pero no dejes que se convierta en una distracción, ¿sí?
00:21:13Sí, lo entiendo
00:21:15Debemos superar esto por mamá
00:21:19Nos vemos ahí
00:21:39¿Qué pasa?
00:22:09¿Qué pasa?
00:22:40¿Debería saberlo cuándo?
00:22:42Intentamos llamarlo antes y no hubo respuesta, eso era una señal
00:22:47Dios, ¿en qué estaba pensando?
00:22:49Mamá, relájate, ¿de acuerdo?
00:22:51Ah, sí
00:22:53Dios, ¿quién eres?
00:22:55Eres mi madre, la que todo le vale, y no me importa
00:22:58¿Qué pasa?
00:23:00¿Qué pasa?
00:23:02¿Qué pasa?
00:23:04¿Qué pasa?
00:23:06¿Qué pasa?
00:23:07Eres mi madre, la que todo le vale, y no aguanta payasadas
00:23:11Así que solo cálmate, ¿sí?
00:23:14Puedes con esto
00:23:26Señor Sizerman
00:23:37¿Qué demonios?
00:23:39Está bien, es un truco que aprendí en el ejército, un truco en el que nadie sabrá siquiera que entramos
00:23:45Podemos decir que dejó la puerta trasera abierta, es fácil
00:23:48Sí, pero si nos atrapan es ilegal
00:23:50Al igual que muchas cosas, mamá
00:23:52Pero dejar tu puerta trasera abierta y que alguien pase, eso es normal
00:23:58Es hora de reinventarse, mamá
00:24:07¿Qué pasa?
00:24:38¿Qué pasa?
00:24:40¿Qué pasa?
00:24:42¿Qué pasa?
00:24:44¿Qué pasa?
00:24:46¿Qué pasa?
00:24:48¿Qué pasa?
00:24:50¿Qué pasa?
00:24:52¿Qué pasa?
00:24:54¿Qué pasa?
00:24:56¿Qué pasa?
00:24:58¿Qué pasa?
00:25:00¿Qué pasa?
00:25:02¿Qué pasa?
00:25:04¿Qué pasa?
00:25:05¿Qué pasa?
00:25:07¿Qué pasa?
00:25:09¿Qué pasa?
00:25:11¿Qué pasa?
00:25:13¿Qué pasa?
00:25:15¿Qué pasa?
00:25:17¿Qué pasa?
00:25:19¿Qué pasa?
00:25:21¿Qué pasa?
00:25:23¿Qué pasa?
00:25:25¿Qué pasa?
00:25:27¿Qué pasa?
00:25:29¿Qué pasa?
00:25:31¿Qué pasa?
00:25:33¿Qué pasa?
00:25:35¿Qué pasa?
00:25:37¿Qué pasa?
00:25:39¿Qué pasa?
00:25:41¿Qué pasa?
00:25:43La puerta trasera estaba abierta
00:26:01Chicos, vamos, vamos
00:26:2221 de febrero
00:26:25Acabamos de llegar a la casa del Sr. Zeisserman
00:26:30La puerta trasera estaba abierta
00:26:32Y parece que no hay nadie adentro
00:26:36Había señales de comida no consumida en la cocina
00:26:43Seguiré explorando la casa
00:26:46Para ver si hay algo más que pueda encontrar
00:27:03La puerta trasera
00:27:05La puerta trasera
00:27:07La puerta trasera
00:27:09La puerta trasera
00:27:11La puerta trasera
00:27:13La puerta trasera
00:27:15La puerta trasera
00:27:17La puerta trasera
00:27:19La puerta trasera
00:27:21La puerta trasera
00:27:23La puerta trasera
00:27:25La puerta trasera
00:27:27La puerta trasera
00:27:29La puerta trasera
00:27:30La puerta trasera
00:27:54Necesitamos hablar y creo que sabes a donde va esto
00:27:57The door was open.
00:28:02Look, let's make a plan.
00:28:04Let's make up a story.
00:28:06Let's pretend we don't know anything.
00:28:08Let's fucking pay him thousands of pesos for an interview.
00:28:11This works a lot better, doesn't it?
00:28:14Let's continue with this.
00:28:15Let's say that...
00:28:16That we were driving.
00:28:17That we got lost.
00:28:18That we had my daughter in the car.
00:28:20And that she's pregnant.
00:28:21And she needed to go to the bathroom.
00:28:23We saw the house.
00:28:24We went up.
00:28:25We knocked on the door.
00:28:26It was open.
00:28:27We went in.
00:28:28I'm sorry, sir.
00:28:29I hope you don't mind.
00:28:32Come on.
00:28:33As a journalist, I have to start taking risks.
00:28:38Searching the internet for a crime that wasn't solved 50 years ago is not enough.
00:28:43I need to make an effort.
00:28:49Just be careful.
00:28:50That's all I'm saying.
00:28:51What if this guy comes home and calls the police?
00:28:54It's okay.
00:28:55I'll take care of it.
00:29:07Welcome to Dealing with Linda's Taboo.
00:29:12Coming to you...
00:29:16And undercover...
00:29:18From inside Mr. Zeisserman's house.
00:29:24You're welcome.
00:29:40It's time.
00:29:41Try to postpone the conversation.
00:29:44Yes, we'll talk about that.
00:29:45But I'm here for my mom, Dan.
00:29:47Then why are we here?
00:29:50Why did you bring me here if you don't want to talk to me?
00:29:54We'll talk about that later.
00:29:55But come on.
00:29:56We just got here.
00:29:57Just give her some time.
00:29:59We didn't come here just to avoid the topic.
00:30:02We have to solve it before she gets here.
00:30:10We'll have a baby girl.
00:30:12I thought we'd wait to see the sex.
00:30:14It was a surprise.
00:30:17You should be happy.
00:30:18And shouldn't we make decisions like these together?
00:30:22When did you find out?
00:30:25Don't act like an idiot because he's not a kid.
00:30:28Bella, you don't get it, do you?
00:30:30I don't act like an idiot because he's not a kid.
00:30:32I act like an idiot because I feel like I have no control over any of this.
00:30:36I never feel like I have a voice or a vote in this process.
00:30:42I thought you'd be happy.
00:30:45Guys, guys, come on.
00:30:47Just calm down, okay?
00:30:48Don't meddle, Lucy.
00:30:49If you're going to talk about that,
00:30:51go somewhere where neither my mom nor your mom's boss can hear you, okay?
00:30:55I need some air.
00:31:19What are you doing?
00:31:20What are you doing?
00:31:47What were you doing?
00:31:50What were you doing?
00:32:10There's something in my room.
00:32:12And what's going on here?
00:32:42I don't know.
00:33:12Oh, my God.
00:33:23I think I found it.
00:33:37I got him out of there.
00:33:39Whatever he was doing, he was certainly getting results.
00:33:43I've never seen a spider like that.
00:33:45I'm sure he's not happy to be there.
00:33:49You wouldn't believe it.
00:33:51One of them escaped and...
00:33:53Well, that's what killed him.
00:33:56Well, I can't think of another explanation.
00:33:59Do you think there are more of those things hidden in the house?
00:34:03Spiders are more afraid of us than we are of them.
00:34:06As long as we don't scare them or make them angry,
00:34:09we should be able to continue.
00:34:13I'm sorry, I don't think you'll find me walking around here
00:34:16a second more than necessary.
00:34:18Aren't these exactly the kind of things we were expecting?
00:34:21Come on, Shauna.
00:34:23This could be the discovery of your life.
00:34:25If we document everything, we make up a good story,
00:34:29this was uploading the program again.
00:34:31I don't think I value your success more than my safety.
00:34:34I really don't think you have anything to worry about.
00:34:37Please, just give me the night to take a look.
00:34:41Or if you want to book a hotel, that's fine.
00:34:44You can register remotely.
00:34:48Don't cancel anything yet.
00:34:50This is illegal, Linda.
00:34:52Yeah, well, I also broke it and got in, but we did it.
00:34:56Now look, I'm sorry.
00:34:58But we can't do anything for that poor guy now.
00:35:01But we can try to find out what happened here.
00:35:05Shauna, this is about the real reports.
00:35:08And once we have transmitted this to the nation,
00:35:11how do we explain it to the officers who are going to be fucking us?
00:35:16We come here with the intention of doing an interview.
00:35:20We just find the back door open and...
00:35:23we suspect.
00:35:25We go in and catch them right away.
00:35:28Can you find something legal to protect us, just in case?
00:35:33Yes, I'll find something.
00:35:36Don't screw it up.
00:35:39I'm not leaving.
00:35:41Dan, I'm here for my mom.
00:35:43I'm not running from one place to another, am I?
00:35:46I'm safe.
00:35:48You're always so stubborn.
00:35:50You do what you want.
00:35:52You don't think about anyone else, do you?
00:35:54Oh, please, Dan, stop.
00:35:56Just stop.
00:35:59What will happen if the baby arrives?
00:36:01And then what?
00:36:03Everything will be your way?
00:36:05You know what?
00:36:07Why can't you support me to change?
00:36:09Why do you always have to argue for everything?
00:36:11That's what I always do.
00:36:13I didn't even want this baby.
00:36:18Are you serious?
00:36:22You know it was hard for me.
00:36:25And you should also know that I hadn't finished my studies.
00:36:28I wanted to go back and do my master's degree.
00:36:31But I looked for a job to support your decision.
00:36:34My decision.
00:36:36We both decided.
00:36:38So don't you dare blame me for everything.
00:36:41Ask yourself.
00:36:43When did I really say I wanted this baby?
00:36:48If that's what you want,
00:36:50maybe we should think about our relationship.
00:36:52Think about what will happen when she arrives.
00:36:57I think you're right.
00:37:00I'm leaving.
00:37:03I'll take my car and go back with your mother.
00:37:05I don't think I'm good for anyone here.
00:37:09We'll talk when you get back.
00:37:21Oh, no.
00:37:22Oh, no.
00:37:26Oh, God.
00:37:29I could throw up.
00:37:31It's the smell of a rotten corpse.
00:37:35Okay, we shouldn't touch anything.
00:37:39I don't want to mess up the room.
00:37:42Oh, my God.
00:37:52Oh, my God.
00:38:06It looks like her face is completely burned.
00:38:14looking at the cobwebs,
00:38:17it can be assumed that the spider
00:38:19has been waiting for him all...
00:38:22all week.
00:38:25Do you think that was his intention to eat him?
00:38:31I think we can assume it was going to be a snack for...
00:38:35the next few weeks.
00:38:44Did you hear that?
00:39:17Oh, no.
00:39:37Oh, no.
00:39:48I'm sure there's nothing else in this house.
00:39:54We're about to find out.
00:39:57No, I don't want to go up there.
00:40:00I'll go and...
00:40:04I can take some pictures of what I find.
00:40:13Okay, to hell.
00:40:15Let's go.
00:40:53Are you sure we won't get in trouble for being here?
00:40:56If we all stick to the same story, we should be fine.
00:41:00Yes, but you're literally giving private information, Luz.
00:41:03It's not like they'll fuck you over, you could lose your job.
00:41:07I wouldn't mind.
00:41:08What do you mean you wouldn't mind?
00:41:10You've worked all your life to be in the force.
00:41:14And look where it took me.
00:41:16You were promoted.
00:41:18You're an intelligence officer now.
00:41:21Mom and I are very proud of you.
00:41:25Yes, when I get home, I have nothing.
00:41:31Yes, I'm fine when I'm away most of the year.
00:41:37But when I get home, what do I have?
00:41:40You have a united family.
00:41:44Do you know how jealous I am of you?
00:41:53I'm worried that everyone I know will go on with their lives and...
00:41:58I just feel stuck.
00:42:02I'm nothing to make you jealous, Luz.
00:42:05Dan is right.
00:42:11Keeping me with this baby was to keep me with him.
00:42:16He had doubts about us.
00:42:19He asked me if I wanted to be with him forever.
00:42:24When I got pregnant, I couldn't tell him 100% that I wanted a child.
00:42:30When I got pregnant, I couldn't tell him 100% that I wanted a child at this age.
00:42:36I can't.
00:42:39But keeping him was my little way of keeping him.
00:42:44Oh, Belle. I had no idea.
00:42:49Because everything looks good when you see it from the outside.
00:42:53Nothing is what it seems, so you can't compare yourself to anyone else.
00:42:59You know what? If you're not happy, to hell with you.
00:43:02Don't continue with your contract.
00:43:05You only have one life. Do whatever makes you happy.
00:43:11Look, what if something comes out?
00:43:14What if it's from below?
00:43:16What if it's like a baby?
00:43:19You've seen a lot of horror movies.
00:43:22This isn't a zoo. Turn it off.
00:43:25It's a man's house.
00:43:28I mean, that container below.
00:43:31One of those spiders must have attacked it.
00:43:36Yes, you're right.
00:43:39Okay, sorry.
00:43:50Oh, Lorena.
00:43:53Well, I found you here.
00:43:55Obviously, you were suspicious of something, weren't you?
00:43:58You know how to use it.
00:44:00You take the safety off, you press the trigger...
00:44:03Stop playing with it.
00:44:06Let's keep it.
00:44:19Look at them.
00:44:22Audio tapes.
00:44:24This could be something, right?
00:44:27Let's hope so.
00:44:30Come on.
00:44:33Let's see if they're there.
00:44:34Yes, okay.
00:44:40We found this in the attic.
00:44:43Audio recordings?
00:44:44Yes, there are a lot of them.
00:44:49Can we listen to them?
00:44:57I'm Dr. George Zisserman.
00:44:59Recording October 24, 2014.
00:45:13What the hell?
00:45:15What's going on?
00:45:19During the last decade, I worked for Biotech... the division of genetic services...
00:45:24...exploring the genetic editing for disease prevention.
00:45:28During my research, I discovered promising studies...
00:45:31...that go back to the Second World War of Nazi Germany.
00:45:36Ignoring morality, they took the experiments to the extreme...
00:45:40...and discovered something great and promising.
00:45:43But the research was interrupted at the end of the war.
00:45:46I discovered what they were trying to achieve.
00:45:49This is extremely believable...
00:45:51...and I will investigate this more thoroughly.
00:46:01I had access to an unrecognizable DNA sequence...
00:46:05...which they thought was alien, something from another world.
00:46:10I harvested it, replicated it, and tried to make it grow.
00:46:15The sketches of the notes were incredible.
00:46:18I had never seen anything like this.
00:46:22This is not pseudoscience.
00:46:24The experiments were increasingly successful.
00:46:27Advanced molecular techniques were used.
00:46:31They tried to reproduce the creature in artificial uterus...
00:46:34...and with in vitro methods.
00:46:37Something bigger than we could have ever imagined.
00:47:00Selecting a handful of animals to host them.
00:47:04Those whose DNA was more similar to that of the creatures.
00:47:08I was hoping to discover what creature could be born.
00:47:11The biotech ordered that the investigation be stopped.
00:47:14But I can't let this stop.
00:47:17This could be the first confirmation of life on another planet.
00:47:21I took a sample to continue my investigation.
00:47:34January 4th
00:47:44January 4th
00:47:46The creature continues to grow.
00:47:4830 days have passed.
00:47:51It seems to have killed the host from the inside.
00:47:54But similar to a parasite, the fetus continues to feed on the corpse.
00:47:58The host was not perfectly compatible, but it seems to have fulfilled its purpose.
00:48:03I calculate that there are 5 days left for its birth.
00:48:08Whatever it was doing here, it just doesn't feel right.
00:48:13Tell me.
00:48:16Today is January 9th.
00:48:19January 9th
00:48:34No, no, no, no, no.
00:48:35Dan, let's go.
00:48:40Let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:48:49No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:48:53Dan, please.
00:49:50January 9th
00:49:53January 9th
00:50:18The creature is alive.
00:50:20It has consumed its host completely and has grown to a rapid size.
00:50:25It is trapped and under close surveillance.
00:50:29It seems to adapt to its environment, like some fish that grow to adapt to their environment.
00:50:36January 9th
00:50:46After moving the creature to a larger container, it has become extremely hungry and grows again at a rapid pace.
00:50:55This is the first solid evidence of extraterrestrial life.
00:50:59It tried several times to escape from the container and surprisingly seems to be developing additional members, adapting to its new environment.
00:51:12Yes, that's right.
00:51:14It has been growing to the size it describes.
00:51:18Well, I'm sure it's been a week.
00:51:23That thing would be out of control now.
00:51:27I mean, it wouldn't be the size of a small dog.
00:51:30Well, ma'am, the show is over.
00:51:32Sorry, I think we have enough for what we came for.
00:51:36Shauna, no.
00:51:38Let's go, Lorena.
00:51:41Let's go.
00:51:45I think there's something here, Shauna.
00:51:47Look, it would be a waste if we just ignore this.
00:51:51Why don't you just wait a few more hours and see what we can find out?
00:51:57Once we've told the authorities, it's over.
00:52:01Okay, stay here with Linda and have them arrest you and put you in jail for 10 years.
00:52:07Look, the damage is already done.
00:52:10Come on, let's just stay a little longer.
00:52:13Wait, wait, are you crazy to think that we could expose even a quarter of what we've discovered?
00:52:19The guy was right.
00:52:20The authorities don't want anyone to find out about this new species until they know how to deal with it.
00:52:25Oh, Shauna, please.
00:52:26I mean, you can do whatever you want, but I won't be part of this.
00:52:30Shauna, please.
00:52:37I'm out of here.
00:53:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:53:15No more.
00:53:16Please, please, please.
00:53:18No more.
00:53:21No more.
00:54:15It's so hot, it's so hot!
00:54:28Show her now, show her now.
00:54:41That thing swallowed her.
00:54:54Whatever it was, it was much bigger than the other one. Much bigger.
00:55:01It's the mother.
00:55:03You're digging the ground in search of prey.
00:55:07This is her home and we're invading it.
00:55:11And that's her offspring and we're intruding.
00:55:17She probably went somewhere nearby.
00:55:20Okay, and like any spider, she'll go out hunting at night.
00:55:26And she'll realize we're in her territory.
00:55:32We don't know how smart this species is.
00:55:36I'm sure this isn't an ordinary spider.
00:55:42Whatever that doctor was experimenting with is...
00:55:45a kind of mutation between...
00:55:49alien spider...
00:55:52and DNA.
00:55:54God, even saying it out loud, I can't believe I'm going crazy.
00:56:04What the hell, Mom?
00:56:07Lorena found her upstairs, thank God.
00:56:09We need something to protect us.
00:56:12What are we thinking?
00:56:14Of escaping?
00:56:16Well, we can't stay here anymore.
00:56:19Can you try calling the police?
00:56:22Shauna was right.
00:56:25We should have left a long time ago.
00:56:29Where's Belle?
00:56:31When was the last time you saw her?
00:56:34I saw her a while ago.
00:56:36Um, Daniel went...
00:56:38He went home.
00:56:40No, no, I saw his car outside.
00:56:42No, no, he went home hours ago.
00:56:46I saw Belle upstairs somewhere.
00:56:48She's probably still there.
00:56:50Okay, I can...
00:56:51I can go get her.
00:56:53Did you have luck?
00:56:54No, nothing, nothing.
00:56:57Mom, where are you going?
00:56:59I'll go see if there's more of those things.
00:57:02We must wait for the police.
00:57:04We must make sure there are no more creatures.
00:57:11Damn it!
00:58:51Jesus Christ, Mom!
00:58:52Jesus Christ.
00:58:54I'm sorry, Shauna.
00:58:56I thought everything was over.
00:58:58Oh my God.
00:59:02Think before you shoot that thing.
00:59:05Give it to me.
00:59:12I think I found Belle.
00:59:21I don't know.
00:59:23It's okay.
00:59:25I'll show you.
00:59:29What was that noise?
00:59:31Was there another one?
00:59:32Mom, I almost blew my head off.
00:59:34That's all.
00:59:35Yeah, false alarm.
00:59:36I won't do that again.
00:59:37Any news on the phones?
00:59:39No, nothing.
00:59:41The weather is ruining the signals.
00:59:43Yeah, Belle is out there in the sauna.
00:59:46We saw her from the window above.
00:59:48Well, she's in danger.
00:59:49I can't think of any other reason why she would be out there.
00:59:52I'm going to go.
00:59:54No offense, but you almost killed me a while ago.
00:59:57Look, I'm trained for this.
01:00:00I can go out there.
01:00:01I know how to use a gun.
01:00:03I can go get her and bring her back.
01:00:06So stay here.
01:00:07Check the phones.
01:00:08Check them all.
01:00:09And walk around the house.
01:00:10See if you can get a signal.
01:00:12No, you're not going.
01:00:13Do you have a better idea, Mom?
01:00:16I'll be careful.
01:00:18I can do this.
01:00:20Now let's go.
01:00:21They all have to do their part.
01:00:23Check the phones.
01:00:25Mine is in one of the rooms upstairs.
01:00:27And if you catch anything, tell them to come right now.
01:00:53This one's not working.
01:01:01She left.
01:01:54We have to get out of here now.
01:01:57The fountain broke.
01:02:06I have to get you into the house, okay?
01:02:10You're going to be okay.
01:02:11I promise.
01:02:13We just have to get out of here.
01:02:16I think this is their hideout.
01:02:18Come on.
01:02:19Come on.
01:02:35It's okay.
01:02:36Three, two, one.
01:02:38Come on.
01:02:39Come on.
01:02:53Oh, my God, Bail.
01:02:55The table.
01:02:59You're okay.
01:03:00It's okay.
01:03:01It's okay, honey.
01:03:05She's coming.
01:03:07It's okay.
01:03:08It's okay.
01:03:23I know.
01:03:25I know.
01:03:26I know.
01:03:35She's about to give birth at any moment.
01:03:40She started giving birth when she saw...
01:03:44When she saw what?
01:03:48Daniel is dead.
01:03:51And I think Bail found him.
01:03:53And he was so scared that he broke the fountain.
01:03:58We just have to keep her calm.
01:04:01Protect her.
01:04:02She's going to need us.
01:04:03She's going to need all the help she can get.
01:04:07I'll go get her.
01:04:09Stay here and take care of Bail.
01:04:11I'll find her and I'll kill her.
01:04:13Be careful, okay?
01:04:14I will.
01:04:18Here I am.
01:04:20Mom, she's coming.
01:04:28She's coming.
01:04:29Take a deep breath.
01:04:30Take a deep breath.
01:04:37Take a deep breath.
01:05:07There you are.
01:05:28My God.
01:05:33We have to take her to the hospital.
01:05:35I know.
01:05:36But how do we get out if...
01:05:38That thing is outside.
01:05:39But we can't leave Deluz here.
01:05:41She needs professionals.
01:05:43We're not equipped for this.
01:05:45I know, but...
01:05:47How do you suggest we get to the car?
01:05:49Did you see the size of that?
01:05:50But still.
01:05:51It's just a spider.
01:05:52So let's treat it like one.
01:05:54Let's use the same actions to kill it.
01:05:56But it's not just a spider, is it?
01:06:00We need to catch it.
01:06:03Well, how do you suggest we do that?
01:06:06He went to the sauna, turning it into his home for a reason.
01:06:11Spiders are attracted to humidity.
01:06:14That's why they tend to take refuge in basements.
01:06:17There's moist air inside the house.
01:06:19Your generic homemade spider tends to live in silent hidden spaces where they can find food and water.
01:06:26Like air outlets.
01:06:28In the corners of the rooms.
01:06:29In the arctic.
01:06:31So we bring it to a place like this.
01:06:33And then we set it on fire.
01:07:36¿A dónde te fuiste?
01:08:35I'm sorry, but I have to go.
01:08:37Don't worry, I'll be back.
01:08:41I'll be right back.
01:08:43I'll be back.
01:08:45I'll be back.
01:08:47Let's go home.
01:08:49I have to go.
01:09:03You can do it.
01:09:36Did you catch her?
01:09:38Oh, the damn thing is dead.
01:09:40We should be safe now.
01:09:42We need to take her to a hospital.
01:09:44She can't give birth here.
01:09:46She needs professional help.
01:09:48Yes, I agree.
01:09:51We're thinking of catching the big one in the house and setting it on fire.
01:09:57Once we take care of the big one,
01:09:59that's the only way we can get out, get to the cars and get out of here.
01:10:05Why don't we take a chance?
01:10:07I can cover them.
01:10:09We get rid of the big one, and then we can take a chance on the opposite.
01:10:13It's too risky.
01:10:15I'm not going anywhere.
01:10:17Listen, this is her house.
01:10:21Then we tie her up.
01:10:23And then we set it on fire.
01:10:30Well, then...
01:10:33We should find some gasoline in...
01:10:35In the attic.
01:10:37Look, I saw some when I was there a while ago.
01:10:39Okay, let's go.
01:10:44It's okay, it's okay.
01:10:46It's okay, honey.
01:10:48It's okay, honey.
01:10:51It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
01:10:54It's okay, I'll get you more towels, okay?
01:10:57Wait here, just wait here.
01:11:01It's okay, it's okay.
01:11:13That'll do.
01:11:18That'll do.
01:11:58There it is.
01:12:00Yes, it's okay.
01:12:04Let's prepare this place.
01:12:07We put her in the house.
01:12:09We set it on fire.
01:12:11Okay, sounds like a good plan.
01:15:16No te muevas.
01:15:26Ni lo intentes, maldita.
01:15:55Muy bien, muy bien.
01:15:57Bueno, está bien ahora.
01:15:59Está bien, está bien.
01:16:01Ya estás bien.
01:16:05Lorena, vamos.
01:18:12Ven, anda, vamos.
01:18:14Vamos, vamos, vamos.
01:18:15Está en la casa.
01:18:16Lo sé, lo sé.
01:18:17¿Dónde está?
01:18:18¿Dónde está?
01:18:19Todo está bien.
01:18:20Está atrapada en el ático.
01:18:21Pero atrapó a Lorena.
01:18:23Te llegas al cuarto, pero tú solo tienes que llevar a Bella al auto, ¿de acuerdo?
01:18:26No te voy a dejar.
01:18:27Incendiaré este lugar.
01:18:29Solo váyanse.
01:18:30No pueden quedarse aquí.
01:18:32Está bien, bueno, bueno.
01:18:35Está bien.
01:18:37Vamos, cariño, te tengo.
01:18:39Te tengo.
01:19:50Nadie nos creerá sin esto, mamá.
01:19:53No lo creerán.
01:19:55No lo creerán.
01:19:57No lo creerán.
01:19:59No lo creerán.
01:20:01Nadie nos creerá sin esto, mamá.
01:20:04¿Puedes mantener tu programa en marcha?
01:20:09Está bien, vamos.
01:20:10Debemos llevar a tu hermana al hospital.
01:20:12Está bien.
01:20:32Tú, tú eras la que estaba trabajando.
01:20:37Sube al auto.
01:21:01Sube al auto.
01:21:31Sube al auto.
01:22:01Sube al auto.
01:22:02Sube al auto.
01:22:03Sube al auto.
01:22:31Subtítulos realizados por la comunidad de
