Al-Quran para number 23 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz#1

  • 2 days ago
Al-Quran para number 23 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz
Translation Voice Syed Abul A'la Maududi
Tilawat Voice:Qari e Quran Muhammad Bilal muaaz as shaikh noorain
Lyrics: Holy Quran Al-Quran para number 18
Video Editing::Muhammad Ramzan Jani check 19 MB
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#Quran #MyQuran #JuzByJuz
Al-Quran para number 18
Juz 25 (Para 18) - Quran with English Translation || Surah Al-Hijab Arabic and English
#Juz1 #Para1 #surahalbaqarah
#Juz1 #Para1 #quranrecitation #SurahAlFatihah #SurahAlBaqarah


00:00In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate.
00:20Why should I not serve the One who created me and to whom all of you shall be sent back?
00:38Should I take other deities besides Him, if the All-Merciful intends to harm me?
00:48Their intercession will be of no avail to me, nor will they save me.
01:01Should I take other deities besides Him, if the All-Merciful intends to harm me?
01:16Their intercession will be of no avail to me, nor will they save me.
01:26Surely, in that case, I should indeed be in evident error.
01:32Indeed, I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me.
01:41I believe in your Lord, so listen to me.
01:45It was said, Enter Paradise. He said, I wish my people knew.
01:55Eventually, they killed him and he was told, Enter Paradise.
02:01The man exclaimed, Would that my people knew.
02:05For what reason Allah has forgiven me and placed me among the honoured ones?
02:19And We did not send down any host after him from the sky, nor would We have sent him down.
02:40After him, We did not send down any host from the heaven.
02:45We stood in no need to send down any host.
02:49There was but a single blast, and suddenly they became silent and still.
03:06Alas for My servants! Never does a messenger come to them, but they mock him.
03:28Have they not seen how many nations before them did We destroy?
03:44Thereafter, they never came back to them.
03:48All of them shall one day be gathered before Us.
04:01And a sign for them is the dead earth.
04:05We gave life to it and brought forth grain from it, and from it they eat.
04:14Let the dead earth be a sign for them.
04:18We gave life to it and brought forth grain from it, and from it they eat.
04:23And We placed therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We caused springs to gush forth.
04:49So that they may eat of its fruit, and what their hands have done.
04:56Will they not then be grateful?
05:01That they might eat of its fruits.
05:03It was not their hands that made them.
05:06Will they not then give thanks?
05:09Exalted is He Who created all things from the earth and from themselves and from that which they know not.
05:26Holy is He Who created all things in pairs, whether it be of what the earth produces, and of themselves, and of what they do not know.
05:49And the night is another sign for them.
05:52They strip the day from it, and they become plunged in darkness.
06:08The sun is running its course to its appointed place.
06:12That is the ordaining of the Almighty, the All-Knowing.
06:22We have appointed stages for the moon till it returns in the shape of a dry old branch of palm tree.
06:35Neither does it lie in the sun's power to overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day.
07:03All glide along, each in its own orbit.
07:19Another sign for them is that We carried all their offspring in the laden vessel.
07:33And then created for them other vessels, like those on which they ride.
07:51Should We so wish, We can drown them, and there will be none to heed their cries of distress, nor will they be rescued.
08:02It is only Our mercy that rescues them, and enables enjoyment of life for a while.
08:10It is only Our mercy that rescues them, and enables enjoyment of life for a while.
08:18And when it is said to such people, Guard yourselves against what is ahead of you and what has preceded you, that mercy be shown to you, they pay scant heed to it.
08:44And no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord, except that they turn away from them.
08:55Never does any sign of their Lord come to them, but they turn away from it.
09:25And when it is said to them, Spend in the way of Allah, out of the sustenance that Allah has provided you, the unbelievers say to the believers, Shall we feed him whom Allah would have fed, had he so wished? Say, You are in evident error.
09:50And they say, When will this threat of resurrection come to pass? Tell us, if indeed you are truthful.
10:09They do not see except a single cry, which overtakes them while they dispute.
10:20The truth is, that they are waiting for nothing but a mighty blast to seize them, the while they are disputing in their worldly affairs.
10:32And they will not even be able to make a testament, nor to return to their households.
10:51Then the trumpet shall be blown, and, lo, they will come out of their graves, and be on the move towards their Lord.
11:12They will say, Woe to us! Who has raised us from our beds? This is what the Most Merciful has promised, and the Messengers have spoken the truth.
11:26Nervously exclaiming, Alas for us! Who roused us out of our sleeping place? This is what the Merciful One had promised, and what His Messengers had said was true.
11:40If there is but a single cry, then all will be brought before Us.
11:53Then there will simply be one single blast, and all will have gathered before Us.
12:01Today no one shall suffer the least injustice, and you shall not be recompensed except according to your deeds.
12:24Indeed, the people of Paradise will be busy enjoying themselves.
12:51They and their spouses shall be reclining on their couches in shady groves.
13:07Therein there will be all kinds of fruits to eat, and they shall have all that they desire.
13:22Peace shall be the word conveyed to them from their Merciful Lord.
13:35Criminals, separate yourselves from others today.
13:40Children of Adam, did I not command you not to serve Satan? He is to you an open enemy.
14:04And to worship Me, this is the straight path.
14:18And he has turned away from you many a time. Have you not then understood?
14:34Did you have no sense?
14:36This is the hell that you were promised.
14:44Now this is the hell of which you were warned.
14:49Burn in it on account of your disbelieving.
15:00Today We shall put a seal on their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us,
15:08and their feet shall bear witness to what they had been doing.
15:13Today We shall put a seal on their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us,
15:20and their feet shall bear witness to what they had been doing.
15:23If We so willed, We would have put out their eyes, then they would rush to see the way,
15:31and they would not be able to see Me.
15:35And if We so willed, We would have put out their eyes, then they would not be able to see Me.
15:43If We so willed, We would have put out their eyes, then they would rush to see the way,
15:53but how would they be able to see?
15:56And if We so willed, We would have put out their eyes, then they would not be able to see Me.
16:09If We so willed, We would have transformed them where they were,
16:16so that they would not go forward or backward.
16:28Whomsoever We grant a long life, We reverse him in his constitution.
16:34Do they still not understand?
16:51We did not teach him to wet the messenger poetry, and it does not behove him.
16:58This is none but an admonition and a clear book.
17:04Warn him who is alive, and let the word be firm against the disbelievers.
17:14That he may warn him who is alive, and establish an argument against those that deny the truth.
17:22Do they not see that We have created for them from that which Our hands have made cattle, and they own them?
17:37Do they not see Our handiwork? We created for them cattle which they own.
17:53We have subjected the cattle to them, so that some of them they ride, and eat the flesh of others.
18:06They derive a variety of benefits and drinks from them. Will they then not give thanks?
18:22They set up deities apart from Allah, hoping that they will receive help from God.
18:29They set up deities apart from Allah, hoping that they will receive help from them.
18:47Those deities can render them no help, yet these devotees act as though they were an army in waiting for them.
18:58Let not their words grieve you. Surely, We know all things about them, what they conceal, and what they reveal.
19:09Let not their words grieve you. Surely, We know all things about them, what they conceal, and what they reveal.
19:19Does man not see that We created him of a sperm drop? And lo! he is flagrantly contentious.
19:29Does man not see that We created him of a sperm drop? And lo! he is flagrantly contentious.
19:45He strikes for us a similitude, and for God we are equal.
19:59He says, Who will quicken the bones when they have decayed?
20:18Say, He who first brought them into being will quicken them.
20:23He knows well about every kind of creation.
20:42He who created from a green tree a fire for you, a fire to light your stoves with.
20:53He who created from the heavens and the earth, He is capable of creating the likes of them.
20:58He who created from the heavens and the earth, He is capable of creating the likes of them.
21:02Yes, He is the All-Knowing Creator.
21:08Has He who created the heavens and the earth no power to create the likes of them?
21:14Yes, indeed, He is the Superb Creator.
21:19Whenever He wills a thing, He just commands it, Be, and it is.
21:27Whenever He wills a thing, He just commands it, Be, and it is.
21:34Whenever He wills a thing, He just commands it, Be, and it is.
21:41Holy is He who has full control over everything, and to Him you shall all be recalled.
22:02In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
22:08In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
22:21By those who range themselves in rows.
22:29By those who reprove severely.
22:38And those who recite the exhortation.
22:46Surely, your God is One.
22:58The Lord of the heavens and the earth, and of whatever lies between the two.
23:03The Lord of the Easts.
23:07We have adorned the lower heaven with adornment of the stars.
23:30And have protected it from every rebellious Satan.
23:37To the highest ranks, and they are threatened from every side.
23:53They will be banished, and they will have a severe punishment.
23:59And are repelled. Theirs is an unceasing chastisement.
24:12And if any is able to snatch a fragment, he is pursued by a piercing flame.
24:28And We have created them from the clay of clay.
24:45Nay, you wonder, and they mock.
24:49You marvel at the wondrous creations of Allah, and they scoff at it.
25:00And when they are admonished, they pay no heed.
25:11And if they see any sign, they laugh it away.
25:20And say, this is nothing but plain sorcery.
25:37Is it ever possible that after we die, and are reduced to dust, and a skeleton of bones,
25:44we will be raised to life?
25:54And so also shall our forefathers of yore be raised to life.
26:05Tell them, yes, and you are utterly helpless against Allah.
26:14There will be a single stern rebuff, and lo!
26:29They will be observing with their own eyes all that they had been warned against.
26:35And they will say, O woe to us! This is the Day of Judgment.
26:48This is the Day of Decision on which you used to deny.
27:04Then will the command be given, muster all the wrongdoers, and their spouses, and the deities whom they used to serve.
27:12Then will the command be given, muster all the wrongdoers, and their spouses, and the deities whom they used to serve.
27:30Apart from Allah, and direct them to the path of Hell.
27:42And detain them there, they will be called to account.
27:53How is it that you are not helping one another?
28:02Indeed, today they are surrendering themselves completely.
28:11Nay, but some of them are questioning one another.
28:21They will then turn towards each other and start wrangling.
28:27They will say, you used to come to us from the right.
28:32The followers will say to their leaders, you used to come to us from the right hand.
28:46They will say, nay, you yourselves were not the ones who would believe.
29:02Nay, you used to be a rebellious people.
29:13So the word of our Lord was incumbent upon us, that we should taste it.
29:31So we led you astray, we ourselves were strayed.
29:45On that day they will all share the chastisement.
29:48Thus do we treat the culprits.
29:59Indeed, when it is said to them, there is no god but Allah, they will be in a state of fear.
30:06Thus do we treat the culprits.
30:21Whenever it was said to them, there is no true deity apart from Allah, they waxed proud.
30:36And said, shall we forsake our deities for the sake of a distracted poet?
30:51They say so, although he brought the truth and confirmed the veracity of the messengers.
31:05They will be told, you shall taste the grievous chastisement.
31:24You will only be recompensed according to your deeds.
31:35But Allah's chosen servants shall be spared this woeful end.
31:48For them awaits a known provision.
31:58A variety of delicious fruits, and they shall be honoured.
32:06In the gardens of bliss.
32:16They will be seated upon couches set face to face.
32:28A cup filled with wine from its springs will be passed around to them.
32:35White, sparkling wine, a delight to the drinkers.
32:48There will neither be any harm in it for their body, nor will it intoxicate their mind.
32:53There shall be wide-eyed maidens, with bashful, restrained glances.
33:08They will be seated upon couches set face to face.
33:17A cup filled with wine from its springs will be passed around to them.
33:23So delicate, as the hidden peel under an egg's shell.
33:39Then some of them will turn to others and will ask each other.
33:53One of them will say, I had a companion in the world.
34:05Who used to say, are you also one of those who confirmed the truth of life after death?
34:23After we are dead, and have become all dust and bones, shall we still be requited?
34:38He will say, do you wish to know where he is now?
34:41Then he will look downwards, and will see him in the depths of hell.
35:00He will say to him, by Allah, you almost ruined me.
35:11But for Allah's favour, I should be one of those who have been mustered here.
35:23So are we not going to die?
35:32Except for our first death.
35:41And shall we suffer no chastisement?
35:52Surely, this is the supreme triumph.
36:03For the like of it should the workers work.
36:12Is this a better hospitality, or the tree of Al-Zaqqum?
36:27We have made this tree a trial for the wrongdoers.
36:42It is a tree that grows in the nethermost part of hell.
36:54Its spades are like the heads of satans.
36:57The people of hell will surely eat of it, filling their bellies with it.
37:20Then on top of it, they will have a brew of boiling water.
37:28Then their return will be to the same blazing hell.
37:41These are the ones who found their fathers steeped in error.
37:46And they are running in their footsteps.
37:56Before them, a multitude of the people of hell,
38:00who were the first to die, will be the first to die.
38:06And they will be the first to die.
38:08Before them, a multitude of people of olden times had erred.
38:18And We had sent among them messengers to warn them.
38:30So see how was the end of the warners.
38:38Observe then, what was the end of those that had been warned.
38:50Except for the chosen servants of Allah.
39:02Noah had called upon us earlier.
39:04See how excellent we were in answering him.
39:16We delivered him and his household from the great calamity.
39:28And made his offspring the only ones to survive.
39:34And We established for him a good name among posterity.
39:45Peace be upon Noah among all the nations.
39:56Thus do We reward those who do good.
40:04Surely, he was one of our truly believing servants.
40:18Thereafter, We caused the others to be drowned.
40:22Abraham was on the self same way as Noah.
40:34When he came to his Lord,
40:37he was in a state of great fear.
40:44He was in a state of great fear.
40:52When he came to his Lord,
40:55he was in a state of great fear.
41:01And he said to his father and his people,
41:04Whom do you worship?
41:13Is it false deities that you want to serve rather than Allah?
41:22What do you think of the Lord of the whole universe?
41:34Then he looked carefully at the stars.
41:44And said, I am sick.
41:52So turning their backs, they went away from him.
42:06Then he went quietly to the temple of the deities and said,
42:10What is the matter with you?
42:12Why do you not eat?
42:22What is the matter with you?
42:24Why do you not speak?
42:33Then he turned upon them,
42:35striking them with his right hand.
42:45Whereupon people came to him running.
42:52Abraham said to them,
42:54Do you worship what you yourselves have carved with your own hands?
43:05While it is Allah who has created you and all that you make.
43:21They spoke among themselves,
43:23Build him a pyre,
43:25and then throw him into the furnace.
43:38They had contrived an evil plan against him,
43:41but we abased them all.
43:52Abraham said, I am going to my Lord.
43:55He will guide me.
44:03Lord, grant me a righteous son.
44:12In response to this prayer,
44:14we gave him the good news of a prudent boy.
44:22He said, O my son,
44:24I see in my dream that I am slaughtering you,
44:31so see what you see.
44:35He said, O my father, do what you are commanded.
44:39You will find me, if Allah wills, of the patient.
44:52One day, Abraham said to him,
44:55My son, I see in my dream that I am slaughtering you,
45:00so consider and tell me what you think.
45:04He said, Do as you are bidden.
45:07You will find me, if Allah so wills, among the steadfast.
45:22When both surrendered to Allah's command,
45:25and Abraham flung the son down on his forehead,
45:37we cried out, O Abraham!
45:42You have indeed fulfilled your dream.
45:45Thus do we reward the good-doers.
45:58This was indeed a plain trial.
46:12And we ransomed him with a mighty sacrifice.
46:23And we preserved for him a good name among posterity.
46:36Peace be upon Abraham.
46:41Thus do we reward the good-doers.
46:56Surely, he was one of our believing servants.
47:00And we gave him the good news of Isaac, a prophet, and among the righteous ones.
47:31And we blessed him and Isaac.
47:34Among the offspring of the two, some did good, and some plainly wronged themselves.
47:49Verily, we bestowed our favours on Moses and Aaron.
48:01And we delivered both of them and their people from the great calamity.
48:14We succoured them, and they gained the upper hand against their enemies.
48:20And we gave them the clear Book.
48:30And we guided them on the straight path.
48:41And we left for them what is in the Hereafter.
48:49And we gave them a good name among posterity.
49:00Peace be upon Moses and Aaron.
49:11Thus do we reward the good-doers.
49:20Surely, both of them were among our believing servants.
49:33Surely, Elias too was among the messengers.
49:36Call to mind when he said to his people,
49:39Will you not fear Allah?
49:52Do you call upon Baal and forsake the best of the creators?
50:06Allah is your Lord, and the Lord of your ancestors of yore.
50:27But they denounced him as a liar, so they will surely be arraigned for punishment.
50:37Except Allah's chosen servants.
50:48We preserved a good name for him among posterity.
51:00Peace be upon Elias.
51:06Thus do we reward the good-doers.
51:16He was one of our believing servants.
51:26And Lot too was one of the messengers.
51:36Surely, we saved him and all his family.
51:48Except an old woman among those who stayed behind.
52:00Then we destroyed the others.
52:07Then we utterly destroyed the rest of them.
52:19You pass by their desolate habitations in the morning.
52:30And at night, do you still not understand?
52:36Surely, Yunus was one of the messengers.
52:46When he ran to the loaded ship.
52:56So he contributed, and he was one of those who contributed.
53:07Then a fish swallowed him, and he was blameworthy.
53:20Had he not been one of those who glorify Allah.
53:24He would certainly have remained in its belly till the Day of Resurrection.
53:39We threw him into the sea, and he was sick.
53:47We threw him into the sea, and he was sick.
53:53But we threw him on a wide bare tract of land, while he was ill.
54:08And caused a gourd tree to grow over him.
54:12And We sent him forth to a nation of a hundred thousand or more.
54:25And they believed, so We let them enjoy life for a while.
54:29So ask their opinion.
54:31Are you convinced that your Lord should have daughters, and you should have sons?
54:41Or have We created the angels female and male?
54:47And have We created the angels male and female?
54:53Or have We created the angels female and male?
54:58Did We create the angels as females, the while they witnessed?
55:11Behold, it is one of their fabrications that they say,
55:17And with Allah, and indeed, they are liars.
55:23And with Allah, and indeed, they are liars.
55:29Allah has begotten. They are liars.
55:39Did He choose daughters rather than sons?
55:47What is the matter with you that you make such strange judgments?
55:59Will you then not take heed?
56:08Do you have any clear authority for such claims?
