Twilight Out of Focus S01E02

  • 2 days ago
Season 1, Episode 2: "Shadows in the Frame"

Episode 2 picks up with Akira still reeling from the strange photograph he captured in the previous episode. The image, now etched into his mind, shows an ominous shadow lurking behind Ren—something that wasn't visible to the naked eye when the picture was taken. Confused and a bit scared, Akira avoids bringing it up with Ren, but his curiosity gnaws at him.

Ren, however, remains undeterred by Akira's distant attitude and continues trying to get closer to him. He starts inviting Akira to places around the city, insisting on becoming his regular photography subject. Akira reluctantly agrees, hoping to distract himself, but during one of their outings, strange occurrences begin happening again. Streetlights flicker, people seem to vanish from the background, and once more, shadows appear in the photos—this time growing bolder.

As the two boys grow closer, Ren starts noticing Akira’s subtle unease but doesn’t push him to explain. Ren’s carefree exterior cracks slightly, revealing he might have some secrets of his own. Meanwhile, Akira's attempts to investigate the supernatural phenomena lead him to an old urban legend whispered around their school: stories of beings called "Twilight Shades" that only appear in the moments between light and dark.

The episode ends with Akira developing a roll of film that shows an entire series of shadowy figures standing behind Ren in every shot. When he looks up from the photo lab, he realizes that one of those figures is standing right outside the room, watching him.

The tension builds in Episode 2 as the mysterious presence surrounding Ren deepens, and Akira is forced to confront that whatever is haunting them may not be of this world. Themes of trust and hidden truths begin to emerge as the bond between the boys grows, all while something dark and unseen tightens its grip.

00:00Today we will make three promises.
00:03I, Suchiya Mao, promise you that I will not reveal the secrets of my roommate Odomukun.
00:10I will not tell anyone that he is gay and he has a boyfriend.
00:13I also promise you that I will see Suchiya Mao as a friend.
00:18And I also promise you that I will never approach her romantically.
00:21That day, after making that promise, I realized that I like this lover.
00:51A small cinema club by the wall
00:56I couldn't find the right words to express my feelings
01:02I re-watched the masterpiece I just made
01:07We couldn't take our eyes off of the natural beauty
01:17Ah, was it like this?
01:22You put your hand on mine
01:27At this moment, we already knew the end
01:35No, we didn't realize it yet
01:38Ah, was it like this?
01:42You put your hand on mine
01:46At this moment, we already knew the end
01:51No, we didn't realize it yet
01:55Ah, was it like this?
01:58Ah, was it like this?
02:28Buddha, I am happy to meet you.
02:33Me too. Have you come from a temple?
02:36No, not at all.
02:38This class president doesn't look like from any angle.
02:42He looks very religious.
02:44Don't worry about him. From now on, you both rehearse together.
02:47The second character is the president's crush.
02:49But he will be shown from behind.
02:51So, there is no need to meet him now.
02:53Look there, in the middle of the ground.
02:55Look properly. Can you see?
03:04I can't see clearly from this distance.
03:07Let's go back.
03:09We have to try the costumes too.
03:11Let me tell you that you will have to wear your own shoes.
03:14But yes, we will give you socks.
03:17Is the size okay?
03:19The shirt is okay, but the pants are too small.
03:22Show me.
03:24These are bontin pants.
03:25Your thighs should be loose and your waist should be big.
03:28The length is less.
03:30I am getting angry again.
03:32These pants are not small, your legs are too long.
03:34You are right.
03:39We want our actors to rehearse as much as possible.
03:42Come, let me introduce you to our crew.
03:46They are from the art department.
03:48This time our shoot is in the school.
03:50That's why they are preparing props.
03:52But for now, they are just tearing red and white papers.
03:54We are not doing this just like that.
03:56Stop talking nonsense and come and help us.
03:59So now it's the turn of our producer and club advisor, Kojima Sensei.
04:04You will have to take care of the budget.
04:06Because we can't go out of the budget every time.
04:09Let's go from here.
04:11Show them that we didn't hear anything.
04:13And yes, our director is locked in this room.
04:19Because of him, our shoot is getting delayed.
04:22I am telling you, it's enough.
04:24It's too much to follow me to the bathroom like this.
04:28Stop it.
04:30If they don't come, you will run away.
04:32And you haven't even finished the script yet.
04:35Last year was exactly the same.
04:38For now, I can give you the third draft.
04:41My lines, tone, everything is different.
04:45Moreover, you have named the character Motomohi in the film as well.
04:50I have decided that I will keep your real names.
04:53Is it okay?
04:55While working on the film, there are many changes in the screenplay.
04:58Only then the script is completed.
05:00And as far as the schedule is concerned,
05:02let me tell you that we are going to shoot for five days.
05:05It's a very long shoot.
05:07Some shots have to be taken at a special time.
05:10Like the rainy season.
05:12Yes, I can understand.
05:14Anyway, we make only one big film in a year.
05:15He is saying that the film is of 30 minutes.
05:18I feel it is short.
05:20What happened? Did I say something wrong?
05:25It is shorter than the two-hour film in the theater.
05:30Still, it won't be easy to make it.
05:33It will take a lot of money, time and people.
05:37And because we are the students of the high school film club,
05:40we will have to save money all the time.
05:42So that the money to make the film can be collected.
05:45That's why to make it successful,
05:48we will have to work very hard.
05:54Will you be able to do that?
05:56Yes, I will be able to do it.
05:59Then do it.
06:01Don't waste time.
06:03And don't do anything else.
06:05Anyway, the preparations for the shoot are like this.
06:08Do you want to ask anything else?
06:10What about mom?
06:14The camera crew is busy, right?
06:16Yes, they have gone to find the location.
06:19What do you say? Shall we start from a low angle?
06:21Yes, first I will keep the camera trail.
06:23Till the class president's entry.
06:25By the way, mom, will you make the storyboard of this scene?
06:28Yes, if the director likes it, why not?
06:37Are you busy?
06:39Yes, a little.
06:40You tell me.
06:42Is the costume fitting done?
06:48He said that the script reading will be done tomorrow.
06:50He will tell you after that.
06:54Okay, I wanted to ask.
06:56Will we stay separately till the shoot starts?
06:58Yes, maybe.
07:00But I will shoot your rehearsal.
07:02He said that it will be a five-day shoot.
07:04But it will take more days to prepare.
07:06Yes, preparation is important before the shoot.
07:07If anything can happen, then the preparation should be done in advance.
07:10So that the shoot does not stop for any reason.
07:12I don't even want to think about such things.
07:14What happened? Are you tired?
07:16I don't like to talk to people much.
07:19And there are a lot of people in the film club.
07:21Do you want a break?
07:23That is not the case.
07:25I am not able to spend time with you.
07:28What do you mean?
07:32I get a lot of peace with you.
07:34This is a good thing.
07:40Oh man!
07:42Did he understand that I am deliberately keeping a distance from him?
07:45Because he has never spoken to me like this before.
07:48Maybe he is not used to living among people.
07:50That's why he is feeling alone.
07:55These are the delicate moments
07:57that take me closer to this lover.
08:00Maybe this is the reason
08:01that I have started liking this lover.
08:06But maybe he is just looking at me like a good friend.
08:11It is so strange.
08:13When you like someone
08:15and he doesn't like you,
08:17then it feels bad.
08:19But why does it feel bad?
08:21You must be tired.
08:23No, I am not tired at all.
08:27You are very heavy.
08:29You are very heavy.
08:31I am very relaxed.
08:38At least you are lighter than my camera.
08:40Come on, take me to the dorm.
08:42I am not taking you.
08:44This Ashi will be very happy with her boyfriend.
08:48And that means
08:50I should also be happy for her.
08:52It is said that
08:54the happiness of the one you love is your happiness.
08:55Finally the shoot is starting.
08:58Yes, I think so.
09:00I didn't take much time in the preparations this time.
09:03Still I am tired.
09:05I have lost 3 kilos.
09:11Don't you want to say anything else?
09:13You are talking as if
09:15half of our film has been shot.
09:17Is Otomo there?
09:19I wanted to wish him best of luck.
09:21No, he has gone out.
09:23At this time?
09:26By the way, Otomo is doing a very good job.
09:29Honjo also said that he is perfect for the character.
09:32But to be honest,
09:34he will have to put a little more emotion at the start of the shoot.
09:39He is very strict.
09:41As if he has never been in love.
09:44You have already started judging him.
09:47Give him some time.
09:49Okay, I am leaving.
09:51Someone has come at the door.
09:55If someone wakes up, then reduce the volume.
09:57But you don't listen.
09:59If someone wakes up, then unnecessarily...
10:04What happened?
10:06This wound?
10:08Actually, I have broken up.
10:14Let me apply some ice.
10:16There is a lot of swelling.
10:18You will feel better.
10:20Thank you so much.
10:22Is there a lot of swelling?
10:23There is a lot of shooting.
10:25If this continues, there will be a problem.
10:27Don't worry about the shooting at this time.
10:29I will handle it.
10:31I am sorry.
10:34I don't understand.
10:36How can someone who loves can do this?
10:38I mean, how could he have done it?
10:40But you two were happy together.
10:42Then how did this happen?
10:47Whatever had to happen, happened.
10:49For a long time,
10:50the distance between us had increased a lot.
10:53We were just hurting each other.
10:55Our relationship
10:57lasted for so long because I was pulling.
11:00Finally, the car broke down.
11:02When love and happiness end between two people,
11:05then it is not called a relationship.
11:08Now my confusion has increased even more.
11:11On one hand, I am very sad about Hisashi's sorrow.
11:15And on the other hand,
11:17I am angry at Hisashi's boyfriend.
11:20But there is one more feeling.
11:24Choose me, Hisashi.
11:27When I realized that I have this chance,
11:30I jumped with joy.
11:34I promise you that I will never hurt you.
11:37I will always take care of you.
11:39Wait a minute.
11:41What are you saying?
11:43I like you.
11:46I never want to see you in pain.
11:48I like you very much, Hisashi.
11:52Tell me, am I not worthy of you?
11:57I like you.
11:59And I...
12:03Just look at me for a second.
12:06I want to see you in my eyes.
12:08I want to see you in my eyes.
12:21There were many moments in my life
12:23when I felt something was wrong.
12:25Like the button of my shirt did not go up.
12:27When I was 13 years old, I felt it for the first time.
12:29When my mom got married again,
12:31I got a younger sister.
12:33She was one year younger than me.
12:35I like you very much.
12:36You look exactly like a prince.
12:40She said this to me.
12:43Wait, what are you doing?
12:45What is going on here?
12:47One after the other, misunderstandings increased.
12:50And because of this, I had to go away from my family.
12:53When I was 14 years old in middle school,
12:56a person took care of me.
12:58And he was my class teacher.
13:00Don't you want to go home?
13:02Then why don't you come with me to my house?
13:04Come to my house?
13:07But you will have to keep this a secret.
13:12I thought they were my family.
13:18Even after changing the class teacher, we were together.
13:21Exams were near.
13:23Listen, I will go first.
13:25You leave later.
13:27No one should doubt.
13:29Secret, secret.
13:31A hidden relationship.
13:33He just thinks this.
13:35He knows that I had only that.
13:38But is he worried about me?
13:40If someone finds out about our secret,
13:43then what will you do, Sensei?
13:45I don't let the matter get worse.
13:47If you tell anyone, everything is over.
13:53He could have thrown me out of his life at any time.
13:57But I didn't want to leave him.
14:00Because I had no one else.
14:03I was just pulling our relationship like this till now.
14:07Because I had no one.
14:10I think we should break up.
14:14Whenever he would say this to me,
14:16I would apologize and wouldn't let the break up happen.
14:18But this time.
14:22Oh, so you have come home.
14:24Tell me, is this the time to come home?
14:26I didn't expect my son to grow up and become a tramp.
14:32Sometimes he scolds me like a dad.
14:35You are not my son from any angle.
14:37Don't think too much.
14:39What is there to laugh at?
14:43Yes, now I should go home.
14:46Let's end this relationship.
14:53Didn't you hear me properly?
14:55I said I want a break up.
14:57That's enough.
14:59You are a big scoundrel who only takes advantage of children.
15:00But now I am not going to be a fool.
15:03Because you are a big scoundrel
15:06who can do anything for his selfishness.
15:11This was my first disgusting love.
15:15He hit me so hard that my jaw is hurting.
15:18It's so cold tonight.
15:20What kind of feeling is this?
15:23I loved her so much earlier.
15:25But now I don't even want to see her face.
15:28To be honest, it hurts a little.
15:30But right now
15:32I just want to go home quickly.
15:37Is Mao waiting for me?
15:40Yes, he must be awake.
15:43Let's go quickly.
15:46I want to go to our room.
15:49What kind of feeling is this?
15:52There is a strange warmth in my heart.
15:55What could it mean?
15:57I like you a lot, Isashi.
16:00What should I do now?
16:03I am very happy.
16:05Very happy. Very happy.
16:07Maybe Mao is the reason for this.
16:11I think I like Mao too.
16:14When did this happen?
16:16I don't know.
16:18What do I like about him?
16:20And when did all this start?
16:23But I don't find it strange.
16:25My heart is at peace.
16:27So does this mean
16:28I should let whatever is happening happen?
16:31Mao said that he likes me.
16:34But is this true?
16:36Is it possible that he is pitying me?
16:39He must be sad that I just broke up.
16:42Is it right to start a new relationship so soon?
16:46That too after breaking our promise.
16:51Is it right to touch you?
16:54I don't want to break my promise.
16:56You took the first step.
16:58Is it possible that
17:00I am trapping her in my words?
17:19It's okay.
17:21I already have a scar in my mouth.
17:26Forgive me.
17:28Forgive me.
17:30What have I done?
17:36I have to calm down.
17:46He just left.
17:48But why?
17:52As soon as I touched him
17:54everything was over.
17:56Maybe he is pitying me.
17:59Did I misunderstand him?
18:01Did I press the wrong button again?
18:08The sun is shining.
18:10It's perfect for shooting.
18:12All the crew get ready.
18:17Let's start.
18:21This is amazing.
18:23You look like a perfect class president from every angle.
18:26You have changed a lot.
18:28It's going to be fun.
18:30I could never recognize him.
18:35What do we do about Otomo's injury?
18:37Should we hide him with make-up?
18:39That's a good idea.
18:41He looks like a goon.
18:43Let it be.
18:45Otomo, scene 3.
18:47Come out of the door and call him.
18:49As if you are teasing him.
18:51Speak in a loud voice.
18:54What did you say?
18:56We are starting. Speak in a loud voice.
18:58Come on.
19:02Let's rehearse.
19:06Go out of the door and show the letter.
19:09President, listen.
19:11President, this way.
19:13Go out with the letter.
19:15President, listen.
19:17Am I getting nervous?
19:21I think I am.
19:27A lot is going on in my mind right now.
19:30I don't know what to do.
19:32I am very anxious.
19:34Is it necessary to make a film right now?
19:37Don't you think so?
19:51It's okay. Let's take one more.
19:55Cut. One more time.
19:59Cut. One more time.
20:01Cut. One more time.
20:05If all the units are ready, raise your hands.
20:08Art crew, drop check.
20:10Otomo, is the letter okay?
20:12We can't use it.
20:15Listen. Bring the extra one.
20:18I don't know what to do.
20:21How do I make her understand?
20:23Listen, Ichikawa.
20:25Shall we take a short break?
20:34Just a minute.
20:38Thank you, Mau.
20:40I have to talk to Mau right now.
20:43But after making so many mistakes,
20:45is it right to talk right now?
20:49Why did you bring so much?
20:51I thought you will feel better if you eat something.
21:01I am sorry.
21:03For making so many mistakes.
21:05It's okay.
21:07This happens with everyone in the beginning.
21:10You will do it, Hisashi.
21:12Ichikawa should see when he acts.
21:13He is a very bad actor.
21:15Is it?
21:17Have you forgotten how to walk?
21:19It's very difficult to do a small role for him.
21:21He is a fool.
21:24Mau understands me.
21:26But looking at him, I feel like nothing has happened.
21:28But why did he run away?
21:30This is what I am thinking.
21:33Is it a dream?
21:35Or is it my imagination?
21:39What happened yesterday,
21:40I don't want to talk about it.
21:46We should focus on the shoot right now.
21:50Everyone is working hard for this film.
21:53We can't make any mistakes.
21:56You also get serious about the shoot, Hisashi.
21:59You want to talk to me, right?
22:01When all this is over, I will definitely talk to you.
22:04But till then, please wait.
22:15I think she is right.
22:18I will wait.
22:22As long as she wants.
22:40As long as she wants.
22:42As long as she wants.
22:44As long as she wants.
22:46As long as she wants.
22:48As long as she wants.
22:50As long as she wants.
22:52As long as she wants.
22:54As long as she wants.
22:56As long as she wants.
22:58As long as she wants.
23:00As long as she wants.
23:02As long as she wants.
23:04As long as she wants.
23:06As long as she wants.
23:08As long as she wants.
23:10As long as she wants.
23:12As long as she wants.
23:14As long as she wants.
23:16As long as she wants.
23:35Our feelings are never right.
23:40I'm sorry.
23:42I'm sorry.
23:44I'm sorry.
23:46I'm sorry.
23:48I'm sorry.
23:50I'm sorry.
23:52I'm sorry.
23:54I'm sorry.
23:56I'm sorry.
23:58I'm sorry.
24:00I'm sorry.
24:02I'm sorry.
24:04I'm sorry.
24:06I'm sorry.
24:08I'm sorry.