Experience the Power of Al-Quran with Qari Bilal Muaz's Recitation

  • 2 weeks ago
Al-Quran para number 18 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #1
Translation Syed Abul A'la Maududi
Tilawat Voice:Qari e Quran Muhammad Bilal muaaz as shaikh noorain
Lyrics: Holy Quran Al-Quran para number 18
Video Editing::Muhammad Ramzan Jani check 19 MB
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Al-Quran para number 18
00:00In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate.
00:24The believers have indeed attained true success.
00:35Those who in their prayers humble themselves.
00:44Who avoid whatever is vain and frivolous.
00:53Who observe zakah.
01:01Who strictly guard their private parts.
01:15Save from their wives are those whom their right hands possess, for with regard to them
01:21they are free from blame.
01:34As for those who seek beyond that, they are transgressors.
01:46Who are true to their trusts and their covenants.
01:56And who guard their prayers.
02:04Such are the inheritors.
02:13That shall inherit paradise, and in it they shall abide forever.
02:28We created man out of the extract of clay.
02:41Then we made him into a drop of life germ.
02:44Then we placed it in a safe depository.
02:48Then we made this drop into a clot.
03:18Then we made the clot into a lump.
03:21Then we made the lump into bones.
03:24Then we clothed the bones with flesh.
03:27And then we caused it to grow into another creation.
03:31Thus, most blessed is Allah, the best of all those that create.
03:46Thereafter, you are destined to die.
03:56And then on the day of resurrection, you shall certainly be raised up.
04:13We have indeed fashioned above you seven paths.
04:17Never were we unaware of the task of creation.
04:41We sent down water from the sky in right measure, and caused it to stay in the earth.
04:47And we have the power to cause it to vanish in the manner we please.
04:51Then through water, we caused gardens of date palms and vines to grow for you, wherein you have an abundance of delicious fruits.
05:21And from them you derive your livelihood.
05:24And we also produce the tree which springs forth from Mount Sinai, containing oil and sauce for those that eat.
05:47And indeed, there is a lesson for you in cattle.
06:09We provide you with drink out of what they have in their bellies.
06:13And you have many other benefits in them.
06:16You eat of them.
06:23And are carried on them, and also on ships.
06:42We sent Noah to his people, and he said,
06:45My people, serve Allah.
06:47You have no deity other than He.
06:50Do you have no fear?
06:53And the leaders of those who disbelieved among his people said,
06:58There is no deity other than He who is like you.
07:02He wants to take advantage of you.
07:06And if Allah had willed, He would have sent down angels.
07:13We have heard of this in our forefathers.
07:21But the notables among his people had refused to believe and said,
07:26This is none other than a mortal like yourselves who desires to attain superiority over you.
07:34Had Allah wanted to send any messengers, He would have sent down angels.
07:40We have heard nothing like this in the time of our forebears of old that humans were sent as messengers.
07:48He is a person who has been seized with a little madness.
08:02So wait for a while, perhaps he will improve.
08:06Noah said,
08:13My Lord, come to my help at their accusation that I am lying.
08:43Thereupon, we revealed to him, saying,
08:56Build the ark under our eyes, and according to our revelation.
09:01And when our command came to pass, and the oven boils over,
09:06take on board a pair each from every species,
09:10and also take your household, except those of them against whom sentence has already been passed.
09:17And do not plead to me on behalf of the wrongdoers.
09:21They are doomed to be drowned.
09:24So when you have settled, and your people are on the ark,
09:30say, Praise be to Allah, who has saved us from the wrongdoing people.
09:39And then when you and those accompanying you are firmly seated in the ark,
09:44say, Thanks be to Allah, who has delivered us from the wrongdoing people.
09:50And say, My Lord, make my landing a blessed landing,
10:07for you are the best of those who can cause people to land in safety.
10:14There are great signs in this story, and surely, we do put people to test.
10:30Then after them, we brought forth another generation.
10:43And we sent among them a messenger from among themselves, saying,
11:01Serve Allah. You have no God other than He. Do you have no fear?
11:06And the leaders of his people who disbelieved and denied the meeting of the Hereafter said,
11:16And We made them enjoy the life of this world.
11:20There is no one like you who eats from what you eat, and drinks from what you drink.
11:34The notables among his people who had refused to believe,
11:38and who denied the meeting of the Hereafter,
11:42and those whom we had endowed with ease and comfort in this life cried out,
11:48This is no other than a mortal like yourselves, who eats what you eat, and drinks what you drink.
11:55If you were to obey a human being like yourselves, you will certainly be losers.
12:10Does he promise you that when you are dead and are reduced to dust and bones,
12:29you will be brought forth to life?
12:38Far-fetched, utterly far-fetched is what you are being promised.
12:44There is no other life than the life of the world.
12:56We shall live here, and here shall we die.
13:00And we are not going to be raised again.
13:03This man has forged a mere lie in the name of Allah, and we shall never believe what he says.
13:20The Messenger said, My Lord, come to my help, and they are accusing me of lying.
13:32He answered, A short while, and they shall be repenting.
13:44Then a mighty blast quite justly overtook them,
14:00and we reduced them to a rubble.
14:03So away with the wrongdoing folk.
14:06Then after them We brought forth other generations.
14:18No nation can outstrip its term,
14:29nor can it put it back.
14:31Then We sent Our Messengers in succession.
14:55Then We sent Our Messengers in succession.
14:59Whenever a Messenger came to his people,
15:02they rejected him, calling him a liar.
15:06Thereupon We made each people to follow the other to its doom,
15:11reducing them to mere tales of the past.
15:15Scourged be the people who do not believe.
15:18Then We sent Moses and his brother Aaron with Our signs and a clear authority
15:36to Pharaoh and his chiefs.
15:47But they behaved superciliously, and they were haughty.
15:52They said, Shall they put faith in two mortals like ourselves,
16:06when their people are slaves to us?
16:09So they rejected them, calling them liars,
16:14and they too eventually became of those that were destroyed.
16:20And We gave Moses the book, that people might be guided by it.
16:30And We made Mary's son and his mother a sign,
16:35and We gave them refuge on a lowly mountain.
16:40And We gave Moses the book, that people might be guided by it.
16:48And We gave Moses the book, that people might be guided by it.
16:55And We made Mary's son and his mother a sign,
16:58and We gave them refuge on a lofty ground,
17:01a peaceful site with springs flowing in it.
17:05O Messengers, eat of what is good and do good.
17:13I am well aware of what you do.
17:18Messengers, partake of the things that are clean and act righteously.
17:24I know well all that you do.
17:40This community of yours is one community,
17:44and I am your Lord, so hold Me alone in fear.
18:02But people later cut up their religion into bits,
18:06each group rejoicing in what they have.
18:14So leave them immersed in their heedlessness till an appointed time.
18:30Do they fancy that Our continuing to give them wealth and children means that
18:37We will hasten for them good deeds which they do not perceive?
18:53Verily, those who are fearful of their Lord,
19:00surely, those who stand in awe for fear of their Lord,
19:12who have full faith in the signs of their Lord,
19:22who associate none with their Lord in His divinity,
19:30who give whatever they give in charity,
19:33with their hearts trembling at the thought that they are destined to return to their Lord,
19:38it is these who hasten to do good works and vie in so doing with one another.
19:44Verily, those who are fearful of their Lord,
19:48surely, those who stand in awe for fear of their Lord,
19:58who have full faith in the signs of their Lord,
20:06who have full faith in the signs of their Lord,
20:14We do not lay a burden on anyone beyond his capacity.
20:19We have a Book with Us that speaks the truth about everyone,
20:24and they shall in no wise be wronged.
20:28Nay, their hearts are lost in ignorance of all this,
20:33and their deeds, too, vary from the way mentioned above.
20:38They will persist in these deeds
20:43until We cease with our chastisement,
20:47those of them that are given to the will of Allah,
20:51and their deeds, too, will be lost from them.
20:55Nay, their hearts are lost in ignorance of all this,
20:59and their deeds, too, vary from the way mentioned above.
21:03They will persist in these deeds
21:07until We cease with our chastisement,
21:11those of them that are given to luxuriant ways.
21:15They will then begin to groan.
21:26Put a stop to your groaning now.
21:30Surely, no help shall be provided to you from Us.
21:41My signs were rehearsed to you,
21:45and you turned back on your heels and took to flight,
21:55behaving arrogantly and making fun
21:59and talking nonsense about the Book in your nightly chats.
22:03Did they never ponder over this Word of God?
22:07Or has He, to whet the messenger,
22:11brought something the like of which
22:15did not come to their forefathers of yore?
22:19Or is it that they were unaware of their messenger
22:23and were therefore repelled by him,
22:27for he was a stranger to them?
22:33Or is it that they were unaware of their messenger
22:37and were therefore repelled by him,
22:41for he was a stranger to them?
22:49Or do they say that there is madness in him?
22:53Nay, he has brought them the truth,
22:57and it is the truth that most of them disdain.
23:07And if the truth had followed their desires,
23:11the heavens and the earth would have been corrupted
23:15and the heavens and the earth and all that is in them would have been corrupted.
23:21Nay, We have come to them with their remembrance,
23:25but they turn away from their remembrance.
23:31Were the truth to follow their desires,
23:35the order of the heavens and the earth
23:39and those who dwell in them would have been ruined.
23:44Nay, We have come to them with their remembrance,
23:48but they turn away from their remembrance.
24:04Are you asking them for something?
24:08What Allah has given you is the best.
24:12And indeed, you invite them to a straight path.
24:24And indeed, those who do not believe in the Hereafter
24:28deviate from the right path.
24:32But those who do not believe in the Hereafter
24:36are ever prone to deviate from the right way.
24:51Were We to be merciful to them
24:55and remove from them their present afflictions,
24:59they would persist in their transgression, blindly wandering on.
25:15They are such that We seize them with chastisement
25:19and yet they did not humble themselves before their Lord
25:23nor do they entreat.
25:29We have opened for them a door of severe punishment
25:33when they are in it in despair.
25:39Until We opened upon them the door of a severe chastisement.
25:43Then, lo, in this state they become utterly despaired of any good.
25:51And it is He who has created for you hearing and sight
25:55and the hearts, little are you grateful.
26:13And it is He who has planted you in the earth
26:17and to Him you will be gathered.
26:25And it is unto Him that you shall all be mustered.
26:40It is He who gives life and causes death
26:44and He holds mastery over the alternation of night and day.
26:48Do you not understand this?
26:55Nay, but they say the like of what their predecessors of yore had said.
27:12They say, is it that when we are dead and have been reduced to dust and bones
27:16shall we then be raised up again?
27:25We were promised such things and so were our forefathers before us.
27:29All these are no more than tales of the past.
27:43As for the earth and all that is in it,
27:47if you only knew.
27:52Ask them, whose is the earth and those who are in it?
27:56Tell us if you know.
28:04They will surely say, Allah's.
28:08Say, then why do you not take heed?
28:12Ask them, who is the Lord of the seven heavens,
28:16the Lord of the great throne?
28:26They will surely say, Allah.
28:30Say, will you not then fear Allah?
28:34Ask them, say, if you indeed know
28:38to whom belongs the dominion over all things,
28:42who is it that grants asylum to the people of the earth?
28:52They will surely say, Allah.
28:56Say, will you not then fear Allah?
29:04But against whom no asylum is available?
29:15They will surely say, the dominion over all things belongs to Allah.
29:21Say, whence are you then deluded?
29:25We have brought before them the truth,
29:29and there is no doubt that they are lying.
29:33Never did Allah take unto Himself the right way,
29:37but He made it His own.
29:41He has made it His own.
29:45And He has made it His own.
29:49And He has made it His own.
29:53And He has made it His own.
29:57And He has made it His own.
30:02Never did Allah take unto Himself any son,
30:06nor is there any god other than He.
30:10Had there been any other gods,
30:14each god would have taken his creatures away with him,
30:18and each would have rushed to overpower the other.
30:22Glory be to Allah from all that they characterize Him with.
30:26He knows both what is visible and what is not visible.
30:30Exalted is Allah above all that they associate with Him.
30:44Pray, O Muhammad, my Lord,
30:48if you should bring the scourge of which they had been warned in my presence.
30:52Then do not include me, my Lord, among these wrongdoing people.
31:04Surely, we are able to show you what we warn them against.
31:08O Muhammad, repel evil in the best manner.
31:12We are well aware of all that they say about you.
31:20And say, my Lord, I seek refuge in You from the evil of the world.
31:24And I seek refuge in You from the evil of the world.
31:28O Muhammad, repel evil in the best manner.
31:32We are well aware of all that they say about you.
31:42And pray, my Lord, I seek Your refuge from the suggestions of the evil ones.
31:47I even seek Your refuge, my Lord, lest they should approach me.
32:01They shall persist in their deeds
32:05until when death comes to any one of them,
32:09he will say, O Muhammad, I seek refuge in You from the evil of the world.
32:17My Lord, send me back to the world.
32:41That I have left behind, I am likely to do good.
32:45Nay, it is merely a word that He is uttering.
32:49There is a barrier behind all of them who are dead
32:53until the day when they will be raised up.
33:09And then no sooner the trumpet is blown
33:13there will remain no kinship among them that day
33:17nor will they ask one another.
33:29It will be an hour when those whose scales are heavy
33:33they alone will attain success.
33:43And those whose scales are light
33:47those will be the ones who will have quartered loss.
33:51They will abide in hell.
34:01The fire shall scorch their faces
34:05exposing their jaws.
34:13Are you not those to whom my revelations were recited
34:17and you duped them as lies?
34:29They will say, Our Lord, our misfortune
34:33is that we were misguided.
34:37They will say, Our Lord, our misfortune
34:41prevailed over us.
34:45We were indeed an erring people.
34:55Our Lord, take us out of this
34:59then if we revert to evil doing
35:03we will indeed be wrongdoers.
35:11Allah will say, Away from me
35:15stay where you are and do not address me.
35:33You are those that when a party of my servants said
35:37Our Lord, we believe
35:41so forgive us and have mercy on us
35:45for you are the best of those that are merciful.
35:50You made a laughing stock of them
35:54and your hostility to them caused you to forget me
35:58and you simply kept laughing.
36:02Indeed, I have rewarded them today
36:06because they were patient.
36:10Indeed, they are the winners.
36:14Indeed, I have rewarded them today
36:18for their steadfastness
36:22so that they and they alone are triumphant.
36:30Then Allah will ask them
36:34for how many years did you stay on earth?
36:38They will say, We stayed for a day or part of a day
36:42ask of those who keep count of this.
36:54Allah will say, We stayed for a day
36:58or part of a day
37:02ask of those who keep count of this.
37:06He will say, You stayed only for a while
37:10if you only knew that.
37:24Did you imagine that we created you
37:28without any purpose and that you will not be brought back to us?
37:36The truth is that there is no god but He
37:40the Lord of the Great Throne.
37:45So exalted be Allah, the true king.
37:49There is no god but He, the Lord of the Great Throne.
37:53And whoever calls upon another god with Allah
37:57there is no proof for him
38:01for his reckoning is only with his Lord.
38:05He who invokes any other god along with Allah
38:09one for whom he has no evidence
38:13his reckoning is with his Lord alone.
38:17Indeed, these unbelievers shall not prosper.
38:22And say, O Muhammad, my Lord, forgive us
38:26and have mercy on us
38:30for you are the best of those that are merciful.
38:38And say, O Muhammad, my Lord, forgive us
38:42and have mercy on us
38:46for you are the best of those that are merciful.
38:52In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful
38:56the Most Compassionate
39:14This is a surah which we have revealed
39:18and which we have made obligatory.
39:22We have revealed it in clear instructions
39:26so that you may take heed.
39:48Those who fornicate, whether female or male,
39:52flog each one of them with a hundred lashes
39:56and let not tenderness for them deter you
40:00from what pertains to Allah's religion
40:04if you do truly believe in Allah and the Last Day.
40:08And let a party of believers
40:12which is not of the believers
40:16let a party of believers witness their punishment.
40:40Let the fornicator not marry any except a fornicatress
40:44or idolatress
40:48and let the fornicatress not marry any except a fornicator
40:52or an idolater.
40:56That is forbidden to the believers.
41:14Those who accuse honourable women of unchastity
41:18but do not produce forewitnesses
41:22flog them with eighty lashes
41:26and do not admit their testimony ever after.
41:30They are indeed transgressors.
41:44Except those of them
41:48that repent thereafter and mend their behaviour
41:52for surely Allah is most forgiving, ever compassionate.
42:14As for those who accuse their wives of unchastity
42:18and have no witnesses except themselves
42:22the testimony of such a one is
42:26that he testifies swearing by Allah four times
42:30that he is truthful in his accusation.
42:44And a fifth time
42:48that the curse of Allah be on him
42:52if he be lying in his accusation.
43:08And the punishment shall be averted from the woman
43:12if she were to testify swearing by Allah four times
43:16that the man was lying.
43:28And a fifth time that the wrath of Allah be on her
43:32if the man be truthful in his accusation.
43:42Were it not for Allah's bounty and His mercy unto you
43:46and that Allah is much prone to accept repentance
43:50and is wise, you would have landed yourselves
43:54into great difficulty on the question of
43:58unsubstantiated accusation of your spouses.
44:12Surely, those who invented this calumny
44:16are a ban from among you.
44:20Do not deem this incident an evil for you.
44:24Nay, it is a punishment for you.
44:28But if you are not mindful of Allah,
44:32you will be punished.
44:36And if you are not mindful of Allah
44:40it is not good for you.
44:44Nay, it is good for you.
44:48Every one of them has accumulated sin in proportion to his share in this guilt.
44:52And he who has the greater part of it
44:56shall suffer a mighty chastisement.
45:10When you heard of it
45:14why did the believing men and women not think well
45:18of their own folk and say
45:22this is a manifest calumny?
45:40Why did they not bring four witnesses
45:44in support of their accusation?
45:48Now that they have brought no witnesses
45:52it is indeed they who are liars in the sight of Allah.
45:56Were it not for Allah's bounty and His mercy unto you
46:00in the world and in the hereafter
46:04a grievous chastisement would have seized you
46:08on account of what you indulged in.
46:12When you spoke it with your tongues
46:16and said it with your mouths
46:20it was as if you were speaking
46:24with your mouths that which you have no knowledge of
46:28and you think it to be insignificant
46:32while it is great in the sight of Allah.
46:36Just think how wrong you were
46:40when one tongue received it from another
46:44and you uttered with your mouth something you knew nothing about.
46:48You deemed it to be a trifle
46:52but it was a serious matter.
47:12And why no sooner than you had heard it did you not say
47:16it becomes thus not even to utter such a thing?
47:20Holy are you, O Allah! This is a mighty calumny.
47:36Allah admonishes you
47:40if you are true believers never repeat the like of what you did.
47:50Allah clearly expounds to you His instructions.
47:54Allah is all-knowing, all-wise.
48:20Verily those who love that indecency should spread among the believers
48:24deserve a painful chastisement
48:28in the world and in the hereafter.
48:32Allah knows but you do not know.
48:36Were it not for Allah's bounty and His mercy unto you
48:40and that Allah is most forgiving and wise
48:44the evil that had been spread among you
48:48would have led to terrible consequences.
49:06O you who believe, do not follow the footsteps of Satan
49:10and whoever follows the footsteps of Satan
49:14surely he commands
49:18immorality and evil
49:22Were it not for Allah's bounty and His mercy
49:26none of you would have been pure
49:34but Allah purifies whom He wills
49:38and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing
49:42Believers, do not follow in Satan's footsteps
49:46let him who follows in Satan's footsteps
49:50remember that Satan bids people to indecency
49:54and evil. Were it not for Allah's bounty and His mercy
49:58unto you, not one of you would have ever attained
50:02purity but Allah enables whomsoever He wills
50:06to attain purity
50:10Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing
50:32Do you not love that Allah forgives you?
50:36Allah is Forgiving, Merciful
50:40Let those among you who are bounteous
50:44and resourceful not swear to withhold giving to the kindred
50:48to the needy and to those who have forsaken their
50:52homes in the cause of Allah. Rather, let them
50:56forgive and forbear. Do you not wish that Allah
51:00should forgive you? Allah is Ever-Forgiving
51:04Most Merciful
