Al-Quran para number 18 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #2

  • 2 weeks ago
Al-Quran para number 18 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #2
Translation Voice Syed Abul A'la Maududi
Tilawat Voice:Qari e Quran Muhammad Bilal muaaz as shaikh noorain
Lyrics: Holy Quran Al-Quran para number 18
Video Editing::Muhammad Ramzan Jani check 19 MB
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Al-Quran para number 18
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
00:19Soon will the time come
00:30When the unbelievers will wish they were Muslims
00:43Leave them to eat and enjoy life and let false hopes amuse them
00:48They will soon come to know
00:51And We have not destroyed a town except that it has a known record
01:08No nation can advance its term, nor can they delay it
01:21They say, O you to whom the admonition has been revealed, you are surely crazed
01:48Why do you not bring down angels upon us if you are indeed truthful?
01:54We do not send down the angels in frivolity, and when we do send them down, we do so with truth. Then people are granted no respite.
02:17Indeed, it is We who have revealed it, and it is indeed We who are its guardians.
02:34O Muhammad, certainly We did send messengers before you among the nations which have gone by
02:50And whenever a messenger came to them, they never failed to mock him
03:04Even so We make a way for it, i.e. the admonition in the hearts of the culprits, like a hot rod
03:19They do not believe in it. This has been the wound of people of this kind from ancient times
03:34If We were even to open for them a way to the heavens, and they could continually climb up to it in broad daylight
03:53They would still have said, Surely our eyes have been dazzled, rather we have been enchanted
04:13We have indeed set constellations in the heavens and have beautified them for the beholders
04:30And have protected them against every accursed Satan
04:42Except for the one who steals the hearing, and is followed by a clear flame
04:56And the earth, We have spread it out, and have placed therein firm mountains, and have brought forth therein of all things balanced
05:12And We have provided sustenance for you on it, and also for those of whom you are not the providers
05:36There is nothing except that its treasures are with us, and We do not send it down except in a known measure
06:00And We have sent the clear winds, and We have sent down water from the sky, and We have made it drinkable for you, and you are not its keepers
06:30It is indeed We who grant life and cause death, and it is We who shall be the sole inheritors of all
06:57Surely, We know those of you who have passed before, and those who will come later
07:03Indeed, your Lord will gather them all together. Surely, He is all-wise, all-knowing
07:20And We have created man out of clay, and out of mud
07:30Surely, We brought man into being out of dry, wringing clay, which was wrought from black mud
07:39And We created the jinn before the fire of Samum
07:48While We had brought the jinn into being before out of blazing fire
07:54And when your Lord said to the angels, I will create man out of clay, and out of mud
08:08Recall when your Lord said to the angels, I will indeed bring into being a human being out of dry, wringing clay wrought from black mud
08:18When I have completed shaping him, and have breathed into him of My Spirit, then fall you down before him in prostration
08:37So the angels all of them fell down in prostration
08:49Except Iblis, he refused to join those who prostrated
09:03He said, O Iblis, what is the matter with you that you do not join those who prostrate?
09:19He said, I do not prostrate to a human being that you have created out of dry, wringing clay
09:30He said, It does not behove of me to prostrate myself before a human being whom you have created out of dry, wringing clay wrought from black mud
09:42He said, Then get out of here, you are rejected
09:53And there shall be a curse upon you till the day of recompense
10:04Iblis said, My Lord, grant me respite till the day when they will be resurrected
10:19He said, Then you are one of those who are granted respite
10:29Till the day of the appointed time
10:37Iblis said, My Lord, in the manner you led me to error, I will make things on earth seem attractive to them, and lead all of them to error
11:06Except those of your servants whom you have singled out for yourself
11:18Allah said, Here is the path that leads straight to me
11:33O my true servants, you will be able to exercise no power, your power will be confined to the erring ones, those who choose to follow you
11:44Hell is the promised place for all of them
11:56There are seven gates in it, and to each gate a portion of them has been allotted
12:13As for the God-fearing, they shall be amid gardens and springs
12:32They will be told, Enter it in peace and security
12:49And we shall purge their breasts of all traces of rancour, and they shall be seated on couches, facing one another as brothers
13:09They shall face no fatigue in it, nor shall they ever be driven out of it
13:24O Prophet, declare to my servants that I am indeed ever forgiving, most merciful
13:39At the same time, my chastisement is highly painful
13:51And tell them about Abraham's guests
13:54When they came to Abraham they said, Peace be upon you
14:10He replied, Indeed we feel afraid of you
14:14They said, Do not feel afraid, for we give you the good news of a wise boy
14:29Abraham said, What? Do you give me this tiding?
14:43The old age has smitten me, just consider what tiding do you give me
14:50They said, The good tiding we give you is of truth, do not therefore be of those who despair
15:07Abraham said, Who despairs of the mercy of his Lord except the misguided
15:23He added, What is your errand, O sent ones?
15:33They said, Verily we have been sent to a guilty people
15:49Except the household of Lot, we shall deliver all of them
16:12Except his wife, about whom Allah says, That we have decreed that she shall be among those who stay behind
16:22So when the envoys came to the household of Lot
16:34He said, Surely you are an unknown folk
16:46They said, Nay, we have brought to you that concerning which they have been in doubt
17:00We truly tell you that we have brought to you the truth
17:12So set out with your family in a watch of the night
17:26So set out with your family in a watch of the night
17:30And keep yourself behind them
17:32And no one of you may turn around
17:35And keep going ahead as you have been commanded
17:39And we communicated to him the decree
17:53And we communicated to him the decree
17:56That by the morning those people will be totally destroyed
18:02And the people of the city came rejoicing
18:14He said, These are my guests, so do not disgrace me
18:28Have fear of Allah and do not humiliate me
18:38They said, Did we not forbid you again and again to extend hospitality to all and sundry
18:52Lot exclaimed in exasperation
19:07If you are bent on doing something, then here are my daughters
19:19By your life, O Prophet, they went about blindly stumbling in their intoxication
19:32Then the mighty blast caught them at sunrise
19:36And turned the land upside down and rained down stones of baked clay
19:54There are great signs in this for those endowed with intelligence
20:14The place where this occurred lies along a known route
20:25Verily, there is a sign in this for the believers
20:36And the people of Iqa were also wrongdoers
20:40So We chastised them
20:51The desolate locations of both communities lie on a well-known highway
20:57Surely, the people of Al-Hijr have denied the Messengers
21:03Surely, the people of Al-Hijr also rejected the Messengers, calling them liars
21:18We also gave them our signs, yet they turned away from them
21:23They used to hew out houses from the mountains and lived in security
21:41Then the blast caught them in the morning
21:45What they earned was of no avail to them
21:57We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them except by right
22:05Verily, your Lord is the Most High Creator
22:14We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them except with truth
22:20Surely, the hour will come
22:23So, O Muhammad, do graciously overlook them despite their misdeeds
22:30Verily, your Lord is the Most High Creator
22:36Your Lord is indeed the Creator of all, the All-Knowing
22:52We have indeed bestowed on you the seven oft-repeated verses and the Great Quran
23:07Do not even cast your eyes towards the worldly goods we have granted to different kinds of people
23:14Nor grieve over the state they are in
23:17But turn your loving attention to the believers instead
23:21And say, Verily, your Lord is the Most High Creator
23:27Your Lord is indeed the Most High Creator
23:31But turn your loving attention to the believers instead
23:34And say, Verily, your Lord is the Most High Creator
23:42And clearly tell the unbelievers, I am most certainly a plain warner
23:48As We have sent a warning to the hypocrites
23:55Even as We had sent warning to those who had divided their religion into fragments
24:07Those who had split up their Quran into pieces
24:18By your Lord, We will question them all
24:26Concerning what they have been doing
24:36O Prophet, proclaim what you are commanded
24:40And pay no heed to those who associate others with Allah in His divinity
24:47Surely, We suffice to deal with those who scoff at you
24:59Those who set up another deity alongside Allah
25:03They shall soon come to know
25:07Those who set up another deity alongside Allah
25:11They shall soon come to know
25:23We certainly know that their statements sorely grieve you
25:27So glorify the praise of your Lord and be of those who prostrate
25:42And worship your Lord until certainty comes to you
25:58In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate
26:20Allah's judgment has all but come
26:23Do not then call for its speedy advent
26:26Holy is He and far above their associating others with Him in His divinity
26:57He sends down the spirit of prophecy by His command
27:01Through His angels on any of His servants whom He wills
27:05Directing them,
27:07Warn people that there is no deity but Me
27:11So hold Me alone in fear
27:15He created the heavens and the earth with truth
27:19Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Allah in His divinity
27:25He created man out of a mere drop of fluid
27:28And lo! He turned into an open wrangler
27:32Allah's judgment has all but come
27:35Do not then call for its speedy advent
27:38Holy is He and far above their associating others with Him in His divinity
27:43He sends down the spirit of prophecy by His angels
27:47Directing them,
27:49Warn people that there is no deity but Me
27:52So hold Me alone in fear
27:55Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Allah in His divinity
28:02He created the cattle
28:04They are a source of clothing and food
28:07And also a variety of other benefits for you
28:18And you find beauty in them
28:20As you drive them to pasture in the morning
28:23And as you drive them back home in the evening
28:31And they carry your loads to many a place
28:45Which you would be unable to reach without much hardship
28:50Surely your Lord is intensely loving, most merciful
29:01And He created horses and mules and asses for you to ride
29:11And also for your adornment
29:14And He creates many things for you that you do not even know about
29:31It rests with Allah alone to show you the right way
29:35Even when there are many crooked ways
29:38Had He so willed, He would have by force guided you all right
29:43He it is who sends down water for you from the sky
30:02Out of which you drink
30:04And out of which grow the plants on which you pasture your cattle
30:13And by virtue of which He causes crops and olives and date palms and grapes
30:33And all kinds of fruit to grow for you
30:36Surely in this there is a great sign for those who reflect
30:43He has subjected for you the night and the day
31:03And the sun and the moon
31:05And the stars have also been made subservient by His command
31:10Surely there are signs in this for those who use their reason
31:15And there are also signs for those who take heed in the numerous things of various colors
31:35That He has created for you on earth
31:38And He it is who has subjected the sea that you may eat fresh fish from it
32:07And bring forth ornaments from it that you can wear
32:11And you see ships plowing their course through it
32:15So that you may go forth seeking His bounty and be grateful to Him
32:21And He has placed firm mountains on the earth
32:36Lest it should move away from you
32:39And has made rivers and tracks that you may find your way
32:43And He has set other landmarks in the earth
32:54And by the stars too do people find their way
32:58Is then the one who creates like the one who does not create
33:11Will you not then take heed
33:14For were you to count the favors of Allah
33:27You will not be able to count them
33:30Surely Allah is ever forgiving, most merciful
33:35Allah knows all that you conceal and all that you disclose
33:47Those whom they call upon beside Allah have created nothing
34:01Rather they themselves were created
34:16They are dead, not living
34:19They do not even know when they will be resurrected
34:39Your God is the one God
34:42But the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter
34:45Are steeped in rejection of the truth
34:48And they are given to arrogance
35:03Surely Allah knows all that they conceal
35:06And all that they disclose
35:09He certainly does not love those who are steeped in arrogance
35:25When they are asked
35:26What is it that your Lord has revealed
35:29They answer
35:30They are merely tales of olden times
35:39On the Day of Resurrection
35:41And of the burdens of those who ignore them without knowledge
35:46How evil is that which they bear
36:09Those before them had planned
36:13And Allah brought their building from the foundations
36:17And the roof fell upon them from above them
36:23And the punishment came upon them from where they did not perceive
36:38But Allah uprooted the whole structure of their plot from its foundations
36:43So that the roof fell in upon them
36:46And the chastisement of Allah visited them from unknown directions
36:52Then on the Day of Resurrection he will disgrace them
36:56And he will say
36:57Where are the partners of mine who you used to quarrel with?
37:05Those who have been given knowledge will say
37:08Today's disgrace and evil is upon the disbelievers
37:35He will say
37:36Surely today humiliation and misery shall be the lot of the unbelievers
38:05The same unbelievers who when the angels seize them
38:15And cause them to die while they are engaged in wrongdoing
38:19They will proffer their submission saying
38:23We were engaged in no evil
38:25The angels will answer them
38:28Surely Allah knows well all that you did
38:35You will go to hell and remain therein
38:39What an evil abode for the arrogant
38:53And it will be said to those who feared Allah
38:56What has your Lord sent down?
38:59They will say
39:01Those who do good in this world are good
39:06And the abode of the hereafter is good
39:13And excellent is the abode of the righteous
39:17And when the God-fearing are asked
39:20What has your Lord revealed?
39:22They answer
39:23Something excellent
39:26Good fortune in this world awaits those
39:29Who do good
39:30And certainly the abode of the hereafter is even better for them
39:35How excellent is the abode of the God-fearing
39:39Jannat adni yadkhulunaha tajreemin
39:44Tahtiha al-anhaarulahum fiha ma yasha'oon
39:50Kathalika yajzillahu al-muttaqeen
39:55Everlasting gardens
39:57That they shall enter the gardens beneath which rivers shall flow
40:02And where they shall have whatever they desire
40:05Thus does Allah reward the God-fearing
40:22Those whose souls the angels seize
40:25While they are in a state of purity
40:28Peace be upon you
40:30Enter paradise as a reward for your deeds
40:35Hal yanzuroona illa an ta'tiahumul mala'ikatu
40:42Aw ya'ti amru rabbika kathalika fa'ala allatheena min qablihim
40:49Wa ma walamahumullahu walakin kanu anfusahum yazlimoon
40:58O Muhammad
41:00Are they waiting for anything else than that
41:03The angels should appear before them
41:05Or that your Lord's judgment should come
41:08Many before them acted with similar temerity
41:12And then what happened with them was not Allah's wrongdoing
41:16They rather wronged themselves
41:19Fa-aswabahum sayyi'atu ma'amilu wa haaqabihim ma kanu bihi yastahzi'oon
41:29The evil consequences of their misdeeds overtook them
41:33And what they mocked at overwhelmed them
41:38Wa qala allatheena ashraqu law sha'a Allah
41:43ma abadnaa min doonihi min shay'in
41:48wa laa aba'unaa wa laa haramnaa min doonihi min shay'in
42:02kathalika fa'ala allatheena min qablihim
42:06fa hal ala ar-rusul illa albalaagul mubeen
42:12Those who associate others with Allah in His divinity say
42:19Were Allah to will so, neither we nor our forefathers would have worshipped any other than Him
42:27Nor would we have prohibited anything without His command
42:32Their predecessors proffered similar excuses
42:36Do the messengers have any other duty but to plainly convey the message?
42:42Wa laqad ba'athnaa fi kulli ummati ar-rasoolan an i'budu Allah
42:48wa jtanibu t-taahoota fa minhum man hadha Allah
42:56wa minhum man haqqat alayhi dhalalatu
43:00fa seeru fi al-arhi fa anzuruu kaifa kaana aqibatu al-mukathibin
43:08We raised a messenger in every community to tell them
43:13Serve Allah and shun the evil one
43:16Thereafter Allah guided some of them while others were overtaken by error
43:23Go about the earth then and observe what was the end of those
43:27who rejected the messengers calling them liars
43:31In tahris ala hudaahum fa inna Allah la yahdi man yudhillu wa ma lahum min nasireen
43:43O Muhammad, howsoever eager you may be to show them the right way
43:49Allah does not bestow His guidance on those whom He lets go astray
43:55And in fact none will be able to help them
43:59Wa aqsamu billahi jahda aimanihim la yaba'athu allahu man yamoot
44:08Bala wa'adan alayhi haqqan walakinna atharannasi la ya'lamoon
44:17They swear most solemnly in the name of Allah and say
44:22Allah shall not raise to life any who dies
44:27Yes, He will do so
44:29That is a promise by which He is bound
44:33Even though most people do not know that
44:50That is bound to happen in order that He may make clear to them
44:55the reality regarding the matters on which they differ
44:59and that the unbelievers may realize that they were liars
45:15As for the possibility of resurrection
45:18bear in mind that whenever we do will something
45:23we have to do no more than say be and it is
45:44As for those who have forsaken their homes for the sake of Allah
45:48after enduring persecution
45:51we shall certainly grant them a good abode in this world
45:55and surely the reward of the hereafter is much greater
46:00if they could but know what an excellent end awaits those
46:05who remain steadfast and put their trust in their Lord
46:09As for those who have forsaken their homes for the sake of Allah
46:13after enduring persecution
46:16we shall certainly grant them a good abode in this world
46:20and surely the reward of the hereafter is much greater
46:25if they could but know what an excellent end awaits those
46:30who remain steadfast and put their trust in their Lord
46:39remain steadfast and put their trust in their Lord
